Windows Phone 7 storage not recognized - Windows Phone 7 General

I am posting this hoping it helps someone with the same problem.
I had my HTC Surround resetting itself several times a day, finding it without all the configuration (people, email, carrier hubs on the home screen, etc.) and reporting the storage as 15.73 MB instead of the 16 GB. In the last part of the problem, my phone did not recognized the storage at all, no matter what I did.
Windows Phone 7 uses the internal SD (yes, our Surrounds and most, if not all, of the HTC 7 devices have Internal SDs but covered under the phone case as part of the Windows file system, it does not differentiate between on chip storage and SD storate, WP7 treat the storage as a big one, storing all kind of OS configuration ( on it (SD card). Hence when the SD problem presents, the phone resets because the OS can not continue to run due to data missed, and also this is why all the configuration (email, hotmail, also the carrier personalizations, etc.) is lost, because is stored on the SD that is not recognized by that time.
An excerpt from the link above:
The phone’s operating system integrates the SD card with the phone:
•When you start your phone for the first time.
•When your phone is reset to its original factory settings. This is called a factory reset. This is a task that is typically only performed by OEMs or MOs.
When the operating system integrates the SD card with your phone:
1.It reformats the SD card.
2.It creates a single file system that spans the internal storage and the SD card.
3.It locks the card to the phone with an automatically generated key.
So we conclude that the problem is caused by the internal SD not correctly integrated with WP7. In my case a factory reset did not help, no matter what I did the phone did not recognized the card, reporting storage as 15.73 MB. The solution involved opening the phone (I did not care to void warranty, anyway I am far from the States where I bought the phone and can not get a new one. But for you, your best bet is to get a new one, and make a factory reset as soon as you use it FOR THE FIRST TIME, and let the phone finish to do its thing). I had to open the phone, get the SD out of the phone, turn the phone on, do a factory reset, turn off the phone, insert the SD card in the phone, turn on the phone and finally do a factory reset. This procedure had WP7 reintegrating properly the SD. My phone now is rock solid, it has not reseted even once.

Thanks for sharing this. I had this very exact same issue with my developer device, a Samsung Taylor. I even made a thread in the App Hub Forum and concluded that the SD was corrupted. Unfortunately for me, the SD could not be removed as it was super-glued in place.
Another member on that forum also experienced this, so it seems like this can be potentially become a very bad problem.


[Q] Micro SD not detected

This morning, my phone was normal. Using apps, making calls, no problems.
Then I noticed my ring tones and my notification tones wouldn't play. Since they are stored on the Micro SD card, I thought a reboot might solve the problem. After rebooting, I get the message "SD Card Damaged". So I took it out from my phone, plugged it into the computer through a USB MicroSD reader. It detects it, and from there I can see all the files stored on there.
I decided to run a Windows (7) error check test, as that usually fixes any sort of SD problem I've had. The check ran through successfully, saying it found some problems and fixed them. After that, I put it back in the phone, boot it up, but it still wouldn't access the card. Most of my apps are stored on there, so I wanted it fixed. I took out the card and ran it through windows error check once more, only this time, I checked the box "Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors" and hit start. Two hours later, I notice the progress bar hasn't budged from what I can only assume was 60-65%. I decided to hit "cancel" and look up some alternative methods.
Except as soon as I hit "Cancel", something went terribly wrong. The computer no longer acknowledged I had a MicroSD card inserted. I removed the USB adapter, removed the mSD, reinserted the mSD into the USB adapter, replugged the adapter in and -- same result. I restarted the computer, and while that cycle started, I placed the card back into the phone to see if it would detect it. No luck. By this time, the computer had restarted, and I tried to reinsert the card. It detects the USB Adapter, but it's as though there was no card inserted.
At this time, I scoured the web and countless forums (including these @ xda) with no avail. I tried nearly 10 different applications built solely for data extraction, but they all had the same problem: they couldn't detect the MicroSD card. My fellow I.T. coworker suggested using an Ubuntu Live CD and try their diagnostic tools; it couldn't detect it either.
Here are the specs of my setup:
Phone: HTC Desire CDMA (USCC)
Rom: Phoenix 1.4 BravoC
Card: Samsung 8GB Class 2 MicroSD (stock from US Celluar)​At this point, all I'm really concerned about it just retrieving my lost data. I have important sentimental photos, and more importantly, I have important flash backups from my stock rom that I would need if I want to return my phone for warranty. Physically, the card is undamaged. No dust, no cracks, no wear & tear. Hours of googling "SD card not detected; data recovery" leads me to several unanswered problems and fake websites baiting computer illiterate people into downloading malicious software.
I've heard of solutions that involve sending a card in to have repaired, but in turn, shelling out a couple hundred. Now I'm not stupid when it comes to computers, but I'm not necessarily a genius either. I've tried several ways to circumvent this lockout issue, and I can't find any way to undo a process from the Windows error checker. Hell, I can't find any cases or threads pertaining to people having bigger problems because of the error checker.
So I call out to anyone who can help. I can buy a new card, no problem. I just need my data back. It's crucial for my phone and important for me and my memories.
Any suggestions?
My phone:
Disire HD (GSM)
Android 2.3.3
CyanogenMod 7.0.0 RC2
I had the same problem as you a few weeks ago(my phone wasn't rooted) ....
Tried different methodes to get my data back, they all didn't work.
The problem is not the phone or any app on it neither your roms are the problem,
searched the internet... and came to the solution that I was not alone with this problem. they assume this is an hardware fould in the SD card ( btw its weird that its an Samsung SD, didn't you thought the same I still dont understand...)
Anyway, my solution was going back to the shop where I got the phone (Belcompany NL) and ask there solution for the problem i lost all my pics and other importand crap haha..
They didn't had a solution or something, just giving me a new one.. so I got a new SD Card (for free )
But lost all my data
You know if a partition messes up, which it has done because you didn't let it finish, there is like 0% chance that you can recover any data on your SD card. You should of backed your card up before you attempted to even start doing a disk check. As for getting your SD back up and running, you can try gparted live cd and see if it will detect it in that. If so just repartition it, but next time, let it do a thorough disk check and finish. Checks can take hours and hours because it is doing something. Just backup your SD card frequently.
I've decided to purchase a new card rather than hassle with unrooting my phone for the sake of going back to the USCellular repair (on just a whim that they may replace the card).
I've heard that I need to be careful when choosing a brand of MicroSD cards. Transcend is a no go. But what about this: An 8GB A-DATA Class 6 MicroSD card?
From what I've gathered, A-DATA is a reputable brand, and it shouldn't really cause problems in my HTC Desire, right?

