[Q] issues about DHD downgrading from 2.3.5 - Desire HD Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hi guys,
I have tried to root my DHD which is on android 2.3.5, software 3.12 but failed downgrading the device
I have followed the tutorials (trying to make a goldcard etc). and I have checked my steps repeatedly so I dont think its my problem. Then I read some threads about the impossibility of downgrading from software number 3.12.
anyone help to clarify on this?


[Q] Easy Downgrade?

hey guys, i still got the "RUU_Ace_HTC_WWE_1.32.405.6_Radio_12.28b.60.140e_26.03.02.26_M_release_155891_signed" on my computer, isn´t that the easiest way to downgrade a htc desire hd?
At the moment it´s:
a few months ago i downgraded my dhd with that firmware and rooted it, does this still work with a that newer firmware?
my aim is to put a custom rom on it
ofc u can downgrade with that ruu, there are only downgrade guides in this forum cause it makes more fun with the hard way
you can't root builds higher than 1.32 base
great news, thanks
mmh, i got an id error? any idea? rom updated aborted...
Erroe 131: User ID Error
only follow the downgrade guide!
and you will have no problems

[Q] I finally downgraded my DHD without gold card.

Hello Everyone,
I just downgraded my DHD to 1.32 by following this method i found on here.http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=996761
Please i need an expert to tell me if i can proceed to rooting my DHD now because i don't want to loose my new fone.
i downgraded my phone with a goldcard...wasn't that hard either.
If your phone is downgraded then all you should have to do is explained in the link under "Rooting the HTC Ace"

[Q] having trouble downgrading my DHD [SOLVED!]

as the subject suggests i'm having trouble downgrading my DHD, i thought by unlocking my bootloader with the official unlock installing an other rom would be easy... but it doesn't seem to be as strait forward as i've hoped.
so now i've decided to actually downgrade and root my DHD that way, the only trouble is... that i can't seem to downgrade.
I tried all methods i could find without success.. so now i'm stuck... can any one please advice on this matter?
the versions are:
Android: 2.3.5
HTC sense: 3.0
Software: 3.12.405.1
I have the same issue phone has same software versions and I have just recently ( last 2 days ) unlocked the bootloader , tried load of things just does seem to want to root.
Would appreciate any help on the matter
still stuck, no solution found as of yet please help
solved it i think i used the htc supertool to re-lock the bootloader and when i entered the hboot it detected the older GB rom on my SD and started the downgrade
link to HTC supertool: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1343114

[Q] flashing Custom rom on DHD

Hi all,
i am new to this forums and i have read all the guide to root and install custom rom in DHD and after reading all the guides i would like to flash a custom rom on my DHD, but i am a bit confused need few clarification.
below are my phone specs.'
Android Version - 2.3.5
HTC sense version - 3.0
software number - 3.13.720.2
Kernel version -
baseband version -
Build number - 3.13.720.2 CL208029
below are my concerns.
1. do i need to unlock my bootloader using HTCDEV.com method?
2. do i need to downgrade my firmware since its 3.13 because i didnt find any method to get root/s-off option for 3.13 firmware.
please help
I am failry new to rooting and flashing (currently on Leedroid) - I just followed the instructions in the Advanced Hack Tool and it was done within 10 mins. It is all automatic as long as you read the instructions and set everything up porperly.
I've you use this site and follow the steps it will downgrade and root your phone, it is the easyst why.
thanks for the reply but if u see my software version is 3.13.720.2 because of this i am confused. what i need to know is that do i need to downgrade my phone to lower version and then root it? and also a method to downgrade my phone from 3.13 to other lower version.
Ive you follow the steps the program will automaticly downgrad men
Yeah as the other users said dude,downgrade..use the ace hack kit etc,it doesnt take long and follow it to the letter,wipe your sd card totally not quick format..
serious..to the letter.takes an average of 10-15 minutes, if you dont understand a majority of it,just ask questions along the way,it truly is the easiest way,i cant comment on the htcdev unlock bootloader method,hopefully someone who has used that can help you with it,but id say go down the ace hack way
fairly sure the htcdev way has someone limitations to it..think if you want it perm rooted you have to still do it yourself,as i said though not done it.
(possibility im wrong but if anyone cares to correct me,happy days)
i tried AAHK and my phone downgraded successfully but after i run AAHK again it flashed the radio but when i goes to another step my phone powering on with black screen dont knw wht to do?

[Q] Problems with Unlocking/Downgrading/S-Off/Flashing

Hi guys,
I've been given a DHD from my friend to help root but I'm having trouble trying to root it. This isn't my first HTC phone, I've owned a DHD (Stolen), Sensation (Retired) and currently using a HTC One SV. I've unlocked and rooted both my phones. However, I'm having loads of problems trying to root the DHD.
This is the details :
Android 2.3.5
Sense 3.0
Software Number : 3.13.707.4
Build Number : 3.13.707.4 CL228204 release-keys
I've been reading a lot of guides and I nearly gonna give up searching. A lot of them says that I've to unlock at HTCDev.com which I've tried numerous times. Every time I want to update my HBOOT using the PD9810000_Ace_Sense30_S_hboot_2.00.0029. it keeps on saying my ROM is outdated and has to be updated to 3.13.707.3. And quite a lot of tools are not usable now (probably because of its age). I've tried UMT, HTC Quick Root, AMT 1.8.5 all not working. All failed to root. I'm wondering whether if anyone can help me through this. I've used CMD according to certain guides and they all fail. It seems that this phone is totally unrootable, which I don't 100% believe it will be.
Perhaps anyone has already found a solution?
Thanks guys.
titanmmilton said:
Hi guys,
I've been given a DHD from my friend to help root but I'm having trouble trying to root it. This isn't my first HTC phone, I've owned a DHD (Stolen), Sensation (Retired) and currently using a HTC One SV. I've unlocked and rooted both my phones. However, I'm having loads of problems trying to root the DHD.
This is the details :
Android 2.3.5
Sense 3.0
Software Number : 3.13.707.4
Build Number : 3.13.707.4 CL228204 release-keys
I've been reading a lot of guides and I nearly gonna give up searching. A lot of them says that I've to unlock at HTCDev.com which I've tried numerous times. Every time I want to update my HBOOT using the PD9810000_Ace_Sense30_S_hboot_2.00.0029. it keeps on saying my ROM is outdated and has to be updated to 3.13.707.3. And quite a lot of tools are not usable now (probably because of its age). I've tried UMT, HTC Quick Root, AMT 1.8.5 all not working. All failed to root. I'm wondering whether if anyone can help me through this. I've used CMD according to certain guides and they all fail. It seems that this phone is totally unrootable, which I don't 100% believe it will be.
Perhaps anyone has already found a solution?
Thanks guys.
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Have you tried this? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2221039
antanigoni said:
Have you tried this? http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2221039
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Yeap, already tried. Anything that has to do with HTCDev has failed.
titanmmilton said:
Hi guys,
I've been given a DHD from my friend to help root but I'm having trouble trying to root it. This isn't my first HTC phone, I've owned a DHD (Stolen), Sensation (Retired) and currently using a HTC One SV. I've unlocked and rooted both my phones. However, I'm having loads of problems trying to root the DHD.
This is the details :
Android 2.3.5
Sense 3.0
Software Number : 3.13.707.4
Build Number : 3.13.707.4 CL228204 release-keys
I've been reading a lot of guides and I nearly gonna give up searching. A lot of them says that I've to unlock at HTCDev.com which I've tried numerous times. Every time I want to update my HBOOT using the PD9810000_Ace_Sense30_S_hboot_2.00.0029. it keeps on saying my ROM is outdated and has to be updated to 3.13.707.3. And quite a lot of tools are not usable now (probably because of its age). I've tried UMT, HTC Quick Root, AMT 1.8.5 all not working. All failed to root. I'm wondering whether if anyone can help me through this. I've used CMD according to certain guides and they all fail. It seems that this phone is totally unrootable, which I don't 100% believe it will be.
Perhaps anyone has already found a solution?
Thanks guys.
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Have you try this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2367322 . This AAHK2. Or try to used AAHK (AAHK image download link had already broken but you can download image manually to used this tool).:victory:

