alarm doesnt work correct - wm6.5 - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

my default alarm app from wm6.5 is just playing the sounds once and doesnt repeat it. can anyone help??

download an app called klaxon. winmo's alarm is garbage and it's been well known for years. they are obviously never going to fix it.

Not sure if I should start a new thread given the age of this one but I was experiencing this problem. I found an answer from 2003 on another site which I adapted to newer WinMo versions. The following registry tweak works for me to create a looping/repeating alarm.
Right click: New>String Value
Enter Value Name: Script
Enter Value Data (for no vibrate): apr
Value Data (with vibrate): av0pr
If you want to add a delay between each ring add 'w(delay)' before the r(repeat), for example: av0pw3r would have a vibrating alarm with a 3 second wait before looping the ringtone
Delete the 'Script' value to revert back to the normal alarm ring.


Can someone confirm these regarding WM6?

Problem #1
Tapping the Start Menu does not product any clicking sound (unlike WM5 and WM 2003SE). While the Start Menu is displayed, clicking any item in it also does not product any clicking sound. Is this the correct behaviour? Anyway, I found the MenuPop.wav in Windoes folder.
Problem #2
The Alarm1, Alarm2, Alarm3, Alarm4, Alarm5 comes in different format where Alarm1, Alarm3 and Alarm4 are in WMA while Alarm2 and Alarm5 are in WAV. Weird huh?
Thanks in advance to anyone who replied.
programatix said:
Problem #1
Tapping the Start Menu does not product any clicking sound (unlike WM5 and WM 2003SE). While the Start Menu is displayed, clicking any item in it also does not product any clicking sound. Is this the correct behaviour? Anyway, I found the MenuPop.wav in Windoes folder.
Problem #2
The Alarm1, Alarm2, Alarm3, Alarm4, Alarm5 comes in different format where Alarm1, Alarm3 and Alarm4 are in WMA while Alarm2 and Alarm5 are in WAV. Weird huh?
Thanks in advance to anyone who replied.
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Problem #1 -- Correct. To change that, go to Start > Settings > Sounds and Notifications and Enable Sounds for Screen Taps.
Problem #2 -- On the X-plore 1.1 WM6 ROM, Alarm 1, Alarm 3, and Alarm 4 are in WMA format and Alarm 2 and Alarm 5 are in WAV format.
newbie2 said:
Problem #1 -- Correct. To change that, go to Start > Settings > Sounds and Notifications and Enable Sounds for Screen Taps.
Problem #2 -- On the X-plore 1.1 WM6 ROM, Alarm 1, Alarm 3, and Alarm 4 are in WMA format and Alarm 2 and Alarm 5 are in WAV format.
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Thanks for the confirmation. I thought I'm getting an incomplete ROM upgrade from O2.
Anyway, for problem #1, seems like WM6 is kinda incomplete, doesn't it? For problem #2, yours are correct, I mistyped mine.

How to add alarm clock sounds

I am trying to add alarm clock sounds to the default alarm clock but they do not show on the list. I do not want to add a third party software. I found a regedit to change HKCU, control panel, sounds, clock entry from alarm to ring but no change even after reset.
Any ideas ???
On my HTC Artemis (O2 XDA) and WM6 I was only able to get .wav files (PCM Uncompressed) to work for alarms, and then they must be less than approx 2.33mb (as reported by XP or ~2,450,000 bytes). They must be stored in the windows directory.
There are .wma files also in the windows directory but none of them appear in the clock & alarms drop down list. So I assumed .wma's can't be used for the alarms.
The .wav files must be 8bit or 16bit and either 8kHz, 11.025kHz, 16kHz or 22.05kHz (32kHz does not seem to work).
It's a bit annoying as I had a good .mid file as an alarm on my old Sony Ericsson and they are tiny (28.3kb). Converting it to .wav made it 2.5mb!!! So I had to trim it down to 2.33mb before it would work.