Problem with my memory card

Good evening.
For two three days, I have a problem with my memory card. Indeed, the phone displays an icon barred me. When I remove the card, the icon no longer appears. The phone was in the cold for the past few days because I work in a ski resort. The question I ask myself, is how can I fix this problem quickly, knowing that no cards are passed but they work on the computer.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Ps: sorry for my bad English.
Please you need to format your Flash card (Memory card) in your pc.
1, Insert memory card into card reader slot of your pc
2. Select FAT 32 (under FILE SYSTEM)
3. Name it MEMORY CARD (under Volume Name)
4. Uncheck the "Quick Format" option (so that you have a full format)
5. Click start to start the formatting process.
Thank you for your help. I am currently testing to see if it works. I hope it will work because this problem appears with all the cards. So I hope I do not have to do a format on all cards :/
The problem is not resolved ...
Please try to repair the same Memory Card.
1. Insert Memory Card to PC.
2. Right-click on Memory Card drive => Properties => Tools
=> Check Now (select both options) =>Start
(See attached Screen shot)
3. This will repair the card in case it is faulty.
If this fails too, then do a hard reset. Problem may be with phone.
(Use this code to hard-reset phone: *2767*3855#).
Remember that hard-reset will erase all data from phone.
Best of luck
I have faced the same problem, m using Elite XXLA CFW.
Issue is not with the MMC (Memory Card).
I had to hard reset my fone and later everything goes perfect, no issue till date after that.
use the method for hard reset as stated above by spacks
Good evening everyone.
First of all, thank you for your help. Only I did not make a hard reset on the phone. I have some apps that I did not want to lose from the hidden store, and as no longer has access to, and although I did not want to reset the phone not knowing if it could really solve the problem.
For me, the phone had took a huge blow gel, which may be quite possible. But I had done everything to warm up, but I think it was not enough. This morning, I started to warm it up as a pig: application very intensive task, plugged the adapter in a protective pouch. All this for 10 or 15 minutes. The phone was finally burning. After a reboot, I saw that the icon was no longer blocked, and it started to flash. For me, the worry is finally set

