Hi just wondering what is the fastest custom rom on the Desire?
Feeling or quadrant?
If feeling, definitely dGB. Never used a smoother rom.
If quadrant, I do not know because I do not care about quadrant.
Sent from dGB using Transparent XDA App
Yeah, I second that.
Oxygen was fastest before and dGB is a derivative of Oxygen. The kernel that comes with it is also superb. It's optimized for battery life. The only other kernel worth trying besides it would be Tiamat. But there really is no need for that.
dGB is NOT a derivative of Oxygen! That would be MildWild. The rest applies.
Definitely the ones in my signature. I am talking sense roms, of course.
As a side note, the only aosp rom I have tried is mildwild, and I did not find it faster than my current rom. ;-)
dGB ROM smooth and light weight. No frills. Barebones with sensible modifications. I decided to give it a spin last night and it's the smoothest AOSP rom I've used. I immediately felt the difference the moment I had all my apps installed. Unlike others that slows down a bit when you fill your phone with apps, this one's fast.
xelra said:
dGB is a derivative of Oxygen..
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I Don't Have Facts to Back This Up...
but the fastest I used so far is MildWild 2.9.5.
But I never tried dGB, so I can't compare them.
Use CM 7.0.3 for long battery life and fast response! Stable too.
malso said:
I Don't Have Facts to Back This Up...
but the fastest I used so far is MildWild 2.9.5.
But I never tried dGB, so I can't compare them.
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Since real world speed can only be measured by perception, no one can ask you for facts
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rootSU said:
xelra said:
dGB is a derivative of Oxygen..
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Yeah sorry, for some reason I had MildWild on my mind when I wrote that.
Nonetheless, dGB is fastest!
Sorry for the confusion. No offense.
None taken. Oxygen is a great Rom
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aosop roms are usually the faster roms but i find they are stripped down to much .
oxygen - found this to be overall consistent in performance
mildwild -based of oxygen
redux - choppy when lw wallpapers are set
dgb - slightly faster performance then oxygen in my opinion
i would like to add 'Supreme desire' for speed (CM7 based). been using a while and amazed with the speed and stability.
Redux2 test build. Period.
Gusta_HR said:
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Period? How so?
Honestly, in the really end it depends on your personal usage. Such as, the amount of apps you've got installed, etc. I would say PURE AOSP roms are always the fastest, some of these roms are Oxygen, dGB, CyanogenMOD7, etc. I'm not sure about MIUI since I've never tried it before. If you want a ROM that's good looking try MIUI or a sense rom. I like the Runnymede AIO Special Edition ROM "http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1315961".
rootSU said:
Period? How so?
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Period may mean a full stop: a punctuation in American-English.
That mean, Redux 2 test is fastest aosp I ever tried.
Gusta_HR said:
Period may mean a full stop: a punctuation in American-English.
That mean, Redux 2 test is fastest aosp I ever tried.
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I know what "period" means. But it doesn't mean its the fastest YOU tried. It means the fastest ever, second to none. Not the same. Substantial claims
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i'd recommend mildwild's oxxy or cm7 based roms. at least 2.8 used to be solid as a rock. very fast and low battery drain
---------- Post added at 06:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:57 AM ----------
actually it would be nice if someone knew a link to mw's 2.8 version of CM7? he's for some reason beta testing a new launcher in 3.0 making the rom less usable
rootSU said:
I know what "period" means. But it doesn't mean its the fastest YOU tried. It means the fastest ever, second to none. Not the same. Substantial claims
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Look m8... i tried EVERY AOSP ROM i could find here on this forum.. cm7, gingervillan, dgb...even miui... and i found old Redux to be fast enough for my needs
sent with [email protected] Desire
So the topic says it all
Which SenseUI rom is best??
Less/No bugs, Battery life, Fast, Stable?
Virtuous by far
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lainvalenajr said:
Virtuous by far
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Agreed. Even though there aren't many other Sense based ROMs, Virtuous has a great team of developers that have been working hard on it. I get great speed and awesome battery life using the "standard" kernel.
