[APP] 100 Pushups - Beta - Stage1 - 0.1.9 [23/07/2010] - Windows Mobile Software Development

As requested I have begun development on a windows mobile version of a program on the iphone called "100 Pushups"
Web Link: http://www.hundredpushups.com/.
The idea of the application is to put you on a 6 week program which will lead you to being able to perform 100 push-ups. This is achieved by performing so many reps, for so many sets, 3 times a week. At the end of each week you will be tested on how many you can do and then a program is worked out for the following week. You can track your progress via bar charts and logs.
There will be 3 stages of the development of the program.
Stage 1 - Functionality.
At this point all I am concerned about is "does it work?". This means the GUI will probably look rubbish but the idea is to ensure the program is doing as it should.
Stage 2 - GUI
Once I'm happy with stage 1 I will begin developing a nice GUI to make a better user experience and to make the program look half decent
Stage 3 - Final
This is the point where I will start adding people's request/suggestions, fine tuning etc. Once done the version will then end Beta and become final build.
See Post 2 for changes log
.Net 3.5 for Windows Mobile
Developed for Windows Mobile 6.5.3. Not sure if it will work on anything less.
Example on how to use
Lets say you start this program on a Sunday
Sunday - Perform as many "good form" push-ups as you can and enter value.
Monday - Do first day Program.
Tuesday - Rest
Wednesday - Do second day program.
Thursday - Rest
Friday - Do third day program.
Saturday - Rest
Using the above example, every time you get to Sunday you will be required to enter a new value. This will set the program up for the next weeks training.
NOTE: First Release - Please take the following under consideration before testing.
# This is at Stage 1 so yes it will look rubbish! lol
# The "Good Form" button is disabled at the moment so pushing it will do nothing.
# If the program is in first run mode i.e no push-ups have been logged, pushing the graphs button will display random data. This is just for beta testing.
# This was developed and tested on the HTC HD2 only. I'm not sure what it will look like on other devices as I have none to test with.
# Upon first launch a log file will be created in \My Documents\PushupLog\. I suggest backing this up when trying new versions of this program as it contains all your progress!
# The Graph may not display correctly on other devices and I'm already working on fixing that.
# To clear all the data simply delete the log file located in "\My Documents\Pushuplog\log"
If you press the menu button you will notice a sub menu called Debug. Here is an explanation on what the options are.
# Reset Timer - In the "Todays Program" screen, pushing this buttons will set the rest timer to 2 seconds. This is if you wish to quickly skip through the rest periods.
# Maximize - Basically just makes the program full screen (covers top task bar).
# No Limit - Check this if you want the program to ignore when you can perform the next program.
# Uninstall previous version.
# Go into "\Program Files" folder and delete folder "Pushups". There also maybe a file in the "\Program Files" folder called "100 push-ups - beta", delete this too.
# Go to "\My Documents" and delete the folder named "PushupLog"

Release Log
# 0.1.9 [23/07/2010]
- Added "No Limit" option to Debug menu. Pressing this will cause the application to ignore rest periods between programs. i.e You don't have to wait a day before continuing.
# 0.1.8 [22/07/2010]
- Fixed various issues with resetting log.
- Fixed Graph layout.
- Fixed issue where entering a test value and then resetting the log to a forward date would cause the wrong push-up program to be loaded.
- After performing a test and entering a value, the program will now not allow you to continue with "Todays Program" until 24 hours has passed.
- After completing push-up program for today, you must wait a day before continuing to the next program. This is so you get enough rest.
- After performing a test and entering a value, the new weeks program is added to the calender. Resetting the log will also update calender (not fully tested).
- Added basic Log View which can be accessed via "Logs and Graphs" button.
- Pushing "Rep Completed" button will cause "Perform X Pushups" text to change to "Rest Period".
# 0.1.7 [18/07/2010]
- Reset now only enabled in Main screen
- Fixed issue where entering Test value and then resetting log forward a day, causes you to enter test value again.
- Fixed issue where partially completing today's program and then returning back cause's the display of completed reps to be incorrect.
# 0.1.6 [17/07/2010]
- Complete re-write of log recording. (You old log file will be ignored if present)
- Added "Reset Log" to menu button.
- Added feature to reset log progress back and forward to any given week and week day. To reset log just select "Week 1 and Day 1".
- On first run, if you enter more than 20 on the test screen the program will move you to week 3
- Short cuts now in "Programs Folder" and "Start Menu"
- Program now remembers what set you was doing if you leave "Today's program" and then return back to it. NOTE: this only works while the program is running. You must restart sets again if you close the application.
# [13/07/2010]
- Removed top and bottom grey tabs to improve layout for low res screens.
- Added Menu button
- Moved Debug --> Rest Timer to Menu button
- Added Maximize to Debug in Menu button. Pressing this will maximize the application which hides the top bar in windows mobile. Press this button again to go back to normal view.
- Added Exit button to Menu button
- Added count down timer sound for stop watch/rest timer. Should kick in at about 6 seconds remaining
- Moved return button to bottom right
# [12/07/2010]
- Fixed various issues with logging.
- Fixed issue where entering test value and then exiting "Todays Program" will cause you to enter test value again.
- Fixed error occurring when repeatedly pressed "Reps Completed".
- Fixed error occurring when pressing "Return" button while rest timer is activated.
- Developed at 240 x 260 resolution so hopefully any display greater will work ok.
- Added debug Menu with item "Rest Timer". NOTE: Checking this item at the main screen will set the rest timer to always be 2 seconds. This is for people beta testing that want to speed up the rest periods.
# - [12/07/2010]
- Fixed error occurring when pressing return button on test screen.
# - [11/07/2010]
- Slight performance increase - switching screens is a little smoother
- A little GUI tweak to get a ruff idea of GUI layout
- After Completing a days program, if you try to do another a message is shown suggesting a days rest.
- Good Form button disabled - not implemented yet.
# - [10/07/2010]
- Fixed "ArgumentOutOfRangeException" which occurred after entering test result
# - [08/07/2010]
- First Release
Known Issues
Pressing the Return button on "Todays Program" will cause an error. Don't press it!
Pressing the completed button repeatedly on "Todays Program" may cause an error
This is being developed using a HTC HD2 so smaller screens may see error's with layout. Will try to fix this.

Hi, is the source available for this? i'd be interested in contributing if it is.

thanks for the interest donbing
Sadly I would have to say the source is not available. It's a nice small project for myself and I would like to see it through like this. Once completed, I may think about releasing the source.
If you have any idea's you wish to cntribute then I'm all ears!
Also, if you fancy doing a similar project like this, there is also a similar app called "200 Situps". Basically works the same but you do situps and not push ups. I could easily modify my program to do this but if you fancy doing it then go for it. I would gladly use it

Ok, I installed the tool.
It starts, but thats about it. On my first run, i got an unexpected error.
On the second run, i got ObjectDisposedException. This happened after pressing "completed" in the "todays program" page.
Hope this helps.

Excellant!!! bugs is what I'm after lol
Ok when you first run it you should get a screen with 3 buttons like so
Todays Program
Logs and Gaphs
Good Form
When you click Todays program it should come up with the test screen and asking you to perform some push ups and enter a value. Enter the value, press OK and it should take you to a screen for your first program.

For the first run problem, I just installed a new ROM on my phone and installed the program and now I am having the same problem. Will have a look tonight and hopefully post a fix, if not then tomorrow latest.
As for the problem when pushing the 'Completed' Button, does that occour when you first push the button or the last time you push it? Seem to work fine on my phone.

Gaz25 said:
For the first run problem, I just installed a new ROM on my phone and installed the program and now I am having the same problem. Will have a look tonight and hopefully post a fix, if not then tomorrow latest.
As for the problem when pushing the 'Completed' Button, does that occour when you first push the button or the last time you push it? Seem to work fine on my phone.
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Got some bugs for you;
first thing is: The goodform button doesn't work, i don't know for what it is used but it doesn't do anything. second of all; the graphs tab just shows some random pushups third: It doesnt say how much push ups you need to do. it says week 1 - day 1 and a complete button + timer. Not how much pushups you need to do. And when i press the complete button a couple of times it crashes.

Got some bugs for you;
first thing is: The goodform button doesn't work, i don't know for what it is used but it doesn't do anything. second of all; the graphs tab just shows some random pushups third: It doesnt say how much push ups you need to do. it says week 1 - day 1 and a complete button + timer. Not how much pushups you need to do. And when i press the complete button a couple of times it crashes.
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Right lets take this 1 by 1.
Yes the Good forms button doesn't do anything at the moment, Sorry I should have mentioned. Basically it will just show you how to perform a correct push-up
The Graphs screen will show random stuff if nothing is stored in log i.e first run of the program. This was for beta testing purposes.
When you push the "Todays Program" button, on the first run it should come up with a screen asking for you to do so many push ups and then enter the value. When you enter a value and press ok it should then take you to the "Todays Program" screen where you see the following.
Today (Week 1 - Day 1)
Rest Timer 00
1 - Pushups to perform #
2 - Pushups to perform #
3 - Pushups to perform #
..... etc etc
Press the 'Completed' button after
each rep to start timer
When you push the 'Todays Program', does it take you to a test screen or does it go straight to the screen I mention in blue above?

Gaz25 said:
Right lets take this 1 by 1.
Yes the Good forms button doesn't do anything at the moment, Sorry I should have mentioned. Basically it will just show you how to perform a correct push-up
The Graphs screen will show random stuff if nothing is stored in log i.e first run of the program. This was for beta testing purposes.
When you push the "Todays Program" button, on the first run it should come up with a screen asking for you to do so many push ups and then enter the value. When you enter a value and press ok it should then take you to the "Todays Program" screen where you see the following.
Today (Week 1 - Day 1)
Rest Timer 00
1 - Pushups to perform #
2 - Pushups to perform #
3 - Pushups to perform #
..... etc etc
Press the 'Completed' button after
each rep to start timer
When you push the 'Todays Program', does it take you to a test screen or does it go straight to the screen I mention in blue above?
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Thanks for the info!
About the last thing: Yes, it asked me to push up as many times, so i did 5 as a test number. But i don't see pushups to perform. Just
Today (Week 1 - Day 1)
Rest Timer 00
Press the 'Completed' button after
each rep to start timer
When i press the "Return" button, the app crashes.
I also made a little video for you, to help you! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4HgEX_Lu4Q

hhhmmm thats intersting, I can't seem to replicate it. I will have something posted later which should fix it

I don't know if you have seen my edit because i edited it @ 3.59 and you posted @ 3.54 but anyway: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4HgEX_Lu4Q

I can see the problem. It's because your screen size is much smaller than mine so what has happened is the list of push-ups you must perform has shrunk so much that it has become invisible. I'm just about to upload another version which I'm now thinking may not look right on your phone.
Could you try it out and post another video clip?

on tonights version, I get error after return from Todays program on HD2.
Column 'PROG0' does not belong to table PUSHUPS.
at System.Data.DataRow.get_Item(StringcolumnName)
at pushups.Core.GetTodaysProgram()
at pushups.UserControls.ucToday..ctor()
Pushups.frmMainNew.TestTime_Disposed(Object sender, EventArgs e)
System.ComponentModel.Component.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
etc. tired of typing..lol...sorry and hope this helps
Thanks for your great app & idea....

