Before this I was in gummy toro ..then the first day that vicious jb roms out I manage to flash jb roms.. and its working.. then I try to flash different jb roms and it stock in Google animation..did everything clean flash delete all..then flash jb roms and again boot loop.. I unbrick my nexus using g.n. toolkit v7 back to stock..then set up everything then I try to flash a jb roms again yet again stock in boot loop.. any help pls... thanks in advance.
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landrian18 said:
Before this I was in gummy toro ..then the first day that vicious jb roms out I manage to flash jb roms.. and its working.. then I try to flash different jb roms and it stock in Google animation..did everything clean flash delete all..then flash jb roms and again boot loop.. I unbrick my nexus using g.n. toolkit v7 back to stock..then set up everything then I try to flash a jb roms again yet again stock in boot loop.. any help pls... thanks in advance.
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What are you using to flash? ADB, ClockworkMod Recovery? My rule for ROMS has been: download to phone and ensure download was completed successfully, reboot to CWM recovery, wipe cache, wipe Dalvik, install ROM, wipe Dalvik again, reboot.
If you can provide any more info regarding your process I can try and help you out.
Which galaxy nexus version is yours? Which Roms did you install? Did all three wipes?
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I'm using the one from gnex toolkit v7(clockwork mod touch recovery) I did wipe data /factory reset 3times,wipe cache and wipe dalvik and I also format system,cache and data..reboot and stock in boot loop.. I did that to 3jb roms and same thing I restore to ics.and this time boot up well. This is the first time I've in counter something like this..been flashing since vibrant.
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landrian18 said:
I'm using the one from gnex toolkit v7(clockwork mod touch recovery)
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this makes me die a little inside.
also, cwm touch is known to have issues with flashing stuff.
Oh.. so I think I should use rom manager.. to flash vicious-toro v3..
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Coming from gummy toro I manage to flash liquid vicious toro v1to v3 with no problem..then vanirbean rom and when I flash [email protected]_jelly that when its all started...I can flash ics rom and I can restore..but I can't flash jb roms..
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Try re downloading the rom again if its stuck at the Google animation let it sit for 5 to 15 minutes. It should boot up on its own. If not then there's something else wrong. But when I'm stuck at the Google logo with any jb rom I just let it sit. And eventually it boots up fine.
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Thanks for the reply..I just flash it again I'm using 2 different jb rom and 2 different kernel..still stock in boot loop..I've waited for 30mins each in boot loop..before I had the vicious rom for almost a week then try different rom and this is what I got.. hayzz...
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did you change out your recovery to the regular cwm?
@zepius . Yep I did.. get it from from manager...
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landrian18 said:
Thanks for the reply..I just flash it again I'm using 2 different jb rom and 2 different kernel..still stock in boot loop..I've waited for 30mins each in boot loop..before I had the vicious rom for almost a week then try different rom and this is what I got.. hayzz...
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OK. Hmm. Go into recovery wipe everything 3x data/cache/dalvik cache flash the rom (don't flash a kernel) just the rom go back and reboot system now and see if that helps.
Edit: make sure u have over 50% battery before doing this.
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I did that last night..wipe 3× everything.. did flash just rom, then rom with kernel, and also I did try wipe just cache and dalvik.. and also I did try format system, cache and data...
Edit: this is the first time it happen to me..even though I unbrick ,luck bootl. Factory reset .. its so weird...
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hey all,
not to highjack this thread, but I'm suddenly having the same issue.
I was on VanirBEAN v7 with the Popcorn Kernel that came with it.
I then flashed Franco's latest (384 GPU version).
Had no problems until last night when I let the phone run the battery all the way out and die completely. I let it charge for a bit, then tried booting and I'm stuck at the Google logo or get a reboot during the boot animation, depending on what I'm doing.
So here's what I've tried. All of these come with a wipe/cache/Davlik inbetween:
flash Vicious Toro JB V3 (stays on Google logo)
flash VanirBEAN v7 (reboots at VanirBEAN animation)
flash AOKP build 37 (reboots on the TeamKang animation)
selectively restore boot and system for AOKP 37 from a previous stable backup (reboots at the Android boot animation since in the ROM I had it set to not show the TeamKang boot animation)
I'm really at a loss right now. I'm trying a full restore on the backup I did before installing my first JB ROM.
edit: tried a full restore and i'm getting "Error while restoring /data!"... ugh.
Is my only choice to try Wugfresh's toolkit and restore stock and relock?
No one tried to fix permissions?
3x wipes, superwipe scripts..
That's not gonna help. If you wiped it once, it isn't there anymore.
I used wugfresh to back from fresh start and still if I flash jb rom I'm stock in jb rom.. done with 3 different jb rom. Same on all of them.. and yes I also did fix permission... I also did about mount and unmount regarding the system,cache and data... I'm tired of flashing and waiting in boot loop so I restore to ics gummy. I hope someone can help us with this...
