Got mine on VodafoneUK this morning. Ordered online, picked up from local store as my postman has got sticky fingers.
Got home all excited, switched it on. There was an icon with a green circle and an arrow pointing down on a black screen. It then switched off, restarted with a white screen and just 'HTC' on it. It then restarted again, this time with 'HTC' and 'quietly brilliant' underneath. It then just restarts with that last screen over and over again.
Of course, Vodafone are now out of stock, I will then have to wait until they get more stock in, process it and send a new one out.
To say I'm a bit disappointed is an understatement.
As a last resort, any suggestions on what I can try? I've tried a hard reset already.
CharlieCharlie24 said:
Got mine on VodafoneUK this morning. Ordered online, picked up from local store as my postman has got sticky fingers.
Got home all excited, switched it on. There was an icon with a green circle and an arrow pointing down on a black screen. Then switched off, restarted with a white screen and just HTC on it. It then restarted again, this time with HTC and 'quietly brilliant' underneath. It then just restarts with that last screen over and over again.
Of course, Vodafone are now out of stock, I will then have to wait until they process it and send a new one out.
To say I'm a bit disappointed is an understatement.
As a last resort, any suggestions on what I can try? I've tried a hard reset already.
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have you tried charing the phone before turning it on??
that circle with the arrow was the initial rom loading.
do a hard reset
turn the phone off
hold the volume down button
press and release the power button while still holding volume down
when the white screen with the skating androids appears, let go of volume down.
As per the instructions on screen, use volume down to move the highlight to clear storage and press power to select it.
it will hard reset the phone and after a little while will reboot automatically.
it will take about 3-4 minutes to go through the full boot process, but it should hopefully help
Fully charged with a green light.
Done the hard reset, took about 5 seconds before it said it was ready to reboot then it does the same thing....
White screen with just HTC
about 10 seconds... resets
Makes a chime noise, white screen with HTC and 'quietly brilliant' this time
then resets.... over and over again
Oh well, another week with my Sony Ericsson K800i it is haha
So after looking at it switched off, I refused to give up.
I managed to create a GoldCard using an Ubuntu Live CD and Hex Editor. (Took a lot of effort to create one due to not having a working device)
I put that in my phone and flashed it with the latest Generic ROM.
Hey presto, my Desire is now working!
I couldn't be happier
CharlieCharlie24 said:
So after looking at it switched off, I refused to give up.
I managed to create a GoldCard using an Ubuntu Live CD and Hex Editor. (Took a lot of effort to create one due to not having a working device)
I put that in my phone and flashed it with the latest Generic ROM.
Hey presto, my Desire is now working!
I couldn't be happier
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haha lol get on, i wanna install a generic rom but cant make myselft to try make the gold card lol
have you got a pink tint issue? check the sticky topics
Pleased to say there doesn't seem to be any hints of pink. Just greys and whites.
The hardest part of the Goldcard was getting the CID for the memory card. Once I had that, it was a breeze. With a working phone, I understand getting the CID is very easy...
Running new LVSW version of WM6. Working smooth as glass for 3 days now and this morning I turned on the phone, checked my email, adjusted call volume and the thing locked up HARD. I tried everything but nothing worked so I just pressed the reset button on the bottom. It rebooted but hung on the boot splash after displaying the red version numbers on the bottom. After a minute or so the green wireless light began to flash so I thought it was just slow booting, i left it like this for 15 min and it never proceeded to finish booting so I pressed reset again. Same result, stuck in boot splash forever. Since it was just going to sit and run down the power I unseated the battery to turn it off (the power button wouldnt do a thing.) Finally I get to work, I figure I'll put it in bootloader and hopefully just reflash it. As soon as I plug it into the USB cable and boot it up, it came up fine. Anyone have ANY idea what the heck is going on? Thinking now of trying the new WM Black edition v1.2 but with the recent strangeness of the current rom I'm wondering if I'll wind up bricking it. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
[email protected] said:
Running new LVSW version of WM6. Working smooth as glass for 3 days now and this morning I turned on the phone, checked my email, adjusted call volume and the thing locked up HARD. I tried everything but nothing worked so I just pressed the reset button on the bottom. It rebooted but hung on the boot splash after displaying the red version numbers on the bottom. After a minute or so the green wireless light began to flash so I thought it was just slow booting, i left it like this for 15 min and it never proceeded to finish booting so I pressed reset again. Same result, stuck in boot splash forever. Since it was just going to sit and run down the power I unseated the battery to turn it off (the power button wouldnt do a thing.) Finally I get to work, I figure I'll put it in bootloader and hopefully just reflash it. As soon as I plug it into the USB cable and boot it up, it came up fine. Anyone have ANY idea what the heck is going on? Thinking now of trying the new WM Black edition v1.2 but with the recent strangeness of the current rom I'm wondering if I'll wind up bricking it. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
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Was your battery fully charged?
Yes, 100%, had just taken it off charge about an hour before....
It has happened to me twice
The first time that I couldn't igure out what to do I simply Hard reset the device
The second and last time that happened to me (2 days ago)
after 3 consecutive soft reboots the thing came back to normal operating status..
I suspect that this has to do with ROM
Anyways I sure hope this is fixed with the new release...
Which I may flash later on today...
i posted the begining of my problem somewhere on monday but cant remember where. so.....
on monday, the screen on my tmobile dash messed up, now the top half of the screen has white horizontal lines covering it.
well, i called tmobile and the phone was still under warrenty, so got a like new phone sent and it arived today. I went about unlocking it and upgrading to wm6.1 like i had on my last phone. started out with all sorts of problems sycning and i had to reinstall active sync and that seemed to fix it. continued installing the upgrade, the dos program runs i press the center button and i get the red blue green screen and i know from before that that normally means it isn't working, so i reboot the phone, re sync, and re do it and get the red green blue screen again and the update program says it can recover and it leads me through a four step process, upplug, pull bat, reboot and do it again, only it reboots into the red green blue screen, wouldnt sync and when i turned it off, i couldnt get it to power back up. no response from the phone at all. pulled battery many times and all.
What are my options? I know that i agreed to the statment and i have no one to blame but my self. is there anything i can do? i have 7 days to return the half working phone, and i have a feeling that because its unlocked and has wm6.1 on it that tmobile is going to charge me what ever it will be. I have 200.00 in credit with um, and i feel that those fees will take away from that, leave me with an un usable phone, and no money to do anything about it !
a brainstorm, could i just tell tmobile that i got the phone that way? or would they see through my lies?
please please please please help!!!
and thanks a ton in advance.
NJDubois said:
i posted the begining of my problem somewhere on monday but cant remember where. so.....
on monday, the screen on my tmobile dash messed up, now the top half of the screen has white horizontal lines covering it.
well, i called tmobile and the phone was still under warrenty, so got a like new phone sent and it arived today. I went about unlocking it and upgrading to wm6.1 like i had on my last phone. started out with all sorts of problems sycning and i had to reinstall active sync and that seemed to fix it. continued installing the upgrade, the dos program runs i press the center button and i get the red blue green screen and i know from before that that normally means it isn't working, so i reboot the phone, re sync, and re do it and get the red green blue screen again and the update program says it can recover and it leads me through a four step process, upplug, pull bat, reboot and do it again, only it reboots into the red green blue screen, wouldnt sync and when i turned it off, i couldnt get it to power back up. no response from the phone at all. pulled battery many times and all.
What are my options? I know that i agreed to the statment and i have no one to blame but my self. is there anything i can do? i have 7 days to return the half working phone, and i have a feeling that because its unlocked and has wm6.1 on it that tmobile is going to charge me what ever it will be. I have 200.00 in credit with um, and i feel that those fees will take away from that, leave me with an un usable phone, and no money to do anything about it !
a brainstorm, could i just tell tmobile that i got the phone that way? or would they see through my lies?
please please please please help!!!
and thanks a ton in advance.
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Okay do this, make sure the phone is off and hold the camera button down for about 5 seconds... this button is located to the right of the keyboard. While still holding it down plug in the phone to the usb and now you should see a tri-colored screen come up. Now you can load the original rom the phone came with... The official roms could be found in the link below... called "official roms" and just download the t-mobile rom... and now you can flash your phone with the original rom...
gixxum said:
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anyone seen the other half of my thought from the other night? anyone?
Ok, I had found a forum post saying to hold down the SYM button, but couldn't get it working untill I read your reply. Much thanks, the phone is on, and giving me the red green blue screen. I hear the windows alert saying a USB device is plugged in, but active sync wont pick it up. So I'll post about it here, and while I dig through the internet trying to find my cure, I will hope that someone will know what my next step is.
Much much thanks jdoggraz! At least now I know my phone isn't completely dead!
jdoggraz already told you what to do. YUou do not have to wait for active sync to pick the phone. Just run the exe for the orginal rom.
I have tried to do a hard reset.
Hold the 2 softkeys down(the "-" on each end) for a few seconds, hot the power button down for 2 seconds and then hold the 2 softkeys down and wiat, but nothing happens. Donno why, but may be not being able to hard reset is a clue to whats wrong.
I have found something about a program called Mtty.exe, and also a UNI_ExitBootLoader But I get a "un able to connect to usb" error with both programs when I try to connect. But, once again, every time I plug the phone into the computer I hear the alert saying a usb device has been attached??
[Another Edit]
I just noticed in Device Manager, under Window CE USB Devices, that my Smartphone USB Sycn Has that nasty Yellow explanation mark next to it.
This device cannot start. (Code 10)
Click Troubleshoot to start the troubleshooter for this device.
NJDubois said:
I have tried to do a hard reset.
Hold the 2 softkeys down(the "-" on each end) for a few seconds, hot the power button down for 2 seconds and then hold the 2 softkeys down and wiat, but nothing happens. Donno why, but may be not being able to hard reset is a clue to whats wrong.
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why are you resetting it? you were at the bootloader screen in your last post...right where you needed to be. now you are 2 steps back?
Sorry guys, I guess I wasn't getting a refreshed look at the forum post, and I didn't see any other posts. I went back to what I was told to do in the first place.
I first tried
1.33.422.1 (Worldwide English, WM6)
1.27.405.1 (Worldwide English, WM6)
With both I get:
This update utility cannot be used for your smartphone. Please check your Update Utility.
And in the lower right there is a string of characters that is different every time.
What am I doing wrong? I'm so frustrated. I followed your instructions =(
[EDIT] OMG I am an idiot, ignore this post. If I wasn't so beat I might have scrolled down and noticed the tmobile DASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NJDubois said:
Sorry guys, I guess I wasn't getting a refreshed look at the forum post, and I didn't see any other posts. I went back to what I was told to do in the first place.
I first tried
1.33.422.1 (Worldwide English, WM6)
1.27.405.1 (Worldwide English, WM6)
With both I get:
This update utility cannot be used for your smartphone. Please check your Update Utility.
And in the lower right there is a string of characters that is different every time.
What am I doing wrong? I'm so frustrated. I followed your instructions =(
[EDIT] OMG I am an idiot, ignore this post. If I wasn't so beat I might have scrolled down and noticed the tmobile DASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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pass the hookah brother..i wanna hang out in your world
puff, puff, give... man!'re [email protected]#ing up the rotation!
An update.
I have gotten wm5 installed and working on my phone. I can't for the life of me get the 6.1 update to work. I get the agreement, press the center button and it goes back to the OS, the phone then locks up, and I have to restart it to re sycn.
This is very time consuming! The phone takes for ever to start. I also want to note that I upgraded my last dash with little problems, but this dash has been nothing but a head ache. WHY?!?!? I am not looking forward to being stuck with this phone.
Thanks everyone, for all the help. I went a little off course last night, I was falling asleep trying to get this thing working.
puff puff pass
[EDIT] Why wont the screen go almost white after i click the middle button?!?!?!?!?
It works, YAY!!
Thank you soooo freaking much, everyone!
NJDubois said:
It works, YAY!!
Thank you soooo freaking much, everyone!
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No problem, so what exactly did you end up doing?
damn! it's "cashed"!
pudgedaddy said:
damn! it's "cashed"!
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Argh. HTC Desire, has been running Cyanogen 7.0 for months now.
This morning I get up and the phone won't switch on, just sitting there with the green light indicating charge must have finished over night.
Pull the battery and reboot, stuck on white screen with HTC in the middle.
Pull the battery and reboot, comes up to the lock screen but is then frozen and won't unlock.
Pull the battery and reboot the rest of the times (mostly) and it won't get any further than the main HTC screen.
Pull the battery and try to get to the boot loader (vol -) and it works, clear storage, reboot, and it comes up asking me to set it up again, so far so good. During setting this up the screen goes black and I have to pull the battery. Now i'm back to stuck at the white HTC screen.
NO changes were made to the phone, it's been solid and completely dependable since the cyanogen mod went on months ago, until this morning.
next step i'm going to leave the battery out for a few hours before putting it back in but in the mean time I thought i'd post here and see if any of you clever folks have any ideas.
I do still have insurance so I guess the next step after this is to call it in.
Thanks in advance.
Have you got another sd card that you could install a rom onto and then flash from that ?
stuck the htc after install a new rom or update? ... i had the same prob and must perform a full wipe
Two days ago, my T-Mobile Samsung Galaxy S3 dropped out of my coat pocket as i was running for the bus. I picked it up and saw the screen was cracked along the top left and bottom left hand side. Everything was working for the past two days and i figured i'll just wait till Christmas to get a new phone. This morning i took my phone off the charger and turned it on. The Samsung logo flashed, and then the boot animation for Slimrom (the custom rom i'm currently running on) flashed for about a second but then the screen went black. I did a battery pull but the weird thing is whenever i put my battery back in, even without touching the power button, it boots up by itself but then the screen goes black again. I can access TWRP and download mode but they both go black after a few seconds as well. I was able to successfully turn on my phone and have it fully function for about 15 minutes after putting it back on the charger, but it quickly blacked out again. It also keeps randomly booting up by itself which is weird. Im guessing this is a problem with the screen itself, but could it be a software issue because the device keeps booting up by itself? If it is the screen, will i have to buy a new one or is it not worth it? I've also tried using a different battery and i have the same issue so it can't be that. Any help is appreciated!
Sounds like an issue with the power button, it probably got stuck somehow either when you dropped it, or after you dropped it. Do a simple search for power button and you will find ways to fix it!
Holy crap i didn't even think of that! It makes total sense since every time i even tap my power button, even for just a second, it turns on. I've read around that clearing the cache or a factory reset could work. Is this true?
Unlikely, unless it's a software issue but it's always a possibility. Slam the phone against something to try to get the power button back into place, or open it up and try to see if you can fix it yourself, or replace it
The problem seems to be gone. I haven't had any issues for two days now. All i did was press the power button really hard multiple times. Thanks for you help man!
Hi, hoping someone can help.
Having a major problem with my P605 (Hong Kong version), It just will not start up anymore.
Current State:
At the moment, with just the power button, it shows the samsung galaxy note 2014 logo. Then a few seconds later the startup sound will play. Then a few seconds later the samsung boot animation plays. Then once the animation stops and just displays the samsung logo, nothing else. It stays on that, and can stay on it for hours.
Note: The Samsung boot animation has a very pink hue to it, like the cyan and yellow are no longer there. More on that later.
With the Power + Home + Vol Up it says recovery mode is starting, then resets and boots as above.
With the Power + Home + Vol Down it goes into download mode no problem.
Background (Some of it may or may not be relevant, just putting it on here in case it is):
Up until a couple of weeks ago it was stock, but rooted JB (IIRC), then it was accidentally dropped (not by me). It is in a Trident Krakhen case, but that did not stop damage being done, the damage being the backlight stopped working. I followed a Youtube guide and removed/reinserted the ribbon. Put it back together and switched it on, and worked, sorted!
Now I thought as the seal of freshness has been popped, I may as well upgrade it to Lollipop so I can play Pokemon Go. As Lollipop has not been released for HK p605's I used the Irish (I think) firmware. Upgraded using Odin, no problem. So then I wanted root access, so I used the method described on XDA to root Lollipop using "". Again, flashed with Odin, no problem. But the root didn't take, a few programs randomly lost root access, others would not ask for access and just say the tablet was not rooted, etc. I reflashed the file at least 6 times to try and get it to take. Eventually it did.
Forward to the next day, I go to unlock my tablet and the screen has gone all pink, same as above, like Cyan and Yelow have gone. And a black shadow is over the left half of the screen. I restarted the tablet, colours came back, yay. All fine up until yesterday, the pink and shadow were back again. This was late at night while I was in bed, so not near the computer. I restarted the tablet. This time the pink stayed. OK, so I thought I will wipe the tablet back to factory and see if that helps (not done a wipe or anything else up until this point) so I try to go into recovery mode. It showed the logo and the little blue recovery text, then black screen, then normal boot logo and back into the OS. Tried a few times to get into recovery mode, but just kept resetting back to OS. So I told ROM toolbox to force a recovery restart, big mistake! It went into recovery boot loop. Just Galaxy Note 2014 entering recovery" then blank, repeat. No sound, nothing. I think that perhaps if I can turn it off, it may reset the whole thing, I put the tablet into download mode, then go to sleep. In the morning, the battery is dead. Great! Plug it in, instantly recovery boot loop. Fudge! From this point I don't know the battery level of the tablet, so that MAY be causing issues. I plug it into the PC to flash with Odin. Flashed stock lollipop, restarted, flashed stock bootloader, flashed CF auto root. Multiple times in each. Nothing seems to bring it out. The closest I got to something was the tablet telling me recovery was screwed and I needed to use Kies recovery. I left it plugged in for a few hours to try and build up some battery power, the PC does not provide enough power to charge, it makes the screen flicker rapidly when the battery is empty, but all the time while charging it is boot looping and the screen is on full brightness so I don't know how much I gained.
Finally flashed stock KK, and now it just hangs on the Samsung animation logo as above.
Is there anything I can do?
Does the pink hue and black shadow mean hardware is affected? The colours seem fine in download mode.
If anyone could help that would be great as I am scratching my head here.
EDIT 1: OK, I took the casing off, found that the little push on connector next to the usb connector had pried itself loose, I reattached it, and removed/reinserted the screen ribbon cable. All while the tablet was powered on (my old electronics teacher would have had a fit!). Restarted, the pink tinge has gone and the boot animation came up at the same time as the audio. Good signs. But still froze on the 'glow' effect. Tried recovery and YES it went into recovery, although the little android fell over with an exclamation mark over him. But still, progress. So now I am reflashing stock, will see how it goes.