Problems with the GPS after Mango? - Windows Phone 7 General

Hello everyone, sorry for my english
After updating my LG E900 Mango have big problems to lock on to satellites, the first everything worked very well ... it's just my problem?

I have this problem, too.
Samsung Focus 1.3
The latest Samsung drivers/update installed successfuly
I did not have these problems with either of the Mango pre-releases 7661 or 7712.
Sometimes, running another application which uses the GPS function will get the satellites to lock-in when I return to the built-in Maps application, but this does not work 100% of the time. I use GPS & GPX Logger as the "other" GPS application, get the lock in there, then go back into the normal Maps.

I too am having this problem. It started after installing the Mango beta and persists even now with the official Mango release. Samsung Focus 1.3 ATT. Doesnt look like there is any kind of fix to this at the moment :\

Problems with the GPS after Mango
In all applications (including native maps) the phone shoes the normal 'searching' then goes to 350m accuracy indicated, and stops there, it does not progress to ' GPS Lock', and does not track movement.
I have reset the phone (with Mango), the problem remains
I have restored to the pre-Mango backup, functionality is restored


Another GPS issue

Running stock T-Mobile Touch Pro 2 WM 6.1, stock radio.
Briefly: I have an old version of iGuidance (2.1.3). When I first start iGuidance and it looks for a GPS unit, the phone's GPS stops functioning. Only a hard reset helps.
In detail: this whole thing almost drove me nuts. I get the phone, install iGuidance, start it. It doesn't find a GPS device. I start Google Maps and other apps, try every which way, it still can't acquire a lock. Was about to return the phone when I decided to hard reset. Google Maps started working.
Eventually, with the help of HTC GPS Tool, I figured out what triggered the error. I start HTC GPS Tool, open port, it gets NMEA data just fine. If I then start iGuidance, NMEA messages immediately stop, running a test produces an error message (something like "Failed to obtain NMEA data"). Only a hard reset helps.
I know there is a GPS patch for European version, but I'm reluctant to hard SPL just for that (anobody tried it, anyway? any side effects?) Waiting for official update but in the meantime, could there be another solution?
I know this isn't going to be much help, and probably not what you want to hear, but I'm using iGuidance 4.x without any problems. Google, Bing and iGuidance all work fine together.
Maybe it's just time to upgrade you software?
Problem solved
It was simple:
1. Backup HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\GPS Intermediate Driver.
2. Start iGuidance, set iGuidance to correct GPS settings (COM4, 4800 baud), close.
3. Restore GPS Intermediate Driver.
I suspected the problem was caused not by the navigation system itself, but by its trying to locate GPS device. This confirms it.
I also have TomTom 6, and spent last night trying to install the bloody junk on my TP2. But of course it's incompatible with WVGA. On the Axim I had both, and hardly ever used TomTom, since even the old version of iGuidance was so much better.

Official Garmin GPS app available (US only)

$39.99, no trial. Let's just say at least it's a step forward.
...lets hope the European version will follow soon...
Too bad you can't download the full maps, though. You need to download your maps on a "per route" basis.
I am somewhat greatfull that I have t-mobile germany, so I get the Navigon App for "free". Here, I don't need a data volume to navigate.
It's available for the US and Canada.
Is it just a case of a locked API that no one is currently offering a GPS navigation app that has maps pre-loaded?
All these ones that are coming out that need a data connection are pretty useless since i only really use sat-nav out in the sticks where i don't get reception.
I'm not keen on having to pre-download a map each time i make a journey either.
I really miss IGo8 off my old Blackstone
Freypal said:
Is it just a case of a locked API that no one is currently offering a GPS navigation app that has maps pre-loaded?
All these ones that are coming out that need a data connection are pretty useless since i only really use sat-nav out in the sticks where i don't get reception.
I'm not keen on having to pre-download a map each time i make a journey either.
I really miss IGo8 off my old Blackstone
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I do not think it is API problem. They seem to keep storing the maps as you keep using new routes. I think they are using on-demand maps as a DRM method. It is difficult to pirate when the app keeps communicating (and authenticating) with Garmin servers.
Localhorst86 said:
Too bad you can't download the full maps, though. You need to download your maps on a "per route" basis.
I am somewhat greatfull that I have t-mobile germany, so I get the Navigon App for "free". Here, I don't need a data volume to navigate.
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Agreed on the Navigon software; the 3.0 version is outstanding. And looks far more "metro" in style than this $40 software.
I believe the reason we are not seeing any offline gps software (ie with offline maps and offline routing) is because these companies have algorithms and "engines" for planning routes, and they cannot (or don't want to) convert these DLLs to silverlight. MS doesn't allow you to use your own proprietary code and DLLs in the marketplace. So the only proper nav apps with offline routing and maps, such as Navigon, can only exist if they are manufacturer or carrier-supplied (in the same way that HTC can offer compass and flashlight apps).
Pity this is US/Canada only... really after a decent nav app (Turn-By-Turn's (GPSTuner) POI's dont work in Australia!)
It is a shame for those in other regions, but for those of us in North America, it is pretty sweet. My only gripes with the app are the fact that they didn't include a "run under lock screen" option (a must-have option for Focus users), and the voice seems, at times, to be over-compressed, and comes out just a tad fuzzy. By way of comparison the voice on the AT&T Navigator app is crystal clear. But that is about the only advantage it has over Garmin's new app.
I think that navigon will be for Europe.
anyway, it is a very good GPS (navigon) I used this program in try v3.
it's great.
I like it. Looks promising. However I would not get it. I already have a gps for that reason.
I picked it up a couple of days and tried it out and was sorely unimpressed.
1) It lost the satellite sync a number of times in urban, but not downtown Seattle.
2) It seems to have no sense of correcting the raw data. For example, if I'm travelling along a highway at speed, you'd think that I'd be going in the same heading as the road. It apparently just reads the raw compass data, resulting in the appearance of a perpetual power slide as I drive.
3) When it loses me and recalculates, it treats it like I'm starting a new trip (with the same phrase at the beginning) and may want me to start on a different, albeit nearby road.
4) Position inaccuracy kept it thinking I was moving when I wasn't. This happened a LOT, although clearly it new I wasn't moving much, and reset me.
5) It doesn't have street names like TomTom.
6) It doesn't let me pull from Contacts. Maybe when Mango is released?
The real summary here is that if I hadn't known where I was going, it would have taken me a fairly poor direction as it would lose me, think I was relatively far away, and start calling out instructions from that. I'd rather use Bing Maps (which I think the touching idea is terrible) or TomTom on my iPad. I got the Garmin because TomTom won't, for some reason, allow my traffic subscription to work on the iPad.
There are some things about the app I like:
1) Data entry for the address was nice. I preferred it over the TomTom.
2) Screen layout is nice.
3) Pictures of road changes are amazing!
I haven't experienced the first two issues you described at all, so I can neither confirm nor deny them .
Issue 3 is a minor annoyance (although I've never had it place me on the wrong street), but I hope it is addressed in an update soon.
Issue 4 I have seen a couple of times, but it did correct very quickly.
For issue 5, I have no idea what you mean. My copy always speaks the correct street name as I approach a turn. Maybe it varies by area, but I am in a much more rural area than Seattle, so I would expect that I would experience that problem before you would.
Issue 6 has nothing to do with the app, it is strictly an API issue. No GPS app on the marketplace today can pull from your contacts. But that will come with Mango.
I have not tried this app yet but i have tried and am currently using Navigon Select 3.0 form this thread and i must say that for the 1 day of testing it, it is working great. BTW, i am a bit biased when it comes to Navigon, i have been using it for a long time now on my old Iphone 3G.
Garmin broken?
I recently started having a problem with the Garmin Streetpilot. Every time i run it, it says "Acquiring Satellite" but never seems to acquire the satellite. I've let it go 15 minutes while driving, and no dice.
I remember getting a Samsung software to improve my GPS reception, and assumed it had somehow broken Garmin. Today I restored my phone back to NoDo, and then got the offical Mango upgrade, this time without getting the Samsung App. Installed Garmin, and wham, exact same problem. It just can't acquire the satellite. I went ahead and grabbed the Samsung app and tried it again, but still no dice.
Does anybody have the Garmin working on their successfully? I'm wondering if they put out an update i missed that broke the app.
I've never had that problem on my Focus, although the previous version wasn't very precise in following the road. However, I briefly tried the new Mango version yesterday (which presumably includes compass support), it had no trouble at all.
I'm starting to suspect the problem is that I didn't get a Samsung firmware update, so my compass isn't working. I'm wondering if the Garmin keeps trying to ping the compass and getting stuck because it can't access it?
That's possible, but I don't think the app would report that the satellite could not be acquired if the only problem was a missing compass.
I agree it doesn't make sense, but given what i've seen in software development, it wouldn't be too surprising.
bigfire said:
I recently started having a problem with the Garmin Streetpilot. Every time i run it, it says "Acquiring Satellite" but never seems to acquire the satellite. I've let it go 15 minutes while driving, and no dice.
I remember getting a Samsung software to improve my GPS reception, and assumed it had somehow broken Garmin. Today I restored my phone back to NoDo, and then got the offical Mango upgrade, this time without getting the Samsung App. Installed Garmin, and wham, exact same problem. It just can't acquire the satellite. I went ahead and grabbed the Samsung app and tried it again, but still no dice.
Does anybody have the Garmin working on their successfully? I'm wondering if they put out an update i missed that broke the app.
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I'm having exactly the same problem on Focus (Mango) using StreetPilot 7.5.

