Cautious trading method! - G1 Themes and Wallpapers


And you SHOUTED this out.

That button two to the right from the "M" key is called a period, it does more than just help you type web addresses or type "..." when you don't know what to say. <----- Look I just used one, I'm special. <----- Oh shiz, another one!!!

never mind.

im lost ? i dont get what adam 17 is saying

A single sentence with no puntuation and all capitals is one of the worse things you can do on a forum. It makes it hard to read and is considered shouting.
Therefore your post is screeming at the audience.

wow...this was a waste of my life...

TrOjAnUK said:
A single sentence with no puntuation and all capitals is one of the worse things you can do on a forum. It makes it hard to read and is considered shouting.
Therefore your post is screeming at the audience.
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@OP, please read the forum rules (#3) before posting further threads like this.


Fastest WM 5.0 ROM?

Can anyone send my the FTP address for the fastest WM 5.0 ROM I can use on my O2 XDA Exec?
I have 2 links, try them both
Warning: These links may require more than 2 (two) active and working braincells.
Thanks asshole. Seems you don't know how to search either since you didn't send me a link... If you don't have anything to offer to the thread, don't say anything at all.
Windowsrookie said:
Thanks asshole. Seems you don't know how to search either since you didn't send me a link... If you don't have anything to offer to the thread, don't say anything at all.
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"Arguing on the internet is like winning the Special Olympics, even if you win your're still retarded"
Bearing that in mind ill just say this: If you searched (or even looked at the first page) you would find exactly what you are looking for, how do you think i learn't all this stuff? not one useless thread like this i can tell you...
"We" don't get paid to help people, so we find it a bit annoying when people ask questions that have been answered at least 5 times already....
Have a nice day
Just looking through your recent posts and almost all your questions have been answered before and/or are in the wiki so I'll just give it to you again in case you missed it before
Yet, You still haven't show me a link. I dont see anything on the front page like you said. And that's good, you shouldn't be paid, because you're doing a horrible job.
Windowsrookie said:
Yet, You still haven't show me a link. I dont see anything on the front page like you said. And that's good, you shouldn't be paid, because you're doing a horrible job.
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to quote a great sig:
"Give a man a link, and he will solve his problem that day. Teach a man to use search, and he will solve his own problems for life."
Really, all this and you could have spent 5 minutes searching and had your answer by 12:00 (GMT)
Here's a new one...
"I don't know the answer to the question, so I'll post a stupid reply and ruin the thread."
Both the 1st and 2nd pages of this thread contain WM5 ROM threads, perhaps you could read them, discover the +'ves and -'ves of each one and decided for yourself?
Some people...
No, there's not.
I beg to differ
Just a few that caught my eye
See, That wasn't so hard. I was searching for threads with WM 5 in them, and non show up in the results.
Oooooo... that was a funky 5 minutes, eh??? Now now children, let's not upset the ROM builders
I am also very very curious about this human behavior:
People would ask before they think;
People would post questions and request for helps (and angry about not getting any help from perfectly strangers), when they do not want to invest their own time to read through the threads which contain the answers they have been looking for. Obviously, they prefer to waste other people's time...
The same questions have been answered over, and over, and over, and over, again, and again, and again, ...
Learn the lesson, RTFM (Read The F*** Manual), or RTFT (Read The F*** Threads), ...
Put your handbags away children.
It's not hard to look around a bit for information before asking - the layout is such that you can probably find what you want easily.
But coming back with a sh1tty reply is not helpful and doesn't add to the atmosphere of what is generally a good board.
That's my two-bob's worth. A bit of common sense and civility goes a long way. hehe.
Its been a long time since i've been part of this grate forum, i always use a search and 90% of the time i find thread or post which is relevent to my quary.
Search can be the best tool for some body if peoples know how to use it.
You know sometimes people tend to get nervous and impatient to look for something around!!
Then you only need to handle them with some kinda care huh? Needless to say a little time and bengo, there you'll find it. Just open up your eyes and look around dont be so spoon-fed!!
Seriously windowsrookie, educate yourself by looking through the universal topics on WM5, otherwise you'll probably screw up your machine when updating it anyway.
Spend a bit of time on it mate.
tyl said:
Seriously windowsrookie, educate yourself by looking through the universal topics on WM5, otherwise you'll probably screw up your machine when updating it anyway.
Spend a bit of time on it mate.
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Well said, tyl. A bit of research goes a long way... I foolishly upgraded my radio ROM before properly reading the boards and fried my universal. Totally pointless excercise since there was nothing wrong with the original ROM.
Lesson's don't have to be learnt the hard way
Geez, I can't believe we still get people like windowsrookie who goes around wasting people's time (let alone his own time). Seriously, just search, search and search!
It should be the case that a noob can't post until he's done so many searches ROFL!!! (look at my joining date!)
As a famous green guy once said... "You are young, but you will learn."