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landrian18 said:
I used wugfresh to back from fresh start and still if I flash jb rom I'm stock in jb rom.. done with 3 different jb rom. Same on all of them.. and yes I also did fix permission... I also did about mount and unmount regarding the system,cache and data... I'm tired of flashing and waiting in boot loop so I restore to ics gummy. I hope someone can help us with this...
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I suppose you could try reinstalling the bootloader, or using one of the recent JB bootloaders and see if that helps. I can't think of a good reason why this should be happening based on what you've described, however. I assume you've checked obvious stuff like the MD5 sums on all your downloaded ROMs, etc?
Hi everybody!
I have identical issue, I did all possible, now I´m close to give it up. Yes, I checked all downloaded files by MD5 sums, I tried latest CWM, latest TWRP, gnex-JB-bootloader (…lc03). Today I tried also “Super_Wipe_Lite_Nexus”, but I can´t jump boot animation. I´m flashing roms long time, but this magic never happened. What else we should try to clear/delete?
Hey guys.
I was running paranoid android 4.0.4 and t was good but I wanted to go to JB. I tried for a long time and it kept getting stuck at the bootloader loop screen.
I formatted sdcard, went back to stock. Back to square one. got TWRP and rooted it.
It tells me there is an update I can go from 4.0.4 to 4.1 and I allow it and it STILL gets stuck at the bootloader loop.
I tried to manually put in a ROM again, the black AOKP one and still stuck in the loop.
I haven't got a custom launcher or anything. pretty much running stock and wanted to get to JB...
my phone is maguro.
Anyone have any ideas?
Are you talking about an OTA Official update? If so you need stock recovery, bootloader and radio. You can't flash an OTA without these. If you really want to go down this route, you will need to flash factory images for your device and start from fresh.
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Have you tried CM10? I have had great luck on Euroskank. I tried AOKP this morning and ended up stuck in a bootloop but Euroskank AOSP and AOKP have both been great. Also I use the 0726 gapps.
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Xfanatic said:
Have you tried CM10? I have had great luck on Euroskank. I tried AOKP this morning and ended up stuck in a bootloop but Euroskank AOSP and AOKP have both been great. Also I use the 0726 gapps.
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thanks! I will try these tomorrow!
Download the following: Superwipe zip, and Jelly Bean Bootloader zip Bootloader Superwipe Script
Use clockworkmod and flash the superwipe choosing install zip from sd first the the same for the bootloader then flash your rom. Let it boot up which can take a couple minutes at the boot screen
What worked for me was the Galaxy Nexus Toolkit. It allows you to wipe the entire system and replace it with a factory image. The factory image for stock JB is available now, so it's as easy as a couple clicks. It's the only thing that worked for me completely, i.e., no sdcard0 bug.
NB: It wipes EVERYTHING!!!!! Backup anything important.
Ok, i was on vicious jb rom and I flashed the cm9 stable rom. everything was working great until i tried to flash the imoseyen kernel through franco kernel updater app from the play store. now im trying to wipe everything and i get to the google screen and about half way through the cm9 boot image and it freezes up and starts over at the google screen. can someone please help me!?
fk.gregor said:
Ok, i was on vicious jb rom and I flashed the cm9 stable rom. everything was working great until i tried to flash the imoseyen kernel through franco kernel updater app from the play store. now im trying to wipe everything and i get to the google screen and about half way through the cm9 boot image and it freezes up and starts over at the google screen. can someone please help me!?
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Did you try reflashing the ROM?
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Lesicnik1 said:
Did you try reflashing the ROM?
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yes, ive wipe/ factory reset, wipe cache and dalvik. every time it does the same.
it wont pass the boot animation at all.
is there a way to push files onto the phone without it being debugging mode or anything?
i cant gain root access to it, so my question is, is there a way to push files on a different way?
adb push in a custom recovery
Unlock the boot loader
Flash ClockworkMod Recover
Adb push a ROM to SD card
Wipe data/cache
Wipe system and dalvik-cache
Flash ROM and Gapps
This should do it. You may also want to try restoring an old backup, if you have one.
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flash stock using fastboot.
fk.gregor said:
Ok, i was on vicious jb rom and I flashed the cm9 stable rom. everything was working great until i tried to flash the imoseyen kernel through franco kernel updater app from the play store. now im trying to wipe everything and i get to the google screen and about half way through the cm9 boot image and it freezes up and starts over at the google screen. can someone please help me!?
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Looks like imoseyen & CM9 don't like each other. I'd try reflashing the kernel that comes with cm9 stable (just extract it) via fastboot. If that doesn't work, you'll probably have to do a full reflash of your ROM.
I ended up unrooting it and flashing stock. I'll just wait until cm10 gets stable.
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I rooted my phone fine. I unlocked my phone fine.
