I will like Froyo, until now I had, defrost 0,6. I v seen that a 0,7 version came out, for Defrost, and that a kernel of Brafo got out... What is better to put on my Desire? What are the biggest differences?
Sorry for my english
Thank for your work guys...
tomtom3d said:
I will like Froyo, until now I had, defrost 0,6. I v seen that a 0,7 version came out, for Defrost, and that a kernel of Brafo got out... What is better to put on my Desire? What are the biggest differences?
Sorry for my english
Thank for your work guys...
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Use Defrost
Ok... it looks like richardtrip has updated to this kernel, and will have 0.7 (i presume with working mic) way before I even get home.
I probably don't need to maintain this rom anymore as Richard is much better at this than me.
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From the Bravo Threat
Also: on BraFo the MIC doesn't work
dboy0911 said:
Also: on BraFo the MIC doesn't work
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yeah, but tonight there will be a update with working mic................
I have read that richard uses new kernal for Defrost 0.7
I have got the modaco ROM and always had them, but is there a better froyo sense ROM out there in terms of speed? Also must have a2sd+
325i. said:
I have got the modaco ROM and always had them, but is there a better froyo sense ROM out there in terms of speed? Also must have a2sd+
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Hi I use the delite rom it's pretty much as standard but with a few extras including a2sd+ & superuser included, this rom works fine for me give it a try.
Try neophyte rom 1.6
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
sbdags said:
Try neophyte rom 1.6
Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk
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i agree, a great ROM, super fast and battery is pretty good.
i also have alex v's Official FRoyo Ram v 1.3 as a nandroid backup, just in case... as its really stable and fast too.
bob dylan said:
i agree, a great ROM, super fast and battery is pretty good.
i also have alex v's Official FRoyo Ram v 1.3 as a nandroid backup, just in case... as its really stable and fast too.
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I used it and had no signal whatsoever.....Emergency Calls Only even with latest radio....
Try Neophytes NexTSenSe... I've been using it since it started and it just gets better everyday... Now on V5.1
I just tried that one....what's that weird screen on there with the digital clock and gallery button etc......it ruins the rom.....apart from that, it was good!
kurtish said:
I used it and had no signal whatsoever.....Emergency Calls Only even with latest radio....
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which one alex or neophyte?
never had a problem with either tbh
The Neo rom.....I had to be outside to get any bars on my Desire.....I have just this minute put DJ Droid 1.2....which is probably the best I've tried over the last 6 Roms I've put on
kurtish said:
The Neo rom.....I had to be outside to get any bars on my Desire.....I have just this minute put DJ Droid 1.2....which is probably the best I've tried over the last 6 Roms I've put on
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same for me actually, until i noticed that the Neo Rom flash had wiped my APN settings, everything was fine after i re inputted them!
I checked the APN settings and they were as they should've been. I couldn't receive mms neither,but I could send it?! lol
LeeDroid is an excellent Desire ROM
and Open desire is another excellent Vanilla ROM.
matter what you want really. I us these two and I've had no problems.
I wonder if this thread is legal or not XD I would like to see how many responds I will get for this stats =)
We love our Desire(s) and our Desire(s) won't be that great without these souls XD This is not a competition or as such. It is just to see how many people are actually using these custom roms and their favours on them
And this poll is just for CM/DF/OD's users If I have an option "None of them" then people will ask why don't I put other roms as well. The point is: There are so many of them out there and we all know where they come from.
lpachuong said:
I wonder if this thread is legal or not XD I would like to see how many responds I will get for this stats =)
We love our Desire(s) and our Desire(s) won't be that great without these souls XD This is not a competition or as such. It is just to see how many people are actually using these custom roms
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OpenDesire an DeFrost are 99.9% clone of CM6
Where's the option for 'None of the above' - it's not a true poll if you don't allow those not using them to vote...
Kali- said:
OpenDesire an DeFrost are 99.9% clone of CM6
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I know that. That why I said this is not a competion or whatsoever. It is just to see people's taste on these roms
EddyOS said:
Where's the option for 'None of the above' - it's not a true poll if you don't allow those not using them to vote...
