Hi , my Cousin bought Samsung Galaxy W a few days ago.
Already in his first hours with the new device he noticed that there are too much lags and bugs.
The Galaxy W has 512mb ram !
He ask if there is a solution for this problem and maybe he can add more memory (RAM)
Thank you !
Not possible.
Sent from my GT-I8150 using xda app-developers app
Does Custom Rom can fix the lags problem ?
yuval.r said:
Does Custom Rom can fix the lags problem ?
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skrillex13 said:
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tank you !!
hi, actually you can expand the ram using swap. but you have to flash to cow kernel first, cause it got swap function. try this software RAM EXPANDER
but there is disadvantage. if you wanna use your device as usb mass storage, first you need to un-swap first then restart the phone. otherwise you pc cant recognise the memory card.
What kind of bug can you get using a stock rom? Especially when you bought it like a few days ago.
Sent from my GT-I8150 using xda premium
Before i was thinking that i will return my GT-i8150 but now i am succes with this app
Download and Install Auto Killer Memory Booster (Here it is) and see screenshots
I just enable EXTREME preset, all time i have minimum 150mb of free RAM.
Hi Thanks after done
AutoKiller Memory Optimizer is not a regular task manager, it is an award winner minfree tweaker, it fine tunes android systems inner memory manager to keep your device fast over time. As a side effect it also lowers battery consumption. Also includes a manual process/service manager.
ROOT REQUIRED to set minfree values, unrooted devices will not have this feature
if you have questions or you face errors please check home page or write a mail
for more details see home page
Pro Features:
no ads
Chuck Norris mode enabled
apply kernel tweaks on boot
alternate preset (while screen is off)
all widgets
quick restart
memory reclaim
Please be careful, apps with very similar look and name are distributed, they can be malicious.
Hello everyone,
While using my arc s, my free RAM memory is often displayed as 70/80 MBs. (which is shown by using equipment's default information - if i use airdroid app it shows a lower value).
Is there a way to maximize free RAM or, in other words, minimize RAM usage?
Sent from my LT18i using XDA App
Pedro Pinto said:
Hello everyone,
While using my arc s, my free RAM memory is often displayed as 70/80 MBs. (which is shown by using equipment's default information - if i use airdroid app it shows a lower value).
Is there a way to maximize free RAM or, in other words, minimize RAM usage?
Sent from my LT18i using XDA App
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80Mb is enough for every day use.
Sent from my MT15i using Tapatalk
taaviu said:
80Mb is enough for every day use.
Sent from my MT15i using Tapatalk
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Thanks pal,
However, It gets lower than that! Besides, are these values really reliable? Why do I get like 50% less while using AirDroid App? (Device - Ram Usage)
Thank you!
Pedro Pinto said:
Thanks pal,
However, It gets lower than that! Besides, are these values really reliable? Why do I get like 50% less while using AirDroid App? (Device - Ram Usage)
Thank you!
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If your phone works fine...no lags. Then don't matter how much you had free ram....right. Android itself manages all like he need.
Sent from my MT15i using Tapatalk
taaviu said:
If your phone works fine...no lags. Then don't matter how much you had free ram....right. Android itself manages all like he need.
Sent from my MT15i using Tapatalk
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Yes I understand it, however, if I use an application for quite long time, I get white icons (for 2 or 3 seconds) when I get back to the default screen.
Pedro Pinto said:
Yes I understand it, however, if I use an application for quite long time, I get white icons (for 2 or 3 seconds) when I get back to the default screen.
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I can recommend you "ram manager pro"
Good apply for multitasking and gaming.
Do not use task killers and cashe cleaners.
Sent from my MT15i using Tapatalk
taaviu said:
I can recommend you "ram manager pro"
Good apply for multitasking and gaming.
Do not use task killers and cashe cleaners.
Sent from my MT15i using Tapatalk
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Thanks for your suggestion mate. However, my phone isn't rooted and I guess that APP is only for rooted systems?
Pedro Pinto said:
Hello everyone,
While using my arc s, my free RAM memory is often displayed as 70/80 MBs. (which is shown by using equipment's default information - if i use airdroid app it shows a lower value).
