[Q] Installing .bin files - EVO 4G Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I downloaded a few apps online but they were in the .bin format. I have no idea on how to get them to install. I know apk is the file type for Android apps so I'm pretty much clueless. Astro shows the files and the size but there is no option install. Any help is appreciated


noob ?

I just got a new app from work in a .exe format.
can i put in a zip and flash it or do i have to change it to a apk file
I tried to put the exe file on my sd card and use astro to install it put it won't
I also tried to find a app to change exe to an apk with no luck
Thanks for any help!!!
.exe are applications designed to run on windows. Renaming the file wont change anything. It has to be an app written in Android code or it wont work. DO NOT flash unknown/unsigned files in recovery (I dont think it will let you) but if you manage to it can brick your phone.
DO NOT flash unknown/unsigned files in recovery
Thank you god for that answer!!!!!!!

[Q] File Extension Renamer

Could someone help me to check if there is an application for android where I can rename the extension of a file? for example file.avi to file.wmv. I would like to change the extension of a file using the DHD device. Anyone who can give the name of application sure would help a lot of us here. Thanks. DHD is the coolest phone for far!
If you go into the market and download File Expert you will find that you can rename the whole file name to whatever you want, that's including the extension.

Editing .zip files

Does anybody know of an app that would allow me to edit .zip files on my phone? Sometimes before flashing a ROM I like to remove some system apps, which I use winrar for on my PC. But I use es file explorer on my phone and it can only view and extract .zip files. thanks to anyone who can help!
Nevermind! I did a quick search on play store after I posted this, not sure why I didn't do that first but ZArchive does exactly what I need.

[Q] Zooper Widgets not saving APK / Font error

I am developing a zooper widgets pack, and trying to save the widgets as zips.
I kept getting this error:
Java.io.FileNotFoundException /fonts/BebasNueue.otf
I tried creating a folder called /fonts/ and moved the BebasNueue.otf into it. Still an error.
Does anyone have experience knows how to fix this?
maybe its the *.otf
whats happen when you transfer a *.ttf font!
I keep getting the same error for Akashi font. It says there is no Akashi.TTF in fonts folder but I actually put it in there by myself, so there definitely IS the required file. It's in TTF format. Restart didn't change anything. Any ideas?
Edit: I also tried to create a "fonts" folder in root directory, but ES File Explorer says there's not enough space (I have approx. 4GB free space left). Tried to copy in recovery but after boot the folder is gone.

Lollipop ColorOS apps

would anyone please share their System\Apps folder. I tried downloading the whole ROM package but its a .dat file. I also managed to convert into an image file but did not succeed.
You need to convert .dat file first to .ext4 see HERE and then you have to use ext4_unpacker_exe.zip to extract the apps which you need
I already do this before few days Good luck!

