[Q] A2SDGUI not working on rooted Desire - Desire Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I have installed the LeeDroid ROM v3.3.3 Port R5 on my Desire and I downloaded the A2SDGUI app from the market. But it gives an error saying phone is not rooted (which it obviously is) or A2SD scripts not found or ext partition not found. How do I make this app run on my phone? I have Superuser installed and A2SDGUI is given permission. Kindly help.
Thanks in advance!

Did you configure your SD Card with a FAT32 and an EXT partition?

Yes I did. I have followed all instructions given for LeeDroid's ROM properly. I used GParted Live CD to make the FAT32 partition and a 1gb ext3 partition on my SD card.

Followed guide on Leedroid thread to get A2SD working?

You know a2sdGUI only works with Dark Tremor a2sd scripts? I dont think leedroid uses Dark Tremor.

Before installing LeeDroid I had created the ext3 partition. I presume A2SD is working because my apps are installed to the ext3 partition and not in the internal memory. Do I have to do anything else?
Then A2SDGUI wont work on my phone?

sarkar_007 said:
Then A2SDGUI wont work on my phone?
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Not right now. Not without the Dark Tremor a2sd+ Solution in place.

If you followed leedroid guide for A2SD+, you don't need A2SDGUI.
SwiftKeyed from CyanogenMod with Transparent XDA App

The only reason I was looking for the A2SDGUI was to try to move the dalvik cache to ext partition. Or is it already in the ext partition in LeeDroid ROM? I dont know.
Also inspite of having a ext partition my internal memory is getting reduced bit by bit with every app that I install. I thought I had got rid of the 'lack of internal memory to install apps' problem by having an ext partition. What data is occupying the internal memory now?

sarkar_007 said:
The only reason I was looking for the A2SDGUI was to try to move the dalvik cache to ext partition. Or is it already in the ext partition in LeeDroid ROM? I dont know.
Also inspite of having a ext partition my internal memory is getting reduced bit by bit with every app that I install. I thought I had got rid of the 'lack of internal memory to install apps' problem by having an ext partition. What data is occupying the internal memory now?
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Apps still take up the space on Internal memory. Thats the way it is.
You have to flash the dalvik cache script in the leedroid thread, post 1
Like Mat said, if you read the thread, you would know the answer.

I have downloaded the 'move dalvik to sd.zip' file from LeeDroid's thread. I read somewhere that A2SDGUI also does the job so I wanted to try it out. I guess I will just flash the zip now. Thanks for your replies.

sarkar_007 said:
I have downloaded the 'move dalvik to sd.zip' file from LeeDroid's thread. I read somewhere that A2SDGUI also does the job so I wanted to try it out. I guess I will just flash the zip now. Thanks for your replies.
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As stated many times, A2SDGUI does the work... with DarkTremor's script, but Leedroid's ROM does not have it.

This place can be so much hard work sometimes
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App

Appreciate all you guys taking the trouble of answering my questions. I really have very little knowledge of rooting and stuff. Just venturing in this field. So far I have managed to read the guides posted here and root and install a custom ROM. Now trying to understand dalvik cache and stuff.
Thanks once again.


[Q] How to move Dalvik-Cache to SD ?

guys, how can i move my dalvik-cache to my sd card?
my rom rom supports a2sd+ but for some reason it's still in the phones internal memory.
i need help too..
aycynokia said:
i need help too..
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i need help with this too
just instal AceS v1 from coolex and free internal phone mem is only 28MB
casca said:
guys, how can i move my dalvik-cache to my sd card?
my rom rom supports a2sd+ but for some reason it's still in the phones internal memory.
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have you partitioned your sd card correctly?
check your roms original thread to see what sort of partition you need.
which ROM do you have... and was A2SD+ part of the ROM, or sth you added?
I think I read somewhere that some A2SD+ implementations don't move the Dalvik cache over to SD. The (easiest) method to add dalvik to SD likely depends on the A2SD implementation.
Use S2E , download it from Market.
what is better for a2SD, ony ext3 or ext3 and swap???
The a2sd script in Cool's AceS v1 does move the dalvik cache to the sd card, so most likely the card isn't formatted correctly. I suggest you use gparted or a similar tool to format your card like this: first the FAT partition, then the ext 2/3 one (note that some roms require you to have an ext 4 partition, but this is not the case of AceS; anyway, make sure you read the thread thoroughly before flashing). Also, make sure the ext partition is no larger than 2048 MB (i.e. 2 GB), since you might experience market problems. Swap is not used by most roms you'll want to flash these days, so don't worry about it too much, unless the thread mentions so.
Just to mention, S2E is only for cyanogen mod, as it's stated in the app's description, so don't use it with other roms (which have other a2sd scripts). Also, before formatting, don't forget to backup your data
Good luck!
Warm up
Hello guys!
i'm new here just want to say that it's probably the best site for modding.
I have a desire with Ginger sense ROM.
Link2sd is free on the market. Uses ext and fat partitions. I have link2sd on my Kyocera Zio m6000 which only has a total of 180mb in data and I have 137mb free. Link2sd allows you to create a symbolic link for app data dalvik-cache and lib files of the app you want to move to SD. Plus with the symbolic links you get to keep your Widgets.
Sent from my Zio using XDA Premium App
Dalvik Cache will take up space on "Internal storage" by default on some A2SD + ROMs, but it can be moved
You can move this by running "terminal emulator" from the market and typing:
a2sd cachesd
or with adb:
adb shell
a2sd cachesd
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please note that davebugyi's suggestion only works if you're using the Darktremor a2sd script

[Q] Abit Of Help Please...

Am using Leedroid App2SD+ ROM and have 1gb ext with 756MB free, i have lots of apps installed but now my phone is showing low memory 15MB, so I have moved alot of the apps to SD card to try free up abit, but its not freeing up phone memory its still staying at 15MB.
Why wont all apps just use the ext? how do I get free phone memory back up again.
All help welcome thanks
All apps have to use internal /data/data folder to store libraries etc. So if you need more storage read about data2sd.
Because if you have A2SD+, then Move to SD in the application manager has no effect (apps are already on the SD Card).
Try running a cache cleaner, maybe too much cache. Possibly a2sd+ is not working properly?
I never had that much low space on LeeDroid when I was using it (had 55 apps of my own installed).
check the leedroid topic?
I read something about a memoryleak in flash what could cause the problem.
You can also move dalvik-cache to sd to free about 40MB internal memory.
Simply download terminal emulator from market, and then put su and a2sd cachesd or cachesdreset (it removes old dalvik cache from internal memory) commands.
nagypapi said:
Because if you have A2SD+, then Move to SD in the application manager has no effect
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Oh yeah it does. It ruins everything you were supposed to get with a2sd+.
decat said:
check the leedroid topic?
I read something about a memoryleak in flash what could cause the problem.
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Read better next time. It was regarding random access memory and not the internal storage memory.
Bartyzel said:
You can also move dalvik-cache to sd to free about 40MB internal memory.
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He has a2sd+ with Leedroid. a2sd+==dalvik on the ext.
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
Thanks guys for reply's.
I have no cache to clear, so it has to be data, what the best way on doing datatoSD?
I thought the rom has to support it, can I just install somethink to make this happen.
thanks again
shankly1985 said:
Thanks guys for reply's.
I have no cache to clear, so it has to be data, what the best way on doing datatoSD?
I thought the rom has to support it, can I just install somethink to make this happen.
thanks again
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Here you have zip instalation scripts and some tutorial how to manage that:
Remember that you will lost your apps! Backup them by Titanium Backup (I don't think that backup and recovery by nandroid it is best solution if you are messing with symlinks and /data partition).
Bartyzel said:
Here you have zip instalation scripts and some tutorial how to manage that:
Remember that you will lost your apps! Backup them by Titanium Backup (I don't think that backup and recovery by nandroid it is best solution if you are messing with symlinks and /data partition).
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I have made my mind up am changing rom, just ordered 16gb class 4 PNY sd card.
going to use starburst ROM, if Leedroid end up fully supporting data2sd ill go back because I love that ROM
shankly1985 said:
.......if Leedroid end up fully supporting data2sd ill go back because I love that ROM
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I never had any issues like yours when I used Lee droid A2SD and had installed a lot of apps. Just make sure that you have not moved the apps in the app manager to the SDCard as this only movers them out of the Ext partition and in to the FAT32 partition.
I would give Leedroid another shot with your new SDCard.
Sent with Desire.
angusc said:
I never had any issues like yours when I used Lee droid A2SD and had installed a lot of apps. Just make sure that you have not moved the apps in the app manager to the SDCard as this only movers them out of the Ext partition and in to the FAT32 partition.
I would give Leedroid another shot with your new SDCard.
Sent with Desire.
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I think I have just filled it lol got 75 apps but most of them are games big files, ill give starburst a go liking the sound of this ROM and if its true I should never fill the memory, if it not good ill go back to leedroid but start fresh format everythink.
With my old partition I did make it on windows like, so maybe thats whats happened, I am going to use gparted next time.

[Q] noob question - created ext4 partition on SD, but how to use it?

I've created an ext4 partition on my SD with the intention of using it to store apps on
I used the gparted method described in http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1016084
Now I've flashed a couple of ROM's (Oxygen, Redux and CM7) but have no idea how I can put apps on it
Additional question:
1) if you do a data, cache/dalvik wipe will the apps on the ext4 partition also be deleted or will they remain on it so you can reuse them in another ROM
2) I've rooted and s-offed my stock rom, can I use the partition I've created here as well? and if so, how?
berre said:
I've created an ext4 partition on my SD with the intention of using it to store apps on
I used the gparted method described in http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1016084
Now I've flashed a couple of ROM's (Oxygen, Redux and CM7) but have no idea how I can put apps on it
Additional question:
1) if you do a data, cache/dalvik wipe will the apps on the ext4 partition also be deleted or will they remain on it so you can reuse them in another ROM
2) I've rooted and s-offed my stock rom, can I use the partition I've created here as well? and if so, how?
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on all 3 roms youve mentioned you tried, app2sd is automstically setup on rom install. so you are already using app2sd.
1. yes if you wipe dsata, it wipes your apps on ext 4 partition
2. and yes, your aready using your partition once your using a app2sd rom. specific roms allow you to push your dalvik cache to your partition but it is not reccommended as it can slow donw your phone.
2. and yes, your aready using your partition once your using a app2sd rom. specific roms allow you to push your dalvik cache to your partition but it is not reccommended as it can slow donw your phone.
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thx for the feedback, can I install app2sd on my stock froyo rom somehow?
I'm rooted and s-offed
extra test: I've installed Leedroid with app2sd
when I install an app from the market my internal memory decreases and I cannot move it to SD card
I've created a 500mb partition, should this be visible as "internal memory"?
Some apps still need some space from the NAND internal memory.
berre said:
I've created a 500mb partition, should this be visible as "internal memory"?
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Nope. But if you download "Quick system info" from the market, you will see where it's written A2SD your external partition and its used space.
berre said:
extra test: I've installed Leedroid with app2sd
when I install an app from the market my internal memory decreases and I cannot move it to SD card
I've created a 500mb partition, should this be visible as "internal memory"?
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If you are like me and want to install lots of apps app2sd is not good enough sorry I was on Leedroid superb ROM but I soon ran out of install memory because even if you move app2sd say you have 20mb app and move it to SD it will move like 16mb to SD and 4mb will still be on phone.
Best way is Data2SD I use startburst and have 2gb ext4 and my phone thinks it has 2gb internal memory
Make sure you backup and have a SD card class 4 and above some say class 2 fine I dont think so.

