[Q] ROM Type question..... - EVO 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So now that there are numerous ROM out there (Sense 2.0, Sense 3.0, Sense 3.5, ASOP, etc)....is there any viable order of these types of rom that give the phone better batter life?
For example, Does ASOP lead the way due it is "lack" of "sense-appeal".
I basically use my phone for the following functions: Corporate email, Gmail, Texting, Phone, Corporate calendar, Camera and Facebook.

All depends on what you want. ANd the beauty of rooting and nandroid backups is that you can try out a new rom for a few days, and if you dont like it, try another or nandroid to a previous rom.
As far as the different sense versions, the only thing thats really different is the newer sense roms are all ports, so they may be buggy and have things that wont work. The only way to see if it works on your phone is to try it.

+1 for sitlet's comment
But if I had to rate battery life:
AOSP > MIUI > Sense 1.0 > Sense 2.1 > Sense 3.0
Generally speaking, the less frills, the better the battery life.

Not that I'm trying to start a sense vs aosp war/debate but I personally think I get better battery life on sense 3.0 vs cm7. I think I had everything refreshing every hour on cm7 though when I had but I really can't complain with the battery life that I've been getting on certain sense 3.0 roms with chopsuey kernel.
Just backup, wipe and flash, rinse and repeat. It's the only way to find the right setup for you.
sent from my 7/23 iNfEcTeD EVO 4G

droiddawg said:
Not that I'm trying to start a sense vs aosp war/debate but I personally think I get better battery life on sense 3.0 vs cm7. I think I had everything refreshing every hour on cm7 though when I had but I really can't complain with the battery life that I've been getting on certain sense 3.0 roms with chopsuey kernel.
Just backup, wipe and flash, rinse and repeat. It's the only way to find the right setup for you.
sent from my 7/23 iNfEcTeD EVO 4G
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Thanks Droiddawg, I see that you are running the 7/23 Synergy Rom....that line of ROMs from V are SOO NICE!
Everyone can have opinions.....and its just crazy to me that even though the roms are all created by code, they can act and operate so differently on every phone. Its hard to get, nearly impossible to get a general consensus.
Thanks for the input!


Of all the roms, which do you....

feel gives the best performance and best battery life? There are so many to choose from and I hate flashing one, setting all my crap back up and flashing another. I am on Baked Snacks 1.7 now, as of 11pm lastnight. So far it's nice. Not much diff from 1.5 I was on. I like SenseUI, so I want roms with it.
I hear good things about CM6, but it sounds complicated to install.
I'm running Stock De-odexed right now but I working on my own based off the new OTA. For me, CM6 wasn't hard to install - all I had to do was flash it with ClockworkMod and it worked OotB.
Well, if you want SenseUI, I wouldn't go with CM6 since it's more of an AOSP rom. Check out Fresh 3.2, that's as Sense as it can get with really great battery life (IMHO), on a stock "unreleased" kernel. I've been running Fresh roms since the beginning and still loving it.
EVOme said:
feel gives the best performance and best battery life? There are so many to choose from and I hate flashing one, setting all my crap back up and flashing another. I am on Baked Snacks 1.7 now, as of 11pm lastnight. So far it's nice. Not much diff from 1.5 I was on. I like SenseUI, so I want roms with it.
I hear good things about CM6, but it sounds complicated to install.
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CM6 is probably the fastest, not sure about battery life. CM6 is not sense and its also not complicated to install. You just need to flash the google apps as well as the CM6 rom. You can do them both at the same time then reboot. No big deal. However CM6 has no sense and thus can be pretty diffrent and raw feeling at first. If you like sense and you want to try CM6 try out launcher pro with CM6 I hear they got some great sense like widgets, plus you can get some sense like widgets on the market. Other good options are Damage Control and Fresh both are great roms with plenty of options. Baked snacks is good though too so really its hard to say whats the best. It really does come down to prefrence.
Personaly I run CM6 and I use ADW launcher. Its fast, and battery life is great. The options in CM6 are awesome and the options with ADW launcher are awesome as well. However if you go with CM6 you are going to want to play with the settings, it will help you get to know the rom and setting it up will really allow you to apricaite it.
Also I dont use a task kill and I dont recomened using one. However, I have heard good things about juice defender and people are starting to swear by it for battery life. Personaly I get a full day plus depending on usage, so I dont use it. I just make sure to charge my phone before I wake up.
CM6 + Juice Defender + Ultimate Juice is where I keep landing. I've tried several roms, but that combo works best for me. Fast, stable, and I get 22 - 30 hours out of my battery depending on usage.
Yes, CM is lacking 4g and HDMI out, not a big deal for me. The benefits FAAAAAARRRRR outweigh those two things.
Fresh 3.2, everything works
Good info, guys. I have been considering Fresh 3.2...I have been reading that thread quite a bit.
Do you have to flash the kernel separately from the rom on 3.2??
EVOme said:
Good info, guys. I have been considering Fresh 3.2...I have been reading that thread quite a bit.
Do you have to flash the kernel separately from the rom on 3.2??
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Every rom haas it's own kernel, some come with modded custom kernels, others are just stock. As long as you make sure it's compatible with the rom you are using you can always flash a custom kernel later.
