[Q] Went from iPhone 4 to Note 2 - Interesting feeling - AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note II

After using the iPhone for the part 5+ years, I finally got tired of the same old OS. I jumped ship and went to the Galaxy Note 2, and I absolutely love it....amazing device. All my coworkers that I show it too and amazed at the display size and the overall great looks of the phone.
What I find interesting is when I look at the iPhone's tiny display, I don't know how I survived all this time with such a small display. I feel that I can never go back to a small display now that I'm used to the Galaxy Note. The iPhone display just feels way too tiny...lol. The big brillant display of the Note 2 is very good, and I can't really tell the ppi difference between the iphone 4 and Galaxy Note 2. The past wqeek has been extremely busy at work with lots of phone use (for actual calls) and I find holding the Galaxy 2 fairly comfortable...not as awkward as I thought it would be.
That being said...I do have one question....my microSD card will sometimes unmount on it's own, and the only way to recover is to physically remove and reinsert the card again. I have a Class 10 PNY 32GB card. Has anyone else had this issue. I've reformatted the card on the phone, but have not yet tried reformatting on a windows 7 computer yet, so that is my next step. Seems to happen once or twice every few days.
Thanks for any advice regard the microSD card.

mikefly562 said:
After using the iPhone for the part 5+ years, I finally got tired of the same old OS. I jumped ship and went to the Galaxy Note 2, and I absolutely love it....amazing device. All my coworkers that I show it too and amazed at the display size and the overall great looks of the phone.
What I find interesting is when I look at the iPhone's tiny display, I don't know how I survived all this time with such a small display. I feel that I can never go back to a small display now that I'm used to the Galaxy Note. The iPhone display just feels way too tiny...lol. The big brillant display of the Note 2 is very good, and I can't really tell the ppi difference between the iphone 4 and Galaxy Note 2. The past wqeek has been extremely busy at work with lots of phone use (for actual calls) and I find holding the Galaxy 2 fairly comfortable...not as awkward as I thought it would be.
That being said...I do have one question....my microSD card will sometimes unmount on it's own, and the only way to recover is to physically remove and reinsert the card again. I have a Class 10 PNY 32GB card. Has anyone else had this issue. I've reformatted the card on the phone, but have not yet tried reformatting on a windows 7 computer yet, so that is my next step. Seems to happen once or twice every few days.
Thanks for any advice regard the microSD card.
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Welcome to the other side. Regarding the sd card...I have a samsung 32gb class 10 and have had no problems with unmounting. Although I have not really had enough time with my note to notice (only a few days). Are you stock? If not what is your rom/kernel?

Welcome to Android! excellent device choice f,sure
Its more then likely a defective SD card.

xavier6303 said:
Welcome to the other side. Regarding the sd card...I have a samsung 32gb class 10 and have had no problems with unmounting. Although I have not really had enough time with my note to notice (only a few days). Are you stock? If not what is your rom/kernel?
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Yes..I'm running stock right from the AT&T store...no root and I made no changes to kernal, etc. Since I'm fairly new to Android, and I use this phone for work and personal use, I don't want to experiment with it yet, so I plan to keep it stock for a long time.
If reformatting does not work, I'll go back to Staples and return/exchange the microSD card since they have a fairly good return policy.

I was also an iOS user since iPhone4, and before switch to Note 2, I was using iphone5. I do love the Noteii's size, battery life, s-pen ... But in term of overall smoothness, I think IP5 still has the edge. I am not sure if there something I can do in NoteII to improve it.

eelnoraa said:
I was also an iOS user since iPhone4, and before switch to Note 2, I was using iphone5. I do love the Noteii's size, battery life, s-pen ... But in term of overall smoothness, I think IP5 still has the edge. I am not sure if there something I can do in NoteII to improve it.
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I hate to second guess you, but I can't think of what you could possibly be doing with your Note, that you really can see any difference between the smoothness of iOS 6 and JB. The vast majority of professional reviewers from the biggest tech sites, have all gone out of their way to say that the difference in fluidity between iOS 6 + JB is negligible and no longer a valid argument when comparing Android to Apple... at least not when comparing JB.

Theres soooo much more you can do on Android. Here is a few great apps for stock Android thats not available for stock IOS. Handcent (a texting app with tons of features), Perfect App Protector (let people/kids see your phone without worrying about them looking a your email or what ever app you choose to lock up), Keep Safe (lock up your naughty pictures), and Apex Launcher (easily customize your Home UI, makes IOS users envy with a cool looking UI).

Dr. Evo said:
I hate to second guess you, but I can't think of what you could possibly be doing with your Note, that you really can see any difference between the smoothness of iOS 6 and JB. The vast majority of professional reviewers from the biggest tech sites, have all gone out of their way to say that the difference in fluidity between iOS 6 + JB is negligible and no longer a valid argument when comparing Android to Apple... at least not when comparing JB.
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Don't get me wrong. I am not complaining the overall performance of Note II. And I have no doubt it has more processing power. Regardless what the so called professional reviews say, in day to day use, the smoothness of IP5 does have edge. it is small but noticeable. Not that Note II is bad in anyway, just doesn't feel as smooth. While this doesnt mean IP5 is faster, it just mean, at least from user interface/graphic point of view, iOS optimizes it better
IP4 is my first iOS device, before that I was a Window mobile user. So I don't considered myself iOS fan. And between IP4 and IP5, I have used WindowPhone7 (HTC Titan II) for a while. I was actually quite impressed with the smoothness of WP7 but I hated how restricted it is (more so than iOS, which I am not so happy with). Note II is my first Andriod device, so far I love Andriod's flexiblity. Moving away from iTune is just priceless. But the smoothness of iOS's user interface shouldn't be desputed.

I was surprised at how quickly I got used to the size of the Note II, I laughed at my brother in law when he said he wanted the OG Note. Now when I pickup an iPhone it feels like the phone from Zoolander, a child's play thing.
I have the cheapest microSD card I could find. I believe its class 4. Had it about a year. Used it on my Galaxy S II with no issues, and still no issues on the Note II. Unless you count the glacial file transferring (planning on getting one of those 64GB sdxc cards soon). No issues mounting or unmounting. I would make sure the card slot is clean of debris, and check the card for dirty contacts. Try an eraser to clean the contacts. Do you have any other cards to try? Cameras, old phones, etc that have a card you can use to eliminate the phone. I would guess bad card before I blamed the phone. But, if other cards do it too, call AT&T and get the phone swapped.
Sent from my Note II

eelnoraa said:
Regardless what the so called professional reviews say, in day to day use, the smoothness of IP5 does have edge. it is small but noticeable. Not that Note II is bad in anyway, just doesn't feel as smooth. While this doesnt mean IP5 is faster, it just mean, at least from user interface/graphic point of view, iOS optimizes it better.
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I hope I'm not starting a religious debate here, but I had the same discussion with my coworker earlier in the week. Far be it from me to say whether iPhone is better than Android or vice versa, and I'm not going to debate with you as to which is smoother or not. I have iOS 6 on my iPod Touch, and it's really smooth, but does that help me in my day to day?
Here's my phone experience.
This is my fourth Android phone (one was borrowed) and at every change, I thought about getting the iPhone. The first time I didn't because I had just finished with 2 consecutive Blackberry Pearls. Compact QWERTY/SureType spoiled me so much I couldn't type on the iPhone. I text around 2000-3000 messages a month so I need to type. iOS' lack of 3rd party keyboard haunt me to this day, especially when I need Chinese/Japanese/Korean handwriting recognition. I think that's probably the biggest deciding factor for me, and still is.
Here are the awesome things that iOS has brought me: iTunes store, FaceTime, Siri ... Passbook? Getting smartphones to the mainstream, and pushing developers to consider the mobile platform? Apps are more or less the same except in some really niche areas. I need an app for music notation, and unfortunately, most of the usable ones are on iPad.
Here are the awesome things that my current Andriod (Samsung Note II) does for me: screenshot + annotation, CJK handwriting recognition (3rd party, alas), not turning off while I'm still reading, keeping orientation when I lie down ... window in window/popup window (being able to watch videos while reading emails), OTG usb support so I can hook up card readers, usb memory sticks and external hard drives, access to the file system, quick notetaking/hurried scribbles, offline voice to text (which was also a biggie for me).
When you press space while typing an email address in Blackberry, it knows there are now spaces in email addresses, so the first space is always the "@" symbol, and the second space is always the "." ... so "me you com" turns into "[email protected]", and I thought, WOW, Rim seriously had people sitting around going, hey. what would make things easier for people.
That's the feeling I got from the Samsung Note II.
I guess in the end, maybe I'm just too function over form. I'd rather have things that work over things that look nice. This, of course, has no bearing whatsoever as to the "iPhone 5 vs Samsung Note II" debate, because that's just my opinion. I think Apple's done a fine job, but I also think they need to innovate the pudding out of their products.
Anyways, welcome to Android, and I hope you enjoy your stay!

Hmm... how should I start...
Note 2/Android deals terribly with missed calls, texts and emails. Icon badges which are extremely useful are almost non existent or simply don't work. You have to "configure" just about EVERYTHING on this system to get it to work, where as with iOS it works... simply.... It does push as Android doesn't and its smooth as silk ON ANY APPLICATION...
Anyone tried flipboard on both? Why is it that on the iPhone its so much smoother than Android? Its the same developer with the same app and goal. There has to be an underlining from the OS that dictates or does this... How does that help me on the day to day? How good looking is your car? How does the ergonomics feel? That is how it helps.... For the first time the note 2 made it "passable" or "acceptable" the smoothness or lack of.. It still stutters even after 5 years... something the iPhone got right on day one! Anyone remember the G1?
Widgets without a capacity for push/seamless push they are pretty much useless, same thing as opening an application. If things would push correctly to your phone, android would have been so much more useful than iOS that it would have brought back Apple to the drawing board.
There are no programs like LockInfo/Intelliscreen X.
pictures MMS on Android have a play button..WTF? Even ChompSMS (makers of bitesms for iPhone) can't compare to bitesms functionality and usefulness. A quick reply on Android with Chomp will leave the badge on the icon and marked as unread, when you specifically want it read... you have to open the app to clear it. That should have worked flawlessly. If it works on the iPhone, why can't they make it work on Android... Its just coded differently and has bad coding or handling of data (whatever, I don't know).
In a general sense... iOS looks so much better... Android feels like pixels on a screen where as iPhone feels totally different... Then again... w/o a jailbreak it gets boring fast... and Android has a lot more to fiddle around.
The lack of jailbreak is the second time it has pushed me to Android... And this Big Screen is such a nice addition that I feel like I couldn't go back to the tiny i5. But then again, if a Jailbreak appeared I would be returning it...
I want to like Android... The geek in me likes it, but when simple things like notifications badges and push email don't work correctly makes me see all the huge flaws android still has...
For instance.....
I have lockinfo on my iPhone.... I go to my GOOGLE calendar.... add an Appointment.... pick up my iPhone and its RIGHT THERE... RIGHT THAT VERY SECOND that I turn on the screen... Try that SIMPLE thing with Android and let me know... that is the kind of things that should have worked flawlessly from DAY 1.
Try this... Google Now... "remember me when I get home to call my aunt." See what happens... Even spanish language works so much better on Siri than on Google... Even S-voice does a better job than google :facepalm: And the ousted Forstall... What a joke.
Updates.............. Oh god.. try getting an Android update... You need to buy a new phone (nice business from ATT and such? You mean to tell me that Google can't have the same "power" over carriers?, yeah yeah yeah... Get the nexus.. Nexus is and always will be a second class/Cheap product. LTE anyone?)
Music and iTunes... for much that I hated iTunes, the fact that I can organize stuff with one simple program, no matter the iPhone (1,3g,3gs,4,4s,5,iPads bla bla bla) is killer....
The list goes on and on...
Why am I still here? No Jailbreak for iPhone = boring iPhone and no lockscreen and tethering. And the Note 2 Screen is gorgeous..
I went to the ATT store... all androids there.. test them out... ALL OF THEM LAGGED... ALL OF THEM WITH 4.1 jelly bean... Picked up the note.. NO LAG! ok.. we can try this one out..
The S-pen is really useful and wonderful and that alone could make such a difference that would put the iPhone to shame... and I really want that to happen, but I wish that android would get its act together and made it possible to upgrade the OS and work on the simple things first... Its like if Google never ever used an iPhone.
Sorry.. I had to vent this. I wish android fixed this issues and it would become a huge progress and would destroy the iPhone... In the meantime... it will still feel like a second class product.

