Dear All,
I dont want to start a "whats the best Rom" thread.
I just got my phone new and have some small things need to change to match my requirements.
So I am looking for the right startingpoint I hope somebody can give me some advices.
I have a original asian i8150 with I8150ZSLA1 (English & Asian Languages).
My needs are a rock stable (maybe stock closed) Rom with here and there some nice improvments/tweaks/mods to make it more nice or more convinient to use.
System language should be German.
Battery life is much more importent than overclocking (not a gamer).
Stock/Custom Rom/MIUI/GB/ICS doesnt matter for me -> there only shouldnt be any "no-go bug" inside (no camera/ no wifi/ no GPS/FC.....)
I would be happy if you could give my your suggestion for my starting point.
(In generall am not a noob in rooting, just a noob in i8150)
Thanks for your kickstart!
Hmm you can try to flash CM9 by arco's it is almost perfect, and for languages you can choose it in the options,
Hope it helps
Sent From My Inverted Wonder w/ Xparent ICS Tapatalk
reddvilzz said:
Hmm you can try to flash CM9 by arco's it is almost perfect, and for languages you can choose it in the options,
Hope it helps
Sent From My Inverted Wonder w/ Xparent ICS Tapatalk
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CM9b3 + CastagnaIT kernel is practically stable.
And it even comes with 3 German dialects.
Sent from my GT-I8150 using xda app-developers app
pepoluan said:
CM9b3 + CastagnaIT kernel is practically stable.
And it even comes with 3 German dialects.
Sent from my GT-I8150 using xda app-developers app
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Thanks! This seams to be my startpoint.
Just one more question left before flashing: whats the reason for CM9b3 if there is already the b4 released?
What type of this kernel would you suggest for most battery life (dont need OC):
Thanks for your help!
Zirus69 said:
Thanks! This seams to be my startpoint.
Just one more question left before flashing: whats the reason for CM9b3 if there is already the b4 released?
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Ack! I mis-typed >.<
Should be b4, sorry for the confusion.
Zirus69 said:
What type of this kernel would you suggest for most battery life (dont need OC):
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The *best* for battery life is the Extreme UV variants.
Not all W can withstand such a low voltage; some will randomly hang/crash/reboots with too-low a voltage. The 'standard' UV variant should be stable for 99.99% of the W's, though. You can either directly use the 'safe' variant (install the 'standard' UV), or try out the 'extreme' UV variant for 1 week or so, and if your phone is too unstable, flash the 'standard' UV variant (after all, it's a quick kernel-only flashing; no need to backup your phone, reinstall apps, etc. Just follow the instructions given right after kernel flashing (i.e., wipe cache, wipe Dalvik Cache, Fix Permissions), and it should be 100% safe).
I am also under the impression that the BFS variants are better for our W (as in, smoother interface and better app performance). However, I'm not quite sure how that will translate to battery life. Probably better, but might be negligible.
(As for the OC, with CM9 it's optional, as usual. No need to OC unless you need it. By default, CM9 pegs MaxFreq at 1.4 GHz, and you can change it any time via Settings app or through 3rd party app such as SetCPU, CPU Tuner (my favorite), No-frills CPU Control, etc.)
Finally, don't forget to experiment with the various CPU Governors. Traditionally, the most power efficient governor is the 'conservative' governor (set High Threshold to 90 or more, and Low Threshold to 75 or more -- maintain at least 15 separation). However, I've discovered that 'SmartAssV2' provide better responsiveness but nearly similar battery performance. Of course, YMMV.
Try this one.. good for me..:thumbup:
Sent from my awesome phone using *slim bean*
I only have two questions about Decks' roms and they are:
1. Can you flash CM7 gapps? Is there some sort of problem that may occur if you do?
2. Interactive X or Smartass? I'd like to know what they are. I know that they are both governors but on the topic of Smartass, there is little and on Interactive X there is even less. Which is better?
Also some background info. This is my planned setup for my daily driver:
-Evo 4G Version 0003
-Decks' 1.3 Stable
-Savaged-Zen 2.2.1 with SBC on w/ Interactive X/Smartass
(I've tried Tiamat's kernals and they've all drained my battery really fast)
-Supercharger V6 w/ 3 (I think...)
As a matter of fact, what do you guys think is the best option for the Evo?