All files on external SD card corrupt after unexpected shutdown

Hey guys and girls!
This morning my phone turned off by itself (13% battery left) and needed somewhat longer than usual to reboot (in the meantime I plugged it back in to the charger). First thing I noticed was that my whole theme got reset as well as it started showing me introductional tips ("long press here to move your apps to the homescreen, ecc.). It also started to update apps in the Play Store even though I set it to manual ... so basically a LOT of things were reset.
The biggest problem I'm having now is though that all my files (pictures, videos, music) that are stored on an external micro SD card are corrupt. It's not possible anymore to open anything. I already removed the micro SD card and put it into an adapter to have a look at the files via the laptop. But nothing, even though the sizes of the files seem OK, I can't open them.
Does anyone have a clue as to what exactly happened here? Are those files lost (at least of some I have a backup) or is there anything I can do to "repair" them? Help is really appreciated, thanks!
PS: Things like the card unmounting and re-mounting never occurred. So I can't tell if the card was dying or if actually the phone ruined my files.
Did you happen to be using a SanDisk SD Card? I've had my 10 brick 2 of those until I switched to Samsung SD Cards about a year ago and haven't had issues since.
I never could manage to recover files from the damaged SD cards.
I have a Samsung SD card and had something similar.
I guess I was on Viper Rom and basically my phone restarted around 15-20% of battery. After a long wait for booting back again, all my settings were gone.
Files and others in the SD card was okay but basically until I formatted the card, I wasn't able to boot into the Download Mode to install a new rom...
I fixed the restart issue by installing the official HTC Rom.
Thanks for your replies.
It is indeed a SanDisk 16GB card. It seems though that the card is still working (no problems accessing it via phone or laptop), just the files appear to be broken. In the meantime I also tried apps like PC Inspector File Recovery, but to no success
I'm still on stock HTC Sense by the way, no root, nothing.
Anyone know though why that happened (resetting everything, etc.)?
Hit me with a PM I'll give you a SanDisk restore tool which works quite ok. there is a huge chance some files can be recovered, some will be damaged though. Don't push any new files on the card after you tried to restore the files
HTC 10-Corrupted microSD card
I know this is an older thread, but I was wondering if there is a solution. I have an HTC 10 which has an micro SD card in it, that is "married" to the phone. When connected to a computer, the computer recognizes the phone, and the microSD card, and begins to load the folders/files. Eventually this process stalls, and the phone/drive is no longer readable by the computer. To get the computer to recognize the phone/card again, I need to restart the phone, but the same thing happens again.
I have like 20gigs of data on the card, and cannot just put the card in a reader, because it's encrypted to the phone. Any possible solutions? It's frustrating to see the files/pictures for a minute or two, and then have them disappear. I have tried copying/pasting the files while they're visible, but this often triggers the computer to no longer recognize the phone/memory card. I've tried to un-encrypt the microSD card, but the phone can't recognize/access the microSD card long enough to complete that process.
Please help if you can.

Does someone try the adoptable storage since the last Nokia 6.1 update?

Normally, in a perfect world, adoptable storage should allow to enhance memory thank to the sd card.
Anyone who tried to use the adoptable storage with the Nokia 6.1 encountered the problem of corrupt datas.
Does someone enough brave already try again to activate this adoptable storage?
Thanks you
yes, I retried it last week (with latest official patch applied).
I migrated > 10GB of data. Afterwards I checked 'DCIM' and 'Download'. All files got totally corrupted (looks like every byte different).
It seems that newly created files were not corrupted. (Was just a fast check with 2-3 pictures)
I migrated back and removed SD card. Files still corrupted. During the last test in ~2019 I figured out that the files some when magically got fixed again some time after migrating back. Hope this happens again this time...
Maybe it also just needs some time after migrating to reencrypt the files for the SD card?
Does anybody know more about the internal processes during and after migration?
Hi, I didn't try the above method, but I used adb commands to format the SD-Card as internal. It basically worked and I am able to run the apps that I migrated to the external card.
1. The external card and it's files are completely invisible to any file-system-apps. So I can't see the data.
2. Apps that require some kind of login never keep that login. If you close the app and start it again, you need to login again. This seems to indicated that the apps have been migrated, but are unable to actually use the external space to save new files.
Does anyone think that rooting the device would help?
my experience with adaptable storage was the same as krisha2k's. all migrated user data I had appeared to become corrupted, and most apps that I moved to the sd card either couldn't save any app data (game saves/logins) or even lost functionality (Snapchat friends list disappeared). some really old and ancient apps that I moved to adoptable storage kept their saves etc (ice cream jump, Neko atsume).
I also found that games with in-app downloads would save their download to the internal storage, as well as external when the app appeared to be stored on the external only.
most apps are broken because of newer android changes that protect external storage write access (and i think read too). I'm not an expert in that though. just speculation
in the end, I just did a factory reset and I've settled with using the sd card as portable storage and storing large files on there (4k video from camera etc).
its a shame because it was a spare 128GB card I had lying around, and I would have liked to have some bigger apps installed, but it doesn't matter too much. but I guess that's just how things are now.
i personally wouldn't recommend doing it. you have potentially everything to loose if you accidentally migrate all your internal data, and what seems to be absolutely nothing to gain.