Sounds like you really haven't put any time into customizing your phone. All of what you are talking about is very easily achieved. And who needs factory updates when Samsung actively encourages you to get roms. Unlike apple who will crucify you for even saying the word jailbreak
Galaxy Note II

R1deTheLight said:
Sounds like you really haven't put any time into customizing your phone. All of what you are talking about is very easily achieved. And who needs factory updates when Samsung actively encourages you to get roms. Unlike apple who will crucify you for even saying the word jailbreak
Galaxy Note II
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LOL he said all the android devices lagged, i doubt the optimius g lagged the gs3 or the htc one x+ lagged

Andrew149 said:
LOL he said all the android devices lagged, i doubt the optimius g lagged the gs3 or the htc one x+ lagged
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Also never base anything on the display models. Those things have weird custom display software that att makes for them. And they go through hell every day with hundreds of people ****ing with them
Galaxy Note II

I can't believe you are comparing an iphone which is JAILBROKEN to a stock Android device. Do you really think that's a fair comparison?
I loved BiteSMS on the iphone, but I was the only person I knew who had it. Why? Because it's not in the appstore! How come you don't blame Apple for not including all those awesome features you refer to in the stock firmware? The funny thing is you can't even say "there's an app for that" because none of the stuff you mentioned can be bought through legitimate means.
The iphone does a lot of things well, even when it's stock. The "features" you miss though 95% of iphone users never had or have to begin with. Your complaint list is completely unfair and I'm surprised you didn't realize that as you were typing all that out.
There are some legitimate gripes, don't get me wrong. The one that really bothers me is carrier control over devices. ATT should be slapped down as well as the rest of the carriers. Google has the power to do so and they should exercise it.

Go SMS pro is free and has the pop up in line reply for texts. I tried to break the logic for when a text is read and unread, couldn't get it to break. (No root required)
One thing HTC did good was lock screen support. I used a "productivity" lock screen that showed calendar notices on the lock screen. It also showed missed text, email, calls etc. It worked great. (No root required on Sense)
I use Nova Prime (was $0.25 not that long ago), the badges work great, and for more apps than TouchWiz launcher. (No root required)
I don't care for the voice control of Google Now. What I like is knowing traffic is bad before I leave. Other cards that give me info I will need, but don't have to ask for.
Widget locker lets you do all sorts of lock screen customization, without root.
Then there is CM/AOKP. Lock screen calendar built in, pop up text reply built in with correct logic, all sorts of customization.
When I think about my time with iPhone, the only jailbreak thing that was easier than unrooted stock android was pirating apps. (Something I don't advocate or miss). Far more apps are legitimately free on android. And with every jailbreak tweak the system became more unstable, and slow. Any iPhone upgrades to the next version of iOS was slow enough, when adding jailbreak on too of that it was unusable to me. For me jailbrake still had a big component of trial and error to find a good mix of what I want. Android is the same, you get out what you put in. It will take some work, and Googling into all hours of the night to find the right set of apps to do what you want, but you have much more power over your experience in Android. Then, with custom ROMs its even more.
All that said ... if you want an iPhone get one. Don't mistake this for "don't let the door hit you on the way out." I've been on xda for a while, and seen a lot of people come and go. Generally I have seen the people that come in saying how much android is harder to customize, and easier jailbreak was, go back to the iPhone. You only get 14 days (instead of the old 30) to make a choice that may haunt you for 18 months. Make the right one for you. Its better to be happy with your choice and device than to be stuck on a platform you don't like because others tell you its better. Android is the right choice for ME. TouchWiz is the right choice for ME. The Note II is the right device for ME. Ultimately you need to make that choice for you, its your phone, and you will be the one using it every day.
Sent from my Note ][

highlanderx said:
Hmm... how should I start...
Note 2/Android deals terribly with missed calls, texts and emails
Sorry.. I had to vent this. I wish android fixed this issues and it would become a huge progress and would destroy the iPhone... In the meantime... it will still feel like a second class product.
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Not sure what planet you live on but I disagree with everything you state.
I am familiar with the apps/features you mention on the iPhone since I owned the iPhone, iPhone 3g, and Iphone 4s which I used extensively at work, traveling, backpacking, motorcycling, etc., etc.
Also I've been comparing my Note2 with my wife's new iPhone 5 her work purchased for her...and there really is no comparison.
Her prior phone was the BB Curve 2 and I thought she is going to be blown away as a new iphone user...I about died when she said "I'm not impressed...thought the screen would be more useable/bigger".
Apple has lost their creativity which saddens me because I actually used the original MAC in the '80s to develop manufacturing software AND I own a ton of AAPL stock.
I certainly understand and agree the iPhone may be better suited for certain types of people and obviously MANY like it...that's fine but your rant is over the top and based on old, wornout statements.
Just my opinion.

quarlow said:
Go SMS pro is free and has the pop up in line reply for texts. I tried to break the logic for when a text is read and unread, couldn't get it to break. (No root required)
One thing HTC did good was lock screen support. I used a "productivity" lock screen that showed calendar notices on the lock screen. It also showed missed text, email, calls etc. It worked great. (No root required on Sense)
I use Nova Prime (was $0.25 not that long ago), the badges work great, and for more apps than TouchWiz launcher. (No root required)
I don't care for the voice control of Google Now. What I like is knowing traffic is bad before I leave. Other cards that give me info I will need, but don't have to ask for.
Widget locker lets you do all sorts of lock screen customization, without root.
Then there is CM/AOKP. Lock screen calendar built in, pop up text reply built in with correct logic, all sorts of customization.
When I think about my time with iPhone, the only jailbreak thing that was easier than unrooted stock android was pirating apps. (Something I don't advocate or miss). Far more apps are legitimately free on android. And with every jailbreak tweak the system became more unstable, and slow. Any iPhone upgrades to the next version of iOS was slow enough, when adding jailbreak on too of that it was unusable to me. For me jailbrake still had a big component of trial and error to find a good mix of what I want. Android is the same, you get out what you put in. It will take some work, and Googling into all hours of the night to find the right set of apps to do what you want, but you have much more power over your experience in Android. Then, with custom ROMs its even more.
All that said ... if you want an iPhone get one. Don't mistake this for "don't let the door hit you on the way out." I've been on xda for a while, and seen a lot of people come and go. Generally I have seen the people that come in saying how much android is harder to customize, and easier jailbreak was, go back to the iPhone. You only get 14 days (instead of the old 30) to make a choice that may haunt you for 18 months. Make the right one for you. Its better to be happy with your choice and device than to be stuck on a platform you don't like because others tell you its better. Android is the right choice for ME. TouchWiz is the right choice for ME. The Note II is the right device for ME. Ultimately you need to make that choice for you, its your phone, and you will be the one using it every day.
Sent from my Note ][
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1000 times this

R1deTheLight said:
Sounds like you really haven't put any time into customizing your phone. All of what you are talking about is very easily achieved. And who needs factory updates when Samsung actively encourages you to get roms. Unlike apple who will crucify you for even saying the word jailbreak
Galaxy Note II
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By all means... I wish to solve all of those issues and be happy with my Android!... Why do you think I am here?
ROMs usually do NOT have all the features unless they are based on the stock roms.. Ports like CM10 and the such will loose most of the S-pen features if not all.
I don't get why people can't get criticism from the things they like... all it will do in the future is make a better product... If you think its all mighty and perfect, there is nothing to fix... Nothing new to add... it will be stale.
---------- Post added at 11:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:55 AM ----------
Andrew149 said:
LOL he said all the android devices lagged, i doubt the optimius g lagged the gs3 or the htc one x+ lagged
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HTC One X+ was the one that lagged the most...
S3 that comes here with the crap dragon lagged to hell
Note 2... not a single hiccup... hence why I got it... Besides I wanted the biggest one I could find... I really wanted a phablet.
---------- Post added at 11:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:56 AM ----------
andrawer said:
Not sure what planet you live on but I disagree with everything you state.
I am familiar with the apps/features you mention on the iPhone since I owned the iPhone, iPhone 3g, and Iphone 4s which I used extensively at work, traveling, backpacking, motorcycling, etc., etc.
Also I've been comparing my Note2 with my wife's new iPhone 5 her work purchased for her...and there really is no comparison.
Her prior phone was the BB Curve 2 and I thought she is going to be blown away as a new iphone user...I about died when she said "I'm not impressed...thought the screen would be more useable/bigger".
Apple has lost their creativity which saddens me because I actually used the original MAC in the '80s to develop manufacturing software AND I own a ton of AAPL stock.
I certainly understand and agree the iPhone may be better suited for certain types of people and obviously MANY like it...that's fine but your rant is over the top and based on old, wornout statements.
Just my opinion.
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To quote Steve Jobs:
This phone is 5 years ahead of any phone in the market....
Its been 5 years and phones are catching up... but... until the simplicities aren't take care off.... You will see more iPhones on the road than Notes or S3s.
---------- Post added at 12:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:58 AM ----------
quarlow said:
Go SMS pro is free and has the pop up in line reply for texts. I tried to break the logic for when a text is read and unread, couldn't get it to break. (No root required)
One thing HTC did good was lock screen support. I used a "productivity" lock screen that showed calendar notices on the lock screen. It also showed missed text, email, calls etc. It worked great. (No root required on Sense)
I use Nova Prime (was $0.25 not that long ago), the badges work great, and for more apps than TouchWiz launcher. (No root required)
I don't care for the voice control of Google Now. What I like is knowing traffic is bad before I leave. Other cards that give me info I will need, but don't have to ask for.
Widget locker lets you do all sorts of lock screen customization, without root.
Then there is CM/AOKP. Lock screen calendar built in, pop up text reply built in with correct logic, all sorts of customization.
When I think about my time with iPhone, the only jailbreak thing that was easier than unrooted stock android was pirating apps. (Something I don't advocate or miss). Far more apps are legitimately free on android. And with every jailbreak tweak the system became more unstable, and slow. Any iPhone upgrades to the next version of iOS was slow enough, when adding jailbreak on too of that it was unusable to me. For me jailbrake still had a big component of trial and error to find a good mix of what I want. Android is the same, you get out what you put in. It will take some work, and Googling into all hours of the night to find the right set of apps to do what you want, but you have much more power over your experience in Android. Then, with custom ROMs its even more.
All that said ... if you want an iPhone get one. Don't mistake this for "don't let the door hit you on the way out." I've been on xda for a while, and seen a lot of people come and go. Generally I have seen the people that come in saying how much android is harder to customize, and easier jailbreak was, go back to the iPhone. You only get 14 days (instead of the old 30) to make a choice that may haunt you for 18 months. Make the right one for you. Its better to be happy with your choice and device than to be stuck on a platform you don't like because others tell you its better. Android is the right choice for ME. TouchWiz is the right choice for ME. The Note II is the right device for ME. Ultimately you need to make that choice for you, its your phone, and you will be the one using it every day.
Sent from my Note ][
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Widget locker is a program and is not a lockscreen... The program disables the lockscreen and the program activates itself...
First in lower mem (not applicable here) phones it LAGS to hell... you will always see the desktop THEN widget locker. Same goes with Executive Assistant...it got to the point where it wouldn't unlock.
I haven't tried the latest ones and this was a year ago with a craprocket that I bought and I hated it. Went to the 4S when the jailbreak came out and I was a happy camper... Again.. as I have said before.. I got tired of the same thing... of the lack of new interesting things to do with a new phone... Specially without jailbreak. I do play around with the phone and this is one of the things that I like about Android.
XDA Community for android doesn't exist for any other platform...and that simply is a bonus...
Why do I want updates?
4.2 brings some good lockscreen features and I want to try those... There might be a port... but... it might not have all the functions it would have if it where stock.
---------- Post added at 12:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:05 PM ----------
quarlow said:
Go SMS pro is free and has the pop up in line reply for texts. I tried to break the logic for when a text is read and unread, couldn't get it to break. (No root required)
One thing HTC did good was lock screen support. I used a "productivity" lock screen that showed calendar notices on the lock screen. It also showed missed text, email, calls etc. It worked great. (No root required on Sense)
I use Nova Prime (was $0.25 not that long ago), the badges work great, and for more apps than TouchWiz launcher. (No root required)
I don't care for the voice control of Google Now. What I like is knowing traffic is bad before I leave. Other cards that give me info I will need, but don't have to ask for.
Widget locker lets you do all sorts of lock screen customization, without root.
Then there is CM/AOKP. Lock screen calendar built in, pop up text reply built in with correct logic, all sorts of customization.
When I think about my time with iPhone, the only jailbreak thing that was easier than unrooted stock android was pirating apps. (Something I don't advocate or miss). Far more apps are legitimately free on android. And with every jailbreak tweak the system became more unstable, and slow. Any iPhone upgrades to the next version of iOS was slow enough, when adding jailbreak on too of that it was unusable to me. For me jailbrake still had a big component of trial and error to find a good mix of what I want. Android is the same, you get out what you put in. It will take some work, and Googling into all hours of the night to find the right set of apps to do what you want, but you have much more power over your experience in Android. Then, with custom ROMs its even more.
All that said ... if you want an iPhone get one. Don't mistake this for "don't let the door hit you on the way out." I've been on xda for a while, and seen a lot of people come and go. Generally I have seen the people that come in saying how much android is harder to customize, and easier jailbreak was, go back to the iPhone. You only get 14 days (instead of the old 30) to make a choice that may haunt you for 18 months. Make the right one for you. Its better to be happy with your choice and device than to be stuck on a platform you don't like because others tell you its better. Android is the right choice for ME. TouchWiz is the right choice for ME. The Note II is the right device for ME. Ultimately you need to make that choice for you, its your phone, and you will be the one using it every day.
Sent from my Note ][
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This is a post of don't let the door hit you on the way out...
Which is ridiculous... if you don't admit to your flaws you will not really know how to fix them...
I really dislike apple's wall garden and the tight grip they have on everything... I really find it annoying that they are suing everyone and the only way to make a real statement is not buy another product of theirs.. but if the community CAN'T take a simple critic about simplicities that DON'T work and you can argue it does... out of the box it doesn't and modded at best it partially works, we will never get the product we wish for.
If lag was never an issue, why does project butter exist and why do people welcomed the update? I am sure that if all the things that I have stated where fixed, everyone would be happier with their android.
I wanted more a 5.5" phone than an iPhone, hence why I got this one... I also wanted a fast phone that didn't lag. I got this one which is decent.
Right now I am using the Jedi Rom which is very nice and Apex Launcher which solves somewhat most of my issues with the badges... But there are still hiccups and there are still unread message counts that are read from time to time and only a reboot fixes the issue. Does anyone think that is ACCEPTABLE?
GOSMS is freaking ugly and laggy... sorry...
Fluidity was one of the things I really liked about launcher pro but that program hasn't been updated in years. Badges had huge hiccups. Badges is one of the things that once you get used to it, specially after 5 years, its hard to get unused to it.
What about visual voicemail on the STOCK Phone app? its nice to be able to deal with all your call's needs right on the phone app. No, we need to go to a separate app to just deal with voicemails...
You people should use an iPhone for a good while to see how simply it works on everyday stuff...
Don't get me started on Tap economy. Android requires too many more taps than iPhone to do just about the same thing.
All of the things that I have said... can be fixed... I had a LOT more complaints about android that were fixed with ICS and Jellybean, hence why I am back.
Things CAN be fixed and I bet they are fixing them.. but post like these is what makes their todo list bigger with newer updates.
---------- Post added at 12:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:09 PM ----------
andrawer said:
Not sure what planet you live on but I disagree with everything you state.
I am familiar with the apps/features you mention on the iPhone since I owned the iPhone, iPhone 3g, and Iphone 4s which I used extensively at work, traveling, backpacking, motorcycling, etc., etc.
Also I've been comparing my Note2 with my wife's new iPhone 5 her work purchased for her...and there really is no comparison.
Her prior phone was the BB Curve 2 and I thought she is going to be blown away as a new iphone user...I about died when she said "I'm not impressed...thought the screen would be more useable/bigger".
Apple has lost their creativity which saddens me because I actually used the original MAC in the '80s to develop manufacturing software AND I own a ton of AAPL stock.
I certainly understand and agree the iPhone may be better suited for certain types of people and obviously MANY like it...that's fine but your rant is over the top and based on old, wornout statements.
Just my opinion.
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If you don't agree with them... prove me wrong... we are all here to debate... If I am wrong, it means that my issue can be solved... which is what I want... I am not here to just complain, its also a way of looking for solutions... but this is also a perspective on why iphone lovers hate android. Wasn't samsung mocking android owners? Isn't Samsung trying to Snitch iPhone users? This is the way... fixing stuff. If an iPhone owner comes to all this broken OS, they will really go back. I have the opportunity to fix them and I don't mind fiddling with code and decoding and coding APKs if need be. I like to do all that.