-Go Launcher w/ Go Locker w/ Go SMS
-Vipermod's Voltage Tweaker, -50 for all
-GPS Drivers
1. Yes you can. If an ICS rom, you need to flash the ICS gapps.
2. Smartassv2 all the way. Interactive is kinda use like you need it performance. Generally lower performance, but perfect for just browsing, texting, light activites in general.
Thanks roxxorz! How bout the Supercharger script? Do you have a recommendations on what number I should use if I want to multi-task?
the_v1s1onary said:
Thanks roxxorz! How bout the Supercharger script? Do you have a recommendations on what number I should use if I want to multi-task?
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There is a multitask option lol
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA App
Hi all,
would someone else be interested in a OC/UV-enabled version of arco's kernel for CM9?
I know there are already some out, but they seem to contain tons of other modifications - as a result, they all run very unstable.
As far as i now, OC/UV support can be enabled relatively simple, by adding entry to the frequency and voltage tables. When i remember right, those are hardcoded directly in the kernel.
So this would combine the stability of arco's kernel with the possibility to overclock/undervolt, if needed.
Thanks for any comments or suggestions, maybe some has already some experience (and interest)in this area and could work on this.
XR-7 said:
Hi all,
would someone else be interested in a OC/UV-enabled version of arco's kernel for CM9?
I know there are already some out, but they seem to contain tons of other modifications - as a result, they all run very unstable.
As far as i now, OC/UV support can be enabled relatively simple, by adding entry to the frequency and voltage tables. When i remember right, those are hardcoded directly in the kernel.
So this would combine the stability of arco's kernel with the possibility to overclock/undervolt, if needed.
Thanks for any comments or suggestions, maybe some has already some experience (and interest)in this area and could work on this.
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if i'm not mistaken (almost) all of kernel present in this dev section based on arco's source, so if there's something that make the kernel unstable it is maybe caused by the tweak made by the kernel builder not sources itself (assuming u are talking about 2.6 kernel)
kindly correct me if im wrong
Sent from my GT-I8150
hadidjapri said:
if i'm not mistaken (almost) all of kernel present in this dev section based on arco's source, so if there's something that make the kernel unstable it is maybe caused by the tweak made by the kernel builder not sources itself (assuming u are talking about 2.6 kernel)
kindly correct me if im wrong
Sent from my GT-I8150
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you'r right,
oc/uv it's not simple just adjusting the clock and tables. it will affect to other part. so other tweaks is required.
if you want try to compile you own mod, you can grab arco's kernel from his git.
I strong suggest trying out CastagnaIT Kernel. It's very stable, and the additions he had done all make sense.
-- xda app / Pristine NoMod CM9b3 / CastagnaIT Kernel / DXKL1 baseband / Samsung GT-I8150 --
pepoluan said:
I strong suggest trying out CastagnaIT Kernel. It's very stable, and the additions he had done all make sense.
-- xda app / Pristine NoMod CM9b3 / CastagnaIT Kernel / DXKL1 baseband / Samsung GT-I8150 --
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i have tried all kernels versions with a very attention to every small detail inside all of them.... they all suck except V1 by forfivo .....i really respect him because of the smooth and stability of V1 he even included V1 with a minimum 122mhz frequency as an under voltage extra option in the CPU frequency section which of course saves the battery's life ,and i wonder why he didn't go for add the 66mhz too!
so i give him A :good:
vetusa2 said:
i have tried all kernels versions with a very attention to every small detail inside all of them.... they all suck except V1 by forfivo .....i really respect him because of the smooth and stability of V1 he even included V1 with a minimum 122mhz frequency as an under voltage extra option in the CPU frequency section which of course saves the battery's life ,and i wonder why he didn't go for add the 66mhz too!
so i give him A :good:
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First off its not called under voltage its called underclocking the CPU frequency.
second , the reason why u dont see kernels with min freq of 61 MHz is because for running stuff like music u need a min of 122mhz to play smoothly.
Sent from my GT-I8150 using xda app-developers app
coliv_aja said:
you'r right,
oc/uv it's not simple just adjusting the clock and tables. it will affect to other part. so other tweaks is required.
if you want try to compile you own mod, you can grab arco's kernel from his git.
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i think the main thing that OC/UV affect is the hardware. basically you are degrading your hardware's life span by doing OC, considering UV if your hardware can't sustain very low voltage then you will get some weird reboot
I am a fairly new xda user, but not too new about flashing and using tweaks.
I created Thread to share what I use and why and might help others as well.