Thanks noellenchris for the post
ok let me just understand a bit more on how this error happened.
You clicked "Todays Program" and test screen came up?
You then entered a value and was brought to "Todays Program" screen?
You then completed the days program which was indicated by a message?
Pressing ok on this message brought you back to the main menu?
Did the error occur when you was brought back to the main menu?
Never mind I think I see what your saying. The error comes when you press return on the "test screen". uploading fix now :-D

Im going to try the new version now! Btw, if you press the return button but the timer is still @ 0 its not crashing, only when the timers counts down
Hmm the GUI is better but the layout on the screen is pretty messed up @ 320x320.
Im uploading a new video now
EDIT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvtB1ZASWAs

you videos are helping alot
ok the next course of action, which I hope I will get finished for tonight, will be this.
# Fix the crash when pressing the return button while the timer is running.
# Fix crash when hitting the completed button multiple times while timer is running.
# Fix the GUI layout for smaller screens :-D
Try newest version I just uploaded. I developed at a lower res so hopefully it will display better.
Please uninstall the old version first and delete \My Documents\PushupLog\log before installing new one.

Gonna install it now, and make a little video!
The text doesn't fit the screen, the size is ok but you cannot scroll down. Also, the timer uses 2 seconds each rep, it needs to be 60?
And when you are done for today, it tell you. Have a days rest before attempting the next program
It needs to be without the S
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1l2amIRGf0U
After completion of the exercise it says: "You have compeleted" The E needs to be deleted

Excellent, no crashes!!!! lol
The count down timer will only do 2 seconds if you pushed and checked Debug -> Rest Timer.
Try running the program again and don't push the debug button.
Other than that it seems there is still an issue with layout and an Issue with I can't spell haha.
Strange because the window size is set to 240 x 260 so I'm not sure why its not displaying correctly.

Oh yeah, i see it . Btw, is there a way to add a feature so that you can begin at a certain week/day and maybe can you add a reset button? Thanks already!


Start Menu Dead

I've installed a few of the tweaks listed in the sticky thread and somewhere along the line, my onscreen start menu completely stopped responding. The start button is there, but it doesn't respond to presses. Since this is the TMOUS TP2, there is no hardware start button, so I'd like to get this resolved and could use some guidance.
Here's what I've added/tweaked so far (that I can recall):
Added HTC FM Radio
Added Microsoft My Phone
Added Microsoft .Net CF 3.5
Added Private StartingWindows7 (for Windows 7 startup animation)
Added Total Commander
Added sdkcerts
Added Zelcadence's Topaz Notification Manager
Added Advanced Configuration Tool
- Used AC to try to change hardware keyboard backlight timeout from 8 seconds to 2 minutes - didn't work. It says 2 minutes, but still blanks out after 8 seconds. I also heard that AC didn't always get along with TP2, so deleted it. Still no start menu functionality.
Regedits to add additional camera modes
Regedits to add autocompletion/autocorrection for SMS messaging
I still have plans to install the editable weather app database, but haven't taken that plunge yet until I resolve this issue.
Any advice on where in Registry I might have accidentally disabled this function would be highly appreciated. Otherwise, I'm looking at a hard reset which I'd really rather not do.
Side note: Is the "clear storage" setting the same thing as a hard reset?
I also have a similar problem. Even with a fresh start up, my start menu highlights when pressed, but will not open.
sounds like yall need to do warranty exchanges lol
dagawa said:
I also have a similar problem. Even with a fresh start up, my start menu highlights when pressed, but will not open.
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I had the same problem and if you tap the start menu and drag your finger it should show. I never figured it out so I did a hard reset...Tj

ATT Tilt 2 rom problems

Hello everyone,
I just bought my ATT tilt 2 and I have a few issues that I would like to address. If you guys can help me address them it would be greatly appreciated.
(1) When I get a call and message at the same time, my phone doesn't stop vibrating even when I am in a call and the other end can hear a buzzing noise.
(2) In my message tab, I have a '1' icon showing that i have a new message but I have no new message. I even deleted all the messages and still it does not go away. Therefore TouchFLO is also showing me '1' new message all the time.
(3) In my previous phone (omnia), I could hit any of the front hardward key to light up the phone then I could unlock it. but that feature does not seem to work in this phone, I have to everytime hit the power key to go in and out, therefore I find no use for the lock feature. I changed the setting for it to never go on standby but then the screen always on (low visibility) and that would probably use up alot of battery.
Any fixes for these problem?
I do not mind changing ROMs but I have no idea which ones are stable and how to go about changing them. I can look up on how to change them but I need to know what people are happy with. I do not want to keep changing ROMs.
Thanks Alot for your help
Have to push power button to wake up device
I have a TILT2 and it sucks to have to push the power button to wake it up. Does anyone know how to modify this?
I would like to push one of the front buttons to wake it up as they are more accessible.
Number 1 is weird. Maybe try a hard reset.
Number 2: Go to Start>Settings>Today do to "Items" tab. Uncheck TouchFlo3D, and check Messaging. Hit OK, and go back to the Today screen. There should be some stupid welcome message from Microsoft in the text messages (for some reason doesn't show in TF3D). Delete it, and you can go back into the Settings and turn TF3D back on. The "1" message icon should be gone
I had the same problem, and this worked for me.
number three:
Try this link from XDA:
If you want to wake up TP2 by any hardware keys, please try: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\HARDWARE\OEM\KEYBD "KeyLock" = 0 (default is 1) then Reset..