Some guy told me earlier that the first 10% of the EVO battery drains away quick, which mine does. You don't start juding battery like until 90%. Anyone else heard this?
I have tried several roms. cm6 is nice but too many issues right now ie 4g, hdmi, mms broken.
I finally found a good rom; check it out.
[ROM] VaelPak v2.0 (9/6/10) -NonSense -[HTC#7][BFS][OC][UV][FPSU] -3.28.651.1 OTA
This rom you can choose sense or aosp apps and 3 launchers which awd launcher is the only real choice. If you choose awd you might want to change the settings to scroll the apps vertical. And of course this being a htc rom it has the stock bluetooth stack.
I'm using the v2.0 with Kings BFS8 Kernel (9/6/10) -
elapshtc said:
I have tried several roms. cm6 is nice but too many issues right now ie 4g, hdmi, mms broken.
I finally found a good rom; check it out.
[ROM] VaelPak v2.0 (9/6/10) -NonSense -[HTC#7][BFS][OC][UV][FPSU] -3.28.651.1 OTA
This rom you can choose sense or aosp apps and 3 launchers which awd launcher is the only real choice. If you choose awd you might want to change the settings to scroll the apps vertical. And of course this being a htc rom it has the stock bluetooth stack.
I'm using the v2.0 with Kings BFS8 Kernel (9/6/10) -
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Vaelpak is a good balance between sense and aosp. I use Launcherpro.

[Q] Is there any sense in using Sense? =]

I mean, what will I lose if I choose to use a rom without sense?
Do I get less battery drain?
you'll lose:
Sense Launcher, Sense Widgets - this can be fully replaced by Launcher Plus Pro, or, if you don't like the look of Sense Widgets by ADW.Launcher
Sense programs, like mail, calendar, ...
FM Radio
HTC Sync - you won't be able to sync your Desire calendar with Outlook directly any longer. You'll have to buy third party software to do this via the Google cloud or you use an Exchange Server.
Because the HTC Froyo source got released now, as it seems, you'll also be able to undervolt Sense ROMs now.
However, non Sense ROMs are lighter, more customized and contain some essential features which I miss on Sense ROMs: Bluetooth HID support.
Why get rid of sense?, its amazing!!!
you will also loose htc dialer and htc contacts
I love sense because of the widgets I keep it for that.
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Agreed. I love everything about sense. It makes the phone great. If I wanted senseless I could have bought an N1.
Sense is the reason desire is the best smart phone! I would not dream having a smartphone without it...
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Sense is very nice but I see that there are many roms that don't contain it. So, I was wondering if it realy is neasecery, or what is better in a non-sense rom, and if a non-sense rom is less hungry for battery
I have two Desires - one has a Sense ROM and the other is running CyanogenMod. There are one or two small things I prefer about the CyanogenMod ROM, but a great deal more I prefer about Sense, but there are others on this forum who will tell you the opposite, and be equally correct because it is just an opinion.
One thing I will say though is that you will often hear that non-Sense ROMs are "faster" than Sense ROMs. In my experience, if there is a speed difference, you can only really tell in benchmarks - in general use I feel my Sense phone is every bit as fast as my CyanogenMod phone. The same is true on battery life - both seem to sip about the same amount of power.
I don't think there is any real alternative other than trying out a non-Sense ROM for yourself and making your own choice.
You can undervolt Sense roms of course. Also now with S-Off you can remove the Sense apps you dont need easily from the phone.
After playing with a non-Sense rom I am back to a Sense one mainly because I cold not live with the battery drain and I can now customize the Sense apps.
On Alex 1.7 and with light use I can almost go 3 days on a battery... with a non-Sense rom I could barely make 24-36h (wipe before flash and few apps installed, no sync), so it's clear in my case which rom type drains more battery.
Also this Alex 1.7 Sense rom is smooth as silk and I never get any apps or the whole phone crashing (daily occurence in aosp rom for many people?).
Aosp roms are great if you like messing around with your phone all the time, but you cant get away with the fact that Sense roms just work.
Respect to all the rom makers Sense or non.Sense.
Thanks for all the responses, you helped a lot =]
Nutsonfire said:
After playing with a non-Sense rom I am back to a Sense one mainly because I cold not live with the battery drain and I can now customize the Sense apps.
On Alex 1.7 and with light use I can almost go 3 days on a battery... with a non-Sense rom I could barely make 24-36h (wipe before flash and few apps installed, no sync), so it's clear in my case which rom type drains more battery.
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Mhh, something wasn't working properly then. With very light use I can also get 3 days battery life.
Else it's difficult to compare, because it heavily depends on how you use the phone. Playing around, surfing, ... drastically reduces battery life.
However, at the moment I use DeFroST 5.0 with HAVS kernel and the battery life looks perfect to me.
Nutsonfire said:
Also this Alex 1.7 Sense rom is smooth as silk and I never get any apps or the whole phone crashing (daily occurence in aosp rom for many people?).
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Should be fixed now. AOSP roms had a few issues, but at it seems as if they're ironed out.
Nutsonfire said:
Aosp roms are great if you like messing around with your phone all the time, but you cant get away with the fact that Sense roms just work.
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Somehow true, sometimes, but sense roms also have bugs often, and a not working revision, which gets fixed in the next release.
So if you want a stable ROM use the stock. If you want some customization, use a custom sense rom. If you don't use sense features, replaced it with other apps/widgets/tools, and need some AOSP rom features, then get an AOSP rom.
i dont have a Desire atm, but i plan on getting one soon (or possibly the DHD). I like sense, especially the new one which allows you to theme it. But something i've noticed with sense compared to stock is that HTC have removed a lot of animations. Like when opening an app or closing it. It instantly opens or closes with no animation. Stock android has a sort of zoom in zoom out animations.
From what i understand, HTC have set the options to "Some animations" in the settings by default. Could someone here go into Settings, Sound and Display, Animations, and set it to All Animations and report here if they see any changes?
htc contacts, gallery , dialer , camera and video , radio, weather ,friendstream are light years and galaxies far away from the aosp android ones...

Recommendations for rom and kernel...

I'm not trying to be lazy here, but due to being in school, two part time jobs, a family of four, etc...I was hoping to crowd source some recommendations or what to steer clear of for custom rooms and kernels for the Droid Incredible. I am rooted and have been for a while, and have attempted to do some custom cleaning up by way of root manager and titanium backup, etc., but to be honest, I don't have the time to get into the self management too much due to the life stresses I listed above.
Basically I am looking for something that is of good speed performance without sacrificing battery life and possibly improving it (I know, we don't live in a perfect world, but it's worth a shot) along with getting rid of the crapware that HTC shoves down your throat.
I am now on the stock froyo with HTC sense and of course I want good app compatibility too. I am also a sucker for eye candy, so it doesn't have to have the sense UI but I do like a bit of UI intuitiveness and pleasant to the eye.
Obviously I am on a Droid Incredible, rooted with stock froyo and sense UI, as I've already said.
Recommendations are greatly appreciated.
Well, there really isn't anything to "steer clear" of. What I would recommend is trying a few sense roms, AOSP roms, and MIUI.
If you like sense roms, I would recommend
Warm 2.2 if you like the theme (though if you like MMS there's a problem about mms and wifi)
Uber Z if you like Z roms (pastel button in bottom right, also faster)
Nothing Special if you want to stay stock
Ziggy's 1/21 kernel with BFS (note that he makes new ones quite frequently)
If you like AOSP, I would definitely only recommend CM7 (CyanogenMod 7) with the stock kernel. I haven't tried any other kernels but I've found the stock kernel gives very smooth and snappy performance but still has good battery.
If you like MIUI, I would recommend the "real" MIUI. It's updated very frequently. I can't really recommend a good kernel because I don't like MIUI much (personal preference, some hate it but some like it). Just use your favorite AOSP kernel because MIUI is just a themed AOSP rom.
Hope this helps
Thanks for the insight.
I am thinking an AOSP, as you recommend Cyanogenmod 7, because I am interested in trying some different UI flavors. As I said, I am a sucker for eye candy, so if there is something really dazzling then all the better; however, my main concern is hopefully a little battery improvement, and getting rid of all the crapware bloat that they hold you hostage with. I don't Facebook AT ALL, I very seldom look at Twitter, and I could give a rat's ass about City ID, or Footprints, or Foursquare, and whatever else there is. I don't knock any of them and I know many do use them, but my theory is, if I want it then I'll install it, otherwise I want it the hell out of sight and out of mind! LOL
While I do agree the HTC Sense UI is the better of the market options for smart phones, but I've also heard from Leo Laporte that the straight Android OS features are also nice and allow for better streamlining, and I know there are others here too. So as I said, I'm always up for a new paint job on the Ole Hot Rod, but not if it is gonna make it where I can't pass a gas station anymore.
I appreciate the recommendations, and I'm probably gonna attempt this later this afternoon or this evening, so any other suggestions in the meantime are greatly appreciated. I just don't have the time to endless hours flashing and testing, and re-flashing and testing, blah, blah, blah.
Thanks Again,
Hello, I am pretty new to ROMs however I have just started and am currently running warm z twopointtwo and so far I love it. The only problem I have had so far is not being able to set up the HTC account to see the new download options with the new sense. Other than that it is fast and smooth. I love the upgrade from sense 1.0.
I have also tried CM7. It was nice and smooth and fast, however at the time I was still in the mind set of loving the sense UI. I have also tried incredibly re-engineered. That was very nice as well but to me it wasn't a big enough change.
If some one can tell me how to get an HTC account for the warm z twopointtwo I would ukky recommend that. As far as installing ROMs I have done it through Rom manager and found it to be easy. I would recommend doing it through clockwork however as some roms didn't act right through a Rom manager install. Just make sure the Rom does not specify a different file for the different clockwork versions. In the case of warm z there is two versions to choose from depending on which CWM you are running.
Have fun
Edit: also do a Google search for incredible roms. There was a page that had a list of roms and mods and such. Something to look into.
Try warm z or inc re-engineered
Sent from my Incredible using XDA App
what do you like the most about sense? You can get most of the features from sense via Widgets if you look hard enough. I initially had trouble switching to an AOSP rom until I found the stuff to replace what i missed from sense.
I think what I like most is the extra widgets. For instance the calendar widget that is 4x1 i use on my home screen for a quick glance at what I have next on my schedule. It's not a feal breaker by anymeans. And the more I look at aosp roms the more I consider them.
Actually I don't use all the widget junk from the sense UI, like twitter and people and such. I guess what I meant was the phone dialer and multiple home pages, and in that sense (no pun intended) I could really stand to see a little better integration and design of the contacts portion.
However...aside from not being a Facebook'er, I would love to be able to utilize some fancy widgets if i were to be lucky enough to fall onto a rom and kernel that drastically improved on the existing sucky battery life.
Smooth calendar is free and gives you the same functionality. More customizable as well. I used it until I realized I never have anything on my calendar. I live through outlook at work and outside of work I dont really operate on a schedule.
Like I said, there are plenty of Widgets that will give the same function of any of the sense widgets. I've seen way, way better battery life out of cm7/incredikernel
rcklesslydriven said:
The only problem I have had so far is not being able to set up the HTC account to see the new download options with the new sense. Other than that it is fast and smooth. I love the upgrade from sense 1.0.
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You should be able to set up an HTC account in setup. That's what I did.
Sent from my Incredible using XDA App
As far as aosp, I believe Evervolv is a solid option. Not sure if its still actively being developed but I ran it for awhile not long ago and it seemed solid
Sent from my Incredible using XDA App
I've found this to be a pretty sufficient replacement for sense on AOSP:
Sense = AOSP + Lense or Rotary lockscreen + CM7 Sense Theme + ADW Sense Theme + Fancy Widget Pro + Smooth Calendar + Pure Calendar + Pure Grid Calendar + Pure Music (when it starts to work on CM7) + Phantom Music Control (until Pure Music is fixed) + Pure Messenger + Dialer One.
Quite a list. Some of the Pure widgets can be skipped if you don't use them (probably only choose one of the calendar widgets, maybe even neither if you like smooth calendar more for example). All in all this combo takes maybe half an hour to set up and costs a few dollars but all in all IMHO time and money well spent.
Stability is key
I'm big fan of constant flashing. It's hard to ever just choose one, but in the end battery life and stability is key. Eye candy is also a good thing. If you like Sense UI I would recommend Incredible Re-Engineered, it's a great little ROM, although it has some MMS issues, but that may be GVoice based and nothing more. Magnolia is also stable and I find myself constantly going back to it because of that.
As for an AOSP ROM I've never had much luck with any CM version, however UltimateDroid is nice and flashy and very customizable. It has some minor stability issues with data connections, but I've found that with most AOSP builds. I can't speak about the MIUI ROMs as I'm not a fan of the Apple interface, so I don't bother to test out the iDroid ROMs.
In the end, honestly their is no real winner because every phone is different. Your best bet is to use some prebuilt lists such as Android Candy or The Incredible List. ROMs and Kernels are ever evolving and the only one to find what works best is you. So spend an hour downloading ROMs one night and flash one a day and see what works best for you.
Well...looks like CM7 & Incredikernel are the show winners.
I'll be even more impressed when I can open &/save pics and attachments from my yahoo mail app.
In the meantime...this is pretty slick, the new UI and features are almost like getting a new phone. If I had the 4.3" screen then I would almost consider relinquishing my wife upcoming upgrade back to her. Lol
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
I installed incredibly re-engineered 2.3.2 last night and I love all the tweeks. But, I still prefer the launcher pro launcher. Would I be better off going with a AOSP rom like CM7? Was thinking if I'm going to use the vanilla style launcher anyway it might be a better fit. Went with Incredibly Re-Engineered because of stability and speed. Have never had a vanilla rom installed so not sure what I'd get into. First flash went seamlessly so feeling a bit curious to try some more things out.
kylemert said:
I installed incredibly re-engineered 2.3.2 last night and I love all the tweeks. But, I still prefer the launcher pro launcher. Would I be better off going with a AOSP rom like CM7? Was thinking if I'm going to use the vanilla style launcher anyway it might be a better fit. Went with Incredibly Re-Engineered because of stability and speed. Have never had a vanilla rom installed so not sure what I'd get into. First flash went seamlessly so feeling a bit curious to try some more things out.
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You can desensitize (there's a script somewhere) the rom so that you can use Launcher Pro with the Sense overall feel.
I too love Incredibly Re-engineered. For eye candy, AOSP ROMs have always struck me as barren. Not to mention quirky. I've yet to lay finger on a version of CM that wasn't overtly quirky... kinda like a BlackBerry OS. And the concept of going stripped AOSP then spending time and MONEY to get it where a sense ROM is seems... senseless? If you've got a Ti Backup you'd like to restore whole or in part, plus just logging in, arranging your desktops, and tweaking setting, you're already putting in a decent time investment I know I don't relish repeating trying to find a ROM I like.
Gotta remember too that there are oodles of good kernels (and some real lousy ones) out there that can make a tight sense ROM as fast or faster and as good or better on the battery as an average AOSP ROM. Good choices, even with a stock ROM, would be Lou's, Chad's, Ziggy's (if you don't mind stupid-slow wake-up speeds), and my personal favorite, the Hydra Kernels.
You could also do something like ADW EX from the market. That's what I do because most of the time I prefer sense. Then there is the times I want to theme my phone and have more settings. That's where ADW comes in. Just a thought.
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IncrediblyRe-Engineered v-2.30 leave the kernel it comes with been through many this ones fastest and everything works for me its a Sprint-Evo port for Inc love the free hotspot feature and lots of different themes etc though blacklist on the boring cm7 is great if you've got creditors after you MIUI is awesome too especially if you like the iPhone display though charging your battery becomes all to frequent
So...I'm really liking CM7 with the different and extensive UI features, and though I'm not getting the battery life I thought I was, Incredikernel is alright, I suppose...at least there isn't any performance degradation.
Something that's got me confused though...I never paid any attention before, until I started playing with all this hacking, but everything, including the Rom and apps and everything is going onto the SdCard and I'm running out of storage after I download a couple podcast, let alone that I obviously want to keep exploring new apps.
I was under the assumption that all "installs" of any kind would hit the internal storage first by default and then the SdCard was just extra storage for the most part. Especially since I'm always seeing folks wanting to move an app to the card. Nevertheless, its an 8gb card so I wouldn't have thought it would fill that fast anyway.
So am I missing something here, or is there maybe a hiccup in something I've done? I have been searching the threads for some storage issues I seen when I first started lurking around here, but now of course I can't find them to save my life, and I unfortunately don't have the time to read threads for days on end. Can anyone point me in thebright direction?
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App

ROM recommendations

I have a HTC Desire Z and I'm currently using the Vision Sense 1.82.405.1 Untouched ROM. I'm also thinking of trying out other ROMs, particularly those that are based on Gingerbread (though I admit I don't fully know what advantages Gingerbread has over Froyo).
I'm generally happy with the phone as it is now, but my main gripes are its speed - it lags noticeably sometimes - and battery life - I get about a day at most, and by that I mean from the time I wake up to the time I sleep, not 24hrs).
Are there any comparisons/writeups on what the various ROMs offer, and how they're different from one another?
I'm running Blackdroidmod 3.3.0 with stock Radio, set the governer @ Interactive min 386mhz and max 1016mhz and I'm using LauncherPro (plus) instead of the stock/ADW launcher. I love it and I reach 20 hours easily with moderate usage.
(2~ 4 calls/day, average of 10 texts, lots of whatsapp messages and activesync @ 2 accounts + 2 x pop3 accounts polling every hour, fb polling every 15 mins, weather sync every 2 hours, some gaming and listening to mp3) and it's always smooth (806mhz max is enough if you don't use multiple apps at the same time).
It's stable and everything works right away from the first time I flashed it. CM7.0 is good... but isn't very stable in my opinion and misses some applications while Blackdroidmod looks a bit like Sense.
goister said:
I'm also thinking of trying out other ROMs, particularly those that are based on Gingerbread (though I admit I don't fully know what advantages Gingerbread has over Froyo).
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Really not much, if you are a Sense fan. Google fixed a bunch of aesthetic/theming stuff, and improved the keyboard. Most of which is moot, since HTC themes mostly override the theme changes, and HTC uses their own keyboard. There may be some performance improvements or bug fixes. But in running both Froyo and GB ROMs, I didn't notice much performance difference. This might be due to the fact that most of the current Gingerbread ROMs are ports from other phones, or based on the leaked Desire Z test ROM. But I have not tried the recent G2 (no Sense) leaked test ROM, which is supposed to be pretty fast.
HTC Sense really slows down the phone, so a move to any ROM without Sense will probably improve your performance. Alternately, the lag you are noticing is probably due to the Sense launcher, which seems to be a CPU and memory hog. Try another launcher, like ADW or Launcher Pro, and you will probably find it improves performance quite a bit. You will lose the HTC widgets, but retain some of the nice HTC features, like the camera.
Getting a "waking day" (charge overnight) out of a modern smartphone is pretty normal. Of course, it completely depends on how much you use your phone. But with moderate use, I have yet to get more than a day, on various ROMs and radios. I can get 24 hours+ on very light use. What is your screen brightness set to? The screen brightness is actually one of the biggest battery drain culprits. If its on auto, turn that off, and reduce the brightness to the lowest setting you find usable/tolerable. Mine is on 35%. Just going from auto to a lower setting can improve battery life quite a bit.
If you like sense, I've found the battery life on the Trollogen Mod 0.9.1 to be SPECTACULAR. So far it's given me the best battery life out of all the ROMs I've tried. That includes Virtuous with the advanced kernel and multiple SetCPU profiles and the stock Gingerbread ROMs.
I tried running the battery down last night at a friends place for laughs and left music running on Wi-Fi with full brightness. I was constantly turning the screen on and looking at websites and so forth and by the time I got home (6 hours later) it had only just hit 67%. What's surprising is I didn't need a custom kernel or to modify it with SetCPU
Wow, 3 replies, 3 different suggestions. This is gonna be tough...
So far I've only heard of Virtuous, GingerVillian and Cyanogenmod, never heard of the others.
Oh I forgot to mention I'd like something that's stable as well, I've noticed things crash/reload quite a bit currently.
Trollogen is still a beta but its fairly stable as far as I can see. But if stability is really an issue you should stick with virtuous and install a new kernel on it.
My suggestion for a stable rom would be Virtuous with the advanced kernel. With 1.0.2 OCed to 1.3GHz and stock battery,i got about 16hrs of life with moderate use. Replaced with mugen 1800mAh and now can get 20hrs with moderate use and 30hrs with light use.
Havent used CM or TGM yet, but SenseGinger goes have some bugs in it which turned me away before. I would probably stick with a Froyo release until the official 2.3 rom gets released by HTC.
Happy flashing
Sent from my Virtuous Desire Z 1.0.2 using XDA App
Lately there have been so many new ports, it's hard to keep up...but I do! (But mostly with Sense) Flash something new very night, but I always keep coming back to virtuous 1.0.2 with advanced kernel 2.2.0.
Everything just works, always (except HTC calendar widget disappears after a reboot, for some reason). Very speedy for sense, and being able to overclock pushes it into a winning position for me versus the gingerbread sense roms.
Xboarder56's stock gingerbread worked pretty well for me while I was on it for a couple of days. Worth a try!
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
OK, thanks. Perhaps I'll try Virtuous. Are there any step by step guides to flash Virtuous ROM into my Desire Z, and what's the advanced kernel 2.2.0? Don't all Android use Linux kernel 2.6.x?
Thanks again.
Edit: OK I assume the Advanced Kernel 2.2.0 is what's found in the Virtuous kernel 2.x page here.
What if I want to install a Gingerbread kernel? I see there's a Gingerbread folder here with either glite or sense. What are these?
Both Virtuous G-lite and Fusion have OC kernels and shouldn't have to flash a new one on install. Just have to get SetCPU or CPUTuner to enable the OC, both up to 1.5GHz.
Sent from my AOSP Virtuous Desire Z using XDA App
goister said:
OK, thanks. Perhaps I'll try Virtuous. Are there any step by step guides to flash Virtuous ROM into my Desire Z, and what's the advanced kernel 2.2.0? Don't all Android use Linux kernel 2.6.x?
Thanks again.
Edit: OK I assume the Advanced Kernel 2.2.0 is what's found in the Virtuous kernel 2.x page here.
What if I want to install a Gingerbread kernel? I see there's a Gingerbread folder here with either glite or sense. What are these?
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G-Lite is a Gingerbread ROM, with no Sense. Fusion is a port of Gingerbread (from another phone), with Sense 3.0. Sense 3.0 has some cool new features, but the launcher takes up most of the phone's memory (our phone is not meant to run Sense 3.0, and we won't be getting it "officially" for this reason). Just about every time you go back to the launcher home, it needs to reload the launcher, which is annoying. There are also some graphical glitches. So I found Fusion fun to play with for a while, but I'm back on Froyo, probably until the official Sense ROM for our device is released (and a rooted version is posted here).
If you want Sense, stability and usability, the "original" Virtuous is probably what you want. Its easy to install. You can download straight in ROM Manager, and flash from there. You might not have to do a full wipe, since you are coming from a stock Froyo Sense ROM. But if you have any issues, you should probably wipe (dalvik, cache, and data) and flash again. Also, do a nandroid/clockwork backup of your current ROM, before you flash Virtuous, in case you have the need or desire to return to your current setup. ROM Manager will give you the choice to backup the current ROM when you go to flash Virtuous.
Virtuous comes overclocked to 1 GHz by default. The advanced kernel gives additional overclocking options (up to 1.51 GHz), that's all. Advanced kernel pretty much requires you to setup screen-off profiles with SetCPU (or similar app) or you will (AFAIK) almost certainly have issues with the screen waking. So you might not want to mess with it, and to stick with the default/included kernel, unless you are really interested in OC speeds over 1 GHz.
The Virtuous Gingerbread kernel allows overclocking of G-Lite and Fusion. They can't be used with the "regular" (Froyo based) Virtuous. Vice versa is also true.
But really, there isn't a whole lot that Virtuous actually gives you in addition to stock. You can flash the Godspeed kernel on the stock ROM, if you want to overclock. Virtuous also has trackpad wake, which is very cool. But again, you can do this mod on the stock ROM. So modding the stock ROM to your liking may be another option.
The insertcoin rom is another half way house option. It is Sense 2.1 based with some 3.0 bits added.
It is still a bit more memory intensive than stock, but it does have the very cool lockscreen, which is one of my main reasons for sticking with it. That and the CRT animations always keep me happy.
I have been using it as my daily driver for a while now.
Does G-Lite is a stable rom for G2 ?
Im searching for a stable, overclockable Rom based on 2.3
I read about CM7, and looks with so many issues on gps, etc..
Does G-Lite is stable and gps, bluetooth, youtube, etc works ?
Also, I need a tip, or a feature. I need to use a Rom (or chance any config) to put the Navigator voice on Brazilian Portuguese.
CM have this, but with the problems on GPS.
Any ideia ?
If you want something other then a Sense Rom. You could try meXdroid. It is stable and fast. It is a Gingerbread Rom (2.3.4) I have been using his roms for a while now. The dev and his team theme out the rom. Here is a link to meXdroid rom with screen shots. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=886184
I dont like sense.
Im searching for a stock android rom.
pyromod 2.0 with smartass...1.5ghz and great batt life
Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA App
angusbrasil said:
I dont like sense.
Im searching for a stock android rom.
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meXdroid is not a Sense Rom. It just has a theme. Look at the link in the post above. You can see a few screen shots of the Rom there. You can overclock meXdroid to 1.5 ghz also. You really don't need to though. It is fast at 800 mhz. I know Quadrant does not mean a lot but at 800 mhz my scores are 2500+ and at 1.2 ghz my scores are 3000+.
it wasnt the ghz i was impressed by it was tje batt life to go with it...but ill try to post in the right section next time..lol..sorry
pimped out g2
smokeuout said:
it wasnt the ghz i was impressed by it was tje batt life to go with it...but ill try to post in the right section next time..lol..sorry
pimped out g2
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Oh no no. My post was not to say anything about your post. I was just stating as you did that meXdroid can overclock also. You can post here all you want. This is a question in the Q&A section not in the meXdroid thread. Your all good. Have a good one.
hey alright...it was the right section...lol..no im new to posting so im still learnin the areas and such...b seriously PYROMOD 2.0
pimped out g2

What are the difference between these roms?

Nitrious 1.4.7 ROM
Classic v0.1.0
Synergy ROM
1) any pros' and cons' with each one?
2) What Kernels each one is on?
3) which one is more "minimalist" inregards to Apps
4) In order from best to least: Battery Life
What I need is a ROM with working 4g, GPS and Camera
The phone is used for work.
I drive all over place, putting 100+ miles a day, so GPS is very important for me.
All my jobs are recieved via Google email.
I rather use 4g to pick my gps loc quickly and get load my emails quickly..
At the moment, I have to wait 3-5min for the email to be recieved and/or open to read. My GPS sometimes tells me, can not find my current location and it sucks. TIME is money in my line of work. Every wasteful minutes I can cut off = more money for me.
Camera and Video Recorder is another thing mandatory in my work. Uploading and sending it to corporate. Speed speed speed (4g)
During my drive time - I use my phone as a radio..
work hours - 10-12hrs a day.. so I need a rom that will benefit me the most.
I make alot of phone calls, alot of emailing, uploading pics and videos (short under 1min). I tend to stay on 4g as much as I can before I switch to 3g or turn it off during downtimes. I would like to have 4g on all day (10-12hr) before recharging. I do have a recharger in my car though, so I would say there is atleast 1-2hrs worth of charge time during my working hours.
I was told to check these 3 roms out but can't see what the difference are.
thank you in advance.
Well. I can only speak on Nitrous as I haven't tried the others. But I will say, if you aren't concerned about having the prettiest toy, its a great one. Very smooth. Expect a stock type of rom with alot of CPU speed tweaks baked in. Very similar to the stock in terms of what it gives you visually. Some nice little graphical changes but nothing impressive.
Its very good for what you are looking for. I never had a problem with the GPS. Battery life was about on par with stock. But I would recommend rom toolbox pro and under clocking the kernel .
I actually always keep this rom on my SD in case something happens crazy with the current one. That way I can always flash back to something minimalistic and stable. Give it a shot...
...I must let you know tho CM9 has been very stable for me as well and you get 4.0.4 opposed to Nitrous 2.3.5
CM9 is so far the best rom I've flashed so far. Only downside is battery life has been iffy at best.
Give MIUI from swiper a try also. 2.3.2 was very nice. Stay away from MIUI ICS builds. They've been quite buggy for me so far.
Hope that helps. GL
With less clutter here than your other thread, I will throw a loop:
Try Cyanogenmod 7.2 everything works nearly flawless. I use gps status app, and if you need more accuracy use galandy's gps fix (search for these).
You do need to flash gapps as well, for your google services. Just download the rom and gapps from cyanogenmod.com
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
I don't agree with trying 7.2 cynogenmod, a great rom, but wouldn't be good for your situation. 7.2 is a AOSP rom which doesn't give you the capability of updating your prl, which should be a priority if your traveling and on the go. Out of the three roms, synergy is outdated and the developers have moved on. Classic 0.1.0 is a optimized base rom that is strippped down and meant for performance. If you like a stock feel, definitely a good choice. Nitrous is a 1.0 sense rom that's very fast, would be my choice of the three. If you want my opinion, I wouldn't choose any of the three. Go with a senseless 1.0 rom, which has sense stripped out. This gives you more internal memory, faster speeds, and makes for a fast phone. Here's my choices based on the public's opinion of what is the best out right now for our EVO.
1. senseless - Alter RC2 rom
2. sense - tommytomatoes finale
3. AOSP - Deck's Reloaded
I simply flash 00001.prl by tecknowfile.
Prl's are fairly universal imo
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
Simple enough then, jump on the bandwagon and get Deck's Reloaded .44, definitely fastes rom on our evo at the moment, has working 4G, and all the google apps are inverted black to give a sexy sleek feel.
With even LESS clutter, read the threads and SEE what the differences are
jwitt418 said:
Well. I can only speak on Nitrous as I haven't tried the others. But I will say, if you aren't concerned about having the prettiest toy, its a great one. Very smooth. Expect a stock type of rom with alot of CPU speed tweaks baked in. Very similar to the stock in terms of what it gives you visually. Some nice little graphical changes but nothing impressive.
Its very good for what you are looking for. I never had a problem with the GPS. Battery life was about on par with stock. But I would recommend rom toolbox pro and under clocking the kernel .
I actually always keep this rom on my SD in case something happens crazy with the current one. That way I can always flash back to something minimalistic and stable. Give it a shot...
...I must let you know tho CM9 has been very stable for me as well and you get 4.0.4 opposed to Nitrous 2.3.5
CM9 is so far the best rom I've flashed so far. Only downside is battery life has been iffy at best.
Give MIUI from swiper a try also. 2.3.2 was very nice. Stay away from MIUI ICS builds. They've been quite buggy for me so far.
Hope that helps. GL
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you lost me when you said 4.0.4 vs 2.3.5 - IDK wtf ur talking about.
isnt CM9 - AOSP?
what is MIUI? ICS?
also, what does toolbox Pro do and how do I underclock a kernel? (App? if so, name)
JollyGrnReefer said:
I don't agree with trying 7.2 cynogenmod, a great rom, but wouldn't be good for your situation. 7.2 is a AOSP rom which doesn't give you the capability of updating your prl, which should be a priority if your traveling and on the go. Out of the three roms, synergy is outdated and the developers have moved on. Classic 0.1.0 is a optimized base rom that is strippped down and meant for performance. If you like a stock feel, definitely a good choice. Nitrous is a 1.0 sense rom that's very fast, would be my choice of the three. If you want my opinion, I wouldn't choose any of the three. Go with a senseless 1.0 rom, which has sense stripped out. This gives you more internal memory, faster speeds, and makes for a fast phone. Here's my choices based on the public's opinion of what is the best out right now for our EVO.
1. senseless - Alter RC2 rom
2. sense - tommytomatoes finale
3. AOSP - Deck's Reloaded
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this helped me out alot. also I thought AOSP doesnt have a working 4g or was it Cynmod
you have me intriqued with the senseless 1.0 rom. I could care less for bloat apps and other bs. So the less, the better. With that said, senseless 1.0 = senseless - Alter RC2 rom???
HipKat said:
With even LESS clutter, read the threads and SEE what the differences are
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I've read each one of them, 2 of them doesnt tell me what kernel they are running and other the info that is stated, I have no idea what it means. It's not like I kept up with all the lingo and terms since I was here last time.
Last thing I remember was Gingerbread coming out.
Also, 1.5 yrs ago, each rom had a detail info of what they had. What apps they added, removed, etc... now not so much.
im slowly re-learning what is new in the evo 4g world.
grrgrrgrr said:
you lost me when you said 4.0.4 vs 2.3.5 - IDK wtf ur talking about.
isnt CM9 - AOSP?
what is MIUI? ICS?
also, what does toolbox Pro do and how do I underclock a kernel? (App? if so, name)
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4.04 is icecream sandwiched while 2.3.5 is gingerbread
Cm9 is based off ice cream sandwich(4.xx)
Cm7 is based off gingerbread (2.3x)
Tommy finale is based off gingerbread and so is any sense based Rom for the EVO. No ics for awhile
Miui has both an ice cream version and gingerbread version. You're going to have to search that. In order to over and underclock the CPU, you need a custom kernel. If you use tommys Rom (my current setup) I would use the underground kernel by ca1ne. ROM tool box will help with that. Or system tuner. Another good app
Here's the kernel thread : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1570308
Sent from my PC36100 using xda premium
Sorry bud for the lack of a good explanation. These guys are all correct in directing you to the rom that would suit you best. Especially the last post. I was trying to say to stay away from miui ics for the time being. It's been quite buggy and laggy even with mason kernel compared to team dirts CM9. Mini is great and easy but stuck to a gingerbread base if you like it.
grrgrrgrr said:
this helped me out alot. also I thought AOSP doesnt have a working 4g or was it Cynmod
you have me intriqued with the senseless 1.0 rom. I could care less for bloat apps and other bs. So the less, the better. With that said, senseless 1.0 = senseless - Alter RC2 rom???
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Senseless just means that Rosie is stripped out of the rom which takes up to much space and memory. Alter rom comes with Go Launcher Ex baked in as the launcher, but you can choose any launcher your comfortable with. The only reason why I recommend Alter rom is because it is the fastest/snappiest senseless rom available. Using a2sd, I was using less than 60 MB internal space. Great for gaming and battery life. Graynode is the developer and is releasing 1.0 later this week, but RC2 is worth it. Just to clarify, it is a 1.0 sense based rom, similar to what came stock on your Evo, but the Rosie and everything sense has been stripped out of it, hence the name "senseless".