Beforehand, My priority in a rom and kernel is smoothness and battery life. I'm a light gamer(kairosoft lol)
Rom: CM9RC2 Pristine
Kernel: Forfivo V3 (SmartAssV2, SIO, 192/368 - 1024/1209)
Tweaks and mods: Seeder, Geeky Engine, Disable CPU Rendering.
The battery life is great. But still experimenting around. Its like 4-5% in 2 hours with internet connection(not wifi).
Smoothness is awesome.
Please share your device settings too! Cheers! :victory:
ROM: CM10 ALPHA 3:thumbup:
KERNEL: Default kernel [245mhz~1024mhz][OnDemand][Deadline]
--->Pimp My ROM[APP Version]
--->Disabled CPU Rendering
--->Disabled Surface Dithering
--->Seeders [.zip]
WHY?: Try it yourself and you will know WHY:thumbup:
Hello there, we meet again. Haha! I was roaming around and I've finally sticked with CM9RC2, since it's already in its release state and much more stable compared to CM!0. The function works and everything seems to be running smoothly- YES IT FINALLY WORKS after I went pristine. Hahaa. I'm quite happy with my phone right now. WAYYY faster and much more reliable.
ROM : Indroid REMICS v6
kernel : my own kernel with lulzactive 245-1024MHz
tweak : disable cpu render
why ?
i believe CM has been tweaked by arco so i don't need to tweak some more
cycloneblast said:
ROM: CM10 ALPHA 3:thumbup:
KERNEL: Default kernel [245mhz~1024mhz][OnDemand][Deadline]
--->Pimp My ROM[APP Version]
--->Disabled CPU Rendering
--->Disabled Surface Dithering
--->Seeders [.zip]
WHY?: Try it yourself and you will know WHY:thumbup:
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May be a dumb thing to ask, but PIMP my ROM is just an interface changer right?
meeshvl said:
Hello there, we meet again. Haha! I was roaming around and I've finally sticked with CM9RC2, since it's already in its release state and much more stable compared to CM!0. The function works and everything seems to be running smoothly- YES IT FINALLY WORKS after I went pristine. Hahaa. I'm quite happy with my phone right now. WAYYY faster and much more reliable.
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Congratulations! At certain times going Pristine is important.
hadidjapri said:
ROM : Indroid REMICS v6
kernel : my own kernel with lulzactive 245-1024MHz
tweak : disable cpu render
why ?
i believe CM has been tweaked by arco so i don't need to tweak some more
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hadi! I was wondering, I tried your kernel once... twice... Wasn't sure if there was too much tweaks in my phone or whatever the problem might be, when I used 1.2, my phone goes into sleep state when I locked device, and when I wake it, it took quite a few seconds for the device screen to show up... Actually I'm a mass kernel flasher so I'd really wanna try your kernel too. Is your lulzactive 245-1024MHz settings battery friendly?
KiD3991 said:
May be a dumb thing to ask, but PIMP my ROM is just an interface changer right?
Congratulations! At certain times going Pristine is important.
hadi! I was wondering, I tried your kernel once... twice... Wasn't sure if there was too much tweaks in my phone or whatever the problem might be, when I used 1.2, my phone goes into sleep state when I locked device, and when I wake it, it took quite a few seconds for the device screen to show up... Actually I'm a mass kernel flasher so I'd really wanna try your kernel too. Is your lulzactive 245-1024MHz settings battery friendly?
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hmm in phone it took 1-2 secs from deep sleep. not sure if this is because of my tweak or your tweak o.o
for me 1ghz speed is more than enough for my daily use, it saves battery a lot if you compare to 1.4ghz clock
Sent from my GT-I8150
ROM: CM9 Beta 4
Kernel: Hadi's Bigmem kernel (SAv2, SIO, 369-1024)
Tweaks: Disable cpu rendering, Seeders
Sent from my GT-I8150 using xda premium
hadidjapri said:
hmm in phone it took 1-2 secs from deep sleep. not sure if this is because of my tweak or your tweak o.o
for me 1ghz speed is more than enough for my daily use, it saves battery a lot if you compare to 1.4ghz clock
Sent from my GT-I8150
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I know. :victory: I do that too. And btw, I used the version of BigMem 397mb you posted at the end of thread, I used that one and my phone did not suffer deep sleep. Before that, I used stock voltage normal, it took... more than 20 seconds.
iBlueee said:
ROM: CM9 Beta 4
Kernel: Hadi's Bigmem kernel (SAv2, SIO, 369-1024)
Tweaks: Disable cpu rendering, Seeders
Sent from my GT-I8150 using xda premium
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How's the battery life?
