[REQ] Widgets/Apps from other phones - Epic 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I know there are apps and widgets that some prefer from other phone models that have been bundled with ROMs, but there doesn't seem to be a one stop place to obtain these apps/widgets if they are not included in your current ROM.
I'm looking for a great post with a list of all the different widgets/apps that are available across the the android phone models, and download links if they have been confirmed to work on the Epic.
Things like weather, news, etc widgets.
Apps that are useful, unlike the Sprint Nascar app from sprint.
Hopefully, someone has great access to all these unique apps to each phone model and can give us the ability to download them or inform us how to get them.
Thanks in advance from a noob.


30,000 Apps on the Andriod Market - Where?

I read in a few places that there are now over 30,000 Andriod Apps on the Android Market, but I don't see them here: http://www.android.com/market/
By my count there are exactly 34 paid apps and 134 free apps...
Am I missing something?
Maybe they show up when browsing from your mobile
you can access from your android mobile, or use http://www.cyrket.com/m/android/
This one is also nice. Easy to search and find the apps/games you need and just Barcode Scan them to install into you phone....
I think http://www.appstorehq.com/android-apps is very good. You can download or buy the app directly from the website, from your phone.
Andaho said:
I read in a few places that there are now over 30,000 Andriod Apps on the Android Market, but I don't see them here: http://www.android.com/market/
By my count there are exactly 34 paid apps and 134 free apps...
Am I missing something?
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android.com/market doesn't show all the apps... stupid I know
You need to use something like cyrket.com or androidlib to view all the apps on a PC.
Ha, I was wondering the same thing as the OP- will have to bookmark the links.
Just on a side note: what's the general procedure of downloading/installing apps from a PC (or for that matter on the device)?
sh500 said:
Ha, I was wondering the same thing as the OP- will have to bookmark the links.
Just on a side note: what's the general procedure of downloading/installing apps from a PC (or for that matter on the device)?
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If you download a application to your PC, you'll have to transfer it to your phone. Either by copying it to your SD card, or by other means. You then have to install it via a file manager like Linda, ASTRO or similar.
If you use the Android Market on your phone, you just find a program, select install and voila.
Thanks for that.
Need to have the device in my hand to really find out things about it and more importantly to me, how it's done differently than on a WinMo device!
I just found this when visiting AndroidCentral.com:
With the seer number of apps (30K), I think it is a very nice tool/website to filter out junk apps!
I thought it worth to share
I was just wondering are any of the game apps as good as the Iphone. There are many good games but what I have seen so far on android some games look taccy and kind of old.
I have not searched a lot of games. But what are the best games?
I am struggling with this too.
I've become so used to the quality of design, look and function of iPhone apps and their appstore. I am keen to move to the HTC Desire shortly, but am finding it nigh on impossible to even find the spps I will require. I spend ages searching and still come oup with stuff which looks like it was written for a PC 20 years ago. And the recommended sites to browse the apps on are so ugly and full of dross, but more importantly, are unable to present the applications in a way which gives me any confidence that I will be able to satisfy my requirements using this platform.
I thought it must just be me as I am new to it (although I had none of these problems when I moved to iPhone) so asked for pointers. but I am still at a loss as to where the good, well-designed, modern, slick apps are.
I believe the Desire will give me a great comms experience out of the box, but no-one has been able to convince me that the apps I may desire to customise the device to me requirements are actually available.
Please dont think I am having a go; I am not. I am dead keen to move to this platform, but my research is not delivering results so far.
So I ask again, where is the good stuff?
XDAgeek said:
I am struggling with this too.
I've become so used to the quality of design, look and function of iPhone apps and their appstore. I am keen to move to the HTC Desire shortly, but am finding it nigh on impossible to even find the spps I will require. I spend ages searching and still come oup with stuff which looks like it was written for a PC 20 years ago. And the recommended sites to browse the apps on are so ugly and full of dross, but more importantly, are unable to present the applications in a way which gives me any confidence that I will be able to satisfy my requirements using this platform.
