[Q] help symlink status 7 error on rom install - Sprint Samsung Galaxy S III

Very weird issue...
Was running the paranoidandroid 2.17 rom beautifully. havent had an issue flashing any roms until now. Anyhow, tried to flash the 2.18 update, and yes i did full wipe, cache, dalvik, i get this error about symlinks failing. status 7 install aborted. I tried searching the forums for an answer to no avail. Now im able to reinstall the 2.17 rom fine. and since both are jelly bean variants of cm10 im just a little baffled. I did try to flash over the cm10 nightly after that failed and got the same symlink fail status 7 error. Any thought? Should I be on the latest band before flashing to this? im somewhat knowledgeable and still learning about everything android, but can someone tell me what symlinks failure even refers to. Thanks in advance.

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[Q] Cyonagenmod Installing problem..

I am trying to Flash Cyanogenmod onto my phone, but every time I go to install the zip from my SD it starts with "Installing" and then it does a few things, runs down a little list and then it says "Installation Aborted."
I don't know what to do, I did a full wipe, deleted cache and all that jazz, so I don't know why I am still having a problem flashing this rom. If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it! I am really looking forward to this ROM!
.zip file may just be corrupted. Delete it, download a new version and try to reflash.
Latest nightlies can be found here: http://mirror.teamdouche.net/?type=nightly&device=supersonic
also needs to be in q&a
mitchellvii said:
.zip file may just be corrupted. Delete it, download a new version and try to reflash.
I don't understand though, it's straight from the Cyanogenmod download section of the site..
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redownload and try again
and needs to be moved like cheesy said.
mgianni19 said:
I am trying to Flash Cyanogenmod onto my phone, but every time I go to install the zip from my SD it starts with "Installing" and then it does a few things, runs down a little list and then it says "Installation Aborted."
I don't know what to do, I did a full wipe, deleted cache and all that jazz, so I don't know why I am still having a problem flashing this rom. If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it! I am really looking forward to this ROM!
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if you are installing RC1 you may need to downgrade your bootloader to ENG hboot 0.76
otherwise, flash one of the nightly versions from the teamdouche mirror as they do not have bootloader version checking.
personally i'd go with the latest nightly & flash away! be sure you get the new gapps from 11/14 as well
but yea wrong section, why the hell start a new thread when the cyanogenmod thread is right in the same forum? at least post in Q&A if you feel you must start a new thread, but again what makes this worthy of a new thread?
at least you wouldn't have been flamed if you followed the rules & showed a little common sense
drdrewdown said:
if you are installing RC1 you may need to downgrade your bootloader to ENG hboot 0.76
otherwise, flash one of the nightly versions from the teamdouche mirror as they do not have bootloader version checking.
personally i'd go with the latest nightly & flash away! be sure you get the new gapps from 11/14 as well
but yea wrong section, why the hell start a new thread when the cyanogenmod thread is right in the same forum? at least post in Q&A if you feel you must start a new thread, but again what makes this worthy of a new thread?
at least you wouldn't have been flamed if you followed the rules & showed a little common sense
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Of course, he or she will be flamed because people here are Mod-wannabees and have nothing better to do. in any case, next time just post in the appropriate section and for your plight...CM6 wont install because of the bootloader check and the keys. so just flash the nightlies from the website NOT rom manager. it seems to be behind by a couple.
Thread moved to Q&A.

[Q] Partition Size Shrink?

I have searched the forums to see whether anything similar was listed I was not lucky enough to find one.
I have a Sprint Samsung Galaxy S3. I was updating the firmware from LG8 to LI3. I installed the following ROM:
Everything installed fine and booted into Android. Unfortunately at this point, it gave me an "Encyption" error upon start up and I was unable to use the system at all. I noticed that when booting into CWM that the internal SDCARD was unable to be mounted. I tried mounting using the custom recovery and still nothing would happen. Upon further investigation, i found that i needed to load the stock recovery and wipe data/factory reset, wipe cache, and wipe dalvik cache (for some reason CWM wouldn't properly do this). Once wiped, the encryption error disappeared.
What i noticed was that the 32gb S3 is now only listing 12gb of usable harddrive space. Does anyone know why? Is it the firmware that was loaded? Or was the partition size changed after using the stock recovery? Any insights would be greatly appreciated!!!!
Try this post and see if it solves your problem.
thank you thank you thank you! this definitely reset everything!
solidhound said:
thank you thank you thank you! this definitely reset everything!
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No prob, good to hear that you all good.
How about tapping that thanks button
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Friendly Neighborhood Moderator

