Good morning,
I am running my Galaxy 4g touch. I start out at EL29. ots takes me to ff18 then fd13. Somewhere along the lines i lose data then wifi . Usually data on the ff18, then wifi on fd13. Any ideas on what may ne occuring?
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda app-developers app
First this isn't development related, also you're in the wrong forum. Do not be one of those fools that flashes the wrong firmware and fries their phone then complains to XDA that their software wrecked your ****. Please, I implore you to read more thoroughly next time.
Go find the correct forum: judging by your signature, try this one: ->
My apologies for the mistake. I hope never to make one again in the future to inconvenience you. I am sure it was such an inconvenience.
Are mistakes allowed? If not please let me know.
Such an assumption. Did you see this posted anywhere else? if you would like me to spam the forums I will be more than happy to do so for you.
WOW if there was a medal for Conclusion jumping in the Olympics you would be the world and olympic record holder. Where did you get all of that out of one small post. Ask clarification questions, don't reply don't care what you do but you don't have to be a freakin ass.
Good Day. Will not post again here and my apologies for being new and asking a question.
So anyway, you're having strange issues with the ota?
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Xparent SkyBlue Tapatalk 2
Thats right folks...dont ask questions in a Q&A thread!! Go make a new one in the development section!
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda app-developers app
"Wrong forum"?........... No soup for you !!!.................. Lol.
Sent from my ginger infused Mayan calculator.
Hi guys.
This is my first post and i was doing a little research and couldn't find much of an answer....
My question is.... Does the Samsung Galaxy SII Epic 4G Touch for Sprint have the hardware to be compatible with the new 4G LTE updates that Sprint is doing to their network? I am in Dallas and I should be one of the first to benefit from this network upgrade.
I was told "No" by some.
By others (Sprint Store, Franchise) I was told "Yes, no problem at all. We will do an OTA and you might have to come in to the store to apply some changes but its definitely possible"....
My problem is that i don't know who to trust.
I do NOT want to have to upgrade my phone again to benefit from the 4G LTE upgrade. That's just retarded.
I need someone that has the hardware specifications (and the technical background) to provide a no nonsense answer as to whether or not an OTA update will "Unlock" LTE capabilities on this phone, if the capability exists at all.
Not to be an ass, but i don't want speculations or opinions.
I need a straight-forward and logical answer.
Does this phone have the hardware in it to be 4G LTE compatible or not.
Thanks in advance!!!
1. This is the epic 4g with a keyboard forum
2. This is not possible.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
Please ask your question in Epic 4G Touch forums. If you read and payed attention you would notice this is the OG Epic 4G.
marcusant said:
1. This is the epic 4g with a keyboard forum
2. This is not possible.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
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What I don't get is most of these people who ask questions about the touch are using a desktop/laptop non mobile so they see what the phone looks like on side of forum they can't be that blind, I swear they do it on purpose. But even if they missed that it still doesn't say "touch" so confusion is not an acceptable answer for an excuse IMHO.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Well said it's very irritating to see a bunch of posts and threads from "Touch" idiots in our forums.
Sent from my tricked out Samurai powered Epic 4G
Calm down man... just someone making a mistake...
Not sure if you're referring to me or not but I'm as chill as they come. I'm a little tired of seeing peeps asking questions about the Epic Touch when it has it's own forum. So sorry for sounding like an ass but it really gets old when you see the same types of posts. People really need to pay attention.
Sent from my tricked out Samurai powered Epic 4G
joethpilot said:
Calm down man... just someone making a mistake...
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Funny how none of us have made that mistake, because we can read and aren't blind. Sorry to be harsh but its the truth.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
XxLostSoulxX said:
Funny how none of us have made that mistake, because we can read and aren't blind. Sorry to be harsh but its the truth.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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To be fair I think it is pretty well established that there is no shortage of og epic users with an inability to read. Luckily for the people in the touch forums there was probably only one phone called the epic 4g when our non readers started on xda so it is us who get the confused touch folks rather than them who get confused keyboard folk...
