I want to do my own repacked CWM kernels based on the Samsung ICS releases. Can anybody point me in the right direction?
No one has any pointers?
There is a thread in the Dev section for compiling a kernel, maybe there is help in there.
Could anyone please answer a question for me? Is the stock kernel for htc sense the same as the stock kernel for aokp roms?
I'm currently going between a sense and an aokp rom (can't decide which I prefer lol), both are on stock kernel, so I'm wondering whether I still need to flash the boot.img before I restore my nandroids?
Hope you know what I mean Thanks x
No, they've got different ramdisks if nothing else, so you'll need the appropriate boot.img from the backup you're restoring.
I'm new to HTC stuff. I was confused about HOX's repacked kernel? Can someone explain me about the following questions?
1. when do i need repacked kernel?
2. Why do I need repacked kernel?
3. Can Repacked kernel for ROM A work on ROM B?
gerrard_ss said:
I'm new to HTC stuff. I was confused about HOX's repacked kernel? Can someone explain me about the following questions?
1. when do i need repacked kernel?
2. Why do I need repacked kernel?
3. Can Repacked kernel for ROM A work on ROM B?
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1. When you are using custom kernel on custom rom but maintaining ramdisk tweaks to the said rom
2. as answer 1
3. i don't think so, always read the kernel developers instructions in full.
I was trying to post to Ca1ne's thread and kept getting that stupid bulletin about not having permission...
I couldn't find an answer to my questions anywhere and since I am a semi-noob at Android Dev I don't know if there will be any conflicts. Better safe than sorry is my thinking. My ROM is stock, Sense, S-On, rooted with RA Recovery. I have already flashed Ca1ne's Classic Kernel.
Question 1:
Can I use the SmurfedOut Script with Ca1ne's Classic Kernel?
Question 2:
After flashing Ca1ne's Classic Kernel can I flash his UnderWorld Kernel on top of it?
Part2: If I can flash Underworld Kernel on top of Ca1ne's Classic Kernel can I used SmurfedOut on that as well?
TIA to anyone who answers!
Yes,yes,and yes. Just remember to wipe ur caches before u flash the kernels
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
FYI - you has permission issues posting to the Dev's thread because you arent allowed to post there until you have 10 posts in the QA section. Probably so people cant sign up, spam the Dev's and then disappear.
Yea if you meant to keep both kernels, then no. Only one will stay, which is the one you last flashed. You can flash smurfed out also.
[RESOLVED] Ca1ne's Classic SBC Kernel and Smurfed Out
Well that was quickly resolved. I've already pressed the thank button to everyone because everything was important info. I love XDA!
Hi, I like to know which kernels suit best for me.
ClockworkMod Recovery in a recent version (at least
nice to have:
ext4 support
additional govenors (such as smartass/smartass2)
I was interested in a DooMLord Kernel. Then I just saw a thread about a GB kernel. In a survey I read there's a doomlord kernel also for ICS. Can you provide me with a link?
the stock kernel with CWM I already tried and it has a slightly outdated CWM. So maybe someone could stab me in the right direction
The "development" section perhaps.
Sent from my CM9'd Arc
I've been looking around and can't seem to find any. I wanted to try to use Hashcode's kernel with the SGT7 ROM but I don't see any way that would be possible.
You need a custom recovery first. I'd advise you to read the FAQ sticky listed in this forum, it should help get you started. And whenever you're ready to download that rom, the links to the zips are in the development thread associated with the ROM you'd want to flash.
I think they already have one. Fortunately the SGT7 rom uses hashcode's kernel. Unfortunately, you are talking about the 3.4.y, that is highly experimental and Hash only wants the more experienced people to mess with it, so as of now there is no flashable kernel for 3.4.y. If you are talking about the current 3.0 kernel then im also afraid you are out of luck on that too. There isnt one.