[Q] Micro SD card causes Desire to hang? - Desire Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Back story
I was using my GPS this morning, everything was running fine, after typing in my new destination my phone froze.
I removed the battery and started it back up again, everything loaded, (A bit slower than usual) started up navigation, and it froze again.
So I thought something just corrupted and I should do a quick wipe and reinstall my Leedriod (Might as well update to the latest version - 2.1a, was on 2.0b I think)
Anyway, some commands where successful, some not, I figured out my memory card (16gb, team group, class 6) was the root of the issues.
Although I could install a new rom (Which was on the mem card already) I can't seem to access the memory card, and any program which tries will hang (Titanium backup, maps ect)
If I try and format through bootloader, it'll freeze.
If I insert the card into a card reader, windows will pick it up for a couple of seconds, I can see the contents, but it'll disappear when I try and copy anything from it.
I also can't format it from windows.
I've also found the the card gets very hot in the reader (A couple degrees more and it'll burn my fingers!.
Is my card FUBAR?
Is there something else I could try?
I ordered the card from DX so it's going to be a big pain to try and RMA it.


No write access to SD

I tried searching the forums for the problem but couldnt find anything related to mine!
I have a problem where the phone suddenly just says "No write access to file" when i try listening to stuff on spotify, take pictures etc... Yet i can access the SD on ASTRO.
Has anyone else noticed this one? Any tips? Rebooting the phone fixes the issue for a while.
Same issue here. I found in other android related forums a lot of people complaining about this as well - seams there's no solution yet (reboot helps in my case - format the card didn't). Some people reported that a change of the sdcard hasn't solved anything. I guess we have to replace the device.
Don't give up yet, if you are running a task killer, remove it and try without it.
As I said on the other thread, I removed it and I'm now testing it. Atleast now it seems to sync Spotify's offline playlists without errors..
kermaani said:
Don't give up yet, if you are running a task killer, remove it and try without it.
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I have no task killer running but still the above mentioned issue. I also removed the sd-card and put it back in several times. I cleaned carefully the contacts of the sdcard, removed ALL apps but it still happens every other day.
And no, the desire wasn't plugged into the pc via USB. m(
i had the similar kind of issue. when I switch on the phone from standby mode.. sometimes it says "cannot backup the phone data.. SD card not accessble". When I opened the Estronge File manager I can see no files under the SDcard..
This problem has started to me only after I have installed ebuddy and started using it. Then I have uninstalled the ebuddy and till now i did not get this problem again (3days tested after uninstall)
You can give a try by uninstall any recently installed apps.. my doubt is some apps are creating this issue on slow writting SD cards (my Sd card is Class 2)..
kvmanohar said:
You can give a try by uninstall any recently installed apps.. my doubt is some apps are creating this issue on slow writting SD cards (my Sd card is Class 2)..
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Been there, done that! *sigh* It happens also with no apps installed (plain stock)
Also just happened to me after installing a Touchdown update - camera was reporting no access to SD card and Astro (file navigator) was showing some weird behaviour (opening the 'download' folder took me back to the home screen)
A reboot appears to have solved it but a bit worrying
Not sure if this is 100% related, but I'll include it here. This didn't happen to me at the start but has started happening in the last few days.
I've had my phone set up to connect by default as a disk drive without asking me. Now when I connect to my computer, I get the message on my computer that there is something wrong with the drive and it needs to be scanned and corrected. I don't because I don't always trust Windows auto corrective measures, you can't always go back.
The problem really kicks in when I connect my Desire to the computer and it (the computer) says card needs to be formatted. As soon as I get this message, I know it's all over. I can't access the SD card on computer or from the phone. When I disconnect, the phone says the SD card is empty, and I get the small SD card with question mark up in the top right of the notification bar.
