APP **ME - Sprint Samsung Galaxy S III

Dont know if anyone as seen it yet but if your a player, pimp, business man/woman frequent night clubber or just on a vaction and you meet that special someone your not sure or if your an independent contractor there is a new app that is only offered for Sprint customers.
**ME (starstarME) is awesome and you dont have to be on sprint to on sprint to call it but only sprint phones can have the service.
$2.99 a month but fun
if you need me **BigRitz

I don't think it's that hard to enter ten digits into someone's cellphone but it's still a cool idea
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app

I get it no that is not the point ... say you dont know if you want to know the person ** allows you to give a tag sign and it calls your number and not have to give your number out

cool idea, however all the good SHORT names will be taken rather quickly.
Pretty soon it'll be something like **Compusmurf and that ends up 10 digits +2 *'s. Ends up more work dialing than if you just dialed the number!
Plus, only a cell phone can dial the ** codes. Your great granny on her home phone line can't call you.

Compusmurf said:
cool idea, however all the good SHORT names will be taken rather quickly.
Pretty soon it'll be something like **Compusmurf and that ends up 10 digits +2 *'s. Ends up more work dialing than if you just dialed the number!
Plus, only a cell phone can dial the ** codes. Your great granny on her home phone line can't call you.
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Dude my granny has my phone number lol it isnt about the 10 numbers its about the beer googles you have on after the 3rd round and he/she ask you for your number, so instead of having to change your number multiple times ( believ me I know i changes peoples numbers all the time with there pissed off other half sitting rt next to them)
Anyways just thought I would share. :silly:

LOL, never had that particular issue. I would just give out my googlevoice number. It is free.
Cool idea, but to me, not worth the few extra $ a month.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2


Is there an app for filtering text/calls from specific numbers?

First, if I see another "use the search" reply I'm gonna flip out...unless it's sarcasm because of me typing that. I have searched...and search, and searched, and searched. Not just on xda either.
All I want to know, is if there is an app, free, not free - WHATEVER - that can be set to delete/reject texts and call from a phone number you enter into the program. I'm sure someone would suggest it, but changing my phone number isn't an after about 150 texts from the most obnoxious, stuck up, self the world, I need a way to keep their texts (and calls, but especially texts) from coming through.
And please don't say it isn't possible, because it is. My old Samsung had exactly that feature and it wasn't HALF the phone the Rhodium is.
So please, if anyone knows of one, please tell me and accept my apologies if my post seems rather blunt... It's been a stressful day and I don't sugar coat what I say when I'm frustrated.
refyused said:
First, if I see another "use the search" reply I'm gonna flip out...unless it's sarcasm because of me typing that. I have searched...and search, and searched, and searched. Not just on xda either.
All I want to know, is if there is an app, free, not free - WHATEVER - that can be set to delete/reject texts and call from a phone number you enter into the program. I'm sure someone would suggest it, but changing my phone number isn't an after about 150 texts from the most obnoxious, stuck up, self the world, I need a way to keep their texts (and calls, but especially texts) from coming through.
And please don't say it isn't possible, because it is. My old Samsung had exactly that feature and it wasn't HALF the phone the Rhodium is.
So please, if anyone knows of one, please tell me and accept my apologies if my post seems rather blunt... It's been a stressful day and I don't sugar coat what I say when I'm frustrated.
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use the search button!!!! jk, look for pocket lets you put in numbers to block im pretty sure.
Lol, thanks for the suggestion. I'll try it out after I get back from my run.
-edit- looks like Pocket Call Bouncer is only for calls. Is there one for texts? Even if it lets it through and deletes immediately it I'd be happy.
refyused said:
Lol, thanks for the suggestion. I'll try it out after I get back from my run.
-edit- looks like Pocket Call Bouncer is only for calls. Is there one for texts? Even if it lets it through and deletes immediately it I'd be happy.
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just call your service provider and have them do it.prolly the easiest way.
Just called them, didn't realize they could do that (Sprint couldn't when I worked for them). They want to charge me $5 a month to do it... I'm already paying too much for AT&T's lousy service that works less than half the time. Guess I'll just keep searching and pay their monthly fee as a last resort.
Thanks bud.
refyused said:
Just called them, didn't realize they could do that (Sprint couldn't when I worked for them). They want to charge me $5 a month to do it... I'm already paying too much for AT&T's lousy service that works less than half the time. Guess I'll just keep searching and pay their monthly fee as a last resort.
Thanks bud.
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i just told them i wasnt gonna pay that and if they wanted to lose 3 customers over 5 bucks a month be my guest. they cracked. i pay them nothing{not to mention got a new phone for free!!}
I'll try that when I call them tomorrow... Been a frustrating day.
i used kaspersky mobile security about a month ago, they have a 30 day free trial. im not sure if it will block phone calls, but it has a black and white list for text messages. it got kind of annoying to accept the first text from each different person, but maybe there was a way to add your phone book, or only worry about the black list page. had lots of extra features too you might find interesting. let me know what you think and post back for other people who have the same question!!
Use the following cab, its blocks both calls n text
Thanks for those two replies. Got some testing to do now. Thanks again!