Dude, its not android users not taking criticism, youre just *****ing about things you can fix easily. Like I said, you have not spent any REAL time trying to figure things out. Besides this phone just came out. Give the dev community a minute and I guarantee things you never even knew you wanted will become a reality.


Anyone else notice that this forum is #1337

I just noticed the Galaxy Nexus' General forum is labeled as 1337.
As in forumdisplay.php?f=1337
It's fate. I'm pumped. You're pumped. We're all pumped for Ice Cream.
But that's not my point...
I don't know about the majority of you guys, but I'm coming from a long period of mobile confusion. As you can see in my signature here, I started smartphones with the iPhone 2G and stuck to it out of a bit of "distortion field" or "fanboyism" for quite some time.
This past couple of years though, either the field has weakened, or I've built up a tolerance for it. I switched from iOS to Android and back again over and over in an attempt to ground myself somewhere, but in the end I always found myself back to old reliable, iOS.
The reason it was old reliable for me was the WYSIWYG-ness of it. Not much fluff; The "it just works" crap in action. I'd use Android and just fall in love with it all over again, but before I knew it I was frustrated with Force Closings and skins like Sense and MotoBlur. It would drive me away as quickly as it drew me in. Change is change.
Now though, we have a beautiful light at the end of a very obnoxious tunnel for me. I'm absolutely thrilled, but... as they say on the Jersey Shore... lesbihonest.
I feel like I'll go back to iOS. Not at least for a year or so, and not out of Android being sub-par! Don't get me wrong. I just think of it this way. If you invest in both ecosystems the way I have, you can jump back and forth very easily.
The way the iPhones work has seemingly been set in stone: One generational upgrade every 2 years with a minor speed-bump in between.
Android also has a clear manner of evolution: All participating manufacturers put out a new device every time the technology takes a step. It's like a never-ending series of -like speed-bumps when compared to iPhone, except we get the benefit of different and ever-evolving chasis.
If we look at Nexus devices only, which I feel are made to lead the charge and tell the other manufacturers, "Here, this is your new bar. Meet it!" then I like to think of Nexus devices as such. They're the bar that gets set every once in a while to keep everyone on track and keep everyone innovating.
One could conclude, given the way of things, that if you are like me and go through phases of needing stability and stability, no muss or fuss and phases of needing to tinker and customize, great fun mussing and fussing; I think this is perfect.
Apple releases their numerical release, new generation phone and it's the next big thing. Then it gets long in the tooth and they release a speedbump. Not good enough for bleeding edge though, so what's the hotness on Android. And so on.
Anyone think this might be their way of dealing with but-I-need-new-hotness syndrome?
Galaxy Nexus is the 1337
lol be leet and get a galaxy nexus
The iPhone has seen success from day one and has continued success through all of it's phone and OS updates. It's been chugging along since 2007, like you said, with regular hardware and software update intervals. The style of the phone and the OS are more or less the same since day one. 3.5 inch screen, round home button with a square icon, silver edges, buttons, speakers and plugs in the same place. The OS is a app tray with the OSx style dock.
New features are added and the user interface is streamlined. People know what to expect, and this is what keeps most of them coming back. They don't have to learn something new every year.
Android started on the opposite end of the spectrum. While the Android OS is relatively uniform, hardware and custom overlays/roms have created a hodgepodge of a product that has always been behind iOS in terms of usability and uniformity and always behind in terms of hardware and apps.
But there are a couple things that people tend to overlook when they compare the two OS. One is that iOS had a good headstart on Android. The first Android device was released over a year after the iPhone, and while the HTC Dream sold semi-well at the start, Android lagged far behind iOS, and even Windows Mobile. Despite a rocky start, Android converged with iOS and Blackberry sometime at the end of 2010. During 2011, we've seen soaring growth, to where there's something like 500k+ 'activations' daily. The news reports are saying that Google is getting ready to announce 1 million daily in the next few months.
In November, Android is going to hit an apex, a point where it really begins to shine. And where I believe it will begin to outpace iOS at an alarming rate. We'll see a few things happen next month that will change Androids standing, at least in my mind, in the smartphone world.
1. Android will finally catch up to the iPhone hardware.
The iPhone has always been a step ahead, which is something that I don't understand. An example: iPhone 4 was released in June of 2010 with a 'Retina' display. 326 ppi. Android still has never had a phone over 220 or so ppi. The Galaxy S2 was really the first phone to outpace the iPhone 4, a year and a half later, and it still doesn't have a high ppi/resolution screen. The screen is a full inch larger, which is very nice, but Apple still holds the title as the highest clarity screen. And the A4 processor has given most of the Android phones a run for their money. Again, the Galaxy S2 easily outpaced it with the dual-core cpu, but a month later, the iPhone 4S was released with the A5 with the killer PowerVR SGX543MP2 GPU. It pretty much smokes the Galaxy S2 in terms of video processing power.
Next month will be the first time Android has a screen that compares, surpasses even, the iPhone. Galaxy Nexus will have the same ppi as the iPhone, and it will be a full inch larger. The SuperAmoled also smashes the iPhone contrast by a factor of over 100 to 1 (100,000:1 vs 800:1). The RAZR will be quick to follow with the same 720p display. We all are a little disappointed that the Galaxy Nexus will still lag behind the iPhone 4S in terms of GPU, but the PowerVR SGX540 is nothing to scoff at, especially at the 300mhz clock speed.
The point is: Android will dominate the the hardware side of things from here on out. I don't see Apple changing their form factor by much. They may increase screen size to around 4", but Android will retain the largest screen. And Apple has nowhere to go in terms of ppi/resolution. They've already claimed to have hit the limits of the human eye. And they'll need to play cath-up in terms of contrast. The iPhone 5 and it's quad core A5 may take the title CPU for a few months next summer, but Android will quickly regain the lead. The quad core Tergra 'Kal El' will be out relatively soon, and we'll always see Android phones with CPU/GPU from the different companies, which gives it a good advantage.
2. Android 4.0 is huge.
Last tuesday, I was talking to my friend (an Apple enthusiast) about Ice Cream Sandwich. I knew about the new App switcher, and as a prior WebOS owner, it's something that I've really, really missed in Android, and iOS. I didn't count on it having the 'flick-to-close' app and notification features, though. I didn't really expect to see much change at all to the rest of the OS. As it turns out, I was very wrong. I'm waaaaay more excited for Android 4.0 now after watching the live stream on Wednesday. Google really exceeded my expectations.
Adapt, Adopt and Improve. Google has been doing this from the start, and they've done it in 4.0 in a huge way. They've listened to what people say about their product and have really done something about it. Ease of use is not something that Android has been known for, but they specifically addressed that in their presentation. This stigma is something that will be difficult to change for Android, but they have taken a huge step in the right direction. People will notice and will appreciate these changes. Segmentation has always been a big problem as well, but it looks like Google is taking efforts to quell that problem as well. I hope they can, but it really depends on the network providers. And it won't effect me, because I'll root and update to the latest build anyway.
On the other spectrum, iOS has kept steady. It's been user friendly, it's been stable, and it's been the same. iPhone owners enjoy and expect it. But it's starting to become a problem. Example: it took 2 years for Apple to adapt the notifications tray. Example 2: without rooting your phone, you are locked into using the default keypad (and a lot of other default options) that is just terrible, compared to some of the text prediction keypads out there. This isn't a big problem for people that jailbreak, but there are millions of iPhone users out there that don't want to 'void their warranty'. I don't want to dog on iOS too much, as I'm pretty biased against it, but iOS 6 is going to need some pretty big improvements to match Ice Cream Sandwich. iOS isn't the tog dog anymore. The playing field has been leveled. This is a good thing because I still feel that the mobile OS platform has a lot of growing to do, especially when it comes to the tablet form factor. Desktop OS's have really been stagnant for a while now, and it's really refreshing to see the mobile OS's advance so rapidly.
Anyway, this is getting a bit long, so I should wrap it up.
Android is growing in a major way. If you look at graphs of current mobile data usage, you'll see that Android is sky rocketing there, just like their market share. iOS is starting to loose it's advantage there as well. The Android App pool is swelling up just a fast. We'll see Android pass Apple up in every category in 2012, or at least match it. The only title Apple will hang onto is the iPad and the tablet market, but there is a lot of room in that market and it's growing rapidly. So are Android tablets.
I'll probably get an iPhone 5, and I don't doubt that it will be a great phone, but I've got at least 6 months to get to enjoy my Ice Cream Sandwich The Android experience maybe a little different for me than most, because I plan on staying on top of the latest hardware and software, trading up when a good replacement comes along, but I think that others will find ICS just as pleasing, even if they stick to the same phone for a year or so.
^^^ Really well said.
I agree about the strides Google is making to change the minds of Android users who have been burned by odd experiences in the past. They definitely are making a great effort with ICS.
In the end, as I said, I think there may be others like us who have fallen into this pattern now. We stay on top of what's great and know how to live within either ecosystem. We prefer one or the other, but have the need for greatness and will go after it every 6 months.
What a wild web we weave.
The Galaxy Nexus is cool
I don't have anything to say except that this is a great thread, and it's so refreshing to read something that isn't full of fanboy rantings.
Open the box of your new iPhone 4S, turn it on and you have a great looking & working mobile OS.
Open the box of your new Android phone, turn it on, learn how to Root & flash, select a powerful, battery saving KERNEL, select a great, customized ROM, select a beautiful THEME, flash them all and you have an AMAZING looking & working mobile OS.
Yes, no-one will lie to you, there is more effort needed for Android; but for that little amount of effort, the results are astounding.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
I got my Nexus S, turned it on, and use it without rooting nor ROM changing.
It works perfect till now.
What you have described is "option" ... Something that does not exist on iOS.
Thats different
KLoNe1 said:
Open the box of your new iPhone 4S, turn it on and you have a great looking & working mobile OS.
Open the box of your new Android phone, turn it on, learn how to Root & flash, select a powerful, battery saving KERNEL, select a great, customized ROM, select a beautiful THEME, flash them all and you have an AMAZING looking & working mobile OS.
Yes, no-one will lie to you, there is more effort needed for Android; but for that little amount of effort, the results are astounding.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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Me too with stock android on the Nexus S.
I unlocked the bootloader. Didn't even bother to root it.
Stock is already good enough for me.
kanariya said:
Me too with stock android on the Nexus S.
I unlocked the bootloader. Didn't even bother to root it.
Stock is already good enough for me.
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Lmao. As a nexus device, unlocking the bootloader is kinda like set it and forget it. One and done. Fastboot oem unlock say whaaa?
I voided my warranty and your mum.
It must be a sign...
Did you notice somebody already started a thread about this? It must be a sign. That you are a...
I voided my warranty and your mum.
Thoughtful thread.
I started my smartphone journey with winmo back in the 5.0 days, talk about customizing to make it work. Random app stores everywhere. Just about the only thing that was great from stock was the T-9 dialer. It was so easy and quick. Stupid stylus always getting lost. Steve had that right.
Next for me was a 3g iPhone. Unboxed and, to coin a phrase "it just worked ". But that was it. An app tray. After being used to unlocking the phone and seeing the weather, texts, events, everything, just at a glance, it was a huge adjustment. And a shock. No t9 dialer? No copy paste? I used it for about 3 months, then finally got frustrated with typing something, receiving a call, and all I had done was completely gone. I just about threw the phone away.
Switched back to winmo, then apple released a fix for the copy paste, and lost data. Switched back.
Still being mostly unhappy with the user experience, my friends talked me into the n1. Didn't take long for me to fall into a state of realization that this was the perfect mix of the frustration of winmo configuration
And the blandness of apple. And all without root!
So yeah, I've been running around with a n1 for damn near 2 years, unrooted, and. Damn proud of it.
Both ios and Android have their place, but I think Android is more appealing, and so do about 50% plus of smartphone users.
Enjoy your experience, whichever it is, but don't expect me to change my mind any time soon, I won't expect you to change yours
Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk
KLoNe1 said:
Open the box of your new iPhone 4S, turn it on and you have a great looking & working mobile OS.
Open the box of your new Android phone, turn it on, learn how to Root & flash, select a powerful, battery saving KERNEL, select a great, customized ROM, select a beautiful THEME, flash them all and you have an AMAZING looking & working mobile OS.
Yes, no-one will lie to you, there is more effort needed for Android; but for that little amount of effort, the results are astounding.
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda premium
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This is, I think, the best part about owning and using an Android powered device. It's exciting, you learn, you become a part of a community and you seek out those people when you mess up (which everyone inevitably does). I can almost guarantee that my Nexus S is different than yours in some way, shape or form. That's whats great about Android, I make the phone conform to me, not the other way around.
Having said that, I get the mass appeal of iOS and I feel with the overhaul of notifications it is finally to a position that I am able to adopt. Additionally, I think iPhones are the best feeling devices (hardware wise) and I was ready to vote with my wallet had the iPhone 5 been announced with what I feel are must have specs (NFC, 4G, legitimate screen size, etc).
Nexus Prime (way better sounding than Galaxy Nexus) will do for now until I get a look at the iPhone 5 and iOS 6 next year
pukemon said:
Did you notice somebody already started a thread about this? It must be a sign. That you are a...
I voided my warranty and your mum.
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pukemon said:
Did you notice somebody already started a thread about this? It must be a sign. That you are a...
I voided my warranty and your mum.
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Pardon me, kind sir. I searched through the thread titles... guess I neglected to look through every single post.
Have a nice day
Anyone realize that the Galaxy Nexus General forum is #1337?
Youre at least the 3rd person to make a thread about that. And thats not 1337. Try again.
I voided my warranty and your nexus.
pukemon said:
thats not 1337. Try again.
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Say what? What is it then?