My system is running Win 7 x64.
I get the same problem every other day with the "cannot backup the phone data.. SD card not accessble". I also got an error message when trying to download an email attachment saying that there was no storage space but Astro shows around 6gb free on the sd!
Fairford said:
Astro shows around 6gb free on the sd!
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you have another sdcard than the stock SanDisk 4GB card, I guess? If so, could you tell us what sdcard you are running?
I have had the same problem as reported above (backup error) recently. A reboot solves it, but not permantely.. (I also had a problem where the home screen froze, but the lockscreen worked fine. I guess it could be related but I don't know...)
It's a bit annoying with these kind of problems..
Sent from my HTC Desire using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
It just happen again after I replayed to a text messages..
I started my terminal emulator and checked if the sd card was still mounted (which it appeared to be). But noticed that it's set to remount as read only on errors (Not saying it's the problem, just that it may be the cause of the symptoms..)
Then I checked the rights (ls -l -d /sdcard) It was set to ---rwxr-x (owner: system, group: sdcard_rw) = Owner has no rights, group has full right and others read & execute only..
Also one thing I noticed was that the date was set to 1970-01-01 01:00 (aka start of "unix-time"). That can happen, but it still seemed a bit strange..
BUT: Apparently, that is the way it's "supposed to be", as after a reboot it says the same..
This was just an update on my experience with this error, and what I've tried (so far)..
Stock Rom and card and it is happening to me periodically.
Sent from my HTC Desire
Update: A working solution?
I read on another forum where they (Vodaphone actually) recommended that you reformat the card if you have this sort of problems... So I thought: What a heck.. It can't become worse..
These is the steps that I did (pretty straightforward..) and it works (for about two days now without any big problems..)
Backup the card
You probably don't want to do that using Windows... (You can download free Linux Live-CDs from Ubuntu.com or other places)
Why?? For me, and I don't doubt you may encounter something similar, Windows wanted to reformat the SD Card before it mounted it (DON'T do that if you want to backup your files [and I'm not sure on what the phone would think about that]).
I guess it could work Fine in Mac OS X (but I haven't tested..)
Reboot the phone (mine had trouble recognizing the card after I had disconnected it from the computer)
Go to Settings > SD and phone memory (* ) >Unmount SD Card > Format SD card
Reboot again (not shure if it's needed but just to be sure)
Connect to the computer and put your data back on (be careful, the best is perhaps to only transfer "your stuff" and not replace any files that already are on the card). AND BEFORE you pull out the cable, make sure you unmount the card from your computer!!!!
(* Translated from Swedish, don't know what it says exactly in English.. )
If you need directions for how to use Linux for this, feel free to contact me..
Try doing a google search for h2testw its a bit of software that can be downloaded that test SD cards and removable drives. I recently had a problem with a new card ran that and it told me that the card had a problem, I sent it back and got a new card and don't have any problems now although they were different to what you were experiencing.
I get the same issue about once enery couple of days. I'm first alerted to it when I get a notification saying the automatic backup has failed, then no writes are allowed to the SD card. It's solved temporarily by rebooting.
Phone is stock, Orange ROM, stock 4Gb card. I use HTC sync and often use the phone in disk drive mode.
Simple damaged SD card...
Sent from my HTC Desire using the XDA mobile application powered by Tapatalk
All my issues disappeared after i removed the task killer.
Just today, I've started getting issues. It *only* happens when I try to open Spotify. It was working fine this morning on my way to work, but now every time I open the app, the SD card gets mounted as read only. I have used Quick App Clean Cache, and wiped the cache within Spotify itself. Rebooted, powered off, removed and reinserted SD card, and nothing fixes it. ****ing annoyed and pissed off that this keeps happening.