I thought it must just be me as I am new to it (although I had none of these problems when I moved to iPhone) so asked for pointers. but I am still at a loss as to where the good, well-designed, modern, slick apps are.
I believe the Desire will give me a great comms experience out of the box, but no-one has been able to convince me that the apps I may desire to customise the device to me requirements are actually available.
Please dont think I am having a go; I am not. I am dead keen to move to this platform, but my research is not delivering results so far.
So I ask again, where is the good stuff?
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The Good stuff is in the market. To find the good stuff you need to search in the market on your phone or via cyrket.com
If you give a list of apps I'll more than hapily find ones that are as good as or better than iPhone equivalents.
I've been trying Cyrket.com but it doesnt seem to work properly for me. All I did was filter for navigation tools and it came up with a blank.
As for a list of required apps,
- Exchange Tasks (with push sync)
- Compass
- London Tube map/planner
- Tide Planner for sailing
- Office apps - Word, Spreadsheet, Powerpoint editing
- Decent dictionary/thesaurus - such as Chambers
- and some quality games with good graphics
That'll do for starters
Android really got it's start as a device platform for the more tech savvy.
Most of the first year's worth of apps were written by developers venturing into the Android app environment. As such - most were pretty rudimentary and more focused on performance (learning how to make an app work well in the Android environment) than aesthetics. Also, there were many more apps made for productivity, communication, etc and very few made for Gaming (as Gaming development is normally a LOT more involved). Finally, the G1 which for a LONG time was the only device available was so memory constricted that many custom home screen apps had difficulty running - MUCH LESS any graphically oriented game. It was a learning experience.
AND, one cannot say (as I have read many claim) that Android is just Linux on a phone so what is the big deal development wise.... I have read this forum a LOT and Android IS NOT just Linux on a phone. There are a lot of differences and a lot more restrictions with Android.
Believe it or not... The Android app scene is constantly improving. Better looking games and more polished apps are constantly coming out.
Please don't try to compare the Android apps available to the Iphone which has had over three years to improve and started out with a better device in the first place.
I really dislike the Iphone and feel it's GUI is not intuitive at all (for me). So, I never really used one at length. But, I have seen some really great games on the Iphone. However, I can definitely say - I ENVY the Iphone devs a great starter phone for development! I only wish that Google/Android had put out a really great device (not memory restricted) as a first device. It would have made it so much easier for the developers to learn and work on.
Try AppBrain.com to search for apps. That is the site I use now. They also have a companion app for the phone.
Thanks for that historical viewpoint.
The interesting thing is that I actually dont 'NEED' to add many 3rd party apps to the Desire spec in order to fill my requirements as the out-of-box experience is so good. I have over 130 apps on my iPhone, but I probably use 10 of them regularly - the rest are just a bit of fun.
At present I am just trying to assimilate what apps are available that I know I will need, and how good the quality is.
Are any of the better 3rd party apps emulating the style of the SENSE UI? That would be cool.
XDAgeek said:
As for a list of required apps,
- Exchange Tasks (with push sync)
- Compass
- London Tube map/planner
- Tide Planner for sailing
- Office apps - Word, Spreadsheet, Powerpoint editing
- Decent dictionary/thesaurus - such as Chambers
- and some quality games with good graphics
That'll do for starters
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This took me 2 minutes on cyrket.com
- Exchange
Am not going to bother searching, htc sense gives exchange functions
- Compass
- Tube
- Tides
- Office
- Dictionary
- Games
brummiesteven said:
This took me 2 minutes on cyrket.com
- Exchange
Am not going to bother searching, htc sense gives exchange functions
- Compass
- Tube
- Tides
- Office
- Dictionary
- Games
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impressive games
why still I have a WM
Thanks for the list of apps. Some good stuff in there!
Re the Exchange on Desire, the reason I included this in my request was that all my research indicates that the Exchange implementation does not include Tasks.
I could use Moxier Mail which includes task exchange sync, but that may compromise the integration with the rest of the Sense UI, so I am looking for a good Task app with exchange sync, perhaps using WebDav.
It would be great if Tasks was included in the Sense interface as standard, but so often Tasks are omitted. Baffles me why they leave it out - same on iPhone.

Looking for bèta-testers for my first app!

Hi fellow developers
I recently made a WP7 application. The app is just a very basic browser (it doesn't even have a history or favorites system yet), and I would like some bèta-testers for it, since I will be adding more features such as the ones mentioned above, maybe themes and many more! (the app won't be available in the Market, only Bazaar and similar )
Everyone is free to use this, but please let me know of any bugs/errors and requests/tips for future (non-bèta) versions!
The link:
(woops, I put this thread in the wrong forum, can an admin move this to development please?)
I'm testing it!! So far everything's good
Thanks! I'm going to release an improved version of the browser in the next few weeks, with history, favorites, a homepage and stuff like that

[Q] Is 'Droid working strictly for us (and not for Google) possible?

Hi, guys!
Before I pose my question: I am really in awe of projects in the Open Source community style and this is soooooo good to see and experience (my other hobby is Sat TV "hacking" and so on... )!!!!!!!!!! :good: So, endless thanx and respect(!!!!) to all involved!!!!!!!!!!
Context: recently I managed to S-OFF my HTC Desire with 'Droid 2.2.2, then somehow I rooted it, 4EXT recovery/backup (if memory serves, the "touch" one) is in, in recovery mode I flashed the latest MIUI ROM (sorry if I misspelled it) with JB 4.1.2, improved the "radio" and so on... The one or two things that do not work - that I noticed - was no sending SMSs and poor video recording and reproduction. So, the search is continuing!
My question is - before I attempt the flashing of Paranoid Android ROM (how fitting, regarding my question! ) - is there a ROM that has kicked the living daylights out of Google corporate c*a#, please? As in, there is no stuff, in that would-be ROM, that constantly collects our data and sends it back to corporate and other commercial coders, please?
Because, as a matter of principle, we ought not to have to think of just how much data is going to corporation(s) and individuals coding apps etc. And from then on, to "authorities", of course. Not that I have anything to fear, in that respect - but it is the principle that is at stake here! Similar with Linux v. MacroHard and their "enlightened" attitude towards our privacy etc.
You know, we have a myriad of apps of all sorts, so I suppose we do not need Google's intrusion in all aspects of our interaction. I am perfectly happy, for instance, to use Firefox or Maxthon or Opera browser and get into my emails that way, not having to use the Google app for Gmail! I presume we could also have other apps to replace Google chat (presumably through Firefox in Gmail?) and so on and so forth. Really, I do not need Google's maps, when we have Open Street app and so on and on and on.
So, does this ROM exist, please? No Google/corporate/commercial stuff in it, that is...
And if not, has the time arrived?:angel: It is Linux, after all...
Would it be possible to make something like that?
Many thanx, again!
P.S. I recently bought a SuperPad tablet and I wonder if there are custom built ROMs/OSs for those, as well? Anyone knows, please?
Well of course any Rom without the Google apps.
Your principles on data collection went out the window when you first used the internet.
I disagree... respectfully, of course...
For instance, see BBC website for the "right to be forgotten" EU proposal on data collection/storage/handling... However, no such battle can ever be completely lost or won - they keep going on...
As a newby I have a problem with posting links but... let me try:
bbc co uk / news / technology-16677370
My Q was also re. full functionality without Google stuff - some ROM authors warn that their ROMs can't function properly unless we flash the Google stuff immediately after ROM itself... Any clarification, please?
goggysan said:
I disagree... respectfully, of course...
For instance, see BBC website for the "right to be forgotten" EU proposal on data collection/storage/handling... However, no such battle can ever be completely lost or won - they keep going on...
As a newby I have a problem with posting links but... let me try:
bbc co uk / news / technology-16677370
My Q was also re. full functionality without Google stuff - some ROM authors warn that their ROMs can't function properly unless we flash the Google stuff immediately after ROM itself... Any clarification, please?