guitar hero

does anyone have a link to the guitar hero cab? greatly appreaciated
Seconded.... except my message is much to short
Me too Please !!
why is everyone so protective of it, ive seen numerous posts on this site with people claiming they have it yet noone wants to give it up. it'd be greatly appreaciated i mean we are all here for the same reason, to help eachother out.
Probably because its copyrighted
just because someone has it, it doesnt mean they are going to freely give it out to anyone. It's not being rude, just selective. For example, if I had this game. I would only give it out to other people that have contributed to this site, not just a bunch of leechers that gain info or software and have nothing reciprocating to offer. And secondly it would be via PM or other communication ways. Not posted publicly on this site (which is against site rules)
Put it this way.... i'm not going to tell you where ( again against site rules) but there IS a site that has this app posted ( cTacked version) but you will need to find out where it is posted for yourself.
spikey911 said:
Probably because its copyrighted
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Quite true, but isnt distributing edited versions of Windows Mobile O/S.
I am not complaining btw without Kavana and Rickys WM6.1 i would be stuck with BT Bloatware.
its really not that great. i was able to nail every song on the highest settings with little effort. its mainly good to just show off. plus you need a good interneet connection to get the songs
nickydash said:
why is everyone so protective of it, ive seen numerous posts on this site with people claiming they have it yet noone wants to give it up. it'd be greatly appreaciated i mean we are all here for the same reason, to help eachother out.
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Why do schoolchildren hide things behind their backs and say "MINE! You can't have it!"?
beartard said:
Why do schoolchildren hide things behind their backs and say "MINE! You can't have it!"?
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so you leechers keep your grubby paws off
I'm not a leecher. Never asked for a damned bit of your warez (I always hated the whole fake-music genre of games), but it seems like I hit a nerve with that comment. Guess if you have it, you're a leecher.
All I was saying is that having something like guitar hero makes certain people feel special...because they have it and others don't. If they let it out too liberally, just like the child in the schoolyard, they're not special anymore because everybody is the same again. They lose the "look what I got and you don't" shine.
It's a nasty attitude and shows that people really don't grow up. If you don't want to give it out, you really don't have to say anything at all. But it's the schoolboy in you that has to yell "MINE!"
To the original poster, Guitar Hero III mobile is available online. T-Mobile has it in their downloads as well. And I'm not sure who told you we're all here for the same reason: to help each other out. There are quite a lot of people here who feel they're at some elite status and can't be bothered with people who are where they were, say, ten months ago.
problem is, that most people dont contribute to this site ( or at least this forum) they sit here asking all sorts of questions, but never offer any help to others. Im not an eliteist.... i did what most techy type guys most like did when they first got their phones, they dabbled with it, figured crap out for themselves, and when they didnt, they found the almightly google for help. Once they started to put 2 & 2 together with what their phone could and couldnt do, they started offering help to others, and i stress help. Help is not giving out software that they have and saying: " here ya go! " help is actually resolving someone elses problem. and i hardly think that a software request is a problem. For those certain individuals that i've seen on this site actuall make a signifigant contribution to help others that are in need, when they've hit me up for software, i've always hooked them up, but for the ones that "hit & run" and have not had anything to offer to date, i dont give them anything. (and i stress give). its not like im going to be seeing these people on what you call the schoolgrounds anytime soon and i dont really care how many people have the same software i have. i do feel that some deserve it and some dont , based on their merit. simply googling guitar hero III and finding a thread in this forum, finding out that there is a guitar hero III for the mobile phone and then requesting it is not contributing anything in any way. ( BTW i've been with this forum since nov of 2006 and have had a smartphone since WM2003 so i dont know where you are getting your 10 months ago figure)
Nah, dude, that wasn't meant as a slight to you. I can't disagree with anything you wrote. I'm fairly new here myself (though I've had a smartphone since I had WM2003 on my Samsung SCH-i600 with Verizon). I joined it because it's a relatively well-respected forum in the smartphone community and a place that everyone asking questions elsewhere is sent to.
The problem is this forum just lacks moderation and organization. Being new here, I feel sorry for people just showing up and having to dive through this mess. Yes, a lot of questions get repeated. But it's fiendishly easy to say "" to the point that over 80% of a user's posts reflect that..again, without giving any real help. It makes the community look bad as a whole. That's what pisses me off.
I think being called a leech kinda set me off, too, since there's nothing on my phone (except the ROM) that's not either bought-and-paid-for or freeware.
im not calling you specifically a leech. im calling the people with 2 posts, one being "hey, can you also send guitar hero to me too??", leeches. they are the same retards that post 400000 times "HELP! ZOMG!!! I FINALLY GOT THE ROM TO WORK BUT MY KEYBOARD LAYOUT IS MESSED UP". ya know what i think of that? **** YOU AND YOUR KEYBOARD. if you are too stupid to read or use the SEARCH function (not google), then you are too stupid to use a phone like this. i realize that most are just lazy and are above searching for the answer or reading a few them i also have a heart felt **** you.
if someone has 50 or 100 posts and asks a silly question, i will gladly provide the answer if i know it. but the guy with 2 posts in 6 months can go find it himself.
when your first reaction to an issue you have with your phone is to post it in a new dont deserve help. how about doing some of the legwork yourself instead of posting "i NEED a step by step set of instructions blah blah blah". what you NEED is a kick in the nuts.
and if you really feel that by us saying "go do a search the topic has been discussed 4500000 times" makes the community look does the community look when you have a bunch of posts by people with 2 post to date, asking all the same questions as eachother? i think its retarded that some senior users actually have to use their signatures to list step by step instructions for some of the most talked about topics, just so they dont have to type it for the 10000th time. hows that make our community look? makes it look like there are a handful of people that know what they are doing and it makes the rest look like a buncha n00b tards that are leading eachother down the stupid trail.
SO damn true!!! On that note LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO
Dont worry gixxum , in all kind of forums there are newbie that made all kind of Questions, there are other that helps to this newbie and there are other how you that say **** to this newbie, it is normal, there are everything in this world.
satru said:
Dont worry gixxum , in all kind of forums there are newbie that made all kind of Questions, there are other that helps to this newbie and there are other how you that say **** to this newbie, it is normal, there are everything in this world.
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at the risk of sounding rude.... what?
Mikey1022 said:
SO damn true!!! On that note LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO LMFAO
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gixxum said:
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Don't go there....AGAIN!!! lol
This seems like De Ja Vue
I only hope that you helps me when and make a Question and you know the answer because i have in 1 month more than 50 post.
gixxum said:
if someone has 50 or 100 posts and asks a silly question, i will gladly provide the answer if i know it. but the guy with 2 posts in 6 months can go find it himself.
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DroidThemer - Android Themes Website

