Strange links on Manila mainpage - Touch HD Themes and Apps

Hi to all,
some weird things appear on the homepage of my HTC HD: at the bottom of the screen, instead of having links to phone (on the left) and programs (on the right) there are two identical and working links to the phome application ("Phone" on the left, "Phone" on the right).
Is there a way, maybe tweaking some registry entry, to get all working the usual way ?
Thanks a lot for your kind help!
Roberto, Udine, Italy

You do not say which ROM you are running, but try this app. When it starts up please be sure to tick the block to run in Diamond mode. You can then map the softkeys to whichever app you wish and can rename them as you wish. Softreset and you're done.


How to end "running programs"?

The first time I used my XDA Orbit I found a way of accessing "running programs" by tapping somewhere on the "today" screen..........but I can't remember how!!!
I know you can go settings-systems-memory-running programs however, there must be a short cut (without having to install other software).
Can you help??
tap the little O2 icon in the botom RHS of the screen. this will show you the programs running and allow you to close them down
...........some how I have managed to move/delete the icon you are talking about.
Any ideas how to get it back?
Well either go to programs and tap the O2 customise icon and see if that launches the app or else download the O2 plus App from the forum which is much better than the one installed in the Orbit.Go to search option and type O2 plus for all devices.

O2 standard Apps

Does anyone know where I can download and install the standard O2 apps that are installed as part of the WM5 customization after a hard reset?
I've just upgraded my Orbit to WM6 and am missing these as they were really useful. I'm not intrested in other apps as I know these O2 ones worked fine and didn't drain the battery etc etc.
The 3 I'm after are,
1) Running Apps for the Today screen
2) Battery Meter
3) Memory usage Meter
4) O2 task manager shortcut Icon
These will be the ones I'm after, all shown on this review just before half way down the page in the screen shots.
Meters allows you to show up to three level meters for Battery, Memory, and Storage card. Each meter can be tapped on to show; a plain bar, the bar with percentage, or bar with Mb free.
Running Apps displays a simple line of icons indicating which programs are currently running in the background, tapping the icon switches to that program.
Shortcuts allows for up to five shortcuts to be configured for launching, tapping on the icon launches the program.
Task Manager - this is activated via the 'O2 bubble' which resides in the bottom bar of the today screen. A single tap on it brings up a brushed metal pop-up which displays the running applications and an options menu. The 'X' next to the listed applications allows each application to be terminated manually when required. Options allows you to select which O2 Custom Today applets are usable on the Today screen, as well as allowing you to define the shortcuts for the Shortcut applet.
They are all in the 'Items' menu of the 'Today' setup in preferences. You need to turn on Meters, Profiles and Shortcuts.
Thanks for the reply and they woudl be if I was still running my O2 ROM and it had run the customization to install them after a hard reset but I've upgraded to BEBE's WM6 ROM which doesn't have any of the O2 utils loaded.
Anyone else on where I can get these? Would anyone with an O2 Orbit ROM be able to pull the customization CAB install files out of their ROM somehow for me?
I just sent you a PM. I can email them to you.
Decaf said:
I just sent you a PM. I can email them to you.
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Can you upload these files somewhere?
I just checked the ftp site and they are already there...
ftp://xda:[email protected]/Artemis/Extended_ROMs/
Big thanks to Mark for that and the email. All loaded on and the meters runnings apps and O2 bubble task manager are all there and I'm almost back to where I was on WM5..
However SPB Time fails to wake up the phone from a screen saver locked state with sound, sure it'll flash up the screen with snooze or dismiss red and green buttons but no sound errm kinda makes it useless as an Alarm Clock and as I'm sure all the rest of you out there do I really rely on my phone as an Alarm.. I've been late 2 days in a row now because of this, no joke so.. errm kinda critical for me to get fixed..
Any ideas people. I've even un installed the paid for version I had and installed the latest version (trial) from their site
At the risk of sounding stupid, I've just downloaded the zip file for the extended roms. I've unzipped it and gathered from the config file that I should place the cab files in specific locations... My question is, is there a (semi)automatic way of installing it? If not, should I follow the paths found in the config file? Also, there are a few files missing, ie the bmp files, do I need them? Lastly, what about the config.txt the file... where is that to be placed?
Sorry for the barrage of questions Noob here, just want to make sure I understand this the right way!
Thanks for all the help!
PS. 1st post, great site btw!!

Windows Mobile Start Menu

I was wondering if there was a way to add and remove icon shortcuts for programs in the start menu
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Mircosoft\Shell\StartMR U
InitialOrder > Remove links in this key to have all apps in alphabetical order or add links in the order you choose.
@quicksand - i believe that is for the MRU only.. which appears only in the Homescreen..
@casezin - Try to sync your phone, explore, locate /Windows/Start Menu/, and you can add/remove shortcuts/folder there..
There's a StartMRU and a StartMenu. I put the wrong key it it should be
order > Remove links in this key to have all apps in alphabetical order or add links in the order you choose.
I apologize for that mixup. What i posted in this post is correct.
By Editing the registry key you can put your apps in any order you like as opposed to having the default apps at the top and user installed apps below those.
quiksand said:
There's a StartMRU and a StartMenu. I put the wrong key it it should be
order > Remove links in this key to have all apps in alphabetical order or add links in the order you choose.
I apologize for that mixup. What i posted in this post is correct.
By Editing the registry key you can put your apps in any order you like as opposed to having the default apps at the top and user installed apps below those.
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Thanks... This should be added to the Wiki. I knew how to remove menu items... but not sort them
windows mobile 6.5 start menu
I have installed an application (to be specifies the application is called mobidiv and it is for language support) on my windows mobile 6.5; however after the installation the start menu is not working anymore! It’s there however it’s is disabled
I had a similar problem with the installed application when I was on windows mobile 6.1; however the problem was with the sms email threading, the application for some reason disabled it.. after searching the web I was able to fix the problem by going into the registry key and enable the sms email threading feature again.
Now, I guess the application has done it again but this time with the start menu, can any one help me with providing the registry key for enabling/disabling the menu button for windows mobile 6.5
Thanks in advance.
mhaggag said:
I have installed an application (to be specifies the application is called mobidiv and it is for language support) on my windows mobile 6.5; however after the installation the start menu is not working anymore! It’s there however it’s is disabled
I had a similar problem with the installed application when I was on windows mobile 6.1; however the problem was with the sms email threading, the application for some reason disabled it.. after searching the web I was able to fix the problem by going into the registry key and enable the sms email threading feature again.
Now, I guess the application has done it again but this time with the start menu, can any one help me with providing the registry key for enabling/disabling the menu button for windows mobile 6.5
Thanks in advance.
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I'm sorry but what device are you running wm6.5 on? I don't think anyone with an excalibur is running 6.5!
i dont know what phone or build your using, but mine is an htc touch pro 2 running 6,5 and i absolutly haaate some of the stock apps that come in the start menu
i was playing around on it a few weeks ago and found where the folder is that holds the icons for the menu
you can make new folders while in here, delete shortcuts, and rename them.
heres the folders you need to open:
_->file explorer
(make sure you are on the top level of "my device")
(this should be the last file available)
___->start menu
once you reach the programs folder you should see an alphabetical list of your folders folowed by an alphabetical list of your app shortcuts, just like you would on any computer.
just hold select and then press delete.
it will ask if your sure, press yes.
if it tells you that a related program might be using this shortcut, it means that you might have either a tab or an icon on your home screen linked to that particular shortcut and you would have to re link that tab or icon to the program or risk loosing it entierly.
hope this helps
i just saw the date of the original post ^ ^;
might be alittle to late to help the original situation but this still works none the less
aedon said:
i dont know what phone or build your using, but mine is an htc touch pro 2 running 6,5 and i absolutly haaate some of the stock apps that come in the start menu
i was playing around on it a few weeks ago and found where the folder is that holds the icons for the menu
you can make new folders while in here, delete shortcuts, and rename them.
heres the folders you need to open:
_->file explorer
(make sure you are on the top level of "my device")
(this should be the last file available)
___->start menu
once you reach the programs folder you should see an alphabetical list of your folders folowed by an alphabetical list of your app shortcuts, just like you would on any computer.
just hold select and then press delete.
it will ask if your sure, press yes.
if it tells you that a related program might be using this shortcut, it means that you might have either a tab or an icon on your home screen linked to that particular shortcut and you would have to re link that tab or icon to the program or risk loosing it entierly.
hope this helps
i just saw the date of the original post ^ ^;
might be alittle to late to help the original situation but this still works none the less
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You just use resco explorer and go to windows\start menu\ and adđ and remove i con like you wnat

TouchFlo3D All Programs list not sorted properly

Hi All,
I got my TP2 at the weekend, and am very impressed - I've moved across from my Palm Treo 650, and am pleasantly surprised by how good WM6.1 is.
I have one problem - while fiddling at the weekend, I turned off TouchFlo3d and while it was off I installed a couple of apps (iSilo and eReader). When I reenabled TF3D, these two apps appeared at the bottom of the "All Programs" list in TF3D, rather than being in alphabetical order. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling them with TF3D running, but they won't budge from the bottom of the list.
Before I hard reset and start again from scratch, is there a config file or a registry setting I can manually hack to put these in their rightful place in the menu order?
Many thanks in advance,
PS Has anyone else noticed that you can use the magnet in the supplied pouch to fool the keyboard slide switch? With the TP2 asleep, touch the USB port on the bottom against the HTC logo on the flap of the case - best thing is to put the case flat on the desk, and then lower the TP2 vertically towards it. Watch as the TP2 comes on and rotates its display...
Locate the program. Then copy the program by: tap-holding the program and selecting copy.
Then you go to the following map: windows/startmenu.
Then past Shortcut there by tap-holding again and choose: paste shortcut.
Sorry - that doesn't fix it. The shortcuts are already present in Windows\Start Menu, so pasting them in again has no effect. The problem is the order in which the programs are displayed in the All Programs menu, which I suspect is controlled by a registry setting or a config file somewhere.
The last programs start with a small letter, the rest starts with a capitol.
Just change the first letter in a capitol, and it will sort correctly.
Ah - that sounds very promising! I'll give it a try...
That totally did the trick! Thanks!
I had the same question, thanks for posting this!
double listing in All Programs
I had the same problem (eWallet - changed to EWallet and it sorted properly).
I have another problem though. While moving things in my Start Menu into folders, I ended up with Abode Reader listed twice in the All Programs menu. How can I remedy this?
You guys are great - thanks for all the help!

Disable the quicklinks?

Just testing out the manila 2.1, and was wondering whether there was any way to disable the quicklinks?
Had a quick look around, but couldn't see anything, so hopefully someone knows
What are these "quicklinks"? Are you referring to the locked items in the HTC Start Menu? (ie, Home, People, Contacts, Settings?) If so, you can find out how to delete them in the following sticky thread.
No, I was talking about the Manilla 2.5, where on the home page, you have the option to add programs which can be run straight off the home page. It's kind of like on the programmes tab, how it has the little + button to add the programme, but it's directly on the home page...
Haven't found a way to disable it, but found a way to stop it from showing the + etc, which I guess will do for me...
To do it, extract the attached file to \Windows on the pda, and restart the phone. This will make them available (so click in the rough area if you wanted to add a programme), but won't show anything there if you've not added a programme to it...

