Can someone suggest a good Recovery Image?
I use Team Win Recovery Project TWRP and its pretty horrible.
IsaacRCCL said:
Can someone suggest a good Recovery Image?
I use Team Win Recovery Project TWRP and its pretty horrible.
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Really, your using this one http:// and it's horrible? I like it, best option we have imo
epic4GEE said:
Really, your using this one http:// and it's horrible? I like it, best option we have imo
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I agree, TWRP is the best by far. Your only other option is CWM and I think 4ext
Sent from my Jelly Bombed SGS3
I gotta go with TWRP. If that does not work for you then the only other real option is CWM.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
What's not to like about twrp? Its fast and easy to use, has a file manager, can rename backups right in recovery. So many more features than cwm, the only other viable alternative.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
Twrp is the best
This is something I put together for those of us that like to switch recoveries.
Classic Clockworkmod recovery
Touch Clockworkmod recovery
TWRP (RZrecovery)
Although this is tested and "safe" to do... DON'T BRICK YOUR NS4G
(we may have to remind you this phone has a one click return to stock)
(Must be Rooted, bootloader unlocked with drivers installed.)
1. On PC, download the zip file from
2. extract and open "Nexus S 4G Recoveries" file.
3. Plug phone into your computer
4. Click on the recovery you want to flash.
5. Follow the instructions.
6. Enjoy!
All I did was make the .bat files.
I will follow this thread to answer any questions
If you would like me to make batch files for any of your favorite recoveries that I haven't included, just let me know.
(Shameless plug)
If you want to support me, download apps from LOOSID LYFE DEVELOPMENT on the google market.
hmmmmm, will download for fun & test
abramme824 said:
hmmmmm, will download for fun & test
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please do! I'm itching to see how people like it.
Why is this easier than just flashing from one recovery to another?
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Skunk Ape1 said:
Why is this easier than just flashing from one recovery to another?
Sent from my Nexus S 4g using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk
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I put all those lines of code in a batch file, included 3 recoveries, adb and fastboot all in one place . One click is easier than typing out all that code and may be more simple for newer or less experienced users. I hope I've answered your question.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
Why not just do it in cwm recovery. A few clicks and you have a recovery back on your device.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
Bobguy21 said:
Why not just do it in cwm recovery. A few clicks and you have a recovery back on your device.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
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I'm not sure how you would flash a different recovery from recovery mode as you need to do that from fastboot. If all you want is classic Clockworkmod recovery than you don't need these switchers. I've made batch files for the new touch version of CWM and RZ recovery, as well as the classic CWM recovery.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
Ibleedandroid, Thank you for the file for the touch CWM. I have been wanting this since i'd first seen it in the portal a couple weeks back or maybe not even that long. All touch recoverys rock and since the twrp2.0 stopped working on my phone I was pist. It kept erroring out when backign up my boot partition. But ever other recovery works fine. Thanks for this gem man it works great. And your flashing tool I give a 5 stars too man very nice indeed.
XfandroidZ said:
Ibleedandroid, Thank you for the file for the touch CWM. I have been wanting this since i'd first seen it in the portal a couple weeks back or maybe not even that long. All touch recoverys rock and since the twrp2.0 stopped working on my phone I was pist. It kept erroring out when backign up my boot partition. But ever other recovery works fine. Thanks for this gem man it works great. And your flashing tool I give a 5 stars too man very nice indeed.
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Wow thanks for the kind words!
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Ibleedandroid said:
I'm not sure how you would flash a different recovery from recovery mode as you need to do that from fastboot. If all you want is classic Clockworkmod recovery than you don't need these switchers. I've made batch files for the new touch version of CWM and RZ recovery, as well as the classic CWM recovery.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
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I go back and forth between cwm and twrp and I do it from recovery not fastboot. However I've never heard of rz.
Sent from my Nexus S 4g using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk
Skunk Ape1 said:
I go back and forth between cwm and twrp and I do it from recovery not fastboot. However I've never heard of rz.