Hey guys,
New to this board, but not to Android dev in general. I'm actually making this thread to gauge interest in an Android theme site? A quick search showed that there were at least 2 others considering sites, but nothing solid.
Since I make themes for phones, I'd actually started on a site a while back based on my iPhone theme site. The iPhone site was scrapped for the same reason the Android one was: it's way too hard to theme for average users! There's too much technical stuff, so I didn't think it would be worth it to make a site for a small group.
I've been revisiting the idea lately though since I stumbled upon the source code, and I still have the domain I grabbed last year. So, show of hands, anyone interested?
uh, actually the theme site is almost done, and there is already a ROM site in development, if you would like to help go here
thank you.
and, i dont see any of your themes anywhere, you signed up this month, have one post to date, and you spelled your user name wrong.
Clearly I ruffled your feathers.. I'll assume you're one of the ones working on the theme site.
As far as not seeing my themes anywhere, did you not read that I said that I scrapped the site because the public at large wouldn't benefit from it? As for me signing up this month, I signed up TODAY and I made note of the fact that I was new in my post.
I understand you may feel in someway threatened, but tone it down a bit.
*edit* so I did misspell the name (or rather mistyped on the iPhone I posted from). *tosses a cookie*
no offense, i have just seen 4 other people this month try to start a theme website while we have one in the works. and having so many people working on so many sites it would just turn into a mess. it seemed a little odd that your account was so new yet you said you had been theming for awhile.
if you seriously want to work on a theme site, then please go to the thread stated above, leave your info, check out what they have built so far.
we can definitely use the help.
i just didnt want to see another seemingly n00b trying to make yet another theme website.
i apologize for being rash in the first post, however you have to admit it looked a little odd, especially with the themesdroid thread on the same page.
Understandable, and I concede to your point. No noob here though, have been building websites for years.
For reference, is an old domain and is an example of the type of site that we had started for droidthemer - you can also check the whois and see that it wasn't just made today
As I said, I did do a search, but I didn't take note of the date, I thought it was a dead project as I did see posts discussing what to use and delays etc. For the most part, this was a completed site (including making screenshots from the uploaded assets - something ithemer has as well) that just never saw the light of day.
If these guys are going to launch soon and have the backing of the community, there isn't a need for another one.
theme site
DriodThemer said:
Hey guys,
New to this board, but not to Android dev in general. I'm actually making this thread to gauge interest in an Android theme site? A quick search showed that there were at least 2 others considering sites, but nothing solid.
Since I make themes for phones, I'd actually started on a site a while back based on my iPhone theme site. The iPhone site was scrapped for the same reason the Android one was: it's way too hard to theme for average users! There's too much technical stuff, so I didn't think it would be worth it to make a site for a small group.
I've been revisiting the idea lately though since I stumbled upon the source code, and I still have the domain I grabbed last year. So, show of hands, anyone interested?
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Did you pay attention to where you posted. THEME'S & WALLPAPER under Dream. Whats wrong with posting here? The only people that have issues finding what they need don't use search. As others have mentioned there have already been suggestions for this. Not to be a jerk but devs post here and update their threads here. They're already busy enough with theirs projects. I'm not speaking for them but doubt they'd post here and then somewhere else and then somewhere else again, etc...
malaeus said:
uh, actually the theme site is almost done, and there is already a ROM site in development, if you would like to help go here
thank you.
and, i dont see any of your themes anywhere, you signed up this month, have one post to date, and you spelled your user name wrong.
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If there was a like button below posts, or a star tab, I would click it 800 times for this post. LOL!
parmijo11 said:
Did you pay attention to where you posted. THEME'S & WALLPAPER under Dream. Whats wrong with posting here? The only people that have issues finding what they need don't use search. As others have mentioned there have already been suggestions for this. Not to be a jerk but devs post here and update their threads here. They're already busy enough with theirs projects. I'm not speaking for them but doubt they'd post here and then somewhere else and then somewhere else again, etc...
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I'm actually not sure what your post means. I'm not being sarcastic either. I don't get what you mean about devs being busy with their projects? I'm not asking any devs to join in? I was asking if anyone was interested in the launch of a mostly-complete site.
Auctionedllama said:
If there was a like button below posts, or a star tab, I would click it 800 times for this post. LOL!
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Why so? Did you read our exchange past his initial (understandable) suspicions? Or were you just out for a good "burn"?
as I have said, if there is no interest, or another option is just about done, then no biggie. I'm not here to spam, flame or cause problems. I'd appreciate the same respect.
A break
I'd just like to say, that this person has already admited to being new to the forum. It has been established that this person has experience in modding
software for mobile devices, as well as designing websites. I am of the opinion that this person could be a valuable asset to this community. I don't think it is
a good idea to act so rashly to someone who obviously isn't familiar with the vast amount of new people who just post wherever.
Try to be a little more positive. If every new poster is treated with this type of elitist attitude it doesn't make for an enjoyable experience, and they could be
turned away from the forum.
darylfrancis said:
I'd just like to say, that this person has already admited to being new to the forum. It has been established that this person has experience in modding
software for mobile devices, as well as designing websites. I am of the opinion that this person could be a valuable asset to this community. I don't think it is
a good idea to act so rashly to someone who obviously isn't familiar with the vast amount of new people who just post wherever.
Try to be a little more positive. If every new poster is treated with this type of elitist attitude it doesn't make for an enjoyable experience, and they could be
turned away from the forum.
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I agree, if he'd like to start his own site let him, we already have 1 theme site that has been up for a while while the other one is still being planned. For other phones there are multiple sites, what does it matter how many there are if it serves the community as a whole. And just because Driod is new doesn't mean he hasn't themed for android before. I'm sure there are plenty of people on other sites that make themes that are never seen here. XDA is not the only place people go for android discussions.
Thanks for the words daryl. As I said, I don't really fault him for being suspicious off the bat, in a tight-knit community that may be prone to spam/noobness, it's easy to become accustomed to raising the eyebrow first.
I was more annoyed with the follow-up posters that didn't seem to read the thread but still wanted to jump on the bandwagon.
jdwme said:
I agree, if he'd like to start his own site let him, we already have 1 theme site that has been up for a while while the other one is still being planned.
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I know themesdroid is planned, is there one already live? Competition is good, but at the same time, you don't want to beat a dead horse. If there's a good solution, let it ride.
Also, a site like this doesn't thrive without the help of the community, so again, I'm sorry if I ruffled any feathers, it wasn't my intention
how insecure do you have to be malaeus (or whatever)
Oh my god Malaeus or whatever his name is being super lame for acting like a complete jackass. I nominate him for douchebag of the year; I mean how completely rude of you to act like you own the internet (who are you supposed to be? Al Gore). GOD FOBID someone make a website about something they like. I guess droiddev droidappz g1wallz allshadow and ****ing HTC & T-Mobile must have his expressed written consent to create anything G1 related huh? I personally have sold/designed 7 websites these past two months and don't recall asking anyone in the related fields if I could do so before buying the domain names. Jesus, lose the lame ass god complex (or short man's syndrome) as for DroidThemer, I personally will register to your site simply because I'm not an ahole who is afraid of change/challenge or competition. Maybe someone (malaeus) should try to get off their high horse or learn a little common courtesy. DroidThemer as a fellow graphic/web-designer id love to help in any way to design your site. Email me.
parmijo11 said:
Did you pay attention to where you posted. THEME'S & WALLPAPER under Dream. Whats wrong with posting here? The only people that have issues finding what they need don't use search. As others have mentioned there have already been suggestions for this. Not to be a jerk but devs post here and update their threads here. They're already busy enough with theirs projects. I'm not speaking for them but doubt they'd post here and then somewhere else and then somewhere else again, etc...
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Looks like parmijo11 is not paying attention, as the guy clearly stated that he themes for bot iphone and android. ugh, had to add my 2 cents.
i want to point out another fact to people mainly maleus just because you dont have alot of posts on the forum doesnt mean anything take a look at when i signed up and how many posts i have to date not many but that doesnt mean i dont know anything ive made alot of themes not only for android but also windows mobile, manilla 2d, and blackberry but alot of my themes i did not post, mine were mainly for personal use or for friends who had requests but couldnt find the theme they wanted. but now we all know why i dont have many post because of people that dont have any common courtesy for other people and in the end its those ppl that are hurting the rest of the community not the people that come on here start an account and use their first post to propose a genuinely good idea !!!
Well, if there is honest interest, I could go forward with producing the site. I had an idea to help make themes ROM-agnostic, but it looks like even if it worked, it would be obsolete in a few months when people start altering the XML layout files.
i say go for it
alright, gonna finish up this theme site for another platform and then look into the best way to execute that
I honestly see this community if it keeps up like it is with all the [email protected] being talked in this thread going to turn into the Evo one. For those that don't know quick back story. 2 major shops have split the community because of there hate for another and have blasted both who support them. This is how this is looking. Look at the Honda community its all apart and will never be like it used to be because of this. This is NOT what we need to happen here. Please make this site and for kicks talk with the guys doing the other one and link them because only good thing that comes from multiple sites are compition and I'm sorry but if there was only one car company it would produce crap because it could. 2 major sites "fighting" but acting like one will only make sure both are on top of there game. So please one more beg of making the site.
alright, what I'm going to do initially is just allow uploading of wallpapers and themes and specification of which ROM it's for. When I get a little time, I'll fight with the idea of automatically porting themes.
I know there are some ROMs whose themes are similar so that shouldn't be an issue. So perhaps I'll make it where you can check off if you want the site to try to port for you or you can upload your own port.
go for it!
i shall be your first member

