[Q] (APK) Google play - Sprint Samsung Galaxy S III

I need all the google apps since i recently flashed my phone to cynagenmod 10. I am trying to use the search function for the forums but it says its not working can anyone steer me in the right direction?

Wipe caches and flash in recovery. Flash this every time you install a new nightly
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2

Worked like a charm thanks for your help.


[Q] Rooted Incredible sans market access

Alright so long story short, just bought a 2 month old incredible off my buddy because he is a mactard and HAD to have an iphone.
The phone was rooted but I wanted to start from scratch so I formatted the sd card and performed a factory reset (within the phone, not thru recovery). In doing so, I no longer have access to the market - simply says "you don't have this application installed on your phone" when i try to open.
What is my best bet? Can I just flash a new rom and instal it in recovery? Is it possible to unroot at this point?
PS - I haven't set up the phone on the Verizon network yet so could this be the reason I can't access the market?
Any advice is much appreciated!!
sounds like you need to install google apps.
It would help if you said which rom you're on or if you're running stock but it does sound like flashing Google apps could fix your problem. Latest version is 5/3/11.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
My bad,
Rom: The Ultimate Droid 3.3.0
Android Version: 2.3.3
Kernel Version: [email protected] #27
Definitely try flashing Google apps, should get your market back.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
THanks I'll try that...you wouldn't happen to have a link to the .apk would you?
Its not an .apk, its a zip file flashed through recovery. ROM Manager has a GAPPS section at the very bottom under "Download ROM".
Sent from my Droid Incredible running CM7.0.3.
Ah that's right, I remember reading that in another forum...
Say I want a different rom though..if I simply flash a new one, will my Google apps exist?
Sorry for the rookie questions, still navigating my way thru the world of root, appreciate your guys' patience!
Pretty sure Google apps only need to be flashed with aosp roms, every sense rom I've flashed had the market and typical Google apps included.
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
THanks...now for the final question. Just dled OMFGB and Gapps...which do I flash first? And do I need to do another davlik wipe after the 1st flash?
Again, many thanks for your help!
frankyfourfingers said:
THanks...now for the final question. Just dled OMFGB and Gapps...which do I flash first? And do I need to do another davlik wipe after the 1st flash?
Again, many thanks for your help!
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rom first then gapps thats the rule with every rom
hmmm didn't seem to work. Tried again after rom was installed and still nothing...any suggestions?
Nevermind we're good!

CM 7 no market or google accounts HELP!

I installed CM 7.0.3 and there is no way to access the market or anything. I then went into the accounts section under settings and it only lets me add an Exchange account. How can I fix this? I'm on Clockworkmod 3.xxxx if that is important information
Download and flash the Google Apps pack available through CM7. Use CWM to flash it without clearing anything. It will work perfectly.
cvbcbcmv said:
Yes flash gaaps but reflash the ROM and without rebooting flash gaaps. Otherwise problems are created
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA Premium App
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I never had problems flashing it separately from the ROM flash.
Sent from my Droid Incredible running a random CM7 nightly.
Reboot to recovery, flash zip.
Thanks everyone for the replies. I installed google apps and everything is working perfectly. Thank you!
yeah but now its time to flash 7.1.

[Q] Google Apps

Hey guys a quick question, I flash aokp m4 and Franco's m2 and it all went great but I also flashed Google apps at that time and never got them when I booted up
So I'm asking is it OK to just go back into recovery and flash Google apps or should I wipe something if u can link me to a guide or a few steps it'd be greatly appreciated
Just wipe and reflash the rom and gapps in the same recovery session then boot up.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium

[HELP] Google Play Crashing

hi guys , just wanted to ask if anyone knows how to fix my google play on my galaxy nexus , everytime i use it , it keeps on crashing i cant even see the homepage of the play store , i tried wiping the cache and data and still no dice , i also tried re installing the gapps for 4.2.2 and still no luck, can anyone help me with this? any help will be awesome , thank you guys
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
I don't know does this help but you can try:
Settings > Apps > all > Google Play services
Wipe cache and data and also updates if update for it exists
then wipe cache and data from Play store and delete updates if updates exists..
and then delete Google account and add account back, then reboot and launch play store
ive already tried the wipe cache and data method still no luck , but ill try the other one you said the account log out and in then reboot , ill inform u if it works , thanks for the help much appreciated
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
joshxrain said:
ive already tried the wipe cache and data method still no luck , but ill try the other one you said the account log out and in then reboot , ill inform u if it works , thanks for the help much appreciated
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
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OK, And Np.
If it doesn't work then maybe you should try to flash another ROM or newer version of the ROM if it has Newer version available.
But if something is wrong in Gapps then try other flashable GAPPs I used the Gapps when I tested CM10.1:
joshxrain said:
hi guys , just wanted to ask if anyone knows how to fix my google play on my galaxy nexus , everytime i use it , it keeps on crashing i cant even see the homepage of the play store , i tried wiping the cache and data and still no dice , i also tried re installing the gapps for 4.2.2 and still no luck, can anyone help me with this? any help will be awesome , thank you guys
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
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I'd suggest you uninstall updates of play store and open play store again. It'll udate automatically in some time.
I guess the guy above has already suggested that you remove updates.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
manumanfred said:
OK, And Np.
If it doesn't work then maybe you should try to flash another ROM or newer version of the ROM if it has Newer version available.
But if something is wrong in Gapps then try other flashable GAPPs I used the Gapps when I tested CM10.1:
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awesome , ill download it when i get home
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
neerajvd said:
I'd suggest you uninstall updates of play store and open play store again. It'll udate automatically in some time.
I guess the guy above has already suggested that you remove updates.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
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yeah ive already tried that one and still no dice maybe ill try flashing a new gapps , by the way om using Slim bean rom
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2
manumanfred said:
OK, And Np.
If it doesn't work then maybe you should try to flash another ROM or newer version of the ROM if it has Newer version available.
But if something is wrong in Gapps then try other flashable GAPPs I used the Gapps when I tested CM10.1:
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any instructions how to flash this one ? i mean do i have to wipe cache and data then fix permissions ? i just need some instructions thanks
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I717 using Tapatalk 2

Netflix stuck at signing in.

I've tried everything to be able to watch Netflix on my Galaxy Note 4 it just sticks at the signing in part and never goes past that .I've unistalled reinstalled cleared all data and cache from the app nothing seems to work.Im stock rooted running Wanam and exposed,im hoping someone on here can give me some insight on how to fix this.all my other devices work fine with Netflix so i know its not my account with Netflix,it seems as if something is not being recognized on the phone to let me sign in.Once again any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks everybody.
Same here.. Where you able to find a fix. I rooted running Xnote but also happened with the other rom I was using.
Sent from my SM-N910P using XDA Free mobile app
If you are using Xposed, you can use the "Xposed CM 10.1 Netflix Workaround". Been using it for a while, and hasn't failed me yet.
It doesn't matter if you are running CM or not. It still works.
Sent from my SM-N910P using Tapatalk
If you're running a custom kernel then thats where the issue lies.
Clear data for netflix
Flash the stock kernel
Load netflix
Flash custom kernel of choice
Hit the thanks button if I was helpful!
Sent from Sprint Note 4