Found Some Nifty Codes

Hunting around different web site and I stumbled across these, dont know if they will be any good to any one.
FYI These codes have been obtained by decoding various .apk files present in the phone firmware.
This code can be used to get some interesting information about your phone and battery. It shows following 4 menus on screen:
Phone information
Battery information
Battery history
Usage statistics
This code can be used for a factory data reset. It'll remove following things:
Google account settings stored in your phone
System and application data and settings
Downloaded applications
It'll NOT remove:
Current system software and bundled applications
SD card files e.g. photos, music files, etc.
PS: Once you give this code, you get a prompt screen asking you to click on "Reset phone" button. So you get a chance to cancel your operation.
Think before you give this code. This code is used for factory format. It'll remove all files and settings including the internal memory storage. It'll also reinstall the phone firmware.
PS: Once you give this code, there is no way to cancel the operation unless you remove the battery from the phone. So think twice before giving this code.
This code is used to get information about phone camera. It shows following 4 menus:
Update camera firmware in image (Don't try this option)
Update camera firmware in SD card
Get camera firmware version
Get firmware update count
WARNING: Never use the first option otherwise your phone camera will stop working and you'll need to take your phone to service center to reinstall camera firmware.
This one is my favorite one. This code can be used to change the "End Call / Power" button action in your phone. Be default, if you long press the button, it shows a screen asking you to select any option from Silent mode, Airplane mode and Power off.
You can change this action using this code. You can enable direct power off on this button so you don't need to waste your time in selecting the option.
This code opens a File copy screen where you can backup your media files e.g. Images, Sound, Video and Voice memo.
This code can be used to enter into Service mode. You can run various tests and change settings in the service mode.
WLAN, GPS and Bluetooth Test Codes:
*#*#232339#*#* OR *#*#526#*#* OR *#*#528#*#* - WLAN test (Use "Menu" button to start various tests)
*#*#232338#*#* - Shows WiFi MAC address
*#*#1472365#*#* - GPS test
*#*#1575#*#* - Another GPS test
*#*#232331#*#* - Bluetooth test
*#*#232337#*# - Shows Bluetooth device address
This code can be used to launch GTalk Service Monitor.
Codes to get Firmware version information:
*#*#4986*2650468#*#* - PDA, Phone, H/W, RFCallDate
*#*#1234#*#* - PDA and Phone
*#*#1111#*#* - FTA SW Version
*#*#2222#*#* - FTA HW Version
*#*#44336#*#* - PDA, Phone, CSC, Build Time, Changelist number
Codes to launch various Factory Tests:
*#*#0283#*#* - Packet Loopback
*#*#0*#*#* - LCD test
*#*#0673#*#* OR *#*#0289#*#* - Melody test
*#*#0842#*#* - Device test (Vibration test and BackLight test)
*#*#2663#*#* - Touch screen version
*#*#2664#*#* - Touch screen test
*#*#0588#*#* - Proximity sensor test
*#*#3264#*#* - RAM version
NOTE: All above codes have been checked on Google Android phone Samsung Galaxy I7500 only but they should also work in other Google Android phones.
Source- www.symbiantalk.net
Kickasskev said:
Hunting around different web site and I stumbled across these, dont know if they will be any good to any one.
This one is my favorite one. This code can be used to change the "End Call / Power" button action in your phone. Be default, if you long press the button, it shows a screen asking you to select any option from Silent mode, Airplane mode and Power off.
You can change this action using this code. You can enable direct power off on this button so you don't need to waste your time in selecting the option.
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The battery info one works fine, that one has been around for ages. The one supposedly for the power button does absoutely nothing.
All that I have tried do nothing. Like the GPS test, WLAN test, the power button one... Except for the INFO one, that one works as always.
ljesh said:
All that I have tried do nothing. Like the GPS test, WLAN test, the power button one... Except for the INFO one, that one works as always.
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LOL yeah u are rite they are crap I never tried them as i didnt need to know any of the stuff, but now that I have tried them ohh well sorry people my mistake

[GUIDE] Use NFC to unlock your phone, Galaxy S3 or other!

