Remap "Launch Browser" on Manila tab? - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

I have been searching and searching to no avail.
There has got to be some way to remap the "Launch Browser" button on the Manila "Browser" tab to launch the browser program of your choice?
I know I can select Skyfire as my default browser and it will launch with other programs... but I would like that same browser to launch when I push the big button on the Manila tab.
Seriously... there has got to be a way... anyone?

I found where someone else posted this in the HTC Diamond forums in responce to this same question about a year ago. I haven’t had the opportunity to try to confirm this as a work around:
All you need to do is to modify a file named “InternetPortal-en-US.xml” which is located in \Application Data\Manila. Use the freeware application Total Commander to navigate to this file and once you locate it press the pen/paper icon on the bottom of the page and that will open the file on the screen so you can edit it.
Once the file is open in Total Commander just add one of the following lines after the line <InternetPortal> which is towards the top:
Opera is:
Internet Explorer is:
SkyFire is:
<BrowserExe>\Program Files\Skyfireskyfire.exe</BrowserExe>
Iris is:
<BrowserExe>\program files\iris browser\irisbrowser.exe</BrowserExe>
I installed Opera Mobile 9.5 beta to my storage card, so my new path is:
<BrowserExe>\storage card\program files\opera
*Note if you can't save your changes - make sure that the file isn't set on "read only" (click the hand holding the paper icon and uncheck the "read only" box. You may have to click twice to remove the setting)
As I would be looking at going to Skyfire, I’m guessing my path would look something like this: <BrowserExe>\Storage Card\Program Files\Skyfireskyfire.exe</BrowserExe>
Again, I haven’t tested this yet (I'm at work), but looking at the information posted in the .xml, it does appear to control/direct what happens when that Launch Browser button is pushed. Whether or not other files also have an effect, and what these changes would effect, are yet unconfirmed (as I saw no replies after that post).
There are however other commands in that .xml file that I'm not sure how they effect things and I would love a second opinion.

you can go into the registry and navigate to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\EFBROWSER and change the path in line number 1 to lead to whatever browser that you want to use and then change the name in line number 0...hope this helps!!

jdmsleepr said:
you can go into the registry and navigate to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\EFBROWSER and change the path in line number 1 to lead to whatever browser that you want to use and then change the name in line number 0...hope this helps!!
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I know how to change the "default browser" that other programs (mail, Twitter etc) launch via hyperlink. That's easy.
Setting another browser as the default browser however DOES NOT CHANGE Opera from launching from the "Launch Browser" button on the Browser tab in Manila. I want this button and tab to launch a different browser as well.
Still haven't sat down and tried the method I posted above... but I'll report back if I can get it to work.

I've found this in a few places too... unfortunatly... nither the directory nor the file exist in this version. I even had it searching hidden & system files to no avail. Am looking for alternatives.

Check out this thread:
Also, here is item 4 from that thread. It appears you can have what ever browser you want to launch from the "Globe". But it does not effect the bookmarks you have set in the Manilla browser tab. I need it to launch these as well in my selected browser. BTW I have done the tweaks here, and can confirm they do work. I have 6 of my own bookmarks on the browser tab. And I got rid of the globe, didn't need it.
But I am still using Opera 9.5. I really want to be able to make this work with the book marks cause once Fenec is released I will be using that instead.
4) Remove the line <BrowserExe>\Windows\iexplore.exe</BrowserExe>
This will now launch the lower left Bookmarks and lower right browser in Opera. (this is only possible, if you have already edit the registry in the previous tutorial)
Replacing the tag <BrowserExe>\Window\iexplore.exe</BrowserExe> with <BrowserExe>\Windows\Opera9.exe</BrowserExe> only launches the "Earth" tab in Opera but the tabs will not be launched at all, not even in IE. Don't know why this happens. You can even edit the Banner tag so that it doesn't go to the web2go website by modifying the NavigateUrl to "" or whatever you want

cameraddict said:
Check out this thread:
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Unfortunately, as I had said in my other post, neither the file referenced nor the path are on my device. It has got to be buried elsewhere. I just need to know where.

