Here at XDA, we try very hard to work with everyone to resolve issues before they result in actions such as banning or locking threads. Unfortunately, hard as we try, we are not always able to meet those goals via ways that would be more desirable and seemingly more peaceful.
Here recently we have been having some issues with some Android devs who work with the Android Kernel. While we were able to work out the issues with quite a few devs we were sadly unable to reach such a peaceful settlement with the Android ROM dev Feeyo.
Before we go any farther into the underlying problems that we have had getting these issues resolved with this particular Android Dev, lets go over real quick what the main concern is about.
The Android kernel which is present in EVERY single ROM is an ever-growing community project. Android devs from all around the world have put their hard work into an open source project simply in an attempt to make the Android project better as a whole. While I am sure that all of these Android devs made these contributions to the kernels as a result of things that they wanted or needed to see develop within Android, they made their work available to ALL of us so that we could ALL benefit from their talents.
That being said, the Linux kernel is released under what is called the GNU GPL. (General Public License)
Basically this license allows for the Android kernel to be freely used and modified under the condition that the source of the kernel be released to the public. This "release" can be handled two ways, by either providing a direct link to the source where it can be downloaded, modified and reused under the GNU GPL, or by a written statement that offers the to provide the kernel source to anyone whom requests it. While I realize that I have only outlined a small portion of the GNU GPL, the bottom line here is that the COMPLETE and WORKING kernel source that was MODIFIED by anyone MUST be provided to the community, for any version of publicly released software.
You can find the full text of the GNU GPL licence here:
Herein, lies our problem. We here at XDA have had MULTIPLE interactions with the Android ROM dev, Feeyo, in regards to the specific problem that he has not followed these GNU GPL guidelines. There have been multiple instances where users have requested his Kernel source and he has continually refused to provide this source, or he has provided us with non working and otherwise incomplete source, or invalid or unmodified source.
The first thing we need to show is that Feeyo was MODIFYING the Android kernel source. Below is a screenshot that proves just that.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
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"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
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Above, you can see the Kernel version says "2.6.29-opt-40-Cronos [email protected]#1", The only known way to put you name there, in the kernel, is to modify and compile the kernel yourself. You have to edit a file within the kernel source called .config.
We also have proof by Feeyo’s own release notes in his ROMs that he has modified the kernel source code as well. For example, the changelog for his kernel below shows the changes made between versions.
Here is another screenshot where he talks of changes he made to his kernel:
All of that being said, Feeyo has definitely made various improvements to the Android Kernel source by modifying that source and he has publicly released this kernel to the community.
In an attempt to resolve this matter we made various outreaches to Feeyo, including a moderator by the name of 12aon making several attempts to get this resolved... I’ve added some screenshots of the dialog that they exchanged...
Here we can see that we were trying to resolve the issue with Feeyo and he stated that he would no longer provide or distribute the 2.6.32 Kernel that he was working on because he didn’t intend on releasing code with he labeled as “messy”.
Feeyo did indeed stop providing that 2.6.32 kernel as far as we know, however he then continued to modify the 2.6.29 kernel source and distribute that in his ROMs again without following the GNU GPL guidelines.The sources for this 2.6.32 kernel were never released.
It is the decision of the XDA moderators that since Feeyo has no rights to use or distribute the Linux kernel without making available his valid source code and modifications, his ROMs and associated kernel releases will be treated as warez under forum rule 6
Here in this screenshot we are again trying to get him to post the sources to his Kernel after he released a ROM that mention various enhancements or modifications to the Android Kernel that he was providing in his ROM. Feeyo then sent us another PM as shown below:
In this PM Feeyo is stating that he did provide his sources... However, it was not complete and was missing many things that were needed to compile the Android Kernel in such a fashion that it would run on the Hero. Additionally, as these sources are not kept up to date, they do not meet the requirements of the GPL to release sources as used to compile the distributed binary kernel.Below is the link to the thread that he posted containing his supposed kernel source:
Supposed Sources used in Cronos Droid early releases
That thread was locked to preserve proof to the fact that the source he provided was not complete. In fact, on post #11 within that thread he even confirms that the source is not complete, again this is not following the GNU GPL guidelines.
Additionally, the screenshots below show occasions where Feeyo acknowledged he would not provide complete sources, by deliberately withholding the entire kernel source or constituent parts.
We have made this long explanation of recent events available to you, the community, for two reasons.
First of all, we realize that Feeyo is a talented dev and that his ROMs are well liked within the community. With this in mind, we wanted it to be known that the decisions that we have made here today are not decisions that have been taken lightly or irrationally made. This decision included opinions from AT LEAST 5 other Senior mods here at XDA. We feel that a full explanation of our actions is something that we owe the community and we truly regret that it has come down to this.
Secondly, this will be a marking point, I don’t want to say that this is an example because it was never intended to be an example. However the fact remains that this incident has caused quite a stir within XDA and from this point on we will be making sure whenever possible that any Android dev that modifies and publicly releases the Android kernel is following the GNU GPL guidelines.
The GNU GPL guidelines are important because they ensure that credit is given where credit is due and it also ensures that continued improvement, advancement, and development of such products under the GNU GPL continue to ensue. As part of the Android community, which is an OPEN SOURCE community, we owe it to ourselves and the ENTIRE community to make sure that we are staying true to the notion of an open source platform. Keeping your sources to yourself while working on a project that is open source and released under the GNU GPL is not staying true to what being open source is all about.
At this point in time, Feeyo has received a 30 day temporary ban for refusing to help us resolve this matter in a peaceful manner and for ultimately violating Rule #6 and Rule #9 which state:
6. Do not post warez.
If a piece of software requires you to pay to use it, either pay or find your cracks and serials somewhere else. We do not accept warez nor do we permit any member to promote or describe ways in which Warez, cracks, serial codes or other means of avoiding payment, can be obtained.
9. Don't get us in trouble.
Don't post copyrighted materials or do other things that will obviously lead to legal trouble. If you wouldn't do it on your own homepage, you probably don't want to do it here either. This does not mean we agree with everything the software piracy lobby try to impose on us, it simply means you cannot break any laws here, since we'll end up dealing with legal hassle caused by you. Please use common sense: respect the forum, its users, and those that write great code.