UPDATE!!! There's a new XPosed Framework module in town that makes this whole thread obsolete. Check out the new NFC Unlock module, forked from the NFC LockScreenOff Enabler module already used in this project. Way simpler, fewer moving parts to configure, and works well. Check it out. Otherwise, this has been a fun way to learn how to use Tasker! Thanks, all!
Original Post
This is a guide to show you how to set up your phone to be unlocked by an NFC tag. There are several other threads on the subject for various phones and carriers, but it took me several weeks worth of research and testing to come up with something that actually worked on my phone, and this tutorial is the culmination of that effort. In theory, it should work for a wide variety of ROMs (including Stock), phones and carriers, and even survive ROM updates (provided you maintain root), but I have only tested it on a Sprint Galaxy S3 (model d2spr) that is rooted and running CyanogenMod 10.1.
DISCLAIMER! I am NOT responsible for any damage to your phone, loss of data, use of your phone, or spontaneous sharknadoes that may occur if you try these steps! It worked for me, but I make no guarantees that it will work for you! Back up all your data and your ROM, and use this at your own risk!
An NFC capable phone, like your Sprint Samsung Galaxy S3 with Root Access enabled
An NFC tag, such as Samsung TecTiles
XPosed Framework
ONE of these XPosed Framework plugins:
MoDaCo Toolkit Plugin for the XPosed Framework (NFC Always On or On When Unlocked)
NFCLockscreenoffEnabler.apk for the XPosed Framework (lets you choose between Always On, On When Unlocked OR On At Lockscreen for better battery life)
NFC Task Launcher from the Play Store
Tasker from the play store
Secure Settings Plugin for Tasker
STEP 1: Install the software!
Install all of the software listed above.
Open XPosed Framework and enable the MoDaCo Toolkit OR the NFCLockscreenoffEnabler.apk in the Modules tab
STEP 2: Turn on NFC scanning all the time
Normally, Android only scans for NFC tags when the phone is unlocked. We need to scan for NFC tags when the phone is locked, and in our case, when the screen is off. Open the MoDaCo Toolkit app and check the box to Enable NFC when screen is off under Settings -> Wireless
WARNING!!! Turning on NFC scanning when the screen is off may adversely affect your battery life!
STEP 2 ALTERNATIVE: Turn on NFC scanning at Lockscreen
Open the NFCLockscreenoffEnabler.apk app and select Enable NFC when phone is locked, but the screen is on. This option should be a little easier on your battery. (Thanks to @nacron for finding this!)
STEP 3: Make Secure Settings a Device Administrator
Open Secure Settings and go to the Configuration Menu by tapping the wrench icon in the upper-right hand corner. Once there, check the box next to Device Administrator and select "Activate" on the confirmation screen.
STEP 4: Teach Tasker how to Lock and Unlock your phone
We can either do this the easy way, or the hard way.
Easy Way - Import the Tasks
Download and unzip NFC-Unlock-Tasker-Tasks.zip and copy the enclosed XML files to your phone
Open Tasker and long-press the Tasks tab
Select Import and open the files that you just copied
There is no step 4.
Hard Way - Manually Enter the Tasks
If you don't trust the import function, or just want to learn more about creating tasks in Tasker, you can create the tasks manually.
Open Tasker and select the Tasks tab. Create a new Task by tapping the big "+" sign, name it "LOCK", and add the following actions:
Select Task -> If
Under Condition on the LEFT side of the condition, type TRUN (the variable for Tasks Running)
Tap the Condition Operator icon (the grey button in the middle) and select Doesn't Match, or !~
On the RIGHT side of the condition, type *Unlock*
Under the If statement, select Plugin -> Secure Settings then tap Edit.
Select Keyguard and set the following options:
Select radio button On
Select Plugin -> Secure Settings then tap Edit.
Select Lock Device and set the following options:
Box for Device Admin Enabled is checked
Select Task -> End If
Create a new Task named "Unlock", and add the following actions:
Select Task -> Stop And select the Lock Task that we created earlier.
Select Plugin -> Secure Settings then tap Edit.
Select Wake Device and set the following options:
Wake Type: Screen & Keyboard Lights On
Duration: 30 seconds
Select Task -> Wait and set duration to 100 MS
Select Plugin -> Secure Settings then tap Edit.
Select Keyguard and set the following options:
Select radio button On
Select Task -> Wait and set duration to 100 MS
Select Plugin -> Secure Settings then tap Edit.
Select Keyguard and set the following options:
Select radio button Off
Check box Run in background (No Notification)
If you run this Task now, you probably won't notice anything different right away. However, if you lock your phone and then unlock it, you'll notice that any security that you had set up is now bypassed. That's why we needed to teach Tasker how to lock your phone, as well.
STEP 5: Teach NFC Task Launcher to Unlock your phone
Open NFC Task Launcher and create a new task for NFC named "Unlock Phone".
Take your NFC tag and follow the instructions on the screen to write the tag for this task.
Add a new Task by tapping the big "+" icon in the upper right corner.
Select Category Tasker
Check "Tasker Task" and tap "Next"
Type "Unlock" in the field next to the magnifying glass icon under Tasker Task and tap "Add to Task"
Congratulations! You can now unlock your phone with your NFC tag! Of course, as we mentioned above, this leaves your phone without any passcode protection that you may have previously enable. Which leads us to our final step...
STEP 6: Teach Tasker to Lock your phone
Open Tasker and select the Profiles tab
Create a new Profile with the big "+" at the bottom of the screen and select Event
Select Display -> Display Off
Go back to the Profiles page by tapping the "< Event Edit" icon in the upper left corner.
Select the Lock Task that you made earlier
Now when the screen goes off, your phone is secure again.
That's it! My hope is that this tutorial is easy to follow so that anyone who wants to unlock their phone with an NFC tag can get it working. While there are a lot of steps, I tried to make them clear and specifically looked for a method that was flexible enough to allow me to update my phone or even use a different phone with this method, without having to track down a modified NFC.apk for my specific firmware every time I wanted to update.
In regards to how battery life is affected by having NFC turned on all the time, my personal experience shows no appreciable decrease in battery life. I went all day yesterday without charging (about 15 hours) with typical usage for me, which includes 2-3 hours of podcast playback over both wired and bluetooth headphones, occasional GMail and Facebook usage, Solitaire, and 45-60 minutes of phone calls, which is on par with what I was getting before the hack. As with all things, your mileage may vary. If battery life becomes an issue, try the new NFCLockscreenoffEnabler.apk plugin that @nacron found instead of the MoDaCo one which gives you the On At Lockscreen option in addition on Always On. It should save you a bit on battery life.
Many thanks to the authors of the software I used (XPosed Framework, MoDaCo Toolkit Plugin, NFCLockscreenoffEnabler.apk, NFC Task Launcher, Tasker, Secure Settings Plugin), as well as this thread and this web page for giving me the framework to construct this rather elaborate NFC hack.
I would love to hear from others if this works on other phones.
2013-09-05 - Add NFCLockscreenoffEnabler.apk option for NFC on at Lockscreen (thanks @nacron for this!)
2013-08-14 - Changes to the Tasker Tasks that make the lock and unlock functions run a bit more smoothly by avoiding collisions. (i.e., if you're unlocking the phone, it won't try to lock it until the unlock is done.) I've also added easy-to-import XML files for the Tasks, so you don't have to type them in manually anymore!
2013-08-09 - Initial release (can you "release" a process?)
Wow, thanks for the info.
New instructions and importable task files make getting this set up a whole lot easier! Updates in the OP!
I've attached a cheap NFC tag to my watch wristband, cleverly disguised by gold nail polish, and unlock by NFC is now my preferred unlock method.
I like this. Posting to keep track of it.
Well, as soon as root is found for the DROID MAXX, I will be using this.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
After trying this on a Samsung Galaxy S3 Stock 4.1.2 and Slim Bean (worked like a charm), I have found a glitch on the stock firmware. When making a call the screen would go off via the Proximity sensor so <b>Tasker</b> would lock the phone.
So I made a little addon to the following part and the problem stoped:
STEP 6: Teach Tasker to Lock your phone
Open Tasker and select the Profiles tab
Create a new Profile with the big "+" at the bottom of the screen and select Event
Select Display -> Display Off
Go back to the Profiles page by tapping the "< Event Edit" icon in the upper left corner.
Select the Lock Task that you made earlier
STEP 6: Teach Tasker to Lock your phone
Open Tasker and select the Profiles tab
Create a new Profile with the big "+" at the bottom of the screen and select Event
Select Display -> Display Off
Go back to the Profiles page by tapping the "< Event Edit" icon in the upper left corner.
Select the Lock Task that you made earlier
[*] Select Display off (long-press) -> Add -> State -> Sensor -> Proximity sensor -> Check invert
That's it!
Now when you get a call and answer it Tasker will know that the proximity sensor is used and will not lock the phone
Hope it works for you too.
stealthdave said:
New instructions and importable task files make getting this set up a whole lot easier! Updates in the OP!
I've attached a cheap NFC tag to my watch wristband, cleverly disguised by gold nail polish, and unlock by NFC is now my preferred unlock method.
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Thats slick man. I may have to use that for myself lol :good:
This is great, thanks man but one problem. When I use my tag to unlock the phone, use the phone then hit the android home button to return to my default screen, it locks the phone instead. If I unlock it normally (Entering PIN) it doesn't display this behavior. What am I doing wrong.
LevanG said:
Hi, can I use this method to unlock my LG Lucid2?
I want to use it on GSM network...
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Wrong kind of "unlock", I'm afraid. This unlocks your screen so that you can bypass the lock screen; it doesn't do anything for carriers locking the phone to their network. Think of this as using an NFC tag as your password.
OK, sorry and thanks for your reply
lloydcabraham said:
This is great, thanks man but one problem. When I use my tag to unlock the phone, use the phone then hit the android home button to return to my default screen, it locks the phone instead. If I unlock it normally (Entering PIN) it doesn't display this behavior. What am I doing wrong.
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Try adding a 200ms delay to the beginning of the LOCK Task. This seemed to make things a bit more predictable on my phone.
stealthdave said:
Try adding a 200ms delay to the beginning of the LOCK Task. This seemed to make things a bit more predictable on my phone.
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Actually, already have added a delay at the beginning to the Lock task but it didn't do anything to correct the behavior to the Home button. I should probably add that I'm using this with an HTC One that already has a funky Home / Menu button configuration. Home button works fine when I unlock normally but seems to get remapped to go back to the lock screen when I unlock it using NFC.
lloydcabraham said:
Actually, already have added a delay at the beginning to the Lock task but it didn't do anything to correct the behavior to the Home button. I should probably add that I'm using this with an HTC One that already has a funky Home / Menu button configuration. Home button works fine when I unlock normally but seems to get remapped to go back to the lock screen when I unlock it using NFC.
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Likewise. I have the same problem as well. The physical Home button just takes me back to my pin lockscreen if I had unlocked via NFC. If I unlocked my phone manually by entering my pin then everything just works fine.
EDIT: Should also say that my phone is the S3.
@lloydcabraham and @bleAf! , what version(s) of Android are you running? I'm on 4.2.2 (CM 10.1.2), and my Home button is working as expected. I'm also using Nova Launcher as opposed to the stock Android launcher. Also, I presume that you haven't inadvertantly remapped the Home button, either by Tasker or some other setting or app? (Forgive me if some of this sounds like basic tech support stuff; just spitballing ideas since I can't reproduce.)
stealthdave said:
@lloydcabraham and @bleAf! , what version(s) of Android are you running? I'm on 4.2.2 (CM 10.1.2), and my Home button is working as expected. I'm also using Nova Launcher as opposed to the stock Android launcher. Also, I presume that you haven't inadvertantly remapped the Home button, either by Tasker or some other setting or app? (Forgive me if some of this sounds like basic tech support stuff; just spitballing ideas since I can't reproduce.)
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Not at all, I appreciate your help. I'm using ElementalX kernel that remaps the HTC logo as a menu button but leaves the back and home button alone. Maybe that's the issue? It's just funny that I only have the problem if I use my NFC to unlock the phone using the supplied scripts. Oh well, no biggie but if you can help me figure it out, it would be great. I can send you a cwm backup (wiped of course) if you'd like to try my setup?
lloydcabraham said:
Not at all, I appreciate your help. I'm using ElementalX kernel that remaps the HTC logo as a menu button but leaves the back and home button alone. Maybe that's the issue? It's just funny that I only have the problem if I use my NFC to unlock the phone using the supplied scripts. Oh well, no biggie but if you can help me figure it out, it would be great. I can send you a cwm backup (wiped of course) if you'd like to try my setup?
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Actually, it would probably be easier for you to just try a different kernel and see if it still works. Given the description of what it does, my guess is that might be the issue.
It also might be an issue with the XPosed Framework or MoDaCo plugin on the HTC One specifically. (It does have its own special installation procedure.)
- Dave
stealthdave said:
@lloydcabraham and @bleAf! , what version(s) of Android are you running? I'm on 4.2.2 (CM 10.1.2), and my Home button is working as expected. I'm also using Nova Launcher as opposed to the stock Android launcher. Also, I presume that you haven't inadvertantly remapped the Home button, either by Tasker or some other setting or app? (Forgive me if some of this sounds like basic tech support stuff; just spitballing ideas since I can't reproduce.)
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I'm on 4.1.2 (Samsung based rom with stock kernel). I'm also using Nova launcher and I just tried stock Touchwiz launcher but same result.
I'm thinking it may be just something to do with Samsung Touchwiz or HTC Sense based rom (If lloydcabraham is also running HTC based rom or stock).
Thanks for your help stealthdave.
For some reason I can't get my phone to recognize the NFC tag when the screen is off or even in the lock screen. Only when I'm past the lock screen will the NFC tag recognize. The xposed framework was part of the ROM i'm using (M.O.A.R.) and I just installed the MoDaCo mod via the link. I checked off NFC on always and restarted several times but it still won't recognize when the screen is off.
Got it to work using this xposed module instead of the MoDaCo one for always on NFC.
Also having issues of lock coming back on after doing any action post unlock via NFC. I think it's a hack Samsung put together for the latest firmware upgrade after the whole problem with the bypassing the lockscreen by going through the emergency screen. The op wouldn't have this issue as he's not using a TW rom. I wonder if there is a way to have it input the key instead of bypassing the key.
[EDIT 2]
Overcame this issue by using the secure settings to reset the pin to nothing when unlocking via NFC and enable the pin when the screen goes off. This method even prevents the phone from locking during a call. I have a new issue of the swipe screen coming back right after NFC unlock. I'll post my findings a little later. It's not the most elegant of fixes but it prevents the lock screen from coming up when pressing the home button. I also removed all the waits and made lights and keyboard on for 5 seconds, makes unlocking faster.
The action for password/pin reset in Secure Settings is in All Actions > Dev Admin Actions > Password/Pin. You just select disabled when unlocking and it removes your existing pin and when you select enabled for lock, it prompts you to enter your pin twice in the settings. Not sure how secure this is or where it stores your password/pin. The only problem with this method is that you'll have to change the password/pin in secure settings if you decide to change your password/pin in the android settings or you'll end up with 2 different passwords/pins
Not sure if this works if you have pattern unlock. Haven't had time to test that.
So this is how my unlock task looks like:
1. Stop task lock
2. Secure Settings > configuration > Screen and keyboard lights on for 5 seconds
3. Secure Settings > configuration > clear password
4. Secure Settings > configuration > Keyguard disabled
and my lock is simply
1. Secure Settings > sonfiguration > Set Pin
and my profile is
Display Off > Lock
Figured out why it was presenting the swipe lock screen when doing a quick NFC unlock removal . I'm using the hacked version of AnyTAG NFC Launcher, instead of the NFC Tag Task Launcher, that detects NFC Tag removal as well as placement. Thought this app would be more extensible in the future. The only problem with this is that it will keep insisting on launching on NFC Tag removal if you don't set something so I just set the task to do nothing and that was locking the swipe screen again. I just set it to the same task as unlock and it doesn't pull up the swipe screen anymore.
Also, the battery replacements from Sprint suck. It's a generic sprint branded battery that DOES NOT have an NFC antenna in it. Picked up the replacement along with tectiles yesterday and couldn't figure out for the longest time why this unlock thing wasn't working. Their battery part number is BSML71021L. Gotta call them up to see if they can give me back my old battery or give me a real samsung replacement.
[EDIT 4]
After trying to get this to work consistently, I've disabled it. I can get tasker to remove/reenable the pin consistently but only sometimes will it clear the lockscreen automatically.
nacron said:
For some reason I can't get my phone to recognize the NFC tag when the screen is off or even in the lock screen. Only when I'm past the lock screen will the NFC tag recognize. The xposed framework was part of the ROM i'm using (M.O.A.R.) and I just installed the MoDaCo mod via the link. I checked off NFC on always and restarted several times but it still won't recognize when the screen is off.
Got it to work using this xposed module instead of the MoDaCo one for always on NFC.
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Thanks for this find! I've added it to the OP for others. It's worked pretty consistently for me with this new module for the 30 minutes I've had it installed, and hopefully it will lead to better battery life. (Battery life wasn't too bad, but I was starting to notice a difference with NFC always on.)
nacron said:
[EDIT 4]
After trying to get this to work consistently, I've disabled it. I can get tasker to remove/reenable the pin consistently but only sometimes will it clear the lockscreen automatically.
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I'm sorry to hear that it's not working for you. Hopefully Google will eventually enable this functionality in Android proper. The Moto X certainly shows that it's not only possible, but practical.
- Dave