Anyone else have an iPhone and E4GT?

I'm just curious- I just sold my E4GT for an iPhone 4S- as to what your opinions are! This will be my first iPhone, I've only had android for smartphones (well Win6.1 for a few months). (although the E4GT is still my favorite phone ever).
I know this sounds like a "I'm leaving" thread, but it isn't meant to be. Just wondering what people may like about the iPhone vs. this phone, and what they hate! For me, I'm looking forward to the battery life, and the retina display, but will miss google nav, gtalk, gmail app, the notifications, etc.
If there's anyone who has both these phones, and could give some insight, please chime in.
There's a good chance I'll be back, since I change out phones every 6 months (and I got an iPhone because I've never used that OS before, so I'm curious), but I may try Win7 mobile before coming back to android as well.
On a side note, if everyone is really just hating on this thread, and I was an idiot for creating it and causing drama, I will just close it. Sorry all, was just really curious, not trying to create anything!!
My girlfriend has the iPhone, and she loves it. You'll instantly find that without jailbreak, you really can't customize the phone. For 80% of folks that's fine, very similar to the WinPhone7 experience, but you wouldn't be on XDA if you want to keep your phone stock
I will say that the application quality is better on iOS devices, seems like developers put a little more polish into them.
I'm currently in the same dilemma... Mainly because of apps. A lot of apps on iOS either take too long, or don't get released on Android at all. -Yes we have probably almost the same amount of apps on Android as on iOS, but not quality apps. Besides, for me as a startup app developer, iOS is better for business I was waiting for the SGS III, but was disappointed. Would have gotten the One X, if sprint imo wouldn't have uglyfied it. So now I'm waiting for the new iPhone, and hopefully it won't be an iPhone 4SS. Then I might consider switching too.
PS. see, not hate we can communicate in a mature manner
I think whosdaman (Korey) just came back to the E4GT from an iPhone and he has also had the OG Epic I am sure you can get some feedback from him all around.
I havent had the chance to use one but I put it to most people like this. If you've bought into one system why switch? If you really haven't and you like the other then don't let any stop you from having it your way.
DevalB said:
My girlfriend has the iPhone, and she loves it. You'll instantly find that without jailbreak, you really can't customize the phone. For 80% of folks that's fine, very similar to the WinPhone7 experience, but you wouldn't be on XDA if you want to keep your phone stock
I will say that the application quality is better on iOS devices, seems like developers put a little more polish into them.
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I will definitely be jailbreaking the iPhone, I need my wifi-tether haha! Yea I'm excited for the applications, there are so much more on there. What's nice is that EA and Gameloft have a lot of sales, so all the games can be had for $0.99, if you wait for the right time (although still can't beat the market's $0.10 appsale).
jazzneel said:
I'm just curious- I just sold my E4GT for an iPhone 4S- as to what your opinions are! This will be my first iPhone, I've only had android for smartphones (well Win6.1 for a few months). (although the E4GT is still my favorite phone ever).
I know this sounds like a "I'm leaving" thread, but it isn't meant to be. Just wondering what people may like about the iPhone vs. this phone, and what they hate! For me, I'm looking forward to the battery life, and the retina display, but will miss google nav, gtalk, gmail app, the notifications, etc.
If there's anyone who has both these phones, and could give some insight, please chime in.
There's a good chance I'll be back, since I change out phones every 6 months (and I got an iPhone because I've never used that OS before, so I'm curious), but I may try Win7 mobile before coming back to android as well.
On a side note, if everyone is really just hating on this thread, and I was an idiot for creating it and causing drama, I will just close it. Sorry all, was just really curious, not trying to create anything!!
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Their battery is about the same for me but the iPhone 4s has battery on sleep mode/ standby but the E4GT has better battery while in use but by the end of the day their battery drainage is about the same. Camera seems better on the E4GT maybe it's just the screen. Seriously though it's whatever floats your boat. You like massive apps, buying accessories and just want a simple phone then stick to the iPhone, for everything else E4GT is better in my opinion I hate the size of the iPhone screen and it gets boring after 2 days.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
RainMotorsports said:
I think whosdaman (Korey) just came back to the E4GT from an iPhone and he has also had the OG Epic I am sure you can get some feedback from him all around.
I havent had the chance to use one but I put it to most people like this. If you've bought into one system why switch? If you really haven't and you like the other then don't let any stop you from having it your way.
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Honestly, I love the learning process of new phones, which is why I switch so often. I still have not had a Motorola or Apple smartphone ever, so those were next on my list. I went from the Samsung Instinct to HTC Diamond to HTC Hero, to Epic 4G to E4GT, and now iPhone 4S.
I have put a lot of effort into android, but I can always come back. Plus I will admit, that I will probably spend less time on forums in general (still will be on XDA a bit) since you can't customize the iPhone as much. That was another key aspect of getting a phone like the iPhone....I will have more time to study for the GMATs instead of being drawn to all these amazing devs and their work!
I don't have an iPhone but I do have an ipad 3 and it was excruciatingly painful not having jb
And I did start slight theming for it (I just spent around 3 hours)
But **** is so complicated in theming and the file system is stupidly complicated
Who said that iPhones are simple
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
gtuansdiamm said:
I don't have an iPhone but I do have an ipad 3 and it was excruciatingly painful not having jb
And I did start slight theming for it (I just spent around 3 hours)
But **** is so complicated in theming and the file system is stupidly complicated
Who said that iPhones are simple
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
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I freaking hated jailbreaking the iPhone(on the 3gs days), everything stops working like Cydia when a new update/OS is available then you have to jailbreak all over again and spend so much time bringing everything back, it's one of the few updates I dont ever look forward to because of the hassle. My girl has my iPhone 4s now it had nothing to offer me that my E4GT couldn't do
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
My wife and I both used to have original Evo's and about 6 months ago I went to the e4gt, and she went with the iPhone 4s. We frequently use each others phones and we both have likes and dislikes. Here are some of our big complaints:
Most of these are the obvious *****es that everyone has...
No 4G
Small screen
No back button
No external storage
Your clueless friends act like you finally decided to get a smartphone.
Positives are:
Camera is much better
High quality look and feel. (The brushed aluminum is a nice touch)
Siri is really cool. (I have tried the leaked S voice app, and I don't think we will see anything that comes close to Siri in the next couple of years)
The iOS is very polished. The cliche is true, "it just works"...
Manufacturers of other products (home or mobile audio mainly) gear everything towards iPhone.
I personally wouldn't go to an iPhone, but I like tinkering and customizing. My wife just wants stability, excellent camera, and good battery life. I definitely see the attraction of both devices. They both have their positives and negatives, it just comes down to preference. Have fun!
jazzneel said:
I will definitely be jailbreaking the iPhone, I need my wifi-tether haha! Yea I'm excited for the applications, there are so much more on there. What's nice is that EA and Gameloft have a lot of sales, so all the games can be had for $0.99, if you wait for the right time (although still can't beat the market's $0.10 appsale).
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Yep when you try and jailbreak, that's when you realize it's not as straightforward as you'd like.
I am waiting for the new iPhone as well, as long as it has a larger screen, LTE, and maybe starting at 32gb (I wish!)
Yeah I have both and iPhone is for people who don't do a lot with their phone. Your paying sprint 10 dollars extra and you get slow 3g. And the screen is so small.
But it is a great phone. Maybe if it were bigger and had lte maybe but sprint 3g is horrible. If your on wifi its OK.
Pure ICS only
You will curse the screen for being so tiny on a daily basis.
Sent from my slim n trim Galaxy S II.
DevalB said:
Yep when you try and jailbreak, that's when you realize it's not as straightforward as you'd like.
I am waiting for the new iPhone as well, as long as it has a larger screen, LTE, and maybe starting at 32gb (I wish!)
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It was really straight forward with the ipad 3
It was actually just one click not a zillion clicks like the one click roots from here (no offense to anyone intended)
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
My sister has an iPhone and I just jailbroke it for her yesterday. It's amazing how you can customize it with Jailbreaking... I made her phone look like the SII haha. But I still prefer Android because you can customize more even compared to jailbroken iPhones, and jailbreaking isn't completely stable. I'd say that custom ROMs on our phone are in general (not like nightly builds, but regular ROMs) are more stable than jailbroken features on iPhones. I personally don't like the shape of the iPhone or the small screen. Siri also isn't anything special IMO because no one ever ends up using it... just something to brag with. Like I seriously haven't met anyone who used Siri on a daily basis for functionality. To be honest, it's faster looking at a weather widget or opening a weather app than telling Siri to get the weather anyways.
gtuansdiamm said:
It was really straight forward with the ipad 3
It was actually just one click not a zillion clicks like the one click roots from here (no offense to anyone intended)
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
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How is it a zillion clicks lol. The only one click root for the E4GT I have seen once the app is running, its one click. The auto rooter was never advertised as a one click if thats what you mean. Maybe something else back in the EG30 days but i cam just before EK02 went ota.
I thought about getting an iphone but several things turned me off about it. First the hardware feels dated and screen seems small compared to this phone. Second in order to do anything with the files on the phone you have to use a software interface of some sort. For example you cant just plug into any pc, xfer files then unplug, you need itunes. Finally it just feels like a dumbed down content delivery device to me. Android feels and functions like a computer and I like that. I do understand how the simplicity of iphone would appeal to many but its just not for me. I also like being a bit different and popping down my S2 on the table with all my friends iphones at the restaurant or bar.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
My job provided me with an iPhone and I use the E4GT personally.
The iPhone "just works"...but thats it...Its a no thrills phone that just works.
I personally love my E4GT but it takes much tweaking to make it yours.
I will admit. SIRI is awesome but i feel like its just a gimmick for the "Lazy" person who doesn't want to take the few extra steps to do what SIRI does for you.
It is a learning curve but in the end, it really is up to the person and their preference.
I had both, sold the iPhone. I will never own another apple device. The best thing about android is that its open source. That is how things should be. The iPhone was too small, not customizable, and the majority of the apps are paid apps. Also, downloads took FOREVER! I also tried a Galaxy Nexus and sold it this morning. Im sticking with the E4GT until something freaking spectacular pops up. My main things about the E4GT that keep me here: Processor is fast, screen looks fantastic, camera is badass, and the roms are plentiful.
I owned iPhones for years, the biggest deal breaker by far is the tiny screen size. Buy even if it was a larger screen I would never ever be able to go back.
I do see how it is better for average users who just want something that is easy and works out of the box
sent from cyanogenmod9 on e4gt