KiD3991 said:
May be a dumb thing to ask, but PIMP my ROM is just an interface changer right?
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ERM... Actually, no. PMR has some very very nice tweaks and mods that just reduces lag.[Not significantly but quite nice]
ROM: SlimBean 3.1.0 by camcory
Kernel: forfivo's v2 (smartassv2 - sio - 245MHz/1401MHz)
Tweaks/Mods: JellyBOOM V2, Seeders APK, Disable CPU Rendering, Disable Surface Dithering
For the ROM, I prefer SlimBean because of its size, with JellyBOOM, Seeders and forfivo's maybe it only takes 80-90 MB's compared to any other ROM. So for a stable, slow connection (around 20-30kB/s) it's fairly fast enough to download.
About the kernel and the tweaks/mods: try it yourself.
cycloneblast said:
ERM... Actually, no. PMR has some very very nice tweaks and mods that just reduces lag.[Not significantly but quite nice]
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Oh, my bad. I checked, and its great! Looks promising. Might test it later after I learn some basic kernel building technique.
Kreaz said:
ROM: SlimBean 3.1.0 by camcory
Kernel: forfivo's v2 (smartassv2 - sio - 245MHz/1401MHz)
Tweaks/Mods: JellyBOOM V2, Seeders APK, Disable CPU Rendering, Disable Surface Dithering
For the ROM, I prefer SlimBean because of its size, with JellyBOOM, Seeders and forfivo's maybe it only takes 80-90 MB's compared to any other ROM. So for a stable, slow connection (around 20-30kB/s) it's fairly fast enough to download.
About the kernel and the tweaks/mods: try it yourself.
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I used SlimBean once, the fluidity is actually better than Arco's CM10 by default. But I'm not sure if its my device or any other reasons, it consumes battery quite quickly when I underclock it. Nothing much to be said about forfivo's kernel. Been loving it since ICS v1.
Cm9 rc2 with hadi's bigmem kernel
Its as smooth as hell
Sent from my GT-I8150 using xda premium
Kreaz said:
ROM: SlimBean 3.1.0 by camcory
Kernel: forfivo's v2 (smartassv2 - sio - 245MHz/1401MHz)
Tweaks/Mods: JellyBOOM V2, Seeders APK, Disable CPU Rendering, Disable Surface Dithering
For the ROM, I prefer SlimBean because of its size, with JellyBOOM, Seeders and forfivo's maybe it only takes 80-90 MB's compared to any other ROM. So for a stable, slow connection (around 20-30kB/s) it's fairly fast enough to download.
About the kernel and the tweaks/mods: try it yourself.
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Hey bro, I wanna know if JellyBoom is good or not. I prefer more battery over performance. If its good for battery and performance than its great I'm currently using CM10A3
cycloneblast said:
Hey bro, I wanna know if JellyBoom is good or not. I prefer more battery over performance. If its good for battery and performance than its great I'm currently using CM10A3
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Actually, it has a really good battery and performance, so it is like balanced, good performance but with a great battery. I have screen-shot of my battery stats, will add it in this post later.
Added screenshot as an attachment.
Kreaz said:
Actually, it has a really good battery and performance, so it is like balanced, good performance but with a great battery. I have screen-shot of my battery stats, will add it in this post later.
Added screenshot as an attachment.
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Thanks man. Saw the attachment of your battery. Why is your phone still awake when the screen is off ? Is there something wrong with your deep sleep on your phone? CMIIW
cycloneblast said:
Thanks man. Saw the attachment of your battery. Why is your phone still awake when the screen is off ? Is there something wrong with your deep sleep on your phone? CMIIW
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There's nothing wrong actually with the Deep Sleep but BetterBatteryStats, I don't understand how to read the awake stats. I want to upload the stock battery stats screenshot but it's corrupt
Kreaz said:
There's nothing wrong actually with the Deep Sleep but BetterBatteryStats, I don't understand how to read the awake stats. I want to upload the stock battery stats screenshot but it's corrupt
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Haha. Come to think of it, I myself also don't know how to read the awake stats. I also have the same problem as you but my deep sleep has no problems, too.
Hey guys. I tried the MIUI rom once. But its quite laggy when i installed many apps. Does anyone know any kernel or tweaks that is suitable with the rom for a better performance?