Is there a way to maximize free RAM or, in other words, minimize RAM usage?
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i think u shouldnt worry about that,all the other ram space is used to cache your application for fast opening,doesnt effect your performance if im correct..try task killer if u really want to free it..
In Android, you should only worry about free RAM when some tall dark stranger approaches you and says: "I'll give you a thousand bucks for each MB of free RAM on your phone".
Other than that, free RAM is wasted RAM, under normal circumstances.
iR¡[email protected]!* via Tapatalk
Pedro Pinto said:
Thanks for your suggestion mate. However, my phone isn't rooted and I guess that APP is only for rooted systems?
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check ur inbox pedro..i've sent u an pm..and don't forget to root ur phone.. ^^..hit the thanks button if its helpful to u.. ^^
Guys I am a novice on this forum.
I have the stock rom ddle1.
My phone's uptime is 641:10:00.
My ram usage is 252 mb.
My phone lags like hell, plz help me to reduce ram usage or any performance tweaks.
Any help would be appreciated.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using XDA
Master_Key said:
Guys I am a novice on this forum.
I have the stock rom ddle1.
My phone's uptime is 641:10:00.
My ram usage is 252 mb.
My phone lags like hell, plz help me to reduce ram usage or any performance tweaks.
Any help would be appreciated.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using XDA
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Go to this thread for tweaks - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1534510. But why is your ram at 252 mb?? Your phone will lag a lot because of that much ram usage.
Sent from heaven!
Ram usage 252 mb with 0 foreground app.
I forgot to mention this.
Thank you.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using XDA
my phone increases ram after a long time of usage.. and it does not goes down. to maintain it balance, end process some application or reboot.. it's effective
I'll reboot and apply those tweaks.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using XDA
I didn't boot up.
I applied the tweak as I do while using .NET.
Ram usage down to 230.
Lets hope it does not resurge.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using XDA
Alright, so now done with cwm.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using XDA
Master_Key said:
Guys I am a novice on this forum.
I have the stock rom ddle1.
My phone's uptime is 641:10:00.
My ram usage is 252 mb.
My phone lags like hell, plz help me to reduce ram usage or any performance tweaks.
Any help would be appreciated.
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ur stock rom is good
you need to use any custum rom(creed or repencis or any good one)
use v8 supercharger and merruk kernel
I feign you intended to say "your stock rom is NOT good".
Sent from my GT-S5360 using XDA
Master_Key said:
Guys I am a novice on this forum.
I have the stock rom ddle1.
My phone's uptime is 641:10:00.
My ram usage is 252 mb.
My phone lags like hell, plz help me to reduce ram usage or any performance tweaks.
Any help would be appreciated.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using XDA
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Reboot regularly, dont to loong leaving ur phone on, turn off when night charge . Etc..
Sent from my GT-S5360 using Tapatalk 2
Master_Key said:
I didn't boot up.
I applied the tweak as I do while using .NET.
Ram usage down to 230.
Lets hope it does not resurge.
Sent from my GT-S5360 using XDA
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try andrenaline booster
you can try removing some unused apps in your phone, uninstalling antiviruses (i dont use one anyway) changing to lighter launcher, and clearing ram from task manager. and try to reboot every 100 hours or so. it will start to lag when you leave it on for too long.
i used to to have s2, and in that cell can free upto 550MB RAM, but in one x can't seem to get more then 300MB RAM, with same amount of applications, how i can get more ram? very few programs are running in the background and they are same as in s2
if you are rooted try the supercharger v6 script, it is very useful and on the highest memory kill settings you can get up to 500mb free even more but it depends on how many apps you have installed. it kills lag and cannot possibly cause any bootlooping problems and such.
ryanjsoo said:
if you are rooted try the supercharger v6 script, it is very useful and on the highest memory kill settings you can get up to 500mb free even more but it depends on how many apps you have installed. it kills lag and cannot possibly cause any bootlooping problems and such.
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Ryan, have you tried the supercharge script yourself already? It's just whenever I try and flash the .zip in recovery my notification bar dissappears. Did this happen to you?