I installed clockworkmod recovery fine. I flashed clockworkmod. I backed up my rom at the stage after rooting and unlocking.
I then downloaded cyanogenmod from the app's download page. I downloaded it and installed it. I used the default selections which is "wipe delvich cache"
When I turned on my phone, it stays at the blue screen with the alien forever.
Any help on what to do? Thanks!
Reflash the ROM using these instructions. You probably wiped the wrong way.
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I had same problem installing cm10 with cwm. In order to get past boot animation you have to use the dark side cache wipe after flashing ROM. Ideally you should -darksidesuperwipe then flash ROM then darksidecachewipe. I like to let it boot without gapps first. Set up WiFi and all that.
Try rebooting and flash darksidecachewipe. Then reboot. I always had lingering problems until I flashed twrp. After twrp is installed there is no need for darkside scripts.
Worth it to just get twrp and redo.
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ctrlaltdeln said:
I had same problem installing cm10 with cwm. In order to get past boot animation you have to use the dark side cache wipe after flashing ROM. Ideally you should -darksidesuperwipe then flash ROM then darksidecachewipe. I like to let it boot without gapps first. Set up WiFi and all that.
Try rebooting and flash darksidecachewipe. Then reboot. I always had lingering problems until I flashed twrp. After twrp is installed there is no need for darkside scripts.
Worth it to just get twrp and redo.
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Wow very informative and helpful too bad the OP could not at least give you some props and let you know he saw this and you helped him out. People panic come on here and ask questions then never come back to thank or at least acknowledge the help... Hey for that I will give you your first xda Thanks.... :good:
Try returning to stock and try again. Do things in this order: 1. Root, CWM, ETC. 2. CM7 or another 2.3 ROM (usual wipe) 3. CM9 (again, wipe)
Sorry for the noob question. I searched but i couldn't find the answer I'm looking for. Here's the deal...i have had alot of rooted phones but i just rooted my own phone for the first time,obviously the GNex. I used the toolkit i found on here and it went great. I am using TWRP recovery cause it was recommended by AOKP and when i flashed there new Jb ROM i noticed how twrp is set up a lot different then CWM. I found out that i had to factory wipe before flashing. So getting to my question. When i flash the update do i do that same wipe or do i wipe cache,davlik and/or system? Also i gotta do a back up first right? Then with gapps is it the same steps as flashing the update? If someone can show me the way that would be great. Thanks.
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1. Backup current ROM
2. Wipe
3. Flash new ROM
4. Flash GAPPs (if required)
5. Reboot
Well, for updating purpose you've only to wipe cache and dalvik (but i think it's not mandatory for all the rom) then you straight flash the rom and gapps (everytime both) then you reboot and you're good to go! And backup is always welcome!
[email protected] said:
Well, for updating purpose you've only to wipe cache and dalvik (but i think it's not mandatory for all the rom) then you straight flash the rom and gapps (everytime both) then you reboot and you're good to go! And backup is always welcome!
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Thank you. I wasn't sure exactly what to ass i know, but still learning this stuff.
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EddyOS said:
1. Backup current ROM
2. Wipe
3. Flash new ROM
4. Flash GAPPs (if required)
5. Reboot
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If you're staying on the same rom with just an update you probably don't have to wipe unless you have issues upon reboot but otherwise you probably always should.
so i got an update notification from goo saying my rom and gapps have an update (aokp jb 4.2 mr1 build 2) so i flashed em and i got my stock reboot screen then every google app foreclosing over and over but rom still there. what the hell????
This is for sprint ain't it?!!?
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elliot2112 said:
This is for sprint ain't it?!!?
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Toro would be Verizon.
sent from my Google Galaxy Nexus
bk201doesntexist said:
Toro would be Verizon.
sent from my Google Galaxy Nexus
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well what happened here then? i looked on aokp and its not there. its the one i have now build 1. im really confused. the new gapps update is 20120429. it must be wrong if everything google was foreclosing. so what did give me?
ok it is build 2 on aokp. so gapps must be the same one i have been using? because this new one everything was foreclosing.
Better off doing updates manually and not using an app to do it for you
elliot2112 said:
well what happened here then? i looked on aokp and its not there. its the one i have now build 1. im really confused. the new gapps update is 20120429. it must be wrong if everything google was foreclosing. so what did give me?
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From the date I think you flashed a gapps for jb 4.1 on a 4.2 ROM. Pretty sure that the 4.2 gapps is dated 12/12/12.
EddyOS said:
Better off doing updates manually and not using an app to do it for you
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ya thats what im about to do now.
i went and downloaded build 2 straight from aokp and flashed that with same gapps for build 1 cause that hasnt changed on there site. my boot animation is the stock nexus logo instead of that pink unicorn with the gears. i figured it still wasnt working but everything seems to be running normal.....actually really fricken smooth and snappier. thanks for all your input everybody!