Mugen power extended battery review - Galaxy S II Accessories

I reviewed my mugen power extended battery for the sensation here - also before and seeing the performance i also ordered one for my Galaxy S II as this phone gives real trouble when it comes to battery life.
So here is how the review goes.
Well, as always – Mugen’s delivery was on time – took around 4 days to get to me here, it was well packed in the usual compact packing with padded protection. Though the packet was alittle whoped maybe the cargo handlers were a little rough, but that’s okay – the battery was perfectly fine.
Inside the packet we had the backdoor, the 3200 mAh battery and the warning card with all the instructions – very basic and simple.
Mugen offers 3 types of back doors with this particular battery – a black one, a white one and a black one with a stand. We got the black one with a stand.
The battery is huge, and almost double the width of the sleek and slender phone, weight wise doesn’t affect much, but obviously heavier. this battery can ruin the looks of the phone – so this is certainly not for the ones who still want to maintain the thinness of their SGS II.
Besides that the door is pretty well built, fits perfectly, not squeaky like other replacement doors.It feels as plastic-y as the stock door – though feels stronger certainly – and the the stand which has a chrome finish does give it a nice touch.
The battery is rated at 3200 mAH which is nearly double the capacity of the stock battery which is rated at 1650 mAh. Going by the capacity we should expect double the battery life, but is it actually double ? Well, we would certainly give full marks to the manufacturer – because it does work wonders.
Alright, first of all let me tell you that I have been using the phone since quiet some time and the stock battery does not last more than a day with heavy data usage which includes constant data transfer, multiple push email accounts, 24X7 connectivity to IMs, Twitter and Facebook, media playback and basic gaming and calls.
I would consider the stock battery backup pretty poor for a user like me, who needs constant Internet connectivity. Here comes the Mugen Power battery in the picture.
I used the phone with the extended battery for a few days at a go, and the results certainly were good and as expected keeping my previous experience with Mugen batteries in mind.
With same usage patterns as I had on stock battery the extended battery did last me over 2 days at a go – which is very good – a little more than double. I assume not everyone uses their phone as intensively as me, so the usage can be much more – and mind you I’m constantly connected using 3G or wi-fi which are big battery drainers.
The Mugen battery Im talking about certainly does make a difference to the way your phone looks, and it’s a huge compromise for battery life – especially on a phone as thin and good looking as the Galaxy S II, though if you are a user like me – who is on the go throughout the day – and not always near a power source to charge the phone – then it is a worthy compromise. The battery is worth it if you travel a lot and spend long hours in transit, though if you stay put at one place I wouldn’t recommend this battery for you – you can go for the thin version which has higher capacity than the stock one, though the size is the same. Overall, this battery being priced at almost $100 is certainly more expensive than others in the market – but, then it’s performance has proved it’s worth – but certainly it is not for everyone. I'd say buy it only if you need it and don’t mind the added thickness.

Hi can u link the site where did u brought this one? and before using this did u charged it or its ready to use???

dan83m said:
Hi can u link the site where did u brought this one? and before using this did u charged it or its ready to use???
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it was at about 50% when it came - but you should always charge it to 100% before you start using, that's what the instructions say !

The problem with the 'chrome' stand is that it will show scratch marks after awhile. And it is not too steady, can wiggle from side to side. Also, the 'chrome' is flaking off for my case now.

dan83m said:
Hi can u link the site where did u brought this one? and before using this did u charged it or its ready to use???
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Hi there! Just registered on XDA, am busy getting my "10 useful posts," hehehe. You can buy Mugen Power's extended batteries from their site and they ship to anywhere in the world. I'd link you, but I think I need some more useful posts first. Just Google for HLI-Si9100XL and you should be able to find Mugen Power's details for the battery reviewed in this thread. Cheers!


How long until an extended life battery hits?