Free ram is wasted ram
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk
bailie1912 said:
Free ram is wasted ram
Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk
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It seemed as if I had better battery usage when my phone was supercharged though. Not as good multitasking but slightly better core performance and battery.
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA
but low ram means slow multi-tasking and more battery drain
kami2k said:
but low ram means slow multi-tasking and more battery drain
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You have a mod called "supercharged" or "supercharger" in the rom developement section ... Download it, instal in CWM and youll get it
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA
Hello everybody I have some questions about thus awesome MoD called TurboBoost
The problem is that I have 100% swappines, so every process that goes OOM should be swapped. I have 112-100-120 triple swap space but after some time of using it I recognized that sometimes system reclaims swapped processes from swap within fully using it, so I'm just wasting free swap space. Do you know a way to restrict system from doing it
Sent from my HTC One V using xda app-developers app
AL2000EX said:
Hello everybody I have some questions about thus awesome MoD called TurboBoost
The problem is that I have 100% swappines, so every process that goes OOM should be swapped. I have 112-100-120 triple swap space but after some time of using it I recognized that sometimes system reclaims swapped processes from swap within fully using it, so I'm just wasting free swap space. Do you know a way to restrict system from doing it
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You can try to read the thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2345750 from post #5 on...
Hope it helps :fingers-crossed:
Hi guys, I'm running the official cyanogenmod 10.2 nightlies... I'm getting over 75% memory consumption at all times.. My storage is over 40% free so I don't have problems there...
The issue is that every time I'm in an app and I press the home button, my launcher has to restart (probably because of low memory . I'm using nova launcher)
Any suggestions of what could be eating up my memory?.. This much consumption after I clear all apps from memory can't be normal...
Any suggestions for any other light ROMS that use less memory?
Thanks in advance
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
If you're really looking for more memory, try a "deeper" task killer app capable of killing system apps, e.g. Advanced Task Killer Pro (though task killers are altogether not suggested as said by other people).
I also use Autostarts to prevent random apps from starting up when it's not supposed to (Greenify should also do the trick).
With the help of just these two tiny apps, I get 500MB+ free RAM on boot (CM10.2, Franco r392).
Oh, and nothing kills an app better and deeper than a Force Stop in Settings-Apps. If an app persists in task killers (e.g. Fused Location in 4.2.x ROMs), just Force Stop it.
Sent from Google Nexus 4 @ CM10.2
This is the way Android is supposed to work - memory is usually filled up with cached apps for better performance... However I do think there is something screwed up with memory management in recent nightlies.
Kostas1601 said:
Hi guys, I'm running the official cyanogenmod 10.2 nightlies... I'm getting over 75% memory consumption at all times.. My storage is over 40% free so I don't have problems there...
The issue is that every time I'm in an app and I press the home button, my launcher has to restart (probably because of low memory . I'm using nova launcher)
Any suggestions of what could be eating up my memory?.. This much consumption after I clear all apps from memory can't be normal...
Any suggestions for any other light ROMS that use less memory?
Thanks in advance
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One word: Greenify
Seraz007 said:
One word: Greenify
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Wow thanks a lot man, greenefy looks great I'll try it out and see how it goes... So far so good
Kostas1601 said:
Hi guys, I'm running the official cyanogenmod 10.2 nightlies... I'm getting over 75% memory consumption at all times.. My storage is over 40% free so I don't have problems there...
The issue is that every time I'm in an app and I press the home button, my launcher has to restart (probably because of low memory . I'm using nova launcher)
Any suggestions of what could be eating up my memory?.. This much consumption after I clear all apps from memory can't be normal...
Any suggestions for any other light ROMS that use less memory?
Thanks in advance
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Try flashing a kernel that has more free memory like Fancy Kernel or the latest Franco Kernel nightly...they both provide an extra 50MB+ of RAM which makes a HUGE difference in performance and multitasking.
Well it depends on how many apps you've opened. With no apps in recents I have a usage of 100-200 MB so I have then ~500 MB free. I am not using a taskkiller. It is better to not have a taskkiller on Android.
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