Shout-out to you kin users.

STOP RUSHING ME AND LET ME DO WHAT I NEED TO DO. I have school you know. This is my last full week that I have to see my friends and other things like that, then it's off to exams. If you were on my end, You'd see how busy I am. AND if he had a facebook, I hacked my friend's KIN as well. So guys please stop rushing me. It is starting to make me mad. Ever since I had said something you guys have been up my @ßß. If you wish not to end up in the current state I'm on (which is possibly a brick waiting for a phone to come tomorrow) then I suggest you wait. @johnkussiack, please come in feel free to comment leave your opinions but tell these guys how hard it is to hack a phone successfully. I would hate to see you guys end up with a brick, and I would feel responsible. Let me do what needs to be done. I'll upload screenshots and what I've done, Give me time.
All the best,
(Tyler Jones)
just upload the guide honestly & let the users choose for themselves weather or not they want a brick. I got a year warranty so I will return it till im blue in the face. What did you expect when you first stated that you found a way into the Kin & made the announcement?
I mean come on Yes We know you had a death in your family and stated that it would take you a week to write a simple guide. The problem I see is this you spoke up first & then you expect people to wait patiently which in all seriousness no offense was a stupid thought in your head because its not going to happen.
All Im waiting for is the guide once thats in place I will choose for myself weather or not I will chance a brick to hack or screw around in my phone. No offense but its the truth. I wouldnt of said anything till I had a guide or the time personally.
Kid, (way older), i'm not playing devil's advocate here.
While it's true that hacking something is complicated, I'm with 4LC4PON3 this time. Being a big thing (or not), you cannot shout it to the winds and then go back to a cave.
Test it, do it, ensure it, then tell.
My app could be released atm, but of course would do crap things, yet i assured that it works even if i press Conn+Disconn 30 times. Ever post without being sure of what you do and what will you do next.
To be truthful with you guys, the screenshot was a fake, EXCEPT THE RECENT BOX AND TIME BOX, I edited those so they shade until you click them. I wanted you guys to lay off me for awhile. But I promise, I did not pull your chain guys, I hate when people do that, trust me, I had the enV touch and someone said they had android on the phone but it was a fake. The guy took a picture from google and pasted on the phone. So I left the facebook group because people were flaming me. Well guys later.
Kinuser1 said:
To be truthful with you guys, the screenshot was a fake, EXCEPT THE RECENT BOX AND TIME BOX, I edited those so they shade until you click them. I wanted you guys to lay off me for awhile. But I promise, I did not pull your chain guys, I hate when people do that, trust me, I had the enV touch and someone said they had android on the phone but it was a fake. The guy took a picture from google and pasted on the phone. So I left the facebook group because people were flaming me. Well guys later.
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No offence but you sound so...not smart right know. I dont want to make fun of you and then come to find out you have the guide, but just like John said, Test it, do it, ensure it, then tell.
Kinuser1 said:
To be truthful with you guys, the screenshot was a fake, ...
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Here i stopped having any interest. As i told ya, post or don't post, but no teasers.