Just try them all and see what works best for you.
id have to agree to. probably the easiest to flash to cuz you can download using rom manager. pretty good rom but id personally stick with stock gingerbread
Which custom rom is stable?
(any recommendation)
Am I blind, is my Tapatalk broken, or did he open two same threads whose meaning is beyond any rational level of stupidity?
SwiftKeyed from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk.
am trying delete 1 but donno know how
You cannot do that, only moderators.
Sent from dGB using Transparent XDA App
yet another thread about rom recommendation
lol, theres loads
personally, i'd say the one i'm running with launcher7- see sig.
well imagine EVERYBODY could cut & paste this reply. what is your favorite colour? i like red but it's not blue enough for some. better just try a few & see what takes yr fancy
The most stable imo is GingerVillian, it's a stock Gingerbread ROM with latest Google Market.
Runnymede AIO all the way for me, it is a brilliant rom.
Lol, I don't know who's moar funny here, trolls or those who spoon feed morons again, and again and again out of some false courtesy and thinking they are helpful....
If you want an AOSP rom try CyanogenMod 7, it's fast and stable. If you're searching for a Sense rom I think Runnymede AIO is the best at the moment
I wanted to know what are the best roms too but then i realized that i would have to try it out.
It really depends on you, do you want Sense or stock design, usability or speed...
I can really recommend you Redux or Oxygen, both are fast and both have propably everything what you need.
But it is my taste, i don't really like sense roms for example...
imo the best is not created yet
at the moment i have CoolSense 3.0 Aces v6 Bravo (it is so fast and stable), before i had LeeDroid 2.5 (stable, but no so fast, good battery life) and good factory stock rom
It's a hard question
I've tried cyano but i want lo have sense so i put InsertCoin.
Then i tried gingerbread with Aurora and now I have runnymede.
The last two is very good rom.I prefer the first because it's more easy but if u want a complete rom, use runnymede.
Oxygen is the most stable custom rom on desire imo. Its essentially hack free with a great kernel.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Look at similar thread
Sent from my HTC Desire using xda premium
The best stable rom for the desire = cm7 . In my opinion
Sent from my Transformer TF101 using xda app
i stick to the official..way better than anything else!
I used to enjoy the stock roms, but found that sense was terrible. I, personally, would go for the latest Oxygen release for stability. I'm currently using Sandvold's ICS rom and enjoying it, but it isn't without it's bugs currently.
sadisticveneer said:
I used to enjoy the stock roms, but found that sense was terrible. I, personally, would go for the latest Oxygen release for stability. I'm currently using Sandvold's ICS rom and enjoying it, but it isn't without it's bugs currently.
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Sense is terrible in what way exactly?!
Can someone tell me which rom is the best for htc desire? i need stable and fast rom... plzz help...
For you is best to use oxygen base : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1835221
Sent from my HTC Desire using xda premium
Let us place a bet on how long will it take for jb recommendations to start falling?
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I would say "Use p10 Nikez rom, its far more stable than any gingerbread rom" but I don't feel like trolling today lol
Nick's Phone Compiled From Oxy/Roalex With Mods, cm7r2 hboot
Very fast and stable
CM based roms seem to be stable and fast for most users.
Try them if you think "oxygen" is good but a little "naked".
On topic: I'm using MildWild 5.0. Fast, stable, looks good.
Troll-topic: Shaky's Sense 4.0 rom. Most stable I've ever seen.
Sent from my toaster.
I have tried Sandvold's ROM (ICS) for a long time but switched to Nikez. Stable, clean and fast.
If you want to try: install i.e. 4EXT as recovery and stick to install-instructions and partitioning.
Also on Nikez site.
Goog luck!
i never knew "Pre Alpha" means....
RuudM said:
Nikez. Stable
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you learn something new everyday
I think he was talking about nikez's ICS rom. Still not stable.
Sent from my toaster.
True, true, you're right: it's pre-alpha. And I was talking about Nikez JB P10.
As a 'normal user' of P10 I am very satisfied with this ROM and I do have some experience with other ROM's (not only Sandvold). Only a few things (thing?) does not work. Also, the forum-thread of Nikez JB P10 reads (almost) same opinions - if you filter the problems with installing 3d party scripts.
