Enable camera mode with new official WM6.5 HTC Rom? - Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 Windows Mobile General

Hi guys,
I've just installed the new official rom HTC (RUU_Rhodium_S_HTC_FRA_1.86.406.0) but
I don't find the place in the registery base to enable these camera modes :
In the old Rom (WM6.1 : FRA French - 1.19.406.1), you could find these :
Mobile Device\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\Camera\P6
Mobile Device\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\Camera\P8
Video Share
Mobile Device\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\Camera\P9
GPS Photo
Mobile Device\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\HTC\Camera\P10
Change this key from 0 to 1 to enable the mode!
Another reboot, and lets view the changes.
So, the way is good to "camera" but after, it isn't.
So can you help me please?
Sorry i find now and it's the same way!!!!
Sorry for that.

They are there (at least the gps one) on my wm6.5 official touch pro 2. This is one of the first tyweaks I did once upgraded, enable the gps photo mode. Worked right away...

i used the extra camera modes cab from http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=524655 and it worked in wm 6.5 wwe too


WM6 Rom WWE Offcial !

Official Windows Mobile 6 HTC Artemis WWE
Requirements: HTC Artemis
P800w WM6 Upgrade code (2007/07/13)
ROM version: 3.7.707.1
WWE ROM date: 06/21/07
Radio version: 02.69.90
Protocol version:
ExtROM version: 3.6.707.101
Update Radio to V1.47:
File content:
1.P800w Windows Mobile 6 ROM code upgrade
2.Windows Mobile 6 New Features Guide
3.CE Star (For People who want Chinese Input)
More Info:
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Download Instructions:
IMPORTANT! - please read these instructions carefully before updating your device
1. Download the .zip file and extract the .exe file within.
2. Ensure Activesync v4.5 (or higher) is installed on PC/laptop for OS WinXP and below. For Windows Vista and above there is no need to install ActiveSync.
3. Connect P800w to PC/laptop.
4. VERY IMPORTANT! - Ensure your device is connected properly to the PC/laptop.
5. Make sure the battery is charged to at least 50%.
6. Double-click on the .exe file to run the update utility.
7. VERY IMPORTANT! - All files and software on the device will be lost after the update. Please ensure a copy of your important files is backed-up somewhere else.
8. Please close all programs on your PC/laptop when running the update utility.
9. VERY IMPORTANT! - Do not unplug the device when the update process is running, doing so may damage the device.
10. After updating, the device will reboot, this is normal.
Note: HTC just releases a new WM6 Rom upgrade version program. Please note that there is a need to reinstall new MapKing software once you have finished the upgrade to Windows Mobile 6. The MKID of your MapKing map will be changed. Therefore to continue to use the MapKing map, you need to follow the steps below in order to apply a new registration code:
1.Please access, http://www2.mapking.com/UpgradeScheme_Dopod.htm 2.Input your original MapKing product authorization code. After the verification, you can proceed to the next step: Input your new MKID and press the “Submit” button. Then you will get a new registration code.
Rapidshare.com Download:
Where do i see my orig MKID ?
02 xda orbit??
will this work on the orbit?? or which one is best for it
T-mobile III NL
Work great !!
Dont forget to run first USPL !!!
Unninstall apps
I how Unninstall:
- Voice speed dial (I hate this apps)
- ClearVue PDF
- Calculator
What is SIP Configuration?????
Thank you
Try to deactivate HTC's phone skih. The WM6 default skin now have great new options.
Here is the registry change:
Remove operator skin from Phone app
If your device's Phone app is skinned, you can remove by setting:
HKLM\Security\Phone\Skin\Enabled = 0 (DWORD decimal)
Similarly, you can restore it with:
HKLM\Security\Phone\Skin\Enabled = 1 (DWORD decimal)
I how Unninstall:
- Voice speed dial (I hate this apps)