Rom : cm9 rc2
Kernel : castagnaIT
Tweaks : too many
Reason : no specific reason though. Just trying out this and that
AzizWahid said:
Hey guys. I tried the MIUI rom once. But its quite laggy when i installed many apps. Does anyone know any kernel or tweaks that is suitable with the rom for a better performance?
Rom : cm9 rc2
Kernel : castagnaIT
Tweaks : too many
Reason : no specific reason though. Just trying out this and that
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Certain Tweaks when used together tends to clash and gives negative effect.
And if those apps you installed will run on background it tends to get laggy.
I use only Seeders and Disable CPU rendering.
I use forfivo's kernel because hadi's version have problem running on my device.
Until hadi fix the bigmem bug on external sd. I'd stick to forfivo.
KiD3991 said:
Certain Tweaks when used together tends to clash and gives negative effect.
And if those apps you installed will run on background it tends to get laggy.
I use only Seeders and Disable CPU rendering.
I use forfivo's kernel because hadi's version have problem running on my device.
Until hadi fix the bigmem bug on external sd. I'd stick to forfivo.
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BTW, Seeder had just received a fine-tuning by yours truly
I'm amazed myself at the amount of improvement.
-- Sent from a GT-I8150 running ICS perfectly well. F'U, Sams#!t --
Hy all,
I'm running JB Sourcery V5.1 (latest) and I had some trouble wih the speed.
The ROM comes with it's own kernel, it allows me to overclock my GNex to 1.4 GHz top (screen attached).
I ran a Benchmark and poor results. See from the screen, the results are lower than what a Gnex should be !
I tried to flash Franco Kernel but the device won't reboot, it stays on "Google" and never starts the bootanimation (i had to do a wipe to make it boot).
So if you are on JBSourcery, is there a way to overclock it more than 1.4 GHz ?
Why does the Franco Kernel block the boot ?
Not every Kernel can be flashed on every ROM ?
Thanks for the answers like always !
I managed to make the franco kernel work.
There's a section in the JBSourcery tools dedicated to kernels. This ROM is amazing really.
Anyway, thanks i guess ^^
bartholomey said:
I managed to make the franco kernel work.
There's a section in the JBSourcery tools dedicated to kernels. This ROM is amazing really.
Anyway, thanks i guess ^^
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As you can see in the Quadrant screenshot, the I/O Performance probably is the problem. Wich I/O scheduler do you use?
I'll check the scheduler settings.
FuelFlo said:
As you can see in the Quadrant screenshot, the I/O Performance probably is the problem. Wich I/O scheduler do you use?
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The settings are :
Read ahead buffer size : 1024
Scheduler : deadline
I never touched these so I don't really know what there here for ...
You base your performance based on a number spit out from Quadrant...
Here's a novel thought: How does it actually work for you? Are you having problems with it lagging during certain operations?
Yea, Cilrazz is right. If your system is smooth you shouldn't care about the Quadrant results at all.
To answer your other questions:
a) You can not use every Kernel with every ROM, there migth be some incompatibilities.
b) If you want to overclock more than 1.4GHz, you'll need another ROM, wich allows that. But you probably won't need that for smoothness or performance during standard use. In fact a lot of people have underclocked their CPU's to 10.6GHz and the GNex is still more than fast enough for everyday use, while saving a lot of battery with this lower voltage.
c) concerning the I/O sheduler. wich schedulers do you have available, maybe another than deadline does work better for you (personaly 'fiops' works best for me) ...ah and I'm pretty sure, you should set the read ahead buffer size to aprox. 2048 for better performance.
d) I don't know whats your exact problem with the franco Kernel. Have you tried a clean flash? (means: wipe cache+dalvik, factory reset, format system, install ROM, kernel, GApps, wipe cache+dalvik) -- ! make a backup first, you will loose your settings, when resetting to factory and loose your app and app data on format system !
Ah and i'm pretty new here too, so be carefull not everything i'm saying is 100% right. :fingers-crossed:
Cilraaz said:
You base your performance based on a number spit out from Quadrant...
Here's a novel thought: How does it actually work for you? Are you having problems with it lagging during certain operations?
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The benchmark results were only here to show the lack of speed that i had. But i really had speed trouble and i couldnt screen that ^^
But now it's all good. Thanks for the answer tho'
FuelFlo said:
Yea, Cilrazz is right. If your system is smooth you shouldn't care about the Quadrant results at all.