Even remarks as 'worht beta' can be read.
My suggestion is user-to-user (SeeZaar), from my point-of-view as a Desire-JB P10 user.
abaaaabbbb63 said:
I think he was talking about nikez's ICS rom. Still not stable.
Sent from my toaster.
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Erm..... No. The nikez link is JB. And he said he switched to nikez. Stable....
Sent from my HTC Desire
Latest SpazeDog ICS ROM, I'm using it more than month, imo it's fast, smooth and perfect for daily use.
You should try JB/CM10 Elk759`s, I like it.
I think nikez is very brilliant.
Sent from my HTC Desire using xda app-developers app
Let's stick to the topic.
SeeZaar said:
i need stable and fast rom...
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Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk 2
for stability and speed i would heartily recommend redux2-31.08-test which is a stripped gingerbread rom which i used exclusively for over a year. it has a wicked pull-down notification bar full of custom shortcuts. very stable despite the test title.
if you're looking for an ICS flavour i'd agree with earlier recommendations for spaze dog. i found it a bit more complicated to install successfully but once up & running it's been faultless.
hope that helps.
Coolexe's Cool Droid v3.
By reading those threads one could believe we have fully working & bug free ICS + JB. :silly:
gascomm said:
for stability and speed i would heartily recommend redux2-31.08-test which is a stripped gingerbread rom which i used exclusively for over a year. it has a wicked pull-down notification bar full of custom shortcuts. very stable despite the test title.
if you're looking for an ICS flavour i'd agree with earlier recommendations for spaze dog. i found it a bit more complicated to install successfully but once up & running it's been faultless.
hope that helps.
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Tried redux. Launcher is really slow and laggy.
Sent from my toaster
today I got the idea of changing my current ROM to one that is 100% stable, runs very smooth and has a good battery life/low resource use.
I was thinking of a modified Froyo rom like Starburst. ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=916417 )
I'm not interested in any extra functionality besides phone-music player. I just need it to do those two things perfectly and to never choke, freeze. (for example my current ROM has frequent freezes of the music app during playback).
What do you think?
Thanks for your time
CyanogenMod7 or MildWild Oxygen, both small, smooth, stable, u wont have any problems. Ul find them both in Desire Android Development. If some1 recommends JB/ICS then just ignore them haha
Sent from my HTC Desire
jmcclue said:
CyanogenMod7 or MildWild Oxygen, both small, smooth, stable, u wont have any problems. Ul find them both in Desire Android Development. If some1 recommends JB/ICS then just ignore them haha
Sent from my HTC Desire
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I think I found CM7 (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=957344) and I know MildWild and I am using it now. I would like to change it. Overall it's smooth but the music player glitches are getting to me, since I use that several times a day.
CM7 seems incomplete by the looks of some comments. I would like something final.
That being said, thank you for suggesting those two.
You wont find anything more complete than CM7, lol.
Where did you found those "comments" ?
Redux. I think v 2 was the best. Development has long since stopped but it was the most stripped down, battery friendly when I had my desire.
In fact here.......
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda app-developers app
MokeeOS was really fast and stable for me and gace good battery life. The developer has stopped updates but the current ROM works as good as can be.
Before i was using that, I was using MIUI-XJ which is nice but not that lightweight.
Currently I am trying out Jelly Bean but wi-fi doesn't work for me so I'll probably return to MokeeOS
x5starguerillaa said:
Redux. I think v 2 was the best. Development has long since stopped but it was the most stripped down, battery friendly when I had my desire.
In fact here.......
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda app-developers app
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Do you realize it wasn't updated for like a year or so?
x5starguerillaa said:
Redux. I think v 2 was the best. Development has long since stopped but it was the most stripped down, battery friendly when I had my desire.
In fact here.......
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda app-developers app
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k3lcior said:
You wont find anything more complete than CM7, lol.
Where did you found those "comments" ?
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Edit: i think i found it: www.cyanogenmod.com/
jmcclue said:
CyanogenMod7 or MildWild Oxygen, both small, smooth, stable, u wont have any problems. Ul find them both in Desire Android Development. If some1 recommends JB/ICS then just ignore them haha
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I too think CM7 would be a good choise, since it is one of the more stable roms i've used
I can't figure it out so maybe someone will help me (using MIUI as example).
