Is there a UK vodafone ROM for the BA. My provider is vodafone and it would nice to have the correct settingd for my BA, instead of usinf the T-Mobile rom.
Someone (not me) dumped the ROM here: ftp://ftp.xda-developers.com/Uploads/Blueangel/Vodafone_VPx_1.22.nb1
Read the wiki http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Blueangel for details of how to use this file.
Hope this helps!
Thanks for that, but i don't seem to have permissions to get into that directory.
i got the rom, the extension is different to what i expected, do i have to use a different loader for this, as changing the extension from nb1 to nbf did not work.
Look at this first..
Hi Lordeo..
Do youself a favour.. Look at this..
After, have a quick look at this..
As you can see, there's no direct UK Vodafone ROM available however, you can look at upgrading your Rom to the highest here..
Then applying the UK Vodafone MMS, GPRS and SMS settings from a post I authored a while ago by clicking here..
Ok, the downside here is that you'll have what is essentally a T-Mobile branded phone..
Lastly, there's always the option of upgrading to WM5.. See here..
If you do decide to go ahead with this, please read part of a post I authored a couple of days ago.. It states..
General Tips to you (and others)..
If you do want to update or upgrade then make sure you read everything through first.. Make sure you're happy in doing it.. Perhaps use the search function to read through others comments.. I would also recommend reading others comments about trying to downgrade from WM5 to WM2003SE to see what others have encountered
You will not believe the amount of people who end up posting questions when they've not followed the instructions from Wiki that I've pasted for you here..
Finally, if you are stuck, use the search command and describe your problem in the Keywords section, select Blue Angel from the Category and read through the posts relating to it before posting questions..
I think that's everything..?
Restoring ROM dump
Take a look at this thread: http://en.pdamobiz.com/en/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=151&PN=1 at the end of the first posting there is a brief section entitled How to Restore. Copy the .nb1 file onto an SD card and follow the instructions in the post to restore. Good luck!
thanks for all the info.
for some reason the rom backup file would not automatically install from the SD. oh well. i went to wm5 very nice but i can not get my gps to pair correctly with bluetooth, back to the t-mobile rom at least tom tom works with 2003 correctly
Hi all
My first post as a new MDA PRO owner HTC universal if I am not mistaken.
My question is that I am with Vodafone UK and am tying to flash my device with their latest ROM downloaded from their site.
I keep on getting the following message from the setup program i.e. "ERROR 120 COUNTRY CODE ERROR" 38-38-44-44-44.
What am I doing wrong as I thought these machines were all the same! Or is it just an attempt by Vodafone to stop me from putting their ROM on a Tmobile phone. If it is is there a work around?
Thanks in advance
There are 2 ways to get it working.
1. Use MaUpgradeNoID Utility
2. Change some parameters with BAL666's HTC64 Tool
If you search the forum you should normally be able to find a manual for this.
If not, do not hesitate to use the Wiki:
section Universal
Thanks for that much appreciated
As I am new to this I think must be missing something as I have tried using MAUpgradeUT_NoID with no luck. I have also seen on the threads here about MAUpgradeUT_NoID_886 but cant find a download link for it.
If someone could give me a real idiots guide would be most grateful.
All done managed to get my thick head around it.
Just like to say what a great site this is and reminds me of early Psion days.
check buzzdev.net register there and go to the download page.
If you know something about computers, then try to reset the parameters. this was working for me! the NoID.exe doesn't look for these parameters, but that doesn't worked out for me.
Hi eveyrone.
Background: I have been playing with the new Manilla from XBMod, but in doing so I have had to change my ROM. Previously was on a DUtty v4 ROM which I loved as it was a simple clean and fast ROM.
Now compared to Dutty's all other so far are Bloated and/or slugish (even before I put the manilla2 on).
Anyway I decided to see what it takes to make my own. I looked into it and found a nice simple basic tutorial with video here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=413782
Now this is really basic. I do need to learn a bit but I need some help in finding some information. Little things like how to edit the registry or how to change the boot image. Also need to find all the updated HTC apps, and a list of what HTC apps are available and/or ported.
Before someone tells me to use search or "google is your friend" I know that.
I can find out what each package does before I remove them and such. I can also find out how to do allot of these things too, but if you actually use the search also then you will find nearly everything is based on modifying an already installed ROM and not doing it in the Kitchen.
On top of all this I doubt I am the only person looking for a clean fast ROM so I will be releasing this to everyone. I would appreciate any suggestions for what to include and what registry edits to do. And would really appreciate a master chef coming by and helping a new apprentice chef.
