Wireless Tether (Sprint finds out?) - Samsung Epic 4G Touch

Basically how can Sprint find out if your wireless tethering for free. If you're rooted and using the free wireless tether app will going over a certain amount of data a day give them a alert. Thank you.

jnguyen12 said:
Basically how can Sprint find out if your wireless tethering for free. If you're rooted and using the free wireless tether app will going over a certain amount of data a day give them a alert. Thank you.
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No Sprint will not be notified of going over a certain amount of data in a day, nor is there a cap for data usage when using the wireless tether app.

I just checked my 4G usage for this month since I started tethering on Sprint.com and it's at 17GB whereas before it was like 4-5GB. It's partially the tethering but it's also because I've been using the Watch ESPN app a lot this month. Is there any way that Sprint will kick me off? It's all Sprint data and not roaming since it's 4G. Obviously they can tell I'm using a ton of data but has anyone ever been kicked off for using too much data? How much data have other people used?

frankquattrone said:
I just checked my 4G usage for this month since I started tethering on Sprint.com and it's at 17GB whereas before it was like 4-5GB. It's partially the tethering but it's also because I've been using the Watch ESPN app a lot this month. Is there any way that Sprint will kick me off? It's all Sprint data and not roaming since it's 4G. Obviously they can tell I'm using a ton of data but has anyone ever been kicked off for using too much data? How much data have other people used?
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The only way that you are going to get kicked off for using too much data is if you are roaming when you use the data. And even then, more than half of your data usage would have to be while you are roaming. So, if your total monthly data usage is 4 gigs, and 2 1/2 of the gigs are used while roaming then you will most likely get a letter from sprint letting you know that they have terminated your account. This is commonly seen when a 00001 or other hacked PRL is loaded on your phone which causes you to constantly roam. But long answer short, you'll be fine...

jnguyen12 said:
Basically how can Sprint find out if your wireless tethering for free. If you're rooted and using the free wireless tether app will going over a certain amount of data a day give them a alert. Thank you.
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Basically, when you tether you are sending your phones internet through wifi to your computer/device. Sprint only sees that you are using your internet on your phone, not where it is going. When you pay for the "tether service" from Sprint, there is a different way that you hook up to the internet. It is a separate service rather than just sharing your phone's internet connection with your computer/device.

SpecialAgentSicari said:
When you pay for the "tether service" from Sprint, there is a different way that you hook up to the internet. It is a separate service rather than just sharing your phone's internet connection with your computer/device.
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Not exactly true. When you launch the unhacked Sprint Hotspot app it asks the Sprint Server if your phone is authorized to use the app. If you have not subscribed it errors out. The hacked app has the authorization check removed. When the hacked version launches it just shares the phone's internet connection with external devices. Sprint has no way of knowing that the internet traffic is going anywhere beyond the phone.

@ gharlane00,
Well put and agree'd!

gharlane00 said:
Not exactly true. When you launch the unhacked Sprint Hotspot app it asks the Sprint Server if your phone is authorized to use the app. If you have not subscribed it errors out. The hacked app has the authorization check removed. When the hacked version launches it just shares the phone's internet connection with external devices. Sprint has no way of knowing that the internet traffic is going anywhere beyond the phone.
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Also not exactly true.
One thing they can see is the IPs of the pages you are going to, and different browsers make different page requests,like not pulling up the mobile versions of pages. (yes, I know this can be modified to pull up the nonmobile version.)
Not only is the tcp/ip page request header on an Android browser is completely different than say chrome/firefox/etc, but other applications use the same technique, like IM/BT/skype/etc.
If sprint really GAF, they could very easily see that you're tethering, from what I know.
EDIT: As an example, go here, and see what info it reveals.
Your IP Address / Hostname
Your IP Address: 72.94.***.**
Your Hostname: pool-********.phlapa.east.verizon.net
Browser/Computer Properties
Browser (User-Agent): [B]Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:9.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/9.0.1[/B]
Time and Date: 3:48:11 PM - Saturday, February 04, 2012
Javascript: Enabled
Cookies Enabled: Enabled
Java Enabled: Not Available/Enabled
CPU class/type: [B]OS/CPU Windows NT 6.0[/B]
Screen Width x Height: 1280 x 1024
Screen Color Depth: 24
Window Width: 588 (45.9% of 1280)
Window Height: 353 (34.5% of 1024)
Browser Headers
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Language: en-us,en;q=0.5
Connection: keep-alive
(edited for privacy, of course. )
Then, tether up, try it again, it will still show the same.
Sent from my calculator watch.

Sorry to bump an old thread, but Sprint doesn't know. What another user mentioned above is partially true, they can find out if you are excessively roaming. That will notify them, then they can investigate further and find which websites you're visiting etc. Then they will begin sending you letters.
my 2 cents. :good:

Yes Sprint can tell you tether
Ive been getting a text msg from Sprint, notifying me of doing something that isnt in my plan, they claimed I was "tethering" and setting up a "mobile hotspot" well I was sometimes, and btw I use xbox for LTE, so when they see alot of data being used like that, they will investigate, ive been with sprint for 10 years. That doesnt matter to them as they threatened to cut off my service, so I asked if they had any unlimited tethering/mobile hotspot and all they have is 6gb/month for $50 which is useless. so apparently they said I was going to Weather.com and NOAA website to much lol they couldnt even see that I had an Xbox One on LTE for past 2 months, and then you get an arab or some mexican that can barely speak english that doesnt know anything about phones/mobile development trying to tell you that you are tethering, the person I spoke with literally had to lookup the definition it was pathetic, sprint is going downhill as soon as I find another carrier with unlimited im flying to theyre store.


Accessing the web and market without android data plan

this may be a dumb question, but I just got the wife a G2 from Best Buy for Xmas ( awaiting it to be shipped ) and she now has a Cliq. I just got a new Cliq 1 month ago due to insurance replacement and I plan on giving my grandma her Cliq. lol yes my grandma....she has a BB and FB...lol anywho, I know she doesnt have a data plan but my question is
if she is on wifi can she access the web and android market without charge and if so, if she downloads apps, when she is not on wifi will she be charged for using the apps such as hancent for text and things of that nature?
Wifi works just fine without a data plan, that's what I do as I'm still on a prepaid plan. No charges for wifi data as your not using their network. Standard SMS fees even while using Handcent will apply. If you want free SMS sign her up for google voice, but of course you won't be able to utilize it off of wifi if you have no data.
she has a reg plan, just not an android web plan, just minutes and text/pics. Its good to know she can download apps without a prob then. but...... will it be considered data through android web if she uses the apps not on wifi. she has a text plan i think
I believe that apps that require internet access to function simply won't if she's not on WiFi.
I don't think you can simply start accessing T-Mo's data connection without a plan so she should be fine. Just know that getting away from the WiFi signal may cause some apps to not work.
k, thanks guys....ill be back when my wife lets me root her g2...lol
I'd kill the APN settings on that sucka except for the MMS settings. Make sure the data is dead because in a lot of cases they can remove the actual plan, but not the data feature all together. This can result in even more expensive data charges ironically.
Make sure to call in and review this with a CSR so they note it on file in the event of an overage. I worked for an outsourced call center that did work for T-Mobile yeeeeaaars ago. They've always had liberal billing policies from what I remember so it shouldn't be a problem. I actually with they were in Canada because the providers here SUCK!
bongd said:
I'd kill the APN settings on that sucka .....
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Excellent advice there!

[Q] Carrier charges for Internet Sharing??

I am wondering if someone can explain the details around the carrier restrictions for WP7 Wifi tethering (ICS), specifically for at&t. For instance, will at&t be able to see that we are using ICS mobile hotspot feature and charge extra for it? Also, I realize that the XDA users, being the ingenious bunch that you are, were able to hack the feature onto several phones already.
If we didn't hack the feature, how would this all normally work through the carrier? Is the feature unavailable unless you have a tethering plan or does it show up anyway as part of WP7 regardless?
This is just an approximation idea how it (can) work(s):
In registry there is option to select through which profile (and thus APN) it connects. So if your carrier would force different APN that is used for hotspot then yes, it is possible. But you just change in registry the APN name (or profile name) and voila, it flows now all through normal, phone, APN.
Plus there is the possibility to sneak the packets and check what sites are being checked (namely windowsupdate.microsoft.com lol).
I am so glad that I live where I live. 3GB FUP (actually 6GB FUP till end of January, we got double FUP as a gift) for $30/month. And it runs upto 880kB/s . (1,5GB file downloaded with avg of 780kB/s, peak 882kB/s).
thanks for the info! Yeah I have no idea why they charge extra for tethering, makes no sense, especially since most carriers got rid of unlimited plans! Anyway, I agree with you, should be able to change the APN to route everything normally.
j_sous said:
thanks for the info! Yeah I have no idea why they charge extra for tethering, makes no sense, especially since most carriers got rid of unlimited plans! Anyway, I agree with you, should be able to change the APN to route everything normally.
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Why? Because they are greedy bastards, that's why. Same internet, same data, same bits, could have used it as part of your normal data allowance but they charge you extra for it. Greed, pure and simple.
With the Focus, when tethering manually though the USB modem setting (google to find details) it goes through the WAP access point, and it shows up under phone data usage on my account (I have an unlimited data plan through my company). However, I tried using the ICS option and a few weeks later I got a text message from AT&T with the classic tethering data plan warning. I have since turned off ICS and have gone back to the USB modem method.
This is actually one of the reasons I don't want to upgrade to a 2nd gen device unless there is a known way to either use the USB modem feature or redirect the ICS through the WAP access point...

[Q] Regarding Android 4.2.x and VPN

As some of you may or may not know...ISPs are about to put 6 strikes rules into effect:
In light of this I've gotten a payware VPN account from these fine folks: https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/pages/client-support/#android_ipsec_l2tp
Catch being they don't have an Android app. No prob, I'll just use the Android-built-in VPN client. Setup easily BAM!
So what is the problem?
It seems that Android 4.2.2's always-stay-connected option for VPN's is broken. I try to select it, it tells me my VPN must have DNS info (which it does have entered). Does not click. So what can I do?
If y'all have a fav VPN client with always-connect that supports IPSEC/L2TP PSK I'm all ears.
A bump. Other annoyed people figured out how to make my VPN service work using OpenVPN with always-connect. I used the instructions located here:
I don't do anything crazy on my ISP at home so I could care less about the strike rule stuff. I do use FeatVPN though on my phone when I'm out and about to tunnel back to my house for data usage. I only use it when I'm on a public wifi as I do not want anyone sniffing my traffic when I'm broadcasting it to the world. When I'm on 3G or 4G I don't use it though as it is already secure.
digiblur said:
I don't do anything crazy on my ISP at home so I could care less about the strike rule stuff. I do use FeatVPN though on my phone when I'm out and about to tunnel back to my house for data usage. I only use it when I'm on a public wifi as I do not want anyone sniffing my traffic when I'm broadcasting it to the world. When I'm on 3G or 4G I don't use it though as it is already secure.
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Well, strictly speaking 3g and 4g are only secured over the wireless end... After the data hits a tower, anyone receiving said data knows exactly who and where you are.
I believe.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
Skripka said:
Well, strictly speaking 3g and 4g are only secured over the wireless end... After the data hits a tower, anyone receiving said data knows exactly who and where you are.
I believe.
Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
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Actually a vpn style connection is used from the site over the backhaul providers network back to Sprint. But if you have access to the network and the means to do that then scooping my data is the least of my worries as you have access to much more including my entire account information with sprint and everyone else in the area.
I am talking about script kiddies sniffing traffic on public wifi, which is easy and takes only a 5 minute training via YouTube. The other scenario takes a bit more than a video on YouTube.
Sent from my little Note2

Free WiFi Tether Note 3 TMobile

Now that we have root and customer recovery, has anyone been able to get free wifi tethering with the TMobile Galaxy Note 3?
I tried different settings with the wifi tether app on the play store but cant get it to start up without errors.
Anyone have any input?
You get 2.5 gigs free from tmo on the native hot spot. Have you tried that?
Sent from my SM-N900T using Tapatalk 4
Free WiFi Tethering
LaloHigh said:
You get 2.5 gigs free from tmo on the native hot spot. Have you tried that?
Sent from my SM-N900T using Tapatalk 4
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Yeah, I burned through that already. I had a iPhone 5S that I had free tethering mod on and currently at 52GB on data on TMobile and my 2.5GB is also already used up lol.
Now on Note 3, currently looking for a way to enable free wifi tethering since my Comcast connection is currently turned off.
I have the Wifi Thering app but dont know which settings work for the Note 3.
I may have to wait until the custom roms are cooked up with unlocked tethering baked in.
Try using a VPN? Worked for me on the S4.
DKYang said:
Try using a VPN? Worked for me on the S4.
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VPN slows the bandwidth down tremendously. I have LTE pulling in at 30Mbps using VPN will lower the speed down to less then 1Mbps.
hypersonicx said:
VPN slows the bandwidth down tremendously. I have LTE pulling in at 30Mbps using VPN will lower the speed down to less then 1Mbps.
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There is a guide that worked for the S4 about editing customer.xml under /system/csc prolly same way on the Note 3. I'll be extracting the system partition soon. if i have time i will make the mods for you and post it.
elesbb said:
There is a guide that worked for the S4 about editing customer.xml under /system/csc prolly same way on the Note 3. I'll be extracting the system partition soon. if i have time i will make the mods for you and post it.
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Awe man that would be excellent! Looking forward to it. In the mean time im tethering using the user agent chager for my web browser on PC, but looking forward to a full tethering solution for my PS3 ect....
hypersonicx said:
Awe man that would be excellent! Looking forward to it. In the mean time im tethering using the user agent chager for my web browser on PC, but looking forward to a full tethering solution for my PS3 ect....
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Oh this method still requires the UA switcher. Nothing will bypass that part since its done on T-Mobile's servers. I thought you were automatically getting redirected to T-Mobile upsell page even with the UA switcher.
elesbb said:
Oh this method still requires the UA switcher. Nothing will bypass that part since its done on T-Mobile's servers. I thought you were automatically getting redirected to T-Mobile upsell page even with the UA switcher.
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Changing my UA works fine. I was thinking there was a hack or work around so that the HotSpot would work perfect on any device. PS3 and XBox ect...
I hear you man I use 10 gigs a day, just use UA switcher set to Safari on chrome and you can tether to your heart's desire. All websites look normal with that setting and Netflix won't give you the download app for mobile message lol. There hasn't been a wifi tether fix for quite some time regardless of the phone as far as I know, its a common request in most forums regardless of device or carrier. Anyway like I said I tether 10 gigs a day using T-Mobile hotspot with no throttling either but according to them they do throttle regular data unless your on the highest data/tether plan. So if you keep the lowest tether plan you can get unlimited tethering with UA switcher or hopefully with a workaround eventually but your data will be throttled at some point for all data unless you bump up your plan.
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elesbb said:
There is a guide that worked for the S4 about editing customer.xml under /system/csc prolly same way on the Note 3. I'll be extracting the system partition soon. if i have time i will make the mods for you and post it.
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Waiting on this too
Sent from my SM-N900T using Tapatalk 2
I'm currently not on any tethering plans. I'm rooted but otherwise stock. When I turn tethering on and using a User Agent Spoofer on my PC try to access the web, I get the upsell page. Am I doing something wrong? Also there are several UA spoofers for Chrome. Can someone tell me which one they're using that actually works please? Perhaps you can reference the developer's name, etc.
XooLoo said:
I'm currently not on any tethering plans. I'm rooted but otherwise stock. When I turn tethering on and using a User Agent Spoofer on my PC try to access the web, I get the upsell page. Am I doing something wrong? Also there are several UA spoofers for Chrome. Can someone tell me which one they're using that actually works please? Perhaps you can reference the developer's name, etc.
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Sorry I assumed you had tethering since the Simple Choice plan comes with 500mb included in the 50 dollar plan. Then you could simply use UA Spoofer on Chrome, if your on some sort of prepaid thing without any tethering included then I have no clue except use Pda Net for now.
why not just buy the easytether app?
That way it will use your data rather than hotspot
shaungregg said:
Sorry I assumed you had tethering since the Simple Choice plan comes with 500mb included in the 50 dollar plan. Then you could simply use UA Spoofer on Chrome, if your on some sort of prepaid thing without any tethering included then I have no clue except use Pda Net for now.
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I'm on a business plan with 100% unlimited everything (no data throttling, etc.) Am I supposed to be getting some free tethering with mine?!
XooLoo said:
I'm on a business plan with 100% unlimited everything (no data throttling, etc.) Am I supposed to be getting some free tethering with mine?!
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Here is the quote from T-Mobile site for business account:
"Besides unlimited talk, text, and web, your Simple Choice for Business plan includes up to 500 MB of high-speed data. But if you need more, you can add extra data to any line. All data plans are unlimited while on T-Mobile’s network." "Add 2 GB to your included 500 MB of high-speed data. Smartphone Mobile HotSpot included. Speeds slowed after 2.5 GB."
Call them up and have them activate it on your phone, I had to call for my kid's iPhone but mine was working out of the box.
---------- Post added at 05:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:03 PM ----------
thinkjoey said:
why not just buy the easytether app?
That way it will use your data rather than hotspot
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When you spoof it uses your regular data, personally I have the paid App Klink Red Edition but it stopped working when I switched to T-Mobile. No need to pay a few dollars for an app when you can do it free but Pda-Net works great and it is cheap enough, still it uses spoofing as well just from in the app and not at the browser end, I'm pretty sure all the tethering apps make it look like your using data from your device.
Anyone get VPN working? Mine stops routing when I connect.
I start the Hotspot tethering app first and then start PIA VPN app.
Sent from my SM-N900T using Tapatalk 4
I set up tethering the other day. I dont burn through data like some of you, but im curious about the limit. Is that 2.5gig limit tied to the 2.5gig lte (then hspa drop) data plan limit? Or is it just a 2.5gigs of tethering regardless of your plan and then no more tethering for the month? Furthermore, when you exceed that amount, im taking it from these posts that the tethering app stops accepting connections and you're not just dropped to the hspa network? I dont think ill hit that limit, i only use tethering for remote access when im on call and out and about. But it would be good to know for sure.

Wifi tether(Root) TrevE MOD

Hello, I just got my 'Note 3'(T-Mobile) and I'm trying to figure out the correct settings to use Wifi(root). Please someone help.
Kev_Vito said:
Hello, I just got my 'Note 3'(T-Mobile) and I'm trying to figure out the correct settings to use Wifi(root). Please someone help.
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It won't work. Only way is to use a UA spoofer for no slowdown or hide your vpn which will slow down data. Used to root right away just to use his wifi tether but heck I don't think that method has worked in months.
This is one of my biggest problem ATM. I need tether. Been using Wifi Tether TrevE Mod on GS3 and it work great. Keep posting we need a solution for this.
So I'm on the only one with this problem. .. I'm using Darthstalker ROM which has unrestricted native tethering. The only sites that work are Google and YouTube only works the rest just doesn't load or I get the "Oops!*Google*Chrome could not connect to___" message. Sigh....
Someone recommend to switch from lte to 4g-3g-E connection, but that didn't work for me.
Sent from my SM-N900T using xda app-developers app
jp2dj1 said:
So I'm on the only one with this problem. .. I'm using Darthstalker ROM which has unrestricted native tethering. The only sites that work are Google and YouTube only works the rest just doesn't load or I get the "Oops!*Google*Chrome could not connect to___" message. Sigh....
Someone recommend to switch from lte to 4g-3g-E connection, but that didn't work for me.
Sent from my SM-N900T using xda app-developers app
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I mentioned this twice yesterday that after I flashed Darthstalker I could only visit a couple of websites whereas before I could go anywhere. I tried everything but had to go back to stock. You can have unlimited tethering using one of two methods, either just use native tethering and use UA Spoofer extension with chrome browser set to Safari or pay for PDA Net and set it to level 1 hiding usage.
If you decide to pay for PDA Net then you can stay with Darthstalker rom, go ahead and try it out for free before you buy it. Remember if you go the spoofer way then websites will not see you as Chrome, doesn't affect me at all since they format correctly and Netflix works. Unlimited tethering either way. I have paid app Klink Red Edition which did this for me with previous phones but it stopped working fyi.
Im currently using the US spoofer on the google chrome on my desktop, but there has to be a way to get full tether unlock with out throtling from TMobile.
I use to do it all the time and tether my PS3 and XBOX 360 back when I had Sprint and back when they had WiMax 4G on there phones.
TMobile must have some technology on there end that throttles on the server side so the hacking cant be done on the device end it sounds like.
Thanks everyone for the effort, I guess it's time just to suck it up and face the facts thar TreVe mod is a no-go on the Note 3. I'm just going to stick to using the US spoofer.
shaungregg said:
It won't work. Only way is to use a UA spoofer for no slowdown or hide your vpn which will slow down data. Used to root right away just to use his wifi tether but heck I don't think that method has worked in months.
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Why are so many people asking for tethering stuff? Doesn't tmobile allow tethering? At least they do for me. They also seem to allow me to go WAY over the 2.5gb of 4g. I have never gotten throttled...ever. And I usually hit ~5gb a month. I love tmobile
I'll be getting a tmobile note 3 on tomorrow. Do I need to root in order to enable tethering (using the spoofer) or can I just activate the native tethering app (without rooting) and then set the spoofer in chrome. Right now, I have tethering on my Note 2 but it involved me having to root the phone and then using trevmod wifi tether. Even then, I still have to set up the spoof in Chrome.
I'm on stock but rooted ROM. Don't TrevE mod set up on mine yet, but you folks saying you can just use a UA Spoofer, are you talking about with TrevE mod or just the native hotspot? I tried the stock tethering using Chrome User Agent Spoofer, but still I got the up sell page... which is why I'm confused...
thetruth1983 said:
I'll be getting a tmobile note 3 on tomorrow. Do I need to root in order to enable tethering (using the spoofer) or can I just activate the native tethering app (without rooting) and then set the spoofer in chrome. Right now, I have tethering on my Note 2 but it involved me having to root the phone and then using trevmod wifi tether. Even then, I still have to set up the spoof in Chrome.
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You don't need root.
---------- Post added at 03:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:56 PM ----------
aooga said:
Why are so many people asking for tethering stuff? Doesn't tmobile allow tethering? At least they do for me. They also seem to allow me to go WAY over the 2.5gb of 4g. I have never gotten throttled...ever. And I usually hit ~5gb a month. I love tmobile
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Your right they are great, they don't charge for roaming or going over your tethering limit but only state they may throttle data. Thing is they can throttle your regular data non tethered unless your on the truly 100% unlimited data, I use 100's of gigs a month the majority tethered so its people like me that are more likely to get throttled lol.
shaungregg said:
You don't need root.
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What UA Spoofer plugin do you use in Chrome? There are several and I think I may not be using a good one. I constantly get the upsell page...
XooLoo said:
I'm on stock but rooted ROM. Don't TrevE mod set up on mine yet, but you folks saying you can just use a UA Spoofer, are you talking about with TrevE mod or just the native hotspot? I tried the stock tethering using Chrome User Agent Spoofer, but still I got the up sell page... which is why I'm confused...
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Native hotspot plus UA Spoofer in Chrome or try Pda Net trial. Some times you need to play around a little with the spoof settings using different spoofs until you stop seeing the upsell. As long as you have a plan that includes the free 500mb tethering otherwise your native app may not be live, in that case try PdaNet. I'm on a simple choice family plan with two lines and I upgraded my data to truly unlimited for $20 more a month to avoid any throttling issues. The last time I got TrevE to work it was so slow it became unuseable, this was back on my S4. I believe it has problems on most devices for a couple of months now on at least Sprint and T-Mobile that I know of.
My daughter can make a wifi hotspot with her iPhone 5 and she uses her laptop with the spoofer no problems, my laptop won't connect to hotspot so I am tethering via usb on my Note 3 but I think its a problem with my laptop antenna or something. Still we are both tethering day and night since our phones are our only internet connections at home, we don't have cable since we stream Netflix and I download my favorite shows and movies.
Anyone get VPN working? Mine stops routing when I connect.
Sadly, the built in tether does not work if you are on the $30 prepaid plan. Any advice?
ajolly said:
Sadly, the built in tether does not work if you are on the $30 prepaid plan. Any advice?
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It may now: http://www.androidcentral.com/t-mob...plans-domestic-data-roaming-also-now-included
XooLoo said:
It may now: http://www.androidcentral.com/t-mob...plans-domestic-data-roaming-also-now-included
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Sadly, that's for a different plan. I'm on the prepaid, $30 a month, 5gig of 4g data, unlimited 3g data, 100 minutes, unlimited text messages.
Not working ??
Sent from my SM-N900T using XDA Premium 4 mobile app
Hi. I have the $30 prepaid plan (100min talk, 5GB data and unlimited text) I should be able to get 100Mb data via mobile hot spot but it does not seem to work properly. I am able to connect a device via hot spot but that's it. No data is transmitted. My account says I have used 0 of my hot spot data. Any ideas? Thanks!
EDIT: I just came back from my local Tmoble store and the salesperson there told me that there is no tethering allowed with my current plan. I would need to pay $15 extra per month and the tethering data would come off my 5GB data. That sound right? I guess that is still not too bad as a regular plan is $60 per month instead of the $45 I would now have to pay. Any thoughts?
mscion said:
Hi. I have the $30 prepaid plan (100min talk, 5GB data and unlimited text) I should be able to get 100Mb data via mobile hot spot but it does not seem to work properly. I am able to connect a device via hot spot but that's it. No data is transmitted. My account says I have used 0 of my hot spot data. Any ideas? Thanks!
EDIT: I just came back from my local Tmoble store and the salesperson there told me that there is no tethering allowed with my current plan. I would need to pay $15 extra per month and the tethering data would come off my 5GB data. That sound right? I guess that is still not too bad as a regular plan is $60 per month instead of the $45 I would now have to pay. Any thoughts?
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I used the tethering add-on for $15 quite a while back, and it took data from the 5gb. There doesn't seem to be any special allotment on the $30 plan like there is for other plans. I also was never able to gain access the 100mb that I had read comes with the plan for free. All tethering does seem to be blocked on this particular plan until you either add the $15 add-on option, or you root and install a 3rd party program that will enable tethering.