[Q] Micro SD not detected

This morning, my phone was normal. Using apps, making calls, no problems.
Then I noticed my ring tones and my notification tones wouldn't play. Since they are stored on the Micro SD card, I thought a reboot might solve the problem. After rebooting, I get the message "SD Card Damaged". So I took it out from my phone, plugged it into the computer through a USB MicroSD reader. It detects it, and from there I can see all the files stored on there.
I decided to run a Windows (7) error check test, as that usually fixes any sort of SD problem I've had. The check ran through successfully, saying it found some problems and fixed them. After that, I put it back in the phone, boot it up, but it still wouldn't access the card. Most of my apps are stored on there, so I wanted it fixed. I took out the card and ran it through windows error check once more, only this time, I checked the box "Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors" and hit start. Two hours later, I notice the progress bar hasn't budged from what I can only assume was 60-65%. I decided to hit "cancel" and look up some alternative methods.
Except as soon as I hit "Cancel", something went terribly wrong. The computer no longer acknowledged I had a MicroSD card inserted. I removed the USB adapter, removed the mSD, reinserted the mSD into the USB adapter, replugged the adapter in and -- same result. I restarted the computer, and while that cycle started, I placed the card back into the phone to see if it would detect it. No luck. By this time, the computer had restarted, and I tried to reinsert the card. It detects the USB Adapter, but it's as though there was no card inserted.
At this time, I scoured the web and countless forums (including these @ xda) with no avail. I tried nearly 10 different applications built solely for data extraction, but they all had the same problem: they couldn't detect the MicroSD card. My fellow I.T. coworker suggested using an Ubuntu Live CD and try their diagnostic tools; it couldn't detect it either.
Here are the specs of my setup:
Phone: HTC Desire CDMA (USCC)
Rom: Phoenix 1.4 BravoC
Card: Samsung 8GB Class 2 MicroSD (stock from US Celluar)​At this point, all I'm really concerned about it just retrieving my lost data. I have important sentimental photos, and more importantly, I have important flash backups from my stock rom that I would need if I want to return my phone for warranty. Physically, the card is undamaged. No dust, no cracks, no wear & tear. Hours of googling "SD card not detected; data recovery" leads me to several unanswered problems and fake websites baiting computer illiterate people into downloading malicious software.
I've heard of solutions that involve sending a card in to have repaired, but in turn, shelling out a couple hundred. Now I'm not stupid when it comes to computers, but I'm not necessarily a genius either. I've tried several ways to circumvent this lockout issue, and I can't find any way to undo a process from the Windows error checker. Hell, I can't find any cases or threads pertaining to people having bigger problems because of the error checker.
So I call out to anyone who can help. I can buy a new card, no problem. I just need my data back. It's crucial for my phone and important for me and my memories.
Any suggestions?
My phone:
Disire HD (GSM)
Android 2.3.3
CyanogenMod 7.0.0 RC2
I had the same problem as you a few weeks ago(my phone wasn't rooted) ....
Tried different methodes to get my data back, they all didn't work.
The problem is not the phone or any app on it neither your roms are the problem,
searched the internet... and came to the solution that I was not alone with this problem. they assume this is an hardware fould in the SD card ( btw its weird that its an Samsung SD, didn't you thought the same I still dont understand...)
Anyway, my solution was going back to the shop where I got the phone (Belcompany NL) and ask there solution for the problem i lost all my pics and other importand crap haha..
They didn't had a solution or something, just giving me a new one.. so I got a new SD Card (for free )
But lost all my data
You know if a partition messes up, which it has done because you didn't let it finish, there is like 0% chance that you can recover any data on your SD card. You should of backed your card up before you attempted to even start doing a disk check. As for getting your SD back up and running, you can try gparted live cd and see if it will detect it in that. If so just repartition it, but next time, let it do a thorough disk check and finish. Checks can take hours and hours because it is doing something. Just backup your SD card frequently.
I've decided to purchase a new card rather than hassle with unrooting my phone for the sake of going back to the USCellular repair (on just a whim that they may replace the card).
I've heard that I need to be careful when choosing a brand of MicroSD cards. Transcend is a no go. But what about this: An 8GB A-DATA Class 6 MicroSD card?
From what I've gathered, A-DATA is a reputable brand, and it shouldn't really cause problems in my HTC Desire, right?

