Hey I need some help. I have been trying to reformat my phone with the original stock ROM but I cannot get the RUU to work. Every time that I try to use the RUU executable file to reinstall the original ROM it can't detect my phone. I really need help with this my phone is incapacitated right now. If someone could help me find a rom that I could use here that would be fantastic. Thanks
what happened that your phone is not working? are you rooted, s-off? what rom where u on b4?
Sent from my ADR6300 using XDA App
It is S-Off and I am not sure if it is still rooted. I have been switching back and forth from the cyanogen mod and the stock rom, and I tried doing a system restore on the stock rom and it didn't really change anything but I don't think it can do root things anymore. It has been asking me to do a system update but every time I try to install it it fails.
SerenadeX said:
It is S-Off and I am not sure if it is still rooted. I have been switching back and forth from the cyanogen mod and the stock rom, and I tried doing a system restore on the stock rom and it didn't really change anything but I don't think it can do root things anymore. It has been asking me to do a system update but every time I try to install it it fails.
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Your failed update is probably due to your still having a modified recovery.
Something that could work for you:
>run the .exe for the RUU, then minimize it.
>start/run/type "%temp%" in the dialog box.
>search the output for
>move the to your sdcard and run it from hboot.
this should go through the rom installation and restore your rom. it's worked a couple times for me when I messed up recoveries.
Good luck!
BTW do you have HTC sync installed on your computer? not having that might be missing the driver for your phone.....just a thought
I tried extracting out of the temp directory but the file was corrupted. Maybe the RUU doesn't work at all? I don't know. If you can get me a that isn't corrupted that would be fantastic. Thanks!
SerenadeX said:
I tried extracting out of the temp directory but the file was corrupted. Maybe the RUU doesn't work at all? I don't know. If you can get me a that isn't corrupted that would be fantastic. Thanks!
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Make sure SD card is formatted to fat32. Rename it so it is on Windows and have fileextensions turned off rename it PB31IMG. The .zip will already be added.)
Put on root of SD card meaning not in any folders and boot into hboot. The phone will ask you to update, select yes and wait for it to ask you if you want to reboot.
Alright Now i have one last question. That worked wonderfully first thanks for the info. Now i need to reverse unrEVOked forever 's radio fix. Right now its S-OFF and I want to restore it to its original state when I bought it. How do I reverse unrEVOked forever?
SerenadeX said:
Alright Now i have one last question. That worked wonderfully first thanks for the info. Now i need to reverse unrEVOked forever 's radio fix. Right now its S-OFF and I want to restore it to its original state when I bought it. How do I reverse unrEVOked forever?
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Under the FAQ there's a link to the S-ON tool.
Sent from my Droid Incredible running Myn's Warm Two Point Two RLS4.
SerenadeX said:
Alright Now i have one last question. That worked wonderfully first thanks for the info. Now i need to reverse unrEVOked forever 's radio fix. Right now its S-OFF and I want to restore it to its original state when I bought it. How do I reverse unrEVOked forever?
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To get s-on you need to have CW recovery. Wish you would have mentioned this before. You need to flash clockwork recovery again then apply the s-on. Then re run the previous PB31IMG.
Wow this is so freaking nuts. Ok so I tried running the S-ON .zip file that they provide using CW Recovery. Problem is now unrEVOked forever doesn't support my radio, radio- I will try to contact them unless you all have another idea. Thanks for your help so far!
If your still s-off you can flash a supported radio through Hboot much like the get back to stock PB31IMG you just ran. But if you ran the one I provided earlier you should be on a .92 hboot and a radio, which is supported for s-on.
Here, download one of the ones that S-ON if compatible with and put it on the root of your sd card, and boot into hboot. Be sure its called, or else it won't work.
A quick guide for flashing radios:
Sent from my Droid Incredible running Myn's Warm Two Point Two RLS4.
Ok so I tried updating to a radio compatible with the unrEVOked S-ON update. When I try to run the file the recovery screen blacks out and then goes back to the main menu. It doesn't give me any output as to why that happened or if it even did anything.
You should flash RUUs from within HBOOT, not Recovery. An RUU includes everything from radio, to ROM, to recovery.