[Q] BIG Error installing new JB rom, please HELP

I've been running albinoman's AOSP JB Rom for a while now.
However, when upgrading from RC2 to RC3, I receive an error pretty early in the installation.
Installing AOSP Android 4.1.1
Creating symlinks
Setting permissions
set_perm: some changes failed
E:Error in /sdcard/clockworkmod/download/jellbeanrc3/Jellybean-Inc-RC3.zip
(Status 7)
/tmp/recovery.log was copied to /sdcard/clockworkmod/recovery.log. Please open ROM Manager to report the issue.
I've been installing roms for a long time, and haven't run into this problem until now.
Tried the installation several times, and always run into the same problem. The error makes it impossible to boot, so I have restore my RC2 backup.
I really want to run this, and it's been the cause of quite a bit of frustration this past week. Thanks for your time.
Did you re download and check md5?
PonsAsinorem said:
Did you re download and check md5?
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I re downloaded twice. And I thought it always checked md5, it's at least never had a problem when it did..
Hypherism said:
I've been running albinoman's AOSP JB Rom for a while now.
However, when upgrading from RC2 to RC3, I receive an error pretty early in the installation.
Installing AOSP Android 4.1.1
Creating symlinks
Setting permissions
set_perm: some changes failed
E:Error in /sdcard/clockworkmod/download/jellbeanrc3/Jellybean-Inc-RC3.zip
(Status 7)
/tmp/recovery.log was copied to /sdcard/clockworkmod/recovery.log. Please open ROM Manager to report the issue.
I've been installing roms for a long time, and haven't run into this problem until now.
Tried the installation several times, and always run into the same problem. The error makes it impossible to boot, so I have restore my RC2 backup.
I really want to run this, and it's been the cause of quite a bit of frustration this past week. Thanks for your time.
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Install from twrp cwm is a broken recovery
Sent from my ADR6300 using Xparent Red Tapatalk 2
Status 7 usually means there is a problem with the updater script in the rom file. What recovery are you using? Try TWRP if thats not what your using. Either the rom developer made an error in the rom zip, or the file is getting corrupted during download.
Also the md5 is not automaticly checked, you must check it your self.
Thanks very much for your assistance fellas. Unfortunately, I have an entirely new problem on mis manos.
So, after the most recent failure of the rom to install, I restored my backup of my RC2 rom.
It wouldn't get past the nexus boot animation. (I waited for 15+ minutes, I don't know why) So I
went back to recovery, and attempted to install RC3 again.
No problems installing. When I booted up however, after it had notified me that it was "Finishing installation" and that Android was "upgrading"
I was met with a plethora of errors. android.process.acore has stopped etc.
So, I ended up doing a factory reset/wiped user data.
The reinstallation of RC2 as well as the upgrade to RC3 went off without a hitch. So thanks guys, but I did something I didn't want to do, and it worked out in the end.:good:
cmlusco said:
Also the md5 is not automaticly checked, you must check it your self.
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Depends on how you get it. If downloaded from the Goo Manager app, the app auto checks md5.
Hypherism said:
The reinstallation of RC2 as well as the upgrade to RC3 went off without a hitch. So thanks guys, but I did something I didn't want to do, and it worked out in the end.:good:
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Good to hear it worked out for you.

