[Q] Web page scaling - Samsung Galaxy Nexus

I used to have an HTC Desire running Android 2.2 and it would render web site columns to fit the screen as I zoomed in and out which was great. The Nexus with ICS 4.01 and 4.02 doesnt seem to do this which is a pain. Is there a way to turn that on ? Am I missing somehting ?

No one else have this issue ? To clarify it doesnt wrap text to fit the screen as my Froyo phone did.

my phone does wrap the text. but you just have to double tap the text to make it happen.

Great ! Simple but thats exactly what I needed to know ! Thanks !


Looking for a powertray...and screen rotate

i was browsing through the Midget rom thread... there is talk of a powertray being avalible for wm6. the link on the page were to :-
Screen Rotate:
ftp://xda:[email protected]_Icon.zip
Powertray (From Ivan's WM5 ROM):
ftp://xda:[email protected]_Ivan.cab
but both of those links are now dead. is there anybody who could get this software to me? cheers in advance....
In my case it didn't work the screen rotate icon......
thanks good stuff!! going to see if it will work on my device now....the screen rotation add on didnt work .. but the battery one did.
hey guys this forum is just amazing. been following for a while but never registered.
wm6 works just amazing on my jasjar except for the fact theres no fix for this screen rotate icon.
anyone have any ideas? i hate having to go to start>settings>system>screen to rotate my screen. thanks guys!
screen rotate
This one works for me.
Search the WIKI, the registry control is explain there.

Anyone Fix the Background4AllTabs "strip" problem

It is very annoying and I know a LOT of you have isntalled Background4AllTabs, so someone MUST have been able to fix this issue....
Any help is much appreciated
i've been searching the forums for a while now and can't seem to find a definitive answer either. again, any help would be greatly appreciated. i'm very keen to remove the current tronesque wallpaper, lol.
taimoorhusain said:
It is very annoying and I know a LOT of you have isntalled Background4AllTabs, so someone MUST have been able to fix this issue....
Any help is much appreciated
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What problem are you referring to???
Can you please explain better?
THought everyone knew
Im sorry.. i thought everyone knew...
When you install the background4AllTabs, everything works fine, excet for the manila menues... like All Programs, stocks, Music Player etc and the rest which have the default white background to a height of only 640. The Touch HD has a height of 800 so this leaves a transparent gap of about 160px which is annoying because the programs and items are still lsited.. just no white background.. gives it a very dirty look... there are screenshots in another thread... but i dont have one to be able to post...
taimoorhusain said:
Im sorry.. i thought everyone knew...
When you install the background4AllTabs, everything works fine, excet for the manila menues... like All Programs, stocks, Music Player etc and the rest which have the default white background to a height of only 640. The Touch HD has a height of 800 so this leaves a transparent gap of about 160px which is annoying because the programs and items are still lsited.. just no white background.. gives it a very dirty look... there are screenshots in another thread... but i dont have one to be able to post...
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Thanks I was going to install it...downloaded before....but now that you told me of this problem I'm reconsidering it and probably I will wait for the final release then...
I tried to PM Nisse and Mun_rus.. who originally made it... and did not get an answer back from them. Seems like the community has beens tuck on this for a while (or it is not a priority). mun_rus got ill so cant really blame him...
Anyway, its times like these i knew a litte bit more to be able to manila edit the right file and change the height of the background...
Hopefully someone will come up with an answer... i dont think there will be a final release... I did wish that Nisse didnt advertise it for the TouchHD as it clearly has this problem.. although mind you.. it does work as advertised...
The one nisse posted here works fine on my HD:
So are you saying.. that :
1) you have your own background in all the tabs (meaning u have installed background4alltabs)
2) When you go to All programs in Manila... you dont get a stripe on the top...
Can you please post screenshots... i have tried everything and I know there are many of us who ahve done the same.
Just read the thread a bit better now, and I think I just misunderstood. I get full pictures on all tabs, but not sure about "all programs" etc. I don't use it anymore because of the low resolution on the pictures.
So my fears are confirmed... no one knows how... and no one cares...
Here's the shot + more info
Ascenca83 said:
Hi guys
I posted it already in another thread, but I think its best to put it in here:
I installed the two manila files "5c9aa261_manila" and "4a087e41_manila" (see attached in "manila files.zip") into the windows folder and then reactivated TF3D.
Then I saw that the background changed well in all tabs. It seemed everything was all right til I saw this (picture attached). In the all programs list and the share portfoilo tab I see instead of a all white backgroud a dark bar in the upper half of the screen showing the background installed on all tabs.
Now I wanted to know how I could solve this. Hope someone could help me.
Thanks in advance!
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I've got the same problem. So do a couple of other people.
More info:
(see my posts there with the quotes from earlier in the topic and the pages 65 and 66.)
Find at the bottom a version that will allow the Background in all versions, without the strip problem
its works!!
thanks bro that did the trick the stripes is no more...working touch hd
taimoorhusain said:
It is very annoying and I know a LOT of you have isntalled Background4AllTabs, so someone MUST have been able to fix this issue....
Any help is much appreciated
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from now on better to change the title in SOLVED.
new manila 5c9aa261 file work for me too!!!
BUT BUT BUT now there is a black top bar that was not present before!!!
giangishanghai said:
from now on better to change the title in SOLVED.
new manila 5c9aa261 file work for me too!!!
BUT BUT BUT now there is a black top bar that was not present before!!!
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Just to be clear, see the attach.
giangishanghai said:
Just to be clear, see the attach.
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can you send a screenshot of the home screen?
I belive there should bee a white/black bar right under the start menu..
just to ease my mind please
Version 1 of 5c9aa261_manila:
Version 2 of 5c9aa261_manila:
so it's in the home screen to.. and the text you see, is it the operator? any way too fix that so it say somthing else?
It's not very important, cause for the home screen you can put an image 800x480 with the wallpaper option in Parameters, so you just have to choose if you want the 1st version without black strip but with the bug in "All Programs" and "Music" or the 2nd version with black stripe at the top but no bug "All Programs" and "Music"
sin.swe said:
can you send a screenshot of the home screen?
I belive there should bee a white/black bar right under the start menu..
just to ease my mind please
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in my home screen there are no black or white bar, it is totally empty.