You don't mention what device, exactly you have (carrier variant). Or which ROm you have (stock or some cooked version like 6.5)

ThreeTima said:
I've found this in a few places too... unfortunatly... nither the directory nor the file exist in this version. I even had it searching hidden & system files to no avail. Am looking for alternatives.
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Are you referring to the "IternetPortal-en-US.xml” file?
I'm looking at it right now on my Verizon CDMA TP2.
As for the other tweak... glad to hear Im on the right track. Cant wait till Im home and can do some file editing on the laptop. I don't use the bookmarks on the Launch Browser page very often, so I feel that I'm very close to having a solution for this issue. Now I just need to arrange the free time to give it a shot.


Registerkeys for the "mail/internet explorer" butt

I would like to change the path of the registerkeys for the "mail/internet explorer" buttons on the hardware keybord.
Anyone find them in the register?
Is this what You need ?
Thanks for your reply.
That key is for changing the default homepage.
What i'm searching for is the following;
I have Opera as Web Browser.
When i push the internet button automaticly the default Browser (PIE) starts.
I would like to change the path of that key to the Opera browser.
Thesame for the mail button.
I would like to change the path from the default application to the programm i use.
I found in \Windows\AppButtons about every link for the buttons to start applications.
However mail isn't there.
If I take the Iexplore link en change its target in the properties to \Storage card\Program Files\Opera opera.exe it still doensn't work.
Not even after a soft reset.
Thats strange because the link in \Windows\AppButtons is indeed now opening Opera correctly.
I'sn't this \Windows\AppButtons related to the registry?
If not, this map doesn't make any sence to me.
Am I the only person who likes his Iexplore/Mail button to directly open the program I use instead of the default one?
I'd like to change the IE button to open Windows Media Player (I use it more often, so it makes sense to me)
So if anyone knows this, that would be grand
if you have t mobile rom NL
if you have t mobile rom NL this is the solution
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FavoritesEntries\T-Mobile Favourites\url
this is the reg file to chance the home page
I too have been wanting to change teh Mail and Explorer.

Remap T-Zones key under WM6 Beta

Anyone know how to remap the pink T-zones hardkey to WMplayer or something else more useful?
Thanks in advance
same way you did it in wm5
The link file has changed. For WM5, the file was windows/short_AP1.lnk,
In WM6 Beta, the file is windows/short_IE.lnk
Open it up in your text editor and change it as you see fit.
Oh yeah, forgot that extra step. There's still a link_ap1. Fun things happen if you replace only that. IE will load, then the link_ap1 will load.
I'm still getting IE loading after I have changed Short_IE to the taskmanager. Very odd.
kmattoo said:
I'm still getting IE loading after I have changed Short_IE to the taskmanager. Very odd.
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Try changing the Short_AP1 as well
merwin said:
Try changing the Short_AP1 as well
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I don't see any short_ap1 in the windows it someplace else?
yeah, i'm not seeing short_ap1 or link_ap1
seraphic8x said:
yeah, i'm not seeing short_ap1 or link_ap1
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Correct, there is not short_ap1 in the Beta. I'm not seeing an option in the registry that hooks into iexplore.exe. I wonder if opening IE is hard coded into the ROM...
A short-term solution might be the following AEBPlus:
This would allow you to remap other buttons as well. You could make the T-Zones Button a double-press for task manager, for example. This is free for the basic version for smartphone but the nag screen stays active, however. Also, don't go remapping key buttons because one of the bugs is that the button sometimes loses it's initial functionality (e.g. Read don't remap a soft-key if you don't know what you are doing because you can't do much of anything without having the original functionality present.) Not everything works on the Dash with this app, but it still does the job.
Got it... I just checked my WM6 and figured out what I had to do to get it working.
First, replace the short_ie.lnk with the link of your choosing. Then, also replace pie.lnk with the link of your choosing. That will get it to run the proper application that you want to run. Don't worry, replacing pie.lnk won't screw with IE at all.
Good find, Merwin!
Just to clarify what Merwin said and to hopefully avoid further questions:
1. Make a shortcut of the application that you want to replace the t-zones button application (e.g. Pocket Explorer) using ActiveSync's Explore function
2. Drag the shortcut copy to the desktop
3. Make two copies of that shortcut.
4. Rename one copy: pie
5. Rename second copy: short_ie
6. Drag both copies back to the windows folder on the device and replace the original shortcut files
No device reset is necessary.
Remap T-zones
gadgetshrink, It seems that I cannot change the files you suggested, probably because they are hard coded in ROM, as it indicates in the properties dialog box in Total Commander when I click on the e.g. Short_IE file. I have installed the Surreal App Unlock, reset but see no way to change the file attributes. I have the standard t-Mobile ROM on my Dash. I have tried to delete the files and to edit them and to cut and paste from Word Pad. No luck. Seems that the files need to be opened to be able to change them.
Unlock your software