To answer your other questions:
a) You can not use every Kernel with every ROM, there migth be some incompatibilities.
b) If you want to overclock more than 1.4GHz, you'll need another ROM, wich allows that. But you probably won't need that for smoothness or performance during standard use. In fact a lot of people have underclocked their CPU's to 10.6GHz and the GNex is still more than fast enough for everyday use, while saving a lot of battery with this lower voltage.
c) concerning the I/O sheduler. wich schedulers do you have available, maybe another than deadline does work better for you (personaly 'fiops' works best for me) ...ah and I'm pretty sure, you should set the read ahead buffer size to aprox. 2048 for better performance.
d) I don't know whats your exact problem with the franco Kernel. Have you tried a clean flash? (means: wipe cache+dalvik, factory reset, format system, install ROM, kernel, GApps, wipe cache+dalvik) -- ! make a backup first, you will loose your settings, when resetting to factory and loose your app and app data on format system !
Ah and i'm pretty new here too, so be carefull not everything i'm saying is 100% right. :fingers-crossed:
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Thanks for the big answer mate.
I'll try to answer step by step
B/ I did manage to flash the Franco kernel but using the download kernel feature in the settings (maybe a special version). The over clocking is for the gaming actually like Modern Combat, but the device becomes hot as the sun ! (Not good).
C/ I never touched the I/O zone. It works pretty fine this way so I won't mess with that ^^
Thanks for the answer tho'. Very much appreciated!
Due to some requests via PM´s I decided to make my kernel finally public, but remember:
This kernel is a personal kernel for my private use, so it´s only containing the tweaks I´m also really using
It´s the older 2.6.35 kernel basing on latest 2.6.35 sources from Arco, so only use it with Arcos CM9 RC2 or RC3 or a custom ROM with 2.6.35 kernel
This kernel is not filled with a lot of governors and schedulers, but only the ones I´m also personally using.
I have made this kernel because non of the custom kernels worked stable for me in the past, even at stock voltages. With this kernel I´m able to run at extreme Undervolting rock solid.
So this kernel was created with stability and battery life in mind. Each modification was tested separately, so everytime I added a tweak or a new feature, I tested the new kernel for a couple of days before adding the next one.
So why I decided to tweak this older kernel rather than going with 3.x kernel?
- Because this kernel is giving me a much better battery life than the 3.x kernel, is running rock solid and also because I don´t really need the new features added into 3.x kernel.
So what it has included:
- UV and OC options
- lowered WiFi voltage
- lowered lcd voltage
- slightly lowered standby / deepsleep voltage
- Battery life extender
- Fixed 100% battery notification after charger unplug
- 377MB RAM
- NO-OP scheduler as default scheduler
- Lulzactive governor as default governor
- tweaked Lulzactive for battery life and smoothness
- added 518, 633 and 902 MHz (new)
- screen off frequency set to 518 MHz max.(new)
- some more voltage tweaks
- no other compilation tweaks just to make the list longer
With this kernel and a new battery my SGW can last up to 7 days in standby. This is without WiFi and Mobile Data. With the stock kernel I got 3-5 days. It´s also working absolutely stable and smooth for me without any issues.
So if you run into some issues that are/were also discussed i the CM9 Bug report thread, don´t blame me for them.
other suggestions:
- enable KSM
- enable 16bit Dithering
- disable CPU rendering
- greenify your apps
If you follow these suggestions, your ROM should run absolutely smooth without the need for other tweaks.
To use Battery Life eXtender:
Use RootExplorer and go to: '/sys/class/misc/batterylifeextender'. Change the value in 'charging_limit' for example to 90 (default 100). This will set a limit for the capacity to which the battery will be charged. So in this example the battery will be charged to 90%.
After flashing the kernel whipe your cache and dalvik cache and fix permissions.
Just as a note. Should you encounter the white screen bug in some apps, this is because you whiped the cache in CWM Recovery after flashing the kernel. To fix this go into settings -> apps and delete data and cache of those specific apps.
