I am apologize for asking for a green theme, but I have been looking everywhere for one and cant find it. I'm not just some idiot stoner, in fact I am somewhat educated and have a degree from UAB in computer science. I have just recently started learning how to work with the android phones as far as modding them.
I'm not a junkie, I promise, and if I were, do you think I would have a computer and a g1 phone. I am happily married and I support my wife and kids and am on my way to owning my own house. so please don't call me a junkie just over pot. I do not use drugs, smoke cigarettes, or drink. I just smoke.
I'm not trying to advertise to anybody about smoking and could care less what anyone thinks, and I think the problem lies in all the uneducated, ignorant people who think pot is more drug than alcohol.your trying to condemn me for smoking, when there are people going homeless from alcoholism. I'm sorry that my first thread was pot related, but I havn't needed to post anything else on here because all my other questions have been answered on other posts that I have read.
I already tried to use sirmez's green version of prodigal sun but every time I do it gets past the g1 screen but will just freeze at the boot screen.
For all those educated smokers and the ones that helped plead my case thanks for the support.
I am using cyanmod recovery 1.4 on the dream g1 the only theme that I have been able to use is one from here called dream. I'm still asking for some help
UAB? You are aight with me....I'm from Birmingham.
But anyway, when the world figure that weed is less harmful and would be more profitable than cigarettes (esp. over here and they can tax the crap out of it), it's going to be legalized and everyone can all look back at that thread and lol....
I didn't even see why it was that deep but heh...*shrugs*
*and this is coming from someone who doesn't smoke, drink, or takes anything*
You should PM crotalusfreak here on xda or on twitter. He has a killer "legalize it" theme
and has put it on the market for the various home replacement apps (openhome, ahome, ect) but besides that, he is an extremely good guy and will possibly make you one or port his older one.
That thread should have been closed right away as there is a thread already for theme request. How about do it in the right area to begin with
I tried to use this legalize it theme but it wont work with my phone.
just put the family guy one on my phone, it is only the second one to work one my phone.
and props to you from the ham. but I live in denver now.
Thats BS said:
You should PM crotalusfreak here on xda or on twitter. He has a killer "legalize it" theme
and has put it on the market for the various home replacement apps (openhome, ahome, ect) but besides that, he is an extremely good guy and will possibly make you one or port his older one.
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I was just trying to search for him because I remember that theme but I could not remember who made it....
i_mthaone said:
That thread should have been closed right away as there is a thread already for theme request. How about do it in the right area to begin with
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some body put on their big girl pants today
No just tired of XDA becoming a mess because of threads like this! No need for the first one as they can't read and even more no sense for this one taking up more space for the MODS to have to deal with. People are complaining of XDA becoming a mess and these threads are the reason why!!!!
Try to wipe, flash the ROM, reboot, cut off, drop back into recovery, and then flash Green_P_SuN it should not loop after that good luck
i like ham
Thats BS said:
You should PM crotalusfreak here on xda or on twitter. He has a killer "legalize it" theme
and has put it on the market for the various home replacement apps (openhome, ahome, ect) but besides that, he is an extremely good guy and will possibly make you one or port his older one.
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Yeah he is a good guy, he helped me by porting over a theme. Openhome is a good program, I used it before root. It did not slow the phone down much, and with a Cyan ROM it shouldn't be too bad at all. Might help with theme issues, and finding a theme you like and have it work. But you sure you want a theme like that? Would your boss mind if he walked up from behind as your checking your phone and saw the screen?
EDIT: saw that the newest openhome is having issues. Panda home is well reviewed and free.
i_mthaone said:
No just tired of XDA becoming a mess because of threads like this! No need for the first one as they can't read and even more no sense for this one taking up more space for the MODS to have to deal with. People are complaining of XDA becoming a mess and these threads are the reason why!!!!
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XDA has been around a while, and the dream/android has been around almost a year. Forums by their very nature grow and become more jumbled with info and posts and repeated or useless info as time goes on. And while it is possible to slow this by posting correctly, searching, and other means, it will happen. You could archive old threads and try to gather up useful info into sticky threads, but there is no way to fix the "mess" other than a complete wipe of the forum. I can do searches and pull up threads from 2005 for example. Complaining that the forum is getting crowded and jumbled is like using a vacuum cleaner and complaining the bag is getting full. Forums are there for people to use to ask questions and share info/ideas. Some people do abuse the system with posts that neither provide useful info or ask questions. Some post without searching for answers. It will happen, but you do not have to be an a** about it, if you know the answer or better yet, know where the thread/post is that answers the question, provide a link, it will keep the new thread short and unused as the person can go to the proper thread. I agree that people should search before posting questions and search for longer than 2 minutes, but not everyone has time to search for hours for the answer to a question. My rule is, search for at a minimum of 15 minutes before asking a question, longer is better if you are finding related info and a little more digging will help. No amount of forum rules or bannings will prevent a forum from filling up and eventually becoming a "mess", merely slow the process at best.
^ was only saying this because of instead of locking delete them. They have before they will again so don't lock just delete.
Yeah, if a theme does get out of hand, deleting is good.
Its best not to argue on forums, friendly disagreements are fine. Most of the time, arguing on a forum is like arguing with a wall. Best to keep posts related to the subject matter, in this case Android related. Who cares if he likes the smoke and his first post is for a theme about it, he asked a question related to the subject of the forum.
I don't think someone should be banned or deleted just for posting in the wrong place or asking a question that a simple search would answer. However, if they make a habit of it and do it many times in a short time, a warning followed by a temp ban may be all that is needed. Of course a perma ban may be needed for repeat offenders.
This thread is off the general topic of the forum and he has said his piece and apologies, we can close this thread and move on now. No need for any more bashing or hard feelings and further craziness.
You're an idiot. There is no such thing as an "educated" may have a good education and smoke pot, but that just makes you even more stupid. Millions of people also suffer from addiction to weed, and my guess is that you are one of them. Go to a Narcotics Anonymous meeting and stop posting useless requests about drugs on this forum, its inappropriate and not "cool".
jabbawalkee said:
You're an idiot. There is no such thing as an "educated" may have a good education and smoke pot, but that just makes you even stupider. Millions of people also suffer from addiction to weed, and my guesses are that you are one of them. Go to a Narcotics Anonymous meeting and stop posting useless requests about drugs on this forum, its inappropriate and not "cool".
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I see the D.A.R.E. program got through to someone. Way to go, buying the governments religion.
Smoking pot isn't a big deal. Get over it. People get addicted to anything they find comfort in. Look at all the obese people that use food as a crutch, or people that are addicted to running every morning because it makes them feel better.