Much appreciated for anyones help. (Remember I havn't asked for others to do it, I am asking for some help to learn it.) Lets just hope I don't burn anything...... .
No one wants a Simple Light Upto date ROM??
Kinda funny isn't it.
If I just waited around and asked who had what and all that, I would be flamed to a crisp and get told to read and use search. Just so you know I just used search for "OEM HTC" and got NOTHING.
I have been using the forums for about 6 months now and now I have decided to put my little bit of effort in, no one is interested in helping...
I always say that I only help those whom help themselves. I have and am currently helping myself, but I do need a little hand mainly to point me in the right direction.
Doesn't anyone want a simple ROM that is mearly a set of performance tweaks and updated OS and Updated Default HTC Apps?
Here's you answer - download one of teh full kitchens available (like Sulliers or Mondilv) and make it yourself.
Other way - download latest OEM rom (there's thread for that), ervius kitchen, and cut away to your liking - you will have your "latest light rom".
This is exactly what it is about. Either be ready and donate to the chefs who do such things (cook for demand for payment) or get behind the keyboard and start cooking. it's not that difficult...
This is how I started - got the kitchen, and step by step I go forward. I can't call myself a cook - I only know how to tweak a bit little things, but I'm learning. I suggest you start too
If you are searching for "clean, fast ROM" look no further than Mondilv's kitchen - probably the fastest Rom available now (if we are to trust Pietrucci's benchmarks, and I see no reason why not). Since it;s a kitchen you can do whatever you want to it. And if you are asking "how to edit registry" then maybe your searching skills aren't that good... This like the most basic thing....
Happy cooking!
Good to see people actually read.
At no point did I ask for a ROM. I do recall mentioning that I have downloaded a kitchen and am playing with it.
I did mention that I have searched and my skills in searching are perfectly fine. Considering that fact that I have found the registry information but NOT in XDA.
THe problem with XDA is that if you are to be succesfull in a search you must already know what you want to find (and therefore know the terminology to search for) which then means why search at all seeing you already know. And if you happen to find something you have to read the thread for a week to find the only single post within it that actually gives you an answer.
If you had read my first post properlly and understood it, you would realise I am after information TOO LEARN IT...... but maybe I'll take your suggestion and LEARN it instead.
It really pisses me off when people reply withou fully reading the post, and then tells me exactly what I said I am doing.
For all you know I could be a potential contributer to these threads and you have just destroyed my respect for the people on these threads. Thankyou for your lack of any real help.
Oh and one last thing, I was wrong with the last bit of my first post.
If I ask for the ROM I get flamed, If I ask for help to learn to build a ROM I get told to make a ROM or download one.
Catch 22 around here. Can't ask for help and can't get help. I wanted to build one but if this is the **** I am going to cop just cause I want to learn something and contribute, then its not worth jack ****.
And who are you to say if I have or havn't donated to other ROM Builders.
I would love to try your basic clean ROM, without all the pre installed applications. I have been looking for an up to date naked ROM, but haven't been able to find one.
Good Luck!!!
Well my intention is not a "Naked ROM" but a bare essentials one.
Just updated versions of all the apps that come with a HTC ROM and update OS Core, .NET etc.
Bare Minimum Apps.
good luck man. hope its super fast too.. and stable.
Can someone please point me to an UPDATED list of HTC OEM App Version and hopefully downloads.
I don't mind Ripped stuff, like from TouchFlo2 etc, but I want to leave out beta buggy stuff untill they are are fixed. For example I would want HTC Notifications as it seems to work well (unless I am just lucky) but I won't put in the TouchFlo3D 2 as it is still buggy and unstable.
Oh and VGA versions if possible for my Touch Diamond
Oh and were can I find a 21xxx+ version ROM that I can use?
Hmm, so I want to help, and the best you can do is smirk at my recommendations, and you just carry on:
can you point me here, can I have that or this, and oh, can it be VGA, and possibly with chocolate?
Man, I'm sorry, but there is something wrong. All the info you are looking for IS on this forum. I can't believe that you searched and didn't found. You either search the diamond forum, or use general forum search (which is google) and you just follow the links.
I don't want to belittle you nor argue with you. But just take a second and look at the way how ALL internet forums work. The first thing you do to gain credibility on any forum is to search, learn, then try to help. The last thing you do is to show up, and ask for links "on a platter" in rather demanding manner, and then criticize the answer. I just had a look on your posts and it seems that this is what you do. You repeatedly ask for ready solutions, and when people tell you to search, you are annoyed, or ask "does anybody read posts on this forum?"
