Incorrect Time Zones in World Time - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

Incorrect Time Zones in World Time
I have recently discovered several incorrect time zones in the World Time feature of the device. All of them are near the GMT +5 time zone in Asia. The following cities are one hour off – some an hour ahead, some an hour behind.
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Chardzhou, Turkmenistan
Islamabad & Karachi, Pakistan
There are probably many others, but these are the ones I checked in a search to get the correct time displayed on my device while in Tashkent. This is very annoying and difficult to work around as I’ve found that the time on the today screen does not automatically adjust in most of the countries I travel to outside of the U.S. even if the network is 3G. I usually have to select the city as the default manually from the world time menu. This is not a big deal, but when I selected Tashkent, I discovered that the time was wrong. No problem I thought, I’ll just select another city of similar longitude. I can’t find any cities in the database with a correct GMT+5 local time. I can change the time of any selected city, but this changes the displayed time of ALL cities.
I have installed KB975353 which I believe to be the most recent Windows Mobile daylight savings time update from Microsoft.
Any help?

It's an issue with the HTC World Clock... not with the android system timezones.
You will need to extract these files from your phone, which you can do only if you are rooted, with ES File Explorer (or another root explorer):
- /data/data/
- /etc/ (then extract another WP_0409WWE.db file inside)
You will then have to open and edit them using SQ Lite Database Browser:
Just make sure that the timezone indicated for Bishkek is Asia/Yekaterinburg and the timezone indicated for Dushanbe and Tashkent is Asia/Karachi.
For some reason HTC mixed them up...
Once you edited and saved the files, zipping the second one back in, you'll need to push them both back to your phone, to the same folders.
Make a backup of original files, you never know...
Now the world clock and clock / weather widget should have the right time!!
One issue remains, if you leave it up to the network to determine local time settings, so uncheck that box. Still looking for a solution on this one...
It is not an issue with system time zones (/system/usr/share/zoneinfo/) but you can double check if the latest files are there. Others have posted on this.


TP2 Weather

Ok, so I flashed the phone yesterday and input my local information. It shows up, but theres also another one that shows up, a separately named place IN the city, ie, suburb that is not listed in the My Locations spot in the weather menu. How can I delete something that is not there on the list.
This has probably been asked and answered, but to be honest, Im a noob at this stuff and cant find how to delete the "ghost" location or how to turn it off. It happens to be the one that locates itself right under the time on the home screen
Again, sorry if this has been asked, Im just trying to get things in order on the phone
I thought this was just me. I have two of the same location (my town) in my weather - but they show totally different weather and I can't delete the one that's wrong! WTF?
Your localization, as it says, when you click in update it updates your current localization weather (if you are in new york in the morning, time and weather from new york, if at the night you are in chicago, time and weather from chicago...). It uses the AGPS functionality for calculating your current localization, so the weather changes in conformation with your localization.
I see, but, its not updating that default location. For example, I live in Louisville, Kentucky, but theres a suburb called Shively. The phone first picked up the weather the day before yesterday and listed it as Shively under my date. I have a separate location set as Louisville, Kentucky, which is updated on a regular basis, but that "Shively" hasnt changed nor updated itself since its initial recogition of the weather. It still says its raining and hasnt rained in two days lol
Any way of just deleting that one? I went to Accuweather on the phone and its not listed there as a location either
Buehler......Anyone? Anyone?? We cant be the ONLY two people with this problem. Any ideas, changes, thoughts?