[Qext4 partition problem

hi everyone,
i just rooted and installed the Cyanogen rom and partitionned my sdcard 16gb to a FAT32 partion and ext4 partition with 1gb.
the problem is the intern memory !! ( lack of space ), idk if i missed something or didn't installed a script ... i have app2sd already installed and i moved the most of the apps to my sdcard but the ext4 partion is not used and can't see it .
so what do i have to do ?
ps: i just istalled a2sdFroyo, but doesn't help or i didn't used it right ...
pls help
when you say "i have app2sd already installed" how have you done it?
how did you partition your sd card, should be done with gparted or 4ext recovery only. if you used something else, backup your sd and repartition.
to maximise space, s-off and change hboot to cm7r2, recommend guides here (read them slowly and several times to help your understanding)
then full wipe, install rom.zip again from scratch
to enable the A2SD, one method is to install an app like S2E which can move apps automatically to sd-ext, no need to 'move to sd'. you can keep dalvik cache on internal, and move it to sd-ext if you still run out of space. internal memory will always go down as stuff builds up on internal (data partition)
whatever rom you use, install an app like 'diskusage' to browse all your partitions in future, that way you can actually see where and how your space is being used
i followed the MiniTool Partition tuto to make partitions and then i installed normaly app2sd
why do i have to reistall the rom again ?
darko1x said:
i followed the MiniTool Partition tuto to make partitions and then i installed normaly app2sd
why do i have to reistall the rom again ?
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do not use minitool, this may be the reason why you cannot use the partition at all.
backup your sd card to pc first, then use gparted, there's a video guide from the link i posted
(make sure you have a nandroid backup, titanium backup of apps and backup contacts to google)
i am advising a full wipe because i don't know how you "installed normally app2sd". if you reinstall the rom from scratch without anything else, there is less chance of things going wrong. using S2E afterwards is easy.
if you want to set up this rom or any rom properly so you don't run out of space, you should understand where all your apks, data and dalvik are stored, and what the different hboot partition tables are. it's all in the guides i linked.
i installed app2sd after i finished with the rom and the partitioning of the sdcard, and it works without any problem
i istalled now S2E and i transfered the apps to the ext folder now i have 140Mb free space and i think it's working now becuase i sync with skype and facebook and i still have the same space in my internal memory ...
what do you think ?
darko1x said:
i installed app2sd after i finished with the rom and the partitioning of the sdcard, and it works without any problem
i istalled now S2E and i transfered the apps to the ext folder now i have 140Mb free space and i think it's working now becuase i sync with skype and facebook and i still have the same space in my internal memory ...
what do you think ?
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if you install something like 'diskusage' you can KNOW if it is working...
i would still recommend s-off and change hboot to cm7r2. this will use space more efficiently, and you can install many more apps. just read the guides i linked. you can still learn a lot more
Hi. I think its working, from 1Gb i still have 700 Gb in green color.
Am i right ?
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write down your free sd-ext space then install an app from the play store. Check the space again. If it had gone down your sorted.
darko1x said:
Hi. I think its working, from 1Gb i still have 700 Gb in green color.
Am i right ?
Sent from my HTC Desire using xda app-developers app
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looks like it is working
with diskusage you can just zoom in on all your partitions including sd-ext, so if you see your app apk's there the script is working.
open diskusage again and select /system. i'm willing to bet that you're still on stock hboot. you will see a lot of free space on system partition, which is useless...
therefore still recommend (for the last time) to s-off and change to cm7r2 hboot. you seem to keep ignoring this and the guides...

A2SD script

What a2sd script can i use to move everything to the sd ext?? I'm using RSK Satelite ROM, and want an other A2sd script, so everything is moved to the ext. cach, davlik cach, lib,.... because i still have problems with the memory.
You on the cm7r2 hboot version of the Rom? That should give you more space.
I'm not sure exactly how the 'a2sdx' script works exactly, but most scripts of this type move apps and dalvik automatically. I'd be surprised if this one didn't do the same or similar because that's their main purpose
Try an app like diskusage, browse your partitions to check how they're being used, and understand why you're currently getting low memory in the first place.
Your partition should also be created with 4EXT recovery or gparted only
First of all, CHECK if the CM7r2 is compatible with your ROM.
Second, I suggest to also try Mounts2SD compatibility. Works like a charm on my CM7.2.0.1 rom. A2SD kinda let me down..