Launch app when new SMS arrives

i am trying to put together my own sms triggered workflow. for that reason i am looking desperately for an sms-trigger which does not appear in the tray bar.
i have been intensively searching for this for ages and tried all of the apps i was able to find (smstrigger, rk-sms, mortring) but they either do not work or hook into the tray bar.
i hope that somebody can help me out.
What exactly do You want to happen when sms arrive ?
I can make a simple soft not visible in traybar,
BUT it IS visible in Taskbar.
It can f.ex fetch msg-body+Timestamp+Phonenumber from sender.
And perform Shell commands if needed.
hi eurocrypt!
first of all thanks for your help - i really appreciate that.
the minimum what i need is purely to start an exe file as i could do the rest with other utilities.
but what would really help is the following:
set the following flag to the registry
HKCU\System\State\Messages\vmail\Unread\Count = 1
if the sender's number is "#####" or the sender's name is "xxxxx" (if the number is stored as "xxxxx" in contacts)
that's it.
furthermore it would be great to delete exactly this sms with a different parameter perhaps.
My Idea is as follows:
I will make it possible to start the soft with Arguments
\SMSLaunch.exe aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff ggg
aaa= The Phone-number/name to trigger SMSLaunch
(Will be filter function, Name or Number Uppercase and removed Spaces and '-')
Mike Willson As contact Will be triggered if MIKE is Arg.
MIKE as arg will trigger Any Mike calling.
012-123 00 00 As Incoming Nr will be triggered if 01212 is arg.
073 as arg will trigger ANY number beginning with 073.
bbb= Shellcommand to run (Start app)
ccc= Arg for above shellcommand
ddd= Registry-Editing-Entry
eee= value to set for Registry.
( 1 is static, +1 increase by one, -1 decrease by one)
fff= Number to reply SMS to
Number of Arg's will be exact, and must be set by f.ex "X" to indicate
no Action for this Arg.
If needed I can make EDit function fromSoft if Started without Arg,
Textboxes to set ARgs and then Possibility to create A Shortcut with buildin Args.
I´m a bit buzy, so it may take some time to complete this,
hope You have time to wait.
sure i have time. i have been searching for weeks. so take all the time you need.
i am happy with command line based tool.
instead of textboxes (which might be cool for v2) something like
SMSLaunch.exe aaa /d
to delete the sms would be great.
background for what i use this tool:
i am using homescreen ++ as the only today-plugin. many of the provider in germany do not send a vmail-notice anymore. instead you receive an sms (this can not be changed in your mailbox account settings).
your tool will work as an sms-splitter to seperate vmail-sms from the rest. the process will be to set a registry value to "1" and delete the vmail-sms. homescreen++ will display an icon instead.
i am sure that some more users will be interested in this, too.
A Q!
Is this Reg entry correct ?
HKCU\System\State\Messages\vmail\Unread\Count = 1
I have like this
HKCU\System\State\Messages\vmail\xxxxxx\Unread\Count = 1
where xxxxxx has 4 different entries
Same in both Omnia and HTC Cruise
I use "Line1" when testing my tool now,
and looks like working OK.
But what about Value, Count=1
Is it automatically go down to Count=0
when listening to Your V-Mails ?
Eurocrypt said:
Is this Reg entry correct ?
HKCU\System\State\Messages\vmail\Unread\Count = 1
I have like this
HKCU\System\State\Messages\vmail\xxxxxx\Unread\Count = 1
where xxxxxx has 4 different entries
Same in both Omnia and HTC Cruise
I use "Line1" when testing my tool now,
and looks like working OK.
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reg key same to me.
basically it does not matter which regkey.
you could also use hkcu\software\eurocrypt\vmail
if you want to
Eurocrypt said:
But what about Value, Count=1
Is it automatically go down to Count=0
when listening to Your V-Mails ?
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yeah. count =1 if vmail arrives.
can you really do that - vmail to go down to 0 if calling mailbox?
how does the prog know that i am calling my mailbox?
maybe we need to put the number into a special regkey?
if it takes too much time, it is ok to leave vmail=1
i could also reset the value with mortscript.
Progress so far:
I have added possibility to use a SMSLauncher.ini in
same folder as EXE where settings can be specified.
(Easier to config for common guys)
But still possible to use Commandline.
IF SMSLauncher.ini exist, Commandline-Args will be skipped.
It is all working right now exactly as I want it
Though it is not compiled Yet, at work
and coding this toy in my HTC Cruise
Will make a working exe tonight to let You try it.