- ClearVue PDF
- Calculator
What is SIP Configuration?????
Thank you
LeoArg said:
I how Unninstall:
- Voice speed dial (I hate this apps)
- ClearVue PDF
- Calculator
What is SIP Configuration?????
Thank you
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I dont know how, or if you can uninstall those programs..look in your system folder under program files, but I dont recall ever seeing those programs in there. I think they are in the extended ROM and would have to be removed before you flash...but I dont know how to do it, or if that information is correct.
I do know, however, that SIP has to do with Voice Over IP - Internet, or WiFi calling. Thats all I know on that subject, not a feature I ever got excited about.
LeoArg said:
I how Unninstall:
- Voice speed dial (I hate this apps)
- ClearVue PDF
- Calculator
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First; the calculator can NEVER be removed (it's part of the WM Operating system).
For the Voice speed dial i'm not sure, but you can remove apps that were installed from the EXTended ROM by doing a hard reset, and then immediately do a soft-reset as soon as the 'customisation-process' starts (that's what loads apps from the extended rom to your device, and so you skip that).
HOWEVER: as there may be some customisations in there that are needed for good operation on your network, you do this at your own risk...
But let's talk shop... (on-topic)
I've got a Trinity with an official Dopod WM6 ROM on it, and now i am looking for upgrading my friends Artemis...
So i wondered if there are any issues with this ROM, and how exactly all of you flashed this on a different CID device (my Friend 's got a Dutch (NL) Artemis)... So far i have found out that apparently the Artemis has to be CID unlocked completely before flashing different CID ROM...or are there hacked bootloaders out there that work too...?
Sorry for asking a question that may have been answered before, but an Artemis is just not my native device as you understand...
Search for USPL, its a hacked bootloaded that makes it possible to load any rom onto your device.
no issues so far, rock solid stability. faster performance than the black and blue rom as it doesnt include all the added junk
I don't understand why you should "upgrade" to radio 1.47, when 02.69.90 is in this ROM..?
Yes! WM6 is on my Orbit - going to remove the horrible green HTC dialpad.
However the SIP/VoIP stuff is missing from the WWE rom
Could somebody please check if this ROM includes Czech regional settings?
Czech is in the list in Regional Settings
LeoArg said:
I how Unninstall:
- Voice speed dial (I hate this apps)
- ClearVue PDF
- Calculator
What is SIP Configuration?????
Thank you
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About the only way to remove those particular apps would be to cook your own ROM, resetting before customization might get rid of Voice command and Clearvuew PDF, but I am not sure. I have contemplated cooking my own version of the official 3.5 ROM to get rid of Voice Command and ClearVue but it has not been worth the effort yet. Maybe once the official HTC ROM comes out. I install too many programs to make me want to flash regularly.
Thank you Janetpanic
Dear Tom:
I like your 3.7 version, but, this is very slow (3.5 is mor fast)
I like a New ROM within apps (Not clean, please), but with:
Office 2007
HTC Camera 4.11 (From HTC Touch)
HTC Home
Sim manager
Esmertec Jbed
More Themes (I got various themes ;-)
Calendar today o secretary calendar (see WM6 for wizard)
Speed dial today (see WM6 for wizard)
Messeges today
Touch Flo (but optional)
Thank you
Is this Rom Working on HTC P3300? Is Italian Language support?
dannyoneill said:
Search for USPL, its a hacked bootloaded that makes it possible to load any rom onto your device.
no issues so far, rock solid stability. faster performance than the black and blue rom as it doesnt include all the added junk
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Done some more research as well, and i'll get flashing this P3300 of friend asap...

ive remade wm6.1 kavana's 080308 with English Only XT9 Fixed

ive remaked the wm6.1 kavana's 080308 rom
extract folder to desktop then run Auto.bat
whats changed
1 Removed Chinese from welcome Center when strated
2 LOCALE is set to ENGLISH as default
3 Removed Chinese from internet explorer when started
4 XT9 From S620 WM6 English,Czech,Dutch,Slovak,Turkish,Greek,Polish,Portugese,Romanian,Hungarian Fixed
5 Font size fixed
6 Light Config now English
7 Removed Keytouch
8 MMS fixed
so far ive
1 Removed Chinese Font
2 Removed Chinese IP From Callprg
3 Removed OMAPClock
4 Removed AlReader
5 Removed UCWEB.exe
6 ClearType is on
7 Font size is fixed
8 Font is Segoe Condensed
9 All Alarms is now English
10 English is default Lag
11 Key Board is Now English as default
12 Time Zone is Now GMT London,Dubin
Software that Rom Has Init
resco registry editor
audio manager
Bluetooth explorer
command prossor
light config
orneta calculator
usb storage
pdf reader
microsoft office
flash player
net fc 3.5
Radio Version
RIL 2.002
CE OS 5.2.19195 (Build 19195.1.0.0)
Availble Storage 54.32 MB
Total Storage 58.11 MB
THERSE THE ROM TOOLS http://rapidshare.com/files/97889054/HTC_Excalibur_Rom_Tools.zip
THERES THE NEW ROM XT9 Fixed http://rapidshare.com/files/98855048/RUU_Excalibur_WM61_Kavana_080308_XT9_FIXED.rar
rickwyatt said:
ive remaked the wm6.1 rom
so far ive
removed chinese
removed resco explorer
removed chinese software
replaced splash screen to htc one
looks good so far ill up loaded it later
and the tools to make you own rom
cleartype is on
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Will you share it with us !
jhwo99 said:
Will you share it with us !
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as soon as i sort out a few bugs
1. chinese
2. keytouch multiplay
3. ClockOnTop
4. Light Config
5. Omapclock
1. SMS Bubbles (but change to english)
2. Notepad (change to english)
oldsap said:
1. chinese
2. keytouch multiplay
3. ClockOnTop
4. Light Config
5. Omapclock
1. SMS Bubbles (but change to english)
2. Notepad (change to english)
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sorry i could not remove keytouch multiplay or light config i tryed to but but the keyboad stoped working!!!
sweet minus the fact i've gotta reflash my phone tomorrow... hopefully
rickwyatt said:
sorry i could not remove keytouch multiplay or light config i tryed to but but the keyboad stoped working!!!
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too bad. is there a work around on how to use the eT9 as default keyboard input?
another cooker great =] .... if ur modifying kavana's rom is it possible to remove clear storage ,usb storage ,flashlite,office mobile and ucweb from the rom it would make it alot better also the apps mentioned in the post above
i got mine to hide the word nw it just shows a line under the word nothing else it doesnt bother as much anymore bt am still messing with the registry for it
kindly share the tweak sir
k im trying a couple of registry tweaks to try to eliminate it all .... if it didnt work i post what i mentioned in the first post ...just trying to find a better way
I get to 3% and it stops, reboots my phone and pops up error 270 saying the file is corrupted.
first thing you have to do is install the application unlocker, then remove your microSD, then reboot your phone, then upgrade your phone
when you use the upgrade installer, answer "NO" when it asks you if you have an UNLOCKED device
anybody installed this yet?
i've tried that, i've ran the htc unlock, the sda unlock, and the app unlock rebooted and tried...
I installed it without any problem.
Ahah, run auto.bat, not the update rom exe
I've installed it and it´s very swift, thanks for changing the font. Whwn I'm in the program screen, instead of a battery I get a chinese symbol! Would't it be difficult to do a ROM in spanish?
Please explain this rom modified from the Kavana wm6.1 rom for excalibur. Why did not note what?
Love the ROM!
Just flashed it, it seems just as great as kavana's but without UCWEB (I was going insane trying to change UCWEB into English) and the Chinese software.
However, keeping OMAPclock and Resco Explorer would have been cool -- of course I know you can download 'em, but it's just a convenience thing.

ARTEMIS & LOVE WM6.1 ROM V36 (Manila2D) - Build 20757.1.4.0

Google Translation: Vietnamese (automatically detected) » English
ROM CHO ARTEMIS & LOVE = CE OS 5.2.20757 Build 20757.1.4.0 =
ROM version of the V36, WM6.1 integrated Manila2D for HTC Artemis & Love, characteristics:
- Develop and upgrade the V35
- Change the selection with 1 application (OEM) from the ship WM6.1 ROM for HTC ELFin
- Full XIP and SYS Ship WM6.1 ROM from the HTC Touch HD
- Use Manila2D for Skin and skin for WMP, Caculator of colleagues on the WiKi.
To function Manila2D active enough function, after Up ROM to install the CAB features:
- Opera
- YouTube
- GoogleMaps.
Download link has been introduced several times, you can find on the V35 or V34 posted by me
Password: PhamQuang
Password: PhamQuang
How is the Build 20757.1.4.0 which is lower than the V35 built as V35's build is 20924.1.5.0. Another question is V35 was not compatible with Windows Vista, has that been fixed in V36. Also what is the .net version included in this version, I am asking this is because I like the advanced config tool.
Kindly answer the same at the earliest.
can pls give a download link for messenger live?
QuickGPS does not work install SeaSGEE instead
I found one bug on this so far, when you try to open QuickGPS you get the following error "The file QuickGPS cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components, cannot be found" I tried reinstalling but does not solve this issue hence I am using SeaSGEE
this works better??
MMS install
MMS is not included in the rom. Anyone know which one works?
I tried all of them and were unable to get them working in V34.
Please help
hi everyone
can anyone provide some critical info which is not posted
1. free memory (RAM,ROM)
2. list of additional apps
3. uc compatibility (yes/no)
4. some specific info about the particular rom (if there are any stuff that are characteristic for it)
a lot of people won't try the rom if they don't get the basic info about it
Enhance compare with V35
1.Program Memory Total : 49.92MB , Free 20MB
2.The Interface of manila 2D now come with colorful and change the icon already.
3.All interface is black color
1.Quick GPS cannot on.
2.Dunnot can support Windows Vista Active Sync or not.
3.always pop up activesync although you close it.
fm radio canot start
if i start s2u2 and igo 2008 my device do not wake up, i have a black screen only
nbc8 said:
Enhance compare with V35
1.Program Memory Total : 49.92MB , Free 20MB
2.The Interface of manila 2D now come with colorful and change the icon already.
3.All interface is black color
1.Quick GPS cannot on.
2.Dunnot can support Windows Vista Active Sync or not.
3.always pop up activesync although you close it.
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Hi, thanks, this is an interesting feedback.
Does anyone know if the album is still in landscape mode?
Since the v32, this album change his orientation
And V35 had a bug : When you clicked on a picture in the file explorer, the picture appeared just for one second, then u went back to the file explorer.
Does V36 correct this bug?
no better then v35
Smart Dialer
Smart Dialer on dial pad number is not exist.
I install this rom in my artemis and i like it very much but can someone fix the MMS, i cant receive and send!! thanks!!
shahdave said:
I found one bug on this so far, when you try to open QuickGPS you get the following error "The file QuickGPS cannot be opened. Either it is not signed with a trusted certificate, or one of its components, cannot be found" I tried reinstalling but does not solve this issue hence I am using SeaSGEE
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Even I am facing the same issue, please let me know the solution if you find.
FM Radio
Can someone fix the FM Radio for this ROM, please!
HeZZZ said:
I install this rom in my artemis and i like it very much but can someone fix the MMS, i cant receive and send!! thanks!!
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you can install Arcsoft MMS composer and configure for your network, it should work.
i think the guy tried all versions of arcsoft...but cant get it to work
dv8ted said:
i think the guy tried all versions of arcsoft...but cant get it to work
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its working perfect for me after i installed Arcsoft MMS composer on this ROM
Camera not working
I am using artemis & love wm6.1 manila 2d. Why cant I record video? It says "Unable to start recording video. Unable to create video file." Need help...........plz.

KS20 WM6.5.3 CE OS 5.2.23518 (Build 23518 FB)10E WWE Clean

some news!!!
sorry for my absence since quite a few weeks now..
I post to tell you I won't make anymore updates of my ROM. My Ks20's microphone died after almost 2 years of loyal service...(RIP my good old friend and thanx for the fun we had together!!!)....so I got a new phone.
Anyway, Arthemus, apart from the great ROMs he does, did a very good job too with his cooking class that I strongly recommand you to have a look at. Anyone of you can now learn how to cook by himself.
One last word, thanks to all of you who tried my ROMS and appreciated my work.
Hi everyone,
I've managed to port WM 6.5 to LGKS20. It's WWE and works with unbranded KS20. The workaround for branded Ks20 to use my rom is to unbrand your branded nv2. This done, you'll have to flash in emergency mode leaving the "none" option as it is in LGDMP (do not choose erase EFS).
For branded phone see this post http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=3885747&postcount=555
For general questions about Nv2, Branded or unbranded phones, flashing, go here http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=405945
and here you'll find a complete LG KS20 FLASHING GUIDE + PROGRAMS + drivers compiled by ibanezman192 : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=548447
To go back to your original ROM (10B,C...,Kiss 20..), Right after first start, use "Windiag.cab" to enable windiag. Then soft reset the phone. Now you can use the engineer menu 2676625720# and flash in normal mode if necessary.
I won't be held responsible for any bad things happening to you.
Rom information:
KS20 WM6.5.3 CE OS 5.2.23518 (Build 23518 FB)10E WWE Clean [URL]http://www.mediafire.com/?ii7pwy641q6w2[/URL]
branch COM5
What's new:
- build update from 28014 to 23518 built with Spocky's latest Vogica kitchen 2.0 based on ervius visual kitchen
- Improved amount of free RAM around 43-44MB instead of 35-38MB
- New Office pack 2010 (Excel, Word, OneNote, Powerpoint, Sharepoint) included
what's been tested:
- volume control ok
- SMS, games tested ok
- wifi ok
- Owner info ok
- save option with camera works fine
- SIP ok
- bluetooth ok
- OTA sync with ActiveSync ok.
Have fun,
PI by majorasshole :
Preset Installer for KS20 (KisS, FB, Rickou's) :
http://www.mediafire.com/?zodiykmmmmd -/*\- http://dl.free.fr/fpPpCKLuI
Password : his nickname with a capital m.
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Programs and addons:
---added office 2010
---Marketplace + fix integrated ("Aku"="FB" replaced by "Aku"=".5.3.00")
---Esmertec Jbed
---Latest WM6.5 initflashfiles.dat included to benefit latest original 6.5 icons in Start menu).
---Original calculator.exe was replaced by SPB_Calc.
- Pim Backup
- replaced PhysicsEngine.dll to provide kinetic effect
- start menu in 3 rows without honeycombs
- ks20.exe (fixes the missed call notification)
- Autoprofile shortcut in "Start>Settings>Tools" for easier access
- French operator.xml (use it with Autoprofile).
- Widget engine so any WM6.5 widget cabs should work.
- completely freed slot 0 and integrated initvmmap.exe which should result in a faster ROM.
- pagepool from 8 to 6MB (thanx arthemus for the tip)
- First boot issue fixed. calibration comes first and when done, initapp starts.
- internet key is fixed (relinked)
- camera and Sim issues fixed and verified
- IE8 back
- Simtoolkit added for dual Sim support
- SIP change is working (tested with Resco keyboard)
- UC compliancy enabled: Procedure:
-1.put all your cabs in a folder named "Cabs" in the root of your SD card,
-2.use "SDConfig_Builder" in Spocky's Kitchen to create a working "SDConfig.txt" that you'll save in the root of your SD card,
-3.click on the "SDAutoRun shortcut" in Start Menu > System
-4.when procdure is done, Soft Reset your phone.
- To see pictures located on SD card directly from Titanium menu, put them in a folder entitled "DCIM".
- to uncheck titanium go to Start>settings>today>items and uncheck "windows default".
Good news:
- Camera 100% working
- SDHC support
- SIP changing ok
How to use Extendir:
- Unzip ExtendirRomFilesPreset_WWE_FR.7z onto your SD Card
- Then run PresetInstaller.exe from your SD Card\Extendir
- I advise you to, at least, choose one of the 2 FB PRESETs I made in order to install Adobe flash, Office, One note, windiag.
How to make your own ROM :
[How to] cook LG KS20 or MS25 Roms for dummies by ARTHEMUS
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Issues to work on:
- GSM driver resets on resume after standby (but I considere this issue minor with the workaround mentioned below).
- Annoying battery warning (detail)
Answers to questions:
*video call problem?
I set the [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Phone\Skin]
"Enabled"=dword:1 to 0
with this setting you can't make video calls anymore, but it makes the GSM reload much faster (from 8-9 sec to 2-3 sec)
*GSM signal disconnect problem
see video calls problems
*missed call notification issue?
The workaround is to install "MagiCall" http://www.mobiion.com/magicall.html. (informations provided by Raykisi, thanx)
*is bluetooth working properly?
-I've successfully connected my samsung wep300
*low battery notification?
Happens when ks20 is fully charged
*engineering menu?
Engineer menu is fully fonctional. After first start, install "Windiag.cab".
thanx Thorus for ideas and testings, Spocky for ks20 kitchen and tweaks on previous roms that made work easier, Arthemus and Raykisi both for unbranding my nv2 and more, Majorasshole for Presets , ShaDrac for Extendir and PresetsInstaller, Da_G and JooJooBee for the files they provide...
Older builds:
KS20 WM6.5.3 CE OS 5.2.28014 (Build 28014 FB)10E WWE Clean http://www.mediafire.com/ks20
branch WMD
Those looking for a quite stable ROM should stick to branch COM 3 (latest 23092)
What's new:
- build update from 28011 to 23014 built with Spocky's latest Vogica kitchen 2.0 based on ervius visual kitchen
- Improved amount of free RAM around 43-44MB instead of 35-38MB
(No noticeable UI changes,n so can't really tell what's different from previous 28011)
what's been tested:
- volume control ok
- SMS, games tested ok
- wifi ok
- Owner info ok
- save option with camera works fine
- SIP ok
- bluetooth ok
- OTA sync with ActiveSync ok.
How to:
- Unzip ExtendirRomFilesPreset_WWE_FR.7z onto your SD Card
- Then run PresetInstaller.exe from your SD Card\Extendir
- I advise you to, at least, choose one of the 2 FB PRESETs I made in order to install Adobe flash, Office, One note, windiag.
Wow good thing to post it here
Maybe you could had screenshots
so is this rom still eat the battery life
no battery issues with this rom
Good to see you around !
I made a mirror for "non mediafire compliant complainers" !
Here is the link : http://dl.free.fr/pHoUfhJTZ
The password is : farahbolsey
a good work,this rom is amazing
+stable -bug
good job and congratulations to fara for this WM 6.5 Rom
You made this rom by your own or this is rather a mod of the rom from pda viet??
Testing it. One thing. Are you trying to solve the gsm driver problem or this is unrepairable??
Nothing taken from Pham's rom in this build. I think he hasn't even released a 21500 build yet.
Concerning the GSM driver Spocky had this issue in his Kiss and located it inside the SYS>shell folder. At the time he managed to isolate three elements and got them fixed.
Trying to get in touch with him to know more about this.
so i'm on it...
More problems
Either you say the battery problem is fixed, it's not fixed. I recieve multiple messages about critically low battery meter though i have it fully charged...And my battery lasts for 10 hours after full charging with this rom. However this one is the best wm6.5 rom till now for ks20... Keep up the good work.
This is not fixed but the battery draining speed isnot monstrous like in pham v03
can anyone confirm this: Battery warning message happens only when phone's fully charged and plugged.
Because no warning message for me this morning after leaving the phone without charging it during the night.
It is not always the case but it happens more often in effect
is there any chance to change the language to german? i've heared that wm6.5 is multilanguage, but where can i change it
well as soon as other languages appear on other devices running WM6.5, it will be ported. but for now it's only english and chineese. Simply porting the language part and dpi related to it from a WM6.1 didn't work for me.
The oggy team made it with 040C but won't share much about how to. If anyone knows the trick i'd be happy to learn.
By the way over 40 people downloaded the ROM, it'll be very helpful to have some feedback on how it works for you.
How many do we have ram free in this rom ?
29 mo in the first boot
i have a lg ks 20 before was branded TIm italy.. now i have a cooked rom - kiss 20.4.. it means that i have to unbrand my mobile??
and how i can do?? someoen can explain me?? thanks
Will it still loose unanswered calls? How about installing 3rd party SIPs?
andolfree said:
i have a lg ks 20 before was branded TIm italy.. now i have a cooked rom - kiss 20.4.. it means that i have to unbrand my mobile??
and how i can do?? someoen can explain me?? thanks
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if your mobile is a branded ks20 with an branded rom you should
1.unbrand your nv2
2.install kiss20.4 unbranded and select your unbranded nv2 (select it as default nv2 in LGDMP) or restore it after installing kiss20.4 unbranded
3.install fara rom wm 6.5 in emeregency mode without erase EFS leave it "none"
and if your mobile is unbranded ks20 just the step 3
good luck
farahbolsey said:
can anyone confirm this: Battery warning message happens only when phone's fully charged and plugged.
Because no warning message for me this morning after leaving the phone without charging it during the night.
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yes the battery warning happen when the device is fully charged (plugged or not i'll verify now)
Lemark said:
Will it still loose unanswered calls? How about installing 3rd party SIPs?
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Reset gsm still present ...
But now u can change sips

HD MINI DIALER LANDASCAPE AND 360° - FULL ROTATOR 360° !!!!!...... and other app..

I propose that my work DIALER (PHONE PAD) FOR HD MINI (PHOTON).
languages ​​ITA AND ENG
The ROM that I use, was cooked by me.
VERS. LAST SYS - 29020
I think it still works on other roms.
This cab OG69_ITA_hdmini_land_dialer allows 360 ° rotation of the dialer pad.
In addition to other applications.
The fluidity of the rotation depends on another program-G-ROTATOR--and its calibration
Vers.1.0 extract the Council as.
I have already tested both vers. 1.4 and 1.3 but should crash.
The 1.0 works very well calibrated.
I recommend this calibration: sentivity 7 - timer duration 500.
MEMORY USAGE: Vers 1.0 occupies about 800KB of memory resident. But I repeat, is very stable!
The vers. 1.3 is immediately after the 1.0 the best. But every now and then go to system crash. The vers.1.3 instead occupies only 230kb of memory resident.
The 1.4 (latest relase) should immediately crash. Very bad.
Extract folder G-ROTATOR - I put in the rar link to the program that you can put in start menu (c: \ windows \ start menu \ programs).
if you want to remain resident in memory to be permanently in-autorun-(c: \ windows \ autorun)
you can use to do this: resco explorer2010 or total commander
(Just a curiosity:
Well balanced, with only the G-Rotator (without dialer cab) I have noticed that already does the first screen dialer pad (screenshot3),but then crashes. but the screen on call and receiving call, do not work.)
Point out that I tested only the vers. ita, the vers. eng. I can not because the language on my phone is ITA ROM .
Then accept any bugs.
BACKUP SYSTEM : Board (SPB BACKUP) works very well, never lost any data. Recognizes and upgrade if the ROM version is different.
INSTALL IN MEMORY PHONE: OG69_ITA_hdmini_land_dialer o ENG
soft reset
If you liked my work is appreciated thanks.
L 'essence of these works are for the sole purpose of research.
To discover the potential of the device PHOTON.
To share with you the fruit of my work.
I accept constructive advice as long as.
Thanks : Laurentius26
great job
I have just flashed back to my original HTC HD Mini WWE 1.36.707.3 rom and it already has landscape mode for dialer by default.
Could it be that your rom does have the latest cprog which doesn't have landscape mode?
If you read my thread above, I already wrote that with only G-.rotator, does the dialer pad, but from my tests, not running, receiving and transmitting calls. You can see that on the HTC site these are the versions for Europe rom:
ROM Version:
Greece: 1.36.482.1, Portugal: 1.36.410.1, France: 1.36.406.1, Denmark: 1.36.403.1, Italy: 1.36.408.1, Europe: 1.36.401.1, Spain: 1.36.412.1, Russian Federation: 1.36.411.1, Sweden : 1.36.413.1, Germany: 1.36.407.1, Nederland: 1.36.404.1, East Europe: 1.36.479.1, Norway: 1.36.409.1. thread: http://www.htc.com/it/SupportDownload.aspx?p_id=314&cat=2&dl_id=980
your rom (1.36.707.3 WWE rom), I think both WWE stock ROM ASIA (not for the European market.) As above, I think it is different to the one I used.
I tested it also NSOURM ROM (plus package from ASIA WWE) and the same result as my ROM ITA.
Hmmm .... I did a testing on my current nsourm WWE 3.0 rom and cprog was able to receive and make call while in landscape mode, maybe it was due to the program used for rotation ..... I'll try it again using g-rotator tonight.
HI Ahinigami,
I do not understand!
IF YOUR ALREADY ROM works perfectly in landscape mode??
WHY DO NOT YOU HAVE GIVEN THIS INFORMATION, THE THREAD: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1058967
and YOUR (POST No.10)
You gave information about the program: ChangeScreen ?????? for rotation in LANDSCAPE!!
if YOU already worked, all because you have not said before ??????
I have them talked about the dialer cab!
Keep in mind that if you install my file (OG69 hdmini_land_dialer.cab ITA) and then remove the cab, the application is actually installed. . To take the test you have to give a hard reset first!
p.s. cprog file is always the same ........
In post 6 I did mention about cprog working in landscape mode and at that time I thought it was due to nsourm rom and I was simply suggesting alternative app for rotation in post 10.
So in order to test this dialer pad(cprog), I did a hard reset on my phone and then flash back to my original HTC HD Mini WWE 1.36.707.3 to test out this dialer pad with G-rotator 1.3 and to my surprise, original HTC rom dialer pad also support landscape which I assumed not based on your discussion in this thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1058967.
Currently I flashed to nsourm WWE 3.30 rom and tried to recreate the issue you mention above which is unable to receive and make a call during landscape mode but mine does not encounter this problem.
p.s: I've never install OG69_HDMINI_Eng_Land_dialer.cab as of yet because I'm trying to recreate the issue of unable to make and receive call during landscape.
you keep your good ROM (HD Mini HTC WWE 1.36.707.3 full rotator)
because my rom does not work in landscape without my cab!!
Nothing could be simpler:
You do not need my cab! Simple!
I am happy that at least you used (as indicated by me) G-ROTATOR
P.S. for vers. 3.30 nsourm I think you have to wait ...... because today is the last verse. 3.0