Need some help

ok I'll prolly get flamed beyond words for this but here goes.
My girl and I just split up. It sucks because I really loved the girl, and now I dont have the self control to not text her. we just split a couple days ago and I promise myself I wont text her again and of course I always do.
Is there any program that will silently block me from sending a text message to a specific number, I know I can block her incoming text, just want to stop myself and I dont seem to have the self control. Pathetic, I know, but it is what it is.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Wow, you and I are going through very similar things.
Don't know about any app that does what you're looking for though. Sorry.
Sprint can do this on their end.
Text block ########## to 9999 and it'll block the number.
(To see the full rundown, clicky click.)
Hang in there man. We have all been there. You will find it actually gets a little bit better everyday if you don't try to contact her. Also, try to keep yourself busy. If you stay busy, you wont think about it as much
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
Been in your shoes many a time. Here's a little something i have learned in my years on this planet.
The more you text/call her the more she is likely to keep acting the way she is. Let it go, by doing the calling and texting she knows she has you wrapped. Ignore her, let her be the one wondering about you! She will come around, if not you didn't need her anyway...
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
Man up and put on your big boy pants.
Have some self control. If it is that serious for you that you just can't stop calling her than send your phone to one of the devs here so it can be used for some good rather than the garbage you seem to be using it for ... Word of advice..whenever you find yourself veung pathetic ask yourself how your grandfather would handle it...then do that instead...
Your welcome

Sign up and save your number now!
I got one.
It's a short number easier to remember than your own number.
$2.99 per number. You can have 2 per line.
I saw this earlier, if both people didn't need to have it this would be great
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
$3/mo. lol.. anything to try to make a buck.
funny how google provides numbers and full VOIP phone service for free..
I fell for the trap.
thread's been done already.
I'd get it if that could actually be your 'number' for everyone
I pay them more than enough already.
I've had my number long enough that I don't even have to think about remembering it.
It's a very simple number to remember.
This is just silly.
Why does the Galaxy S3 have the AOSP Dialer on the advert? Weird.

For anyone who missed their package from fedex today

Girlfriend missed my delivery tonight. Called the 1-800-463-3339 number, went through the automated options to find out I can't have it held for pick up at the location. Called again, pressed 0, and said "pick up delivery".. it let me talk to an actual person. Was able to get it held for tomorrow. So it's possible if you talk to an actual person. I was about to B-slap someone, if i had to wait til Monday at 7pm.
beast534 said:
Girlfriend missed my delivery tonight. Called the 1-800-463-3339 number, went through the automated options to find out I can't have it held for pick up at the location. Called again, pressed 0, and said "pick up delivery".. it let me talk to an actual person. Was able to get it held for tomorrow. So it's possible if you talk to an actual person. I was about to B-slap someone, if i had to wait til Monday at 7pm.
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Hate to say this but your GF deserves all the blame. Tell her if she slacks off again, she's going to get replaced. I kid. :laugh:
RMXO said:
Hate to say this but your GF deserves all the blame. Tell her if she slacks off again, she's going to get replaced. I kid. :laugh:
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She is getting replaced, tomorrow!!
Definitely a reason to break up. Make her do the walk if shame to FedEx.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using xda app-developers app
Just a little advice if you ever call the FedEx number always press zero and say agent.
Tell them what you want. It can be done. Have them call the station if they have to.
I speak from experience being a FedEx manager lol.
antiochasylum said:
Just a little advice if you ever call the FedEx number always press zero and say agent.
Tell them what you want. It can be done. Have them call the station if they have to.
I speak from experience being a FedEx manager lol.
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Yes he is.....................
They left mine at the door.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app

Stolen Phone (Help!!!)

Are there some app's I can remotely install from my computer and then access it find out where it is etc?
My phone was stolen today. I have it sim locked, so I guess if they try to take the sim out or turn the phone off and back on they're S.O.L.!!
I had GoSMS Find Phone plug-in installed but gah forgot to turn it on after my fresh install of JDevil's rom.
Filed a police report, have the sim card number, hopefully the ebay seller will still have the esn handy.
That sux I have ceberus installed on mine. Don't know if u can install remotely.
Sent from the TermiNOTEr 2!
If u still have the imei number u can give it to the company and block the phone remotely it may not get u the phone but it will be useless for the one that stole it.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
breezedragon said:
If u still have the imei number u can give it to the company and block the phone remotely it may not get u the phone but it will be useless for the one that stole it.
Sent from my HTC One X using xda premium
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That's the funny and odd thing, T-Mobile asked for the esn when I activated it on their network with the micro sim. When I called them up they didn't know what I was talking about. LoL
SMH If a kid is abducted or whatever and they have a phone they can gps track it, but if your phone is simply stolen. Ohh sorry we can't help you but would you like to buy this nice new replacement??? LoL
From computer install
Androidlost app
And see if it helps.
Sent from my SGH-I317M Samsung Galaxy Note 2 LTE Rogers Canada on Wind Mobile using xda app-developers app
gotshoaib said:
From computer install
Androidlost app
And see if it helps.
Sent from my SGH-I317M using xda app-developers app
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Nothing yet and everytime I call my phone now it rings a few times and says "The Subscriber you've dialed is not available or has traveled outside the coverage area" so either it's still turned on (Since it still rings a few times like normally or it's roaming and has no signal wherever it is.
Well I'm happy knowing the battery finally died on the thief, it goes straight the t-mo error message now even on *67 dialed calls, I don't think they were smart enough to know how to block calls. Also I'm kinda pleased cause my sim card lock has probably gotten the best of him now whenever he tries to power the phone back on and gets prompted to enter a pin. Plus I know no cellphone repair store will touch a sim card pin lock issue, especially if the person bringing in the phone has no information to give to them about my account. Plus even if he attempts to take the sim card out he'll still be prompted to enter a pin.
Today I'll be off to get a cheapo slider phone so I can text people easier until my replacement gets here.
Going with a ZoPo ZP950+, over at their forums it has a root guide, twrp and cwm support as well as LeWa and other custom rom's made for it even an internal sd card mod to increase the storage space to 2.95gb's and has pretty much the same spec's as the note 2, except it's a chinandroid.
Offical Rom D/L:
Forum D/L's CWM/TWRP and Custom Rom's:
That sucks brother. ..
But you got the last laugh. ..
I use lookout mobile security.
Best $29.00 I've ever spent.
Device tracking, improper unlock protection, it even takes a picture of the person trying to hack it and emails it to you. .
Not to mention GPS tracking of the device and geolocation if GPS is off.
Remote wipe of data also.
Check it out. ....cheers. ...and again very sorry. .g
lookout security FTW....had it for a long time now...
Aegis is awesome for Finding, locking, or wiping, your phone from another Cell.
i have done this plenty of times and even have it on my sons phone i can locate, or Turn off his or lock him out whenever i want. pretty slick little app if you ask me, Oh and its FREE. or was i dont know now.
Did you ever get this sorted out OP?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda premium
Sorted as in getting it back? Nope, all I could do is a file a report to the police, when I tried to report the esn to at&t they said they couldn't find it and that apparently the seller on ebay never updated anything. I might have to contact him to tell at&t that he sold it to me and release the esn to me then try again.
E-mailed go dev about getting the code list and never once got a reply from them, I had to load GO SMS in Bluestacks and open find phone and get the codes from there, which nothing really ever worked since either a. the thief took the sim card out before I could use the codes with lostandroid or b. lostandroid wasn't able to start up for some unknown reason, maybe the phone was turned off or my gmail account wasn't active on the phone anymore and c. I forgot to start go sms find phone feature before it being stolen (You'd really think they'd make something like this that automatically starts once installed either over the pc or android!! LoL)
So I'm haha stuck right now on a old iphone 3g got it for a lil bit of cash, jailbroke it and loaded whited00r 6 (Based on 3.1.3 made to look like and have some features of iOS 6) since 4.2.1 was constantly looking up the phone and making me lag. I'm locking for a new phone now, I might either get a Note i717 LTE model and unlock it myself or take a risk with the ChinAndroid ZoPo ZP950+ for $250 roughly with shipping.
It's more of an ouch than anything, I got a damn good deal on one hell of a good and bad ass phone, then some jersey shore looking faggity assed ***** boy comes along with his dad and bro to offer to do some repairs, so my dad with dementia foolishly lets them in and never askes them for id or any type of contact info and then while outside helping one of them with something around the house he lifts my phone because apparently he can't afford to buy his own phone otherwise he wouldn't be doing unlicensed odd jobs with his family and stealing sh¡t.
I took a gamble on ebay with a seller who had no feedback and won it for $330.00 bucks, that's where it really hurts the price I got it for.
Well Kinda Good News
Well kinda good news, I won a manufacture refurbished i317 for $300 bucks.
One of my xda/facebook buddies said "damn man you're crazy why don't ya just buy a brand new phone." LoL! I told him when something better than the samsung note 2 comes out that I can afford I would. haha
My old i317 I got for $330 plus shipping and it had a small crack on the bottom of the screen, this other one is newly refurbished, sucks that I'll be $300 in the hole again but I figured what the hell it makes sense. I was gunna pay up to around $230 to $275 for a ChinAndroid phone with a lil bit larger screen same specs and no lte, so why not chuck in an extra $25 bucks and get what I really wanted </again>...
n1nj4Lo said:
Well kinda good news, I won a manufacture refurbished i317 for $300 bucks.
One of my xda/facebook buddies said "damn man you're crazy why don't ya just buy a brand new phone." LoL! I told him when something better than the samsung note 2 comes out that I can afford I would. haha
My old i317 I got for $330 plus shipping and it had a small crack on the bottom of the screen, this other one is newly refurbished, sucks that I'll be $300 in the hole again but I figured what the hell it makes sense. I was gunna pay up to around $230 to $275 for a ChinAndroid phone with a lil bit larger screen same specs and no lte, so why not chuck in an extra $25 bucks and get what I really wanted </again>...
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Those China Phones are NOT the same specsd.... THey are no WHERE NEAR the same as the note 2..
hyelton said:
Those China Phones are NOT the same specsd.... THey are no WHERE NEAR the same as the note 2..
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Some are and some aren't honestly, the details are always lost in poor translation and the advantage of it being a misconception from the consumer...
I'd say the safest to follow are Lenovo, ZTE and Pantech, they're to what they say they are...
I'm really anxiously waiting for this to hit the consumer market, see how much it is and possibly get it: ZTE Nubia Z7 rumoured to sport 6.3-inch display, 8-core CPU, 16-megapixel camera
But right now, I'm just happy as hell to have a Note 2 again. LoL
But yea with ChinAndroid phones it usually tends to go claim to 13mp equals a 8mp half the time and dual-core means a cpu and a gpu some of the time and so on. LoL
I'd still eventually like to get my hands on one just to give it a real consumer user run down and play around with to see how hackable it is plus how well it holds up. Maybe I'll get the ZoPo Zp950+ and do a side-by-side youtube review and comparison to the Note 2. haha
It's odd I done a esn check on a few sites and they all report back that it had a clean esn but the seller said it has a bad esn... Guess the only way to know for sure is to take it to or call AT&T themselves. Hopefully it it's clean!
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 2
Do yourself a favor and download android lost from the play store, it hides on the phone and theres a website where you can track it, take pictures with it, and do all kinds of other things if this ever happens again
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda premium
astang99 said:
Do yourself a favor and download android lost from the play store, it hides on the phone and theres a website where you can track it, take pictures with it, and do all kinds of other things if this ever happens again
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda premium
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I've got Ceberus, I might look into android lost again.
You can never have enough security
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using xda premium