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Furthermore, at this time, all ROMs posted by Feeyo that do not follow the GNU GPL where applicable will be locked and the links to the ROMs removed.
During this time that Feeyo is away, we sincerely hope that he will come around and upon his return, which we thoroughly hope for, he will post the sources to his Android kernel changes in the spirit of the open source community and the GNU GPL and participate in a more supporting manner.
Best Regards,
The XDA Moderator team
Thank you for sharing. Are you gonna post screenshots, this makes it more interesting to download.
thanks finish downloading now and will report back when flashing
Sure downloading app now.
forget the screenshots, how did you get the kernel? is it/can it be overclocked? Can it be used with other ROMs (CM5.0.7 etc.)
it sounds very interesting let me test it and tell u .
downloading now, hope it is true what you're saying...
What about the kernel?
cyberkid2002 said:
forget the screenshots, how did you get the kernel? is it/can it be overclocked? Can it be used with other ROMs (CM5.0.7 etc.)
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I have not added any overclock options into the kernel. I think its fast enough the way it is. But try it out and let me know. Maybe I will add some patches so that you can overclock it
How did you get the 2.6.29 hero kernel sources?
this sounds great! ima try it now, is this kernel the kernel everyone's been waiting for?
I can't get it working, did a full wipe and keeps hanging on HERO logo.
Downloading and feed back
Flashing within 2 min
Get some sleep, or try it out? Guess?
started up, runs fine so long
RaduG said:
How did you get the 2.6.29 hero kernel sources?
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From my understanding, all the OP did was take the Eris .29 kernel source & ported anything needed for the GSM Hero to run.
Is this a sense rom?
Downloading now,, hope this is the one I have been searching for....
reidefors82 said:
Flashing within 2 min
Get some sleep, or try it out? Guess?
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Getting some sleep
Added screenshots.
Is the green/bad autofocus camera bug fixed?
Here at XDA, we try very hard to work with everyone to resolve issues before they result in actions such as banning or locking threads. Unfortunately, hard as we try, we are not always able to meet those goals via ways that would be more desirable and seemingly more peaceful.
Here recently we have been having some issues with some Android devs who work with the Android Kernel. While we were able to work out the issues with quite a few devs we were sadly unable to reach such a peaceful settlement with the Android ROM dev Feeyo.
Before we go any farther into the underlying problems that we have had getting these issues resolved with this particular Android Dev, lets go over real quick what the main concern is about.
The Android kernel which is present in EVERY single ROM is an ever-growing community project. Android devs from all around the world have put their hard work into an open source project simply in an attempt to make the Android project better as a whole. While I am sure that all of these Android devs made these contributions to the kernels as a result of things that they wanted or needed to see develop within Android, they made their work available to ALL of us so that we could ALL benefit from their talents.
That being said, the Linux kernel is released under what is called the GNU GPL. (General Public License)
Basically this license allows for the Android kernel to be freely used and modified under the condition that the source of the kernel be released to the public. This "release" can be handled two ways, by either providing a direct link to the source where it can be downloaded, modified and reused under the GNU GPL, or by a written statement that offers the to provide the kernel source to anyone whom requests it. While I realize that I have only outlined a small portion of the GNU GPL, the bottom line here is that the COMPLETE and WORKING kernel source that was MODIFIED by anyone MUST be provided to the community, for any version of publicly released software.
You can find the full text of the GNU GPL licence here:
Herein, lies our problem. We here at XDA have had MULTIPLE interactions with the Android ROM dev, Feeyo, in regards to the specific problem that he has not followed these GNU GPL guidelines. There have been multiple instances where users have requested his Kernel source and he has continually refused to provide this source, or he has provided us with non working and otherwise incomplete source, or invalid or unmodified source.
The first thing we need to show is that Feeyo was MODIFYING the Android kernel source. Below is a screenshot that proves just that.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Above, you can see the Kernel version says "2.6.29-opt-40-Cronos [email protected]#1", The only known way to put you name there, in the kernel, is to modify and compile the kernel yourself. You have to edit a file within the kernel source called .config.
We also have proof by Feeyo’s own release notes in his ROMs that he has modified the kernel source code as well. For example, the changelog for his kernel below shows the changes made between versions.
Here is another screenshot where he talks of changes he made to his kernel:
All of that being said, Feeyo has definitely made various improvements to the Android Kernel source by modifying that source and he has publicly released this kernel to the community.
In an attempt to resolve this matter we made various outreaches to Feeyo, including a moderator by the name of 12aon making several attempts to get this resolved... I’ve added some screenshots of the dialog that they exchanged...
Here we can see that we were trying to resolve the issue with Feeyo and he stated that he would no longer provide or distribute the 2.6.32 Kernel that he was working on because he didn’t intend on releasing code with he labeled as “messy”.
Feeyo did indeed stop providing that 2.6.32 kernel as far as we know, however he then continued to modify the 2.6.29 kernel source and distribute that in his ROMs again without following the GNU GPL guidelines.The sources for this 2.6.32 kernel were never released.
It is the decision of the XDA moderators that since Feeyo has no rights to use or distribute the Linux kernel without making available his valid source code and modifications, his ROMs and associated kernel releases will be treated as warez under forum rule 6
Here in this screenshot we are again trying to get him to post the sources to his Kernel after he released a ROM that mention various enhancements or modifications to the Android Kernel that he was providing in his ROM. Feeyo then sent us another PM as shown below:
In this PM Feeyo is stating that he did provide his sources... However, it was not complete and was missing many things that were needed to compile the Android Kernel in such a fashion that it would run on the Hero. Additionally, as these sources are not kept up to date, they do not meet the requirements of the GPL to release sources as used to compile the distributed binary kernel.Below is the link to the thread that he posted containing his supposed kernel source:
Supposed Sources used in Cronos Droid early releases
That thread was locked to preserve proof to the fact that the source he provided was not complete. In fact, on post #11 within that thread he even confirms that the source is not complete, again this is not following the GNU GPL guidelines.
Additionally, the screenshots below show occasions where Feeyo acknowledged he would not provide complete sources, by deliberately withholding the entire kernel source or constituent parts.
We have made this long explanation of recent events available to you, the community, for two reasons.