I will say just this - google "netiquette" or "how to behave on internet forums".
Good luck in your search for perfect ROM for you.
And here you go not providing any form of help at all.
You say If I did search I searched the Diamond threads or used the Google search..
I have used the google one yes. And I have used the built in search searching for DIamond threads yes.
Now you imply that searching the Diamond is wrong??? I am own a Diamond so why not search the diamond threads.
This is exactly what I am talking about regarding the useless comments of "search the forums" crap I keep reading against any noob.
Instead of pointing people in the right direction you guys just simple say search.
There also seems a limit of more than 3 letter word length to search in the forum search. Cause each time I search OEM or HTC or HTC OEM then it returns No results.
Ontop of all that if and only IF I do actually find something then I have to spend hopurs upon hours readying all the Good job, well done comments before I find the one tiny little comment that actually has the answer. At that rate, for a noob trying his hand at cooking it would take 6 Months to actually find all the answers.
And now you come back and tell me to search, and worst still you tell me that searching for Diamond Rom Development info in the Diamond forums is wrong also. Were was the part that told me were to search?
it seems quite some posts are missing here... xda-developers did a restore from a backup or something after the mess last night? .
Anyway, eangulus. This is what I have so far:
- Started with a stock 2.03 WWE ROM.
- Put in a 21042 SYS + XIP (so it's now 21042 build)
- After that ripped out some stuff:
- NetCF (because it's 2.0 now I installed 3.5 from CAB, we need the OEM for it)
- Manilla
- Opera (I guess we want a newer build)
I also needed to remove it from the 'auto setup' list
- Windows Live
- MP3 Trimmer
- RSS Hub
- AdobePDF
- Cyberon VoiceSpeed dial
- Google Maps (Because we want a newer build or nothing at all)
Also needed to remove it from the 'auto setup list'
- JBedJava
- Office OneNote
- SampleMusic
- SQLCeMobile (Leave the SQLCE engine in)
- Transcriber
The whole thing build nicely, the final .nbh is 86.5mb.
There are a lot of things that can be stripped more ofcourse, and it doesn't have
any 'tweaks' included yet. Stuff I still gotta learn / try out.
Also converting cabs to oem/packages is on the agenda , and see what is easy from
the rhodium / topaz oems to include.
After the flashing and first boot I installed the older STock keyboard (bigger T9) because I still prefer it, installed newer google maps and installed the latest Rhodium Manilla from xboxmod. Runs fine and speedy (still can be faster by cooking it in though).
The notification enhancement works by installed a certain cab afterwards (not the one included in Rhodium Manilla), but Menu Enhancement and the 'manilla start menu' won't work.
My 21038 build that I was working with in the beginning seems just broken or something, because the 21042 XIP/SYS I used worked flawlessy. So I was doing it ok all along, just had broken files .
So, what now from here?
To get you a bit started:
In the end I used bebe's kitchen (http://www.darkforcesteam.com/showthread.php?p=3560). You need to create a user on that forum and wait till they 'approve' you to access the thread though.
In the thread there are a couple of video's posted how to get you started. I watched them, understood them and then started cooking and it worked . I don't know if bepe wants his files freely posted everywhere so I'll let you to get them yourself.
The ROM I used I actually downloaded from the HTC site (http://www.htc.com/www/SupportDownload.aspx?p_id=133&cat=2&dl_id=483). Entered my serial number and got the .exe with the ROM (the ruu_signed.nbh can be extracted by using WinRAR from the .exe).
The XIP/SYS I used are from here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=497586
Bepe's kitchen works with a OS.nb files (not .nbh files) so I used NBHUtil to extract it from the .NBH. NBHUtil was included in another kitchen, I got it from there. The kitchen it was included is actually an 'extended' bepe-kitchen, so you might want to play around with that one too: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=469420.
But in the end, I only used NBHUtil.exe from it .
In his video on how to port a newer build to your kitchen, he uses a complete newer ROM as a starting point. He extracts the XIP/SYS from that. If you do it like me, you don't have a complete newer ROM but only a XIP/SYS downloaded from this forum. They give you a os.nb.payload and a SYS folder. So you skip the part that extract those from a ROM and just instead use the files downloaded.
And that's pretty much it. With those files and the (short!) video tutorial's on Bepe's thread in darkforcesteam.com I managed it make something. (video on starting a kitchen from a ROM, and a video on how to port the XIP/SYS from another ROM to your kitchen). Try it, if you get stuck I'll help you. It isn't hard at all!
razkal1 said:
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razkal1 said:
here is .net 3.5
delete your ntcf forlder in sys and replace with this one
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I actually have it already but thanks for helping out!