HTC One-x vs iPhone4 ?

My Brother's contract is up on his 2 year old iPhone4, he's looking to switch to Android and the HTC One-X on ATT. In laymen terms, what are the benefits he will see going from the iPhone4 to the new One-X ?
I will refer him to this thread to read.
Faster phone, bigger screen, better camera, LTE, customizable UI
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA
In My mind it dosn't if one would own the iPhone, iPhone2, iPhone3, iPhone4, iPhone5 or even the iPhone1000.
The iPhone hasn't improved since it got the MMS funktion!
The biggest difference between iOS and Android is "the future"
Sent from my HTC Sensation using xda premium
wtf still got iphone 4 vs One X?? no iphone in this era anymore. its One X vs SGS3 nowadays and people get agitated cuz of it.
and as Flo95 said, "Faster phone, bigger screen, better camera, LTE, customizable UI" and sexy design too. and IOS6 is better known as Android 2.3.3 so you better get this one, 4.0.3/4.0.4 which is IOS9 i think.
HTC One X vs iPhone 5 in a few months. I don't like iOS but looking forward to what the new iPhone brings to the table.
Anyways to answer your question,
Android is open source unlike the closed source of iOS. You can customise till your heart bleeds.
Android is well supported by plenty of devs whether it be roms, applications anything.
The one x has a bigger screen so better for Web browsing and such.
The one x is newer and should pack a better camera than the ip4.
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
Thank-you for the replies, I will show my Brother this thread.
I think the large screen, and LCD-2 720p display is much nicer than the iPhone4 display in my opinion. Viewing web pages on the One-X will be night and day better than the iPhone4, plus the One-X is overall a faster and smoother phone too.
the answer: lol
nikzDHD said:
HTC One X vs iPhone 5 in a few months. I don't like iOS but looking forward to what the new iPhone brings to the table.
Anyways to answer your question,
Android is open source unlike the closed source of iOS. You can customise till your heart bleeds.
Android is well supported by plenty of devs whether it be roms, applications anything.
The one x has a bigger screen so better for Web browsing and such.
The one x is newer and should pack a better camera than the ip4.
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
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This is first time i'm excited to see an iphone release though. Wanted to see their design. If it looks like the latest leaked picture, damn its kinda cool. Looks premium to me. But one thing why i wont buy iphone is, iOS and itunes. So unless u're good or familiar with itunes, u cant use it. ios, nothing to say, its very closed and controlled.
Might as well wait for iphone 5 if your brother can wait. Or convince it with ur gnexus first on what Android can do.
Sent from HTC One X PKMN'ed
LuffyPSP said:
This is first time i'm excited to see an iphone release though. Wanted to see their design. If it looks like the latest leaked picture, damn its kinda cool. Looks premium to me. But one thing why i wont buy iphone is, iOS and itunes. So unless u're good or familiar with itunes, u cant use it. ios, nothing to say, its very closed and controlled.
Might as well wait for iphone 5 if your brother can wait. Or convince it with ur gnexus first on what Android can do.
Sent from HTC One X PKMN'ed
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Itunes is fine its the whole having to use Itunes to manage the phone is the issue. Itunes on the mac is excellent my choice of player. But no drag and drop is the main issue.
Jail broken devices are fine but for stock users it is a pain.
The iPhone is the only threat to android devices until Windows matures.
iOS is good for those who just want a phone to work and need no tweaks and such hence why many users like them. Whatever anyone says they market well and their customer service is good go into an Apple shop and they'll replace your device.
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
nikzDHD said:
iOS is good for those who just want a phone to work and need no tweaks and such hence why many users like them. Whatever anyone says they market well and their customer service is good go into an Apple shop and they'll replace your device.
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I do not like apple/iOS/iPhone.
But there is one big advantage on iPhone vs Android (actually 2 for me). Ofc jailbroken(As apple doesn't care much about this and warranty claims are easier. Just "update" or "restore" your phone and np)
1. Google lockinfo or intelliscreen. There is no REAL alternative to this in the Android world yet.
2. Hacking Exchange policy. Not even rooted devices can break the security on some device administrators. There are some but its either NO or ALL security option. On the iOS actually I could bypass the security pin and install Android style pattern unlock.
But thats just about it
The iOS/iPhone might stink and no where near Android but a jailbroken iPhone is on par with a rooted android in some stuffs, in others even better, some much worse
But I learned to live with it. I hated only one button and space used for stupid menus omni present. hooray android .... bleh 3-dot menu... wtf? hopefully next update will fix this nonsense.
Firstly I was an iPhone user of 3 years and last month purchased my first Android powered device, the HOX.
In my opinion (which I'm entitled to for the pyros' out there ;P) if you're the sort of user that just wants something to work then the iPhone just delivers that on a much more complete level.
So when coming from an iPhone and the Android system is used for the first time, the user will find it a bit more fragmented and the things you assume that should come stock in an OS may actually be an app instead.
The HOX is a better phone over all by a long shot. It is much faster and smoother than an iPhone 4 (which was my last iOS device) and the extra configuring you can do is great for those who can be bothered, but the down side is some of them are a bit bewildering as there is no layman's explanation of the setting, also you can only have the same tone for all types of notifications, so you cannot tell by the sound whether you got an sms or a social media update.
Screen size is a great step up, but is the batteries worst enemy. I found the external speaker to be not as loud as the iPhone, but the earpiece speaker for phone calls to be better. I find the touch keyboard on the HOX to not be as responsive and you need to be a lot more accurate when typing as sometimes nothing happens when I touch a letter when typing. You can instead choose to "speak" or "dictate" instead and this works very well indeed.
I use a MAC, so syncing my music is not an option unless I get an app. In my opinion the world has moved on from "drag and drop" PC's to mobile devices, so this is a let down as I don't think it's that hard for the manufacturers to make it sync with a few different PC operating systems. I found iTunes very simple to use, the wireless sync was great and comforting to know that if I lost my iPhone then the replacement would carry on from where the last one stopped.
I guess the rest is going to come down to how he uses his phone, so I can only try to give my experience with the HOX so far. I really like the phone, I don't miss my iPhone, sure some parts of the Android system frustrate me, but then so did iOS. All I can say is, give it time, you'll get over the pitfalls and really enjoy the device.
It's not really a question of One X vs iPhone, it's more Android vs iOS. Personally I have had 2 iPhones (3gs & 4) and hated them. I do not like iTunes one bit, but must admit the simplicity of the backup and restore function is fantastic because should you loose/damage your phone and need a replacement then your new hndest gets set up exactly how you had your previous one. That for me is the ONLY benefit of iOS/iTunes over Android. With Android you can do everything you can on iOS and so much more, there is a lot more freedom to customise to your liking. So as I said it comes down to iOS vs Android, and that's where the confusion begins because which Android handset do you choose??? I've had quite a few Androids now, Sony X10/ HTC Desire (2 of them) Desire HD, Sensation XE, Samsung GS2, and now the HOX. I plumped for the HOX for it's fantastic build and looks and prefer Sense over Samsungs TW. There are obviously alternative Androids out there but you wont go far wrong with a HOX, and by all accounts yet anothere OTA update is due in the next few weeks wich apparently makes it even more stable than it already is
also you can only have the same tone for all types of notifications, so you cannot tell by the sound whether you got an sms or a social media update.
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This is not true, you can have a different tone for every single notification you get. In the main menu there is only a "Default Notification" setting, but in the apps themselves there is usually a setting to change the tone for that particular app, and there are also apps available on Play Store to download more for free
Ok, thanks, I'll look into that. That is one of the points I was trying to put across though.
Ok, thanks, I'll look into that. That is one of the points I was trying to put across though.
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No worries. If you're new to Android it's something you might miss, but it is there. It's the same with anything though, moving from one OS to another be it on mobile/desktop or whatever, there are bound to be things that are done differently, it's just a case of geting used to it. Since moving to Android, I for one can say I will never go back to iOS, but each to their own. iOS definately has it's benefits and it's drawbacks as does Android, I'm no Fanboy (too old for that, lol), but it's going to be down to preference, and until you use both for a period of time then you're never going to find all those benefits or drawbacks. Some people just don't like change though and will prefer to stick with what they know, so to the OP, really your brother needs to get his hands on a HOX or another similar performing Android device and try it out for himself because no amount of forum posts is going to make his mind up for him
I am new to Android and not super tech savvy, but I find it all interesting and enjoy new exploring and learning new gadgets.
I am new to Android and not super tech savvy, but I find it all interesting and enjoy new exploring and learning new gadgets.
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I've just posted this elsewhere, but if it helps a little, to change your tone from the default notification one you ave set in a different app, go to the specific app, lets say SMS....In the top right click the 3 Dot Menu > Settings > Notifications....In there you can change to the tone you want for SMS. It will be the same in Gmail, Calander etc....Not all apps will do this but "most" will. To add your own custom tones e.g. downloaded from the internet, create a folder on the SD card and name it Notifications. Drop the tone you want in there, reboot your phone and the new tone should be available in any notification menu. Since you say you're new to Android, Welcome
liberator72 said:
I've just posted this elsewhere, but if it helps a little, to change your tone from the default notification one you ave set in a different app, go to the specific app, lets say SMS....In the top right click the 3 Dot Menu > Settings > Notifications....In there you can change to the tone you want for SMS. It will be the same in Gmail, Calander etc....Not all apps will do this but "most" will. To add your own custom tones e.g. downloaded from the internet, create a folder on the SD card and name it Notifications. Drop the tone you want in there, reboot your phone and the new tone should be available in any notification menu. Since you say you're new to Android, Welcome
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Thanks again, I usually keep away from forums due to the negativity towards people who don't understand or are a little clueless are treated like they should have been born knowing all this stuff, but your contribution has been more refreshing.
Firstly I was an iPhone user of 3 years and last month purchased my first Android powered device, the HOX.
In my opinion (which I'm entitled to for the pyros' out there ;P) if you're the sort of user that just wants something to work then the iPhone just delivers that on a much more complete level.
So when coming from an iPhone and the Android system is used for the first time, the user will find it a bit more fragmented and the things you assume that should come stock in an OS may actually be an app instead.
The HOX is a better phone over all by a long shot. It is much faster and smoother than an iPhone 4 (which was my last iOS device) and the extra configuring you can do is great for those who can be bothered, but the down side is some of them are a bit bewildering as there is no layman's explanation of the setting, also you can only have the same tone for all types of notifications, so you cannot tell by the sound whether you got an sms or a social media update.
Screen size is a great step up, but is the batteries worst enemy. I found the external speaker to be not as loud as the iPhone, but the earpiece speaker for phone calls to be better. I find the touch keyboard on the HOX to not be as responsive and you need to be a lot more accurate when typing as sometimes nothing happens when I touch a letter when typing. You can instead choose to "speak" or "dictate" instead and this works very well indeed.
I use a MAC, so syncing my music is not an option unless I get an app. In my opinion the world has moved on from "drag and drop" PC's to mobile devices, so this is a let down as I don't think it's that hard for the manufacturers to make it sync with a few different PC operating systems. I found iTunes very simple to use, the wireless sync was great and comforting to know that if I lost my iPhone then the replacement would carry on from where the last one stopped.
I guess the rest is going to come down to how he uses his phone, so I can only try to give my experience with the HOX so far. I really like the phone, I don't miss my iPhone, sure some parts of the Android system frustrate me, but then so did iOS. All I can say is, give it time, you'll get over the pitfalls and really enjoy the device.
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Hey there, welcome to android for starters lol
Just with the syncing of music, I use double twist player on my phone and pc. The pc version mirrors your itunes library and playlists and allows syncing wirelessly as well.
I know its not the same as syncing directly, but I find it's the next easiest thing especially if you have playlists or just want to sync wireless
kylec said:
Hey there, welcome to android for starters lol
Just with the syncing of music, I use double twist player on my phone and pc. The pc version mirrors your itunes library and playlists and allows syncing wirelessly as well.
I know its not the same as syncing directly, but I find it's the next easiest thing especially if you have playlists or just want to sync wireless
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Thanks, I discovered the app today and downloaded it but have not yet used it.
No wanting to derail this thread any more, so thanks to all who have been helpful.
My Brother having the cold shakes like a crack addict without his Apple
I setup his One-X the way I would use it, some cool Widgets, a few good apps, runs fast and smooth, looking great. He's all like the power button on top sucks, hard as hell to turn the screen on one handed, where the iPhone has easy middle thumb button to turn the screen on. ( personally I HATE that thumb button on the iPhone ) He said the One-X is very wide, hard to one hand and hit the back button.
He is freaking out with the big adjustment LOL Never been away from the walled garden before
I told him give it at least the full month you have to return it, can't give up on it after just a couple of days, you'll need 2 to 3 weeks to adjust.

