Hello, is there anyway I can get the original android contacts application on my Incredible? The HTC "people" contacts program is a monstrosity; It bothered me so much that I deactivated the phone until I can get this problem resolved.
I've done a forum search on here and google but I can't find a specific contact.apk app that I can just upload over my HTC one, can someone point me in the right direction?
If you want to stay stock you can download something like Go Contacts or Youlu Address Book from the market and use that instead. Or if you truly want to go stock android you can always load an aosp rom like Cyanogenmod.
Hi All,
Old Winmo User here, glad to be back on XDA-Dev after a stint with a Moto Milestone.
I picked up a Desire yesterday. I love most of the HTC tweaks. I like the black theme and glossy skins more than stock android.
However, I can't seem to sync a Facebook account, only 'Facebook for HTC Sense'.
One of my favourite things on the Milestone was being able to click on someone's photo in any app and have the option to contact them via facebook, twitter , gmail, gtalk etc. This has gone on the Desire. I also liked being able to jump to a contact card straight from the Facebook and Twitter app, but this option has gone now too. The integration, which is the shining point of Android is missing on the Desire.
I think the problem is possibly because the default contacts.apk is missing, and the godawful HTC one is there instead, so Facebook and Twitter don't know what to sync with. Is this right?
I have found the contacts.apk from this thread however I can't install it. Is this because I don't have root access?
If I root my Desire, and install this APK, will my Facebook and Twitter integration return?
Cheers in advance
You should be able to send it with htc sync to your phone. (once connected a third option will appear in the programme)
Just make sure that in settings->applications that unknown sources is checked.
Flaggie said:
You should be able to send it with htc sync to your phone. (once connected a third option will appear in the programme)
Just make sure that in settings->applications that unknown sources is checked.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
This thread indicates otherwise.
Is there something that HTC Sync does that just running an .apk does not? I've installed several other .apk files without problem.
You should only be able to sync with 'Facebook for HTC Sense' from the sync menu. If you open the facebook app then it will also sync with 'Facebook'. I think so anyway.
This is how I understood it too.
I 'had' a stock Desire yesterday morning and Facebook HTC Sense etc was working swimmingly there, got all updates and contact pics on the 2.1 release (out of box night before), since i rooted and dropped on a different ROM i lost all of that but my memory recalls;
Stock 2.1>Root>setup and the pictures were there fine
then Cooked ROM>setup = Fail
My suggestion is try for a root on stock and if it works all ok your golden! i think my issue is the ROMs i use dont support Facebook Sync,,, yet
The fact is that the only thing I like from the htc sense is the way it links my google contacts with the facebook contacts, almost automatically.
is there a way to have that on a rom without sense?
In short, no. There are some apps that try to do this however none of them work anywhere nearly as well. If the contact has the exact same name as they do on facebook it will happen in stock by itself, however it is not as good.
Damn, just as i thought.
Thanks anyway!
i'm looking for a software that can MERGE the contacts from GOOGLE,FACEBOOK and the phone itself in a single contact (preferably a .vcf file), instead of LINKING them with others.
due to this, now my DHD has 750 contacts instead of 380 initially.
can anybody refer me any app for this??
Sorry, i have no answer for this, but a small question that I thought it would fit in here, so theres no need for a new thread.
Is it possible to link your own contactcard to an existing contact/synch your own contactcard with google contacts?
I already had myself in my OS X Adresbook and Google contacts, as a result i had myself in double on my phone, so I copied all data to the personal contact card and deleted the old one, but it seems like this one does not get synchronised??
Any ideas to do this without yourself twice in contact list?
Hi all
I have a HTC Desire HD and have just rooted it. I've got the MIUI AU version and I love the interface. Only problem is, it doesn't seem to like my contacts very much. For example, even though I have someone saved in my contacts, when they text me, the text just shows their number and I have to save them again. Why would it not recognise the saved contact in the first place? I have limited understanding of all this root stuff and the main reason I had my phone rooted was because my previous interface wasn't that great and the phone was laggy and buggy. I also has millions of apps on the phone that I couldnt uninstall. (android 4.0.3)
Basically, can anyone give me any advice to sort my contacts out and have my phone running as awesomely as possible with this new rom?
P.s. any hints on good roms with the same UI would be great.
could be its a bit slow to link your contacts... tryed to sync every thing
could also be the rom you use..
i normally have a backup of my contacts on my sd card i import every time i try a new rom and i dont have the problem..
i like Bliss based Rom ... waiting for icecream when its out of beta face
i recommend you storing your contacts in your google account. if you save a contact a window will pop up which asks you were to store the contact. choose you're google account. if you're changing roms this is really helpful. you only have set up your google account and the phone will automatically sync them.
try this rom.
or if you like some ice cream flavour choose this one. but be aware of the fact is still in beta state. so some bugs will show
Phone: Stock Rogers 4.0.4 with Root.
I hate the Rogers modification to the browser. I'd like to replace it with a stock AOSP browser with Google Sync for my bookmarks. I'd even settle for changing the damn start page in the Rogers version of the browser, but you can't even do that easily.
And Exchange email client, WTH, no HTML? Just came back to stock from JB, and I forgot about this little tidbit. Any way to replace the stock Exchange with one that does HTML, and keeps the ability to use S Calendar?
Well, I feel silly. LoL Figured out how to change the homepage, certainly isn't intuitive....
I'd still like to change the email client though.
And with THIS thread, you can replace the browser, SMS client and Exchange Email (and other TW apps) with the decent AOSP packages.
I couldn't find said thread with the forum search tool, had to use Google to search the forum and it picked it right out. I hope this helps someone else.
Greetings all!
Just purchased the tab pro 10.1. It's incredible. My only gripe, which is not a huge issue but enough to drive me crazy that I haven't yet discovered an easy "fix" for it, is that the stock email app--which I really like given that it mirrors the email app on my SG5--is at version 4.1. On my SG5, the email version is I'm puzzled as to why the tab pro, after all updates are done, hasn't updated to this newest version. Primarily, I want to be able to a) use the stock email app; b) swipe away emails rather than check a box to delete them.
My device is not rooted nor do I plan on rooting. I've done some digging around online but haven't found an easy way to remedy this. I assume I could just install the SG5 stock email app? But I haven't found the apk online, without the need to edit a bunch of other stuff that is beyond my expertise.
Would there be an easy fix for this? Perhaps just an apk of the SG5 email app I can install over top of this (no flashing, etc)?
Many thanks in advance!