[SOLVED] SD Card "Damaged" after N7105ZHUENA1 update

I have an N7105 which has been running the N7105ZHUEMK3 software with no problem.
Today, I received the new N7105ZHUENA1 update over the air.
After installing this update, the phone can no longer read my exFAT format SD card.
I get "SD Card Damaged" and "SD Card Blank" messages after every reboot. Manually attempting to mount the card via Settings causes the phone to hang for a period of time, then report the same errors.
The card is not damaged: My other phones, and my PCs (with an adapter) can all read the card with no problem whatsoever.
This feels like something related to today's update.
Redownloading and applying MK3 didn't solve it - it made things worse in fact - I ended up going forward to NA1 again.
After working on this all day, the only thing that appears to have solved this is to pull the battery, insert a DIFFERENT, blank, SD card in the phone, let the phone boot, come all the way up, and settle... then pull the battery again, reinsert the original SD card (which, again, worked everywhere else), and let the phone boot again. Now my original card is back, fully readable, and working again.
I had removed/reinserted/rebooted the same card numerous times today, and it came back damaged (only by my note 2) every time. Only inserting the different card temporarily seems to have "broken the pattern" and made everything okay again.
I have no idea what caused this, or why that step fixed it, but I'm leaving this here in case anyone else has this problem.
(Delete please)

All files on external SD card corrupt after unexpected shutdown

Hey guys and girls!
This morning my phone turned off by itself (13% battery left) and needed somewhat longer than usual to reboot (in the meantime I plugged it back in to the charger). First thing I noticed was that my whole theme got reset as well as it started showing me introductional tips ("long press here to move your apps to the homescreen, ecc.). It also started to update apps in the Play Store even though I set it to manual ... so basically a LOT of things were reset.
The biggest problem I'm having now is though that all my files (pictures, videos, music) that are stored on an external micro SD card are corrupt. It's not possible anymore to open anything. I already removed the micro SD card and put it into an adapter to have a look at the files via the laptop. But nothing, even though the sizes of the files seem OK, I can't open them.
Does anyone have a clue as to what exactly happened here? Are those files lost (at least of some I have a backup) or is there anything I can do to "repair" them? Help is really appreciated, thanks!
PS: Things like the card unmounting and re-mounting never occurred. So I can't tell if the card was dying or if actually the phone ruined my files.
Did you happen to be using a SanDisk SD Card? I've had my 10 brick 2 of those until I switched to Samsung SD Cards about a year ago and haven't had issues since.
I never could manage to recover files from the damaged SD cards.
I have a Samsung SD card and had something similar.
I guess I was on Viper Rom and basically my phone restarted around 15-20% of battery. After a long wait for booting back again, all my settings were gone.
Files and others in the SD card was okay but basically until I formatted the card, I wasn't able to boot into the Download Mode to install a new rom...
I fixed the restart issue by installing the official HTC Rom.
Thanks for your replies.
It is indeed a SanDisk 16GB card. It seems though that the card is still working (no problems accessing it via phone or laptop), just the files appear to be broken. In the meantime I also tried apps like PC Inspector File Recovery, but to no success
I'm still on stock HTC Sense by the way, no root, nothing.
Anyone know though why that happened (resetting everything, etc.)?
Hit me with a PM I'll give you a SanDisk restore tool which works quite ok. there is a huge chance some files can be recovered, some will be damaged though. Don't push any new files on the card after you tried to restore the files
HTC 10-Corrupted microSD card
I know this is an older thread, but I was wondering if there is a solution. I have an HTC 10 which has an micro SD card in it, that is "married" to the phone. When connected to a computer, the computer recognizes the phone, and the microSD card, and begins to load the folders/files. Eventually this process stalls, and the phone/drive is no longer readable by the computer. To get the computer to recognize the phone/card again, I need to restart the phone, but the same thing happens again.
I have like 20gigs of data on the card, and cannot just put the card in a reader, because it's encrypted to the phone. Any possible solutions? It's frustrating to see the files/pictures for a minute or two, and then have them disappear. I have tried copying/pasting the files while they're visible, but this often triggers the computer to no longer recognize the phone/memory card. I've tried to un-encrypt the microSD card, but the phone can't recognize/access the microSD card long enough to complete that process.
Please help if you can.