I gather both Seidio (sp?) and HTC had extended life batteries for the original TP, and Seidio had one large enough to warrant a new back cover. Based on Pocketnow's full review, I'm betting the standard battery isn't going to satisfy me.
Does anyone remember how long until those batteries came out for the TP after it launched, or have a theory about how long until they exist for the TP2?
No idea about that, but I can tell you the battery life is ace so far. And I mean ace.
I got the phone Saturday morning, been playing with it loads (the phone), making or receiving two hours of calls, loads of texting, photos, a bit of GPS, some tinterwebbing, push email the lot. It's been off overnight, but with all that, it's now Monday lunchtime and I've two bars of battery left on the Power Management screen and one bar showing on the title bar.
Extended battery schmextended battery. Don't want or need one.
rb14 said:
No idea about that, but I can tell you the battery life is ace so far. And I mean ace.
I got the phone Saturday morning, been playing with it loads (the phone), making or receiving two hours of calls, loads of texting, photos, a bit of GPS, some tinterwebbing, push email the lot. It's been off overnight, but with all that, it's now Monday lunchtime and I've two bars of battery left on the Power Management screen and one bar showing on the title bar.
Extended battery schmextended battery. Don't want or need one.
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Strange.. There are many reviews that say the battery life is very short. (for example
I hope you are right.
quarintus said:
Strange.. There are many reviews that say the battery life is very short. (for example
I hope you are right.
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I agree battery life is so much better than the blackstone I had. Still 65% charged and had it on a day and a half now using it a lot.
I was also reading the pocketnow review about poor battery life, I hope battery life will be increased because I HATE the poor performance of my Kaiser device!. Charging it EVERY DAY es horrible!
You cannot get the phone in the morning and think.... "if I use gps during 20 minutes, maybe I cannot go home without charging the battery this night.." isn't it?
Mines been great but then again i didn't have a problem with using my Tytn II. For the device it is with a huge screen and all the features it is brilliant but if your going to be running gps blue tooth wifi checking 7 e-mail accounts at ~30 secs and having all the web pages you can pushed to you then yes the battery life will be terrible.
My manager at work is one of the worse for this ... it has the features so i will use them is his argument... mine is it also provides an off button for them use that as well.
I think you'll be pleasantly surprised overall with the battery life but if your going to be using it heavily then expect it not to last you a week
I probably would have wanted an extended life battery even if no one thought that the battery was poorly suited to the device. That's just me. The fact that it is coming up short for some almost certainly means I'll be looking into it.
People have different usage patterns and tolerances, so I'm not surprised 1500mah is enough for some. When someone puts out a 2000mah battery, I'm still gonna be like "Really? Only 2000?"
Seidio ussually launches accessories fairly fast when a new device hit's the keep your eyes open. Do you have the TP2 yet?
Also, check Ebay for accessories like extended batteries...
Myself, I have never needed one.
galaxys said:
Seidio ussually launches accessories fairly fast when a new device hit's the keep your eyes open. Do you have the TP2 yet?
Also, check Ebay for accessories like extended batteries...
Myself, I have never needed one.
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I don't have it yet. And I won't really need the extended life battery from day 1--but as far as accessory purchases go, like pouches and cases, I'd like to know what battery I'm going to get and if it will increase the TP2's girth fairly early on.
Although I've purchased PDA batteries from ebay before, including from chinese companies selling their, I'm wary of doing so with the TP2. I'd rather buy the best this time around from a company with a reputation to protect. I aim to own my TP2 for LONG time so I won't take the kinds of chances I've taken with lessor hardware in the past.
fortunz said:
I don't have it yet. And I won't really need the extended life battery from day 1--but as far as accessory purchases go, like pouches and cases, I'd like to know what battery I'm going to get and if it will increase the TP2's girth fairly early on.
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Sounds like a plan...they will start to appear in the "Rhodium accessories" as soon as a member gets wind of it...
galaxys said:
Sounds like a plan...they will start to appear in the "Rhodium accessories" as soon as a member gets wind of it...
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I normally go straight to general, but I've bookmarked the accessories subforum now. Thanks

