[Feedback] Thank you button - About xda-developers.com

I' like to suggest something like an opposite to the Thanks button.
It might not need to be profile-wide but I want to be able to mark a Post at least within a thread as unhelpful.
I'd suggest that button only being visible for OPs and requiring giving a reason.
Then this Post should be collapsed or gryed or something that it is easy to see that it's nonsense.
This button is NOT meant for disregarding people but to be able to have mor control over own threads when it comes to organization.
It is meant to mark posts as unhelpful not when they are just like things somebody already tried but it is really meant to mark posts like "Android of Course" which I had in my Thread.
If I ask for a decision-help it is not enough to say Android but you should tell why this would be you choice.
So the Button should only clear the thread and give the OP an opportunity to clear it by tagging SPAM, Floods, etc.
To prevent wrong usage I'd further suggest this feature only being available for OPs which have at least lets say 15 posts to ensure they are not only trolls or so who try to blend out answers which give some information about its a troll or so.
And further I (as said) think there should be a reason to be given like a dropdown:
Stupid Comment
Other Reason (opens Text-Box)
A marked post could look like this (Modified Screenshot taken out from the Spammers Thread):


[SUGGESTION] A "I have this too." button.

Just like title mentions:
A "I have this too." button.
So what would this button do? you might ask.
It's similar to the "Thanks" button, but people will use it to tell the thread that they have the same situation as the poster in question.
It could be someone who reports a bug with a particular ROM.
Instead of creating a +1 post, people can hit the "I have this too." button to tell the community that the poster isn't alone with that particular problem/situation.
Just like the "Thanks" button, the "I have this too."-clicker will be listed under the post in question.
That would clean up some of the clutter and hopefully less +1 posts.
And it would be:
Easier for users who doesn't need to create a new post to report the same thing.
Easier for moderators, who doesn't need go throught piles of +1 posts to see if they're relevant ot not.
Easier for developers, who can see if that case affects more than one without the need to go throught the whole thread searching for particular +1 posts.

Dislike or Thumbs Down to Posts

Ok, awesome for the thanks feature. Thanks to that.
But, if we could also get a feature on the other end of that stick, that would be really great I think. A dislike, or thumbs down on posts that are just useless to the topic, then be able to set in your USERCP, any posts with -3 or more get auto minimized (clicking a + would open the post).
It seems more now a days than back in the day, there are more 'noob's on this site than ever. And they just cant seem to read. Or care to read. Or know how to read, the english language. So, they spam DEVELOPER threads, with 'does this woK?' 'eta on xxx' 'how to install this'....when, its ALL in the OP! Constantly, do I respond back with READ THE OP! Like they should be doing. + The stickies with tons of good guides in them.
So, I know the dislike/thumbs down wouldnt resolve this problem completely. But, it would help clear a huge thread (some with 1k+ posts) down so some of us that 'arent' noobs can go in and actually see comments relating to ROM, not the installation, or partition sizes (non-rom relation).
I understand, this could be abused. I really hope it wouldnt be. But, youtube uses a similar feature, like/dislike, and still use it. I am just throwing this out there, because a great thread (HERE if curious) is being BASHED with TONS of stupid questions. And damn, its very aggravating to see people not read, and im not even the dev...
Tried not making this a rant post. Just trying to see if there is 'some' solution to this 'on-going' problem (not JUST that thread, every thread has repeat questions). And maybe if people start seeing -10 on their posts or -50, they will know they are doing something wrong. Instead of me replying, wasting space I will hit the dislike instead .
Thanks for reading.
theslam08 said:
Ok, awesome for the thanks feature. Thanks to that.
But, if we could also get a feature on the other end of that stick, that would be really great I think. A dislike, or thumbs down on posts that are just useless to the topic, then be able to set in your USERCP, any posts with -3 or more get auto minimized (clicking a + would open the post).
It seems more now a days than back in the day, there are more 'noob's on this site than ever. And they just cant seem to read. Or care to read. Or know how to read, the english language. So, they spam DEVELOPER threads, with 'does this woK?' 'eta on xxx' 'how to install this'....when, its ALL in the OP! Constantly, do I respond back with READ THE OP! Like they should be doing. + The stickies with tons of good guides in them.
So, I know the dislike/thumbs down wouldnt resolve this problem completely. But, it would help clear a huge thread (some with 1k+ posts) down so some of us that 'arent' noobs can go in and actually see comments relating to ROM, not the installation, or partition sizes (non-rom relation).
I understand, this could be abused. I really hope it wouldnt be. But, youtube uses a similar feature, like/dislike, and still use it. I am just throwing this out there, because a great thread (HERE if curious) is being BASHED with TONS of stupid questions. And damn, its very aggravating to see people not read, and im not even the dev...
Tried not making this a rant post. Just trying to see if there is 'some' solution to this 'on-going' problem (not JUST that thread, every thread has repeat questions). And maybe if people start seeing -10 on their posts or -50, they will know they are doing something wrong. Instead of me replying, wasting space I will hit the dislike instead .
Thanks for reading.
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Should be in the About XDA-Developers section, and if you had read there it's already been suggested and a beta was implemented in a GNex thread. This isn't HD2 related though so I'm reporting this thread to be moved
Oh and yes, that thread is being completely messed up by noobs.
EDIT: Lol posted this before your edit
Yeah, I understand the logistics of a forum, just wierd xda posted it in the other page I had open I guess (had hd2 forum open in seperate tab). I really dont know what happened.
Ok so looking back 3 pages I found this topic: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1547887
I looked 2 pages, I guess shame on me for not looking further. But in anycase, it doesnt appear to be in the gnex threads anymore. So, just trying to get more support for them to bring it back I guess, hopefully in full scale. It would really help I think.
There was an experiment of this in the galaxy nexus forums... I believe it will now be improved based on what we found from that test

[Suggestion] Thread wiki

It is possible to add a "thread wiki" post below the original post?
Eg in slickdeals, you have a common wiki below the OP that people can add stuff
I feel like threads should have things like that...
OP might not have time to update his/her post with relevant info that an another user can add
It might be difficult trying to look through 100 pages of posts to figure out if someone has a similar problem(or through search), while it is easy for multiple people to maintain a common wiki that they can all edit
EG: http://slickdeals.net/f/4803408-Thi...ted-by-users-like-you?p=51265310#edit51265310
paperWastage said:
It is possible to add a "thread wiki" post below the original post?
Eg in slickdeals, you have a common wiki below the OP that people can add stuff
I feel like threads should have things like that...
OP might not have time to update his/her post with relevant info that an another user can add
It might be difficult trying to look through 100 pages of posts to figure out if someone has a similar problem(or through search), while it is easy for multiple people to maintain a common wiki that they can all edit
EG: http://slickdeals.net/f/4803408-Thi...ted-by-users-like-you?p=51265310#edit51265310
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Interesting idea, not sure how adaptable it would be with the VBulletin software though. It might also be similar in effect to something I hear is going to be rolled out sometime soon, a post rating system so posts with more positive ratings will move to the top, and posts with enough negative ratings will be hidden.
I think though that the OP should either ask the mods to close the thread or hand it over to another user by contacting the forum admin if they don't have time to maintain their thread with important new information.
mf2112 said:
Interesting idea, not sure how adaptable it would be with the VBulletin software though. It might also be similar in effect to something I hear is going to be rolled out sometime soon, a post rating system so posts with more positive ratings will move to the top, and posts with enough negative ratings will be hidden.
I think though that the OP should either ask the mods to close the thread or hand it over to another user by contacting the forum admin if they don't have time to maintain their thread with important new information.
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I mean small details: like "most commonly encountered problems and solutions", that the OP might have time to add or not
For a dev thread, I rather have the dev (most likely the OP) focus on developing and other people helping out in figuring out problems by common users... users can update the wiki on the un-resolved problems so that the dev can see, without having the dev to read the last 3 pages that were newly posted
you can see in the Slickdeals thread... 179 pages of posts... some of them are "useless" in saying "thanks for the deal", while some people have legitimate questions (like "is this phone quad band") that other users answered 10 pages after their post... having a wiki means common info will be presented clearly without having to dig through the thread, and anyone can update that, not just the OP <--- most important point
EDIT: Slickdeals uses vBulletin too, but customized plugins... there are probably open source plugins out there, just trying to dig through
EDIT2: i guess SD doesn't use pure vBulletin plugins for that... maybe some CMS system
paperWastage said:
I mean small details: like "most commonly encountered problems and solutions", that the OP might have time to add or not
For a dev thread, I rather have the dev (most likely the OP) focus on developing and other people helping out in figuring out problems by common users... users can update the wiki on the un-resolved problems so that the dev can see, without having the dev to read the last 3 pages that were newly posted
you can see in the Slickdeals thread... 179 pages of posts... some of them are "useless" in saying "thanks for the deal", while some people have legitimate questions (like "is this phone quad band") that other users answered 10 pages after their post... having a wiki means common info will be presented clearly without having to dig through the thread, and anyone can update that, not just the OP <--- most important point
EDIT: Slickdeals uses vBulletin too, but customized plugins... there are probably open source plugins out there, just trying to dig through
EDIT2: i guess SD doesn't use pure vBulletin plugins for that... maybe some CMS system
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I guess the problem really is that the dev thread should not be used for support, but people insist on treating them that way. I think that there should be a "ROM XXXXX Support Thread" in the device Q&A forums and that is where such questions should go instead. Then there would be no problems with the restrictions since user support questions or bug reports without proper logging, details, attempted fixes, etc. would be moved from the dev thread into the support thread if they were able to post them there.
mf2112 said:
I guess the problem really is that the dev thread should not be used for support, but people insist on treating them that way. I think that there should be a "ROM XXXXX Support Thread" in the device Q&A forums and that is where such questions should go instead. Then there would be no problems with the restrictions since user support questions or bug reports without proper logging, details, attempted fixes, etc. would be moved from the dev thread into the support thread if they were able to post them there.
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even in support threads... who would maintain the massive throve of info that many people would ask? the OP(most likely the dev himself who made the thread), or every user who wants to?
example.... if a lot of people post below us, makes it go into 5 pages... someone on page 3 found a plugin that does what it works.... does it make sense for that info to be posted just below my first post by anyone, or is it on me(the OP) to edit my first post "someone on page 3 found this info"?
This is actually an interesting idea. We are busy adding other new features but definitely will keep this in mind. Right now, we do already have a wiki and there is nothing stopping someone from creating a wiki page while adding their thread, and linking to it, but it would be nice to integrate that directly into the page.
bitpushr said:
This is actually an interesting idea. We are busy adding other new features but definitely will keep this in mind. Right now, we do already have a wiki and there is nothing stopping someone from creating a wiki page while adding their thread, and linking to it, but it would be nice to integrate that directly into the page.
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yeah, but it's definitely not as seamless as having it right below the original post
lemme see if there are any plugins to "stream" that wiki page into a post...
Came here to request this too. And precisely for the same reasons as the OP.
This would be immediately embraced.
I don't understand the "I'm not sure this would be adaptable with vBulletin" comment since slickdeals uses vBulletin.
another vote for this.
i have been following a thread about about the development of 4.4 for the hisense sero 7 pro (randomblame, davepmer and others are awesome)
anyway it has a post count of nearly 1,000 and people come in and try the latest build, or just wanting to ask a question about the latest builds. the same questions get asked over and over. i don't really think its the fault of the person asking since who is going to read 1,000 posts just to see if his/her problem has been discussed.

"You may" permits at bottom of page not true?

While trying to get past my 10 post "presumed noob" penalty (I am a professional dev IRL), I tried to reply to a thread where the box at the bottom of the page said that in that particular area I could post replies, but not new threads. As a good netizen I skimmed through the entire 100 pages+ of the thread before pressing reply, only to get an error page which (somewhat indirectly) told my I had no posting rights in that subforum.
This is quite disheartening. Not only are new devs forced to do 10 posts worth of "noob help duty", but the things telling us where we can carry out this penal work seems to be wrong, thus redoubling the penalty for signing up.
What is wrong with this picture?
Is the error page wrong, or the indicators at the bottom of the thread pages?
Either needs to be fixed.
The "Is this thread a question" box is another harassment trick. I tried to tick it to indicate this posts needs a reaction of some kind (to fix the bug or explain what I got wrong about the UI), but all I get is a message that general questions belong elsewhere.

Noticing a lot of offtopic and trash posts in 'Windows 8 Development/Hacking '

There are a lot of posts such as
[Q] Windows RT port of WinUAE
Windows8 downgrade to Win7 lost os
webcam rt
work around for 3rd party vpn for remote desktop
Disabling windows hardware button
is there any way to setup program like MediaMonkey on Windows RT ?
that have absolutely no business being in a developer forum. I got all of those off of only the first page of topics, they continue at that rate for the first few pages, at least.
There is seemingly no moderation going on in that section, unless a post is reported. Since I personally feel that reporting each and every one of those posts is too tedious for end users, and would spam up the moderators inboxes too much, I haven't been reporting them.
So, what I'd like is to see either the moderators take a more active interest in the section, or to appoint someone who is active there (My suggestions would be myself, or GoodDayToDie, though do note that I haven't contacted him about this)
I should also note that there's also a problem with users asking the same questions over and over a lot too, it's been asked to port OpenVPN, for example, at least 3 or 4 times, by users who have obviously not even attempted to use searches.
There are also a lot of threads that one of the previous moderators, chrisd1a1, made and stuck which aren't important or helpful at all, or just contain wrong info, including:
Goodbye from me Pointless
hello from your new forum mod Pointless
IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ!!! Contains some outdated info and is pretty much just a reminder to read the rules
THREAD STRUCTURE - IMPORTANT!!!! Erroneously implies that this is a phone section
As part of the team of moderators responsible for that forum, I'll take the blame for letting some things go for a bit too long.
With that said, a lot of moderating is based on the feedback and reports from those active in the forum. If you see an outstanding issue there, I would encourage you to utilize the report post button. If you need to point out a larger set of issues or have some suggestions, my PM box is always open to you.
I've taken care of all of the problems you've pointed out in your post and I'll be looking at some more maintenance items in the next couple of days.
Thanks for your post.
Thanks. Just for clarification, you don't mind if I report every one of those threads/posts?
Edit: I went through the development subforum, here's what I came up with. A lot of these are old enough that they've been pushed way back and aren't in the way anymore, but I posted them all for completeness sake.
Asking questions that should be in general/googled first
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2093525 (Did have a bit of indepth stuff, though)
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1927909 (A development related question)
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1953831 (Totally offtopic, also starts with "This isn't relevant to hacking...")
Asking for app ports (we have a thread for that)
Just plain stupid threads
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2011767 (This one was locked, and I believe the OP was warned)
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1879394 (Was about a crack, previous moderators removed the links, locked it)
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1818902 (Was about a crack, previous moderators removed the links, locked it)
Threads relating to piracy that still had contents intact
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1888003 (Pirating Windows 8, asking for cracks to be PM'd to him)
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1881678 (Asking how to activate Server 2012)
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1843586 (A mod locked this because it was relating to piracy then left the contents intact)
netham45 said:
Thanks. Just for clarification, you don't mind if I report every one of those threads/posts?
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That's fine if you want to report problems in that forum. I or one of the other moderators will take a look at it as they come up.
As for the list you gave me, I'll have a look later on this evening and work through them. If you have any more concerns, I think PMs would be better than posting here. This forum is more for general, site-wide issues. If there's a forum issue, it's usually better to contact one of the moderators directly.

