[Q] Making ADW Launcher Dockbar & Icons - EVO 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So i have been looking around for dockbars and icons for adw launcher and have not found any that i really like yet. So i figured id make my own and upload them here for others also. Only problem is i have no idea where to start with doing this. i own Photoshop so if anybody can point me in the right direction i would greatly appreciate it. Have looked all over but havent found any detailed instructions. Im guessing i need either a template for the dockbar and icons or sizes. Photoshop i am not well in but i can look up tutorials also. Thanks for your time


[Q] Help me find a framework .png

I want to find the little semi transparent oval that surrounds an app name when it's place on a homescreen and get rid of it, but I can't find the png file. I assume it's in either framework-res.apk or com.htc.resourses.apk...can anybody tell me what it's called, or if I'm looking in the wrong place? and when I find it, can I just delete it or do I need to replace it with a transparent icon?
If you're talking about the bubble it's in Rosie, but it's in xml, not a PNG.
ah.. so when I find it, do I just set the value to 0 to make it go away?
whoa, never mind. looks like android xml is beyond me. I guess I'll just live with it. thanks for the help though
What rom are you on?
I'm on kings unleashed r3. I was using virus' kingdom port for the last 2 weeks and I really liked the look of the homescreen icons. I was hoping to learn something new and fix it myself, but I gave up right around the time I saw the words hex/decompile/recomplile-or-it-won't-work...

[Request] Can Somebody Make/Help me Make a Very Blue ICS Theme?

I am looking for a relatively simple theme for stock ICS, all I want are things like the app circle, (if possible) the google bar at the top, text, and everythingelse possible in ICS Blue/black and if it isn't a pain, have the home screen horizontal scroll bar black with a blue curser like in the app menu. I have tried changing some of the .png files but don't know the location of all the files nor know how to edit .9.png files. It should be easy for anyone with half a brain, maybe time consuming though with all the files to change. If anyone can give me a detailed tutorial (haven't found a really easy-to-follow one yet) or make it for me, it would be appreciated. Thanks.
(This is technically a question, however I think it best fits this section. If this is the wrong section I'll report it to a mod.)
Bump also forgot to add I'm running the newest AOKP (26).

Discussion Of UCCW and other theming methods

So this is a thread for discussing about uccw and similar theming applications for our p350.
I think our phone needs as much effort in theming as in custom roms. While I appreciate the surreal work of bringing ics and jb on our phone, why don't we try making it look better even on gb or stock rom by theming.
Maybe somebody with good experience can create a tutorial for uccw as i think it's amazing what you can do with it.
Those using uccw POST your screens so others can see.
I see only a guide on using metamorph but uccw can alter our phones completely!
Some amazing work out there - http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2084351
Battery Status Graphic?
I've spent quite a bit of time with UCCW and it's great. The one basic feature that seems to be missing is a graphical representation of battery charging status (e.g. a lightning bolt, plug symbol, even a dot that changes color). All I seem to be able to get is the text, which is not the most elegant solution. Am I missing something?

Modding the Sense 5 Weather Clock Background?

Hello everyone,
I'm trying to modify the background of the sense 5 weather clock (the one that flips with the weather juuuust below it) not to make it transparent like everybody else is doing. I'm trying to theme it to go with a modified app drawer image and navigation bar image. The problem is I don't know which files to edit in order to do that. Could anyone here give me some advice or pointers?
Yes I have searched for a guide or tut to do it but all I find is people supplying one they made or pointing at a thread that has them already made. I would like to do this myself though.
Thanks in advance for any help
Have you heard of sense 5 toolbox? You can set transparency of many items...
Sent by Tapatalk 4 on HTC OneX...
astrokreep said:
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to modify the background of the sense 5 weather clock (the one that flips with the weather juuuust below it) not to make it transparent like everybody else is doing. I'm trying to theme it to go with a modified app drawer image and navigation bar image. The problem is I don't know which files to edit in order to do that. Could anyone here give me some advice or pointers?
Yes I have searched for a guide or tut to do it but all I find is people supplying one they made or pointing at a thread that has them already made. I would like to do this myself though.
Thanks in advance for any help
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Click to collapse
its the "commonpanel.9.png" in prism.apk ..search google on how to edit ".9.png" files
Where is that image?
daninantro said:
its the "commonpanel.9.png" in prism.apk ..search google on how to edit ".9.png" files
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Where is that image? I took a look inside of the prism apk but found nothing by that name.
But for everyone else reading, I'm not looking for transparency, I'm trying to overlay another image over, thus changing how the panel looks.
astrokreep said:
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to modify the background of the sense 5 weather clock (the one that flips with the weather juuuust below it) not to make it transparent like everybody else is doing. I'm trying to theme it to go with a modified app drawer image and navigation bar image. The problem is I don't know which files to edit in order to do that. Could anyone here give me some advice or pointers?
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Click to collapse
Are you talking about the panel where the weather condition is ?
That is common_panel.9.png in com.htc.resources.apk/res/drawable-xhdpi
Changing this will affect the widgets background too
Thats the one!!!
ckpv5 said:
Are you talking about the panel where the weather condition is ?
That is common_panel.9.png in com.htc.resources.apk/res/drawable-xhdpi
Changing this will affect the widgets background too
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Just in case I added a screenshot, I circled the panel jsu so that everyone knows what I'm talking about. I found that common_panel.9.png but it's basically just a circle?
What I want to do is make that panel look like the navbar you see in the image I attached, if it's just a circle then it might not work or be possible.
Nobody have any ideas?
Does nobody here have any ideas on how to achieve this?
astrokreep said:
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to modify the background of the sense 5 weather clock (the one that flips with the weather juuuust below it) not to make it transparent like everybody else is doing. I'm trying to theme it to go with a modified app drawer image and navigation bar image. The problem is I don't know which files to edit in order to do that. Could anyone here give me some advice or pointers?
Yes I have searched for a guide or tut to do it but all I find is people supplying one they made or pointing at a thread that has them already made. I would like to do this myself though.
Thanks in advance for any help
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Click to collapse
In both Sense 5 and Sense 5.5, the png is indeed found in the resources apk. It is the common_panel.9.png and it can be themed but only basically. The best you can do with it is make it with a border either transparent or semi. However, depending on how skilled you are with editing xml, you could put a custom PNG in the drawable folder and edit the layouts to navigate to that specific image. That way your newly themed image will be used and not the common_panel.9.png. If you look at my theming thread from Sense 5.5, you'll see what I mean.

Custom No App Drawer Launcher

Hey everybody. I'm brainstorming about a Launcher I want to develop, but I wanted it Huawei/Xiaomi styled, that means it doesn't need the App Drawer.
I've been searching high and low for it, I've been to stackoverflow and even searched Google, but couldn't find anything about coding the launcher that way. Also, how can I embed my own icon pack? I want to develop a new one for this launcher, but don't know how to implement it in my app.
If you guys could give me advice on how to do that, I would be very grateful! Thanks in advance!
PS: Another question, what do you like in a Launcher? Bright colours, simple icons, rounded or square, cool custom wallpapers?
I want to add a lot of stuff to it and still keep it very minimalistic. :highfive:

