Does anyone know of a way to get a Nav bar on the jellybean leak? or is anyone interested in making a flashable zip for one?
Hey guys... Can't post anywhere else yet. Anyone able to update Calks Deodexed FD24 with ICS status bar tweaks like in FD02? Loved the light theme with blue status bar icons and blue notification pulldown with transparent background... Thanks!!
Patience, I'm sure he's working on a custom rom right now. That was base stock for anyone to take and modify.
I think it was senior member JASE33 that made a flashable zip of themed status bar for FD02... It was perfect!
Here's the link to the FD24 ICS Status Bar theme!
I had nothing to do with creating this!
A huge thanks to jase33...
Hey all :laugh:
I'm looking for a ICS like status bar mod for gingerbread, can someone help me please? I only find ICS themes that I don't really like, I only want to change the status bar and the layouts
I'm looking for Galaxy S3 toggles for CM10
is it possible?
if yes why isn't it made yet?!
Are you talking about the ics notification tray of s3? the one that was made in the sgs3 theme a few posts ago? that's kinda not possible. ppl have ported jb notification bar to ics but they have not ported ics bar to jb. the s3 bar is also not yet possible on ics cause there are text under the icons of power toggles. unless someone can do it then you'll have to wait
does anyone know where i can find the images for the default nav bar.... i love the baked rom version 6 soft keys but i love the jbsourcery rom and i want to find the images for the nav bar on bb6 and use them on jbsourcery so does anyone know the file location of these images?
good day.
Hey guys just curious if there is a customizable Navigation Bar zip that I can add to touchwiz based roms? I'm on ASOP right now but I feel like I'm missing out with some features like S-beam and camera, just curious if there is anything I can add to touchwiz?