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
This is what happens when iphone users switch to the epic touch.
Sent From My AOKP SPH-D700
I'm sorry but ya'lls ability to get so frustrated so EASILY is amazing and funny to me, sometimes...
If you've noticed, i am a brand new user and that was literally my first post.
I tried to post another topic stating "Hey, my bad, this is new to me phone and I just joined the forum." but i had to wait 15 minutes to post another, because that's what happens on your first couple of posts when your a member that literally just joined.
Instead of replying to ignorance, I decided to use the post, after the 15 minute wait, on a thread that wasn't going to most likely be giving complete BS answers that have nothing to do with the subject.
Since you would like to flame and get all red faced over a stupid "He posted in OUR section" issue.... Then obviously you've got some personal things you need to work on. How to deal with people, along with your inability to shrink your head. Because it looks to me like your suffering from "Big Headedness." And i mean every single bit as constructive criticism.
I want a world filled with peace and helpfulness. Like a fairy tale book.
You guys have a good weekend, life, or day. Whichever applies.
Thanks (for pretty much nothing.)
Un-twist your panties dude. Imo you shouldn't even be using a website based around modding your device if you can't figure out which device you've got.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using Tapatalk
Make like your user name and exit on outta here! Good luck with "modding" your phone, aka soon to be paper weight.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using XDA App
exitpr0gram said:
I'm sorry but ya'lls ability to get so frustrated so EASILY is amazing and funny to me, sometimes...
If you've noticed, i am a brand new user and that was literally my first post.
I tried to post another topic stating "Hey, my bad, this is new to me phone and I just joined the forum." but i had to wait 15 minutes to post another, because that's what happens on your first couple of posts when your a member that literally just joined.
Instead of replying to ignorance, I decided to use the post, after the 15 minute wait, on a thread that wasn't going to most likely be giving complete BS answers that have nothing to do with the subject.
Since you would like to flame and get all red faced over a stupid "He posted in OUR section" issue.... Then obviously you've got some personal things you need to work on. How to deal with people, along with your inability to shrink your head. Because it looks to me like your suffering from "Big Headedness." And i mean every single bit as constructive criticism.
I want a world filled with peace and helpfulness. Like a fairy tale book.
You guys have a good weekend, life, or day. Whichever applies.
Thanks (for pretty much nothing.)
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When theirs a picture of our phone with a slider and you dont what possesses you to think oh thats my forum? when theirs stickies that say NON TOUCH section that should give you the hint "hey maybe this isn't for my phone".
You dont see any of us posting over there because 1st off we can read and see that thats clearly not our phone. 2nd off taking the few extra seconds to make sure would actually help just like i make sure im in the right Nexus S forum.
since the op only has 2 posts, i take it he never found the correct forum?
OP....a simple Google would have told you there is no LTE radio in there and a Galaxy S2 HD LTE is due out sometime to replace it. Google will not flame you for asking questions.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Noob mistake, consider him an unexpected guest and stop flaming
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
Why would you want to correct your idiotic mistake of posting in the wrong forum, by posting in the SAME forum, apologizing? Just ask questions in the correct forum and be done with it.
Sent from my LG-P999 using XDA
kennyglass123 said:
OP....a simple Google would have told you there is no LTE radio in there and a Galaxy S2 HD LTE is due out sometime to replace it. Google will not flame you for asking questions.
Sent from my SPH-D700 using xda premium
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This topic has been discussed before, with our epic's too. Apparently sprint is saying that our 4g radio will be able to run on the lte network with a firmware update. So, even if he DID post in the wrong forum, there's no need to flame because its applicable to our devices also.
(I'm not meaning to single you out kenny lol)
ugothakd said:
This topic has been discussed before, with our epic's too. Apparently sprint is saying that our 4g radio will be able to run on the lte network with a firmware update. So, even if he DID post in the wrong forum, there's no need to flame because its applicable to our devices also.