No compass functionality to apps on Samsung Focus/Mango

I installed the release version of Mango today, and all of the apps that would take advantage of the compass report there is no compass. When I run the diagnosis tool, I can see there's a compass (not particularly accurate, but it's there). Is this expected? I thought with Mango the support for the compass API would be in.
The diagnosis tool is from Samsung, and has always had support for the compass. If other apps are reporting that no compass is present, it means you didn't get the latest Samsung firmware when you upgraded to Mango.
The easiest way to test it is the Compass 7 app. I have that on my Focus, and it works fine. The implementation of the app is non-intuitive (the needle moves around a stationary compass to indicate your current heading, rather than pointing to north).
Sadness. My phone doesn't work with Compass 7, and now I have no idea why I didn't get the firmware or what to do about it.
The first thing I would try is to restore NoDo on your phone and go through the update again. During the Mango update, the information block should note that the Samsung update is bundled with it (at the bottom of the block of text).
BTW, did you use the disconnect trick, or did you receive the update notice?
I used the disconnect trick. I can easily go back to Nodo and just wait for it to update me without the disconnect trick if you think that'll make a difference.
It is a tough call. I wouldn't want to give up Mango after seeing how much it adds to my phone, but it realistically it shouldn't be more than a week or two until you get the notice. The problem is, I just don't see how the disconnect trick could explain what happened to you.
Focus Rev 1.3
My ATT Focus was updated to Mango and I have the compass enabled, using Compass 7. As a poster mentioned, it is counter intuitive but it works. When I upgraded from 7390, I forced the update using the disconnect method and got all of the updates, including one defined as Samsung (the final one). Worked for me.
Just to report I have a Samsung Focus Ver. 1.3 that I upgraded to Mango Sept. 27. I just downloaded compass 7 and it worked just fine. I simply followed the directions to calibrate it and it found North.
Running a samsung focus 1.3 and ive hard reset 2 times and reinstalled mango and never got the samsung update. No compass for me
JamesAllen said:
My ATT Focus was updated to Mango and I have the compass enabled, using Compass 7. As a poster mentioned, it is counter intuitive but it works. When I upgraded from 7390, I forced the update using the disconnect method and got all of the updates, including one defined as Samsung (the final one). Worked for me.
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did the samsung update change your firmware version?
if so, which versions you had before the update and now?
how many fps you get on the speed reading test?
i can install compass 7 but its not pointing north, i have the compass option on the diagnosis menu, the X,Y,Z values change, but the compass doesnt.... is this normal?
RoboDad said:
The problem is, I just don't see how the disconnect trick could explain what happened to you.
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I have a vague suspicion that I unbranded my phone in the past to get NoDo. Sadly, I'm having trouble remembering exactly what I did, and forum search is currently down.
I'm fairly confident the Samsung Focus / Omnia 7 doesn't have a compass.
From my own testing, any Mango compass APIs are reporting are inaccurate.
My Focus most definitely has a compass. Even before Mango the Samsung Diagnosis app contained a test menu that had a compass selection, and it worked very accurately. And since Mango, I have tried three different Mango-specific compass apps from the marketplace, and all of them correctly pointed north.
Set HKLM/System/Platform/DeviceTargetingInfo/MobileOperator to "000-88" without quotes of course. You possibly unbranded it and set it to empty which won't work. Also try the network pull trick.
fed44 said:
Set HKLM/System/Platform/DeviceTargetingInfo/MobileOperator to "000-88" without quotes of course. You possibly unbranded it and set it to empty which won't work. Also try the network pull trick.
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I'd like to, but my device became locked after I did the registry change and upgraded.
So I popped an old rom onto the Focus to take me back to NoDo unbranded, and then did all the upgrades again. I FINALLY got the Samsung firmware upgrade that came out around NoDo, and sure enough my navigation now works. I've also noticed (though without much sampling) that my Bluetooth audio to my car no longer occasionally cuts out. I'm curious if I'll see other improvements, but I'm delighted so far.
This is an issue for my Focus. The compasses in the market don't work worth a flip. The needle barely moves and never points in the proper direction.
weird....Kitendo Lab Compass works just fine but Outdoor Navigation said it can not use the digital compass chip at this moment.
Outdoor Navigation still hasn't been updated to Mango, so it can't use the compass.
i finally got my focus working as a compass
i have a focus rev 1.3 with all of the updates
os 7.10.7720.68
firmware 2103.11.8.1
and the compass just did not work.
in the Samsung diag i did not see any numbers moving and none of the app i loaded would calibrate or work at all.
i finally did a help chat with Samsung and they did not have much helpful to say, but they had me remove the battery for a little while and the boot the phone again. and after that i could see that the compass was working, although very out of calibration. it took a while to get the movements right to calibrate it, but now it seems to be working with several compass app i have tried.
i hope this helps. i was very frustrated for a couple of weeks until i got it working about half an hour ago.

gps not working after the forced mango update

There's a problem with gps on my phone Samsung FOCUS ,Gps is not working even in the open sky, tried several app like -> gpsinfo,wingps and others like RunKeeper,RunSat etc
Phone is Dev unlocked as well as Interop Unlocked with internet sharing enabled.
The update was done using forced method.Updated from stock firmware->7008->7032->7043->7720.68.
Versions ->
Diag app-> 0103
firnware - 2103.11.8.1
hardware rev. no. -
Bootloader ver. -
radio software ver. -
Please help?
Microsoft released a statement saying they don't blame people or doing the forced update... it doesn't do anything bad to the phone so I don't think that's the issue. You might want to try rolling it back to nodo, checking your gps and then reloading mango. if still no go. Hardware issue maybe??
Issue solved,thanks anyway
So, what was the problem?
Don't know, flashed mango again.That's it.
Gps locked in under 10 sec inside the room.
Hmm. My GPS will find my location fine but getting directions is terribly slow now and turn-by-turn will always just say "can't connect to satellites." Now I'm wondering if a rollback and updating again to Mango will fix this.
I'm on official Mango on an AT&T Focus (and I didn't force the update), and I'm having problems just like the previous posters with GPS fixes and 'can't connect to satellite' errors when trying to get directions.
I found a solution by going into another application that uses GPS, getting a GPS fix in there, then going back into the maps. The program I use is "GPS & GPX Logger." After that finds the satellites, the maps work as they should.
For background info, my phone went from NoDO->Mango Beta 2 (7661)->Mango Beta 2 Refresh (7712)->Unforced official Mango including "Samsung Update"
I tried the turn-by-turn again this morning and it actually worked. This is the first time it has since updating last wk. I didn't change a thing, so I have no idea why it work suddenly.
GPS works on Samsung Focus even after Tango update
I own samsung focus 1.3 (AT&T). I purchased it in the beginning of Sep. 2012 (quite late). As soon as I got the phone, I connected it to Zune for updates. After having updated to 7.10.7720.68, I started using the phone. The GPS did not work. I then updated it to 7.10.8773.98 with the hope that updates may make GPS working. I tried all possible tricks available on XDA as well as other forums. I tried following tricks with various permutation & combination:
(i) Pulling out the battery for 30 minutes.
(ii) Changing the MOLR CP/UP setting in GPS diagnostic to UP and CP (one by one),
(iii) Rebooting the phone with location off & again rebotting with location on
(iv) Apps like GPS info & others
& few more which I do not recall now.
After having tried for about a month, I reverted back to original OS version 7.0.7004.0 just to ascertain the availability/ functionality of GPS hardware as on some of the forums I read that their GPS stopped working after No-Do updates. The GPS did not work even after trying all above tricks on 7.0.7004.0 version of OS.
Finally I accepted my GPS to be faulty or not being there and again updated to latest OS version.
One day I read on some forum that putting off the location service & then switching on makes GPS working. Wow, I tried it today, IT WORKED. On bing map it locked, initially with a bigger circle & then reducing down to a dot. In areas covered with thick trees or high-rise buildings, the circle used to become bigger but again in clear sky area it used to reduce down to dot. I am keeping my fingers crossed. Let me observe for some more days to ascertain that this trick actually works.
Those who have not been able to make their GPS working with other tricks, please try this & let us have your feedback on this forum/ thread.
GPS not reliable
In continuation to my previous post, the working of GPS is not reliable. It sometimes works very fine & some times doesn't work at all during the entire journey of 15 Km. You cannot depend on this GPS for navigational aid. It appears to be some software issue. But anyway, I am happy that my GPS is not faulty. Hoping for some fix in future which will make GPS work reliably.
A. K. Jain said:
In continuation to my previous post, the working of GPS is not reliable. It sometimes works very fine & some times doesn't work at all during the entire journey of 15 Km. You cannot depend on this GPS for navigational aid. It appears to be some software issue. But anyway, I am happy that my GPS is not faulty. Hoping for some fix in future which will make GPS work reliably.
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GPS working perfectly for me with my Nokia 800 with Nokia Drive.
Some cars have some sort of coating on the windscreen which sometimes blocks GPS, although I wouldn't expect that to be on US cars.
gilesjuk said:
GPS working perfectly for me with my Nokia 800 with Nokia Drive.
Some cars have some sort of coating on the windscreen which sometimes blocks GPS, although I wouldn't expect that to be on US cars.
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The issue is not related with car glasses as I have tried a lot in clear sky on foot. The issue seems to be specific to Samsung focus drivers.

GPS (compass) lock issues

Begin this month, after I came back from a holiday, I suddenly got problems with my GPS.
First I thought it was due to the Google Play Services upgraded to 5.0.84.
The past few days I re-installed multiple times my Xperia ZL (C6503).
When the issues began, I had the Ultimate PureXZL v2 installed. First I reinstalled it, updated all apps. Same problem. Sometimes I got a GPS lock, but after a while I lost it. I used Google Maps, Navigon and a anti radar app Avertinoo. All without luck.
I did a rollback to Xperia ZL (C6503)_10.3.1.A.2.67_Generic DE.ftf, rooted it and upgraded to 10.4.1.B.0.101. Installed Xposed framework and Gravitybox. But the next morning again, no luck to get a lock.
Yesterday I installed C6503_10.5.A.0.230_Commercial_and_Journalists.ftf, rooted , installed Xposed framework and Gravitybox. But the next morning again, no luck to get a lock. Even went in the service menu, and also no luck there with the GPS
Today a clean C6503_10.5.A.0.230_Commercial_and_Journalists.ftf, no root and kept all apps at the version coming with the rom (included Google Play Services, Google Maps). Same problem. I installed GPS Status and GPS test. And there I noticed a problem with the compass. it keeps rotating (YAW). Went in the service menu, and also there I have the compass going nuts.
Exactly like this one.
Did multiply calibrations, sometimes it works for a couple of minutes.
I don't know if it's hardware related or not. Tomorrow I try again stock 10.4.1.B.0.101 not rooted and bootloader locked. After that I'm finished with this phone, after IR blaster not learning codes, dead battery and black dots on the photos this would be the fourth problem on this phone...
Oké I think I found the cause of the problem ... FACEBOOK MESSENGER !
After a lot of trials and re-installs I discovered yesterday that the compass problem starts every-time I did use Facebook Messenger to send a message. Since by default my messages contains my location I thought it could be related. So turned of location in Facebook Messenger, restarted my Phone and since then the compass is no longer going nuts, and GPS is working fine again.
I have to specify that I'm using beta versions of Facebook Messenger. .

