wdfowty said:
I'm having a few issues using my bootcamp partition for this (in Parallels), following eugene and king_fyo's tutorials, and was wondering what it would take to root my MyTouch3gS using osx?
I am semi-familiar with ADB, and I have made the script, but i'm stuck at that point.
Here are my main questions:
-How to you get the loop to stop? I have to quit Terminal app to stop it.
-Any other things to know? Tips? Success stories? Tutorials maybe (or even a quick and dirty how-to?)
Thank you for your time, and for not flaming the newb
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So, I'm waiting for my Nexus one to come in the mail, and I think to myself, "Why not give rooting the slide another go?"
Worked second try. How's that for random....
So, here's how I made it work...Dunno if it was 'luck of the draw', but here ya go anyways...Hope it helps someone!
1. Instead of turning off the phone normally, I rebooted straight into recovery, with the phone being on first.
./adb reboot recovery
2. While rebooting, MANUALLY search for devices as soon as you can type it in, repeating rapidly (This made the difference for me).
./adb devices
3. You should catch the device in offline mode right before the recovery screen. Unplug device for 5 seconds or so, then plug it back in.
./adb devices
List of devices attached
HT05MPS02279 recovery
4. You should see your device in recovery, then you're good to go. If not try again.
How to you get the loop to stop? I have to quit Terminal app to stop it.
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No, simply hit <control> c from inside the Terminal app to break out of the shell script.
Any other things to know?
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Not really, it may take you several tries to get this as it did for people using M$ Winblows. I tried it about 20 - 30 times on XP and never was successful. After switching to my mac, I got root on the 5th try!
My suggestion is to follow Eugene's guide, it worked great for me! If you have problems, post them here and myself or others will try to help you.
Good luck!
wdfowty said:
I'm having a few issues using my bootcamp partition for this (in Parallels), following eugene and king_fyo's tutorials, and was wondering what it would take to root my MyTouch3gS using osx?
I am semi-familiar with ADB, and I have made the script, but i'm stuck at that point.
Here are my main questions:
-How to you get the loop to stop? I have to quit Terminal app to stop it.
-Any other things to know? Tips? Success stories? Tutorials maybe (or even a quick and dirty how-to?)
Thank you for your time, and for not flaming the newb
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So I set up my camera to record myself rooting my phone using OSX and a couple friends walked into the room. I got distracted explaining what it was I was doing and didn't make the how to. If I have free time tomorrow afternoon I can make a how to vid. My girlfriend just got her slide yesterday and I believe she wants me to root it.
it's exactly the same doing it in Mac OSX as doing it in Windows except you don't have to worry about drivers. Make sure you get android SDK for Mac OSX and that you put it somewhere that is in your PATH variable.
But if you feel more comfortable doing it from Bootcamp Windows partition -- by all means do that.
Don't boot camp it... lol
I'll be posting a Mac OSX version of Eugene's Root Method shortly.
sk8rbebop, Fordude, stangri, Thanks for the quick replies! Wasn't expecting anything so soon!
I think I have tried to press CMD+C to stop the script, must have been my problem. lol.
@stangri What do you mean by PATH variable? I have the Android SDK installed in my home folder...
@sk8rbebop That's pretty funny . I'm going to have a go at it right now, I'll edit this post with my results.
edit: I don't know if this is right, but I stop the script when I see the device in offline mode. But when I unplug device, re-plug and run ./adb devices nothing shows up. The same happens if I don't unplug.
edit2: Still nothing. adb never recognizes device after I stop the loop.
I threw up a guide. Hope it helps.
Don't shut off the loop until something displays under the devices.
Re: Question: How to root MyTouch Slide using OSX?
When u connect the slide to your mac and type "adb devices", do you see your phone listed? Crucial first step before moving on.
To make things a little easier for me, I put the sdk tools folder in my path so I could issue adb commands in any directory I want to.
Sent from my T-Mobile myTouch 3G Slide using Tapatalk
@sk8rbebop Read the guide and i'm still stuck at the loop. I'm having the same issues as earlier, the device will show for a little bit but right before the recovery screen shows, it dissapears. I was stopping the script once I saw the device, before it "dissapeared". Stopping the script after it dissapears does the same...
BTW, I've noticed that I need to start the adb daemon before I run the loop in order for it to even see the device in the loop. Odd.
@Fordude Yes, if I run ./adb devices when the phone is on I get my serial number and it says "device".
edit: I found that I am running an out of date SDK revision, so I am updating to the newest (revision 6), lets see if that makes any difference...
edit 2: No dice. Lame. Oh well I guess...Try try again. My mac seems to be determined not to let this happen
update: So, I'm getting a nexus. Thanks all for your help, happy hacking!
post removed
So, I have tried all methods posted here. I have not gotten a new sdcard, so that could be it, but if you sift through all these threads, many people have gotten root with the card that came from verizon. Also, would it help to wipe out my phone? Not exactly sure how to do it, but would it help? Also, I hear my phone connect with the usb sounds, but it seems like sometimes I get a quick 3 tones and it doesn't connect. Not sure what that means either.