SD Card "disappears"

Hello everyone.
My main issue for a few months has been the microSD card. Before I unlocked the bootloader, rooted and installed custom ROMs, my SD card worked fine, which was a SanDisk Ultra Class 10 32GB. After doing those things, my microSD card (or my phone) has been suffering a problem where it either corrupts or it disappears from the configurations of the phone, even after buying a SanDisk Ultra 64GB microSD card. I even unrooted, reinstalled the stock ROM and locked the bootloader but this keep happening.
This is incredibly frustating, because my main use for the card is Spotify, Netflix and Youtube Go! (I like to download everything on the highest quality possible) and every time it corrupts or dissapears I have to format the card and download everything once again. I even tried formatting it for internal storage but it dissapeared out of the blue other day just like it happens when it's setup as external storage.
Does anyone else have the same issue or know any fix to this?
It may be a hardware issue with the sd card reader
Exanneon said:
It may be a hardware issue with the sd card reader
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And only Motorola would be able to fix it?
A hardware specialist could, it's not just limited to Motorola workers.
I have similar problem/s
A. It takes a lot of time until card is ready
B. After it shows as ready, it can dissappear after a few min.
I u reinsert it, it takes more time, and sometimes fixes the issue.
The weird part. If it is ok, it will work like that until next reboot.
I really dislike this phone.
NM99 said:
Hello everyone.
My main issue for a few months has been the microSD card. Before I unlocked the bootloader, rooted and installed custom ROMs, my SD card worked fine, which was a SanDisk Ultra Class 10 32GB. After doing those things, my microSD card (or my phone) has been suffering a problem where it either corrupts or it disappears from the configurations of the phone, even after buying a SanDisk Ultra 64GB microSD card. I even unrooted, reinstalled the stock ROM and locked the bootloader but this keep happening.
This is incredibly frustating, because my main use for the card is Spotify, Netflix and Youtube Go! (I like to download everything on the highest quality possible) and every time it corrupts or dissapears I have to format the card and download everything once again. I even tried formatting it for internal storage but it dissapeared out of the blue other day just like it happens when it's setup as external storage.
Does anyone else have the same issue or know any fix to this?
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You don't need to format it
If it says sd card corrupted when you turn the phone on simply remove the sdcard (whilst the phone is still on) wait a few seconds then put it back in again
This works if formatted as external storage - not tried as internal as I don't see benefits in this
TheFixItMan said:
You don't need to format it
If it says sd card corrupted when you turn the phone on simply remove the sdcard (whilst the phone is still on) wait a few seconds then put it back in again
This works if formatted as external storage - not tried as internal as I don't see benefits in this
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It says SD card corrupted while using the cell phone. Like, let's put this situation:
I had downloaded all my Spotify songs in the highest quality they allowed, listened to them while coming back from University on a Tuesday night. I put my G5 to charge during my sleep. When I wake up the next day to go to work, I cannot access any of the music, because suddenly my SD card disappeared from the cell phones (if I go check in the settings, it says 24,59 GB instead of 84,06 GB). After a few minutes, the SD card re-appears but says it's corrupted.
Since creating this thread, I haven't added anything to the SD card and I never got the issue again, so I'm pretty sure it's something with the way Spotify files work.
NM99 said:
It says SD card corrupted while using the cell phone. Like, let's put this situation:
I had downloaded all my Spotify songs in the highest quality they allowed, listened to them while coming back from University on a Tuesday night. I put my G5 to charge during my sleep. When I wake up the next day to go to work, I cannot access any of the music, because suddenly my SD card disappeared from the cell phones (if I go check in the settings, it says 24,59 GB instead of 84,06 GB). After a few minutes, the SD card re-appears but says it's corrupted.
Since creating this thread, I haven't added anything to the SD card and I never got the issue again, so I'm pretty sure it's something with the way Spotify files work.
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Have you tried connecting your sd card to the pc and check for the available space ? If it does then copy the data to your pc, format your sd card (ControlPanel>Administrative Tools>Computer Management>Disk manager).
Then re-insert the blank sd card into your phone and see if it shows up.