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true. plz have a none of the above option as well. ;-)
I use the DeFroST 3.0 and I feel so good. =D
Sorry for my english
cyanogen THE KING
NOW NO DeFrost and OpenDesire
Only cyanogen clone
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App and cyanogenmod rom
i think this tread shoud be closed.
Why? I would like to know the differences.
I have tried defrost and i like the defrost setup and cyanogen settings.
I like the fact that through defrost setup i can change kernel and mv and mhz
as well as tweaking status bar from settings.
Does opendesire and CM offer these things?
defrost is best
This is going to be very biased - everyone has there own opinion.
However, those that vote MUST have used all the ROM's otherwise how do they know that one is better than the other??????
None of the above - LeeDroid w/ brightsilence.
Stock Android = bleugh ugliness.
jastonas said:
Why? I would like to know the differences.
I have tried defrost and i like the defrost setup and cyanogen settings.
I like the fact that through defrost setup i can change kernel and mv and mhz
as well as tweaking status bar from settings.
Does opendesire and CM offer these things?
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if you woud like to know differences , read changelog or test them yourself. its not so hard to backup and trie diffrent rom. this tread like the other one has no point and its just destroing comunity. let devs to do their work . if you woud like tread like this do one with benchmarks. if i say opendesire is best rom what does that mean to you? will you install it??
ReD_AvEnGeR said:
defrost is best
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nice and intellectual arguements...
Kali- said:
OpenDesire an DeFrost are 99.9% clone of CM6
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kkaalldd said:
cyanogen THE KING
NOW NO DeFrost and OpenDesire
Only cyanogen clone
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App and cyanogenmod rom
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I realy dont like to start argues between developers
I think threat be closed
How is comparing three ROMS going to start fights between developers?
abc27 said:
How is comparing three ROMS going to start fights between developers?
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when user didnt get the right info
Don't worry Kali I know you and defer are the only kernel guys. Cheers
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
yup, DeFrost and OpenDesire are based on Cyanogenmod. Cyanogenmod is based on Google Android source, so then it must also be the same as the Android HTC sells? Start thinking people.
I tried Cyanogenmod at first and was very unhappy. Too few Desire users, too few Desire specific modifications, like up to date black theme. It also was full with bloatware (Amazon MP3, ADW Launcher) and I wasn't able to deinstall them with ADB completely. Don't know why. It also had some hick ups and consumed a lot of battery in my opinion, at least became the Desire hotter than usual.
Then I switched over to OpenDesire after I read that it is based on CM, thus also supports Bluetooth HID. Less bloatware, much slimmer and faster because no laggy ADW Launcher. Huge Userbase, with a up to date black theme with the circle battery mod. Overclocking features, etc. Perfect for me. And it runs fine at the moment and everything works as it should.
I haven't tried DeFrost yet, and won't plan to do it. The differences are marginal and to be honest, I don't really know what exactly the differences are. I just preferred OD because it seemed to me as if more users use it and AdamG releases more updates faster. I also decided to use OD because I have heard of it before several times, not so DeFrost.
However, OD and so should DeFrost, are much better than CM for us Desire users. Better optimized and more features for the Desire and much better support.
i tried them all in my search for a stock rom to compare it with my sense one.....and i must say that without saying cyanogen and defrost aren't good, OPENDESIRE is the best....very fast and very stable with customized options that do a lot of things....that's my opinion
Wow! The camera is now working for the new sense.
The new official versions of those new sense roms will come out very soon (Robociks RCMixHD and Desire Z Port).
Now, I am confused :
To rotate or not to rotate?
Anyone can help me decide?
Personally I don't like the look of it in Landscape so I'll say HD
Not followed the camera progress for a while so if it's working I'll be rooting again soon
I was going to ask the same question!. I can live without 720p for the time being - seems a minor fix compared to actually getting the camera working in these ROM's.
I am currently running Teppics ROM and i do like it but i am very tempted to try another!
Can i just ask what is the rotating part you are talking about? - I have not kept up with the ports until the camera issue was resolved?
wingnutta said:
I was going to ask the same question!. I can live without 720p for the time being - seems a minor fix compared to actually getting the camera working in these ROM's.
I am currently running Teppics ROM and i do like it but i am very tempted to try another!
Can i just ask what is the rotating part you are talking about? - I have not kept up with the ports until the camera issue was resolved?
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The HTC Sense can be viewed in a landscape mode in the Z ROM.
aaa said:
Wow! The camera is now working for the new sense.
The new official versions of those new sense roms will come out very soon (Robociks RCMixHD and Desire Z Port).
Now, I am confused :
To rotate or not to rotate?
Anyone can help me decide?
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to be honest, the rotating kind of annoys me, so i'm a HD rom man.
the MT4G rom is also interesting and worth a look if you want to try something a bit different. really fast too.
Hmmm....it seems rotation is not to everyone liking..
720p is also a minor problem for me as long as I have the camera working because I need the camera for emergency use when I don't have my Panasonic FZ38 with me.
Is there a speed difference between Z and HD?
My Mistake, ignore this reply
Never use 720p as it's terrible on the Desire so it doesn't bother me - just a working camera will do the job!!
All flashed and working fine
aaa said:
If I am not mistaken, MT4G is a non-Sense ROM.
I have tried Cynogen about two weeks ago, I like the speed but I got the impression that I was not holding an HTC Desire on my hand because the Sense was missing and Sense is a kind of a birth mark on every normal HTC Desire.
That is why I use Leedroid instead
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I'm trying to remember - it was a little while since I used it - but I think it was sense, or had the sense widgets anyway.
Here's the thread - take a look for yourself http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=818392
aaa said:
Hmmm....it seems rotation is not to everyone liking..
720p is also a minor problem for me as long as I have the camera working because I need the camera for emergency use when I don't have my Panasonic FZ38 with me.
Is there a speed difference between Z and HD?
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why is 720p a problem for you? HD Recoring is pathetic on the desire
AndroHero said:
why is 720p a problem for you? HD Recoring is pathetic on the desire
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I wanna have everything functioning but again as said, it is only a minor problem, something I can live with.
Yup, very bad...the recording quality is pathetic.
cr1960 said:
I'm trying to remember - it was a little while since I used it - but I think it was sense, or had the sense widgets anyway.
Here's the thread - take a look for yourself http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=818392
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yes the espresso mytouch 4G is a sense based HD rom and I've been using it for about a month now, super reliable and super fast (quadrant nearly 2000)
beanbean50 said:
yes the espresso mytouch 4G is a sense based HD rom and I've been using it for about a month now, super reliable and super fast (quadrant nearly 2000)
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Have you find any issues or bugs (the laggy 720p is already known)? Notification LED?
According to forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=818392 : "Rom is cleaned of bloatware."
Do you know :
What are/ is the bloatware/s? or what is missing or removed?
One of my fav mod now is the DSP manager and I am currently using Leedroid 2.2f, does the DSP thing works on that ROM?
aaa said:
Have you find any issues or bugs (the laggy 720p is already known)? Notification LED?
According to forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=818392 : "Rom is cleaned of bloatware."
Do you know :
What are/ is the bloatware/s? or what is missing or removed?
One of my fav mod now is the DSP manager and I am currently using Leedroid 2.2f, does the DSP thing works on that ROM?
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the bloatware was all the t-mobile junk and game demos/apps etc
DSP manager isn't working on this rom at the moment
(but the dev is very helpful and will probably try to fix it if you ask him nicely )
In my opinion the rom kernel isn't the best, I've tried quite a few over the weeks and coutts99 kernel remix is the best so far (now with audiomod to boost the sound)
there is a promised new release version later on tonight so if you're thinking of flashing this rom hang on for a few hours...!
beanbean50 said:
the bloatware was all the t-mobile junk and game demos/apps etc
DSP manager isn't working on this rom at the moment
(but the dev is very helpful and will probably try to fix it if you ask him nicely )
In my opinion the rom kernel isn't the best, I've tried quite a few over the weeks and coutts99 kernel remix is the best so far (now with audiomod to boost the sound)
there is a promised new release version later on tonight so if you're thinking of flashing this rom hang on for a few hours...!
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I will definitely wait.
I want the new sense badly
It doesn't have to be the same DSP manager as I use at the moment as long as I can adjust the audio quality as I please.
I have tried the HD Rom 3 weeks ago, but switched back to Leedroid because of the camera was not working.
Now the camera is working, I can live with the 720p problem.Although, I am still hoping that the 720p problem will also be fixed soon.
Hello Guys,
I know there are LOTS OF topics for that, but nothing helped me to make ma desire faster ...
I tried a million ROMs , and i must say the best and fastest ROM was MIUI but there i had the SIMLOCK problem, i dont know if its fixed now. ( but i like Sense ROMS)
Im using the RCmix HD ROM now and i wanted to tell that my smartphone become very laggy when i began to use a Sende ROM ...
I tried everything : Task Killer, Overclocking the CPU but nothing helped.. Now im thinking about selling my smartphone if i cant get it faster ...
It would be great if someone can help me out of this problem
Could be a number of issues. Install a stock rom and see if you get anywhere with that. Define laggy as well.
PS. Don't use task killers.
I want to try with an other kernel, but i never made it before, changing the kernel.
I know how to install it but dont know whcih kernel i must choose for the RCMix HD Rom...
If someone show me a good kernel for this it would be very helpful
Could be some programs that you're running/didn't close properly that is using up the cpu.
I personally can swear by Oxygen rom(Froyo) and GingerVillian (Gingerbread).
I've been using gingervillian for more than a month and its very fast.
friedkimchi said:
Could be some programs that you're running/didn't close properly that is using up the cpu.
I personally can swear by Oxygen rom(Froyo) and GingerVillian (Gingerbread).
I've been using gingervillian for more than a month and its very fast.
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Yeah i heard that Gingervillian is good but the camera quality is not ok ,isnt it?
BuniDroid said:
Yeah i heard that Gingervillian is good but the camera quality is not ok ,isnt it?
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Err, i find it acceptable. But that's just me, you should try different roms, to see what you like best.
friedkimchi said:
Err, i find it acceptable. But that's just me, you should try different roms, to see what you like best.
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yeah, ill try it with the lastest MIUI now
BuniDroid said:
Hello Guys,
I know there are LOTS OF topics for that, but nothing helped me to make ma desire faster ...
I tried a million ROMs , and i must say the best and fastest ROM was MIUI but there i had the SIMLOCK problem, i dont know if its fixed now. ( but i like Sense ROMS)
Im using the RCmix HD ROM now and i wanted to tell that my smartphone become very laggy when i began to use a Sende ROM ...
I tried everything : Task Killer, Overclocking the CPU but nothing helped.. Now im thinking about selling my smartphone if i cant get it faster ...
It would be great if someone can help me out of this problem
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Which type of HD Rom are you running? A2SD, D2EXT, A2WE
Hi! Lately there have been lots of, LOTS OF, posts about reuploading old roms. So I decided to collect them all here, in one post, one thread, so it's easier to find I will also, from now on, try to keep roms on my harddisk, so, just in case another mirror is down, i can reupload it
Las Venturas RC2 thanks to CSL00
RCMix 2.2b Thanks to Saj222
VE6.2 Thanks to Saj222
VE Options Thanks to Saj222
VE Themes Thanks to Saj222
Aeonflux Thanks to Saj222
genirus salsa 4.1?
lolo7291 said:
genirus salsa 4.1?
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As i recall SFM update 2 was faster and more stable than GeniRus Salsa 4.1, above those two are Rose V5 and maybe Zero Hero 2.5 (only tried up until RC1, wasn't for the bluetooth issue - which is now fixed - it was tied with Rose).
what about VE4 ?by raduG
Use VE6 instead. It`s pretty much the same rom, with only a few improvements and changes
I'd prefer if people use the newest LV though. It is better ;P
Yeah, it's only that your kernel was unavaible for a while, haven't updated this for a while
Habarug said:
Yeah, it's only that your kernel was unavaible for a while, haven't updated this for a while
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Ah yeah, just saw the dates, my bad. Guess it is coffee time
Just wanted to bump this for people wanting to try old ROMs.