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its not to do with they cant function properly (they can) its just the fact that play store is "google" and u also need a gmail account. correct me if im wrong. Soo like dethrat says,.... its about gapps. (more or less).
It's not a matter of me thinking this is/you're wrong (on this one). I think/hope, that you are also hoping that I am right... Am I right?
You have a point, in a way, since it started in this manner with credit cards (easily done but also easily circumvented) and onwards but...
Look, ever tried Flipboard? I mean, if you are neglecting the examples I already wrote about... Check it and compare with Google Currents, please... Simply flipboard dot com... Need I say more?
On the level of principles: we do not need to be tethered/electronically tagged and under constant "surveillance" by Google or any other corporation or even the state, for that matter... Don't you think this is kinda worth at least trying? No offence intended to anyone(!) but I think this is the adult thing to do...:angel:
Well, this is what I am looking forward to nowadays... So, do you think that, for instance, a developer of Paranoid Android could make it all work with "alternative" apps, please? An effective "Ads Blocker" and kinda "No Script" apps included, of course. Maybe even - in this sense - "cleaned up" crucial apps, too... If "Anonymous" were really serious and competent (intellectually, professionally and morally), maybe they should get on it right away, eh? :angel:
I mean, if I ever requested anything from anyone on these boards, this would be it - an AIO OS without corporate [email protected]#. And I have a feeling that a fair few of us might keep trying this sort of thing out...:good:
bbc dot co dot uk / news / science-environment-21923360
Any more info on my question, please? Anyone with some experience?
So, the great WoH tells me that it is possible to use his ROM without the G-stuff, that is "Gapps" - and that everything should work just fine! And I am very grateful for this possibility! I only need to "skip the step with the gapps", he says.
Then, one proceeds with "3rd party app stores" like Amazon, GetJar, Fireplace and Yandex.Store. I presume there is an included browser in the ROM without the Gapps, so I start it and go to one of those sites, get their gadget and simply install from there, the free stuff... hopefully not having to log in with my Gmail account...
My problem, though, lies here in this thread - setting up PDroid. That's for seriously enhanced privacy/security! In the thread's "how to" there seem to be some discrepancies with the newer versions of PDroid... Really not sure how to do it, what exactly must be done, with which files... And I can't post in that section, to ask questions... Like "Where is the apk you mention in the top post?" and "What exactly are the steps?"
So, I must prepare by reading a lot, testing it and then redoing it, from scratch, i.e. flash the ROM again, as WoH described in his thread here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2131790
My hope would be that he includes the PDroid patch/apps - if at all possible - in the next edition of his awesome ROM!
Also, I would dearly love to see and test a ROM with all the best alternative apps, links to a few of the best 3rd party apps stores, tools etc. - but no G-c#@p (or almost no G-c#@p)... at least as much as humanly possible...
Here is a sketch:
3rd party apps stores,
keyboard and speech apps,
a couple of browsers (Firefox/Opera, maybe),
a few tools to manage the phone and set it up properly (Advanced Task Killer, Android Manager and alike),
best audio-visually capable Gtalk app and Skype for chat,
some non-demanding but good protection (Avast suite?),
Flipboard for news,
Adobe Reader, Kindle and Aldiko for reading,
MX and Meridian players for multimedia stuff,
camera and videocam apps(?),
audio, video and photo editing SW,
Sopcast (TV channels) and "1Channel for Google" for audio-video streaming from the net,
...and so on,,, everybody continuing to fill it up according to their preferences, of course... all freeware/gratis!!!
Perhaps call it an "Alternative apps pack"???
So, maybe: when apps2sd card tool has been installed, we flash the "Alternative apps pack"... and it all goes to an SD card?
I think this might be a very cool idea, for many of us...
Go WoH and co.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :good:

Getting organized. AnoteHD vs. Snote vs. whatever

Hi guys
I Was Wondering if you could help me get organized.
like Many of you probably, I have both AnoteHD and Snote. And like Many of You again, I think a hybrid between the two would Work best. So I thought I Would share my Sentiments and ideas, and then we could look at the options and discuss apps.
I really like the UI of AnoteHD, but think it is very limited. Its Such a let down You cant even edit the position of the pictures you added once you drop them into a note. But otherwise I really like the folder options and stock note backgrounds.
Snote has a very comprehensive note taking/ making ability. However, its a little disappointing that you cannot group notes together or "bind them" after thier creation. this coupled with the boring and limited folder Method.
As far as calendar I like The way AnoteHD is setup or at least I think it is easier to work with, especially with to-do's which is the Majority of my interaction with this app. I feel as Though S planner May have potential but Just the fact it is giving me what seems like proprietary back talk about not syncing with my google calendar is annoying. Though I found a tread discussing that issue it seemed unclear to me if they resolved this issue. I tried as well and had no progress with it. Being able to draw on your calendar Seems like a relevant function and gives you more freedom than AnoteHD. Also, I believe S planner does not Show you past due tasks or upcoming tasks as Well as AnoteHD.
Some of the Useless functions between these two apps :
A-note HD: The ability to edit the creation date? (Is this for the procrastinater?)
Snote: All the different templates Seem a little Silly.
Is there away to Change the default search engine for the Knowledge Search from wolfalpha gram?
As far as other apps, I remember I Used to utilize Go launcher on my former HTC phone. However it Was Junked With Ads unless you paid for it. And to use their task app you need to Mask your Stock UI With theirs, which Im under the impression will eat More Memory and battery. If things have Changed With this app or you have another app to Recommend, please let me Know.
Tips and tricks are also Welcome.(please ease the random capitalizations) I'm interested to hear What works for You.
TheAndroid_isLearning said:
Hi guys
I Was Wondering if you could help me get organized.
like Many of you probably, I have both AnoteHD and Snote. And like Many of You again, I think a hybrid between the two would Work best. So I thought I Would share my Sentiments and ideas, and then we could look at the options and discuss apps.
I really like the UI of AnoteHD, but think it is very limited. Its Such a let down You cant even edit the position of the pictures you added once you drop them into a note. But otherwise I really like the folder options and stock note backgrounds.
Snote has a very comprehensive note taking/ making ability. However, its a little disappointing that you cannot group notes together or "bind them" after thier creation. this coupled with the boring and limited folder Method.
As far as calendar I like The way AnoteHD is setup or at least I think it is easier to work with, especially with to-do's which is the Majority of my interaction with this app. I feel as Though S planner May have potential but Just the fact it is giving me what seems like proprietary back talk about not syncing with my google calendar is annoying. Though I found a tread discussing that issue it seemed unclear to me if they resolved this issue. I tried as well and had no progress with it. Being able to draw on your calendar Seems like a relevant function and gives you more freedom than AnoteHD. Also, I believe S planner does not Show you past due tasks or upcoming tasks as Well as AnoteHD.
Some of the Useless functions between these two apps :
A-note HD: The ability to edit the creation date? (Is this for the procrastinater?)
Snote: All the different templates Seem a little Silly.
Is there away to Change the default search engine for the Knowledge Search from wolfalpha gram?
As far as other apps, I remember I Used to utilize Go launcher on my former HTC phone. However it Was Junked With Ads unless you paid for it. And to use their task app you need to Mask your Stock UI With theirs, which Im under the impression will eat More Memory and battery. If things have Changed With this app or you have another app to Recommend, please let me Know.
Tips and tricks are also Welcome.(please ease the random capitalizations) I'm interested to hear What works for You.
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Why narrow it down to two apps? Have you tried LectureNotes for note taking or looked into the functions of Write? Also, which SNote version are you using? I much prefer the one ported from the Note 3 because it has the extra functionality however not everyone agrees.
Just a few thoughts.
CCallahan said:
Why narrow it down to two apps? Have you tried LectureNotes for note taking or looked into the functions of Write? Also, which SNote version are you using? I much prefer the one ported from the Note 3 because it has the extra functionality however not everyone agrees.
Just a few thoughts.
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Im interested so I'll check it out. I was rather more hoping this would turn into a discussion but I see it does not seem to strike a chord with anyone else. Either way thanks for the feed back. Ill give them a try.
TheAndroid_isLearning said:
Im interested so I'll check it out. I was rather more hoping this would turn into a discussion but I see it does not seem to strike a chord with anyone else. Either way thanks for the feed back. Ill give them a try.
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You might have better luck posting it in the "Themes and Apps" section. Just a thought.
CCallahan said:
You might have better luck posting it in the "Themes and Apps" section. Just a thought.
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Ahhh, I dont not even think of it. Since there was some personal gain for me as a result I put it in here. Maybe I'll repost or would a mod move it over if I asked?

[Q] Definitive Apps --> APKs list

There are various threads floating around for this and other devices stating "Apps safe to freeze...."
However I have yet to be able to find a good and comprehensive list of what apps relate to what apks.
I'm looking at doing my own custom rom, purely for my own use and want to make the decision whether I include an app (and therefore it's apk) or not, for me to make an informed choice I'd really quite like to be able to say......
OK That apk runs that app and that app is needed to do this this and this, however I never do any of those things.....but it's also needed as it support connectivity with that app so I should keep it (hopefully you get the point of the example). So a blind "Apps safe to freeze....." list, that doesn't even include the associated apks or information is pretty useless to me.