(I'm not meaning to single you out kenny lol)
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No offense taken. Do you have any links for this. Because I googled it before I posted that and could not find anywhere that said that. I would love to learn more about it. Was that both Epics? So a "simple" google was definitely the wrong
mods please close
He posted something earlier that he was leaving xda and wouldn't say the reason. But that it's deeper than we think and it has nothing to do with the users. He said to follow him on google+ but I couldn't find his account on his xda page.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
Great WTF are we going to do now!
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Xparent ICS Tapatalk 2
XDA is deleting any questions about this too... Stay classy guys
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
He attacked me personally when I was trying to complement someone other than him in his thread... He then went on to delete my subsequent replies because they made him look bad... I'll miss his ROMs but certainly not him!
Rapalax said:
He attacked me personally when I was trying to complement someone other than him in his thread... He then went on to delete my subsequent replies because they made him look bad... I'll miss his ROMs but certainly not him!
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may have jumped the gun posting this....believe i had a misunderstanding myself. the threads are back, likely just some cleaning up to do.
that being said, i've never seem tdj post anything that spoke poorly of his character. i've 3 kids & i'm sure i wouldn't have his patience & temperament dealing with what gets directed at him around here. and i'll agree with you on one thing...i would miss his roms if they were no longer available
edit: mods -- feel free to close/delete this thread
So as of late we have been seeing a lot of fellow members saying good bye. Then New good bye threads pop up here and there and get locked.
This thread is for farewells and what not. Let's keep thread clutter to a minimum and let us know why you moved on.
Sent from my Genesis that does what Nintendon't
No thanks I like it here even more than the GNexus forums. Going to the Note 2 soon but I won't be saying any goodbyes. It's like oh dear god I never said good bye to HTC evo forum... I better post a thread so they don't send a search party. :thumbup:
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
Getting a Note 2 today but I may still drop by and peek in now and then.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
Uh I believe I'm the culprit for starting goodbye threads. I left the E4GT for a note 2 and thought I'd be nice to say goodbye. Boy was I wrong!
P.S. I would give this thread about 20 to 30 minutes before its locked as well. Sad to say it's a sign of the times.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
AirBruce said:
Uh I believe I'm the culprit for starting goodbye threads. I left the E4GT for a note 2 and thought I'd be nice to say goodbye. Boy was I wrong!
P.S. I would give this thread about 20 to 30 minutes before its locked as well. Sad to say it's a sign of the times.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
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If a thread is locked trust me it's all for a good reason. The moderators have experience and can tell when a thread will turn bad, thus they will lock it or simply clean it if possible.
They lock goodbye threads cuz they are nothing but clutter. No one wants to scroll thru a dozen or more goodbye threads just to get to the actual general section. This one will probably be stickied like the other official goodbye threads in the other device forums. I've moved on to the sgs3 but still pop over here to see what's going on, my wife will be getting my sgs2 at the end of the month but she's not a phone nerd lol. She's got a photon for now which will replace my og evo when the new digitizer gets here for the photon. Then next month ill be off to the note 2 waiting for the price to come down a bit and my upgrade isn't ready til Dec 1.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Xparent ICS Tapatalk 2
Well if that's the case, I think they should unlock my original thread, and make that one the sticky considering that it's the OG goodbye thread.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
AirBruce said:
Well if that's the case, I think they should unlock my original thread, and make that one the sticky considering that it's the OG goodbye thread.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using xda app-developers app
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Actually its not, about 15 or so were locked before yours they've been locking them since forever, along with best rom threads. If you scroll down the general list/click thru the pages you'll find a bunch of locked goodbye/best rom threads. They lock them on all device forums, and have now started creating and stickying official goodbye threads so ppl can post their peace without clogging up the whole forum, if everyone created a goodbye thread there would be so many of them no one would be able to find anything between them all.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Xparent ICS Tapatalk 2
I have made this a sticky. All other goodbye threads will be closed from here on out. OP Please change title of thread to official goodbye thread.
Lets keep the goodbye short and sweet. No fighting at all and everyone be polite and civil. DO NOT argue about other phones, services, or any other garbage in here
OP PLEASE update your op with some of my instructions. Thanks and enjoy
Got my note 2.. But I haven't said good bye.. I love this community
-TeaM VeNuM Like A Boss
-Galaxy Note II Edition
Papa Smurf151 said:
I have made this a sticky. All other goodbye threads will be closed from here on out. OP Please change title of thread to official goodbye thread.
Lets keep the goodbye short and sweet. No fighting at all and everyone be polite and civil. DO NOT argue about other phones, services, or any other garbage in here
OP PLEASE update your op with some of my instructions. Thanks and enjoy
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Updated thread title
Sent from my Genesis that does what Nintendon't
MiguelHogue said:
Got my note 2.. But I haven't said good bye.. I love this community
-TeaM VeNuM Like A Boss
-Galaxy Note II Edition
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This is a pretty good community!
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
I say "Don't let the door hit you on the way out". I'm personally sick of any type of goodbye thread.
Exit_Only said:
I say "Don't let the door hit you on the way out". I'm personally sick of any type of goodbye thread.
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Even if it cleans up some potential thread clutter?
Sent from my Genesis that does what Nintendon't
I moved to GN2 kinda miss my ET4G
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
Got a Note II, bricked it, not going to replace it yet. I love my E4GT.
tuscani1821 said:
Even if it cleans up some potential thread clutter?
Sent from my Genesis that does what Nintendon't
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It has nothing to do with that. My theory is just keep your mouth shut. Its a internet blog not your high graduation. Trust me if you leave a forum and your not a developer then NO BODY WILL MISS YOU. Just buy your new toy and be gone.
Exit_Only said:
It has nothing to do with that. My theory is just keep your mouth shut. Its a internet blog not your high graduation. Trust me if you leave a forum and your not a developer then NO BODY WILL MISS YOU. Just buy your new toy and be gone.
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How is "keep your mouth shut" a theory? If people want to say goodbye, then let them... geez.
Trolling from my Cricket-flashed Galaxy S2 E4GT using Tapatalk 2
I don't see why anyone would bleach with development for this phone being so good! With the JB TW leaks out its a sure sign that great things are coming to this phone!
Anyway, enjoy your new phones! Whatever they may be
Got rid of my E4GT finally and got a nexus s. I'm very happy that I did. This phone has official stable cm10 with great data speeds and working update profile/prl
Sent from my Nexus S 4G using Tapatalk 2
Samsung open source .com what is that t999L tmb ???
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Xparent Skyblue Tapatalk 2
Not trying to start another thread about you no what but this answers some questions I think?
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Xparent Skyblue Tapatalk 2
Then post in there, and speculate!?? Why make a new thread if you have a hunch already? If you have a hunch Google it. Reported
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda premium
Its the LTE galaxy S3! There I said it! No go post in the damn LTE thread!
Sent from my SGH-T999 using xda app-developers app
Holy **** pipe down tough guys
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Xparent Skyblue Tapatalk 2
Lol reported
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Xparent Skyblue Tapatalk 2
bbobarino said:
Lol reported
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Xparent Skyblue Tapatalk 2
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No one is trying to be an internet tough guy, it's just rude and disrespectful and ignorant on your part, to think you are special to have your own thread. Why do you need your own thread? A mod went through 7 threads to lock them down and point people into one thread so that way it is easier on them, only for you to make a whole new thread... This is a Forum for phones and developing with a set of rules, not a social forum.
Congrats on becoming a mod when did that happen ? I didnt no they locked up those threads I just new there was controversy about it. They must of got locked recently cause I was unaware and I check these forums almost everday. Maybe I skipped a day. No need to come off the way u did there is no denying that u was being rude and an internet tougj guy . I always see u in these forums and read your threads I just didnt no u was such a dousche. No need to "report" it also they are moderators for a reason they dont need u to run to them with every lil thing
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Xparent Skyblue Tapatalk 2
mt3g said:
No one is trying to be an internet tough guy, it's just rude and disrespectful and ignorant on your part, to think you are special to have your own thread. Why do you need your own thread? A mod went through 7 threads to lock them down and point people into one thread so that way it is easier on them, only for you to make a whole new thread... This is a Forum for phones and developing with a set of rules, not a social forum.
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yeah, but that one thread has also been locked. i don't think he was being rude or disrespectful. yeah he should have searched first but come on
if it's in the general section, why can't we discuss it? why is this topic so taboo? i understand not needing a thousand threads on the same subject and getting people to search first...i know its not a social forum (it is, but that's a matter of semantics) but this IS the General section which is defined as "Discussion about the T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S III (general chat, tips & tricks, etc)". would a discussion about LTE not fall into this category?
bbobarino said:
Congrats on becoming a mod when did that happen ? I didnt no they locked up those threads I just new there was controversy about it. They must of got locked recently cause I was unaware and I check these forums almost everday. Maybe I skipped a day. No need to come off the way u did there is no denying that u was being rude and an internet tougj guy . I always see u in these forums and read your threads I just didnt no u was such a dousche. No need to "report" it also they are moderators for a reason they dont need u to run to them with every lil thing
Sent from my SGH-T999 using Xparent Skyblue Tapatalk 2
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You just read that way, I convey no emotion in these threads usually. I may come off as a "douche" and I apologize, but it is what it is and you are making a thread even though you knew there were plenty prior. Maybe you're just sensitive, I don't know but I wasn't trying to be a jerk or anything, this is a forum for phones, again not a social club. I'm not a mod and glad I'm not cause they have sooo much to do, I have to up keep my own stuff for the users. I report cause they ask us to, they prefer that then having so many threads open on one subject. They also don't scour the threads like some of us users, so they probably wouldn't see this. I was appointed an RC for many reasons, and one of them being I follow rules, and help them and the users. I don't not follow the rules intentionally though. Like I said, I asked if they could lock 8 threads and I provided links to all of them so that'd be easier for them. I got a thanks and that they have been meaning to do so for a while. They made a sticky on not to make any more threads about it and you persisted to do so. Just letting you know, that's it.
The mod must have accidentally locked that thread as well. Not my doing, when they come to lock that one he will read and unlock that thread I'm sure. The topic is just a beaten horse with the same stuff brought up over and over. Just read that 5 page thread and see how far people have come on making one person understand, or better yet, read the 7 that I linked and tell me if you have a better understanding on the matter at hand. I won't sit there and read through them all, I would prefer they all be on one thread and that the OP that made the thread update the 1st post with all the links that provide good info. But that would be my way of handling the matter.
Please continue speculation in the sticky thread
I love all of the development and incredible ROMs that all the developers put out. Your hard work is much appreciated by everyone on XDA without question.
With that being said... Anyone have any predictions or any "I want to see..." For the next android os? I'm ready for the next step in droidification. Bring on change.
Sent from my SGH-I747 using xda premium
Why is this in Original Development?
Why did you put [ROM] in your title, when it is not? This is misleading, this thread should be deleted.
Should have read this:
kinjo1023 said:
Sent from my SGH-I747 using
That's a sure fire way of getting your thread locked.
Read the rules.
"Get busy livin or get busy dyin"
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In the right context you would of got some positive discussion. Now this thread has turned to poo. If you can't respect a few basic rules then negativity usually follows. Just the way it goes around here. Members think. Hey if this person can't be bothered to post correctly... Then why should I bother giving a thoughtful reply. Instead? Point to the rule book. Maybe not too witty but it's the simple truth. Better luck next time.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Tapatalk 2
Better luck next time I guess.
Sent from my SGH-I747 using xda premium