Replacement battery owners wanted

Hi ive seen various threads on various batteries but im very interested in these 2300mah and 1950mah standard size batteries on ebay. Anyone had any hands on experience of these and if so are they anygood?
A short comparison to the standard sony 1500mah would be great
Not interested in mugen too expensive for me and i already own a 2600 mah cheapy which is great but too big and ugly.
Anyone tried these out?
Sent from my R800i using XDA App
Look up gtmax 1780mah xperia play battery on amazon. I'd post the link if I could.
Best deal on an extended battery. Significant increase in battery life, fits with the stock battery cover, and its only $5. It's what I have.
I know you don't want to hear about Mugen Power...
But I will tell you anyway that I have a Mugen Power battery and it gives my phone a full 20 hours of battery life. This is 20 hours of playstation emulation, web browsing, GPS and other forms of very intense use.
This battery is worth every single dollar I spent on it. I makes the phone and consequently me 100% independent of car chargers, wall chargers and other such obstructions.
It is very liberating to know that when I walk out that door in the morning, I can depend on this phone for the entire day. Give the mugen power another look.
I purchased this 2600mah battery from and I simply love it. It works so much better the nthe 1950mah battery I got from Ebay earlier this month. I get a day and half on this thing. And I am a heavy user, lots of gaming and internet usage. This thing was $17 with free shipping, but be warned it took mine 3 weeks to get to me. Either way I totally love this battery. I have not had to charge my phone during the day in weeks, I charge it when I got to bed of course. But Ih ave never had the battery less that 60% at the end of the day. ericsson -cs-er800bl.htm
but youre still missing the point that he wanted a battery without an extra back cover.
I really don't get some of these requests? A lot of people seem to want a battery that's superior to the stock one, but don't want any extra size, any extra weight and want it very very cheap. If this battery existed, don't you think Sony would have put it in the phone already? Why not contact Sony about your battery concerns? I'm not trying to be rude at all, but until battery technology proceeds further, we have to do what we can with what we have. The big Mugen battery (which I have and use) adds about 6 millimeters in thickness and an ounce or two in weight. My old Nokia 6620 was bigger than this bone stock!! The Mugen was bigger at first for sure but now I don't even notice at all. The massive increase in battery life was more than worth it. Until technology grows, you can't have a battery that's thin, small, light, has a huge capacity and is super cheap. Even with a slightly bigger battery, these phones are still smaller than what we were using just a little while ago.
Cheers for all your feedback, i guess these batteries on ebay are to good to be true. I just thought with technology moving on at such a rate and the 2300mah claims there making these might be a new improved type of slim battery and the purpose of this thread was to see what experiences people who have USED these batteries have had, good, bad or ugly. Its not really for people to guess how they perform and type stuff like you only get what u pay for blah blah... I can guess myself, i wanted some hands on info. I already own a big replacement battery which works great but turns my sleek xperia play into something from the 1990s! Not being rude just trying to get this back on track. Ill try one of these slim 2300mah batteries myself soon im just skint at the moment so i was doing some research first. Ive read a few threads before creating this and it does seem theres alot of people with opinions on these cheap batteries but i dont hear much from people who have actually used them.
Sent from my R800i using XDA App
I purchased this battery here:
And it seemed t owork very well for a few days but after that my phone was glitching out constantly. Games were slow and would stutter. I later found out that the battery's output was not consistent. Thus causing issues with the phones performance. I then found the site I bought my current battery from and even though its a beast the increase in battery is totally worth it. I had to give up my otterbox case for this battery and i have qualms with that. ITs too bad you cant get a battery with extra umph in it and keep the same size. IF you do find something liek that remember that the battery will be hotter then normal and the heat will decrease the life of the battery and the length of time it can hold a charge for.
Nice info. That was one of the batteries i was looking at too... Cheers for that
Sent from my R800i using XDA App
Does the thicker battery case help with gripping the phone while playing? I don't have any problems holding it, but having that extra grip can't hurt.
To be honest I was afraid of the thickbess of the phone with the new battery cover. But I have found that the thickness does not bother me and when I slide open the controlls to play a game the phone due to the added thickness is a lot more comfortable and I have been able to play for longer periods of time then I could have prior to getting this battery.
Sent from my R800x using xda premium
Well there is of coarse the posibility of using nuclear power fushion for the battery cells i estimate the eqashion of +2#2.0-#+100=0.11111.000 should be enough power to last one light year of battery use. Oh and no extended back cover will be needed.And i recommend that you do not use your phone to the ear for long periods the sars levels might be slightly high due to the power source.Oh sorry i forgot to mention you need to wear a radiation suit at all times when using the phone and last ov all you must have a 3 mile radius evacuation in place when making a phone call (So there will be no one around to make local calls to i guess). That's about it i think hope i never missed anything out and i hope i was of some help.
I got this
And i gotta say it lasts for ages, overclocked to 2ghz and it lasts longer then stock battery at stock clocks, and the back feels nice
glad i got this instead of mugen, lasts for 2 1/2 days everything on etc light gaming/browsing whereas battery would be about 3/4 day
ff7fan4eva said:
I got this
And i gotta say it lasts for ages, overclocked to 2ghz and it lasts longer then stock battery at stock clocks, and the back feels nice
glad i got this instead of mugen, lasts for 2 1/2 days everything on etc light gaming/browsing whereas battery would be about 3/4 day
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Just picked up one of these as well. I'll post feedback once it gets here. Have you had any problems at all with yours?
Nope, and that in a way is the problem for me, i'm constantly expecting something bad to happen but it hasn't and the battery lasts for ages.
Just ordered the exact same one but from the german Ebay site.
Will arrive in 8-13 days.. Will give feedback
jgregoryj1 said:
I purchased this battery here:
And it seemed t owork very well for a few days but after that my phone was glitching out constantly. Games were slow and would stutter. I later found out that the battery's output was not consistent. Thus causing issues with the phones performance. I then found the site I bought my current battery from and even though its a beast the increase in battery is totally worth it. I had to give up my otterbox case for this battery and i have qualms with that. ITs too bad you cant get a battery with extra umph in it and keep the same size. IF you do find something liek that remember that the battery will be hotter then normal and the heat will decrease the life of the battery and the length of time it can hold a charge for.
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Could you try the Otterbox without the battery cover and tell me if it would fit the thicker battery? Perhaps with the rubbery skin cut under the black shell? I can't because I filed off the clips that attach elsewhere. I basically want to buy a second stock battery door and cut a rectangle in it and, if needed, the rubber for the extended battery to extend into the Otterbox Commuter. I wouldn't want to go without the battery door entirely because it wouldn't route the audio correctly and there is also a gap between the camera and flash which water and other contaminates can freely enter.
ff7fan4eva said:
I got this
And i gotta say it lasts for ages, overclocked to 2ghz and it lasts longer then stock battery at stock clocks, and the back feels nice
glad i got this instead of mugen, lasts for 2 1/2 days everything on etc light gaming/browsing whereas battery would be about 3/4 day
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So I got the battery about 4 days ago and it's great so far! The added thickness is actually quite awesome. Anyone looking to get some great battery life for cheap should pick up one of these bad boys! If you're all about aesthetic and how your phone LOOKS, well that just shouldn't matter haha.
Erikwithafro said:
So I got the battery about 4 days ago and it's great so far! The added thickness is actually quite awesome. Anyone looking to get some great battery life for cheap should pick up one of these bad boys! If you're all about aesthetic and how your phone LOOKS, well that just shouldn't matter haha.
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Your welcome
Sent from my R800i using XDA App
Have gotten the same one a week ago.. and i dunno if it's just me, but the battery feels like my 2600 mAh right now ._.
Maybe it's just the starting affinity..