You can still do this with S-ON, since it is signed.
I'm not on the RUU I know how to install that. I need to use the S-ON .zip file that i got from
SerenadeX said:
Ok so I tried updating to a radio compatible with the unrEVOked S-ON update. When I try to run the file the recovery screen blacks out and then goes back to the main menu. It doesn't give me any output as to why that happened or if it even did anything.
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You don't flash radios in recovery you flash radios in HBOOT. Make sure you rename the file to the proper filename then it should automatically detect it and install it.
Again like I said before, if you simply install the RUU from within HBOOT that would revert everything back to stock including the radio. Then you could run S-ON from within the stock recovery. But if you want to do it the other way so that you run the S-ON patch from within ClockWork that's fine too.
Haha well i have not explained things properly so let me explain where I am at right now very clearly.
Right now I have HBOOT updated using an RUU with a radio that unrEVOked forever works with. I have rooted and installed Clockwork Recovery. Now, I go to install the S-ON using Clockwork and then the screen blacks out and it returns to the Clockwork main menu without giving me any output.
Hopefully that clears things up
Ok sorry I thought you had trouble flashing the radio.
Yes I do believe the S-ON patch is installed within recovery, I just did it a few days ago and it worked fine. I was using the 7.28 radio. I believe I just did a normal .zip install in clockwork.
This sounds stupid, but make sure you're not pushing the power button. In ClockWork you have to push the optical pad to make selections, it's unlike HBOOT. I can't think of anything else.
Ive looked a numerous threads adressing this issue and have not found a solution...
I need to upgrade to .92 but it's not working. It says it cannot find the image and a couple things flash on the screen too fast to read and nothing happens
I have tried everything:
1. reformatted the SD Card multiple times
2. renamed the file to PB31IMG (.zip and not .zip)
3. and every other suggestion
Please help
Redownload it from doug piston's website here rename it to, put it on the root of your fat32 formatted sdcard, and flash through hboot
Sent from my HTC Incredible
Done....still nothing. It see's the file-almost like it wants to work- but then, nothing...
Why is this so hard? I've done everything else one could do to a phone and everything has worked perfectly. This, NO.
Any other suggestions?
Ive heard that the newest version of Unrevoked3 will give you HBoot .92. If i'm already rooted can I re-root via Unrevoked??
I don't think it'll give you that, are you S-ON or S-OFF? It'll say at the top when you're in HBOOT.
RMarkwald said:
I don't think it'll give you that, are you S-ON or S-OFF? It'll say at the top when you're in HBOOT.
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im S-ON. How do i go about changing that
Here. Under Installation Instructions section. If you're rooted already, there's a zip file to download and place on the root of the SD card. The directions will explain how to do it.
RMarkwald said:
Here. Under Installation Instructions section. If you're rooted already, there's a zip file to download and place on the root of the SD card. The directions will explain how to do it.
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Finally! Thanks, that worked.
And for everyone else who is having trouble uprgadring to HBoot .92:
Make sure you haves-off! Maybe this seemed to bonehead for people to suggest but it surely was my problem. Just flash the Unrevoked zip posted above....THEN go through the typical Hboot steps everyone suggests.
Very nice dude! Enjoy!
i recently flashed my rom to ICS currently using this rom:
had this rom about a month but no matter what i do i cannot get the radio firmware to flash i have tried relocking my device that did not help, have mostly tried using Hboot it comes back and says is not the correct file, also CWM wont let me flash it
can someone tell me or point me to the info?
thanks in advance
camdizawg said:
i recently flashed my rom to ICS currently using this rom:
had this rom about a month but no matter what i do i cannot get the radio firmware to flash i have tried relocking my device that did not help, have mostly tried using Hboot it comes back and says is not the correct file, also CWM wont let me flash it
can someone tell me or point me to the info?
thanks in advance
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Then the short answer is stop trying to flash it until you go s-off. As far as I understand one limitation of dev unlock is that you can't flash things like radios.
gtdtm said:
Then the short answer is stop trying to flash it until you go s-off. As far as I understand one limitation of dev unlock is that you can't flash things like radios.
