Question about Transition from Stock Music Player to PlayerPro - T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S II SGH-T989

After the remote on my In Ear Apple headphones stopped functioning, I resorted to using PlayerPro for volume control functions to replace the remote. Now my question is about changing the equalizer settings to match the music effect settings I had in the stock music player. On the stock music player, I always used classical and music clarity under the music settings. Is there any way I can change the equalizer on PlayerPro to match the music quality I got with these settings on the stick music player? I'm no audiophile so I have no clue how each setting functions so help would be greatly appreciated.
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Why not use dsp manager? Or perhaps even Google music...idk many people don't like it but I find it kinda nice
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iLeopard said:
Why not use dsp manager? Or perhaps even Google music...idk many people don't like it but I find it kinda nice
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I would use DSP Manager but I'm a complete noob when it comes to editing music settings so I was wondering if there was anyone who had knowledge on these settings and know what to modify to get the settings over to PlayerPro. I don't want to use Google music because it doesn't give me the option to use Vol controls for remote in the lock screen.
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There is a dsp pack you can dl off the market for playerpro that is a 15 band eq and has presets for a lot of different genres of music. That way you can get your eq already tweaked without you having to do it all yourself. The presets are adjustable if you don't like what you hear.


What Music App are you using?

I was curious to see everyones music app of choice is? I've tried em all except winamp and slacker radio, but I think I'm gonna go with PlayerPro for a while....I love having the lockscreen widget back!!! (Missed that from using it on MIUI on my OG Evo) Anyways curious to see what everyones app of choice is!
None of the above - jetAudio Basic
I use Amazon MP3 which is not listed above.
Player pro. The gap less playback alone makes it worth using. Also the developer is friendly. We spent about a month fixing the blue tooth track display after I emailed him. I was very impressed at his level of support.
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Cm7 Music Player
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Power amp, the eq is awesome.
Sent from my SPH-D710 using xda premium
popdog54 said:
None of the above - jetAudio Basic
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Just tried and really like it but unless I am missing something no lock screen controls
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda app-developers app
Jet Audio Basic looks pretty nice, I'll have to check it out. Nice that there's lockscreen widgets!
Sent from my SPH-L710
no love for?
^^^3rd pgh poster in a row.^^^
Apollo.. thats where its at
stock TW app. or google play music for my music on cloud.
I like the stock tw music player. Basic, but functional
Sent from my SGH-T769
doubletwist, which isn't listed.
I like the stock on the SIII simply because it has the Cover to Pause feature.
That feature has been awesome to me especially when driving and I have to pause a song, I never have to look at my phone.
I do still like Google Play Music App, gives me access to a bunch of songs that are streaming off my cloud.
If only there was an app that had Cover to pause feature and the ability to stream music off of our Google Music accounts... :cyclops:
billard412 said:
Apollo.. thats where its at
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I agree 100%, best music player out there imo
Google Music for me
I like doubleTwist since I'm able to sync it with my desktop version and transfer and manage songs just like iTunes.

Stock music player and Awesome Beats

I am using Jedi rom and seems like awesome beats only works with this fugly Walkman app.
Is awesome beats suppose to work with other players? Maybe even system wide with video apps and youtube?
I would like to use stock music app with it. Is this even possible?
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk 2
I have the same issue.... I just flashes the stock Samsung player. (which in my opinion is a million times better) and the beats audio booster does not work with it... It's a shame because the added bass boost + my audio technical ath m50s makes a killer combo.... Does anyone know how to get it to work on the stock player?
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Yeah, it doesn't seem to work with the Stock Music Player, but it does work with Google music player. You may prefer that to the Walkman app.
I tried awesome beats last night and can't say I'm a fan. The bass boost was horrid, it was way bloated had no definition and sounded awful! At least on my phone.The other settings weren't as bad but still prefer it flat.
Flash Ac!d audio.
I read the thread but it warns not to flash on any rom that has another music app already on it.. What would instructions be to flashing this?
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I wasnt expecting too much from it but actually I liked the bass of it. However that walkman app is pain in the back to navigate or add toba playlist etc...
I tried to freeze music fx hoping awesomebeats might replace it but no chance. Still doesnt work.
Guy just flash the purseus kernel and choose the eargasm setting and you will have a eargasm joke
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g3minII said:
Guy just flash the purseus kernel and choose the eargasm setting and you will have a eargasm joke
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Can't say I notice a difference between eargasm and flat (disabled). Enabling Stereo expansion did add a little something though. At least it didn't destroy the audio like "Not-So-Awesome" Beats.

What's your preferred music player app?

Topic. I'm using the default one for the first time since I've been using Android. On my evo epic 4g and 4g touch I always used player pro but since owning the s3 I don't feel a need to use a after market one unless someone ports over the xperia music player with working widgets.
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E The Magnificent said:
Topic. I'm using the default one for the first time since I've been using Android. On my evo epic 4g and 4g touch I always used player pro but since owning the s3 I don't feel a need to use a after market one unless someone ports over the xperia music player with working widgets.
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
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power amp paid version.
get to use s3 headphones buttons when i am on my back or any headphones with buttons. eq is pretty good, the layout is not the best but overall i am happy. plus there are lots of tweaks and settings
kaoss_11 said:
power amp paid version.
get to use s3 headphones buttons when i am on my back or any headphones with buttons. eq is pretty good, the layout is not the best but overall i am happy. plus there are lots of tweaks and settings
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+1 for poweramp paid. I don't buy many applications but Poweramp was the one of the first i paid for. And I'm soo glad i did.:laugh:
I used the built in player for a few days, but I saw no means to retrieve the correct album art, and lol that annoys me when my music shows the wrong art, so I started using power amp paid version :good:
Now you guys wouldn't happen to be the developers of this app hmmmmm? lol
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
This kinda moves the original question into another area, but how do you keep the ring tones saved on your phone from being played via the music player? I'm at the point now that I do not save music on my phone. I just stream it from my cloud. Thanks.
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JCJ77 said:
This kinda moves the original question into another area, but how do you keep the ring tones saved on your phone from being played via the music player? I'm at the point now that I do not save music on my phone. I just stream it from my cloud. Thanks.
Sent via Tapatalk from my SGSIII running the hottest ROM right now!
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Most music players allow you to select which folders to add to your music library. Although others scan the entire device for sound files.
I like the option of storing files local. Works great for subways and airplanes.
mordbane said:
Most music players allow you to select which folders to add to your music library. Although others scan the entire device for sound files.
I like the option of storing files local. Works great for subways and airplanes.
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I do as well. I just don't like the fact that some of my ring tones are mixed into the music player. Does poweramp allow you to choose the folder?
Sent via Tapatalk from my SGSIII running the hottest ROM right now!
PlayerPro has a great UI
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+ 1 PowerAmp Full
I've been using PA since I got my Evo 4G ... great player with great functionality.
JCJ77 said:
I do as well. I just don't like the fact that some of my ring tones are mixed into the music player. Does poweramp allow you to choose the folder?
Sent via Tapatalk from my SGSIII running the hottest ROM right now!
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+1 for Poweramp.
N7Player - nice ui
Jet Audio - nice selections of EQs
Soundbest - you take a hearing test and an EQ is made for your ears
Sony Walkman- great stock player
Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
TBH I have always just used Google Play Music. I really like the UI of it. Looks nice
I like the touchwiz music app
Its virtual 7.1 is nice
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
I've been playing around with Music Player (remix) lately. Its still fairly new on the Android platform and the dev has some bugs to iron out, but the menu system is incredible. Almost everything is accessible from swipes left, right, up. $5 is a bit steep, try out the demo you might just fall in love with it.
Google music
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
Google Music or Apollo just because it looks nice
PlayerPro paid
I used poweramp music player
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gtuansdiamm said:
I like the touchwiz music app
Its virtual 7.1 is nice
Sent from my SPH-L710 using xda premium
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have you found a way to fetch the correct album art with the tw music app?

Music App recommendations for Toroplus on SlimBean

I still can't quite find the right music player for SlimBean. I have tried PowerAmp, Google Play, stock Music, WinAmp, DoubleTwist, Songbird and a ton of others. Nothing has everything I need.
I want:
Utilizes DSP Manager
Plays smoothly (looking at you PowerAmp)
Has a lock screen widget
Doesn't seem like too tall of an order but nothing I have found satisfies all of it. AMP+ is *almost* there but it doesn't use DSP Manager. Any thoughts?
Tried Apollo?
If im not mistaken you can use DSP with power amp , go under settings/audio/advanced/(in poweramp), uncheck dvc control. It should bypass the apps equalizer and DSP will function
Edit : don't think it does jack lol , just tried it but I couldn't see a difference with DSP on or off with the dvc unchecked , sorry for the useless post :beer:
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I have tried Apollo and it isn't without it shortcomings (bad interface, horrible album art resolution) but you're right, it does meet my requirements. Maybe I'll give it another shot.
I do love PowerAmp but it performs REALLY poorly on either SlimBean or Franco.Kernel (not sure where the issue is).
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063_XOBX said:
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I love noozy but its broke like a fat stripper.
If it didn't ALWAYS close randomly for me on 4.2 I'd definitely still be using it. It may work for others though
I found APKs for noozy and Apollo 1.1. Giving them a shot.
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Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda app-developers app
Ubermusic and noozy were great suggestions guys, thanks. Like I mentioned, I was able to find a copy of Apollo 1.1 which basically fixed the UI issues I had with 1.0. Right now scrobbling with SLS isn't working, might switch to ScrobbleDroid or try reinstalling. thx again.

Google Music Equalizer.

Hey everyone.
In searched around and I know there is a sound mod for the m8 but truly I'm interested in finding out what to do to bring the equalizer back in the Google music app.
I was thinking maybe if I flashed the apk that is included in the nexus 5 for example that it would allow me to toggle it on
Any other help you can provide would be appreciated.
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google music equalizer
I installed viper4andriod.apk And that is used as EQ Google music also in powerapp music player. Viper4android. Is good I like it.