Sent from my Nexus S 4g using Xparent Cyan Tapatalk
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I'm happy you have that figured out. I should have made clear that you don't have to use my switchers. However you like to do it is the right way.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
Thanks Ibleedandroid for this. to switch recoveries sometimes as well and this just makes it easier. Thanks again.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
musclehead84 said:
Thanks Ibleedandroid for this. to switch recoveries sometimes as well and this just makes it easier. Thanks again.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
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You are very welcome. I appreciate the kind words.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
Koush updated the touch cwm so I put it in the update1 zip today (01/31/12)
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
iam getting a unzip unknown error any help pls
®AndroidDoctor® said:
iam getting a unzip unknown error any help pls
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What zip program do you use? I suggest 7zip. You can download for free.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
Ibleedandroid said:
What zip program do you use? I suggest 7zip. You can download for free.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
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i was using winrar
..but i try 7zip
Ibleedandroid said:
I'm not sure how you would flash a different recovery from recovery mode as you need to do that from fastboot. If all you want is classic Clockworkmod recovery than you don't need these switchers. I've made batch files for the new touch version of CWM and RZ recovery, as well as the classic CWM recovery.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
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Oh you don't mean recovery as in a from back up. You mean clean new recovery. My bad.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
Bobguy21 said:
Oh you don't mean recovery as in a from back up. You mean clean new recovery. My bad.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
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DON'T EVER LET IT HAPPEN AGAIN!!!! I'm just kidding. No worries.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
Just use flash image GUI. Its free of his site. And you can do it from your phone. No computer required. And I used it for the touch recovery.
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using xda premium
Please provide link or zipfile
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
Why not TWRP?
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LoopDoGG79 said:
Why not TWRP?
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
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I flashed my first time using cwm
,so I never use twrp man
My cwm says and i see there is newest version . Dont want to make mistake and download wrong file from other pages. if u can please provide them both just in case. Thanks
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
I'm not saying that you are too lazy to do a simple search, but....well, you ARE!
So here:
I have been using cwm for ages but this 6.x.x.x crap caused me to much grief so now I run twrp touch and won't go back.
Sent from my SGH-T989D using xda premium
Ugh, don't listen to any of these guys. Anyone with issues on either recovery simply don't know how to use them. Best advice I can give you is to NOT USE THE DARKSIDE CACHE OR SUPERWIPE with CWM 6.0.x.x.
They break your CWM installation. Other than that I feel the same way you do. TWRP is great but I'm just used to CWM and prefer it. It's been on all 6 android devices I've owned and I trust it. Hard to break old habits!
Also, use the steps in this thread to flash your ROMs. Should be smooth sailing. Either I'm lucky and my phone is perfect or my flashing method is key but I never have any issues with any ROMs that aren't already established by the original ROM developer.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
Funny thing is when the Evo came out we all used AmonRA and that was the recovery to have and I must admit it neva eva eva eva caused me a problem. Clockwork was the bad stepchild over there so I stayed away from it. So to me old habits are not to use CWM not saying its bad but I had it on my Xoom and my Epic touch but now they both rock TWRP and itz the shiznicks..... To each his own
Whenever I try to make a backup through cwm its stops after about a minute and says canot gind a backup handler.
Any idea what that is? Im on jedi v2. But its the same with any other rom I flash
mryounghc said:
Whenever I try to make a backup through cwm its stops after about a minute and says canot gind a backup handler.
Any idea what that is? Im on jedi v2. But its the same with any other rom I flash
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Backups were glitchy for me on cwm. I switched to TWRP and there's no looking back for me.
Im going to try twrp and see how it works. Thanks
I'm on cwm and backups have been fine. Why don't you redownload cwm and make sure you rwflash your appropriate recovery. I've NEVER had problems with cwm unless I messed with the folder or something.
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
Another vote to just switch to twrp. It is superior in every way.
Idyar said:
Another vote to just switch to twrp. It is superior in every way.
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Nothing against twrp but what's the point of troubleshooting if you're not going g to troubleshoot? If someone really likes a particular recovery why not help them get it working instead of making the decision for them?
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
monkeypaws said:
I'm on cwm and backups have been fine. Why don't you redownload cwm and make sure you rwflash your appropriate recovery. I've NEVER had problems with cwm unless I messed with the folder or something.
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i think this is what happened. actually i am pretty sure that is what i did when i was messing around with some files.
im going to try to find cwm again and reflash
monkeypaws said:
Nothing against twrp but what's the point of troubleshooting if you're not going g to troubleshoot? If someone really likes a particular recovery why not help them get it working instead of making the decision for them?
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yea, twrp works but i do prefer cwm as i have never had an issue with it since i got the vibrant.
thanks guys
To add another option; did you make your backup to .tar format? That was my issue when I first rooted my phone, couldn't restore anything, kinda panicked...
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
I personally prefer the interface of cwm (more of a back room of a computer type feel if that makes sense) but when I rooted my sister's phone (no CWM available) I got my first taste of TWRP. And first thing that I noticed, is that the ui makes A LOT of sense. And I especially like some features like being able to flash multiple files, and usb storage from recovery mode. So my question is, which do you use? And why?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
TWRP because it's easier to use and makes more sense to me than CWM.
Sent from my SGH-I747 using xda premium
I use TWRP i find it easier and faster and the ui is very simple and clean.
I run TWRP I'll never use CWM again. love its features. =)
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
RPelham said:
I run TWRP I'll never use CWM again. love its features. =)
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Anybody know how to mount internal storage in TWRP?
I recently switched to TWRP and I'm not looking back. The touch interface is so much easier than using volume keys to navigate.
pberge said:
I recently switched to TWRP and I'm not looking back. The touch interface is so much easier than using volume keys to navigate.
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CWM does have a touch version available, though i still prefer TWRP.
CamFlawless said:
CWM does have a touch version available, though i still prefer TWRP.
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I remember reading somewhere on here that the touch version of CWM wasn't as reliable, so I have avoided it.
pberge said:
I remember reading somewhere on here that the touch version of CWM wasn't as reliable, so I have avoided it.
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I haven't used in on my S3, but haven't had any issues with it on my Nexus 7.
I personally never used TWRP. I always used CWM. Never had any issues with it such as bad back ups or corrupt files. Been using it since the Galaxy S1 days. I'm just loyal I guess.
Sent from my SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
How come twrp has more options for wiping your device and cwm only has cache, dalvik and factory/reset?
I have the touch version of CWM. I think I might try it out seeing as it's proffered by 4 out of 5 people on this post. I'm sure gonna miss the open DROID icon, and people thinking I'm a complete techy when I flash stuff
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 using xda app-developers app
Right now I have switched to CWM newest touch, as I was having issues with TWRP V I tried to update via phone at work to but goo manager was given me issue with their servers. But why do devs recommend TWRP over CWM and which do you prefer to use..
I prefer twrp. Havent used cwm in a long time.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
doubledragon5 said:
Right now I have switched to CWM newest touch, as I was having issues with TWRP V I tried to update via phone at work to but goo manager was given me issue with their servers. But why do devs recommend TWRP over CWM and which do you prefer to use..
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I prefer TWRP it's much easier to use and if you want one that's a little better try the version
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
ExT4 touch recovery was the SHT back ok my htc days. That's the one I like wish I had again.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
Cwm touch, been with Cwm since my OG evo, I feel like it's more clean and more well known then twrp, and twrp isn't that great in my opinion when I used it
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chuko303 said:
ExT4 touch recovery was the SHT back ok my htc days. That's the one I like wish I had again.
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I was a lil sad whhen I found out that I couldnt get ExT4 on my note. I had it on my shift and both my evo 3d's
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XxLostSoulxX said:
I prefer TWRP it's much easier to use and if you want one that's a little better try the version
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I remember their being a version a while back that was always perfect without the new combined wipe menu (Which i loathe) i believe that's the version i've been wanting back, thanks!
TimidRat said:
I remember their being a version a while back that was always perfect without the new combined wipe menu (Which i loathe) i believe that's the version i've been wanting back, thanks!
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Yep that's the one.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
Twrp.. Haven't used cwm since I had my epic 4g touch
-TeaM VeNuM Like A Boss :flipoff2:
-SoA: Son's of Android™
I think it generally evolves from phone to phone, but at the moment my preference is TWRP
What's wrong with the combined wipe? I've not upgraded in a while so I haven't used that feature.
Sent from my SPH-L900
jyveturkey said:
What's wrong with the combined wipe? I've not upgraded in a while so I haven't used that feature.
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It doesn't seem too wipe everything flawlessly which is why i stopped using clockwork, i'd much rather wipe them as needed, i dont wanna have too wipe dalvik and let it rebuild if i just want too wipe the cache real quick. Idk, it doesn't really matter it's just preference.
Been runnin twrp for years.
twrp, no question.
Thirding twrp. First I tried, only one I need. Their Dev team is responsive.
Twrp is the best for me
Hands down twrp
TWRP for me.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
I prefer 4EXT, but well... TWRP is easier than CWM