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^^^What he said, and you have the file named incorrectly (should be If you want to flash the firmware, obtain S-OFF first. After obtaining S-OFF, you must place the renamed file onto the sd-card. Make sure fastboot is unchecked under your phone settings. Boot into the bootloader and let it do its thing, then reboot.
brymaster5000 said:
^^^What he said, and you have the file named incorrectly (should be If you want to flash the firmware, obtain S-OFF first. After obtaining S-OFF, you must place the renamed file onto the sd-card. Make sure fastboot is unchecked under your phone settings. Boot into the bootloader and let it do its thing, then reboot.
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Small correction to your post...Should be (yours has a 1 in it).
I am still running the .92 bootloader. I am running cm10.1. Is there any benefits to upgrading?
Sent from my ADR6300 using xda app-developers ap
zombolt said:
I am still running the .92 bootloader. I am running cm10.1. Is there any benefits to upgrading?
Sent from my ADR6300 using xda app-developers ap
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Only benefit is that you can unlock it, and are then able to fastbot flash recoveries and boot images.
cmlusco said:
Only benefit is that you can unlock it, and are then able to fastbot flash recoveries and boot images.
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I'm so thankful that cmlusco had these simple words listed here. I was trying without success to flash a recovery via hboot.92 to no avail. I am s-off and rooted running tinys cm10.1. The problem started when i wanted to use twrp as a recovery. I tried installing that in android itself with goomanager. It said it was successful so tried to reboot into recovery. no dice. it now doesn't even have cwm recovery which was what i was trying to replace. it just goes back into hboot. so i thought, "ok, i'll just adb it" again either with shell in android or via fastboot in hboot it says remote failed. this one line he just wrote tells me that despite everything i have, i cannot install via hboot. The only thing that works is having a pb31img file to install it. the problem is, most recoveries come in .img. so I thought i could just repackage it as a zip and use the txt from another twrp i had previously gotten to work by way of a pb31img and create my own new pb31img with the newest version (the old one i had was already made by someone else and installs flawlessly). basically now i'm curious if i should just ask how to make the newest twrp into a proper pb31img file to flash (since i know this works) or is there an easy way to upgrade hboot.092 to 1.07? Any help on either of these or both subjects would be greatly appreciated. Just for the record cmlusco, am i right in thinking the reason i can't fastboot flash my recovery is because my loader is locked somehow despite being rooted and s-off? will upgrading to hboot 1.07 enable all of what i want to do? Also, what's the best way to go about doing this? I have everything i need backed up so no worries there. Thanks in advance to any and all help!
thejase said:
I'm so thankful that cmlusco had these simple words listed here. I was trying without success to flash a recovery via hboot.92 to no avail. I am s-off and rooted running tinys cm10.1. The problem started when i wanted to use twrp as a recovery. I tried installing that in android itself with goomanager. It said it was successful so tried to reboot into recovery. no dice. it now doesn't even have cwm recovery which was what i was trying to replace. it just goes back into hboot. so i thought, "ok, i'll just adb it" again either with shell in android or via fastboot in hboot it says remote failed. this one line he just wrote tells me that despite everything i have, i cannot install via hboot. The only thing that works is having a pb31img file to install it. the problem is, most recoveries come in .img. so I thought i could just repackage it as a zip and use the txt from another twrp i had previously gotten to work by way of a pb31img and create my own new pb31img with the newest version (the old one i had was already made by someone else and installs flawlessly). basically now i'm curious if i should just ask how to make the newest twrp into a proper pb31img file to flash (since i know this works) or is there an easy way to upgrade hboot.092 to 1.07? Any help on either of these or both subjects would be greatly appreciated. Just for the record cmlusco, am i right in thinking the reason i can't fastboot flash my recovery is because my loader is locked somehow despite being rooted and s-off? will upgrading to hboot 1.07 enable all of what i want to do? Also, what's the best way to go about doing this? I have everything i need backed up so no worries there. Thanks in advance to any and all help!