Credits are going to:
- Arco (for his great work and sources)
- educk (for helping me doing the first steps)
- Christopher83 (for his great commits)
- ivendor (for his tweaks)
- Ezekeel (for Battery Life eXtender)
----------- 18.08.2013 -----------
- added frequencies
- incrased RAM
- lowered screen off frequency in Lulzactive
- some voltage finetunning
----------- first release -----------
XDA:DevDB Information
[Kernel] [CM9 - RC2 & RC3] honeyx 7up 2.6.35 kernel [for better battery life], a Kernel for the Samsung Galaxy W I8150
Kernel Special Features:
Version Information
Status: No Longer Updated
Created 2013-09-24
Last Updated 2013-09-24
First, thanks :good:
Edit: can i have your permission to use this kernel on my ROM?
ipromeh said:
First, thanks :good:
Edit: can i have your permission to use this kernel on my ROM?
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Sure No problem mate.
honeyx said:
Sure No problem mate.
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nicely done
I have tested this before with rc2 and I have to say battery life was very significantly longer compared to hurtsky 2.5 + QAsR v2.3. However, the white screen issue persisted in 2 of the apps I used the most, namely boat browser and Gmail so I have opted out again. But if you guys don't care about white screen, do give this kernel a try
Yeah, kernel 2.6 is always better battery life... i recomended it
- screen off frequency set to 768 MHz
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What mean of that ?
is we get trun off the screen it auto lock on 768Mhz ? it's not deepsleep any way CMIIW
hepi_hape said:
Yeah, kernel 2.6 is always better battery life... i recomended it
What mean of that ?
is we get trun off the screen it auto lock on 768Mhz ? it's not deepsleep any way CMIIW
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This is the max frequency the clock might rise to if the screen is off but for example an app or a service awakes the phone from deepsleep. So it will not drain so much the battery if the phone gets awake for some reason and if you undervolt your cpu, you can reduce the consumption for such a case even more.
This is preset in the Lulzactive governor, which Christopher83 fixed to make this working, so it´s only related to this governor, which is also my default governor.
So when in screenoff the phone only maximum can use CPU clock at 768Mhz
Yeah i get it. .thx for explain it
I think arco might be able to help you fix the white screen. Long back skull kernel experienced the same and acro helped him to fix it.
coolbuy said:
I think arco might be able to help you fix the white screen. Long back skull kernel experienced the same and acro helped him to fix it.
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Uhm, well I´m not sure this is exactly the same because Keff (Woohooo..) is modding the 3.x kernel for CM10. But thanks for the suggestion. I will aks Keff first to not to bother Arco in the first place. It will be for sure interesting what caused it for him.
Just to clarify some things about the white screen bug. The one I described in my first post is not the real white screen bug, but only what happens to some apps after whiping the cache in CWM Recovery. This can easily be fixed like described above and will not bother you anymore.
The real white screen bug came all of the sudden (without whiping anything before). So for example you opened facebook, everything was fine, but a few minutes later by relaunching facebook you got a white screen. The procedure to get rid of this was the same as I already mentioned but with the difference it happened again after a while.
So well I have had this issue with facebook too in the past, but it´s gone and now even not happening after whiping the cache in CWM Recovery. It´s not gone because I updated the rom (still using RC2), but because facebook updated their app.
I already found what you was talking about. It´s called the white noise issue where you get a white screen by turning the screen on, so it´s not the same.
And how is games performance ?
Sent from my GT-I8150 using xda premium
mps42 said:
And how is games performance ?
Sent from my GT-I8150 using xda premium
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Mind you: This is battery saving rom. It is meant to have low game performance. It MUST have a lower gaming performance than those v3.0 kernels. If you want gaming, this is not for you.
Doplgangr said:
Mind you: This is battery saving rom. It is meant to have low game performance. It MUST have a lower gaming performance than those v3.0 kernels. If you want gaming, this is not for you.
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Yes, this is a battery saving kernel, but why should it have low gaming performance? Just because it´s optimized for low consumption in standby and because you can undervolt it? It´s like you were comparing an older Pentium4 against an Intel Atom CPU and saying the Atom must be faster because its newer. Or by comparing a Atom against a 286 CPU and saying the 286 will be faster than the Atom because the Atom is more battery friendly.
Sure, it´s not optimized to get the highest scores in benchmarks, but the games I´m playing once in a while are running totally smooth.
The newer releases of CM9 might be of course faster in games, but not just because of the 3.x kernel, but also because Arcos ocessionaly is updating the GPU drivers.
honeyx said:
Yes, this is a battery saving kernel, but why should it have low gaming performance? Just because it´s optimized for low consumption in standby and because you can undervolt it? It´s like you were comparing an older Pentium4 against an Intel Atom CPU and saying the Atom must be faster because its newer. Or by comparing a Atom against a 286 CPU and saying the 286 will be faster than the Atom because the Atom is more battery friendly.