Also ok now to set VMAIL-Count to 0 if calling Your VMail-nr.
(Using a Phone-object)
Program also checking in SMS.Text for specified Trigger
if not Number/Contact trigged it.
To make it possible to send SMS to do some action
depending on SMS-Text.
Maybe I will add possibility to add sveral Trigger-entries in SMSLauncher.ini
to make it possible to send SMS to make different tasks in Phone.
Exampel of SMSLauncher.ini
(Use 1 line in SMSLauncher.ini like the one below)
====== SYNTAX SMSLauncher.ini ==========
aa= SMS.Number/SMS.Body to trigg SMSLauncher actions
bb= Path to EXE for Shell Command
cc= Argument for Shellcommand
dd= Root For Registry writing
ee= Path to Registry Entry
ff= Registry ENtry Name
gg= Value to set
(1= Allways set to 1)
(+1= Add 1 to existing value)
(-1= Subtract 1 from existing value)
hh= A number to reply Incoming SMS to
ii= Number to Your V-MAIL
(If this is set, Reg-Count will be set to 0)
All positions (9 Pos) must be set,
if no action will be used, set Upper case X
Exampel only Reg change trigged on 123456 and removed Reg-Count on V-Mail number 133
When use Commandline instead of SMSLauncher.ini,
use same syntax but replace ';' with a space ' '
in commandline. like this
\Windows\SMSLauncher.exe 123456 X X HKCU System\State\Messages\vmail\Line1\Unread Count 1 X 133
understood. everything is clear. well done.
i have already written my ini-file, directory has been created and everything is prepared to start testing.
this app will eliminate lots of screen tappings.
Hopefully a working version
Read Readme-FIle for exact syntax in SMSLauncher.ini
(9 entries must be inside it, set as Upper Case X
if nothing to do in some section)
2 DLL's must be in same foldeer as EXE-file
Phone.dll + Outlook.dll
It will start with Form Shown,
You have to Minimize it Yourself,
either by getting menu and pick on "Today Scrreen"
or any other available way to do it.
does not work at the moment.
my ini looks like this:
have also tried it with
sms comes in and regkey still stays at 0
on the other hand your app has started to send out continuously my last sms i have been sending out 6 hours ago
Looks like Your Reg-Path is wrong,
try this
It is working perfectly for me
Is 5500 the number You call to Your Voicemail ?
Is it also the number from where You got sms to tell You got VMAIL ?
yes 5500 is the number from where i receive the sms from and which is my voicebox number.
i think it is not a good idea to use the reg key above as the os is using this key as well.
if you set the value to 1 you will see a vmail-icon appearing in your taskbar.
just to be sure: it should work with any other reg key, shouldn't it?
Hmm I must have totally missed You :-(
I thought You wanted the soft to make your phone
show You got VMail even though You only have a common
SMS from Your Provider telling You have VMail.
I thought problem was You didn't get
Your Phone to "understand" it was Vmail.
Soft can run any app in your phone (with or without Argument)
trigged upon Incoming Phone-Nr or keyword in SMS.Body.
It can reply Incoming SMS.Body+Nr to
Phone-Number of Your Choice.
It can also set Registry-Key of Your Choice
Same Reg-Key can be set to 0 if You call Nr of Your Choice.
no, you understood me totally right. the only "difference" might be that i am using homescreen++ to handle sms and email notifications. i have even disabled the notification bubbles as they annoy me...
bottom line: great work and support! will test it out tonight
Additional Info ...
If You use SMS.Text for triggering,
Word/Words are Case Sensitive
rgds Eurocrypt
Is there need for more functions..
Also Trigg it on incoming PhoneCall ?
Multiple Lines/Triggers in SMSLauncher.ini
to do different tasks depending on Number/SMS.Text ?
Send SMS to change Parameters ?
(< config..assword>)
Any other ideas are welcome .
I´m hobbyist Just started to play with this,
so to complex tasks are not possible for me to handle.
i would do the following:
possible to run smslauncher in background, i.e. hidden app so that it does not appear in the task manager (i have configured my device to close all apps when locking screen). in this case we need an extra switch to close smslauncher.
another function might be to delete the sms where smslauncher is set to beactivated. i.e. if sms from 5500 activates smslauncher, your app should execute the command line or set the registry value AND (if an optional switch /d is set) instantly delete the sms.
you could also think about, what you proposed, to make text and sender's name available in a registry key.
a lot of people here e.g those who have put together their own manila style GUI, will thank you for this as there is currently no easy way to display sms/email information on the todayscreen.