What exactly is the benefit of using JB-based MIUI over GB-based MIUI apart from the fact of having the newest thing on the block? I found only TWO minor things:
- good voice recognition of Android 4+ (I don't even know if MIUI has it built in)
- in MIUI JB you can have pattern screenlock as a single lock. There is no way of avoiding double screenlock on GB MIUI.
So is it really worth loosing HALF of the Quadrant score - I get ~950 points in JB MIUI and 1900 in GB MIUI (which I suppose means JB roms are two times slower than GB roms) and some extra space on data partition?
Did you seriously just write that.
impactor said:
So is it really worth loosing HALF of the Quadrant score - I get ~950 points in JB MIUI and 1900 in GB MIUI (which I suppose means JB roms are two times slower than GB roms) and some extra space on data partition?
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Everyone knows benchmarks are worthless in the grand scheme of things. Except for testing new high end phones (even then there not accurate enough.)
GB MIUI is probably a little faster but no were near 2 TIMES faster than JB MIUI.
Though MIUI in general was never that fast anyway
Sent from my HTC Desire using xda app-developers app
In the grand scheme of things we could just use Nokias 3100 and our lives would not be much different.
There is a big difference in benchmark result between different roms on the same phone, so obviously it IS measuring something.
GB MIUI is also twice as fast as GB CM7 on my phone.
I'm running Spazedog ICS and i'm getting 2100pts
However, SPazedog is a very stable ROM
Sui77 said:
I'm running Spazedog ICS and i'm getting 2100pts
However, SPazedog is a very stable ROM
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I can give you more than that on a froyo rom. It still is a fake score.
- Swyped from my Galaxy Note 2
Aside form arguing whether benchmarks work:
A- Aesthetics, ICS is unbelievably beautiful :laugh:
B- All the launcher features, Keyboard mouse (if you do some scripting)
C- As mentioned voice recognition is great
D- Upgraded GApps
E- List goes on...its the little things that count
And yes, Spacedog rom for the bravo kicks a**
ICS/JB UI is smoother and more user-friendly. camera is better and faster. overall the experience is better (there are lots of improvements there and there that make things much easier and more enjoyable to use)
yeahman45 said:
ICS/JB UI is smoother
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Is it? On HTC Desire?
camera is better and faster.
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Is it? On HTC Desire ports? I read a lot about problems with video recording on JB ports.
yeahman45 said:
ICS/JB UI is smoother and more user-friendly. camera is better and faster. overall the experience is better
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In general, yes.
On the HTC Desire, no.
yeahman45 said:
camera is better and faster.
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I last time I checked camera was not working?
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Have you never tried a ICS or JB ROM? Just make a backup and flash one. There are really good smooth/stable ICS ROMs, and JB with butter is really tasty, though still some bugs. Not slow at all though. Give it a go.
Sent from my Inspire 4G using xda app-developers app
I think people need to redefine the words 'stable' and 'smooth' as well as 'fast' coz I didn't get those when using ICS or JB (with a tons of bugs that, I think, will not be solved anytime soon).
waterbox said:
Have you never tried a ICS or JB ROM? Just make a backup and flash one. There are really good smooth/stable ICS ROMs, and JB with butter is really tasty, though still some bugs. Not slow at all though. Give it a go.
Sent from my Inspire 4G using xda app-developers app
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smooth, stable and butter? u sure?
Sent from my HTC Desire
jmcclue said:
smooth, stable and butter? u sure?
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take a look here
I have always used GB rom and I was satisfied, I installed this for 10 days and it works very well.
ik8fpd said:
take a look here
I have always used GB rom and I was satisfied, I installed this for 10 days and it works very well.
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With the ROM you linked i had today like 6 random reboots under 10min's.
The only useable JB for me so far was Evervolv build.
jmcclue said:
smooth, stable and butter? u sure?
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i agree that all the JB roms on xda are not that really stable. But u must try Qiss me rom JB version. It is stable and i have been using it for 1 - 2 months now