Yet Another Mugen 4500mAh Review

Mugen 4500mAH Battery with Extended Back Cover
Really effing works
Good build quality with good materials (except for kickstand plastic)
Thoughtful kickstand on included battery cover
Well-known and respected manufacturer
Heavy and bulky
No matter how well-designed, it still makes the Note look ridiculous
Bottom Line:
It's a good buy. You own a Note, so you're likely not one to be too particular about fancy looks, unlike all the iPhone fans who jeered the phone/tablet/phonelet/tablone just after seeing the one Superbowl ad. It may be pricey, but you get what you pay for; I've read horror stories about cheap Chinese batteries that would make you think twice about trying them out.
This will probably be my first and only useful post on XDA for a while, as I'm not yet very well versed in rooting or installing ROMs or any of the fancy programmer stuff the forum is well associated with. I'm more of a hardware and accessories guy, which is why things like batteries, cases and car mounts all interest me more than having the most bleeding-edge firmware updates.
That said, this isn't going to be a professional review in the style of Engadget or Anandtech, with their fancy charts and pinpoint accurate usage statistics. First of all I don't have the means to do this, let alone the time. Secondly, that stuff isn't important to me; I'm just a guy who wants more battery life out of his Galaxy Note, nevermind the to-the-second timestamps of usage statistics with varying settings and applications applied. (Also I just really don't have the time!)
On to the (laymen's) review.
Phone specs
I'm not sure if this really matters all that much when reviewing battery life, but for those nitpick-y enough to care, here it is (basically, it's all stock):
Samsong Galaxy Note GTN-7000
Brightness Setting: Auto
WiFi: Always On
3G: Always On
Android Version: 2.3.6
Baseband Version: N7000DXKL2
Kernel Version: [email protected] #2
I'm a heavy user. I also use my phone a lot. Sometimes it's not even to play a game or open an app, or even to see if anything new is in the notifications bar. I just really want to see the screen on, because man oh man is the display on this phone the stuff of wet dreams!
On the stock battery I get about 14 hours of life. It's not bad, but there's a caveat; when it starts getting low, I stop using my phone except for the most crucial of SMS/calling needs. I don't turn off WiFi/3G/background apps, no. I just stop using the Note. This is why I almost NEVER unplug the phone. In fact, for more hours of the day my Note is plugged in to one charger or another: on the daily commute, it's in my car mount; at work, I borrowed the office's Blackberry Playbook wall charger (nobody uses it anyway (oh snap)); at home, it's either on the included AC USB adapter or plugged into my laptop for charging all night long. The only time it's usually unplugged is when I'm walking, out shopping/watching movies at the mall, or at a friend's place; basically, whenever I'm not in the car, at work, or at home.
On the Mugen battery, for purposes of this review, I managed just shy of 22.5 hours (the screenshots below end after 21h56m38s, but it kept going until around 9:30am). I made it a point to not plug in to any source of power during the usage period (duh). I went all out, not holding back any punches, with WiFi and 3G always on, Trillian and Google+ running constantly in the background, and racing to finish "A Storm of Swords" on the Kindle app. This is my usual usage, and I decided to throw in some 30-odd minutes of gaming, about two hours of video, and even some Google Hangout time.
I fell asleep at midnight that night and woke up at 6:00am, allowing about 6.5 hours of off-screen standby time.
Now, let it be clear that no matter what apps or services you have running in the background, the real battery killer on this phone (and I'd imagine any smartphone) is the display. I always keep the brightness setting on Auto because a big part of the experience satisfaction for me is looking at my phone, and I really don't want to have to feel like I have cataracts when I glance at the screen. On the Battery Usage screen, Display always hovers around the 50% mark for me. It only ever gets passed by Android OS when I really don't want to look at my phone, usually during times of extreme hunger or loneliness.
Given that, I'd say 16 hours with an almost constantly-on screen and 6.5 hours standby is not bad at all. And for 22.5 hours of my life, I was completely unburdened by the necessity of a source of charging. Free at last!
Aesthetics & Ergonomics
Free to look like a total bozo. It's bad enough that, for non-headset users, we have to hold a 5.3" slab of plastic and aluminum to our faces when making a call. The feeling is amplified by it suddenly becoming twice as thick as it usually is.
But we're not iPhonerds so we don't care, right?