Windows Mobile Start Menu

I was wondering if there was a way to add and remove icon shortcuts for programs in the start menu
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mircosoft\Shell\StartMR U
InitialOrder > Remove links in this key to have all apps in alphabetical order or add links in the order you choose.
@quicksand - i believe that is for the MRU only.. which appears only in the Homescreen..
@casezin - Try to sync your phone, explore, locate /Windows/Start Menu/, and you can add/remove shortcuts/folder there..
There's a StartMRU and a StartMenu. I put the wrong key it it should be
order > Remove links in this key to have all apps in alphabetical order or add links in the order you choose.
I apologize for that mixup. What i posted in this post is correct.
By Editing the registry key you can put your apps in any order you like as opposed to having the default apps at the top and user installed apps below those.
quiksand said:
There's a StartMRU and a StartMenu. I put the wrong key it it should be
order > Remove links in this key to have all apps in alphabetical order or add links in the order you choose.
I apologize for that mixup. What i posted in this post is correct.
By Editing the registry key you can put your apps in any order you like as opposed to having the default apps at the top and user installed apps below those.
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Thanks... This should be added to the Wiki. I knew how to remove menu items... but not sort them
windows mobile 6.5 start menu
I have installed an application (to be specifies the application is called mobidiv and it is for language support) on my windows mobile 6.5; however after the installation the start menu is not working anymore! It’s there however it’s is disabled
I had a similar problem with the installed application when I was on windows mobile 6.1; however the problem was with the sms email threading, the application for some reason disabled it.. after searching the web I was able to fix the problem by going into the registry key and enable the sms email threading feature again.
Now, I guess the application has done it again but this time with the start menu, can any one help me with providing the registry key for enabling/disabling the menu button for windows mobile 6.5
Thanks in advance.
mhaggag said:
I have installed an application (to be specifies the application is called mobidiv and it is for language support) on my windows mobile 6.5; however after the installation the start menu is not working anymore! It’s there however it’s is disabled
I had a similar problem with the installed application when I was on windows mobile 6.1; however the problem was with the sms email threading, the application for some reason disabled it.. after searching the web I was able to fix the problem by going into the registry key and enable the sms email threading feature again.
Now, I guess the application has done it again but this time with the start menu, can any one help me with providing the registry key for enabling/disabling the menu button for windows mobile 6.5
Thanks in advance.
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I'm sorry but what device are you running wm6.5 on? I don't think anyone with an excalibur is running 6.5!
i dont know what phone or build your using, but mine is an htc touch pro 2 running 6,5 and i absolutly haaate some of the stock apps that come in the start menu
i was playing around on it a few weeks ago and found where the folder is that holds the icons for the menu
you can make new folders while in here, delete shortcuts, and rename them.
heres the folders you need to open:
_->file explorer
(make sure you are on the top level of "my device")
(this should be the last file available)
___->start menu
once you reach the programs folder you should see an alphabetical list of your folders folowed by an alphabetical list of your app shortcuts, just like you would on any computer.
just hold select and then press delete.
it will ask if your sure, press yes.
if it tells you that a related program might be using this shortcut, it means that you might have either a tab or an icon on your home screen linked to that particular shortcut and you would have to re link that tab or icon to the program or risk loosing it entierly.
hope this helps
i just saw the date of the original post ^ ^;
might be alittle to late to help the original situation but this still works none the less
aedon said:
i dont know what phone or build your using, but mine is an htc touch pro 2 running 6,5 and i absolutly haaate some of the stock apps that come in the start menu
i was playing around on it a few weeks ago and found where the folder is that holds the icons for the menu
you can make new folders while in here, delete shortcuts, and rename them.
heres the folders you need to open:
_->file explorer
(make sure you are on the top level of "my device")
(this should be the last file available)
___->start menu
once you reach the programs folder you should see an alphabetical list of your folders folowed by an alphabetical list of your app shortcuts, just like you would on any computer.
just hold select and then press delete.
it will ask if your sure, press yes.
if it tells you that a related program might be using this shortcut, it means that you might have either a tab or an icon on your home screen linked to that particular shortcut and you would have to re link that tab or icon to the program or risk loosing it entierly.
hope this helps
i just saw the date of the original post ^ ^;
might be alittle to late to help the original situation but this still works none the less
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You just use resco explorer and go to windows\start menu\ and adđ and remove i con like you wnat

Changing IE key to open internet explorer rather than CeleTask

can someone please link me to the file/clear and simple instructions on how to do this?
i upgraded to the 6.1 rom months ago, and managed to change the IE key to launch IE. Since then, I had to reset my phone and can't remember how I did it
I tried searching, but i can't find it! I've tried searching "remap IE key" "Change internet explorer key from celetask", etc.
I have the same issue. I'd like to switch the messages icon to the celetask, and the ie icon to ie.
l_0_s said:
I have the same issue. I'd like to switch the messages icon to the celetask, and the ie icon to ie.
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i know it can be done! i don't remember if i downloaded a txt file off xda or if someone had instructions....
hopefully we'll get an answer soon!
Use total commander and browse to your windows folder and scroll down to Short_IE.Ink click file then edit and enter (19#"\windows\iexplore.exe") just as you see it here without the parenthesis then click file then click save and your good to go. hope this helps
If you dont have total commander I just figured out how you can do it with Resco Explorer - browse to windows folder, scroll down to Short_IE.Ink click Action scroll to open then to open with and scroll down to notepad click done it will open in notepad edit per above post save it and your good to go or you can bypass Resco Explorer all together and just use notepad and browse to file and edit. one of these should get you what you want.
Awesome! Thanks!
Sorry guys, first post, and really, really dumb but where is the " \ " key on the dash keyboard?? I am just blind?
nevermind, i figured out what i was doing. Self-proclaimed idiot right here folks.
l_0_s said:
I have the same issue. I'd like to switch the messages icon to the celetask, and the ie icon to ie.
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I tried doing this exact thing... the T-zones key was easily mapped to IE, but the messages key now opens both Celetask AND Messaging. I double checked, and the link is written ok...
Anyone have any suggestions?
nevermind, misread the post