How to disable calendar appoitment alarm at when appoitment begin?

When i put calendar appoitment (meeting) example clock 15:00 and put reminder 30 min before. I get appoitment alarm at 14:30 and that is what i only want, now when clock comes 15:00 then i get appoitment alarm again and if im in meeting i dont want alarm at that point. I think this is WM 6.1 and WM6.5 feature, because in wm5.0 alarm didnt come up at clock 15:00 ( as example ). I have WM 6.5, is there a registry hack for that?
I use phonealarm to switch to quiet profile when in meeting, but it takes about 20 seconds when profile changes, so alarm is played before phone switches to quiet mode.
Sorry for my english, hope somebody understand what i meant. I tried search but i dont know any good keywords that put in search.

Want short cut link for Phone Sounds

I installed Easy Launcher which puts short cuts on your today screen. I want to install a shortcut for the Settings-> Personal ->Phone. One day I will buy some software (maybe someone knows of some for free), but everyday at work I set my phone to no ring, and at the end of the day I want to set it back to ring. A short cut on my today screen would help.
thebrenda said:
I installed Easy Launcher which puts short cuts on your today screen. I want to install a shortcut for the Settings-> Personal ->Phone. One day I will buy some software (maybe someone knows of some for free), but everyday at work I set my phone to no ring, and at the end of the day I want to set it back to ring. A short cut on my today screen would help.
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Why not just use the hardware volume button. Press it up or down, the HTC volume screen appears, select SILENT, and you are done! Or you could set it to vibrate.
I listen to music all day on head phones. I need the volumne up for the music but do not want the phone ring in my cubicle environment. Especially if I get up, leave my desk, and my phone has been ringing nobody appreciates it.
thebrenda said:
I listen to music all day on head phones. I need the volumne up for the music but do not want the phone ring in my cubicle environment. Especially if I get up, leave my desk, and my phone has been ringing nobody appreciates it.
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Well, you could disable the HTC Notifications manager. Then you would have the old-style dialogs for your data connection and volume. I mention it because the stock WM dialogs have separate volume controls for Phone and Device.
It is a registry tweak where you change the name of the dll file to something different. When you reset the notifications should be stock instead of HTC.
do you know what the registry change would be to remove the htc notifications?
thebrenda said:
do you know what the registry change would be to remove the htc notifications?
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local machine / services / notificationmanager / Dll.
Change it from NotificationManager.dll to NotificationManager2.dll and reset the device. If it works, when you click on the speaker icon in the task bar, you should get a dialog for just the volume.
I haven't tried this with my particular version of WM 6.5.x, but it worked on the stock WM 6.5.
could be done by simple script.
I have a script which automatically change backlight settings every morning and evening.
it's very similar thing, you only need to change values for registry entries in it.
Suppose on rhodium volume could be change directly through registry.
or you may find it on xda or I'll send it if you want.
these are those entries:
from 00000000 to FFFFFFFF = level
and for vibrate:
this just came:
Thanks for the link.
thebrenda said:
Thanks for the link.
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Brenda, did you ever get this working (a shortcut to a specific place in settings)? If not I've come across another way to accomplish it that's pretty simple, let me know and I can create the link for you to put on your startmenu or wherever
create an ANSI file backlightTimes.lnk with this text inside:
1#ctlpnl cplmain.cpl,3,1
1# - num of chars -ignored by new wm
ctlpnl - calling cpl files
cplmain - main cp applet
3 - internal code - ID of applet window
1 - open on 2nd TAB
problem is some contrl panel windows are ignoring last parameter (TAB) and this one is, so you need to click again, then make your settings and click to confirm. Still not too easy
papo said:
create an ANSI file backlightTimes.lnk with this text inside:
1#ctlpnl cplmain.cpl,3,1
1# - num of chars -ignored by new wm
ctlpnl - calling cpl files
cplmain - main cp applet
3 - internal code - ID of applet window
1 - open on 2nd TAB
problem is some contrl panel windows are ignoring last parameter (TAB) and this one is, so you need to click again, then make your settings and click to confirm. Still not too easy
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Yup, my thoughts exactly