Microsoft's Daylight Saving ROM phuck up

Does anyone have any idea - because Microshaft don't seem to have a freakin' clue - what the hell is the matter with DST and Windows Mobile Device Center?
I have a Vista laptop with Outlook 2007, and the Calendar is set to Eastern USA and Canada (GMT-0500) with NO Daylight Saving... as the Caymans don't use it... most of the equitorial Caribbean doesn't either for that matter.
I also have Windoze MDC v6.1.6965 which I synch said Outlook/Calendar data and various program data synchs - none of those programs use time information e.g. SPB Wallet.
The laptop Control Panel settings are also set to Eastern (US and Canada GMT -0500) with NO 'Automatically adjust for DST' as, again, the Caymans don't use it.
My phone is an HTC unbranded TP2 with their new WM6.5 ROM - although the DST problem was also the same in 6.1! - with my World Clock setting to George Town, Grand Cayman - I neither use the new 'My Location' feature, because that is an even bigger clusterphuck of a problem, nor do I use the local phone provider auto settings feature.
In Settings/Personal/Phone the Time Zones tab has a tick box option to "Automatically change time zone and clock" - this is left UNchecked.
In essence, both laptop and phone are configured manually to sompletely ignore DST for my local location (KY).
However, when I synch with WMDC it advances the clock on the TP2 one hour - every bluddy time! - and still manages to show every other timezone incorrect, especially those that actually use DST.
E.g. I have to call Bermuda and London, etc. regularly, and their times are wrong on the phone... both of them use DST (i.e. London is currently on British Summer Time = GMT+0100) so are (at present) 6 hours ahead of the Caymans, and Bermuda should be 2 hours ahead.
However, phone is only showing 5 hours ahead in London and Bermuda is showing as SAME TIME as Cayman... when it should be reading two hours ahead.
Just about to give up on it... or has anyone got a fix/patch
Surely if Mirosoft can program Exchange Server to get this right, they can get the damn system to work on pocket software... or is that too much to ask??
The old Active Synch program used to have a checkbox about adjusting for DST, but WMDC doesn't.
Have emailed HTC 'support' (and I use that word loosely) who simply blame Microsoft, whilst Bill's Boys blame HTC or haven't a clue.... or (best one yet) "can't reproduce the error"... like I'm making it up
Anyone? There's a week of coffees in it to anyone who can come up with a simple fix/cab/reg hack that doesn't involve:
a) reprogramming the ROM
b) loading a cooked non-standard ROM
c) understanding machine code; or
d) drowning the TP2 in a vat of boiling tar... however tempting that is at the moment.