Well, we care a little bit. You'll notice your phone doesn't lay flat on the table anymore. It looks like it floats because of the tapered design of the back cover, but that's less cool than it sounds because you know it's only floating due to its large butt. Yes, the extended case comes with a kickstand, but when you're actually using it is the only time you'll be thankful for its largeness. Worst of all, if you've already purchased accessories and car mounts for your Note, you'll find that all of a sudden none of them are compatible with your expensive phone.
On the plus side, the extra thickness does make it seem like it's easier to hold. The scale design on the back cover is not only classy but adds extra grip to it as well, and the tabs seem to snap into the grooves even more securely than the stock backplate.
Bottom Line
It's a good buy. You own a Samsung Galaxy Note, so you're likely not one to be too particular about fancy looks, unlike all the iPhone fans who jeered the phone/tablet/phonelet/tablone just after seeing the one Superbowl ad. It may be pricey, but you get what you pay for; I've read horror stories about cheap Chinese batteries that would make you think twice about trying them out.
hey bro shall we compare mugen 4500mah vs hyperion 5000mah battery??
if yes please tell me what settings ur using
like display brightness
Nice review! Still considering the hyperion battery though since I'm trying to save some money but will definitely look into getting the Mugen for long term
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk
Nice work. Coming from the official HTC HD2 extended battery I'm not afraid of adding extra bulk to the note. However, seeing that Mugen created cases for other phone + battery combos I'm waiting for them to do that for the Note before I pull the trigger.
Hey thanks for the feedback, guys! I'm glad it helped you in some small way.
In just received word from a Mugen representative that they're going to release an upgraded version of this battery: 5400mAh! He didn't say anything on pricing but I'm assuming it's still the same at 99USD. We'll be setting the official announcement tomorrow.
sankeerths said:
hey bro shall we compare mugen 4500mah vs hyperion 5000mah battery??
if yes please tell me what settings ur using
like display brightness
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Sure, sankeerths! My usual settings are:
Brightness: auto (but for accuracy of comparison, I'll set it to 100%)
Stock ROM, kernel, everything
3g always on
Wifi always on
the following apps are almost always on:
I don't use juicedefender or other battery-saving apps.
Which is the new thickness of the note with the mugen battery?
jp.esteban said:
they're going to release an upgraded version of this battery: 5400mAh! He didn't say anything on pricing but I'm assuming it's still the same at 99USD. We'll be setting the official announcement tomorrow.
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pepeto2001 said:
Which is the new thickness of the note with the mugen battery?
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I don't have a good caliper to measure this. I have a crappy one that measures the stock thickness of the phone as 11mm (that's a lot more than the 9.65mm you can research online). With the Mugen case, it measures a hefty 21mm.
Please note that my caliper is not precise or accurate, but it's all I have at the moment and it still gives the fair approximate observation that the battery case will just about double the phone's thickness.
I actually contacted mugen if a trade in is possible. Damn I bought the 4500mah at ard USD 109, and now with higher capacity and lessser price? I feel real bad about it. haha
Hey guys, i have just read that MUGEN is upgrading the 4500mAh [HLI-N7000XL] battery to 5400mAh starting yesterday according to mugen facebook, will be able for ordering from 20th of april or something. They are claiming it to be the same size same shell only with even bigger capacity.(i guess the price will remain the same also, no idea)
Meanwhile the review of 4500mAh version in PICTURES, for those who is interested about the size:
Is there a case which is compatible with the Mugen bulky back? I have the battery but would like to protect my phone somehow.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
iStep83 said:
Is there a case which is compatible with the Mugen bulky back? I have the battery but would like to protect my phone somehow.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
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I've ordered one from ebay.....awaiting receipt and can then add pics.
on a different note, is it just me or is it a malfunctioning battery as my mugen 4500 mAH is not goving me anything like what the reveiws say, wondering if i shoudl contact them about it.
and i feel ripped off too as i recieved my battery last week and now they have this new one out with a 1000mHA extra !

is Hyperion battery really THIS much better?

So my stock battery just wasn't cutting it as I would get at best nearly 4 hours of on screen time by using every battery saving feature I could think of, and always keeping Wi-Fi and GPS turned off. I ended up buying the Hyperion battery and this thing is s complete beast. Maxing my phone out, higher brightness, leaving GPS and Wi-Fi all on, playing games and watching streaming media, I can eclipse 4 hours of screen on time before I even get down to 60% remaining.
While this is great, it got me thinking that this battery isn't supposed to be more than double the life of the stock battery is it? While I'm certainly not complaining about the Hyperion, I would like to know if there is s better battery it there that would allow me to use the default case cover without making my phone huge and still allow for better battery life than I'm getting? I have two different stock batteries and both are exactly the same.
Are there any better ones out there that don't change the size of the phone?
theraker007 said:
So my stock battery just wasn't cutting it as I would get at best nearly 4 hours of on screen time by using every battery saving feature I could think of, and always keeping Wi-Fi and GPS turned off. I ended up buying the Hyperion battery and this thing is s complete beast. Maxing my phone out, higher brightness, leaving GPS and Wi-Fi all on, playing games and watching streaming media, I can eclipse 4 hours of screen on time before I even get down to 60% remaining.
While this is great, it got me thinking that this battery isn't supposed to be more than double the life of the stock battery is it? While I'm certainly not complaining about the Hyperion, I would like to know if there is s better battery it there that would allow me to use the default case cover without making my phone huge and still allow for better battery life than I'm getting? I have two different stock batteries and both are exactly the same.
Are there any better ones out there that don't change the size of the phone?
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no , there isnt any other way, if u want ore juice, its gotta be stored somewhere right, unless u double the size , u cant double the battery life. no shortcuts, teh ones that claim so are all fake so dont bother with those.
Its possible. Motorola did it with the RazrMaxx. that tiny phone has a 3300mah battery. I wish some company could look into how they made it that small. i mean if Motorola can do it. samsung should be able to pack at least 4500mah into a similar battery. lol
i read this and it upset me cuz motorola always seemed to be behind on everything and i just never liked anything they put out. the razr maxx doesnt appeal to me but its gay that that it is better in so many different ways.
shawn0223 said:
Its possible. Motorola did it with the RazrMaxx. that tiny phone has a 3300mah battery. I wish some company could look into how they made it that small. i mean if Motorola can do it. samsung should be able to pack at least 4500mah into a similar battery. lol
i read this and it upset me cuz motorola always seemed to be behind on everything and i just never liked anything they put out. the razr maxx doesnt appeal to me but its gay that that it is better in so many different ways.
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Pretty sure the battery size is larger than the S3 battery. I think the largest possible capacity they can fit into a original size S3 battery is around 2500mAH.
I'm not looking to match my Hyperion with a thin battery. I'm looking for a compromise. Something that'll fit with the normal back but will do better than the stock battery.
shawn0223 said:
Its possible. Motorola did it with the RazrMaxx. that tiny phone has a 3300mah battery. I wish some company could look into how they made it that small. i mean if Motorola can do it. samsung should be able to pack at least 4500mah into a similar battery. lol
i read this and it upset me cuz motorola always seemed to be behind on everything and i just never liked anything they put out. the razr maxx doesnt appeal to me but its gay that that it is better in so many different ways.
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The Razr Maxx battery isn't that small. It is simply longer and a bit skinnier than the GS3 battery. Samsung could have done it with a slightly different design of how the battery fits in the back of the phone.
OP: After properly calibrating my Hyperion battery, I religiously get Just over 3 days of usage. I like my Hyperion battery.
theraker007 said:
I'm not looking to match my Hyperion with a thin battery. I'm looking for a compromise. Something that'll fit with the normal back but will do better than the stock battery.
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Im going to be testing the Hyperion 2200 and Anker 2200. Ill post the updates on my battery review thread. I might test the Mugen 2300.
rlatjs17 said:
Im going to be testing the Hyperion 2200 and Anker 2200. Ill post the updates on my battery review thread. I might test the Mugen 2300.
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Let me know what you find out, ive been skeptical of getting the hyperion and anker 2200 or even the mugen 2300 cuz im not positive if just a 100-200mah increase is gonna make that much of a difference.
Mugens website shows good reviews on the 2300 but the customers dont really have any stats to back up the claims in their reviews
shawn0223 said:
Its possible. Motorola did it with the RazrMaxx. that tiny phone has a 3300mah battery. I wish some company could look into how they made it that small. i mean if Motorola can do it. samsung should be able to pack at least 4500mah into a similar battery. lol
i read this and it upset me cuz motorola always seemed to be behind on everything and i just never liked anything they put out. the razr maxx doesnt appeal to me but its gay that that it is better in so many different ways.
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I would rather have a faster charging method :fingers-crossed:
I to would like to know about the hyperion 2200 battery. How much more it is over the stock Samsung battery. Thanks
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3
battery technology just needs a major overhaul... they keep putting bigger displays, more processing power and still using similar battery capacity from the past 10 years or so..
read this article: We need better battery life and more storage space before 1080p displays arrive
Motorola is one of few companies that see battery capacity important.. still, they need to make them smaller and more power, making them bigger isn't the solution..
MarsVoltron said:
I would rather have a faster charging method :fingers-crossed:
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Flash a rom with Fast Charge embedded. Aokp and a few other aosp roms have this built in and it works really well. You can get a full charge in a fraction of the time it normally takes.
tft said:
battery technology just needs a major overhaul... they keep putting bigger displays, more processing power and still using similar battery capacity from the past 10 years or so..
read this article: We need better battery life and more storage space before 1080p displays arrive
Motorola is one of few companies that see battery capacity important.. still, they need to make them smaller and more power, making them bigger isn't the solution..
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Half of that article is uninformed crap. It didn't take a genius to figure out that bigger batteries are better, but the rest of what that guy wrote was nonsense.
aquemeni said:
Flash a rom with Fast Charge embedded. Aokp and a few other aosp roms have this built in and it works really well. You can get a full charge in a fraction of the time it normally takes.
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that is not what fast charge is. all fast charge is, is allowing the phone to take as many amps as possible from a PC connection. when using AC power (or good car chargers) nothing changes.
also, BTW, the faster you charge the battery, the less life it has. (as in in you will need to replace it sooner.)
Fyi, I have 2 Anker batteries. They're nothing special. They're on par with stock, just no NFC, but cheap. I rotate through all 3 batteries regularly and can never tell the difference.
Imho, this is really the best you can expect with a battery with the same physical dimensions as stock.
Sent from my phone. Prepare for atrocious Swype typos.
TKG26 said:
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has anyone tried these?
3200mah in the same size?!.. too good to be true?
quasio said:
has anyone tried these?
3200mah in the same size?!.. too good to be true?
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Yes, it is too good to be true. Cheap ebay battery sellers regularly lie.
rlatjs17 said:
Im going to be testing the Hyperion 2200 and Anker 2200. Ill post the updates on my battery review thread. I might test the Mugen 2300.
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Any good news on testing the Hyperion, anker or mugen ?
A 3200mah pack can be the same size as a 2100mah..
There are a few things that come into play:
- The actual case thickness of the pack
- the cell count inside.
Internally we dont know how many cells make up a stock 2100 pack. Could be a single 3.7volt cell @ 2100mah or could be 2x 3.7volt cells @ 1100mah each(wired in parallel)... the 3200 could be one single cell.
So a 3200mah lipo verywell could fit, and perhaps it just a hair thicker but still fits..

Extended battery for Note 2......

How many people use their phone so much in 1 day that actually need an extended battery for the Note 2?
Sent from my SGH-T889 using xda premium
There were days I wanted one for my original Note. But the Note 2 has held up well. Even my days of heaviest use it's made it through so far with 10% to spare.
I'm not sure I'd want to carry a massive battery for this thing. But if someone came up with a back and battery that addded 500mah and was only say 2mm thicker overall and really didn't change the fit and style I'd probably go for it.
I always wuss out if I get down to 30% and end up recharging. That might be 1 or 2 days a week. Usually hours of gaming is about the only thing that'll kill my battery in a day. But, I really couldnt see the need for an extended battery on this device for everyday use.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using Tapatalk 2
Before owning this fantastic phone I started to worry when the battery indicator showed 25-30% charge. Now I smile knowing that I have at least 5 hours heavy use or about 12 hours standby remaining. If you want it to last even longer but still get email updates and social media updates get Easy Data Pro from the market. Its very good. Apart from the ugly widget that is.
It's easy to kill the battery when at a theme park, vacation, etc.. because you're not sitting next to a charger all day. Many suggest an extra battery but if you're on an extended phone call or in the middle of movie/game how do you change the battery without turning the phone off?
I don't really think being at an amusement park has anything to do with it. We're going 24 hours between charges, why would proximity to an ac adapter change things?
Sent from my SGH-T889 using xda premium
mdt73 said:
I don't really think being at an amusement park has anything to do with it. We're going 24 hours between charges, why would proximity to an ac adapter change things?
Sent from my SGH-T889 using xda premium
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Sorry, guess you stare at the ground while your in line or waiting for anything. I haven't seen anyone get 24 hours screen on time but if I'm waiting most of the day somewhere than my screen is gonna be on. If you're next to an AC adapter than you can easily charge your phone right?
The last time I was at Universal Studios we got the express pass. Zero wait, and we completed the entire Harry Potter experience by 930 am. Had very little phone use the entire day, as we got to enjoy the entire park three times over.
Seperately, not a single person has ever said they have reached 24 hours of screen time. I regularly get 6+ hours tho. What we are getting is 24+ hours between charges.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using xda premium
---------- Post added at 10:43 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:40 AM ----------
Also, I would recommend an external battery. I personally use a new trent 5500mAh version. That way I can recharge the phone while on a call if ac power isnt available.
Sent from my SGH-T889 using xda premium
one80oneday said:
It's easy to kill the battery when at a theme park, vacation, etc.. because you're not sitting next to a charger all day. Many suggest an extra battery but if you're on an extended phone call or in the middle of movie/game how do you change the battery without turning the phone off?
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one80oneday said:
Sorry, guess you stare at the ground while your in line or waiting for anything. I haven't seen anyone get 24 hours screen on time but if I'm waiting most of the day somewhere than my screen is gonna be on. If you're next to an AC adapter than you can easily charge your phone right?
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I have never been at an amusement park for 24 hours straight.
If you are on your phone 24 hours a day while on vacation, you're doing it wrong
Btw, I got almost 7 1/2 hours screen on time with 25% left... that's more than enough for me. My screenshots are in the thread for battery life.
That being said, I would rather have an extra regular battery and keep the phone thin, than have a thick phone and try to find a good looking case for it.
I'm actually curious about the extended side project for my classic romo. I want to run my romo and my gs2 on one of the 6500mah batteries for the note two. I hope they aren't crap, I'll probably get one after I get paid on the first, but won't be able to actually have anything to compare it to. I may drop it in my note just to see if it works with the bumper actually, but I have never needed to worry about battery charge. I have gone out on off nights with less than 30% battery life and been home hours later before getting a low battery warning.
I'm new to the Note II, actually it's in the mail. I'm a heavy extended battery user on every device I usually own. As the note II is new, I spent a few days looking at power.
My guess is in most cases it should last at least all day even with heavy use. None of us are usually very far from our chargers or spare batteries.
What I did do, is order this one. I'll try this one as a primary and keep the stock battery as a backup.
If it's really 3960 or 3100 who knows, but if it is 3960 then it should be more than enough for a full day of about anything.
I also looked at extended batteries requiring new backs. The thinnest one I could find, was 3-4mm at 6500 mah.
It took a lot of reading on all this, got the Motorola 2 amp car charger and so on, but power was an issue I looked at close for the note II.
Power doesn't seem to be issue from everything I have read, but it makes sense to know what power options are out there and if you need a backup battery anyway, get one with 860 more Mah. if you can.
JosephL said:
I'm new to the Note II, actually it's in the mail. I'm a heavy extended battery user on every device I usually own. As the note II is new, I spent a few days looking at power.
My guess is in most cases it should last at least all day even with heavy use. None of us are usually very far from our chargers or spare batteries.
What I did do, is order this one. I'll try this one as a primary and keep the stock battery as a backup.
If it's really 3960 or 3100 who knows, but if it is 3960 then it should be more than enough for a full day of about anything.
I also looked at extended batteries requiring new backs. The thinnest one I could find, was 3-4mm at 6500 mah.
It took a lot of reading on all this, got the Motorola 2 amp car charger and so on, but power was an issue I looked at close for the note II.
Power doesn't seem to be issue from everything I have read, but it makes sense to know what power options are out there and if you need a backup battery anyway, get one with 860 more Mah. if you can.
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Here's what I found. Looks like you're right, it's 3100.
How they get away with this is crazy, but at least people are catching it sooner than later.
if you are looking for an extended battery I would be patient and wait for powerskin to announce or shoot down if they are gonna make a case for this phone. Those who don't know powerskin is exactly what it sounds like its a case with a battery built into it. They made one for the GS2(TMO) and GS3 with the wild popularity of Note2 and it being on all four carriers it should be a slam dunk. The best part is they don't add much gerth to the other phones...
I ended up getting an 8500mAh battery off of eBay from this seller:
I've had it for several days now and am really happy with it. At first I was just going to use it as a backup for going on trips and such but now I think I will use it as my main battery. The back it comes with actually has a sort of faux metallic look to it and fits in really well with the phone. It doesn't look at all cheap like some of the other battery doors I looked at on the 6500 mAh ones.
I've had the phone running for nearly for days straight with some heavy use includs hours of calls and gaming until I finally needed to charge it.
_Motoki_ said:
I ended up getting an 8500mAh battery off of eBay from this seller:
I've had it for several days now and am really happy with it. At first I was just going to use it as a backup for going on trips and such but now I think I will use it as my main battery. The back it comes with actually has a sort of faux metallic look to it and fits in really well with the phone. It doesn't look at all cheap like some of the other battery doors I looked at on the 6500 mAh ones.
I've had the phone running for nearly for days straight with some heavy use includs hours of calls and gaming until I finally needed to charge it.
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Man, how much thicker/heavier does that make the phone? The main reason this phone isn't "too big" is because of its weight and how thin it is.
I got into the habit of using Mophie Juice packs on iPhones back in the day, and did extended batteries with large battery covers on my Nexus One and HTC Blunderbolt, but with most Androids I just pick up a spare battery and keep it in my wallet. They're thin enough to fit that way. With the newer Samsungs, a spare battery has been a waste of money; my Galaxy S3's spare is still in it's shrinkwrap months after purchase.
distortedloop said:
Man, how much thicker/heavier does that make the phone? The main reason this phone isn't "too big" is because of its weight and how thin it is.
I got into the habit of using Mophie Juice packs on iPhones back in the day, and did extended batteries with large battery covers on my Nexus One and HTC Blunderbolt, but with most Androids I just pick up a spare battery and keep it in my wallet. They're thin enough to fit that way. With the newer Samsungs, a spare battery has been a waste of money; my Galaxy S3's spare is still in it's shrinkwrap months after purchase.
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It's probably about twice as thick in the biggest part and it is a bit heavier, but the battery door is curved and tapers over to the battery part so it's not twice as thick on the whole thing, just the battery part, but it also doesn't abruptly pop out a square, it's tapered. I think it looks decent and not boxy at all.
I was concerned myself before getting it but I don't really mind the extra bulk and weight considering how much more battery life I get out of it.
I don't think I've seen any other phone have an 8500 mAh battery and considering that I personally don't think it adds too much extra bulk. Of course that's a YMMV sort of thing.
I'll see if I can grab another phone and post a picture of it later.
_Motoki_ said:
It's probably about twice as thick in the biggest part and it is a bit heavier, but the battery door is curved and tapers over to the battery part so it's not twice as thick on the whole thing, just the battery part, but it also doesn't abruptly pop out a square, it's tapered. I think it looks decent and not boxy at all.
I was concerned myself before getting it but I don't really mind the extra bulk and weight considering how much more battery life I get out of it.
I don't think I've seen any other phone have an 8500 mAh battery and considering that I personally don't think it adds too much extra bulk. Of course that's a YMMV sort of thing.
I'll see if I can grab another phone and post a picture of it later.
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I'm just curious how accurate the capacity is. I have become very dubious that these odd/no name batteries have the capacity they say they do. For almost a third of the price you can get the 6500s as well.
I honestly can't speak to the accuracy of this 8500 mAh vs the 6500 ones being sold since I haven't tested the 6500 ones. I know it sounds trivial, but I do like the look of the 8500's door vs (the pictures) of the ones for the 6500 batteries.
Anyhow, here is a picture of the 8500 battery with the door on.
I see no need for any larger batteries. The stock one gives me well over a day. But to each their own.
_Motoki_ said:
I honestly can't speak to the accuracy of this 8500 mAh vs the 6500 ones being sold since I haven't tested the 6500 ones. I know it sounds trivial, but I do like the look of the 8500's door vs (the pictures) of the ones for the 6500 batteries.
Anyhow, here is a picture of the 8500 battery with the door on.
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Thanks for both of your replies. I agree, that's a fine looking case, and 8500 mAh battery is almost drool-worthy.