My thoughts on switching from iOS/3GS to Android/HOX.

Hey xda,
So my last phone was a iPhone 3GS (16GB) that I used from October 2009 - April 2012. The phone did darn well and I've never had a phone that I've used that long, but again I never had a phone that expensive either before the 3GS. So iOS got damn boring, the phone got sluggish and there was something wrong with the sim card tray and the wifi hence I decided to pick up an Android phone which happens to be the HOX.
I've created this thread just to share my opinion on how its going on for me so far, how different it is using Android and the HOX. Keep in mind I am comparing a roughly 3 year old phone with the latest iOS to the HOX.
Honestly there isn't much I miss from iOS, maybe the ability to add more than 10 alarms(out of the box not talking about other apps), but thats all I can think of really. Maybe installous for you know what..
Android is just better than iOS in loads of ways, I'll list a few that strike me now and a few things I miss:
1)Setting a Custom Ringtone
This is a total pain in the ass in iOS. I would rather jailbreak my phone and get ringtones from cydia than make the mp3 I have a ringtone and connect a cable to phone and convert that cut mp3 to a ringtone file. Nonsense.
On the HOX I was able to trim a mp3 I had and make it a ringtone right off the phone, so convenient that is.
I hate iTunes. I hate making my PC connect to my phone via iTunes and the whole sync bs that I've to go through. I like being able to copy paste songs, images and whatever I have than do all the crap required for an iPhone. I would use iTunes as a music player for my PC but thats about it, I hated dealing with it for my iPhone.
I know lots of people who "can't live" without iTunes, but I aint one of them. The best feature I like about iTunes is probably you installing a iTunes remote app to your iPhone and controlling your PC music off your phone via wifi, thats the best thing maybe.
Android is weird in a way though, I don't know if its now or it has always been this way but getting apps to your phone only via wifi? What if you don't have wifi? Play Store doesn't give me an option to download the app to my computer. iTunes and App store is better that way maybe.
iCloud or whatever its called came to the iOS much much later than Android had their Google Contacts. Thats just too convenient. Besides who doesn't have a gmail account these days? And all you have to do to get your settings and contacts back is add your google account. Thats just too convenient. Android is a pure winner that way imo.
One thing I hate though is the really crap quality photos that get synced to Google Contacts and sometimes how Contacts isn't smart enough to link contacts properly.
Eg:I have [email protected] in my Gmail and Abc from my contacts. It will show up as [email protected] instead of Abc
4)Play Store
I mentioned not liking the fact I can't get an app on my pc and then transfer it to my phone, but one thing that I like about the play store is being able to start/queue app downloads on my phone without even touching it.
Lockscreen for Android is just more productive. iOS added that camera shortcut recently. I think its sense, but its damn cool to be able to access any four apps I want directly from the lockscreen.
I need loads of alarms to wake up, and iOS allowed me to put a lot of them. I used to have 30-40 a day. Sense/Android does not allow more than 10 out of the box.
Its nice to have widgets rather than a whole bunch of apps to scroll through.
I could access iPod or music in iOS just by double tapping the home-screen button twice. There's no such thing possible on the HOX.
9)Airplane Mode
Switching to Airplane mode was faster on iOS than Android. But thats something I can live with xD.
Creating a hotspot was easy for iPhone 4 or 4S but wasn't possible on the 3GS unless you got an app from cydia called myWI. Thats just ridiculous imo. Setting a iOS restraint on a older device.
Even though the screen of the HOX is huge compared to the 3GS, the iOS keyboard has a bigger spacebar to tap on. With the stock keyboard on the HOX I kept missing space and hitting '.'.
But then again Android you can choose amongst so many keyboards without any hassle. I used swiftkey and now I'm using swype, both are awesome imo.
There’s lots of customization possible on Android, with or without rooting.
Things I miss about the 3GS:
1)Silent Button
This was just awesome imo, every "phone" should have this.
It did give me much more battery life than the HOX smaller screen or not.
3)Top-notch Hardware?
I used, fiddled and played with the Silent button on the iPhone a lot for around 800 days and it was still perfect. The lock button was good too.
The home button wasn't responsive after a year or so but still very usable towards the end. The sim card tray was cheap and messed up towards the end.
But I dropped it a LOT of times and even in small puddles of water I remember and it survived all that.
The HOX on the other hand, has this weird buzz/noise after a haptic feedback response. There's a rattling sound if I shake the phone. One corner near the capacitative panel was creaking in the beginning, seems fixed or maybe I don't notice it anymore. I dropped the HOX once and there's this tiny crack in the corner. I really hope it lasts me at least 2 years.
4)Heating or rather Cooling
I played a lot of games on my iPhone, it did get a little heated after gaming for 30 minutes straight or so but thats it.
HOX gets so heated after using a browser on 2G for 20 minutes? Also gets heated while gaming. Gets heated so much that it doesn't charge, thats just a complete annoyance to me.
Besides I have to choose between charging my phone and using my phone, thats damn stupid. I've read that the 2.05 leak fixes this, I'm on ARHD 7.1.0 which is based on the leak and I've still faced the heating problems.
I know its packing a quad-core in such a slim device there isn't much space for cooling but then again if heating problems like those are to be faced then this chip Tegra3 doesn't belong in a phone.
The speaker on the 3GS was placed at the bottom edge whereas the One X has it’s speaker placed at the back which is quite easy to block. The speaker placement and quality of the 3GS was undoubtedly better.
6)Charging Speed
3GS charged faster than the HOX. I’ve read the 2.05 base it charges faster, have yet to see that.
7)Software Support from Manufacturer
3GS is probably the only iPhone that will get 3 updates it came with 3 and got updates to 4 and 5 and is getting a update to 6 too. I doubt I’ll see that much from HTC.
What I like about the HOX:
It would have been easy to figure from my above statements that I like Android better than iOS, now its time to list a few things that I like about the HOX.
I love the Camera on this thing, I’m not a pro photographer or anything but the camera on this is really awesome. And it has a flash, my 3GS didn’t have a flash but my phones before the 3GS did so that was pretty odd.
2)The Screen
The Screen is just gorgeous on this. Its a pleasure to watch videos or look at pictures or use the internet. Most impressive.
I like the matte body of the HOX and how solid it feels. The only gripe regarding the body would be the protruding camera lens that is easy to scratch. I haven’t put on a screen protector yet as I’ve read most of them don’t cover the screen completely because of the curved edges.
4)micro-USB port
This is a really really handy thing because not everyone I hang out with will have a iPhone charger, but most of the phones have a micro-USB port so theres a good change of finding that at a friend or relative’s place.
5)Quad-Core Fast
I love the speed of the HOX, I doubt I will ever feel it becoming sluggish. I plan to underclock/undervolt it to get more battery life once I figure out how.
26GB but yea, its a huge plus to have that much data storage.
7)Dev and Community Support
It feels really really good to have so much support from this awesome xda community and developers. One of the really good parts of getting this phone is the awesome support and multitude of custom roms, tweaks and mods available.
8)THD Games
I’m not a fan of games on touch screen phones anymore unless its an arcade game, but THD powered games are a plus no doubt, just doesn’t matter to me.
Things I wish are fixed with the HOX would be heating problems and better battery life. I’m going to try undervolting to get more battery life once I figure out how. But thats it. I’ve been taking good care of the phone, have ordered a Rock TPU case for it.
Thats it guys. Thank you XDA for all the support and more that will come.
That was a nice objective comparison, thanks.
With regards to updates, Apple have produced 5 phones in 5 years, it's easier for them to produce updates for longer. I think HTC are going to be producing fewer phones now, maybe that will help.
You'll find the community here will create updates for a while, I think the One X is going to have a large, active community for quite some time.
Personally I don't have the overheating problems that some do, been using the phone for an hour and it's barely warmer than the back of my hand.
Just a couple of things I picked up on:
You can add a widget (there a several of them supplied by HTC which are just buttons essentially) which will allow to switch flight mode with one button press. There is also a profile button which will lot you switch to silent or vibrate mode easily as well.
You're right, it is easier for Apple to get out updates more than HTC or others but it is something I'll miss i.e Official Support
But then we have awesome devs here so all is good
PhilipL said:
Just a couple of things I picked up on:
You can add a widget (there a several of them supplied by HTC which are just buttons essentially) which will allow to switch flight mode with one button press. There is also a profile button which will lot you switch to silent or vibrate mode easily as well.
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Hey Phil,
I know about those widgets, I'm using them. Still switching to Airplane mode is slower i.e the time it takes for all connections to go off is slower vs airplane mode on iOS (or atleast what iOS shows)
And regarding the widget for silent mode, I'm using that too . Just nothing beats a hardware button to put your phone on silent mode.
death__machine said:
Hey Phil,
I know about those widgets, I'm using them. Still switching to Airplane mode is slower i.e the time it takes for all connections to go off is slower vs airplane mode on iOS (or atleast what iOS shows)
And regarding the widget for silent mode, I'm using that too . Just nothing beats a hardware button to put your phone on silent mode.
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We can using the volume keys I know it's not the same but technically near enough, it is good though I've got the same button on the iPad and although useless for that device pretty cool you can switch quickly.
But plenty of widgets available to achieve the desired result.
Good write up on both OS's. Both have their pros and cons and it's good to see no fanboy bashing of either device.
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
thank you for the senseful and nag free comments
Thanks for that honest and fair report.
Just picking up on your comment regarding Google compressing image backups.
I recommend getting dropbox that will automatically backup your photos without any compression or alteration whatsoever.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