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You don't even need to go through all that trouble. Just use the here: - 3.61 MB
It's also in the TWRP thread on one of the last few pages, TWRP
thejase said:
I'm so thankful that cmlusco had these simple words listed here. I was trying without success to flash a recovery via hboot.92 to no avail. I am s-off and rooted running tinys cm10.1. The problem started when i wanted to use twrp as a recovery. I tried installing that in android itself with goomanager. It said it was successful so tried to reboot into recovery. no dice. it now doesn't even have cwm recovery which was what i was trying to replace. it just goes back into hboot. so i thought, "ok, i'll just adb it" again either with shell in android or via fastboot in hboot it says remote failed. this one line he just wrote tells me that despite everything i have, i cannot install via hboot. The only thing that works is having a pb31img file to install it. the problem is, most recoveries come in .img. so I thought i could just repackage it as a zip and use the txt from another twrp i had previously gotten to work by way of a pb31img and create my own new pb31img with the newest version (the old one i had was already made by someone else and installs flawlessly). basically now i'm curious if i should just ask how to make the newest twrp into a proper pb31img file to flash (since i know this works) or is there an easy way to upgrade hboot.092 to 1.07? Any help on either of these or both subjects would be greatly appreciated. Just for the record cmlusco, am i right in thinking the reason i can't fastboot flash my recovery is because my loader is locked somehow despite being rooted and s-off? will upgrading to hboot 1.07 enable all of what i want to do? Also, what's the best way to go about doing this? I have everything i need backed up so no worries there. Thanks in advance to any and all help!
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Correct you can not fastboot flash unless your bootloader is unlocked. Since your s-off you can update the bootloader by flashing this file, thru hboot. Once updated, you can unlock it and then flash img files with fastboot.
However, here is the TWRP, if you dont want to update the bootloader. You may need to flash it two or three times to get it to take.
---------- Post added at 01:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:37 PM ----------
tiny4579 said:
You don't even need to go through all that trouble. Just use the here: - 3.61 MB
It's also in the TWRP thread on one of the last few pages, TWRP
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Beat me to it lol, i took to long to type.
cmlusco said:
Correct you can not fastboot flash unless your bootloader is unlocked. Since your s-off you can update the bootloader by flashing this file, thru hboot. Once updated, you can unlock it and then flash img files with fastboot.
However, here is the TWRP, if you dont want to update the bootloader. You may need to flash it two or three times to get it to take.
---------- Post added at 01:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:37 PM ----------
Beat me to it lol, i took to long to type.
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Thanks to you and tiny for such a quick and simple response. pb31img used and updated perfectly! Just curious, cmlusco, in your signature i noticed you on hboot 1.07 but it's locked. Any particular reason for having it locked? I have yet to update mine but i did download and organize the pb31 hboot img you gave me for possible future use ( if i feel the need). Other than the aformentioned advantage of flashing hboot via fasboot and adb, is there any other advantage of hboot 1.07? Thanks again guys, you make my life easier.
thejase said:
Thanks to you and tiny for such a quick and simple response. pb31img used and updated perfectly! Just curious, cmlusco, in your signature i noticed you on hboot 1.07 but it's locked. Any particular reason for having it locked? I have yet to update mine but i did download and organize the pb31 hboot img you gave me for possible future use ( if i feel the need). Other than the aformentioned advantage of flashing hboot via fasboot and adb, is there any other advantage of hboot 1.07? Thanks again guys, you make my life easier.
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Not really, S-OFF should get you what you need. You only miss the ability to flash via fastboot without an unlocked HBOOT. works fine with S-OFF.
thejase said:
Thanks to you and tiny for such a quick and simple response. pb31img used and updated perfectly! Just curious, cmlusco, in your signature i noticed you on hboot 1.07 but it's locked. Any particular reason for having it locked? I have yet to update mine but i did download and organize the pb31 hboot img you gave me for possible future use ( if i feel the need). Other than the aformentioned advantage of flashing hboot via fasboot and adb, is there any other advantage of hboot 1.07? Thanks again guys, you make my life easier.
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I have never had the need to unlock it yet, but like having the ability if needed.