SD Card doesnt show up after attempting to format as internal storage from stock crdroid android 10 files app

After attempting to format as internal using the preinstalled files app, my SD card is no longer recognized by my device…
I believe it is now completely corrupt, as even Windows is unable to read it after attempting to use an SD card adapter. It's not even listed in the disk management program…
Please help as i was dependent on my sd card as i only have 16gb on this device...
Use a low level formatting app to make it readable again.
You can also try accessing it directly* in Windows>Disk management, scan for new devices option.
Windows however may not be able to format it as it has been corrupted.
I don't recommend using the SD card like that; it's bandwidth is much slower than the internal memory and will noticeably slow down the device. If possible put all data on the SD card, only apps and maybe the download folder go on internal memory.
*this is the best way to access drives. You can do transfers directly from this Window to/from other drives.
blackhawk said:
Use a low-level formatting app to make it readable again.
You can also try accessing it directly in Windows > Disk management, scanning for new devices option.
Windows, however, may not be able to format it as it has been corrupted.
I don't recommend using the SD card like that; its bandwidth is much slower than the internal memory and will noticeably slow down the device. If possible, put all the data on the SD card. Only apps and maybe the download folder go on the internal memory.
This is the best way to access drives. You can do transfers directly from this window to/from other drives.
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The issue is that it does not appear in disk management at all, so I can't do anything you suggest. What is a low-level formatting app, and what does it do?
As I previously stated, I attempted to make my SD card internal storage because apps would not move to the SD card even after rooting the device and using app2sd. Using app2sd simply redirected me to the app options page, where I was told to go to storage and move to the SD card, despite the fact that there was no such option. This "not finding move to SD card" issue is unique to the Crdroid; in stock ROM, it worked flawlessly.
If the file structure gets corrupted it can render the card unreadable.
Go the the card manufacturer to see if they a low level formatting utility. Here's some more , but I haven't used them, scan download with online Virustotal first to be safe. Lexar may have one it's a memory recovery app but it probably low level formats.
I never saw a card get so corrupted that you couldn't see on Disk Management. It may be DOA.
Check Event Viewer for error messages but first reboot and try another PC port.
Check the driver in hardware management, try to update it or roll it back.
blackhawk said:
If the file structure gets corrupted, it can render the card unreadable.
Go to the card manufacturer to see if they have a low-level formatting utility. Here's some more , but I haven't used them. Scan them with online Virustotal first to be safe. Lexar may have one. It's a memory recovery app, but it's probably low level formats.
I never saw a card get so corrupted that you couldn't see it on disk management. It may be DOA.
Check Event Viewer for error messages, but first reboot and try another PC port.
Check the driver in hardware management, try to update it or roll it back.
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If by DOA u mean is dead on arrival, it worked flawlessly before this. I have a SanDisk device. I'll try the formatting utility. Furthermore, I'm pretty sure the file structure is unreadable, and it is now fully corrupted…
Coming to think about it, i remember getting a Java error or something, but it was one of the disappearing notifs that appear at the bottom of the screen so i couldn't capture it…
thaynos said:
If by DOA u mean is dead on arrival, it worked flawlessly before this. I have a SanDisk device. I'll try the formatting utility. Furthermore, I'm pretty sure the file structure is unreadable, and it is now fully corrupted…
Coming to think about it, i remember getting a Java error or something, but it was one of the disappearing notifs that appear at the bottom of the screen so i couldn't capture it…
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Try another card. If you can recover the victim card depends on if failure is hardware related.
Cards normally don't spontaneously go corrupt* so at this point even if you do recover it, I wouldn't trust it.
Once I have a SD card in a phone I leave it there and only access through the phone. Always format a new card in the phone before using.
Cards can be damaged by ESD, static electricity.
Avoid touching its contacts. On dry days touch an earth ground immediately before handling the card. If damaged by ESD it may manifest itself immediately or days, weeks or even years latter.
While they have some internal ESD protection it's limited, so a big enough charge or repeated ESD insults can destroy it.
This is the biggest threat to flash memory. Near lightning strikes can also destroy them by magnetic and/or capacitive induction.
*Don't share use in other devices like cams without formatting in that device first. That can cause file corruption.
blackhawk said:
Try another card. If you can recover the victim card depends on if failure is hardware related.
Cards normally don't spontaneously go corrupt* so at this point even if you do recover it, I wouldn't trust it.
Once I have a SD card in a phone I leave it there and only access through the phone. Always format a new card in the phone before using.
Cards can be damaged by ESD, static electricity.
Avoid touching its contacts. On dry days touch an earth ground immediately before handling the card. If damaged by ESD it may manifest itself immediately or days, weeks or even years latter.
While they have some internal ESD protection it's limited, so a big enough charge or repeated ESD insults can destroy it.
This is the biggest threat to flash memory. Near lightning strikes can also destroy them by magnetic and/or capacitive induction.
*Don't share use in other devices like cams without formatting in that device first. That can cause file corruption.
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the point of asking for advice is cuz i dont have another card
try InitDisk