Yeah the thread is useless, the guy is just new. Take it easy on him.
+1 to myself for another reply to this terrible thread.
jabbawalkee said:
You're an idiot. There is no such thing as an "educated" may have a good education and smoke pot, but that just makes you even stupider. Millions of people also suffer from addiction to weed, and my guesses are that you are one of them. Go to a Narcotics Anonymous meeting and stop posting useless requests about drugs on this forum, its inappropriate and not "cool".
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Sounds like you used to stand up in front of the group. Quit putting your problems off on other people.
Sorry but that irked me.
jabbawalkee said:
You're an idiot. There is no such thing as an "educated" may have a good education and smoke pot, but that just makes you even stupider. Millions of people also suffer from addiction to weed, and my guesses are that you are one of them. Go to a Narcotics Anonymous meeting and stop posting useless requests about drugs on this forum, its inappropriate and not "cool".
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Ok first of all it would be more stupid. Stupider is not correct grammar. So before you go and start calling people stupid you might want to take a look in the mirror.
By the way before you come back and start throwing bad grammar again and calling me "stupider" for smoking pot or something I have never smoked or done any sort of drugs in my life. But, I do have a lot of friends that are what you might call stupider and they are actually very far from being stupid. In all honesty, probably way smarter than you'll ever be. But, enough fighting over the internet. I have other things to do. It's been fun though.
Ps. you don't have to defend yourself. You may be one of the smartest people to walk this earth. I am just basing that off the one post I have read from you and its grammar and narrow mindedness.
jabbawalkee said:
You're an idiot. There is no such thing as an "educated" may have a good education and smoke pot, but that just makes you even stupider. Millions of people also suffer from addiction to weed, and my guesses are that you are one of them. Go to a Narcotics Anonymous meeting and stop posting useless requests about drugs on this forum, its inappropriate and not "cool".
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You Sir, are a F*ck!ing idiot! You really should educate yourself before making stupid comments. You are entitled to your own opinion. And, I will respect your opinion. But, its not Fact. As, you so irresponsibly stated. Society has an "image" of what/who a pot smoker is. They call them Burnouts, they say they're lazy, they live in Mom and Dads basement and play video games all day long without a job. I know upwards of 100 people that smoke. Every one of them are successful, educated, and decent human beings. One's you'd be proud to know. Societies image, applies to not one of them. Don't get me wrong. The others definitely do exist. But, weed is not their problem. Those people have other issues they are likely suppressing (Those people probably should not smoke. They aren't responsible enough.). But, you Sir, are a lemming. You choose to follow whats shoved down your throat by society, media, and the government. Learn to "educate" yourself about a particular subject before you make a comment about it. You will only be doing yourself a favor. Knowledge is power, Brother. Help yourself out. I am sorry for my rant. But people, please, have some backing to your statements.
jabbawalkee said:
You're an idiot. There is no such thing as an "educated" may have a good education and smoke pot, but that just makes you even stupider. Millions of people also suffer from addiction to weed, and my guesses are that you are one of them. Go to a Narcotics Anonymous meeting and stop posting useless requests about drugs on this forum, its inappropriate and not "cool".
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I'm sorry but this has got to be one of the funniest things i've ever heard... Please just tell me what in weed is the addictive part? cig's we all know nicotine is addivtive but its not in weed. so please please tell me what in it is?
i_mthaone said:
I'm sorry but this has got to be one of the funniest things i've ever heard... Please just tell me what in weed is the addictive part? cig's we all know nicotine is addivtive but its not in weed. so please please tell me what in it is?
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Ya no kidding, its personal liberty if you want to take a shot of tequila, smoke a cigarette or hit a bong load you should have the right to do so. I have lived in 3 different countries and many states, I own a condo in downtown San Diego at the age of 25, and Im even the HOA president of the building. My lifetime resume goes on and on and on from Dive Master in Hawaii to acquiring my pilots license.
I have done all these things while smoking weed everyday of my life since I was 17. Granted Im not the average stoner but I dont think Im any more rare than the non-stoner that doesnt do anything with their life.
I have a hereditary condition that I have been prescribed marijuana for, without it I would live a much less productive life overcome by pain and nausea.
STOP RUSHING ME AND LET ME DO WHAT I NEED TO DO. I have school you know. This is my last full week that I have to see my friends and other things like that, then it's off to exams. If you were on my end, You'd see how busy I am. AND if he had a facebook, I hacked my friend's KIN as well. So guys please stop rushing me. It is starting to make me mad. Ever since I had said something you guys have been up my @ßß. If you wish not to end up in the current state I'm on (which is possibly a brick waiting for a phone to come tomorrow) then I suggest you wait. @johnkussiack, please come in feel free to comment leave your opinions but tell these guys how hard it is to hack a phone successfully. I would hate to see you guys end up with a brick, and I would feel responsible. Let me do what needs to be done. I'll upload screenshots and what I've done, Give me time.
All the best,
(Tyler Jones)
just upload the guide honestly & let the users choose for themselves weather or not they want a brick. I got a year warranty so I will return it till im blue in the face. What did you expect when you first stated that you found a way into the Kin & made the announcement?
I mean come on Yes We know you had a death in your family and stated that it would take you a week to write a simple guide. The problem I see is this you spoke up first & then you expect people to wait patiently which in all seriousness no offense was a stupid thought in your head because its not going to happen.
All Im waiting for is the guide once thats in place I will choose for myself weather or not I will chance a brick to hack or screw around in my phone. No offense but its the truth. I wouldnt of said anything till I had a guide or the time personally.
Kid, (way older), i'm not playing devil's advocate here.
While it's true that hacking something is complicated, I'm with 4LC4PON3 this time. Being a big thing (or not), you cannot shout it to the winds and then go back to a cave.
Test it, do it, ensure it, then tell.
My app could be released atm, but of course would do crap things, yet i assured that it works even if i press Conn+Disconn 30 times. Ever post without being sure of what you do and what will you do next.
To be truthful with you guys, the screenshot was a fake, EXCEPT THE RECENT BOX AND TIME BOX, I edited those so they shade until you click them. I wanted you guys to lay off me for awhile. But I promise, I did not pull your chain guys, I hate when people do that, trust me, I had the enV touch and someone said they had android on the phone but it was a fake. The guy took a picture from google and pasted on the phone. So I left the facebook group because people were flaming me. Well guys later.
Kinuser1 said:
To be truthful with you guys, the screenshot was a fake, EXCEPT THE RECENT BOX AND TIME BOX, I edited those so they shade until you click them. I wanted you guys to lay off me for awhile. But I promise, I did not pull your chain guys, I hate when people do that, trust me, I had the enV touch and someone said they had android on the phone but it was a fake. The guy took a picture from google and pasted on the phone. So I left the facebook group because people were flaming me. Well guys later.
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No offence but you sound so...not smart right know. I dont want to make fun of you and then come to find out you have the guide, but just like John said, Test it, do it, ensure it, then tell.
Kinuser1 said:
To be truthful with you guys, the screenshot was a fake, ...
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Here i stopped having any interest. As i told ya, post or don't post, but no teasers.
You can do small things, you can asure people that you got access to the phone, you can say that you did but you dont know what to do with it.
But never.... ever!! fake things. Now every post that you text, every image that you upload... will have the "Suspicius fake?" mark above it, even if this time is real.
Also, you were flamed in the group with reasons. You posted in a cocky mood about "recording your face when you see it", and then you say that some pictures were fake. That's flame fuel.
PS: btw, my nick doesnt have any "i" character. It's like the actor, but with "K". Just cause i saw it twice by now.
My problem is this. Like I said I understood you had a death in your family but you have a cocky attitude for one got on my nerves, You Faked the photo which I already had doubts on anyways.
What got me is this you said that you have been having problems with your phone for sometime now even before you started hacking into it. Then all of a sudden your phone doesnt turn on correctly you blamed it on the "So Called Hacks"
Prior to this you made a statement that you didnt want help because you didnt want people "stealing your work"
If you do have access to the phone put up the guide even if you did screw your phone up Ok but you cant claim something then never do it. We are Adults here not children it is our choice weather or not we want to attempt the job or not. There are smart users here that you & we can benefit from to get it done faster.
It doesnt take that long to write a simple guide. Either in my opinion A You are just B.S & trying to make yourself sound important or Your just lazy & cant write a 30 minute Tutorial.
Side Note You stated on Facebook when I got mad you said Do you want me to make a video showing proof?. If you can take time to make a video you can easily make time to write the tutorial.
Watch then leave me be and start getting busy.
Sigh... This last post is an offense to all of us who have a real bricked kin.
It is not bricked like I said, IT IS BROKE
I'm actually not sure if it is bricked because it wont turn on
Kinuser1 said:
I'm actually not sure if it is bricked because it wont turn on
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Wow. some people here need to CALM DOWN. Give the guy a break. If he is in possession of useful information, name calling and what not is not going to help. If he isn't, name calling and what not is not going to help. While I think it would reflect poorly on him if he has been falsely leading people on, I for one take any 'breaking' news here with a grain of salt. I'll believe it when I see the proof, and until then, I'm not going to get all bent out of shape about it.
I'm somewhat hopeful for what JohnKussack's discoveries may hold, and mainly because he has actually been able to demonstrate what he has discovered.
@soninja8 I am going to say this for the last and final time.
STOP TELLING ME WHAT TO DO. Are you the one who found out? NO!
Let me do what I need to do and shutup
@Marcellus1 thank you for understanding
Kinuser1 said:
@soninja8 I am going to say this for the last and final time.
STOP TELLING ME WHAT TO DO. Are you the one who found out? NO!
Let me do what I need to do and shutup
@Marcellus1 thank you for understanding
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Im just not understanding why the guide cant be posted thats all. I understand that your busy and all, but you seem to have enough time posting videos of your phone not working and talking about random things...
edit cause im tired of his drama
where do you get it?
Thanks for doing some little thread necromancy, but i think that this dead horse should not be beaten (again).
Little by little I been noticing the dev's leave from our forums, So what will happen then? Tried myself to start creating a ROM but with no luck.... (laptop acts up most of the time). Anyways, as I was trying to imply what happens when development stops for the Hercules? Guess we will find out soon enough. I don't know if its due to the attitude given to these guys that are doing all this work for free or what? Kinda sad see that 2 developers go. Although their reasoning is personal and private, I can only imagine how they must feel when they do their best to make something for the public and all we do is nag on how bad it is or what can be done to change it.
This ain't to flame anyone or complain. Everyone has their personal likes. That being said why not invest some of that time of criticism and start doing your own. I have not been on this community for long as everyone can tell but I read and read and read. from our forum, the SR forum being that its similar device and its completely different atmosphere between the two. There's so much amicable peoplel there. They're willing to help on another. I just don't see it happening on our forums.Maybe, just maybe we just lost touch of what the community was created for.... to help one another create a better device for our daily use. Not to just constantly put in requests like the Dev is a radio dj . I for one. If its not that then its "this don't work buhuu!!!" It's been noticed here lately that there are sum differences between devices, hardware wise. That alone would drive anyone insane.. Bottom line, implement your personal touch to anything you use in here. That's what will make it your own pride and joy. I totally agree with stating something if it interfered with the functionality of the device. Then again its written very clearly in every single thread of ROM's, do this at your own risk. The developer is by no means responsible for any modifications you do to your device. When you decided to flash whatever it was you did, you took sole responsibility for your actions.
Last but not least, all I can say if it continues to be like this we might to go find new devices to toy with. This weeks its been 2 Devs that left. Next week might be 2 more and before you know it there wont be none. What then? Seriously, what then? With that said I want to say thanks for letting me vent and for creating this site for us (the daily users). Please nobody take any offense in particular for this is just my personal opinion. Doesn't reflect any ones else's but mines. Its a free community so I'm exercising my right to freedom of speech.
this is normal, as new devices emerge, like the SGS3 and Notes 2
Devs are naturally attracted to them
if you want to stay on the same device for a long time, then it's up to ourselves to learn now to compile, tweak, theme, and code the ROMs
a good example are the people over at the old Moto Milestone XT720 phone, that thing sucked when it came out at retail, and it's not very popular, but they took it upon themselves to build ROM from scratch and/or kanged it to make it a great device even after all these years, and the hardware limitation.
very much like the super geeks at the HTC HD2, can you imagine, that ancient relic able to run ICS, and most likely JB in near future
Get a new phone man. I don't plan on staying here much longer. I was tired of this phone 2 weeks after I got it. Its a miracle I'm still on it at all. Besides it has what it already needs. Amazing gingerbread and ICS roms both with great speed and battery life. What else do you want?
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
This phone still has potential. Those devs left for personal reasons. I feel confidant that we will see more devs in our forum.
Sent from the pink Unicorn from the Darkside.
RushAOZ said:
Get a new phone man. I don't plan on staying here much longer. I was tired of this phone 2 weeks after I got it. Its a miracle I'm still on it at all. Besides it has what it already needs. Amazing gingerbread and ICS roms both with great speed and battery life. What else do you want?
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
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By no means it was intended for it to be a complaint as I stated. I personally love my S2, my point about the post was due to the current situations of Devs leaving. It seem like there's other reasons being other than personal. And I see it more and more as I read the posts about them getting aggravated about the constant requests. My point being, if all the above including myself feel they can do better why not begin by learning. Rome wasn't built in a day and i totally agree but I don't get how the community here is so much different than in the SR forum. Again it's not a complaint but just a personal opinion.
@ AllGamer, I totally agree wit you sir... alike a lot of us noobs would love to learn the hows and whats of creating custom ROMs but as like I said on my opener I can't due to misbehaving equipment. I've read pages and pages of the software needed and downloaded as best to my knowledge. Even went as far as to allow another community person to go into my laptop and find out where my issue was. The person himself was a Dev and by no means I was told to do so or anything like that. I gave him my permission to try to help me out so I could create from scratch without any luck. What my point is that maybe we're (myself included) have lost the purpose here and have made it to where we feel its owed to us to make things our way. Then again that's my opinion.
LoopDoGG79 said:
This phone still has potential. Those devs left for personal reasons. I feel confidant that we will see more devs in our forum.
Sent from the pink Unicorn from the Darkside.
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Not only that. I just find that cm9 especially took a huge downfall once cm10 began to exist. I don't believe any time soon our devices will lack development. It's just there is so much out there to be done yet one questions "where do you even start!?" Personally once they get a stable build running of cm10 a lot of tweaks will begin getting added along with much kernel support being created. It's just a speed bump in the developer world, not a brick wall
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
Looking at it from that point of view I can concur. But just hate seeing good devs run out like that. And to the most part being part of same teams. Weird to me again. Maybe I'm just one of those type of individuals that gets negative vibes about certain things. Just like the fact of it being personal reasons? I don't fully think that was it alone but who knows.
I still stand by my statement about the difference in attitudes between communities. Just seem like there's more "want" to help one another. Here everything is more frowned upon. Favorite reply here is " use the search button" but I'm sure posting a link to answer the question takes about the same amount of time. Or rather yet not reply at all if its just to get in a tantrum about doing it. Maybe its just my personal beliefs. I see it posted all the time, the community is to help regardless if lazy dumb or whatever (sorry about the dumb) but its just derogatory to sum. I'm a total noon but once in a while I have questions. Rather get an I don't know that be told search button is active. Thought it was the principle of this site.
Regardless of anything, its just I see no support on the development here. Either way I'll stop my rant and continue my educational reading.
Sent from my SGH-T989
Honestly, I noticed the same thing in the SR forum almost instantly when I began reading sk8er's CM10 thread. It felt like "old xda" for me... In the future, I'm going to stick to more popular phones/Nexus devices since they generally have much better communities. That's part of the fun to our devices as gadget geeks IMO.
By the way, which devs left?
Remembering Old school Android for a minute...
I know you personally are not complaining OP, so plese nobody take no offense to any of this. I understand what you're saying and I always mod my own Rom to my liking. I had to learn to do it that way because I wouldn't bug any devs either for little personal things I liked. Just my 2 cents, but when I see threads like this, I have to think back to when I first had my Moto Cliq (big mistake there), my first Android phone, and have a bit of nostalgia. We had 2 developers, Travisjames and HandlerExploit. (props to you both if still around) That was it. The Cliq had no software support and updates were always 6+ months after other phones were receiving them, we couldn't overclock it, it was locked up tight, but somehow they provided a good user experience out of that old 1.5 Android Moto Blur. Lol! Made lemonade out of the sour lemons Moto gave us. I helped them by making some themes and learned alot about Android during this time just to give something back to the community. Everyone still begged Handler and Travis for ETA's, *****ed at them when things were going wrong, but considering they were the only 2 devs for the cliq, I always just encouraged their great work and tried to help them work through it, because those were are only two solid options for a good Rom. Whether you liked some things about it or not, they were still better than stock.
My Point in the end? That phone had basically only 2 Roms (in it's early days) for each software release that dropped. No kernels since that wasn't possible yet, and only 3-4 themes to choose from (one made by me after frustration of not finding a style I loved). Anything else had to be tweaked to your liking through trial and error, googling, or asking devs for help. That's when I learned how much hard work goes into some seemingly "Small" fixes or tweaks. Android is much bigger of a thing now, and we have so many different Roms out here to choose from. I feel lucky to be able to choose from: Sammy Roms, MIUI, AOKP, CM7/9 then 10, Paranoid, etc. and then onto mods: kernel choices, Overclocked, undervolted, different boot screens and themes (esp on MIUI/CM's), tweaks, etc. For a phone that dropped with GB I think were doing a pretty damn good job!
I know some devs will eventually leave with new devices arriving, as they have with the last 3 Android phones/2 tablets I've owned, but this community has alot to choose from... I'd personally like to say Thank You, to each and every Dev that has stuck with us, even if only for a little while. You have brough tons of choices, tons of speed, battery life, and beauty to this device. I don't know about anything but themeing myself, so I rely on all you guys to put out something hot. You never disappoint! If someone can't find a Rom/Kernel combo to fit their needs on here, they might never be happy!
Digital1325 said:
Honestly, I noticed the same thing in the SR forum almost instantly when I began reading sk8er's CM10 thread. It felt like "old xda" for me... In the future, I'm going to stick to more popular phones/Nexus devices since they generally have much better communities. That's part of the fun to our devices as gadget geeks IMO.
By the way, which devs left?
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Jamison904 and TheTechNiq left, due to deving took to much time away from there families .
Sent from the pink Unicorn from the Darkside.
LoopDoGG79 said:
Jamison904 and TheTechNiq left, due to deving took to much time away from there families .
Sent from the pink Unicorn from the Darkside.
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It's time to upgrade then
Due to my infancy in time here I cant comment about the past on this site, "but" it still mind boggles me that at some point and time I cant contribute. I don't mind testing by no means. Being that at this point in time and due to equipment faultiness I can't do more than that. But my point is that there is a sort of aura that just don't mingle well with me. One point I seen that has mortified the crap out of me has been just the way people address others around. Like there is some sort of machismo just because he/she knows better or been around longer. Like i said maybe its just me, maybe its just my persona. Most of my posts are either checking in to report any issues with X Rom or so forth, questions or trying to help someone else with any questions that they might have as long as I'm capable of actually helping with.. With that being said, I fully understand that t the dev threads are intended for just that but why not keep them locked up other than to the people that want to test. Per say- as a form of request to be a tester or something before opening .
Just seems that the Devs get aggravated at anyone that comes in asking about small things just cuz there was no reading done what so ever. For good reason tho, its supposed to be for bug related posts, troubleshot and all of that. Maybe implement a form prior to opening the thread of any given ROM that states everything and what not works on it prior to allowing the user just go in and ask frivolous questions ( even understanding that no question is small in importance). But i see that being the main argument in the threads. Thought that was the purpose of the video? These are just my opinions. I'm just a grain of salt in all this sea.
Also would like to THANK everyone that puts forth an effort to make something out of nothing to make the t989 that much better for us.Guess it makes me a bit sensitive to see guys come up wit awesome work and then all the sudden it all falls apart. Either way that's my 2 cents. Thanks also to you guys that took the time to come in here for a read and for the input.
There will be many more devs for the t989. I've read the same more than a year ago on the t959 forum. Their dev section is more "vibrant" than ever.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
Funny I was damn sure thinking the same thing myself. I came from a PPC6700 forum years ago where we had a kitchen and could make our own roms which was great. Then I had an Evo, Evo3D, Epic Touch and now Galaxy 2 and I must admit this forum is lacking with rom choices. I look at the development page and see threads last reply was a week or so ago still on page 1. That would not last an hour in the old Evo forums.
I get it that developers leave because of family and personal things but think about it. If we the end user did not complain and ask for this and that which I honestly feel some of it we could do ourselves, would that not leave them to more pure developing time. Which honestly if things are running right or small things need to be fixed and can be done by others it allows the developer more time to themselves.... Jus Sayin
The helping each other out is wonderful as well but hey the I can't find a kernel or where is this rom located in a forum with maybe half a dozen developers and main threads really never leaving Page 1 and you can't find it... Helping fine spoon feeding is another and the laziness is what causes a lot of bickering. I know just give them the answer but what about you helping yourself... I hope more developers come or at least they perfect AOKP JB since thats my favorite..
Good luck developers and good luck community... rant ova!
I hope the devs don't drop out, I just got the TMobile version. $99 @ target for the s2, or $229. Makes the math kind of obvious.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
Its not going to die no time soon its just the lack of interest that I fear most. Maybe at a later time or so they might get the ball rolling again but at the present it time seem a little weak. Well that's in comparison to our twin site( SR forum). Like I said before and I'll repeat again, its all about benefiting both end parties. Pops used to tell me and seem to fits well here, "one hand can't be cleaned up by itself, takes 2 to get it the way is supposed to be. " That's all my point is meant to be directed to. Not start world war 3 or nothing. Just feel like we are falling behind and its our own fault. If we have enough time to complain or address issues we also have time to help better the problem itself by addressing it and trying to solve it. Better yet, get this general threads or q&a threads just for that... I've personally seen ROMs with 400 or more pages and nothing is clarified. There's all sorts of people completely lost on steps on how to even install (flash) a certain ROM. There's guides yes but we all been to school here, we know that learning is not easy for everyone. Sh00t!!! Everyday is a learning experience. But some of us take longer than others.
Maybe its just my petpeeve to feel this way. But I know Im not alone when I say this, if there's someone that needs help and I can do it, no matter how small it is... I'll be there to do so.and if I can't help at least I'll learn something by helping that person search for the answers.
Sent from my SGH-T989
I must be really out of it.
Who.. did we lose?
Lost another one today on a joking issue. Jamison , Thetechniq and BB today... and they continue to drop like flies.. who knows...
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I727 using xda app-developers app
dont we still have team chopsticks and TDJ?
Rekzer said:
dont we still have team chopsticks and TDJ?
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Yes. Though TDJ is on a break from what I recall.. He certainly deserves it.
Why's everyone rude here? Developers of ROMs don't spend hours of hard work just to be dissed. Yo. They do it because its something they mildly enjoy/want to do and wanna contribute. Being rude makes them want to not do this for us. You all can feel free to learn C, Java, C++ and the Linux command line and make us a flawless build. Although most of us aren't really capable of this. Myself included. So next time you wanna complain because something doesn't work, remember, they have lives too. Bug reports are fine, just be respectful! You all watched the noob video, right?
Sent from my A100 using xda premium
There's a noob video? Missed that one, gonna go watch it lol :thumbup:
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
What I really love is when someone fubars their device because they don't even belong trying to modify them and then they get upset noone can help because their lack of reading directions/warnings has left them with a brick.
This site should be pay-for-use for non devs, that would eliminate a major amount of 1 time posters and all trolls.
b1lk1 said:
This site should be pay-for-use for non devs, that would eliminate a major amount of 1 time posters and all trolls.
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Most horrible idea I've heard lol. If this happened, no one would come here.....
Also, IN MY OPINION, some devs are too sensitive. There are people in this world who are going to complain and/or expect things they didn't work for themselves. It's just how it is. If I were a dev and people were complaining to me, I'd tell them "go learn how to code your own, then come talk to me." And then go on with my day without it phasing me. I wouldn't quit the work I love and stop sharing things because that one person out of the hundreds decides to complain and doesn't like the way I'm doing things. I've seen it happen, and it's pathetic in my opinion.
haoleflip said:
Most horrible idea I've heard lol. If this happened, no one would come here.....
Also, IN MY OPINION, some devs are too sensitive. There are people in this world who are going to complain and/or expect things they didn't work for themselves. It's just how it is. If I were a dev and people were complaining to me, I'd tell them "go learn how to code your own, then come talk to me." And then go on with my day without it phasing me. I wouldn't quit the work I love and stop sharing things because that one person out of the hundreds decides to complain and doesn't like the way I'm doing things. I've seen it happen, and it's pathetic in my opinion.
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I did love it, but not anymore, its been driven out of me by countless insults and utter stupidity that seems to occur constantly. I know its your opinion "some" are to sensitive, but its a personal work I'm sharing, having someone pm me that its an utter waste of time to flash because its a broken pile of....etc is a very personal insult and I see no reason to continue when I get responses like that for my time and effort.
Also, I'm not required to share anything I do, hell I can go pay per build if I feel like it. I did this because people wanted it, and I could provide it, that's all.
Its not making me stop doing something I love, it made me stop loving what I do.
I'm not sure if you dev or not, but really, until you deal with it yourself, you don't really understand where we come from. Some say go f yourselves, others just vanish, and then there's some like me that despite being burned out keep trying make the community happy (and mostly succeeding) and just get to a point where its not worth the insults anymore.
Also I'm sure there are a lot more devs that have been doing this longer then a few months and are maybe used to it.
I don't even own an a100 so its not like I just happened to have made something and shared it, I built it just for the community, I'll never run it myself.
Call it pathetic if you wish, but in my opinion you dunno what you're talking about.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
pio_masaki said:
I did love it, but not anymore, its been driven out of me by countless insults and utter stupidity that seems to occur constantly. I know its your opinion "some" are to sensitive, but its a personal work I'm sharing, having someone pm me that its an utter waste of time to flash because its a broken pile of....etc is a very personal insult and I see no reason to continue when I get responses like that for my time and effort.
Also, I'm not required to share anything I do, hell I can go pay per build if I feel like it. I did this because people wanted it, and I could provide it, that's all.
Its not making me stop doing something I love, it made me stop loving what I do.
I'm not sure if you dev or not, but really, until you deal with it yourself, you don't really understand where we come from. Some say go f yourselves, others just vanish, and then there's some like me that despite being burned out keep trying make the community happy (and mostly succeeding) and just get to a point where its not worth the insults anymore.
Also I'm sure there are a lot more devs that have been doing this longer then a few months and are maybe used to it.
I don't even own an a100 so its not like I just happened to have made something and shared it, I built it just for the community, I'll never run it myself.
Call it pathetic if you wish, but in my opinion you dunno what you're talking about.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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I go through this almost every day actually. Maybe not making ROMs or developing programs for phones, but I have unruly people who comment and criticize my work all day long. It all goes in one ear and out the other because I know that some people are just like that and aren't thankful. I also know that I am good at what I do and that over the past few years I have pleased A LOT more people than I've disgruntled. I guess it has a lot to do with how different people cope with different things. With me, logic trumps emotion and it's very hard for me to take someone saying " your work sucks and you're a [email protected]" seriously lol. If someone pmed me and said my ROM is "an utter waste of time to flash and its broken," guess what? There's a delete button or I would just ignore it. There's going to be people like this no matter what field of work you're in.
I may not be a dev, but I do know how you feel. Alas, I'd like to say that I personally appreciate and respect you and every other dev here. They do great work for free most of the time and I honestly have no place to complain and neither do these other people. However, they shouldn't be discouraged and want to quit. Whatever happened to the "sticks and stones" rule?
Pay per build? That sounds great and I don't know why no one is doing this. If I were a dev I'd be all over making money for my hard work. Hell, I'd pay for a good ROM. It's totally worth it. But then again, it would be hard to regulate because there would need to be refunds given and stuff like that if people aren't happy lol you just never win as a dev, do you?
Sent from my seksi SGS3 using Tapatalk 2
>>on ParanoidAndroid 2.5x 4.1.2 JB
haoleflip said:
I go through this almost every day actually. Maybe not making ROMs or developing programs for phones, but I have unruly people who comment and criticize my work all day long. It all goes in one ear and out the other because I know that some people are just like that and aren't thankful. I also know that I am good at what I do and that over the past few years I have pleased A LOT more people than I've disgruntled. I guess it has a lot to do with how different people cope with different things. With me, logic trumps emotion and it's very hard for me to take someone saying " your work sucks and you're a [email protected]" seriously lol. If someone pmed me and said my ROM is "an utter waste of time to flash and its broken," guess what? There's a delete button or I would just ignore it. There's going to be people like this no matter what field of work you're in.
I may not be a dev, but I do know how you feel. Alas, I'd like to say that I personally appreciate and respect you and every other dev here. They do great work for free most of the time and I honestly have no place to complain and neither do these other people. However, they shouldn't be discouraged and want to quit. Whatever happened to the "sticks and stones" rule?
Pay per build? That sounds great and I don't know why no one is doing this. If I were a dev I'd be all over making money for my hard work. Hell, I'd pay for a good ROM. It's totally worth it. But then again, it would be hard to regulate because there would need to be refunds given and stuff like that if people aren't happy lol you just never win as a dev, do you?
Sent from my seksi SGS3 using Tapatalk 2
>>on ParanoidAndroid 2.5x 4.1.2 JB
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Yes sadly everyone does want something different from any ROM, one will never satisfy all.
Not to get personal but what do you do for work that would subject you to that kind And I just noticed haole lol. Not sure if its what I'm thinking, but I was born in Hawaii, I'm hapa.
Anyways as I said I take it all quite personally, especially now as it was basically a favor for someone who asked me to come back.
That said, on topic again, some people just don't understand the amount of work involved and how calling it trash (this is quite edited ofc) is almost the same a calling me the same thing. They also don't care about the time it takes and just expect it to be given to them, or demand features or additions without considering it may be past the dev's abilities or desire to even do it. It comes down to they think they're entitled to it, when and how they want it, but seen willing to learn to do it themselves.
Also the whole internet mentality of its a screen name, not a person. Insulting pio_masaki isn't the same as standing in front of me and saying the same thing. I disagree with this mentality and prefer to consider it a person, not a screen name. Strangely I'm perfectly fine ignoring some a hole insulting me in person, yet take it personally about a ROM lol.
And pay per build would be quite difficult to implement, especially because it would need tailored per user, the time wouldn't be worth the cost to me, or the cost wouldn't be worth it for the user, I mean figure $10 an hour to build a ROM to be worth my time. User wants a cm10, tablet ui, memory bar added. Takes me 6 hours to implement the changes, sync, build. Would you pay $60 for a ROM for an a100? Not likely. I don't mean you personally, but the average user. They'll just use B1 instead lol. Maybe if I came and installed it for you or something lol
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Felt my rant belonged here. And a note on it, this is not aimed at A100 users, but everywhere on XDA.
These were the major players when it came to ROM development on the A100.
And the general public has annoyed/angered most of them to the point of retirement or quitting.
What is wrong with people today?
I used to love chatting on forums with random people with common interests. Than I came to XDA. I'm not talking to anyone specific here OK, but in general, I've never met a mass gathering of people with common interest that act so hateful, childish, ungrateful, and reduce themselves to petty squabbles on a nearly hourly basis. And I am guilty of these acts of well. We all just need to step back in most situations and ask ourselves can I do this? or aren't I hear to learn and help?
I guess there's no point to my rant...
Looks like it's time to teach myself how to atleast update source.
I'm not talking about an expensive fee, ever $5 per year would be enough to keep the trolls away, Many years ago people said they'd never pay for torrent sites no look at the state of torrenting. Newsgroups are flourishing while free torrent sites are few and far between and their content is lackluster at best.
I would also be up for allowing devs to have ban powers in their own build threads. These guys do a service 99.9999% of us can't do, they do it for free and they get abuse for it. Keep your device stock if you can't act like an adult for one, and don't modify your device if you are unable to handle the real possibility of it going horribly wrong.
justjackyl said:
Felt my rant belonged here. And a note on it, this is not aimed at A100 users, but everywhere on XDA.
These were the major players when it came to ROM development on the A100.
And the general public has annoyed/angered most of them to the point of retirement or quitting.
What is wrong with people today?
I used to love chatting on forums with random people with common interests. Than I came to XDA. I'm not talking to anyone specific here OK, but in general, I've never met a mass gathering of people with common interest that act so hateful, childish, ungrateful, and reduce themselves to petty squabbles on a nearly hourly basis. And I am guilty of these acts of well. We all just need to step back in most situations and ask ourselves can I do this? or aren't I hear to learn and help?
I guess there's no point to my rant...
Looks like it's time to teach myself how to atleast update source.
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heh, people,EVERYWHERE are having issues...its like common descency and respect are things of the a college adjunct proffesor and see some reall asshatery ...end of my rant...sorta..for those who do the hard work,much respect,..take what people say with a grain of salt..
haoleflip said:
Most horrible idea I've heard lol. If this happened, no one would come here.....
Also, IN MY OPINION, some devs are too sensitive. There are people in this world who are going to complain and/or expect things they didn't work for themselves. It's just how it is. If I were a dev and people were complaining to me, I'd tell them "go learn how to code your own, then come talk to me." And then go on with my day without it phasing me. I wouldn't quit the work I love and stop sharing things because that one person out of the hundreds decides to complain and doesn't like the way I'm doing things. I've seen it happen, and it's pathetic in my opinion.
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Depends on the individual...I completely agree with this. It's just been my personality since I was young (grew up in Brooklyn, NEED tough skin there). If I'm doing something and one or two don't like it, oh well, I know there's almost 1,000 (in this case a **** load of people!) who do! But oh well...everyone is different...I would find more satisfaction in the fact i'm contributing to the longevity of a device and others are using MY **** somewhere in this world and enjoying it.
cheeb said:
Depends on the individual...I completely agree with this. It's just been my personality since I was young (grew up in Brooklyn, NEED tough skin there). If I'm doing something and one or two don't like it, oh well, I know there's almost 1,000 (in this case a **** load of people!) who do! But oh well...everyone is different...I would find more satisfaction in the fact i'm contributing to the longevity of a device and others are using MY **** somewhere in this world and enjoying it.
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I've come across a random guy at a McDonald's using my ROM before lol
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
pio_masaki said:
I've come across a random guy at a McDonald's using my ROM before lol
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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That's awesome! Must've been a great feeling....
I've never meant anyone with anything I've ever made
That is cool as hell though!
sent from my Banana phone S 4G
I try to be kind as possible, I would imagine how all the negative insults would add up and get annoying after a while. I am pretty young and only know enough to use things you devs make and post on here and that's only because i follow directions.But I would like to learn all this stuff and become a dev. Its gotta be pretty cool knowing you make things that hundreds of people use daily
Sent from my vangogh using xda premium
Jaydizzle414 said:
I try to be kind as possible, I would imagine how all the negative insults would add up and get annoying after a while. I am pretty young and only know enough to use things you devs make and post on here and that's only because i follow directions.But I would like to learn all this stuff and become a dev. Its gotta be pretty cool knowing you make things that hundreds of people use daily
Sent from my vangogh using xda premium
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Just over a hundred on the a100, just over a thousand on the thrive. My last cm10 is over 1020 downloads now. I should charge per download lol
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
pio_masaki said:
Just over a hundred on the a100, just over a thousand on the thrive. My last cm10 is over 1020 downloads now. I should charge per download lol
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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If you charged per download not as much people would keep downloading every build you put out. I've used almost every single one of the builds you put out, the only other persons ROMs I have used is civato. And if you charged per download I know I wouldn't nearly use as much of your builds as I have. I would only download one of your builds every once in a while, and I don't even know how I would pay you since I don't even have a credit card or debit card or whatever you use to pay online. But if you could manage to keep the amount of downloads you have now while making people pay you would make a lot of money!
Sent from my vangogh using xda premium
Jaydizzle414 said:
If you charged per download not as much people would keep downloading every build you put out. I've used almost every single one of the builds you put out, the only other persons ROMs I have used is civato. And if you charged per download I know I wouldn't nearly use as much of your builds as I have. I would only download one of your builds every once in a while, and I don't even know how I would pay you since I don't even have a credit card or debit card or whatever you use to pay online. But if you could manage to keep the amount of downloads you have now while making people pay you would make a lot of money!
Sent from my vangogh using xda premium
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I wouldn't actually do that lol
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
pio_masaki said:
I wouldn't actually do that lol
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
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I figured, I was just saying if you did
Sent from my A100 using XDA premium.
Jaydizzle414 said:
I figured, I was just saying if you did
Sent from my A100 using XDA premium.
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Wonder if I can setup some kind get paid per download link or something. Probably wouldn't pay enough to be worth the hassle to people anyways.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2
This thread may end up locked as irrelevant and to that, I will not object but I have a few things that I must say to those in this community who have played a hand in the game that is may life.
I would ask of a moderator intent on locking this thread to allow it at least a few hours to be seen by any who may wish to publicly respond, although it seem unlikely that one would, and obviously this request is nothing more than a request and I will not feel discontent if my request is denied.
I have a great number of things that I thought I wanted to say to you all. All such things were negative until recently.
First of all I would like to say what I feel is important regardless of how comical this will be to the less honorable of you involved because I must say it:
I forgive you. Of my own free will I fully forgive any wrong doing done against me by any and all who participated.
Secondly: (and this part was even more difficult for me)
I thank you. While I feel as though I have (almost literally) been through hell and back again in the last eight to ten months I have come to the point where I can forgive the actions against me, which leaves me in such a state that I have no option but to thank everyone for all the things that can be seen as a silver lining.
Through the course of these events I feel I have learned things that I would never have even considered otherwise and as a result I feel I have grown in a way that will benefit me and anyone with whom I am associated. Although I know not what your intentions were, you have changed me in ways that I can call positive and for that...
Thank you.
I will overcome.
Oh my... I must thank you again already.
As soon I clicked submit a weight that cannot be measured was lifted from me and I honestly cannot say that anything I have ever experienced was as intense or liberating as this burden dissolving.
Although this may be Stockholm Syndrome, I have nothing but love for you, my captors, and hope to continue to grow in such ways.
I should also point out that while I have obviously been unable to stop you and probably remain powerless in this regard; you have no cause to continue... it will not affect me any longer and you will only harm yourselves.
I have decided to burn all of the evidence that I have collected including some IP addresses and phone numbers that were not easy to obtain.
I will seek no vengeance.
Everything ok, bro?
If you need a person to talk to, hit me up.
graydiggy said:
Everything ok, bro?
If you need a person to talk to, hit me up.
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For the first time in long time I can answer with an honest... yes. Everything is OK.
Thank you for asking.
I thought that storm had already passed a while back brother.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2
Well, the offer still stands... :beer:
blackcanopy said:
I thought that storm had already passed a while back brother.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using Xparent BlueTapatalk 2
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I don't know that will ever end. I am tested everyday in ways that near break me every time and it almost cost me my humanity.
I think that someone has distorted and warped a sacred philosophy to the point where they no longer understand it....
"Do what though wilt"
Is only the one and true law if your will is not compromised by the sickness that is jealousy.
One's will is only divinely backed if one has no ill intent.
One's will cannot be stopped be if the outcome benefits all involved.
Let me find a quote from a more informed source. It can be summarized well by one smarter than myself.
and honestly, regardless of whether the storm had passed or if I temporarily rested safely in it's eye;
I had not yet forgiven so it all still existed in full effect insomuch as the way it affected me.
Forgive me but, what exactly did you do wrong?
"Give wings to your fancy, for fairer than any picture that you can paint with thought is the future that you can claim with will. Once you have imagined, once you have chosen, say, "I will." And there is nothing on earth that can hinder you for long: for you are immortal and the future is obedient to you.
You say death may stand in your way? It will not.
You say that poverty and sickness or friends and enemies obstruct your path? They certainly will not. Nothing can, unless you permit it.
But you must choose, and never again must you wish for anything for you need only say, " I will. " You must say it always in thought and in deed, not only in these words now.
And henceforth never for a moment must your purpose change, but your constant intention must turn everything you touch in line with it.
Then, if that which you have chosen is not harmful, it will be yours before long."
- Ernest Wood
IamFlynn said:
Forgive me but, what exactly did you do wrong?
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If that was knowledge I possessed; I would have had no issues.
but whether or not it was your intention to, your question just made me realize what was missing from my post and I thank you for it.
I am sorry
I have always maintained the belief that I must have committed offense to warrant punishment but I have not yet ascertained my "crimes."
Regardless, I am sorry.
I think a better question would be, "What is provoking this thread?" or, "Can you enlighten us to the reasons behind what you are posting?"
To be completely honest, I am completely lost, and a bit worried.
graydiggy said:
I think a better question would be, "What is provoking this thread?" or, "Can you enlighten us to the reasons behind what you are posting?"
To be completely honest, I am completely lost, and a bit worried.
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I'm with you on this.
What ever happened, or is happening, PhAkEer, some of us are lost on this. Not that it's any of my business, just an observation.
And as Gray offered, if you need to vent you can hit me up as well. My GTalk is the same name @ gmail :beer:
MoHoGalore said:
I'm with you on this.
What ever happened, or is happening, PhAkEer, some of us are lost on this. Not that it's any of my business, just an observation.
And as Gray offered, if you need to vent you can hit me up as well. My GTalk is the same name @ gmail :beer:
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I'm sorry. I know it probably doesn't make much sense and I was very vague on purpose.
Trust when I say that its no longer important how or who and about all I'll say about the what is that: for quite some time a large few or small many have put a lot of effort into effing with my es and I think I nearly let my cheese slide off of my cracker a couple of times.
and thanks for the offer
(LMAO the funny part is that for a lot of the time a fresh point of view would have great but I had very bad luck trying to explain it and even worse luck getting help... so I think I just... gave up on asking )
Then again.. maybe some of the "What" does need to be discussed... because the modifications people were able to make on my phone were disturbing and maybe if I knew what information to provide we could tighten the security for everyone else so these hacks don't get any more out of control.
I have erased/burned most of the stuff that could have implicated anyone as a gesture of good will, but I think I did save some of the modified apps in a couple of backups.
Any thoughts on what I could upload that could be used?
An example that we could both benefit from and protect again malice :
Whoever was involved was able to permanently root my phone in param/.lfs to such a degree that even Sprint's technicians couldn't remove it.
It got to the point where they would just hand me another phone when I walked in... no fees or anything.
We don't know one another my friend, but through Christ I pray you'll be fine. And what doesn't destroy you can only make you stronger.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
I remember this. You were attacked via phone some time ago. I remember the thread that really started as a simple question and turned into you and others figuring out you had been hacked. Am I correct?
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
graydiggy said:
I remember this. You were attacked via phone some time ago. I remember the thread that really started as a simple question and turned into you and others figuring out you had been hacked. Am I correct?
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I don't remember a thread quite like that. That does however sound like a combination of a couple threads, maybe?
The only thread I posted about me being hacked was an embarrassing fail in which I thought the situation was more serious...basically, I bit some deeply buried misimformation hook, line and sinker and thought that it was uncovered fact.
I would enjoy it all if it were a (b) movie I was watching.
This forum is probably a good place to ask: does anyone know anything about removing hacks that are coded into images stored on a protected partition?
Sorry that I don't know enough about hacking to identify specifics. It took me forever to even realize where they were and I have only ever been to modify /param/.lfs with the use of an application.
I don't mean to disrespect but you sound plain crazy bro. If you've been hacked and think that your identity is in jeopardy, contact the authorities and your bank. This kind of thing happens all the time and there resources available to prevent any harm being done.
That being said, you are an important person around here and have done a lot of amazing work. Thank you for that. I hope you can ease your mind because you are coming off as a little unwell.
Life is to short to have spent these last many months worrying about this. Go on a camping trip or something.
DEF3NDER said:
I don't mean to disrespect but you sound plain crazy bro. If you've been hacked and think that your identity is in jeopardy, contact the authorities and your bank. This kind of thing happens all the time and there resources available to prevent any harm being done.
That being said, you are an important person around here and have done a lot of amazing work. Thank you for that. I hope you can ease your mind because you are coming off as a little unwell.
Life is to short to have spent these last many months worrying about this. Go on a camping trip or something.
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I don't understand? I mean no disrespect either, but I have no idea how anything I have said would make me sound "unwell" or "crazy."
I would not be offended by whatever clarity you give me there.
All I have said (basically) is that I have learned a lot and forgive malice because I have moved on.
If I were forced to describe that in a word, I would choose, "healthy."
PhAkEer said:
I don't understand? I mean no disrespect either, but I have no idea how anything I have said would make me sound "unwell" or "crazy."
I would not be offended by whatever clarity you give me there.
All I have said (basically) is that I have learned a lot and forgive malice because I have moved on.
If I were forced to describe that in a word, I would choose, "healthy."
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By that I basically just mean paranoid and kinda out there. Like you are spun.
Did someone here send you a file with a Trojan or something? How or why would somebody want to hack your phone?
Do you presume they are still an active member here and are reading this thread, and that is why you made it?
Like you said, it's vague. That's why it comes off a little odd, to me at least.