If anyone can please help, I would appreciate it!
if your not sure if it connected right, open the device manager and see if it is appearing on there.
As far as i know wiping your phone probly won't really help much either.
rstandi said:
So, I have tried all methods posted here. I have not gotten a new sdcard, so that could be it, but if you sift through all these threads, many people have gotten root with the card that came from verizon. Also, would it help to wipe out my phone? Not exactly sure how to do it, but would it help? Also, I hear my phone connect with the usb sounds, but it seems like sometimes I get a quick 3 tones and it doesn't connect. Not sure what that means either.
If anyone can please help, I would appreciate it!
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There are about 10 threads on adb shell/rooting difficulties already. Why didn't you just bump an older one?
When you connect the usb to the phone what mounting setting did you select? It needs to be on charge only.
So, I have tried all methods posted here.
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I have rooted two phones using various methods. The Easiest method? Who knows, but this is what I did, I in NO way take credit for this method. This is a culmination of various methods I found on various forums. Thank you to everyone here and on androidforums. Give it a shot.
1. Uninstall HTC sync and PDAnet (If installed)
2. Install drivers as specified for re-flash recovery from revoked team (HTML file has instruction in recovery zip -
3. Restart PC
4. Install PDANet -
5. Make sure to complete all steps for PDANet
6. Make default connection on phone, "Disk Drive" AND Turn on "USB Debugging"
7. Shut down the phone
8. Unclick the card
9. Volume down + Power into bootloader
10. Run adb shell in cmd prompt as loop(loop.bat)
11. Start recovery and wait .5 - 1 second after you hear the disconnect sound to click in your card.
12. You should see error device not found change to the other message IF LUCKY.
13. IF NOT,
- Let loop.bat continue to run
- Pull battery, unclick SD card
- Vol down + Power
- Recovery
- Listen for 2 tones (Count helps)..
Quick - Insert card right after/during second (Change timing up slightly between tries)
Keep trying, my second root didn't take as long as my first but was easier. I think the unrevoked bootloader drivers with the PDANet usb drivers really make this easier. The other great thing is after you get root, you are set up to do the flash immediately using this method. Its just one more method that worked for me, hope this method helps you succeed. Good luck.
can anyone definitively explain to me which type of usb connection (e.g. "charge only", "disk drive") is necessary to get into shell and why? I have looked at what the various threads have to say about this. In fact that's the problem--I have found contradicting opinions posted on this matter. In my admittedly inexperienced mind, it seems like I should be fine either way, as long as adb recognizes my device.
davisbs999 said:
can anyone definitively explain to me which type of usb connection (e.g. "charge only", "disk drive") is necessary to get into shell and why? I have looked at what the various threads have to say about this. In fact that's the problem--I have found contradicting opinions posted on this matter. In my admittedly inexperienced mind, it seems like I should be fine either way, as long as adb recognizes my device.
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I used disk drive the first time, and can not recall what I used on my second device. I see that it is contradicting throughout. I really do not think it even makes a difference because you are doing a battery pull and it never reaches that step on the phone. The important thing in my opinion are the drivers and timing.
Studmf said:
I used disk drive the first time, and can not recall what I used on my second device. I see that it is contradicting throughout. I really do not think it even makes a difference because you are doing a battery pull and it never reaches that step on the phone. The important thing in my opinion are the drivers and timing.
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I rooted my cousin's Droid Incredible and I had Disk Drive enabled. I just want to say THANK YOU Studmf!!!!! I was stuck because I had HTC Sync installed and was stuck forever trying to root the Incredible. The instructions that I WAS following left that detail out.
cant get pass stage1..... i put my goldcard in phone, get into fastboot mode. then when i do step1-windows.bat in the cmd it installs something then comes up 42: custom id check: fail.
any suggestions, i have tried/made 4 diferent gold cards. im using windows 7,
any help? please
thanks for the response xda cheers
The error you are receiving is probably because you have not succeded in creating your Gold Card properly, have you tried this tool?
thanks for reply, yes used about 4 ways to make them, used 6 sd cards in trying
stevemartin1991 said:
thanks for reply, yes used about 4 ways to make them, used 6 sd cards in trying
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Must be something to do with Windows 7 then, maybe you should try rooting via the Tiny Core Live CD Ubuntu method instead.
try turning anti virus off
and firewall
worked for me
**** internet, 699mb will take a good few weeks haha. no root for me. ****ing orange and there ****
Okay, so I have a HTC Desire which is quite a pain in the ass, the USB is broken so I cannot easily root my Desire. I want to try out some custom roms, but this isn't really possible.