ATT Tilt2 6.5 Changes Timezone->Mountain

I've found a really frustrating problem with the AT&T Tilt2 Version 6.5 software: It gratuitously changes from Mountain to Arizona timezones when it makes a data connection.
If I set the timezone correctly to Mountain, and then toggle flight mode, I find I'm in Arizona time. I've attached a video that demonstrates the problem.
The same is true if I connect to the 3G network, hotsync with my laptop, or go into (and out of) an area where I have no signal.
This is annoying now, but it will be really frustrating when Daylight Savings Time hits.
Timezones seem to work correctly in other parts of the US and (at least) Ontario. This may be related to the post where someone complains that their phone randomly jumps ahead an hour.
Currently, I've disabled automatically updating the time, but I travel a *lot* and would really appreciate not having to manually set the time whenever I get off of an airplane.
I've created a video (using MyMobiler) that shows the problem. I'm attaching it to this post.
Are there any other suggestions short of disabling autoupdating the time? Alternatively, is there a place where I can officially *bug* this? This is my first time with a problem so severe on my HTC devices?
Please accept my apologies and redirect me if this has been mentioned in another post?
You have correctly identified the problem by disabling auto timezone -
But, if you are on AT&T network, then when you get into a new or different time zone, the phone should automatically pick up the new time when it acquires a signal - there is no reason to re-enable the auto timezone.
Thanks, prubin! The problem with disabling the autotimezone is that the setting really says "Automatic change time zone and clock". I won't be able to tell if the clock really updates until my next trip.
So, it is a bug. Needs to be fixed. Doesn't seem to be an AT&T network problem because my original Tilt doesn't do it. Any suggestions on how to report it?
Same problem, same resolution for me. I do find it really bizarre that everybody I've seen report this problem is in the Mountain time zone, and it always picks Arizona as the place to transport us to.
Yup, same for me. I live in Denver, but my phone mysteriously travels to Arizona every few hours. I had to have someone else remind me in the AT&T forums to disable the autoupdate.
I'm in Mountain (Utah) and I've never had my Tilt2 transported to Arizona...
Ok,so how do we fix this or get AT&T to fix this, other than cripling our phones?
Same here, but for me it changes from Eastern Standard to Indiana. Indiana does not follow daylight savings, so I don't know if it will be wrong during daylight savings time or not. EDIT: Apparently Indiana has stopped this nonsense practice and follows everyone else, perhaps it's a non-issue for me, but I'd still prefer it to say EST not Indiana ;-)
I don't travel much so I should probably just disable it... I would think that this is something that ATT 'broadcasts' per-tower, it's weird that it's wrong.
Here in Colorado Springs my Tilt2 does the same thing, switches from Mountain time to Arizona time. I've done what everyone has done, disable to auto update function.
Whether this is related or not I don't know; every so often my Bing/Live search will "Locate" me in an area about 20 miles from where I am (using tower triangulation, not GPS) then on some days it "Locates" me in the right spot. Could it be something that's coming through the AT&T Towers?
On the East Coast, too
I just came back from a trip to North Carolina. As an experiment, I decided to experiment with the auto-detect-time-zone feature.
My trip was through Chicago, but the phone wasn't set to auto-update. It neither detected the correct time zone nor the correct time.