You can do small things, you can asure people that you got access to the phone, you can say that you did but you dont know what to do with it.
But never.... ever!! fake things. Now every post that you text, every image that you upload... will have the "Suspicius fake?" mark above it, even if this time is real.
Also, you were flamed in the group with reasons. You posted in a cocky mood about "recording your face when you see it", and then you say that some pictures were fake. That's flame fuel.
PS: btw, my nick doesnt have any "i" character. It's like the actor, but with "K". Just cause i saw it twice by now.
My problem is this. Like I said I understood you had a death in your family but you have a cocky attitude for one got on my nerves, You Faked the photo which I already had doubts on anyways.
What got me is this you said that you have been having problems with your phone for sometime now even before you started hacking into it. Then all of a sudden your phone doesnt turn on correctly you blamed it on the "So Called Hacks"
Prior to this you made a statement that you didnt want help because you didnt want people "stealing your work"
If you do have access to the phone put up the guide even if you did screw your phone up Ok but you cant claim something then never do it. We are Adults here not children it is our choice weather or not we want to attempt the job or not. There are smart users here that you & we can benefit from to get it done faster.
It doesnt take that long to write a simple guide. Either in my opinion A You are just B.S & trying to make yourself sound important or Your just lazy & cant write a 30 minute Tutorial.
Side Note You stated on Facebook when I got mad you said Do you want me to make a video showing proof?. If you can take time to make a video you can easily make time to write the tutorial.
Watch then leave me be and start getting busy.
Sigh... This last post is an offense to all of us who have a real bricked kin.
It is not bricked like I said, IT IS BROKE
I'm actually not sure if it is bricked because it wont turn on
Kinuser1 said:
I'm actually not sure if it is bricked because it wont turn on
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Wow. some people here need to CALM DOWN. Give the guy a break. If he is in possession of useful information, name calling and what not is not going to help. If he isn't, name calling and what not is not going to help. While I think it would reflect poorly on him if he has been falsely leading people on, I for one take any 'breaking' news here with a grain of salt. I'll believe it when I see the proof, and until then, I'm not going to get all bent out of shape about it.
I'm somewhat hopeful for what JohnKussack's discoveries may hold, and mainly because he has actually been able to demonstrate what he has discovered.
@soninja8 I am going to say this for the last and final time.
STOP TELLING ME WHAT TO DO. Are you the one who found out? NO!
Let me do what I need to do and shutup
@Marcellus1 thank you for understanding
Kinuser1 said:
@soninja8 I am going to say this for the last and final time.
STOP TELLING ME WHAT TO DO. Are you the one who found out? NO!
Let me do what I need to do and shutup
@Marcellus1 thank you for understanding
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Im just not understanding why the guide cant be posted thats all. I understand that your busy and all, but you seem to have enough time posting videos of your phone not working and talking about random things...
edit cause im tired of his drama
where do you get it?
Thanks for doing some little thread necromancy, but i think that this dead horse should not be beaten (again).

Please Replace Captcha With Mathematical Game

Turn This: nbvzxbnbnbcsdmbbm (Which Is Supposed To Mean "Hello There Fellow")
Into This 5 + 5 = ___
ROFL ????
Or at least something else that doesn't make me guess 5 times and lock me out of the damn site for 15 minutes!
I agree, captchas are quite complicated for some people.
"You can overclock as much as you want, your phone will always seem too slow."
99% of them are impossible to read
its discrimination against dyslexic people i for one support the picture solve or the math ones
I agree replace captcha with something else
Sent from my Xoom using xda app-developers app
Why is this horrible system even needed on a members only forum?
spykedm said:
Why is this horrible system even needed on a members only forum?
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Extra security against spammers, I guess.
Although I can't remember entering a single captcha yet *happy*
Sent fro... wait, I didn't send this.
The captcha is required due to spammers who register manually, then try to post spam to XDA using that new account.
Recaptcha, which is the one we use, is one of the more readable and user friendly captchas, offering an audio equivalent too.
This captcha implemetation simply doesn't work
I tried to post a response to a different thread earlier and tried 5 captchas before I was reasonably sure I was reading one correctly. It took some time to compose the post and, low and behold the captcha somehow changed during that time and I needed to type in a new one. I made the mistake of hitting the preview button and the damn system wanted yet another captcha. I finally gave up because it simply wasn't worth the trouble. Why not simply use one captcha on log in?
The captcha system as implemented may be preventing spam but it is also doing a very good job of discouraging the use of this forum for its intended purpose.
freecity said:
I tried to post a response to a different thread earlier and tried 5 captchas before I was reasonably sure I was reading one correctly. It took some time to compose the post and, low and behold the captcha somehow changed during that time and I needed to type in a new one. I made the mistake of hitting the preview button and the damn system wanted yet another captcha. I finally gave up because it simply wasn't worth the trouble. Why not simply use one captcha on log in?
The captcha system as implemented may be preventing spam but it is also doing a very good job of discouraging the use of this forum for its intended purpose.
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Seems to work ok for the vast majority of users. The captchas should end on your 7th or 8th post.
captchas from hell
mf2112 said:
Seems to work ok for the vast majority of users. The captchas should end on your 7th or 8th post.
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That explains why captcha does "work ok for the vast majority of users." They don't even see it after a few posts. If it were implemented for everyone the same way it is for new users this thread would be dozens of pages long.
Glad that I'll soon be seeing the end of it.
freecity said:
That explains why captcha does "work ok for the vast majority of users." They don't even see it after a few posts. If it were implemented for everyone the same way it is for new users this thread would be dozens of pages long.
Glad that I'll soon be seeing the end of it.
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We get 1500 new users signing up per day. Sorry, I forgot to type the word "new" in that sentence as I was thinking it. (Unfortunately) pattern recognition software is getting better and simple captchas are readable by the spambots. The current system is not necessarily ideal, but it does force real people to do their spam instead of bots, keeping it to a level where we can see it and report it before it becomes a flood.
I can only wish that a bigger percentage of those new users read this guide. And that they actually did the things proposed in it. complicated with it:cyclops:
drumerpunked said:
I completely agree i can never figure out what 99% of them say...
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I have too agree on the 99% ... it took me 9 tries too get 1 that I could read just so I could post here about changing it also ..
It will take me a week too get too the point where I dont have that captcha stuff ..
Agree, captcha are 9 times on 10 impossible to read for me as well.
Guess it's the price to pay to keep this place the way it is, wich is fantastic
drumerpunked said:
I completely agree i can never figure out what 99% of them say...
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I think the idea is some of them are not supposed to be decipherable by man or machine. a person will just hit next while the pattern rec software just chews on it.
Its readable but with the previous post i was trying like 20 captchas. Blurred one after blurred one...
Hope to get rid of it soon
Yes, math randum chalange
is better for the visually chalanged
i have to ask my kid to read it cause the audio one is noisy and evry one knows the blind pirson ears ar verry sencetive to the noise
so i agree.