How to Remap the LG V50 Assistant Key [NO ROOT]

I recently switched over to this phone from a Note 8. I've been happy with it except I don't use the Google Assistant. It's not entirely useful for me and I miss being able to remap the Bigsby Button on the Note 8, so I looked for a method of trying to remap it on the LG V50. I found this thread by cavalloz which used Tasker to remap they key, so all credit goes to him. I figured I would let you guys know about it, and then lay out a tutorial-like post in case some people needed more guidance.
First, you will need to disable the google assistant. Settings->General Tab-> Apps & Notifications->Default Apps->Assist & Voice Input. At the bottom, I turned off the open assistant (one press), talk to google (two presses), show visual snapshot (three presses). I have not tested to see if you can disable only the first button press method, because I don't use any of them, but you can try it because I know some of you like Google Lens.
Second, you will need Tasker. It is a paid app, but I feel like it is well worth it for what it provides.
Third, you will need to give Tasker some permissions. You can follow this guide they provide here.
Once Tasker has been closed, you can disconnect your phone from the computer, and then reopen the app. In the Profiles Tab, click the plus button at the bottom to create a new Event in the dropdown menu.
You will need to select System->Logcat Entry, select No in the popup, and you should have an Event Edit screen that says Output Variables, Component and Filter. Click the little magnifying glass icon, grant permissions for writing over other apps, and select OK in the Tasker pop-up.
Now try to be quick to minimize what is captured, but click the orange floating play-button on your screen to start recording, and press the assistant button. Then press the orange button again(now a square) which will stop recording. Tasker will pop-up again, and you will be given a panel containing everything that was recorded, including a response to you pressing the assistant button. In the filter text box field, start typing InputReader and the panel will be reduced to the relevant 'key events' we need.
It should read like
InputReader: Key event: device=4 type=0x0001 value=0x00000000 when=2087698767908
with the numbers being dependent on your phone (I think).
Select one of the events in the pop-up panel, and it will be loaded into the filter portion of the previous Event Edit screen. You should only keep
device=4 type=0x0001 value=0x00000000
in the filter text-field.
Click the back arrow in the top left-hand corner of the screen. You may get a small little box next to the new entry New Task +. Click it, and just click the check mark of the small box that appears at the bottom.
Now in the Task Edit panel, you should be able to click the plus button and add a response to the button press. I used Alert->Torch to toggle the flash-light. In the Action Edit panel, you should be able to change the action from Off to Toggle. Click the back button in the top-left again
Your button should now be able to toggle the flash-light. Let me know if this has worked for you guys. You could get more advanced and set it up for single press, double press, hold, etc.
Any other app than Tasker that can be used? Can it be used with force widemode application
I am only able to get this to work with the screen on... Is there a way to do this with the device locked and the screen off?
That's pretty cool, thanks for the guide. Works well on my LG G8. Also works when screen is off.
Played around with it a bit on my V60
Fantastic guide! Couldn't get the dual screen working at first, but I was eventually able to track down a log that corresponded to the button in all states (Locked/Unlocked, Case On/Off)
Honestly not 100% what I'm doing, so if anyone has any input that would be great! I can't post the URL yet because I just registered here, but I just linked to this thread on reddit /r/LGV60
TLDR; I found that using the Component "LGPhoneWindowManager" and Filter "hotKeyRelease count= : 0" works as a trigger while the phone is both locked and unlocked, and whether the case is on or off. Let me know if there's anything else I should know!
Do we need to add this for Tasker to read logs?
adb shell pm grant net.dinglisch.android.taskerm android.permission.READ_LOGS
Well I don't seem to be able to narrow down what actually works with this.
InputReader: Key event: device=5
was working ok to start with then I rebooted and device changed to 4!?
I've also tried
LGPhoneWindowManager hotKeyRelease count= : 2
for double tap and
for long press and they seemed to work initially but something stops them from working with the screen off after a while.
Just got my V50. I can't make it to work with your instructions
Done everything step by step.
Edit: Nevermind, now it works.
Morphy99 said:
Well I don't seem to be able to narrow down what actually works with this.
InputReader: Key event: device=5
was working ok to start with then I rebooted and device changed to 4!?
I've also tried
LGPhoneWindowManager hotKeyRelease count= : 2
for double tap and
for long press and they seemed to work initially but something stops them from working with the screen off after a while.
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Double tap works for me, but it still keeps trying to open google assistant (even if its disabled from assistant itself and phone settings)
Does this also happens to you?
Anyway, ended using Button Remapper Pro from the Playstore. It also needs a PC and ADB, but it worked for long press with screen off.
Thanks XP_2, your instructions are impeccable! This worked well on my LG G8S - I used the Google Assistant button to launch my SatNav.
thanks a lot. I did all steps but, I have a problem. I can't turn off the snapshot (three clicks)
Make the video tutorial please
Sorry to revive an old thread. But can you remap the button to open a specific app, such as UAPP? By the way I own a V60, not V50.
I'm sorry but I can only get to the moment when I record my button press and go back to tasker.
Then I,m completely stuck. Please help.
What I can see is:
The text that corresponds to the matched logical entry
COMPONENT [arrow button and magnifying glass button]
FILTER [arrow button]
ViewRoot's touch event: action down
GREP FILTER (check help) [tick place where I can turn it on or off]
And what to do now???
Clicking back button pops up missing permissions screen - but I can't grant any from this screen
Please help