First of all, we realize that Feeyo is a talented dev and that his ROMs are well liked within the community. With this in mind, we wanted it to be known that the decisions that we have made here today are not decisions that have been taken lightly or irrationally made. This decision included opinions from AT LEAST 5 other Senior mods here at XDA. We feel that a full explanation of our actions is something that we owe the community and we truly regret that it has come down to this.
Secondly, this will be a marking point, I don’t want to say that this is an example because it was never intended to be an example. However the fact remains that this incident has caused quite a stir within XDA and from this point on we will be making sure whenever possible that any Android dev that modifies and publicly releases the Android kernel is following the GNU GPL guidelines.
The GNU GPL guidelines are important because they ensure that credit is given where credit is due and it also ensures that continued improvement, advancement, and development of such products under the GNU GPL continue to ensue. As part of the Android community, which is an OPEN SOURCE community, we owe it to ourselves and the ENTIRE community to make sure that we are staying true to the notion of an open source platform. Keeping your sources to yourself while working on a project that is open source and released under the GNU GPL is not staying true to what being open source is all about.
At this point in time, Feeyo has received a 30 day temporary ban for refusing to help us resolve this matter in a peaceful manner and for ultimately violating Rule #6 and Rule #9 which state:
6. Do not post warez.
If a piece of software requires you to pay to use it, either pay or find your cracks and serials somewhere else. We do not accept warez nor do we permit any member to promote or describe ways in which Warez, cracks, serial codes or other means of avoiding payment, can be obtained.
9. Don't get us in trouble.
Don't post copyrighted materials or do other things that will obviously lead to legal trouble. If you wouldn't do it on your own homepage, you probably don't want to do it here either. This does not mean we agree with everything the software piracy lobby try to impose on us, it simply means you cannot break any laws here, since we'll end up dealing with legal hassle caused by you. Please use common sense: respect the forum, its users, and those that write great code.
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Furthermore, at this time, all ROMs posted by Feeyo that do not follow the GNU GPL where applicable will be locked and the links to the ROMs removed.
During this time that Feeyo is away, we sincerely hope that he will come around and upon his return, which we thoroughly hope for, he will post the sources to his Android kernel changes in the spirit of the open source community and the GNU GPL and participate in a more supporting manner.
Best Regards,
The XDA Moderator team
finally i download now...fastttttttt..
no greek support?
thank you sooooo much! i've been waiting for this for a loooong time... finally i have it...thanks again...
oh you made it!
Going to flash now and see if it is an improvement to the fusion!rom
Going to try it now
How about the google applications? did you include them?
Going to give it a go now. Will post impressions.
cokbok said:
How about the google applications? did you include them?
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Yes they are included.
pornogeroc said:
finally i download now...fastttttttt..
no greek support?
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Sorry. Language list is not complete. Greek is supported.
Does anyone else have a notification about a blank SD card due to unsupported file system?
Brooks316 said:
Does anyone else have a notification about a blank SD card due to unsupported file system?
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EXT partitions are not supported. Froyo will see it as an unsupported Filesystem and wants to Format it. Backup your data first and then let Froyo do the formatting please.
this is a very good begin, but i wanna know, how i can enable jit, thanks for your work guy
Sow said:
this is a very good begin, but i wanna know, how i can enable jit, thanks for your work guy
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JIT is enabled. Hardcoded into the DalvikVM sources I compiled.
Feeyo said:
Sorry. Language list is not complete. Greek is supported.
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What other languages are missing? How about norwegian?
... and thanks for the ROM, btw!
skandahle said:
What other languages are missing? How about norwegian?
... and thanks for the ROM, btw!
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Great to see a new Froyo ROM on the scene! Look forward to seeing it grow into one of the best...
For now, my early impressions are that it suffers from the same problems as other Froyo ROMs have / do.
To name two (and aside from the obvious):
* LED notifications
* Google Mail App displays at incorrect resolution for Hero
It might be a funny question but... All other Froyo releases I tried have been getting really laggy after installing all the applications I like and then 3-4 hours of usage. I use a task manager to kill applications so that a lot of memory is always free.
Would I have the same problem with this ROM? I am sure you have been using it for a couple of days at least before going public.
I would test it out by myself but formatting my SD card is going to take a lot of time for backing up, etc.
cokbok said:
It might be a funny question but... All other Froyo releases I tried have been getting really laggy after installing all the applications I like and then 3-4 hours of usage. I use a task manager to kill applications so that a lot of memory is always free.
Would I have the same problem with this ROM? I am sure you have been using it for a couple of days at least before going public.
I would test it out by myself but formatting my SD card is going to take a lot of time for backing up, etc.
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I have not yet run this build for a few days at it just came out of the oven...
But I did run some of the older builds of mine a few days and for me it stayed at the same performance. Although I do not have a lot of apps installed..
After installing apps you will need to give it a reboot to optimize the freshly installed packages.
Feeyo said:
I have not yet run this build for a few days at it just came out of the oven...
But I did run some of the older builds of mine a few days and for me it stayed at the same performance. Although I do not have a lot of apps installed..
After installing apps you will need to give it a reboot to optimize the freshly installed packages.
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Thank you for the speedy response and support. Appreciated.
I have a few questions in addition to the ones I've already asked.
1) When you long press a textbox and select "Input Method" option, the keyboard appears twice. Is it normal?
2) The news and weather application cannot find "Sofia" or "Sofia, Bulgaria" as a location. Do you think that might be a bug in the ROM or in the application itself?
hi all ...
I wanna share my kernel for GB users
What New ?
Kernel Version
Some Backport Future from Erikcas kernel 2.6.39.x
Update GPU
Add More CpuFreq
Add some Governor and I/O , SmartassH3, sioplus,Zen,etc
Zen set as Default Scaling Gov and I/O Sched
Inject Tweak on Ramdisk
More Powerfull and Smooth
Enable SWAP
Enable Deep Sleep
Save your battery
EXT4 File System
BLN Support
Custom Splash Screen and Change Android Text *this kernel i'm use on my ROM :silly:
and See By Your Self :silly:
available governor :
add :
How to :
Use CWM with support ext4
go to recovery mode
mount system
install zip on sdcard
This benchmark using antutu without OC
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
Download Here
Thank's to :
Galaxy Gio Community
To comply with the GPLv2 you will need to link to your kernel source.
what is new in this kernel ???
andyharney said:
To comply with the GPLv2 you will need to link to your kernel source.
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sorry i dont have connection tu upload my source ..
Msulviu said:
what is new in this kernel ???
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you can see on add governor
Hmm, if u dont upload source mods can close this thread, gpl violation is treated as warez
A little introduction
Recently in several Android fora on XDA-Developers, it has come to the attention of the moderator team that there have been issues regarding developers’ compliance with the GPL. This post aims to clarify the position of XDA on the use of GPL sources, particularly in the development of Android kernels.
Without the GPL, the Android operating system would likely never have come about. Through the work of Linus Torvalds, the Linux kernel was made open source for all to use, share and modify. As Android runs on the Linux kernel, and features numerous modifications to these sources, it would not exist in its present state without the Open Source community.
As a result, it is in the interests of everyone who owns an Android phone, who wishes to see further development on the platform, to ensure that they play their part in upholding both the letter and spirit of the GPL.
The GNU General Public Licence (also known as the GPL) is available to read in full at
To make it easy for everyone to spot a release that complies with the GPL mark the title of your release thread with [GPL]. If you find a ROM which does not comply with the GPL, or the developer does not issue sources, you can report the post as usual, using the report post button next to the post number. Alternatively you may PM your forum specific moderator.
The Rules as they apply on XDA
As XDA has no legal power to uphold the GPL (and frankly we want to stay as far away from doing so as possible), we can’t force any of our users to abide by the GPL. However it is in XDA’s interests as well as the interests of our developer-base to ensure all GPL-derived materials hosted or linked on XDA comply fully with the GPL.
[*]GPL-derived materials that do not come with the complete sources used to compile the GPL components are considered warez, and will be treated as such under forum rule 6 and 9.
[*]If you use GPL components, but do not make any modifications to them whatsoever, you should provide a link to the original source of your GPL code.
[*]Sources accompanying a release should be complete, and contain all the necessary source code for any modules, scripts or definition files. Complete sources will be defined as those which compile correctly and completely against the platform for which the software is distributed, and which contain any and all modifications made to the released General Public Licenced code. The source code supplied should be the exact version for which the source code is being requested, complete with all modifications.
EXAMPLE: Here’s a bit of code that could be used as a template to post your releases
The Very Quick Summary of General Public License (GPL)
The text of the GPL Licence itself will be used to reach any final conclusion regarding any disputes over GPL Licenced materials. The above is a summary of what XDA expects of members using GPL code, and the complete text can be read at the GNU website.
The GPL states that anyone who modifies GPL licenced code is required to make available the sources used to compile it. This is to further improve and encourage collaborative work, as well as to ensure that the best code possible is produced, and to encourage peer-review of all work. This benefits both developers and end users in numerous ways, including:
[*]Allowing anyone to verify the code they are trusting with their data, and its authenticity
[*]Encouraging community collaboration to produce faster fixes and updates, and better code
[*]Helping bring new developments from other devices and fields to your own, letting you benefit from new code that wouldn’t have been available without this sharing.
[*]The GPL imparts great freedom for GPL end users. It ensures innovation is never stifled and no project is dependent upon any single developer.
It is in everyone’s interest for the GPL to be adhered to, as it gives us all better ROMs, better transparency, and a better atmosphere for developers to work together to make great code.
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Sent from my GT-S5660 using XDA
lemmymet said:
Hmm, if u dont upload source mods can close this thread, gpl violation is treated as warez
Sent from my GT-S5660 using XDA
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sorry , i try to upload my source but my connection don't stabil to upload it ..
if i have stabil connection i will give my link
I used Phiexz CM7. Performance is good but very bad battery usage. Kernel on the battery is very good if you try.
Ok! I've intall this! So what is the best option for a long baterry life?
If you cannot provide source I will have to close your thread.
I'll give you a few more days to get it sorted
Mavi Tuna said:
I used Phiexz CM7. Performance is good but very bad battery usage. Kernel on the battery is very good if you try.
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do you have calibrate your battery after flash cm7 ..?
kompressorgpl said:
Ok! I've intall this! So what is the best option for a long baterry life?
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try to use smartassv2 or smoothass ..
but calibrate your battery before
andyharney said:
If you cannot provide source I will have to close your thread.
I'll give you a few more days to get it sorted
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okay, if i have connection i will upload my source
kompressorgpl said:
Ok! I've intall this! So what is the best option for a long baterry life?
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I would vote for "conservative", with the following advanced settings:
sampling rate 200000us (fastest)
up threshold 40%
down threshold 30%
freq step 10%
andyharney said:
If you cannot provide source I will have to close your thread.
I'll give you a few more days to get it sorted
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he use my source, and only change a little like governor, so most of part is from mine,
here's the source, my github
Cheers for that squadzone.
tux-kid's - As your Kernel is based on the above source, all you need to do is provide the source to the files you edited/changed and those files only.
If you'd like I can help you get set up on GitHub, as I'm sure many others here could too. XDA is here to embrace, help & encourage development.
Damm i want to build my own kernel from source
But there are only tutorials to mod the kernel
Can anyone provide a guide/tutoial of it ?
herpderp © aint got money to pay to my fish
squadzone said:
he use my source, and only change a little like governor, so most of part is from mine,
here's the source, my github
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wuhihi, thank's squadzone ..
soalnya ane dah tuliskan source nya dari ente ...
ntar ane coba upload dah ^^ :cipok
andyharney said:
Cheers for that squadzone.
tux-kid's - As your Kernel is based on the above source, all you need to do is provide the source to the files you edited/changed and those files only.
If you'd like I can help you get set up on GitHub, as I'm sure many others here could too. XDA is here to embrace, help & encourage development.
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i have account on GitHub but i dont have connection to upload my source ..
i just edit some file on source from squadzone
spacecaker said:
Damm i want to build my own kernel from source
But there are only tutorials to mod the kernel
Can anyone provide a guide/tutoial of it ?
herpderp © aint got money to pay to my fish
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and if you got the turotial.. i will be excited if you wanna share it with me too
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Disclaimer: OctOs is a WIP. It has been evaluated as being stable, and is suitable for daily use in most cases. While it may be considered stable, there may be unknown bugs. The development team is not responsible for any damage to your device or your information.