Favorites as default in WM6.1

OK - I was almost sure this was a no-brainer well covered in these forums, but I could not search and find a solution. Pardon if I am recovering old ground, and perhaps someone can just point me to the right thread.
When I first open internet explorer (in my WM6.1 Dash). I know I can now easily set the home page to be some other html page - even without a registry hack in 6.1 (how nice!). But ... I want my Favorites (the list of links that appear then I click menu->favorites) to be the default home screen for IE. I can't figure out how to do this since "favorites" is really a directory of ".url" links, and not one single page.
So, what I want is when I start IE is to have this list of favorites appear.
Anyone have a hack, or other approach? Or point me to the thread where this was solved?
Thanks all!
not sure. i know that your favorites are stored in the \windows\favorites directory . I tried changing the home page to \windows\favorites, but that didnt work. Here's a tip that MAY work. It does however require using internet explorer on your PC though. What you need to do is first, backup your favorites on your PC... file-->export. Then you should have a mobile favorites in your favorites directory for IE on yor PC ( assuming you use activesync to sync your mobile favorites) you will need to organize your favorites and move all of the favorites from your mobile favorites to just favorites main. Then to file export of those favorites and name the file whatever you want. Then take that file and drop it anywhere on your mobile phone and then use pocket IE to open homepage with that file. This may then show the list of the favorites that your CURRENTLY have, this will not show any additional favorites you add after this point. you'd have to do this process all over again if you wanted to make sure that favorite is added to that list. As i haven't tried this yet, im only giving you this as a consideration, not as an absolute fix. Oh and make sure you remove all of your favorites from internet explorer on your pc then do file-import and locate the original exported file you created to get it back to where it was b-4 you started all of this.
cornell2 said:
OK - I was almost sure this was a no-brainer well covered in these forums, but I could not search and find a solution. Pardon if I am recovering old ground, and perhaps someone can just point me to the right thread.
When I first open internet explorer (in my WM6.1 Dash). I know I can now easily set the home page to be some other html page - even without a registry hack in 6.1 (how nice!). But ... I want my Favorites (the list of links that appear then I click menu->favorites) to be the default home screen for IE. I can't figure out how to do this since "favorites" is really a directory of ".url" links, and not one single page.
So, what I want is when I start IE is to have this list of favorites appear.
Anyone have a hack, or other approach? Or point me to the thread where this was solved?
Thanks all!
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I don't know either but another way is to set a favorites panel on your homescreen. When you click on the favorite url, then it would open PIE with that link. Or if you have Operamini set as DEFBROWSER then it could open in there. It would be fairly easy to write a mortscript that would check your windows/favorites folder and automatically add/subtract urls from the panel at a set time of day.
Ok , i did what i mentioned b-4 and it worked beautifully! Although the links look more like links you will see on a web page, they all work!
Bear with me as this explaination may be a little long.
Step 1. Make sure you have favorites checked to be synched using MS Activesync. you should see a mobile favorites folder in your list of favorites in IE if you have this setting checked. Make sure all of the favorites you have on your phone match the favorites listed in your phones favorites in PIE.
Then in IE. go to file->import&export-->export favorites-->select the mobile favorites folder to export. then it select the directory you want to save it to ( i selected the desktop) into "whateverfilename".htm file name. Then take that file you just created and place it anywhere on your phone. ( i put it into the "\storage card\my documents\" folder) Then on your phone, open up PIE and press right soft key-->tools-->home page and select custom, then on the line to type where the file is located type file:\\ and wherever your .htm file is located. ( mine looked like: file://\storage card\my documents\favorites.htm ) Then i selected home page in PIE and all of my favorites showed up on the home page!
showaco said:
I don't know either but another way is to set a favorites panel on your homescreen. When you click on the favorite url, then it would open PIE with that link. Or if you have Operamini set as DEFBROWSER then it could open in there. It would be fairly easy to write a mortscript that would check your windows/favorites folder and automatically add/subtract urls from the panel at a set time of day.
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I came up with a solution that works for me. Posting so others can see:
1. on my PC - in IE, I exported the "Mobile Favorites" directory to a file called mobile.htm
2. I copied this into my dash \windows folder
3. I went into InternetExplorer->Tools->Options and changed the default home page to \windows\mobile.htm
Reloaded IE and everything works just great.
Thanks !
Would this work if your favorites are organized in folders?
Yes it can
Thanks guys.
Here is my favorites i use
does anyone know how to configure the internet icons on the homepage... i'm referring to where you scroll down to Internet and there are 10 selections the first is my homepage the second is windows live email and the 4th is a link to xda developers, i want to set each one to a favorite.
micahmills said:
does anyone know how to configure the internet icons on the homepage... i'm referring to where you scroll down to Internet and there are 10 selections the first is my homepage the second is windows live email and the 4th is a link to xda developers, i want to set each one to a favorite.
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Not sure if I understand, but if you need to add the url to the panel so you can open links directly from the panel, then you can set it thru the registry. If you change the actionurl or sk2url to something like this:
If thats not what you mean, and you have links that work in your panels already and you want to add to favorites in pocketInternet Explorer. Then just open the link from the panel and then save it as a favorite once it opens the page.
I wasn't sure which way you wanted to go or I could give more detail. Hopefully that helps.
thanks the first answer was was i was talking about, i tried editing the actionurl and the sk2url like you said but that hasn't changed anything, the first six pages still go to the same websites and the last four that dont' have default url's dont' go anywhere lol
micahmills said:
thanks the first answer was was i was talking about, i tried editing the actionurl and the sk2url like you said but that hasn't changed anything, the first six pages still go to the same websites and the last four that dont' have default url's dont' go anywhere lol
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Sounds like its not saving in the registry right, exactly how did you go about editing and where? If it was directly in the reg, then make sure you do it in software and security. If thats what you did, then only other thing I can think of is a reboot after editing. You could also edit with CHome Configurator, I've seen it make reg changes that couldn't be done manually for some reason.

