[Q] edit quick settings - HTC Wildfire S

Hey guys,
i want to edit the quick settings in the notification bar. I don't want to flash anything, i want to edit it by myself, so i can put in the stuff i want.
can somebody tell me, witch things i have to edit and where i find them. Or is this too complicated?
(I'm using 2.13 jikantaruROM - Android 1.3.5)

You can only if you create a rom with the desired features in it, then you can also add the quick settings to power menu.
If you install CM7, you can have a quick settings bar at the top.
I'm still s-on and use widgets for this. Go Launcher with the Go widget works great!


[Q] custom chomSMS notification to match GB?

hey guys i like chompSMS but the notification icons they provide dont match with the gingerbread rom i am running. I would like to use the stock sms notification which i have located and extracted.
now how on earth do i edit chompSMS and add the icon or replace one with it and then install it.
thanks for any help

[Q] Quick Settings edit

quick question: how to edit the quick settings in the drop-down menu (notification tray) in Gingerbread Sense ROMs ? (im using insertcoin)
i want to know ! how to do ?
Maybe this Thread helps you
well unfortunatetly no answer there, just an idea to decompile an .apk and suit it to my needs.
still, anyone ?
Its so simple in MIUI Rom... their is an option in settings/Personal/ Custom Status Bar..
Incase you desperately want the setting, you can try MIUI ;-)
Well it's a difference if you did the thing yourself or if you want to change a HTC based feature without big hacks. I think it's pretty much impossible.
But if there is a solution, let me know - 2G/3G is missing
it is not impossible, in stock you get only a few quick settings, in custom roms (rcmixs, insertcoin) devs extended it - i want to know how, so i can remove the unneeded shortcuts.
robocik: not that easy, you should take a modded systemui.apk and a stock one, decode both with apktool and diff them, that way you will see how it is maked and will be easier for you to modify it.
this is the method, have not tried it yet though.
if any of you intrested guys tries to do this, i really apprecieate your feedback here thx.
and big thanks to robo, not only for all the amazing job he is doing for our community, but also for responding to my Q
I have rooted Desire Z with Virtuous Sence v2 Rom.
Go to
and download Extra QuickSettings 0.2
Extract SystemUI.apk from zip file.
I used DroidExplorer to replace original : system/app/SystemUI.apk
with the downloaded one and have ne quick settings menu.
Is there any way to change "quick settings" with rooting?
If by "change" you mean "add/remove features in the settings list", yes, there is. Check out this thread.

[Q] [Request]Lockscreen problem

Dear All,
I wish to ask is there any solution to remove the original slide unlock ? Im using litenin ROM as well...Please advise.
you could install widgetlocker from the market, its very good, it lets you change the unlock sliders or add widgets etc to your lockscreen.
You can install qqlancher pro and along with it comes a MIUI type lockscreen. Just enable it from settings. Then you can use whichever launcher u want. the lockscreen will continue to work.

Delete stuff from ROM? System UI or ROM control?

I'm trying to delete battery icon profiles from ROM Control - IceColdSandwich. I know that icons are in SystemUI but somewhere there, there is a list of them and I want that deleted too, because if I delete icons only they do not show up in the menubar but the list is still intact. It's somewhere in xml files, I tried baksmali both systemui and romcontrol but I'm not fluent with code and I can't find it. Any help would be useful.
Also anyone knows how to set the clock color to #ffd3d3d3 and center it? I know I can do that in ROM Control easily, the thing is I want it set like that by default. When I flash the ROM I want it to be set like that from the start.

[Q} EQS settings on AndroidRevolution HD?

Hello there!
noob question but i used this mod http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2114584 and I cant find where to change the settings for EQS (enhased Quick settings).
Can anyone tell me how to change the order, select settings to be shown etc?
I don't believe reordering is an option on that mod. I think the only way that you can reorder quick settings is on Team Venom Viper ROM and that's because those options were built by the dev team right into the ROM. All of your options though can be found under quick settings when you press the menu button.