Smaller Textinput after update

Hello everyone
I'm not sure if this is the wright place to ask this question if not i'm sorry...
I've tried the search function but couldn't find the answer.
After the latest official htc update my input screen voor text messages is smaller. I'm sure some people like it but i don't
I always use a standard phone screen on t9 and in my opinion it was much easier when they are a bit larger.
So my question is if it is possible to change this without losing the latest update, because there are changes in this update that i like.....
Thanks in advance
Greets from Holland.
Have you tried changing the size by rotating the touchwheel left or right when your in any textmode?
Elfstrand said:
Have you tried changing the size by rotating the touchwheel left or right when your in any textmode?
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Hi thanks for your answer but that doesn't work. If im not wrong that will change the size of the font. what i mean is the keys you see on your screen.
Have a look at this thread and see if it helps, there's a small version and a larger one:
Thank you so much i've installed the larger one and it works perfect

Official HTC Touch Pro 2 ROM

I see from the HTC website that a new ROM is available :
Has anyone got a download of this, as my TP2 is Vodafone branded!
Cheers! Downloading just now! Will let you know how it goes!
Me Too!!
I'd love to get my hands on this too!! Mine is T-Mobile branded and the serial gets rejected.
EDIT: The new ROM has been posted here but you still can not download if you do not have a premium account with RapidShare.
Think there must be a lot of people downloading. Im crawling at 23kbps - normally get about 350. It's dropped a lot in the last half hour.
Liking it so far. Icons are updated, but homescreen isn't really changed. Weather affects the whole homescreen, so when going back to it, just now the whole screen is rainingv - quite nice. Settings menu is much better. When going into settings for the today screen, HTC Sense is listed, but the homescreen doesn't match that of the pictures of the Leo, with the contacts and favourites on the home screen.
Nice so far.
(There is a radio app)
Does it have manila 2.5 or 2.1?
I managed to download it on the rapidshare link.
I have the TMO US version, do you know if I will have problem with the keybord layout after installing it?
Anybody with the TMo version installed it yet?
WaLshy11 said:
Does it have manila 2.5 or 2.1?
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Just installed the (non-branded) upgrade, and i can see there's no manila 2.5... It's just the 2.1version!!!!!!!!!
Personnaly, i don't get it, what can be the reason not to provide tp2 users with it... seriously, i think manila 2.1 has no use at all.
Well i just spent 2hours setting & sync-ing my phone right... for nothing
BTW be carefull with the "myphone" service: i've lost near 1/3rd of my text messages because of it
Yeah, I don't understand why they didn't upgrade to 2.5. Is anyone else having trouble using the facebook integration? I can use the facebook app fine, but cannot login to facebook to link contacts to their facebook. I get a Input error - connection failed.
justboy911 said:
Liking it so far. Icons are updated, but homescreen isn't really changed. Weather affects the whole homescreen, so when going back to it, just now the whole screen is rainingv - quite nice. Settings menu is much better. When going into settings for the today screen, HTC Sense is listed, but the homescreen doesn't match that of the pictures of the Leo, with the contacts and favourites on the home screen.
Nice so far.
(There is a radio app)
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Someone have a screenshot of the manila that comes with 6.5? what's different?
Doesnt recognise storgae card
For some reason post the rom upgrade to 6.5 my device doesnt recognise it has a storage card in...?
WM 6.5 Update
Hi, my ROM version is 1.19.401.1 and apparently the update is not suitable for me. Can anyone explain/help me with this? I've already sent a message to HTC trough their web page but still no answer.
Many thanks in advance,
Already a sticky there in "ROM development".