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Team OctOs presents Oct-M.
We maintain a current release record and change-log on our website:
- Please Do Not Mirror our files without talking to us. We can do that ourselves should we desire to. -
Team OctOs would like to thank Team Blackout for the use of their Blacked Out Nexus Launcher & for saving eyes one app at a time!
You can get all the TBO goodies here as well as the TBO Updater #whiteuimustdie
TBO thread
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is this Android 6 (Marshmallow)?
A: Yes, this is Android 6.0.1
Q: What code is Oct-M based on?
A: Starting with Oct-L, we've rebased OctOs on the CyanogenMod 12 code. Oct-M is base on CyanogenMod 13.
Q: What happened to AOSP?
A: All Android code is based on the Android Open Source Project (AOSP). Under previous releases, we tried very hard to limit the number of "Not from Google directly" repositories that we used. Unfortunately, issues with devices, the need for Code Aurora Foundation (CAF) repositories for Qualcomm devices, and compatibility issues meant fighting code more often than not. We decided that since the code-base for many repositories were the same across most ROMs, picking a starting point to build the user experience on outweighed the desire to craft code from scratch, or fix broken code to make it work with other changes we already had.
Q: Why isn't there XXXXXXX feature.
A: Shoot us a Suggestion if you want to see something added. While we are not going to promise to implement, we will always look into it
Q: But XYZ and all the others have..
A: ROM developers, build something they want to use. The ROM developer that includes something they won't run implies less than 100% effort to ensure it does work. As a team, we have similar goals and objectives. If XYZ ROM has a feature you want, and we don't include (or don't want to include), feel free to use XYZ ROM, or build your own custom version of Oct-M.
Q: Superuser or SuperSU?
A: Team OctOs uses SuperSU and is installed automatically.
Bugs happen. Our testers are very good at breaking things, but no where near as good as the rest of the Android public. In order to investigate and fix issues, we need the help of the users who are going to report them. The Android OS has many nifty features to help us in this, but only if we can engage the user to assist us.
Logs, Logcat, and the Android Debugging Bridge (ADB)
Like any other OS, Android has multiple log files that are generated and record the goings-on of the system. As a user, you have two basic ways to view and pull these to send to us. Without the information in the logfiles, there simply is not a whole lot of information to go on.
Log file APKs
Team OctOs recommends SysLog from the Android Market. This application will allow you to selectively pick any (or all) of the system logs, compress them into a .ZIP file, and allow you to save, email, move to your Copy/DropBox/Cloud Storage account, etc.
ADB Logcat
The Android Debugging Bridge (ADB) is a powerful tool available from Google as part of the Android Software Development Kit (SDK). Used for many things, being able to selectively see, in real-time, what your device is doing cannot be downplayed. While there is more setup involved, if you are doing consistent ROM flashing, you really should invest the time to get setup properly to do it.
ADB Logcat tutorial here: How to create a logcat log
Basic Instructions:
Download ROM .zip file and MD5 file, and grab your favourite Opengapps package
Reboot to Recovery (Note: Use Reboot to Recovery from Power Menu, Hardware-based boot to recovery, or adb reboot recovery - ROM Manager or similar software is NOT supported)
--- TWRP is the ONLY recovery Team OctOs uses - We do not support flashing on CWM ---
Factory Reset from TWRP
Flash ROM and GApps .ZIP files
The Oct-M ROM installation script will automatically wipe /system, /cache, and /data/dalvik-cache. There is no need to do these before or after flashing the ROM unless you are instructed to by your GApps Provider
The foundation of the Android OS is the fact that is it open-source. We have all code we use internally in the creation of Oct-M available on our GitHub repositories.
Unless otherwise specified, all Oct-M builds use the device's stock CyanogenMod 13 kernel.
Kraken kernel source code can be found here:
Team OctOs GitHub -
Team OctOs Gerrit Review -
Team OctOs GPLv2 License -
Team OctOs Patreon Campaign -
Want To Build Your Own?
Check out the ReadMe on our GitHub for Instructions
Special thanks to
Our testers, without which, there would be no public releases for OctOs
We would also like to thank
Anyone else who has ever submitted Open-Source code
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Follow Us at the various websites below!
XDA:DevDB Information
Oct-M, ROM for the T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S III
bthorne79, CjKacz, canodroid15, hedwig34
Source Code:
ROM OS Version: 6.0.x Marshmallow
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
Based On: CyanogenMod 13
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: OCT-M R2
Created 2015-02-17
Last Updated 2016-08-26
Known Issues
A full list of Known Issues resides on our website. *In order to avoid confusion for people who skimmed the OP,
Thanks OP
downloading now..
bthorne79 said:
Known Issues
A full list of Known Issues resides on our website. *In order to avoid confusion for people who skimmed the OP, the biggest Known Issue with the Galaxy S3 (d2lte) platform is the Camera. *It could cause Force Close issues. *This is an upstream issue, and we are working to correct it.
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Please put this info and list other bugs in the OP so that people won't be misled. Not everyone reads past OP.
goldentequila said:
Please put this info and list other bugs in the OP so that people won't be misled. Not everyone reads past OP.
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Sorry but the inability to read is the users issue. Half the time they don't even read the OP. Go right to the download link. I posted in the 2nd post and there is a link in op to site with bug list and change log
Sent from my SPH-L720 using XDA Free mobile app
Running nicely right now. Had a hard time getting WiFi to connect on first boot but its working now
We put the information on the website because its easier to keep track of across the multiple devices we develop for. We develop the ROM for the simple fact we want to run it, not for you, or anyone else. The ability to be cognizant on what you're doing is a primary requirement for flashing ROMs, and the inability for you to apparently read and comprehend the very simply formatted OP means you are not willing to rise to the level we seek in a user.
It would be better for everyone involved if you don't flash Oct-L. You have many ROMs to choose from, you shouldn't choose ours.
ROM Development is not a service or product industry. You are neither a customer, or a client. Your demands mean exactly nothing and we have better things to do than hold your hand.
Now, if you feel like running what we build, by all means, do so. However, your continued patronage to the thread is directly proportional to your ability to be civil and not condescending.
Enjoy, or not at your leisure, but unless you have something constructive to say, please wander to another ROM.
Running smooth. ^.^
lol bitter much? Don't ruin this for the rest of us who rely on devs like these guys to continue providing up to date software for our aging phones.
I'm definitely trying this ROM out.
From the Moderator
To all in this thread........
Please all remember, the Devs do this for free and out of their love for developing....
....So being rude and poor mannered...... gets you nothing but maybe one less Dev making Roms for your phone
Keep that in mind when you feel like you have some lame commentary or demand to make...
........To the trolls, rather than complaining...... show us your skills and make a ROM for us to critique.......
........oh yeah...... you have no skills other than running yer mouth and making personal demands in a thread.......
~~~ oka1
The strangest thing is him talking about the OP not listing a Buglist. The Rom that he his visiting the most does not either. With that said I'm done. Mod can in and slammed the hammer down on that issue.
Please any one using this rom if you do see anything and and are able to catch a log please report and send log to us.
Thanks for supporting Team OctOS
Sent from my SM-T217S using XDA Free mobile app
Is the nav bar included in this release? Working?
allendj81 said:
Is the nav bar included in this release? Working?
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Sure! About the only thing that doesn't work is the camera!?
Installed this Rom and turned on wifi but after login to my account wifi stopped and grayed in off position
Rebooted device and wifi got on but every time failed to login
Again rebooted and it started working correctly
Reached office but again failed to connect to wifi
It is just an information as I read same thing happening with other cm12 build too so this may be with the cm12
anil2653 said:
Installed this Rom and turned on wifi but after login to my account wifi stopped and grayed in off position
Rebooted device and wifi got on but every time failed to login
Again rebooted and it started working correctly
Reached office but again failed to connect to wifi
It is just an information as I read same thing happening with other cm12 build too so this may be with the cm12
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What firmware is your phone on I've noticed that the newest modems and firmware is needed for lollipop to work correctly. These builds have been in test for quite some time. Our testers have put this build through the ground with not one hick-up just camera which we have been working on getting fixed.
If you can get a log of the WiFi issue you are having we will look at it. My suggestions is to update to the latest modem firmware for d2tmo.
Sent from my SPH-L720 using XDA Free mobile app
allendj81 said:
Is the nav bar included in this release? Working?
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canodroid15 said:
Sure! About the only thing that doesn't work is the camera!
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The Navbar will cover the "Clear All Recents" button if you select the lower right or left position. This already has been corrected for the next release.
Thanks a lot for this amazing rom, i´ll install it as soon as it finish downloading, but one question, it´s the same instaling it in cwm? i mean, does it makes a diference like more bugs or things like that, i hope you understand Thanks a lot!
vick007 said:
Thanks a lot for this amazing rom, i´ll install it as soon as it finish downloading, but one question, it´s the same instaling it in cwm? i mean, does it makes a diference like more bugs or things like that, i hope you understand Thanks a lot!
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Our d2tmo user still uses CWM as the team we suggest TWRP only cause CWM is almost a dead recovery and has been know to cause bad flashes..
Sent from my SPH-L720 using XDA Free mobile app
vick007 said:
Thanks a lot for this amazing rom, i´ll install it as soon as it finish downloading, but one question, it´s the same instaling it in cwm? i mean, does it makes a diference like more bugs or things like that, i hope you understand Thanks a lot!
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Also, CWM has had historical issues with actually wiping the partitions effectively. The "Wipe system, data, cache, dalvik x3" was a reality in the past because of CWM. Those issues don't happen with TWRP.
I noticed a couple of things:
1) When flashing the ROM it takes a while. Compared to other lollipop rom's, this one takes about 3-4 minutes to flash, while others flash in like 15 seconds. Is that normal?
2) Installing apps from the play store are taking a long long time. Each app takes about 2 minutes to install, longer if it's a bigger one like youtube. I've noticed it takes long across all lollipop rom's, but one this one it seems to be longer.
3) Kernel Tweaker crashes when I try to view read-ahead and IO scheduler. This doesn't happen with any other ROM so I'm thinking there's something going on with oct os.
Any thoughts?
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CarbonROM is an aftermarket firmware based on the Android Open Source Project. We are dedicated to fast, stable, and feature-filled roms, honesty and communication with our users, and openness with our code. We like frequent builds, with the very latest and greatest hardware support and fixes. We strive to not only provide you with the best rom we can build, but also to give back to the Android community and our fellow developers. For us, this is about creating something we can be proud of and hope you will enjoy.
Please feel free to look, build, and use our code at CarbonROM's GitHub... and at CarbonROM Gerrit.
While we make every effort to test these builds as much as possible, we are not responsible for anything that may happen to your device, family, pets, or perception of reality. We ask that you do your part to know your device and know how to recover from problems before you flash!
We spend an astonishing amount of time developing this software. We can't spend much time on XDA as a result, so if you need support, please try the following:
1) Search. Search, search, search. Yes, you. I don't care how unique or important your question is, it's very likely someone has adressed it already. Especially if you're even close to new at this.
2) Read our FAQ, which can be found on our website. Carbon FAQ
3) Ask a question in your device forum. Someone will no doubt try to help you. Warning: this help may come in the form of telling you it's a dumb question that has been asked before. See step 1 - such are the perils of asking questions when you haven't done the research yourself. Android is about helping yourself.
4) Join our Discord server! There, you can connect with other Carbon users and our developers, and you can get quicker responses to your bug reports. The invite link is right below.
We recommend MindTheGApps. OpenGApps should work, but please make sure you clearly mention the GApps you're using when reporting bugs.
Get CarbonROM
Join the CarbonROM Discord server
Kernel source
Remember, every penny you send to us goes right back into the rom. It's used for hardware, server costs, etc - all the things that help us make Carbon better with every release. Your support means the world to us! If you've enjoyed Carbon, please consider a donation toward this goal. Thank you, and we hope you continue to enjoy Carbon!
XDA:DevDB Information
CarbonROM, ROM for the Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact
SirSoviet, modpunk, Myself5
Source Code:
ROM OS Version: 8.x Oreo
ROM Kernel: Linux 4.x
Based On: AOSP
Version Information
Status: Nightly
Created 2018-07-17
Last Updated 2018-07-16
July 23, 2018
Upstream changes
Switched to modpunk's kernel due to build failure, difference should be unnoticeable
July 16, 2018
Initial release
CAMERA: Enabling stabilization option in camera settings under "Video camera" causes an error message and crash when attempting to record.
[*]APP: Gardenscapes connection error on all yoshino devices. Enable storage permissions for app manually.
CAMERA: Manual focus by tapping while zoomed in crashes the app.
All of these issues are present on modpunk's latest LineageOS build. I'm not a programmer, so please be patient while the issues are resolved!
Nice! Been hoping for a Carbon ROM build for the xz1c. Just flashed and looking good so far. Thanks so much!
I installed it. So far everything is working for me. Will you continue to compile new versions, especially if new patches arrive?
SkyHigh76 said:
I installed it. So far everything is working for me. Will you continue to compile new versions, especially if new patches arrive?
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I shared my initial version with the intention of releasing new versions.
However, my only practical platforms for compiling my builds on are my laptop, which takes 6 hours to build everything without having compiled anything else and gives me only 20GB of free storage space after building, and Google Cloud Trial which is just a trial, and so it has a limit.
As long as I have access to a build server, new builds will be released for at least a while.
New build! No device-specific bug fixes just upstream changes and a kernel switch
Going on vacation so no builds until around mid-August. Sorry!
While you guys wait, I recommend installing AOSP Phh-Treble with a DRM fix, Magisk, and SELinux permissive patch. The included camera won't work, but Open Camera does and the quality will be as good as stock despite being AOSP.
Also runs noticeably smoother than other AOSP roms like AOSP compiled directly from sonyxperiadev, pretty ironic considering that Treble GSIs aren't tailored to device-specific level.
SirSoviet said:
Going on vacation so no builds until around mid-August. Sorry!
While you guys wait, I recommend installing AOSP Phh-Treble with a DRM fix, Magisk, and SELinux permissive patch. The included camera won't work, but Open Camera does and the quality will be as good as stock despite being AOSP.
Also runs noticeably smoother than other AOSP roms like AOSP compiled directly from sonyxperiadev, pretty ironic considering that Treble GSIs aren't tailored to device-specific level.
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How did you manage that? I was on Stock rom booted into TWRP. There I did a factory reset and wiped System, Cache, dalvik and data. Then I flashed the System Image from treble project the A partition one vanille Android but it didnt boot. Am I forgetting something?
EDIT: Fixed it. You should not use a Magisk patched ramdisk before flashing or use a patched kernel. A flash after coming from a fresh stock rom worked. managed to build 2 !! builds and for about 4 weeks there´s nothing new.....
very interresting that new projects die within 2 weeks *sad*
Tralien said: managed to build 2 !! builds and for about 4 weeks there´s nothing new.....
very interresting that new projects die within 2 weeks *sad*
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Hey man learn to read comments before you say anything, the dev said he is going on vacation and there won't be new updates until he is back, so stfu
Tralien said: managed to build 2 !! builds and for about 4 weeks there´s nothing new.....
very interresting that new projects die within 2 weeks *sad*
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I'm sorry for not committing to this project, but shouldn't you be grateful that I built CarbonROM for lilac and shared it with you and the rest of the community?
You've needlessly pointed out twice that progress on RR for the S9 has halted. And? Developers are humans, just like you (I assume).
I suggest that if you haven't already, you should experience what it's like to build and maintain a custom ROM, before continuing to complain about inactive developers.
I'm back from vacation now, but I really don't have any reason to continue with this project, doesn't help that I would have to share my builds with people like you if I did. Google Cloud credit is running low anyways, and I don't have access to any other solutions.
SirSoviet said:
I'm sorry for not committing to this project, but shouldn't you be grateful that I built CarbonROM for lilac and shared it with you and the rest of the community?
You've needlessly pointed out twice that progress on RR for the S9 has halted. And? Developers are humans, just like you (I assume).
I suggest that if you haven't already, you should experience what it's like to build and maintain a custom ROM, before continuing to complain about inactive developers.
I'm back from vacation now, but I really don't have any reason to continue with this project, doesn't help that I would have to share my builds with people like you if I did. Google Cloud credit is running low anyways, and I don't have access to any other solutions.
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Anyway, thanks for your work. Some guys here may cant read your post before about your vacation.
May be you will change your opinion about not publishing any future versions.
I think that Carbon was running quite well.
Dang that sucks. I really wanted to see more from CarbonRom.
As I ask for donations in your first post and more updates
you developers always ask for donation and this is one good example why many people dont donate.
Tralien said:
As I ask for donations in your first post and more updates
you developers always ask for donation and this is one good example why many people dont donate.
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Sorry, I've never shared my builds on XDA before, and I was just trying to follow other CarbonROM members' post formats. Please note that I am not a member of the CarbonROM team, these are unofficial builds.
Good news! I now have a dedicated build machine, completely separate from my main computer.
I may post more builds soon, but flashlight, RIL, and camera are currently broken in modpunk's LineageOS I built for myself (my CarbonROM uses his device and kernel trees).
Hopefully I'll be able to revert the changes and bring a build to you guys sooner.
@SirSoviet Pls I'm not being rude or bossy I just wanna ask are we going to get new builds of this rom?
Thread closed at OP request
I got in contact with Lenovo US about GPL compliance and they released the source for the L78121.
Here they are:
Hopefully these can now be used to make custom ROMs and recoveries.
Heyyo, nicely done! I've passed on the info about the kernel source code to Jony Junior who said he was working on Lenovo L78121 so hopefully progress can be made with this!
Cool stuff, thanks a lot. I was thinking that if no one else will pick up this work I'll try to do it myself but I don't really have too much experience with this.
Glad it can be of use to someone. It took 6 months to actually get the code and I had to write a physical mail to Lenovo HQ in the US but at the end the GPL does work.
@mforce2 , any luck on working on the source code? The guy I was talking to seems afk so I'm unsure if he's going to do anything with it, oof...
Well to be fair I didn't really work on the code at all till now. I was hoping someone else might pick up the work from here but it doesn't seem so.
I don't really know exactly how to work with these Android things as a developer but I can give it a shot I guess.
I'll try making some TWRP first.
mforce2 said:
I got in contact with Lenovo US about GPL compliance and they released the source for the L78121.
Here they are:
Hopefully these can now be used to make custom ROMs and recoveries.
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Hi, can I request for the Lenovo Z5 jd2018 kernel source code, I have been using this device for years but the developer still has not released the source code for this device, I ask you to ask Lenovo about the source code of this device, if they release the source code, can I compile custom kernel, thank you very much
Fitrnzir.__ said:
Hi, can I request for the Lenovo Z5 jd2018 kernel source code, I have been using this device for years but the developer still has not released the source code for this device, I ask you to ask Lenovo about the source code of this device, if they release the source code, can I compile custom kernel, thank you very much
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I cannot request on your behalf. Write to Lenovo legal. The address is in settings, about phone, legal information , open source information.
You can find services that will send the physical letter in the US.
Include your email in your letter and wait for them to write black to you. It might take a few months unfortunately but they will.
ThE_MarD said:
@mforce2 , any luck on working on the source code? The guy I was talking to seems afk so I'm unsure if he's going to do anything with it, oof...
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This is sad. I have this device as well. Was hoping it would get android 10 at least. But it seems none of the devs have this device.
mforce2 said:
Well to be fair I didn't really work on the code at all till now. I was hoping someone else might pick up the work from here but it doesn't seem so.
I don't really know exactly how to work with these Android things as a developer but I can give it a shot I guess.
I'll try making some TWRP first.
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Great initiative. Hope you succeed in building roms for this device. Someone already has built TWRP for this device. Check this link.
English Community-Lenovo Community
May also suggest opening a telegram account dedicated to Z6 in order to attract more devs+custom ROM community.
Heyyo, still not seeing anyone working on it made me sad, so I at least downloaded the kernel source code, got the best CAF tag for the kernel match and then made a GitHub repo with that best CAF tag so that at least the kernel source code is on GitHub and there's a decent starting ground for anyone who wants to clean up the kernel source code and import the important bits into a kernel.
I've also included the audio-kernel as a techpack as seen in the commit history
Hopefully someone does something with this as I don't own a Leovo Z6 (L78121)
Here's the results of that best-caf-tag I ran too
Best CAF Tag Lenovo Z6 (L78121)
Best CAF Tag Lenovo Z6 (L78121). GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets.
Ok, I've made TWRP for jd20 that has working decryption but the current test build is with the prebuilt kernel for now for the test1 build.
Download File List - twrp-for-jd20 - OSDN
Download File List - twrp-for-jd20 #osdn
Here is my source code:
GitHub - ThEMarD/android_device_lenovo_jd20-twrp
Contribute to ThEMarD/android_device_lenovo_jd20-twrp development by creating an account on GitHub.
I don't own a jd20, so tbh I'm unsure how much farther I will go.
@mforce2 I'd recommend checking this plus my last post
Heyyo @mforce2 and @Mahz4130 if you guys are interested in the work I've started so far for jd20 here it is. It compiles but it doesn't boot, so it needs more work (the kernel is mainly what I'm thinking of).
Lenovo Z6 (AKA, jd20 L78121)
WIP TWRP and Custom ROM trees. Lenovo Z6 (AKA, jd20 L78121) has 6 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.
Yeah really interested in this. I don't have much time now and I'm not sure what exactly to do. I mean I am a programmer but I've never really worked on an Android ROM before.
Let's get in touch. I'll try to contact you.
hello i have compiled the kernel and TWRP and it works
for build i used ubuntu-18.04.6 / jdk 8 / python2.7
ubuntu 20.04 not working
files fixed for assembly
ThE_MarD said:
Ok, I've made TWRP for jd20 that has working decryption but the current test build is with the prebuilt kernel for now for the test1 build.
Download File List - twrp-for-jd20 - OSDN
Download File List - twrp-for-jd20 #osdn
Here is my source code:
GitHub - ThEMarD/android_device_lenovo_jd20-twrp
Contribute to ThEMarD/android_device_lenovo_jd20-twrp development by creating an account on GitHub.
I don't own a jd20, so tbh I'm unsure how much farther I will go.
@mforce2 I'd recommend checking this plus my last post
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I've tested this now, and it's working with decryption, the only problem is the brightness, can't adjust but still fine
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@capricorn-1 just to check, did you assemble TWRP with the kernel source code the way it was from Lenovo or did you use one of my trees?
Mod edit - translated by
Let's CREATE a GROUP and CHANNEL on the TELEGRAM dedicated to the Lenovo Z6 JD20
Vamos CRIAR um GRUPO e um CANAL no TELEGRAM dedicado ao Lenovo Z6 JD20
VANSCY said:
Mod edit - translated by
Let's CREATE a GROUP and CHANNEL on the TELEGRAM dedicated to the Lenovo Z6 JD20
Vamos CRIAR um GRUPO e um CANAL no TELEGRAM dedicado ao Lenovo Z6 JD20
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As courtesy, I've translated your above post. With reference to rule no. 4 of the XDA Forum Rules, please post in English or add at least an English translation to your Portuguese posts.
Spoiler: Rule No. 4
4. Use the English language.
We understand that with all the different nationalities, not everyone speaks English well, but please try. If you're really unable to post in English, use an online translator. You're free to include your original message in your own language, below the English translation. (This rule covers your posts, profile entries and signature). You could try :- or or use one of your choice.
Additionally, please be ware: As an exemption from the last bullet of rule no. 5 of the XDA Forum Rules, we grant only developers the privilege to share references to their social media in their own development threads. These conditions obviously don't apply to this thread or you. Do NOT attempt to share links to Telegram here on XDA.
Thanks for your cooperation!
Oswald Boelcke
Senior Moderator
Heyyo, so I think I'm giving up on the jd20. Sorry guys, but I don't own one and I don't have the spare time to work on it anyways. Hopefully, someone can finish what I started. I'll leave all my source code up on GitHub on that lenovo-jd20 project I made.
ThE_MarD said:
Heyyo, so I think I'm giving up on the jd20. Sorry guys, but I don't own one and I don't have the spare time to work on it anyways. Hopefully, someone can finish what I started. I'll leave all my source code up on GitHub on that lenovo-jd20 project I made.
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