Trying out bebe's kitchen and trying an Upgraded OS build as we speak. Not as friendly as some of the other kitchens but with the vid's it is pretty straight forward thou.
Any luck in finding an updated list of HTC OEM Version Numbers and exactly what HTC OEM apps are available for us to package into it?
Im not going to do the manilla yet as I think its still a fraction too buggy. THe main one being atm is being out by 1 hour.
Once its much more stable and bug free then I'll package it. I do want the new notifications and menus thou. they seem to be workig OK.
ALso not sure if this is a HTC app or not but I have seen a new Wifi connection tool. It gives you a list of Wifi available in a Manilla Look, you then just click on one to connect. Do you know what that is called and who does that?
Also do I have to convert the .nb file to a .nbh again?
Hello all I am new to this forum but I hope I can find the answers to my problems here. First off I have looked all over the site for NFO to a solution, but I only found bits and pieces, or information that was a little over my head.
This is my problem: I have a an HTC 6800 through US Cellular, I want to upgrade Windows Mobile to the most current version (6.1) I believe, but HTC does not have the upgrade for the USCC version of this phone on their site, and USCC will give me no tangible information either. Plus I would like to enable the GPS. Are there any step by step, easy to follow articles on doing both of these upgrades? Remember I am new to this so the easier to follow the better. Thank you all for any assistance on this and for providing this wonderful forum.
The Titan section of the forums will be where you want to go.
I used this guide (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=24511) to upgrade mine.
Beginners guide for the Titan - http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=TitanForBeginners
The XDA Titan wiki: http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Titan
Some other useful info I've compiled: http://sites.google.com/site/victorbush/htc-6800-1
Hope this points you in the right direction!
The directions say to use Titan_No2Chem_5060_WM6.1. Where do I get this and how do I use it in BuildOS?
Actually using the builds that came with BuildOS (like WM6.1 20931) worked for me.
If you're interested ftp://up.ppcgeeks.com/Titan/Users/No2Chem/ has No2Chem's stuff. The kitchen RARs are in the Basekit folder. You'll put that in the BuildOS\Kitchens folder. You'll also want to extract the selections text file from the basekit rar and put it in the projects folder. You may have to tinker with the selections file a bit to get it working properly.
Here's the first 7 lines of the no2chem selections file i used for 5060 (i didn't try any others):
KitchenDir=Kitchens\basekit 5060.rar:
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Again I thank you vicbush. When I installed BuildOS and then patched it, the first time I opened it it gave me no options in the new project screen, after I updated it again then it gave me some options but none of the ones you have shown me. So I am reinstalling BuildOS and I will let you know if that helps.
Vicbush, I thank you. With all your help and your tutorials on changing carrier name and getting data back up, I am now the proud owner of a USCC HTC 6800 running WM6.1. Again thank you so very much.
hi all does anyone know how to obtain an upgrade for hermes 8525 from windows 5 to windows 6and how it should be done? or if its advisable to do so....thanks in advance..
There are numerous options. But first you need to put HardSPL on your device. The only method that worked with my AT&T 8525 was the SD card method.
art here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=419158
There is a lot of information in the wiki http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Hermes
You can snag the update to the stock wm6 at&t here: http://www.4shared.com/file/96949781/3873b8fd/RUU_Hermes_CINGULAR_WWE_362502.html
There is also a HTC version floating around too. Got it uploaded. http://www.4shared.com/file/174831069/1dd19a3/HTC_TyTN_WWE_3542553_6275_1480.html
I would also suggest making sure your phone has hardslpv7 loaded http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=296722
Then you will be set for flashing! There are tons of custom roms around here as well.
boog321 said:
There is a lot of information in the wiki http://wiki.xda-developers.com/index.php?pagename=HTC_Hermes
You can snag the update to the stock wm6 at&t here: http://www.4shared.com/file/96949781/3873b8fd/RUU_Hermes_CINGULAR_WWE_362502.html
There is also a HTC version floating around too, I'm attempting to upload it, says about half an hour left to upload, so, I'll update the link tomorrow.
I would also suggest making sure your phone has hardslpv7 loaded http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=296722
Then you will be set for flashing! There are tons of custom roms around here as well.
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thank you for your help and info am new to the site and havnt learned it as yet. but will the upgrade inable the infared on my device?
Infrared Should work on your device as is. You may just need to enable receiving of files.
I'm sure all of your answers are buried somewhere here on the site. There is tons of information here. There is a search feature at the top brown bar that will search the entire site using google. It will help you find all sorts of stuff