My HTC Desire:
Android 2.3.3
Software 3.14.405.1
Everything stock, S-ON, no root, no custom recovery
What I tried all ready:
Trying to get temp root so I could flash recovery using z4Root & VIOSIONary+, GingerBreak, all failed
Trying to get temp root using the rageagainstthecage method, it shows "Forked Childs", but when i close the terminal my phone will hang or the terminal won't start up again, so still no temp root
First it was still on Froyo, tried all methods. Then I updated it to GingerBread, tried all methods again + GingerBreak.
It's not that it has the USB Brick, it really is a hardware problem.
I spend two days on the problem by searching the form, but I really can't figure it out.
Please help me out!!
With a 2.3.3 and no usb, I'd imagine that what you want is next to impossible. You probably will have to get the hardware fixed before attempting this. Btw, just for completion sake, if I were you, I'd connect it to a Linux box and see if I can get any adb connection. that'd eliminate windows driver issues
Hardware fix wil even be harder, the connector inside is broken and messed up and I really don't know how to fix that. Btw, I already tried on a MAC computer, but also no luck. On a Windows PC it says, USB device not recognized (with HTC Sync installed), code 43, looked that up but couldn't find an answer. An a Mac it says, this device uses to much power and could not be connected for security reason, or something like that. Anyway, thanx for your reply!
Well, I'd say that you're definitely not going to get a solution from here. Try the Alpharev IRC channel. This is beyond most people in this forum.
One question that come's in mind: how the *** are you charging your phone ?
But now on topic. Why not solder a new usb connector to your phones motherboard ?
I just looked at some disassemble movies from youtube, seems like it's not to difficult to remove the broken one and replace it with a new one.
I presume as a junior member i cannot place any direct links, but search for HTC Desire A8181/A8180 Micro USB Data Charging Port Connector and for as low as $2,00 you can fix your problem.
The charger does work but I thing one of the pins for connection to the computer is broken inside.
Thanx for pointing that out, shouldn't be that hard I guess. I'm just going to order one and hope it will solve my problems.
Still i'm wondering, why the rage against the cage method does not work, does anyone else have this problem?
Everything does seem right, I placed it in /data/data/jackpal.androidterm/, changed chmod, execute, it says the "Forked Child, I close my terminal emulator, try to restart but it won't do anything until I restart my phone. I have two terminal emulators, the other one I can startup after the method, but it doesn't give me su. When I try the method again on the other terminal, my phone hangs and it needs a restart. I haven't read it somewhere else that someone has this problem so it's kinda weird.
I suspect that rageagainstthecage was closed in Android 2.3.3. zergrush works, but it operates over adb
Hmm, than maybe another option is control adb via WiFi, but can't found real success stories about that. There are some threads that say there can be a connection via WiFi without root, but can't figure it out, again.
Hi guys and girls.
New to XDA but not to Android.
I need some help big time as I'm totally stuck and I'm about to send my phone to "will it blend".
Long story short my memory card will not read when inside the phone all I get under phone storage is "unavailable" with mount being greyed out.
HTC DESIRE HD 2.3.3 (Not Rooted)
Things I have tried:
Factory reset soft/hard both through phone and through power + vol down.
Tried two different mem cards both coming up in storage as "unavailable" the general fix seems to be formatting in fat32 on desktop pc I have done that for both cards (which are both readable on PC) and have even tried formatting through command prompt still no luck.
read alot in ADB/fastboot as it is something I'm abit unfamiliar with saw that users where able to restore sd card function by installing adb then running command prompt: "fastboot oem enableqxdm 0" I get a message saying it was successful I reboot guess what...same problem. One thing I have noticed is if I type "adb shell" I get "Daemon started on port 5079". (I have enable debugging) followed by device not found. have tried two diff usb cables both work with my S2 on either media faceplate or backplate usb ports still no luck. Trust me on this one guys I have searched far and wide and I'm just about read to quit on this. I'm at a dead end any advice would be awesome.
I've tried to resolve the adb method by installing various drivers (running windows 7pro 64bit) the issue I seem to get is that windows doesnt like the drivers Im trying to assign so im forced into have to update them manually through "let me choose a driver from location" blah blah blah...
There is a system update available which may possibly fix my issue however suprise suprise I can't download the update without having an sd card. I have even tried downloading a HTC sdmount widget whether Im downloading the wrong one I dont know? I have got HTC sync installed as others claimed this helped windows detect the correct drivers but then technically speaking its not an ADB interface?? just like to point out that both of the sd cards work flawlessly in my s2. anyone who can help me will get paypal'd a beer!
OK, I had same problem with my Desire S. I'm running Win7 64bit as well. I un-installed HTC sync, including the drivers. Control Panel>Programs & Features. I then download the latest HTC sync. Went back to Programs & Features and un-installed HTC sync but, left the drivers. Rebooted PC and Win7 picked up Desire S.
Hope this helps
How old is your phone? Depending in which country you are in you may still be under warranty.
Try cleaning the contacts?
Not too sure if you can mount the sd card on phones that are not rooted, or if you have the hboot option/recovery. Fastboot turned off, phone off, then press and hold the down volume button and while pressing it down, press the power button.
If you are not sure what you are looking at do not play around with those options, and it may not work. Not sure if you get those options if you are not rooted.
Do not root your phone, it is improbable it will help, and chances are, it may cause more problems than help.
First option, find out about the warranty.
Edit: just noticed you can boot into hboot. Not too sure if you have the option for recovery and even less if you get the option to mount sd card through there.
2nd edit: I'm not responsible for bad advice. I still haven't had my second cup of coffee
3rd edit: to find out if the adb is working properly and you got the htc sync installed type in whatever the command is in adb to see if it detects your device.
However, try cleaning the contacts and find out about the warranty.
Sent from a dream.
eloquence intshe
Thanks for the reply.
Hehe dont worry you can have some of mine I'm on the 4th cup thats how stressed I am getting with this. Just trying Taysider's method for trying to re-enable the sd card function. I have disabled fastboot using your method so is there a way of mouting sd in recovery? because Im sure I may have tried that already and all I got was an icon of a phone with a red exclamation mark infront of it?
3rd edit: to find out if the adb is working properly and you got the htc sync installed type in whatever the command is in adb to see if it detects your device.
However, try cleaning the contacts and find out about the warranty.
Sent from a dream.[/QUOTE]
How do I clean the contacts on the sd reader? it doesnt look very accessible unless I remove part of the housing? also what command prompt do you recommend I try first? like I said I tried "adb shell" and got no device found I'll update in a second as soon as I have tried this I have just uninstalled htc sync now all I need to do is assign driver to "android 1.0" in device manager then I'll take it for a spin.
Thanks dude
Ironman MarkV said:
Thanks for the reply.
Hehe dont worry you can have some of mine I'm on the 4th cup thats how stressed I am getting with this. Just trying Taysider's method for trying to re-enable the sd card function. I have disabled fastboot using your method so is there a way of mouting sd in recovery? because Im sure I may have tried that already and all I got was an icon of a phone with a red exclamation mark infront of it?
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Re-read my previous post, there' another edit.
Thing is, Im not too sure what options you get nor l, well, anything related to non rooted phones. Do not root your phone as I mentioned previously. Mainly because first you ought to find out if you are still under warranty. If you are, send it to them.
Exclamation mark? Do a search, there were a few threads talking about that a few weeks back, but I believe it was about something else entirely, people effen up their phones trying to root.
From here on, the best advice I can give you is step back, take a break, continue later. There is probably too much info in your head right now.
1- see if adb can detect your phone.
2- try cleaning the contacts, do a search cause I can't remember if the cleaning of contacts was also for the sd card or only the wifi antenna.
3- Check your warranty, I can't stress this enough.
4- Coffee is kicking in
5- Check if you can detect the sd card through recovery. My assumption is that recovery works something like safe mode in windows, only an assumption.
6- Wait till someone more knowledgable than myself joins in. Chances are it would either be darunion, gleviatan or some chap who's nick I cant remember but starts with an M.
@guyinthecorner: you can skip this one - and I'm still waiting for that flashable zip.
Sent from a dream.
Teichopsia said:
Re-read my previous post, there' another edit.
Thing is, Im not too sure what options you get nor l, well, anything related to non rooted phones. Do not root your phone as I mentioned previously. Mainly because first you ought to find out if you are still under warranty. If you are, send it to them.
Exclamation mark? Do a search, there were a few threads talking about that a few weeks back, but I believe it was about something else entirely, people effen up their phones trying to root.
From here on, the best advice I can give you is step back, take a break, continue later. There is probably too much info in your head right now.
1- see if adb can detect your phone.
2- try cleaning the contacts, do a search cause I can't remember if the cleaning of contacts was also for the sd card or only the wifi antenna.
3- Check your warranty, I can't stress this enough.
4- Coffee is kicking in
5- Check if you can detect the sd card through recovery. My assumption is that recovery works something like safe mode in windows, only an assumption.
6- Wait till someone more knowledgable than myself joins in. Chances are it would either be darunion, gleviatan or some chap who's nick I cant remember but starts with an M.
@guyinthecorner: you can skip this one - and I'm still waiting for that flashable zip.
Sent from a dream.
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Lol, already saw your username and was like 'Yup, problem solved ;-)'
Flashable zip is being a pain in the rear, should have it soon (reading a crap-ton of tutorials to help me)
Sent from my Desire HD using Swype beta for Android!