So I've been trying to get the newest system update for my rooted phone. I flashed the from the backup I made before I rooted my phone. That started doing a flash loop so I thought I would try flashing the stock recovery I found on this thread: Now my phone is on this "Android system recovery" screen and I don't know what to do! Please help!
Are you on your original firmware? S-on or S-off? What carrier?
iElvis said:
Are you on your original firmware? S-on or S-off? What carrier?
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Sorry, should have mentioned that. My carrier is Sprint and my phone is S-On. And I'm pretty sure I'm on the original firmware, I just rooted the phone.
Okay, first of all, you flashed stock recovery for GSM phones. I have no idea if that will work correctly on Sprint.
Hold down power and vol up buttons until you get to the bootloader screen. You may need to use the volume buttons to select "reboot to bootloader".
Are you saying you restored a stock backup in twrp? Or flashed that file some other way?
Your best and safest bet here is probably to run the latest Sprint RUU. It will wipe your phone, but everything will be clean and updated.
iElvis said:
Okay, first of all, you flashed stock recovery for GSM phones. I have no idea if that will work correctly on Sprint.
Hold down power and vol up buttons until you get to the bootloader screen. You may need to use the volume buttons to select "reboot to bootloader".
Are you saying you restored a stock backup in twrp? Or flashed that file some other way?
Your best and safest bet here is probably to run the latest Sprint RUU. It will wipe your phone, but everything will be clean and updated.
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I flashed the backup using the fastboot commands via my computer
If I have a twrp back from earlier today, will I be able to get back most of my stuff after flashing the ruu?
sirhackawain1 said:
I flashed the backup using the fastboot commands via my computer
If I have a twrp back from earlier today, will I be able to get back most of my stuff after flashing the ruu?
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Assuming it's on your external sdcard, it will be safe. You could restore that, but you'd be rolling the system files back to 1.32 on top of 2.x firmware, which would be unstable. You'd need to then immediately update your rom. But your data should be okay.
My recommendation would be to head over to the M9 Sprint forum before doing anything more, though. This is for GSM phones and the guys there would know for sure what would be best.
iElvis said:
Assuming it's on your external sdcard, it will be safe. You could restore that, but you'd be rolling the system files back to 1.32 on top of 2.x firmware, which would be unstable. You'd need to then immediately update your rom. But your data should be okay.
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Yes, it is on an external card. If by chance the system wasn't backed up (just everything else on the phone) would that work out ok?
Also, while I'm waiting for RUU from here ( to download, I just want to make sure I have the instructions right. If I rename the zip file to, put that on the sd card, go into download mode, it should just read it like the thread says right?
Edit: Sorry, I didn't see the last bit of your post. I will go ahead and put up a post on the GSM forum. That's the same place I got that first stock recovery from right?
sirhackawain1 said:
Yes, it is on an external card. If by chance the system wasn't backed up (just everything else on the phone) would that work out ok?
Also, while I'm waiting for RUU from here ( to download, I just want to make sure I have the instructions right. If I rename the zip file to, put that on the sd card, go into download mode, it should just read it like the thread says right?
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You might be better off heading over to that thread for help. There are some things in the OP that concern me, namely the "brick risk" referred to. I am not sure what they mean by using only a current version. On the GSM M9, you can upgrade that way; that warning seems to suggest you can't upgrade a Sprint phone using the sdcard method.
Edit: No, that's a GSM recovery. Go to the Sprint firmware thread you linked.
iElvis said:
You might be better off heading over to that thread for help. There are some things in the OP that concern me, namely the "brick risk" referred to. I am not sure what they mean by using only a current version. On the GSM M9, you can upgrade that way; that warning seems to suggest you can't upgrade a Sprint phone using the sdcard method.
Edit: No, that's a GSM recovery. Go to the Sprint firmware thread you linked.
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Alright, I've put a thread in the Sprint Troubleshooting since I can't seem to put posts in the Android Development:
If that's the right place to go then I hope to get some answers there.
sirhackawain1 said:
Alright, I've put a thread in the Sprint Troubleshooting since I can't seem to put posts in the Android Development:
If that's the right place to go then I hope to get some answers there.
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Good luck!