Sure, it´s not optimized to get the highest scores in benchmarks, but the games I´m playing once in a while are running totally smooth.
The newer releases of CM9 might be of course faster in games, but not just because of the 3.x kernel, but also because Arcos ocessionaly is updating the GPU drivers.
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Thank you for correcting my ignorance. :laugh: Maybe I'll give the kernel a try and tell more about that
Honeyx, I hope you continue to develop and share this kernel in the future because I decided to start everything over from scratch because of your work here. I love this kernel. I get so much better battery life now. If you would ever consider adding Lionheart in the future, I would be very grateful. Is there any way to add Row or does it require kernel 3? Thanks again!
Sent from my GT-I8150 using xda app-developers app
honeyx said:
Yes, this is a battery saving kernel, but why should it have low gaming performance? Just because it´s optimized for low consumption in standby and because you can undervolt it? It´s like you were comparing an older Pentium4 against an Intel Atom CPU and saying the Atom must be faster because its newer. Or by comparing a Atom against a 286 CPU and saying the 286 will be faster than the Atom because the Atom is more battery friendly.
Sure, it´s not optimized to get the highest scores in benchmarks, but the games I´m playing once in a while are running totally smooth.
The newer releases of CM9 might be of course faster in games, but not just because of the 3.x kernel, but also because Arcos ocessionaly is updating the GPU drivers.
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Not for hard gaming.....thats sure....if you want battery play with puzzlebubbles
Inviato dal mio GT-I8150 con Tapatalk 2
tebor8 said:
Honeyx, I hope you continue to develop and share this kernel in the future because I decided to start everything over from scratch because of your work here. I love this kernel. I get so much better battery life now. If you would ever consider adding Lionheart in the future, I would be very grateful. Is there any way to add Row or does it require kernel 3? Thanks again!
Sent from my GT-I8150 using xda app-developers app
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I may add some tweaks in the future, but this may take a while till I have some spare time to test them. About adding other governors...well I tested a lot of them but finally decided to use Lulzactive because it was the most battery friendly governor in the one hand and because there is also the Lulzactive app you can use to tweak it to your needs. So for example tweak it that way it behaves like for example Lionheart. I also tested the ROW scheduler but it wasn´t as stable as I presupposed to be. So the best compromise between stability and performance was to use the noop scheduler. It´s nearly as fast as the row but way more stable.
djdu90 said:
Not for hard gaming.....thats sure....if you want battery play with puzzlebubbles
Inviato dal mio GT-I8150 con Tapatalk 2
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LoL. I´m quite sure with extreme undervolting you can still save some battery juice even while playing action games on this device. Beside this it´s not the CPU or GPU that consumes most, but the display and its backlight LED´s.
it is for battery saving but for me its not good to play with games cuz playing for like 40-60 minutes consume 60% battery ? lol
thats quite alot and might burnt up my battery life.
Dwama said:
it is for battery saving but for me its not good to play with games cuz playing for like 40-60 minutes consume 60% battery ? lol
thats quite alot and might burnt up my battery life.
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So did you thought it will consume just as much as being in deepsleep????????? The kernel is tweaked to consume less in deepsleep and in daily use but not to consume less in games. Beside this it´s not the CPU nor the GPU that consumes most, but the backlight LEDs in your screen. So even by undervolting and underclocking it will still drain a lot if playing games.
There is no and will not be a magical Kernel that is using witchcraft to reduce the consumption of the LEDs, exept someone compiles you a kernel which turns out the LEDs completely, if you can with a complete dark screen.
honeyx said:
So did you thought it will consume just as much as being in deepsleep????????? The kernel is tweaked to consume less in deepsleep and in daily use but not to consume less in games. Beside this it´s not the CPU nor the GPU that consumes most, but the backlight LEDs in your screen. So even by undervolting and underclocking it will still drain a lot if playing games.
There is no and will not be a magical Kernel that is using witchcraft to reduce the consumption of the LEDs, exept someone compiles you a kernel which turns out the LEDs completely, if you can with a complete dark screen.
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Im not expecting anything from ur kernel, im glad that u shared ur kernel taht could last longer than arco's stock kernel.
I was just giving up my comments about ur kernel that i have used for 2 months , Not complaining and whining lol.
I am sorry and thanks for sharing ur kernel , keep it up. :fingers-crossed: