So, I would like to get my msl via the CDMA Workshop way. If when I do give up, I'll try calling those arses again.
Anyway, I'm curious if the CDMA Workshop will still be able to get me the MSL number following the guide here:
Or will tha only work for 2.1?
No previous or current root, prior. So that handy market tool cant help me, I haven't tried the CDMA workshop yet, but figured I'd ask first to see if enough people have tried it with raw 2.2 to see if i'd have results first. Thanks all.
It works 100% fine bro, I did it on my replacement phone last night.
as far as the MSL goes IDK why all the issues are soooo huge about getting it, its not like its hard *2, wait on hold for a minute, gimme my MSL, why do you want it? none of your F'ing business gimme my MSL okay here ya go, click.
write it down, email it to yourself, tattoo your arm, and voila
weehooherod said:
I couldn't get the drivers working for CDMA Workshop. Go the easy way though and just install "MSL Reader" from the market. Its free and it actually works.
*Requires Root
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Yeah, except the OP said he doesn't have root.
I did it just fine using CDMA Workshop before MSL Reader came out. The drivers worked fine for me on Windows 7 x64.
Hi all,
Title pretty much sums it up. I had to wipe my phone and put the new FI27 with root on there and can't seem to get my MSL using the getprop ril.MSL method. Is anyone else having this issue or knows anything about it?
Thanks in advance
FalconDHQ said:
Hi all,
Title pretty much sums it up. I had to wipe my phone and put the new FI27 with root on there and can't seem to get my MSL using the getprop ril.MSL method. Is anyone else having this issue or knows anything about it?
Thanks in advance
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super quick "work-around"....oneclick to el29 and try
FalconDHQ said:
Hi all,
Title pretty much sums it up. I had to wipe my phone and put the new FI27 with root on there and can't seem to get my MSL using the getprop ril.MSL method. Is anyone else having this issue or knows anything about it?
Thanks in advance
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You could call sprint and they will give it to you. just say you need it for your records on programming phone or whatever.
TD put together a patch/workaround for FI25 here
I'm betting it's the same issue.
I've got mine but can't get ril.MSL to return anything on FI27 either now.
There are apps for that too. But I haven't tried them.
I wonder if Sprint is sneakily trying to keep this from us.
Also, please post in that thread if it works for you on FI27 so I can update the notes and also post the stock FI27 toolbox.bin file for everyone that may need it. Thnx - TD
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
leaderbuilder said:
You could call sprint and they will give it to you. just say you need it for your records on programming phone or whatever.
TD put together a patch/workaround for FI25 here
I'm betting it's the same issue.
I've got mine but can't get ril.MSL to return anything on FI27 either now.
There are apps for that too. But I haven't tried them.
I wonder if Sprint is sneakily trying to keep this from us.
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You can also call a local sprint store and ask them for it, say you need to do a hard reset. When I asked for the MSL the sprint agent asked me if I needed it for hard reset, and I agreed. It gets you to a sprint agent without the menus and you can call them back directly if needed.
I followed the instructions on how to root my Sprint Samsung Galaxy S3, but after I installed busybox, I was told that it had trouble getting past a shell of my root. After this downloaded the root checker which showed up negative. Can anyone tell me what I did wrong, because I've repeated this process about 3 times.
Well ALWAYS when posting a question you should give as much information as you can. Maybe software number, android version, etc.
Don't do anything else.
Sent from my O=O
csmasn said:
Don't do anything else.
Sent from my O=O
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Just saying thanks for the extra info. I have finally been able to root my phone.
Wondering if the new Straight Talk model SCH-S960L was going to be supported in the Samsung Galaxy S3 ToolKit anytime soon? I just purchased. I also have a SPH-L710 on Sprint that worked great. Too afraid to use the same settings on this new SCH-S960L just yet.
SlimBean Rom works on SCH-S960L
Not sure if I'm on the same page, but I just flashed the SlimBean rom for the Sprint SIII to my StraightTalk SIII last night and haven't found any issues. Calls, texts, data, etc all are normal.
fordlove said:
Wondering if the new Straight Talk model SCH-S960L was going to be supported in the Samsung Galaxy S3 ToolKit anytime soon? I just purchased. I also have a SPH-L710 on Sprint that worked great. Too afraid to use the same settings on this new SCH-S960L just yet.
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befrosty8612 said:
Not sure if I'm on the same page, but I just flashed the SlimBean rom for the Sprint SIII to my StraightTalk SIII last night and haven't found any issues. Calls, texts, data, etc all are normal.
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What did you use to root it? The Sprint ROMs should work since it is a brother of the sprint model with a few tweeks for strait talk. But with the GS2 from strait talk that was a ATT type phone you still had to use a different recovery to get it to work but you could use any of the ROMs..... so any info on how you flashed Slimbean would be great, thanks
I'm also wondering if the sprint s3 options in the galaxy toolkit are ok to use on sch-s960l...I read that the camera may not function...also I WILL donate to anyone one who can provide step by step, comprehendable instructions to root and flash slim bean with no issues.
Sent from my SCH-S960L using xda app-developers app
mikey98277 said:
What did you use to root it? The Sprint ROMs should work since it is a brother of the sprint model with a few tweeks for strait talk. But with the GS2 from strait talk that was a ATT type phone you still had to use a different recovery to get it to work but you could use any of the ROMs..... so any info on how you flashed Slimbean would be great, thanks
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This post should work. (QBKing77's video here) All I did was copy SuperUser zip file to the phone, ODIN'd ClockworkMod to the phone, rebooted to CWM, flashed the SuperUser, rebooted and it was rooted. Really not much to it, seemed too easy to me, but it stuck, didn't lose root after reboot.
I did notice some wonky data issues once I flashed SlimBean. My first post was edited to show that it pretty much locked onto whatever tower I was closest to at the time of the flash, so when I was driving around, once I lost connectivity to that tower, I had no data. Still could call but no data. Had to reflash SlimBean to connect to the next tower, but again, lost it since I was still driving around. Back to rooted Stock now.
Lately I've been trying to install CM 10 but they have a check to see if your phone's build.prop file has the SPH-L710 value in it (ro.phonecode or something), and obviously since we don't have sprint phones, ours says SCH-S960L. I edited the build.prop file and put the sprint code in there, but then it said the ro.bootloader value was incorrect. That line isn't even in the StraightTalk's build.prop so I added it, but it still didn't want to flash.
Next step is to edit the ROM itself and remove those checks. Kinda skeptical about that, since they're there for a reason. But, for the sake of research/advancement of mankind, I'm gonna try it anyway.
Does anyone have the stock apn settings i cant send MMS since i flash to a sprint Rom
I am working on a deodexed stock rom for our straightalk s3
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
Does anyone have the 16 digit password for the s960l?
befrosty8612 said:
This post should work. (QBKing77's video here) All I did was copy SuperUser zip file to the phone, ODIN'd ClockworkMod to the phone, rebooted to CWM, flashed the SuperUser, rebooted and it was rooted. Really not much to it, seemed too easy to me, but it stuck, didn't lose root after reboot.
I did notice some wonky data issues once I flashed SlimBean. My first post was edited to show that it pretty much locked onto whatever tower I was closest to at the time of the flash, so when I was driving around, once I lost connectivity to that tower, I had no data. Still could call but no data. Had to reflash SlimBean to connect to the next tower, but again, lost it since I was still driving around. Back to rooted Stock now.
Lately I've been trying to install CM 10 but they have a check to see if your phone's build.prop file has the SPH-L710 value in it (ro.phonecode or something), and obviously since we don't have sprint phones, ours says SCH-S960L. I edited the build.prop file and put the sprint code in there, but then it said the ro.bootloader value was incorrect. That line isn't even in the StraightTalk's build.prop so I added it, but it still didn't want to flash.
Next step is to edit the ROM itself and remove those checks. Kinda skeptical about that, since they're there for a reason. But, for the sake of research/advancement of mankind, I'm gonna try it anyway.
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You can edit the assert prop in the updater script of any d2spr rom. I personally use root browser from the rom toolbox from jrummy. Extract the rom, then go to META-INF>com>google>android>updater script. Open the script as an editable text document. You will see the ro.bootloader lines. Simply take out those lines, or modify them for your specific bootloader. If you downloaded the official update when you activated your phone, it will more than likely be S960LWYAMD6. Save it, then simply rezip everything, and flash. That's it. Just remember it's probably not a good idea to try this with any rom that includes bootloader or modem updates. But you SHOULD be fine with anything cyanogen-based. It's worked flawlessly for me but all phones are different, so use cation and always flash at your own risk.... Well, hope this helps some people out there. I've been having this same issue for a while and couldn't find anything that helped, until I got bored one day and just started messing around with random stuff. Haha. Happy flashing
I just need to root this damn phone...
I simply want to root my SCH-S960L. That seems to be way too much to ask on XDA...
Stock Recovery
Hey guys!
Just wondering what my options are for getting the upcoming update to Android 4.3. I have a rooted SCH-S960L on the stock rom with CWM recovery (Touch version) 6.x....I was told that I would need the stock recovery installed in order to install the upcoming 4.3 OTA, but how do I do this? Where can I get the recovery.tar for use w/ODIN to reinstall the stock recovery? If I use KIES to reinstall the factory firmware will this also reinstall the stock recovery? Could I use the Sprint L710 stock recovery.tar since this is essentially the same phone? What should I do?
Anyone with helpful info PLEASE HELP!! THANKS IN ADVANCE!!
Sent from my SCH-S960L using xda app-developers app
I've read on that Straight Talk doesn't update their phones at all. So what is on it is what will stay on it unless there are custom roms for them. Which I am currently looking for. The topic I read it in mentioned a gingerbread phone that was never updated despite the same phone on other carriers being updated. The ST Customer Service forum had a post saying check their Terms and Conditions(which not sure what that had to do with updating their phone).
ask your favorite rom devs to add this to their d2spr device trees. it will make it so that there wont be any more need to edit updater scripts, i already sent this info to carbon rom d2spr dev. if/when he merges you guys will be able to use carbon rom without editing anything, just flash in recovery
edit: seems CM will be the first starting nov 27th you can download sprint d2spr builds and with a sprint based recovery they will flahs just fine for you guys.
Straight Talk does update their phones. The S3 was updated by Straight Talk not long after Sprint updated their S3 to 4.1.2.
Sent from my SCH-S960L using Tapatalk
---------- Post added at 04:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:51 PM ----------
I REALLY NEED SOMEONE TO DO A /system pull and post up the complete factory firmware files for download...full firmware, stock recovery, etc.
If I knew exactly how/what to do I would go buy my wife's phone Friday and do a pull from it and post it up for all who need it.
Sent from my SCH-S960L using Tapatalk
Ummm...not exactly what I wanted to accomplish but I found the backup of my totally stock firmware...stock recovery and the whole nine yards...restored and all is back to Day 1 stock!
Sent from my SCH-S960L using Tapatalk
unlimitedsol77 said:
Hey guys!
Just wondering what my options are for getting the upcoming update to Android 4.3. I have a rooted SCH-S960L on the stock rom with CWM recovery (Touch version) 6.x....I was told that I would need the stock recovery installed in order to install the upcoming 4.3 OTA, but how do I do this? Where can I get the recovery.tar for use w/ODIN to reinstall the stock recovery? If I use KIES to reinstall the factory firmware will this also reinstall the stock recovery? Could I use the Sprint L710 stock recovery.tar since this is essentially the same phone? What should I do?
Anyone with helpful info PLEASE HELP!! THANKS IN ADVANCE!!
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how did you root the sch s960l I have this phone and I want to root it bad. I emailed customer service at straight talk and they told me they would not be updating the phone to 4.3
They also said that the phone woukd be stuck on ICS also...
As for rooting use SKUNKAPE1's guide on here for rooting the Sprint S3. The only addition to his step-by-step is to install STERRICSON's version of BusyBox once you finish up with the TeamEpic root.
Will tell you though that most of the Sprint S3 roms will not be fully functional on this phone however...everything usually works except the cammera/gallery app. Xposed framework mods do work very well however.
Sent from my SCH-S960L using Tapatalk
unlimitedsol77 said:
Ummm...not exactly what I wanted to accomplish but I found the backup of my totally stock firmware...stock recovery and the whole nine yards...restored and all is back to Day 1 stock!
Sent from my SCH-S960L using Tapatalk
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could you provide the backup? have one semi-bricked and need the official stock firmware
Would be more than glad to! I've tried doing this for others with no can I get that to you?
Sent from my SCH-S960L using Tapatalk
OK so here we go I have stock rooted the s3. This is more of a blog or log of what Ive done so far and if anyone has better updated info then chime in.
I am trying to unlock my sprint phone for use on straight talk network. Nothing I have done so far has let me have internet access on the phone.
Im looking for the MSL code to unlock the phone. CDMA workshop did not work It wants me to input the spc to read it lmao.
First I rooted using the chainfire method.
Then I used Triangle away to make the phone look like it has not been rooted.
Im downloading SDK tools now to follow the instructions in the thread.
I have android version 4.4.2 so I may have to downgrade to 4.1.x and follow the thread to reprogram my MSL then upgrade again.
Any IDEAS?!???!?
morganjeff7272 said:
OK so here we go I have stock rooted the s3. This is more of a blog or log of what Ive done so far and if anyone has better updated info then chime in.
I am trying to unlock my sprint phone for use on straight talk network. Nothing I have done so far has let me have internet access on the phone.
Im looking for the MSL code to unlock the phone. CDMA workshop did not work It wants me to input the spc to read it lmao.
First I rooted using the chainfire method.
Then I used Triangle away to make the phone look like it has not been rooted.
Im downloading SDK tools now to follow the instructions in the thread.
I have android version 4.4.2 so I may have to downgrade to 4.1.x and follow the thread to reprogram my MSL then upgrade again.
Any IDEAS?!???!?
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I went through this a few months ago. Just call sprint and have your imei# and meid# ready. Tell them you need your msl code because you are going to be traveling overseas. They are now required by law to give it to you although they will not assist with unlocking your phone for a new carrier. Or theres an app that works for some people. Let me know how it went
I tried calling sprint they want the phone number associated with the phone to access account info and I bought phone offline.... no idea what the phone number was.
morganjeff7272 said:
I tried calling sprint they want the phone number associated with the phone to access account info and I bought phone offline.... no idea what the phone number was.
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If its not under settings-about phone-phone info-phone number then try this. I think i used this method on a friends phone before using terminal .
M.O.A.R v 6.0
I loaded CWM and tried the MOAR v 6 ZIP flash and now the phone is stuck booting The screean shows the MOAR boot screen and the moving dots, but just sits there for hours.
Factory Reflash at this point
ND8 factory flash and boot Following the process shown in thread above I factory Flashed my phone.
After surfing and crashing and surfing multiple times over the web and you tube I found this....
It states you need to be rooted. But .... I downloaded it to my sdcard after the factory flash above. And installed it using file explorer. Told the settings to allow unknown install. And Wala the read worked.