You can customise till you drop on Android devices. For example with a custom rom like viperX, you can customise the buttons for example long press home and you can assign an action or even launch an app, or just use apex launcher or nova launcher no root needed for these and you can apply gestures, so swiping up can open the music app. I find these gestures very useful for my commonly used actions, I've got swipe down to show me battery, swipe up to open my music, etc and you can even put gestures on the dock icons.
That will give you back some functionality you had with the double tap home button on iOS.
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2
I think if a person is kind of more than an casual user - want to study how to root, install custom staff..., would love android more. If he just picks a phone from store, then use it, better to take iphone
Thank guys. I was going for a unbiased opinion.
Yea the silent button works as a orientation lock for the iPad so its damn handy.
I'll try to get some gestures running soon, there was a similar thing on iOS after JBing it, called Activator. My Android Journey has just begun haha xD
Anything about the One X has to be 'sense'ful imo
I'm not the type to bash on this device without any reason. I love the One X. Despite the haptic feedback noise and stuck pixel I'm not that keen on getting it exchanged.
Dropbox will backup my pics with the same quality, that I've seen but I was talking about how the Photos I snapped with my phone and assigned to a contact get converted or compressed when synced with Google Contacts.
You're right about picking an iPhone if you're not going to mess around with it and want out of the box functionality. Thats why I even recommend iPhone over Android phones to people who aren't that keen on f***ing around with custom roms and kernels to get more out of their device .i.e if they're not geeks
However there are still loads of people who are geeks but go for iPhones either because of their fanboyism or their ignorance to how cool Android is.
Beyond a point there isn't much you can do in iOS but Android is just awesome. There's loads more of messing around I have yet to do. Undervolting is one of them xD.
death__machine said:
Thank guys. I was going for a unbiased opinion.
Yea the silent button works as a orientation lock for the iPad so its damn handy.
I'll try to get some gestures running soon, there was a similar thing on iOS after JBing it, called Activator. My Android Journey has just begun haha xD
Anything about the One X has to be 'sense'ful imo
I'm not the type to bash on this device without any reason. I love the One X. Despite the haptic feedback noise and stuck pixel I'm not that keen on getting it exchanged.
Dropbox will backup my pics with the same quality, that I've seen but I was talking about how the Photos I snapped with my phone and assigned to a contact get converted or compressed when synced with Google Contacts.
You're right about picking an iPhone if you're not going to mess around with it and want out of the box functionality. Thats why I even recommend iPhone over Android phones to people who aren't that keen on f***ing around with custom roms and kernels to get more out of their device .i.e if they're not geeks
However there are still loads of people who are geeks but go for iPhones either because of their fanboyism or their ignorance to how cool Android is.
Beyond a point there isn't much you can do in iOS but Android is just awesome. There's loads more of messing around I have yet to do. Undervolting is one of them xD.
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really awesome given that you dont even use this device for its gaming power even!
i always have trouble with iOS people and that is they fail to see the bright side and just nag about the lack or imperfections of the things they loved the most on iOS
and i tell them if you want it exactly like iOS why did u even switch..
There is a reason behind not being able to download an app to your pc and then sync it to your phone. The compatibility filtering is done by the play store, so if you have one phone with hw keyboard and one without hw keyboard you'll be able to install an app which requires hw keyboard (or specific screen size, or whatever) on both phones regardless of their compatibility. If you have filtering on the pc, then you'll have to have an Android iTunes equivalent and noone wants that, right ?
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
hamdir said:
really awesome given that you dont even use this device for its gaming power even!
i always have trouble with iOS people and that is they fail to see the bright side and just nag about the lack or imperfections of the things they loved the most on iOS
and i tell them if you want it exactly like iOS why did u even switch..
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Well the main problem with most 'iOS people' lol xD is that they're the type to believe that Apple cannot make a mistake whatsoever and "It is the best". Wrong that attitude is. Its not only iPhones, its these Apple Fanboys in general. There are these rich pricks who who'll go get a 15" MacBook Pro to do what? Surf the web, make word docs and ppts max.
On the other hand if a person into video/graphics editing comes and asks me if an MBP is good, I give them a go ahead because of the kickass softwares that OSX has for them such as FCP etc.
Coming back to iDevices, 4S was horrible upgrade. Old design with a new camera, processor and a beta voice assistant, no thanks.
They're running out of innovations imo. They shoved a retina display for their new iPad and even the MacBooks. Wtf really? I had no problem whatsoever with the iPad 2 display(used a friends iPad 2 quite a bit). It was gorgeous imo, they didn't need to make it retina. Same goes for the MBP, didn't have a problem with that display either. Maybe its the lack of Steve Jobs but Apple has failed to impress me lately. iOS6 doesn't seem that great to me.
HTC really upped them by coming out with this beautiful design that is the One x . They should have put prettier packaging though xP
tkolev said:
There is a reason behind not being able to download an app to your pc and then sync it to your phone. The compatibility filtering is done by the play store, so if you have one phone with hw keyboard and one without hw keyboard you'll be able to install an app which requires hw keyboard (or specific screen size, or whatever) on both phones regardless of their compatibility. If you have filtering on the pc, then you'll have to have an Android iTunes equivalent and noone wants that, right ?
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
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That makes a lot of sense. Thank you. But they still should give an option to custom filter out a .apk from the online play store maybe?
I'll tell you why I'm stressing on this. I wanted to download this game which was around 500mb in size and I didn't have wifi then, all I had was a 2G plan on my phone and access to internet via ethernet. Downloading off 2G would have taken ages and 3G consumption would have set me back by quite some money. It made sense to get the .apk from the comp and then transfer it but I couldn't.
You could have always used internet pass through?
Sent from my HTC One X using xda app-developers app
death__machine said:
That makes a lot of sense. Thank you. But they still should give an option to custom filter out a .apk from the online play store maybe?
I'll tell you why I'm stressing on this. I wanted to download this game which was around 500mb in size and I didn't have wifi then, all I had was a 2G plan on my phone and access to internet via ethernet. Downloading off 2G would have taken ages and 3G consumption would have set me back by quite some money. It made sense to get the .apk from the comp and then transfer it but I couldn't.
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No app will ever be 500 MB What you need to do is download that app (around 10-15 MB) and it will download data that goes into SDcard. You can download that data from PC too if you know what to search
death__machine said:
Well the main problem with most 'iOS people' lol xD is that they're the type to believe that Apple cannot make a mistake whatsoever and "It is the best". Wrong that attitude is. Its not only iPhones, its these Apple Fanboys in general. There are these rich pricks who who'll go get a 15" MacBook Pro to do what? Surf the web, make word docs and ppts max.
On the other hand if a person into video/graphics editing comes and asks me if an MBP is good, I give them a go ahead because of the kickass softwares that OSX has for them such as FCP etc.
Coming back to iDevices, 4S was horrible upgrade. Old design with a new camera, processor and a beta voice assistant, no thanks.
They're running out of innovations imo. They shoved a retina display for their new iPad and even the MacBooks. Wtf really? I had no problem whatsoever with the iPad 2 display(used a friends iPad 2 quite a bit). It was gorgeous imo, they didn't need to make it retina. Same goes for the MBP, didn't have a problem with that display either. Maybe its the lack of Steve Jobs but Apple has failed to impress me lately. iOS6 doesn't seem that great to me.
HTC really upped them by coming out with this beautiful design that is the One x . They should have put prettier packaging though xP
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no im a fan of all this retina push but not in the case where they fail to produce the same ipad2 game graphics on ipad3 due to the massive amount of pixels, like one reviewer said if this happens in ps/xbox land where the new machine fails to run the game of the previous gen in the same quality, it would be a disaster
everything you said about apple people is true and its really sickening and tiring, in life you have tons of choice in every consumer thing you purchase
every product has its ups and down, yet iPeople they gather in the corner all holding the exact same thing and giggle at everyone else
its insulting, spoiled and ignorant
apple products their presnesation and videos, have some sort of psychological effect or something, the elite thing
believe me i have no problem in trying iPhone 5 if it was worth it but i wouldn't simply because i hate to be part of that group and accept the monopoly Apple is aggressively pursuing, its almost like dictatorship
mac book pro, same old same old since ages now, the lack of "change" is seriously boring, and why is originality and "change" something that the critics consider in their review, a perfect game might get a bad score for not being new or original and yet in the apple land, its not an issue
@CoSaWa What do you mean by internet pass through?
@realunited123 yes the app was small, but the download that the app had to do was 500mb or so .. I tried looking for .apks, but it was too much work or maybe I didn't look in the right places.
death__machine said:
@CoSaWa What do you mean by internet pass through?
@realunited123 yes the app was small, but the download that the app had to do was 500mb or so .. I tried looking for .apks, but it was too much work or maybe I didn't look in the right places.
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Internet pass through : Connect your phone to PC, select internet pass through from notification bar. Lets you transfer data through PC network.