So, I set the automatic update once I was on the ground in Illinois. It correctly determined that I was in Central Time. So-far-so-good.
I left it this way, and wne I got to Norfolk (because my plane was diverted) and checked the time zone when I was on the ground again. Even though I was in Virginia, my phone said I was on Indiana time.
So, there are probably lots of people who have this phone (and maybe other HTC/ATT/WinMo 6.5 phones) who are on the wrong timezone and they don't even know it.
Are they in for a surprise next spring!
Tilt 2 in Mountain Time
I'm having the same issue on my Tilt 2, I live in Englewood CO, and the phone keeps wanting to move to AZ. (perhaps I should, nicer weather).
Tried applying the following update from microsoft:
no go, I've since uninstalled it. have a ticket open with AT&T. will keep this thread posted with my findings.
***UPDATE*** 01/05/10
Have spoke again w/ ATT&T support, and we 3-way'd HTC support, they are having me replace the device. considering it's less than 30 days I have to retrun the retailer. will replace the phone and see if issue continues.
the only troubleshooting added to the above is; HTC support had me disable the automatic GPS control in winmo, and preform a soft and hard reset (via clear storage)
Tried SIM on new phone in retail store same issue, kept old phone. Did notice in the phone's registry that while the clock said Arizona time zone, in HKLM\timezone it was Mountain Standard Time Moutain Daylight Savings. Perhaps an old SIM or winmo 6.5 issue?
I too live on the East Coast, and have noticed this change to "indiana" time. While this has not been too much of an issue, I seem to have another problem with the clock on my phone, and I figure that this thread is the closest I could find to what I am seeing.
On certain occasions (has not happened often enough for me to figure out WHAT occasions yet) my phone loses time. I will be using my phone for a game, or surfing, and at some point I will notice that my clock is off by a LOT (like 90 minutes...not an 'even' amount of time). I am not doing anything that should affect the clock, but it displays a time that is way short of the correct time. It seems the only way I can correct it is either manually resetting the time, or a soft reset.
Has anyone else seen this, and is there a fix?
Same issue
I live in Lakewood CO, a Denver suburb and have the same problem. Disabling the "Automatic change time zone and clock." setting keeps me on Denver time. For those of us traveling less than we used to, this is not an inconvenience...yet.
It would be nice to see ATT/HTC fix this since it seems Chezstik confirms it is not intended functionality.
I have a new Tilt 2 as well and have noticed a couple of similar issues with the clock. It will get behind for no apparent reason, and today I woke it from sleep and the date/clock showed Jan 3 2000 and a completely different time. By the way, I am also in Colorado and the date/time change occured when I was driving thorugh the mountains.
From reading all the postings so far, it seems to me that this is a WinMo 6.5/HTC issue as I have the TMOUS Rhodium. (Did NOT have this issue while I had the WinMo 6.1. Since updating to the WinMo 6.5, this has been the pattern):
I'm on the EST (New York mostly). I disable the Automatic Time Zone (uncheck) setting, reset my clock time to EST -5 GMT. All is well till I do a soft reset.
At every soft reset, the Auto Time Zone is re-enabled, and my time would be set for Indiana -5 GMT. Tried "unchecking" HTC Location settings - no go. Even tried the "visiting" time setting. Same result.
Thus 'till there's a real solution, all I do is that for every soft reset, is that I know I must uncheck the Auto Time Zone setting, and change my time to EST.
In Atlanta, Eastern Time Zone with DST, wants to put me in Indianian, no DST.
Think DST is a joke, however, another story.

Help: Tilt 2 clock gets behind, displays incorrect time

I have a Tilt 2 from AT&T running Windows Mobile 6.5. I got it in October.
Sometimes my phone's clock will get behind, displaying a time that is an hour or more off. This morning, for example, I had the phone's alarm set for 9am. I woke up at 10am. When I looked at my phone, the clock displayed 8:30am. I power cycled it and it displayed the correct time.
My apartment has lousy cell reception, and I often have no signal at all when inside. Does this phone/OS rely on the cellular network to know what time it is?
Has anyone experienced similar behavior? Does anyone know if there is a fix for this?
I don't think I can trust my phone to wake me up until I find a way to fix this.
Does this happens when syncing Rhodium with pc?
or it happens even without sync?
The phone does rely on the network to keep time updated.
You could always turn off the automatic updating of the time. That may help.
1. Go to: Settings > Personal > Phone > Time Zone
2. Uncheck: Automatic change time zone and clock.
See if that helps.
orb3000 said:
Does this happens when syncing Rhodium with pc?
or it happens even without sync?
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Click to collapse
I don't sync my phone with PC, and I don't have any push notifications activated.
The phone does rely on the network to keep time updated.
prjkthack said:
You could always turn off the automatic updating of the time. That may help.
1. Go to: Settings > Personal > Phone > Time Zone
2. Uncheck: Automatic change time zone and clock.
See if that helps.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Turned off auto-updates as you suggested. Now we wait and see. Thanks for the suggestion.
Clock falls behind, can't find the automatic settings
For the second time now, I experienced the same problem, where my clock on the Tilt 2 was behind. This time it was during the night and it was off by about 3 hours, and even missed the date change. The first time it was something around an hour. I don't know what's worse, because with the long time you know it's wrong when it's light outside and the time says it shouldn't.
The phone wasn't hot either, so, as far as I know it wasn't busy doing something else. The cell reception was fine here, and I was not syncing. To correct the problem, I looked for the setting to automatically set the time, based on the network. It's not off by precisely one or more hours, so it doesn't look like a timezone itself. Note that I have TouchFlo disabled, and I use the Windows 6.5 Today screen, so it might be a bit different. I looked through several settings beside the clock, but can't find it. Unless it's one and the same of course.
Any idea what could be causing this? Thanks for the powercycle tip.
I disabled what prjkthack said, I needed also to disable the sync option from Sense. This works for 'My Location' but screws other world clocks. Looks like a sort of 'base' clock is set wrong...
i have this issue with the tp and the hd2 both with energyrom.
att tilt 2 clock and date off when updated to new stock rom
hi iam having the same problems with my time and date being wrong everytime i softreset. the minutes usually always seem to be right but a couple hours off always and then you have to go in and manually set the clock. i also had to set the date when i softreset. i tried the my location button, didnt work. also called htc and talked to someone who said the time did have to be set manually, but i really dont think he knew what he was talking about. and it should have exact time from network and sat/gpr connections or even wifi? stange
Interesting. It appears that we might be fighting two different problems then. One that is a timezone offset (i.e. the minutes are the same, but the hours are off), and a full stall of the clock (with the time being off a random amount of hours and minutes).
clock advances one hour every night
I have a similar problem with my clock: every night the clock advances one hour. If I do not correct the time, it will be two hours in advance after two nights.
This is since the night, where the daylight saving time ended.
Can anyone help?
I've had my phone over 6 months and two days ago it started having issues with keeping the correct time...
Odd indeed.
Maybe it's ATT causing the problem?
Go into Settings/Personal/Phone, then click the GSM/UTMS services tab. Click on "Time Synchronization", then Get Settings. If the "automatic change time zone & clock" box is checked, uncheck it.
That turns off the synchronization of the Tilt2's clock with the cell network, so that you can synch the time yourself. There are some third-party programs that will let you synch off a NTP server or the phone's GPS receiver -- I use Julien Schapman's Time Synchronizer.
It's not a att thing. I have the same problem since last week. I'm in Argentina and a couple of years ago we had daylight saving time. And the last year we had it we must change it on december 27th (the day it started to change in my phone in 2010. Now everytime i activesync with my pc it advaces 1 hour.
It's really annoying. And fyi my setting have disable automatic change timezone and clock!!
I don't know what to do
Cheers and happy new year
I'm in Argentina too, and having the same problem as Ignacio. The only thing I can add is that my Tilt2 started having this problem right after returning from Uruguay, which by the way, they are one hour ahead of us. My girlfriend has the same phone but she did not activate it while in Uruguay and she is not having this problem.
I really doubt it is just a Sync problem. I've tried every possible configuration and nothing. I wish it would be that simple.
We need a good chef for this one...
Offical fix:
Or just install a ROM that doesn't have this issue (included this fix).

Weather widget and current location

My weather widget shows my country as current location and not my town. Does anyone know how this current location thing exaclty work and how can I correct my problem. I can add my city manualy without any problems at all. Location tracking is turned on. But this damn widget still shows country and not the town I know that I can remove widget and add it again and select my town, but I want dynamic thing (current location). Tried weatherbug and it detects my location without any problems. Help and thanks.
My advice.. dont bother with the weather widget, all it does is tell you what you can find out by looking out the window.
rimvydukas said:
My weather widget shows my country as current location and not my town. Does anyone know how this current location thing exaclty work and how can I correct my problem. I can add my city manualy without any problems at all. Location tracking is turned on. But this damn widget still shows country and not the town I know that I can remove widget and add it again and select my town, but I want dynamic thing (current location). Tried weatherbug and it detects my location without any problems. Help and thanks.
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Click to collapse
I had the same problem here (Ireland). It just listed my country as the current location. I decided to try a different weather app called snow storm. BUT... After I tried out this app I realised (coincidence?) that my current location started working in the standard weather app!!! It shows the area Im in now (or closest big town, usually correct within 2km). Im in Dublin and it shows all the different regions of the city as I drive around I don't know what caused it to suddenly work but it does now. When it started working it was on and off for a day to two. If I refreshed the weatehr sometimes it would jump back to Ireland(current) and if I refreshed again 2 or 3 times it would jump to Stillorgan(current). i.e. the local area. Now it does not jump to country at all and always lists the current area. No idea how it started working though. no updates etc. try refreshing the weather 4 or 5 times in a row and see if it still says your country and not your town? Actually, my mobile operator (O2) started selling the phone around about the time it started working?! maybe its linked to that?
I tried to install application you've mentioned, tried to refresh 6 times weather app - no change at all Tried to delete location and weather data - still no change It would be very interesting to know how this location thing deas exactly work at all. Because and world clock app shows my location as Lithuania and not my town which is capital of Lithuania:/ And one more thing - Vilnius is not mentioned in available timezones list when Dublin is there. Maybe this all thing is because of that?
That is strange. I would expect Vilnius to be there. I would expect the capital city of all EU countries to be there. I can only think it must somehow be network related. The phone naturally gets this location information from your network somehow. If the network do not provide this information to the phone in a certain way maybe it cannot deduce your location? the fact that mine works now and DID NOT work for 3 weeks when I first got the phone (I even have a post about this) I think it must be network. I changed nothing else with the phone and its perfect now. Does your network sell the HTC Desire? Do they plan to sell it? I think when they do, your location will start working.
Problem is that one guy I know has HTC legend and he is in the same network I am and his legend shows Vilnius without any single problem:/ It still would be very interesting to know how the phone detects location - does it use some kind of cell info, does it use internet. Because if I want location services to work I must turn on mobile network. And when location services are turned off my current location is Minsk I think because it is in the same time zone as I am and because it is in the database. Can you look at your phone's timezones? Are you able to see Vilnius in there?
I wish too the weather widget could give a forecast. Looks great but not exactly practical. Shame.
I had exactly the same problem as you, the weather app showed my country and not the town was in. But somehow it managed to jump to the city (in Sweden) I was currently staying in, but now when I´m 300km away it still shows the same town.
I don't think there´s anything wrong with the network because the widget called Latitude shows updates very frequently and tells me where I am even in very small towns.
I think it has to do with
Menu -> Settings -> Location -> USE GPS satellites... I think, not sure
Edit: Confirmed.
I had update disabled (i update the widget manually) and from the previous update it got stuck at my country (Macedonia).
I ticked the previously mentioned option, enabled the internet, chose to update the weather, and it located my exact region.
ljesh said:
I think it has to do with
Menu -> Settings -> Location -> USE GPS satellites... I think, not sure
Edit: Confirmed.
I had update disabled (i update the widget manually) and from the previous update it got stuck at my country (Macedonia).
I ticked the previously mentioned option, enabled the internet, chose to update the weather, and it located my exact region.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's really obvious my friend! It´s like "Try restarting it" =)
Nah I know how to fix it, it worked for me.
Remove it from the home screen, then when you reattach it the widget (Clock as it's called) will ask you to choose a city and just simply pick "Current location" from the list. Remember to go to the weather app and update if the weather is not visible in the widget.
ljesh said:
I think it has to do with
Menu -> Settings -> Location -> USE GPS satellites... I think, not sure
Edit: Confirmed.
I had update disabled (i update the widget manually) and from the previous update it got stuck at my country (Macedonia).
I ticked the previously mentioned option, enabled the internet, chose to update the weather, and it located my exact region.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
That's really obvious my friend! It´s like "Try restarting it" =)
Nah I know how to fix it, it worked for me.
Remove it from the home screen, then when you reattach it the widget (Clock as it's called) will ask you to choose a city and just simply pick "Current location" from the list. Remember to go to the weather app and update if the weather is not visible in the widget.
Hi guys
I didn't want to create a new thread as I'm having similar problems to the OP.
Since yesterday, the current location and time on my home screen time/weather widget (the one with the flip clock and weather) shows that I'm in Nanchang, with the weather to suit (cos it certainly isn't 27 degrees celsius at 22:16 here in Leeds, West Yorkshire!).
I installed Gameboid last night, and a couple of games (roms); also NewsRoom, and installed Who Wants To Be A Millionaire 2010
I removed Radiant, and Toss It games to free up some space
I have tried selecting Leeds as the City when adding the clock widget, which is fine as it shows me the correct time and weather on the widget/home screen. However, the time on the taskbar at the top still shows as 22.23 (at moment of typing this), which is the time in Nanchang.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
It's ok guys. Seems to have been a glitch with network whilst I was at work cos as soon as I left Morley (Leeds), phone automatically straightened itself out. Weird. But I'm happy.
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