[Q] Installing CM 10.1.0 "Installation aborted" with no error

I got this problem trying to install RC4 and RC5 as well, but now still getting it with the fresh CM10.1.0 update. I am running CWM and tried updating CM but got the status 7 error due to the asserts. I checked md5 just to be sure and made sure I have proper d2att file for my phone. I went in and manually removed the 2 assert lines in the beginning of the updater-script file and zipped back up and tried to flash again but now I just get "installation aborted..." right after "installing update..." with no explanation or error at all.
I tried searching, got nothing, anybody seen this before?
madtorq said:
I got this problem trying to install RC4 and RC5 as well, but now still getting it with the fresh CM10.1.0 update. I am running CWM and tried updating CM but got the status 7 error due to the asserts. I checked md5 just to be sure and made sure I have proper d2att file for my phone. I went in and manually removed the 2 assert lines in the beginning of the updater-script file and zipped back up and tried to flash again but now I just get "installation aborted..." right after "installing update..." with no explanation or error at all.
I tried searching, got nothing, anybody seen this before?
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Are you on a Canadian carrier?
Sent from my SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
Nope, southern california ATT.
I edited using vim and did it cleanly, no chance of a carriage return or something stupid contributing to this.
Are you on the proper bootloader?
mrhaley30705 said:
Are you on the proper bootloader?
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I have tried running the zip manually from recovery mode in CWM, tried installing it from Rom Manager where it reboots and automatically selects it and I have tried directly from the CM10 update button within the About Phone settings menu.
Is that what you are referring to?
No. Have you installed the jelly bean bootloader? If not, you will need to update them before cm, or any aosp based Rom, will install.
Also, you need the latest modem too.
mrhaley30705 said:
No. Have you installed the jelly bean bootloader? If not, you will need to update them before cm, or any aosp based Rom, will install.
Also, you need the latest modem too.
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I do not follow, what is the jelly bean bootloader? I understood it to be an alternative to CWM? Why have I been able to flash every update for CM10 until this?
Link to this jelly bean bootloader update?
Bootloaders are not a type of recovery. Perhaps you should read through this:
Then this:
madtorq said:
I got this problem trying to install RC4 and RC5 as well, but now still getting it with the fresh CM10.1.0 update. I am running CWM and tried updating CM but got the status 7 error due to the asserts. I checked md5 just to be sure and made sure I have proper d2att file for my phone. I went in and manually removed the 2 assert lines in the beginning of the updater-script file and zipped back up and tried to flash again but now I just get "installation aborted..." right after "installing update..." with no explanation or error at all.
I tried searching, got nothing, anybody seen this before?
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I have the same problem. Guess I'll never get 10.1, because it looks like you have to put a new bootloader on it, not sure why, and it risks a hard brick. It doesn't make any sense to require a new bootloader, seeing as I already have cyanogenmod 10, but the devs chose that for their reasons. I really want the camera in 4.2.
Well, if you've flashed any of the stock ROMS here, rooted or not rooted, you've flashed bootloaders.
well I guess I am confused. I am currently running cm-10.1-20130411-EXPERIMENTAL-d2att-M3.zip with the same bootloader I flashed with Odin back when I got the phone in september 2012. My roomate got the same phone except on sprint and we flashed his with the appropriate CM10.1 experimental release for the sprint phone. Since then we both have been updating via the built in CM updater and he has been able to go to the new stable CM 10.1.0 release today and has not flashed any new boot loader or anything, just updated CWM like I did.
So my question to you mrhaley30705, which no amount of searching or reading links has helped me thus far, is this something specific to the ATT version of the Galaxy S3? I do not understand what changed and why he can do it and I cannot.
More importantly, will flashing the newer boot loader you suggested require a wipe of everything? The only post actually referencing this for my phone is http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=41503727 and it is vague to say the least.
Your answers are much appreciated.
Here is the screen shot of what was posted on g+ by cm. I would say he is on the new bootloader. If you check the second link I posted above, there's a way to tell which bootloader you and your buddy have.
It doesn't wipe anything. You'll probably never notice the difference, with the exception of being able to run aosp based ROMS
thank you, that is informative, but still leaves me confused since I am running 4.2.2 (although the build is before that May release) and I am currently running I747UCLH9.
Checking my roomate's phone he is running XXXXXXLJ7 so either he started with a newer one or something. I guess that clears it up. Also, this thread was very helpful incase anybody searches and stumbles on my posts: http://forum.cyanogenmod.com/topic/73407-how-to-update-bootloader-and-do-i-need-to-do-this/

Unable to Install new roms in TWRP

Hello everyone. I tried to wipe my kindle and replace the rom last night but its not letting me install anything. I have been running a version of Smoothrom for months now without any issues. I am giving the kindle to my gf so I wiped it and tried to upgrade to a kitkat rom first. I did a complete wipe of everything then loaded the roms on via usb. Now, when I try to install a new rom I get an error which Ill post below. I am using TWRP I tried loading several different 4.4 roms and they all get the same error:
set_metadata_recursive: some changes failed
E:Error executing updater binary in zip '/sdcard/AmazonHfk2.8-20131220-Stable-otter.zip
Error flashing zip '/sdcard/AmazonHfk2.8-20131220-Stable-otter.zip
Updating partition details.......
It stays like that. If I try to reset it I get a message saying "Root permissions appear to be lost, fix root permissions now?"
Any ideas would be really appreciated.
SOLVED: I tried a few different Roms and it seems like its just the 4.4 roms that are failing. Im assuming its just my version of TWRP so ill try to update it. Feel free to delete this thread. Sorry for clogging up the forum.