freeware on HVGA

Good day, dear people!
I am very much interested in buying the HD Mini. But I still have a few residual doubts. The sturdiness of the thing is one such qualm, but the main question mark is the screen resolution.
Dabbling with freeware is one of my hobbies (and the reason for sticking to Windows Mobile for a bit longer). I have loads of apps installed on my current phone (being a humble HTC Touch of the first generation) Examples being (in no particular order):
Paint Now, VNC, Total Commander, MyNote, Nitrogen, Made, Space Time, PocketGravity, PocketSand, Swirly, Mobile Fractals, MobiPocket, GoDAft, TempoPerfect, ToneBox, BlueHoo, WiFiFofum, DeluxeMoon, PocketXPDF, MobileMonger, AdvancedConfig, BatteryStatus, and VSPainter.
All these apps run perfectly well on the Touch's 240x320 screen.
Is there anybody out there who can tell me how they fare on the HD Mini?
Much obliged!
Nitrogen runs without problems.
Total Commander runs, but there R problems with the lower button row.
The other apps I dont know...
Thanks Peppo.
I was going to propose to make a list. But while I was doing so, I noticed something: most apps people mention in other threads seem to be working just fine.
Maybe the resolution is not such a big deal after all.
Peppo said:
Nitrogen runs without problems.
Total Commander runs, but there R problems with the lower button row.
The other apps I dont know...
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For the overlapping problems of Total Commanders bottom row there is a beta available, that solves this problem - which seems to be a common problem of 6.5 devices.
so, where is this TC beta to be found?
Obviously by the designer:
That's where I looked, but the most recent version of TC pocket edititon dates back to 2008. Can't imagine this solving any problems on the HD mini.
But maybe I'm looking at it the wrong way...
Edit: Okay, forget about that. I didn't scroll all the way down. (Who expects the most recent release at the bottom of the page?!)
Yep. Works fine.
Okay, so I did buy the HD mini without waiting for the feedback I asked for in the first post of this thread.
Here's what I encoutered so far as far as freeware is concerned:
DeluxeMoon: when run, it appears as a small stamp in the top left corner of the screen, which makes it unusable.
Paint Now: seems to work okay.
MyNote: works fine.
PocketSand: buttons don't work, screen doesn't fit (too small).
Swirly: doesn't fit the screen.
GoDaft: works fine.
WifiFofum: works, but the screen is stretched vertically.
MobileMonger: works fine.
Haven't tried the rest yet.
Has anyone tried any of the configuration tools that are out there, such as Advanced Configuration, PocketToolman, HTC Customizer, and - especially - BatteryStatus?
Very curious whether these stil work!
i use this mini well
i don't advise anyone to buy hd mini
i have baught it and its a bad experiance , it is slim and hd screen and colors ,
but now after one month use , while i move it you thing the phone in moving in side the cover.
second it does not have double camra and you can not do a video call
useless 3G
I Think HTC is only making people fool by daily bringing new model with no change
just name and alittle bit change in shape
no new technologies