Long time iOS User Switch Experience

Coming from a iPhone 4S, Android will definitely take some time getting used. I come from highly technical background so the adjustment will come pretty easy.
First impression. I love it. Love the screen real estate, love the customization options. I used to be a big iPhone/iOS advocate, and I still believe it's a great platform (but must be jailbroken). But I couldn't stand all the patent trolling and anti-competitive nature of Apple any more so I jumped ship. So all my friends around me make fun of me for defecting. The first day I had my GN2, I had an iPhone5 owner come up to me and say "Can your phone do this." And each time he asked me, mine did it a little better than his. For instance, we compared video quality. Retina is nice and all, but watching the same Youtube clip I noticed the colors were definitely more vivid on the GN2 compared to his 5. Secondly, he was like "Well I have Siri." And I told him I had S-Voice. I showed him how S-voice allows for hotword detection so I do not have to press another button ask S-voice another question. Whereas Siri, you need to press the mic button again to ask it question. Lastly, he asked "do you have an app like find my iPhone". I showed him what AndroidLost could do. I've known people to lose their iphones and find my iphone does very little to help recover the phone. All my friend could do is see that the person was in some apartment building. What good is that? Now with androidlost I could take a pictures of the thief, record sounds, do so much more. Basically each time he came over to my office and asked me, can your phone do this, I always one uped him and he walked back to his desk disappointed. Felt great. I felt justified. lol.
And lastly, one of the biggest knocks on the GN2 is it's size and how one handed operation is difficult to impossible. But after owning the GN2 for the past couple days I realized, that I don't one hand operate my mobile devices that often. The only time I noticed the enormity of the phone was while driving. I mean if I had been one hand operating my iPhone all these years, I should notice it more often on the GN2. But it turns out the only time I noticed was while driving. To me that only tells me I two hand operated my iPhone the majority of the time except for while driving. And technically we shouldn't really be operating our mobile devices while driving anways. So I just don't bother to operate my phone while driving. Unless it's to answer a call or hang up. So the size of this phone is saving lives . One of my friends said, well one handed operations is crucial to him so that's why I went with the iPhone5. But I question how crucial it really is. I bet if he picked up a GN2, he wouldn't notice much of a difference as one handed operation rarely occurs (just my opinion).
Welcome to the family. For one-handed operation try using a FlyGrip with your new toy. That Makes it so much easier.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 2
I am in the same position you are in. Switched from iPhone 5 to GN2, because that phone surely grabbed my attention. Right off the bat it was very confusing indeed, being new to the android platform.
Losing facetime and iMessage really did bother me, since it made it way easy for me to communicate with friends and family or video or text when I have no cellular signal. Skype is a great replacement, but many of my friends and family members don't have it unless I specifically tell them to do so. I really hope they bring
I love the huge screen of GN2 and I really think that's the reason I like it better than my iPhone 5, but as far as image quality and color accuracy. I'm 100% sure image details are sharper on the iPhone 5 as well as colors are more accurate. The GN2 screen is a bit saturate, which would make it more vivid I guess.
As far as integration and ecosystem, the iPhone 5 fit really well with my Macbook Air I own and the flow of information from one to the other is promoted and seamless. The GN2 connects to my PC desktop and macbook air basically the same way... through google and that's fine too.
GN2 gives me a lot more information at a glance with widgets, which I definitely love more than iOS. Even if you jailbreak iOS you can't really get the same homescreen layouts you could have with the GN2.
As far as apps go, I noticed immediately that the iPhone apps are more polished and smoother than on the android fence. I noticed scroll lagging and game lags on android apps that the same apps on iOS doesn't show. It's probably because developers didn't make the ports to well.
I still don't know the limits to what the GN2 phone can do. Rooting will definitely open a whole new door that as of right now, I'm too afraid to open.
One thing is for sure, I can't tell you which phone is better than the other. As for now, I will continue to use the GN2, because its the "new" thing and new things excite me.
Hello Google Maps and goodbye Apple Maps!
doctorandrew said:
I am in the same position you are in. Switched from iPhone 5 to GN2, because that phone surely grabbed my attention. Right off the bat it was very confusing indeed, being new to the android platform.
Losing facetime and iMessage really did bother me, since it made it way easy for me to communicate with friends and family or video or text when I have no cellular signal. Skype is a great replacement, but many of my friends and family members don't have it unless I specifically tell them to do so. I really hope they bring
I love the huge screen of GN2 and I really think that's the reason I like it better than my iPhone 5, but as far as image quality and color accuracy. I'm 100% sure image details are sharper on the iPhone 5 as well as colors are more accurate. The GN2 screen is a bit saturate, which would make it more vivid I guess.
As far as integration and ecosystem, the iPhone 5 fit really well with my Macbook Air I own and the flow of information from one to the other is promoted and seamless. The GN2 connects to my PC desktop and macbook air basically the same way... through google and that's fine too.
GN2 gives me a lot more information at a glance with widgets, which I definitely love more than iOS. Even if you jailbreak iOS you can't really get the same homescreen layouts you could have with the GN2.
As far as apps go, I noticed immediately that the iPhone apps are more polished and smoother than on the android fence. I noticed scroll lagging and game lags on android apps that the same apps on iOS doesn't show. It's probably because developers didn't make the ports to well.
I still don't know the limits to what the GN2 phone can do. Rooting will definitely open a whole new door that as of right now, I'm too afraid to open.
One thing is for sure, I can't tell you which phone is better than the other. As for now, I will continue to use the GN2, because its the "new" thing and new things excite me.
Hello Google Maps and goodbye Apple Maps!
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This test finds that the GN2 has better color accuracy, you just have to change the setting from the default saturated values that Samsung uses.
doctorandrew said:
I am in the same position you are in. Switched from iPhone 5 to GN2, because that phone surely grabbed my attention. Right off the bat it was very confusing indeed, being new to the android platform.
Losing facetime and iMessage really did bother me, since it made it way easy for me to communicate with friends and family or video or text when I have no cellular signal. Skype is a great replacement, but many of my friends and family members don't have it unless I specifically tell them to do so. I really hope they bring
I love the huge screen of GN2 and I really think that's the reason I like it better than my iPhone 5, but as far as image quality and color accuracy. I'm 100% sure image details are sharper on the iPhone 5 as well as colors are more accurate. The GN2 screen is a bit saturate, which would make it more vivid I guess.
As far as integration and ecosystem, the iPhone 5 fit really well with my Macbook Air I own and the flow of information from one to the other is promoted and seamless. The GN2 connects to my PC desktop and macbook air basically the same way... through google and that's fine too.
GN2 gives me a lot more information at a glance with widgets, which I definitely love more than iOS. Even if you jailbreak iOS you can't really get the same homescreen layouts you could have with the GN2.
As far as apps go, I noticed immediately that the iPhone apps are more polished and smoother than on the android fence. I noticed scroll lagging and game lags on android apps that the same apps on iOS doesn't show. It's probably because developers didn't make the ports to well.
I still don't know the limits to what the GN2 phone can do. Rooting will definitely open a whole new door that as of right now, I'm too afraid to open.
One thing is for sure, I can't tell you which phone is better than the other. As for now, I will continue to use the GN2, because its the "new" thing and new things excite me.
Hello Google Maps and goodbye Apple Maps!
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Losing facetime didn't bother me at all as I never used it. Also I do have an iPad so I am not completely off the Apple ecosystem. Losing iMessage did bother me a little bit. It would be nice to have delivery and read receipts. Besides that I am on an unlimited text plan, so really iMessage really was no benefit to me. Most of my friends are all about privacy and only a handful enabled read receipts, which is actually far more useful than delivery receipts anyway. So I am not really missing much.
Color accuracy. I have many friends that are in the Graphic Design field and have stressed the importance of color reproduction. So much so that a friend got me convinced that I absolutely must get an IPS or PVA panel for my computer instead of a TN. And I listened to him. I'm glad I did, but only because I like the view angles of IPS over TN. The color reproduction I really didn't care about as much. At first I didn't even know what he meant by it, but the way a friend described it was, does the color on the screen match what you see in real life. I guess that's important to people in that field, but to me a slight deviation doesn't matter to me. Just like the CNET article that Jrockttu referenced. Some may prefer the over-saturation of the standard mode and others may will like the more accurate colors of movie mode. But at least with Sammy, you have the choice.
The apple ecosystem was definitely nice. Airplay was nice. However I won't miss itunes one bit.
Apps. I had all these wonderful apps downloaded to iphone and ipads. All great. But I realized about 99% of the time I used my iPhone for a select number of functions. And almost all of it, android had as well. And did it as well as iOS and if not better than iOS. There are only 2 things so far that I miss from the Apple App store. One of them being Logmein. I actually bought Ignition when it was on sale for the iPhone. They now have a free version, which Android lacks. And I don't want to spend 29.99 for another copy of Logmein ignition on Android. I know android advocates will say Logmein is stupid, just use something else like VNC. But I absolute must have Logmein. It's convenient and I have many computers setup on it. Especially friends and family that require tech support from me from time to time. The other thing I miss is a good Streamtome or AirVideo replacement. Emit just doesn't cut it. I have yet to fool around with Plex, but I guess that may be a good alternative. But I liked the simplicity of Streamtome and all the features.
With all that said. I have no regrets making the switch and couldn't be happier. Infinitely expandable memory via microsd card support, the ability to carry multiple batteries if need be, screen size, no longer tied to itunes, no more need for converting videos, greater customization, no proprietary overprice lightning connector, and a bunch of other stuff I can't think of right now, definitely outweighs what I loss from iOS. And I do have my ipad if I really need it. But I don't see myself going back to iOS any time soon.
Glad to see you make the transition. I've converted a few iPhone users myself and once they got used to Android, they love it and thank me all the time for getting them off of the Apple bandwagon.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy Note II (SGH-I317) on the infamous AT&T Network.
The Note 2 is my first android smartphone (came from iPhone 4/4S).
As for a facetime replacement, before I jailbroke my devices I would use Tango for video calls over 3G. Tango works well on android too and seems to have better quality video than Skype. Give it a try.
Also, I absolutely despise S-Voice. It is slow, clunky, and the voice sounds like Siri with a cold. But that's OK since we have Google Now! I downloaded an app called Home2 Shortcut, and now when I double tap the home button it launches Google Now's voice search.
UCLAKoolman said:
The Note 2 is my first android smartphone (came from iPhone 4/4S).
As for a facetime replacement, before I jailbroke my devices I would use Tango for video calls over 3G. Tango works well on android too and seems to have better quality video than Skype. Give it a try.
Also, I absolutely despise S-Voice. It is slow, clunky, and the voice sounds like Siri with a cold. But that's OK since we have Google Now! I downloaded an app called Home2 Shortcut, and now when I double tap the home button it launches Google Now's voice search.
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Long press menu for Google Now, or there is a button in the task switcher with long press home. I disabled the double tap home within S Voice. Probably the first and last time I will open S Voice, but now the home button doesn't delay as it waits to see if you are going to double press.
Sent from my Note II
Welcome to android! I am also a iphone convert...though this is my third android phone. Never looked back
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda premium
iPhone 4 -> Note 1 -> Note 2
Its not even really fair to compare them to a non-jailbroken iPhone. You can do so much on android without rooting etc compared to what you can do to an iPhone stock. The Note 2 is an easy winner everywhere. Battery life kills any iphone I used....just got 2 days on a single charge with 3.5 hours on screen time.
The big thing missed from iPhone days is Lockinfo. Yes there are sort of comparable things as far as getting the data I liked on the lockscreen in android but I loved the simplicity and layout of Lockinfo. Android smokes iPhone though on the lockscreen notification area. With Elixir 2 I can get all kinds of stuff on there....without root, custom rom jailbreaking etc.
One small thing is also location spoofer so I can trick the NBA package that I am in London so I can watch/torture myself watching Golden State Warrior games due to local blackout rules. It would be great to watch the games on my larger screen Note 2 but oh well I can deal.
BiteSMS was also solid...but they make chomp for android which is close but to me not as smooth on the lockscreen side. Most of the times it pops up but sometimes it doesnt.
Group messaging is good on iPhone but its not something that happens to me more than twice a month so pfffft.
jbeef86 said:
iPhone 4 -> Note 1 -> Note 2
Its not even really fair to compare them to a non-jailbroken iPhone. You can do so much on android without rooting etc compared to what you can do to an iPhone stock. The Note 2 is an easy winner everywhere. Battery life kills any iphone I used....just got 2 days on a single charge with 3.5 hours on screen time.
The big thing missed from iPhone days is Lockinfo. Yes there are sort of comparable things as far as getting the data I liked on the lockscreen in android but I loved the simplicity and layout of Lockinfo. Android smokes iPhone though on the lockscreen notification area. With Elixir 2 I can get all kinds of stuff on there....without root, custom rom jailbreaking etc.
One small thing is also location spoofer so I can trick the NBA package that I am in London so I can watch/torture myself watching Golden State Warrior games due to local blackout rules. It would be great to watch the games on my larger screen Note 2 but oh well I can deal.
BiteSMS was also solid...but they make chomp for android which is close but to me not as smooth on the lockscreen side. Most of the times it pops up but sometimes it doesnt.
Group messaging is good on iPhone but its not something that happens to me more than twice a month so pfffft.
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GoSMS isa kickass sms app that has more customization than you can imagine and some KILLER themes to boot. Check it out of you get a chance, it's free and fast with lots of eye candy.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda premium
quarlow said:
Long press menu for Google Now, or there is a button in the task switcher with long press home. I disabled the double tap home within S Voice. Probably the first and last time I will open S Voice, but now the home button doesn't delay as it waits to see if you are going to double press.
Sent from my Note II
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Yes I know these shortcuts however those require an additional step to make the app listen to your command. With my setup I double tap the home button and Google search is listening immediately.
quarlow said:
Long press menu for Google Now, or there is a button in the task switcher with long press home. I disabled the double tap home within S Voice. Probably the first and last time I will open S Voice, but now the home button doesn't delay as it waits to see if you are going to double press.
Sent from my Note II
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Thanks for the tip, I be waiting for that.
Sent from Note II
In short, our Note 2 can do anything and everything iCraps can, but only better, more of it, and at a fraction of the price with ten times the support community. Crapple is coasting, Samsung innovates.
I'm in the same position. My first smart phone was the 3g then moved to the 4. It was awesome but it was all I knew. With every new update I was chasing jailbreaks and it was fun. But just like what was stated I got sick of the bs lawsuits and being locked down and that giant pos itunes wanting to constantly wipe all my data. I finally made the jump and wonder what the hell took me so long. I'm so used to having to chase the jailbreak my first instinct with this was to root. So after 2 days, a ton of reading, and scared I was going to brick my new baby I did it and I will never look back. Never liked crapple but the hw was good and I was comfortable with the whole jailbreak process but am extremely happy I took the dive and glad to be here.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda app-developers app
One thing I miss from iphone is the spell checker and underlining of misspelled words with predictions in no matter what you were in. Not a fan of the predictions over the keyboard.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda premium
Bodoct said:
One thing I miss from iphone is the spell checker and underlining of misspelled words with predictions in no matter what you were in. Not a fan of the predictions over the keyboard.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda premium
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Check this one out on the Play Store...https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.comet.android.TypeSmart&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwxLDEsImNvbS5jb21ldC5hbmRyb2lkLlR5cGVTbWFydCJd
I'm downloading it now to see how it works...hopefully it will do as good as the reviews say...
I'm still learning this phone...and I had been using a 4s for a few months...and can honestly say this phone blows it and the I phone 5 out of the water. I have several friends and co-workers that have the 5 and have used them a-lot There really is no comparison for any of them.Sure some apps are more polished...they have to be..but...I have found most of my replacement apps to be fully functional..Everything on this phone works perfectly...and with Google Now...well...that just is another nail in the coffin for IOS if they don't do an about face and start really changing it for the better...funny thing...many apple fans don't want to...
I really get a kick out of watching peoples face when they see what this phone can do...If your really want to impress someone..down load a full 1080P movie to it and play it back for them...I-phone fanatics will do 1 of 3 things...get PO'd...either ***** or complain it's too big...or show their impressed by their jaws dropping and then say nothing or very little...Those that are dissatisfied will ask a ton of questions and want to see more...
I got to say this phone amazes me every time I open it up to use it...and that is something no Apple phone could ever do..There is no WoW factor...and the egg heads at Cupertino don't get it...Sure...the I phones can do a lot...they are safe and secure...and they generally work as promised...but Android just snuck up on them and bit them in the buttocks real hard and passed them by...
I have one question too. I'm stuck with my iPhone 4S for now but I'm desperately trying to switch to the Note II. My biggest (and perhaps even only) concern is the camera quality. Judging from this thread it seems that the camera (at least using stock conditions) is inferior to the 4S's. However, without a direct comparison it's hard to tell. Does anyone here have any direct comparison between the two cameras?
There isn't that much of a differene between them to worry over. Both do a good job and if you need more get a real dslr for serious picture taking.
Mac11700 said:
There isn't that much of a differene between them to worry over. Both do a good job and if you need more get a real dslr for serious picture taking.
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Problem with dedicated camera is that I know I'd never have it with me when I need it! :silly:

