Need help with hp 4700 Upgrade tools and know-how... - Upgrading, Modifying and Unlocking

Hi, Need some help here....tired of the same whole mix-mash from htc (recycled phones) so going back to basics - htc s620 (wm6) + my just acquired used 4700. Intend to upgrade it to WM6.1, I've been using htc phones so I am used to rom flashing... or so i thought. I downloaded some of the wm6 and 6.1 roms only to find that dont come with an ruu built in. Not a problem I thought,just get a carrier and replace the nbf file. Unfortunately despite an extensive search on brighthand and here and yahoo searches galore i havent been able to find a suitable guide with the necessary utilities to carry out the flash. The "universal bootLoader" no longer seems to be around (404 errors) samething with other Ruu's (from ru websites etc) yet I can still see thru the long 220 - 251 pg threads that people are flashing with something. In the interest of new 4700 owners would it be possible to have a particular "How-to-flash" thread possibly as a sticky? If not at least can someone help me with a how-to guide and any link to the relevant ruu or bootLoader utility for the rom flash.
Thanx all appreciate it.

You can find all the neccessary information on this page; different ROM's, a bootloader, and instructions in PDF format..

Thanks a lot ridolfo. that has helped a great deal. Slight problem that you hopefully know a way around. After downloading the BootLoader.exe rar file, I tried to open it to proceed but it kept on coming up with an error... "windows cannot open the selected path may not have the appropriate permissions to open them" I just cant get past that altough it has apparently opened and expanded showing a whole lot of other files but i cannot basically get past that stage to run the rom nbf file... Any ideas please?

Right sorted!
Very simple but unexpected solution especially since i hadn't seen the issue mentioned elsewhere.
Simply disconnected all connections to the internet especially wifi (for safety/protection etc) and then disabled zone alarm!
Everything went thru as normal,updated and now just waiting for boot-up.
thanx a lot Ridolfo!!!


MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe error

Apologies in advance for the newbie question.
I have a new SPV-M5000 locked to Orange. I think I have all of the files that I need to unlock it, and using all three hands I managed to get it into bootloader mode, but when I try to run MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe I get the following error: "MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe is not a valid Win32 application"
I hope that I am making some kind of really dumb (and therefore easily fixable) newbie mistake here. Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance.
Upgrade utility
I have the same issue and posted the following on Buzz's site ( over a week ago but have had no replies. Hopefully someone with an answer will reply to you here?
Having read pretty much all the forums on Universal software optimisation starting with craigiecraigie4's excellent guide at and extensive reading on the wiki site and of course Buzz's brilliant work throughout this and other sites, I finally feel ready to take the plunge with updating my new o2 xdaExec using o2's 1.30.107 WWE ROM, Dopod's 1.11.00 Radio and my own Extended ROM creation (yet to be made as I want to do 1 bit at a time). I thought I'd put Jasjar's extended ROM (164 I think) on until I have got use to modifying the Ext ROM image as I want.
However, I need to use Buzz'y MaUpgradeUt_noID.exe program as the standard installer is telling me there is a country error. Fine, so I have that downloaded BUT when I try to run it, my Windows XP system tells me that it is not a valid win32 application. Am I missing something here? Have I downloaded the wrong program or is there a problem with my XP? I don't appear to have this problem with other programs.
Hope I have included enough info for someone to tell me where I am going wrong.
I have just downloaded a version from this forum (about half way down) - I haven't had a chance to test it yet but it IS different and if I run it without connecting my Universal, it does run the program but fails as no PPC device connected so it may be the better version. I will try it tomorrow but if you test it first, let me know
O.K., that file seemed to do it.
I have now flashed my ROM with the latest non-Greek QTEK build, UNI_QTEK_13077_176_10900_WWE_Ship.exe, and then copied UNI_Unlock_v1.exe onto a SD card and ran it. I got a successful unlock message.
However, when I put my SIM into the phone, it booted up to a plain screen with a title bar of "Simlock" and the following message: "Network is locked, Please input unlock code".
Did I miss a step somewhere? Is it possible that the SIM itself could be locked (it's a brand new Cingular SIM) somehow?
Yes you did miss a step, in fact you missed lots of steps.
Go back and read the readme.txt file that came with the unlock program, everything is explained very clearly in there what you need to do!

Corrupt Charmer (PM200) upgrade help

Guys, my phone is dead and I need a little help please.
I have a T-Mobile MDA Compact II and have mistakenly (why it worked I don't know) 'updated' it with a Prophet firmware release. This progressed as I expected but was I since discovered completely wrong. My phone now shows a black screen with Dopod logo on boot and then hangs.
I have since found this site (looks good btw!) and subsequently the ftp area. I've downloaded the correct firmware for my phone, reset into the three colour screen and kicked off the Romupdater for the proper version I believe to be for my phone. With the 2 releases from ftp (one in that directory appears to be only half a zip file) they appear to be uploading but there is no change with the black screen problem.
I'm now stuck and am hunting for options. I'm more than happy to help myself but can someone explain what I need to do and start me on my way to fixing this.
All because it hangs from time to time when I run up too many apps on it.
Thanks in advance
Tell us what ROM you are using and which software you are using to perform your ROM update.
Anyway, it is weird that the Prophet ROM doesn't work on your phone. Keep this low tone, but I've done a Prophet ROM flash on my Charmer before. Everthing works well except the camera, that's why I flashed it back to the original ROM. I won't advise others to do so, there seems to be a few 'fatal' cases. I'm not sure, probably because it is compatible with the earlier Prophet version.
UPDATE: Nevermind, you seems to have the information. Good if you can stick to the same threat to avoid confusion. To others, please refer to
At work and I've left the phone at home but I believe it was something like 2.3.15 (i.e. upgrade from v1 to v2)
Correction, it's SPL 2.15, IPL 1.12.
I have seen a post on Hermes bootloader access over USB using Mtty and now have access to the cmd> Can someone help me perform a bootloader based ROM downgrade to known working or deleting the image that is there?
Have now found the awizard utility, which file type does awizard need to be fed via the ROM directory?
Yes I'm a newbie at this and shouldn't have messed with the ROM update but I'm an I.T. guys by trade so if you can feed me the info I need I should be able to follow instructions
Phone is still 'dead' though.
It needs
XXX-ExtROM (directory wit Ext Rom stuff)
You ought to get these from the FTP. I've myself uploaded a Charmer original UK ROM T-mobile, it should be still there is no one messed with it.
Hmm, I've missed something then. I put the .nba files into the ROM directory and then run awizard and hit w. Where I would expect to see a list of files with numbers there isn't any.
What I miss?
the dir structure of the aWizard looks like the attached, where you have the ROMs under the "ROM" dir and Ext ROM. Where the aWizard directory has the aWizard.cmd file.
Can someone provide a split up (i.e. seperated nbf files) for the Charmer or the correct memory addresses to punch into nb2nbf to create my own?
The images seem to have been removed from the FTP site and I'm in position to de-brick my phone!

Trouble with my Asus MyPal A626

I recently bricked my MyPal A626. In the last weeks I tried several things but until now I weren't able to figure out how to fix this thing.
I know that you can flash the ROM via the USBLoader.exe over USB. But I need a .nb0 file for this.
Perhaps there is someone in this board who can help me out with this file?
You should be able to dump the rom with the itsutils over RAPI.
It should be something like this:
1) pdocread -t
2) pdocread -l
3) pdocread 0x0 xxxxxx nk.nb0
One of the first commands gives you the length of the ROM.
I can't test it by myself because my device is bricked.
Perhaps it would be enough if somebody with an A626 can execute the first and second commands and post the output here.
It would be very great if somebody can help me!
I have got a Backup... But the bootloader doesn't want this. It reads everything from USB but it isn't flashed. And I have absolutely no idea why.
I can upload this file to rapidshare if somebody wants to look at it.
I really hate to ressurect an old thread, but I am having the exact same problem. ASUS tech support has been rather less than helpful. They won't provide a NB0 file to end users, nor any fix tools that would work with the encrypted image or anything like that either. They told me I have to RMA the thing after passing me back and forth and giving me the runaround for about an hour or more even. Only, I STILL haven't gotten a response from the RMA department even... The person I tried to do this update for REALLY needs her PDA back already and I find this whole situation to be quite unacceptable. I only had to attempt to use the update in the first place because they made a screweup that makes the SD card inaccessable without reinserting after pressing the power button... A pretty big screwup IMO considering that good PDA practices really requires one to run as much as possible from the SD card for the sake of wasting less resources in a device that already has all too few resources to begin with... (Then again, MS still hasn't caught on to the fact that minimizing rather than closing programs on a device that has so little memory is rather less than ideal, so I guess there's nothing new in that area.) The funniest thing of all is that I wasn't trying to modify it or anything like that, I just did the update right by the manual needing only to get the SD card fix and it STILL went wrong (especially I find it annoying that the update process did a checksum on the update.img file and reported that the file was actually correct, then it fails AFTER completely flashing and doesn't bother to make any kind of recovery.
If anyone could help me out with a NB0 for this thing, I'd REALLY appreciate it. I just want to get it up and running again so she can use her PDA for getting organized as she has been desperately needing for so long.
BTW, should the OP ever read this, I have noticed that if you send the right things, it WILL try to flash. I once sent the update.dat file in the hopes that it might include information needed to make the flash work (it was my hope that the process was a little smart and that it would, therefore, use the DAT file for information on the flash and then include the needed image.) The device actually did make a flash with this file. Of course, the flash obviously didn't work, but the point is that it can do a flash through this method if you send what it's looking for.
GOOGLE this A696_dump_wm5_eng.rar
No good. All two links Google finds are dead (I see two different posts in two different forums, but actually each link to the same links and these are both dead.) I did see a reference to a "A696_dump_wm6_2_eng.rar" but it too is dead. (One of those two forums was this one, I see, surprisingly enough considering that the first thing I did was run a search as is evidenced by finding an old thread -- but then I must admit that I was searching for A626, not A696...) The next closest I can find through this search is a Russian dump for an A636N. I don't have an A636N and I can't read a word of Russian. That link is still alive, but I'm not even going to try it since even if it were actually compatible with the A626 (and I'm betting it's not) it still would be as good as a brick to me still.
But anyway, is the A696 ROM actually directly compatible with an A626 system?
EDIT: I stand corrected! The link for the 6.2 update on the A696 isn't dead after all. When I tried last night it would just spend a REALLY long time trying to load and eventually either time out or produce a database error. When I tried today though, it did sucessfully download. Looks like it does work. Thank goodness because the PDA's owner really needs a working PDA, and ASUS seems rather less than helpful...
Nazo said:
But anyway, is the A696 ROM actually directly compatible with an A626 system?
EDIT: I stand corrected! The link for the 6.2 update on the A696 isn't dead after all. When I tried last night it would just spend a REALLY long time trying to load and eventually either time out or produce a database error. When I tried today though, it did sucessfully download. Looks like it does work. Thank goodness because the PDA's owner really needs a working PDA, and ASUS seems rather less than helpful...
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626,686,696 are same series.. aka. asus 6x6 or the cannes. if you go to asus website. there is a single rom for these 3 models.
what's the 6.2 update you are talking about ? anyway.. let me know if you still want the 6x6 wm5 dump file. I can upload it to somewhere..
Well, I went ahead and flashed despite worrying about model compatibility. I figured they were the same basic hardware, but I figured that it was always possible that there could be important differences such as memory latencies or such that could make it incompatible perhaps even to the point of danger. But, it's just the software end of things more than anything else, so I figured that it couldn't brick the PDA any worse than it was already bricked and went ahead. As you say though, I have noticed that you are correct that they do use the same ROM for all three models on the official site anyway, so it works 100%.
As for the 6.2, it's in the link I provided to a topic here on this forum. The only other result you'll find on google is just a site in Russian or whatever where they repeat the exact same links for each of the files so you might just as well use this one. It's hosted on MediaFire which was really screwed up when I posted that it was a dead link, but it seems to have recovered and I was able to download that updated ROM from there. I think that you may have to look on the previous page from the link I gave though.
I must say though, I'm glad to have found that one. I HAD to do the update. You see, it was more than just an update to WM6.2. It also included a lot of bugfixes. The most notable being that the system would no longer recognize the SD card after a suspend for a while (or several suspends -- I never was sure just which was the culprit.) Resetting or ejecting and reinserting fixes it, but she was having troubles with this because she isn't exactly the most technosavvy person I have ever known. The SD card dissapearing bug was a fatal flaw because she must load up things such as books and such via SD card and all of it together adds up to well over what can fit safely in internal memory and the file storage combined (but which easily fit an a 2GB SD card) and I needed that update, so if I had to get the WM5 ROM again I'd have to just update again and again as many times as it took to get past the bricking. This way I needed only load up the ROM once and that was it. ASUS really needs to create a tool that can load the encrypted ROM from a PC like HP has done (I've bricked my h1945 PDA while attempting to update it once before and was able to fix it quite easily just as soon as I figured out how to get into the so called "parrot mode.") and such so we don't have to resort to such means to fix them...
Anyway, now I need to get started on loading up all of the stuff she needs.
I just bricked my A363N - WM5.0->6.0 upgrade failed (SD card read error).
Now I'm trying to make it work again.
Russian WM5.0 doesn't work - stops on the calendar screen.
I wonder if I can try to upload update.dat file from the Asus wwe.rar
with SD card inserted and containing Update.img.
Is the update.dat file in .nb0 format ?
Is the A636 actually the same series? If not that post belongs in an appropriate thread instead. If it is, why are you trying to use the Russian update? Just use the plain English one. Here, it's in this post on this site: I checked and the link is still alive right now.
Yeah, very cool.
I remembered this post 10 minutes ago.
I will try the 696 firmware... Lets see if we can get this ****ing machine running the moon
Meanwhile i tried several things with the update.img file. The "Encryption" is a simple xoring with 0xd0 ^^
But even if you xor the whole file with this value you still don't have a valid nb0. I tried it many times to cut out the firmware with an hex editor on the obvious places in the file (go and see yourself if interested) but all this didn't work.
It doesn't seem to work for me... The file gets flashed and the device reboots.
After that it still gets stuck at the blue asus screen but it is recognized by the computer as a RNDIS device.
another edit:
WOAH... I tried it again and now it works.
It seems that the battery was empty because of all the previous tries.
Unsuccesfull rom flash
I bricked my 696 asus, trying to do un update from the asus site.
Can you tell me some methods to repair it, using the sd card, because the method with usbloader.exe and nk.nb0 is not working ("USB pipe opening error", I tried on several computer and many usb ports).
Also, how can I transform the nk.nb0 flashing image into a *.dio image (I understand the last one can be used to boot and repair automatically from the SD card, it is real???).
10x a lot
Still not working
any new idea to reflash rom foa a696 ?
Hello to you
any news about how to make rom upgrade foa asus a696 ?

HTC Wizard/8125/(others) How-To....

As you can see below, it seems I have a lot to learn and the last thing I want to do is mislead n00b's like me. This was supposed to be an "easy" way to mod your HTC 8125 but unforunately you have to walk before run so I'm going to do more reading and hopefully I can help people like me who just want WM6 and an easy How-To to get this done. I'm going to keep the attachments as this may be useful, but the rest I'm removing.
Thanks again everyone for your constructive criticism. I will take everyone's advice and read more.
nnakao said:
Ok. So instead of posting a question, I figure I'd post a How-To.
Now I'm a n00b, so I did a lot of hunting these forums to get to where I needed to go. I will attempt to post all credits for work done at the end of the "How-To". If I miss anyone, send me an IM and I'll update the post.
First off, let me tell you what I have:
Cingular 8125 locked
CID Locked
G4 Version (look it up.... I forgot to document exactly)
Windows Mobile 5
T-Mobile 8125 Unlocked
CID Unlocked
ROM version: WWE
ROM date: 8/11/06
Radio version: 02.25.11
Protocol version:
XMA 6 r 3
Now you may be asking yourself "What?!?!?!?". Yeah, me too. To be perfectly honest, I have no idea what most of those means. Fortunately, if you're like me and just wanted to upgrade the damn thing from WM5 to WM6, you really don't need to know much more than the "Radio version" and SIM/CID Lock/Unlock.
Now for some terms. I've been searching this forum for some time and it took me a lot of asking and a lot of more searching to figure out what half the damn terms mean so I'll try to sum up what you'll need for this peticular procedure:
1. Wizard = The one of many names of the HTC 8125
2. nk.nbf = The image, or ROM, of the WM you want to use.
3. G3 = When you boot your HTC, it should say something like 2.xx.11. Any number less than 2.xx.11 is a G3 device. If I'm wrong, someone please let me know and I'll change it.
4. Brick = You got a useless phone! No No, that may not be true. Try searching the forums to recover from a phone that won't boot.... scared ya, didn't i?
5. (reserved for terms that I just can't think of that are important)
Ok. So let's get into what exactly I did to get to this point. Register for this forum to get the attached links).
1. Get the Lokiwiz02b/03a (attachments below)
2. Get SoftSPL or sSPL. For G4 users, this will temporarily allow your HTC Wizard/8125/(others) to be upgradable. I say temporary because G4 users only have 1 option (other than SPL) to unlock the CID and that's to pay like 40 bucks and if you're here, you probably don't/can't pay for it. It's a good work-around (attachments below) (
3. Get a ROM in which you want to use to upgrade from WM5 to WM6. Here is a good link given to me (credits at the end of the instructions): ( Think of a ROM as a Windows Install Disk, except it's virtual, not physical.
4. Get Active Sync 4.5. Google it and download it.
5. Get a Radio ROM (attachment below)
6. Get a mini-to-standard USB cable (for your phone.... did you get Active Sync 4.5 yet?)
Note: I've read that this process doesn't work for Windows Vista, but since I hate that damn OS, I don't have it and can't verify it doesn't work.
Ok. So now that you have all necessary tools, let's get started on the steps to SIM/CID unlock your phone. Why do you have to do both? I have no freakin' clue, but you do.
0. Unzip all .zip files (not .cab) to your computer (i.e. C:\Temp\HTC\(directory name).
1. Install ActiveSync 4.5 and connect your phone to your computer.
2. Copy the to your phone. You can use Windows Explorer to do this.
3. Run the on your computer.
4. Run the Lokiwiz.bat for LokiWiz02b.
5. Use "U." to SIM unlock.
5a. Do not do anything until your phone completely reboots!!!!
6. Run the LokiwizMsl.bat for LokiWiz03a. (Write down the PIN!!!!!)
6a. Do not do anything until your phone completely reboots!!!!
7. Check to see if you can use a different SIM card (if you have one).
8. Enter in the PIN you wrote down to unlock the Network.
Ok. Now we ca finally upgrade the OS/ROM/NBF to WM6.
0. Make sure you're phone is connected to the PC with Active Sync.
1. Copy the wanted nk.nbf/ROM/OS you downloaded to the SoftSPL-V0.1 directory.
2. Run the START-sSPL.exe
3. It will run throuth a RUU (ROM Update Utility) that you may or may not have seen before. Just check all the necessary boxes and "Next" your way through the wizard until it successfully updates your phone.
3a. Do not do anything until your phone completely reboots!!!!
That's it! Your phone is officially updated.... I/you/we hope....
First off, I'm going to list the linked sites and who was the original poster. Then I will list the people who've helped me.
1. the-equinoxe = sSPL
2. rudegar = helped with the terms and links to HTC Wizard info
3. ??? = I'm sorry but I don't remember where LokiWiz2-3 came from. I didn't bookmark it!!! dammit! If someone knows, let me know and I'll fill in the ???
If I have incorrectly said something in the above, please let me know immediately and I'll change it.
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this is all very confusing and misleading,
Sry to say but you,yourself are not correctly,clear about the whole process of differentiating between the G3 & G4 devices.
SIM/CID Unlocking/ method and upgrading a G3 and G4 are entirely different.
The procedure you have posted is mix up of both devices but not explained correctly.You have posted all tools for unlocking but have not given there description as which one is to be used for which device.
The upgrading method is also not correct,as I gather it's more like it's for G4 devices,you cannot do this method for G3 device,it's misleading here.
I'll advise you to first understand it all fully yourself,You still need a lot of reading to do and fully consume the process,rather posting a guide for Noobies!!!
Check Red markings for corrections
nnakao, I like your effort of putting in answers in the forum. However, as what I've experience so far, it isn't much of a use, in most cases (i.e. some people just do not search). However, nice effort.
Further, I would also like to ask you a favour (probably a copy paste job), to check with the wiki (i.e. this page, top portion, "XDA-Wiki"), to see if there are relavant section (under Wizard) on stuff that you've just mentioned. If
(a) they already exist, double check it and correct them if necessary
(b) if they do not exist, add in there. Usually, others will just point newbiew into there, easier than to find your thread.
you got errors will post later more errors if more but here are some
"3. G3 = When you boot your HTC, it should say something like 2.xx.11. Any number less than 2.xx.11 is a G3 device. If I'm wrong, someone please let me know and I'll change it."
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/
A G3 device has the ipl and spl 2.xx
A G4 device has the ipl and spl 2.xx.xx
Wizard = The one of many names of the Cingular 8125 (HTC Wizard)
Remember to post in big red letters "I am not Responsible for you bricking your device" and "That this is only for G4 devices" so post the difference of g4 and g3 on top.
After a couple of days of trying to search this forum for some basic explanation of some of the tools involved, I've come to the conclusion that it's next to impossible to find anything with the forum search engine.
The forum engine appears to filter out all three letter search terms, like ROM, IPL, SPL and NBF. Basically all the things I need to use as search terms get me nowhere. Put any one of those into the search box and you get no results, even though the forum is littered with references to them.
There are a couple of really useful threads, that have got me quite a long way, but I found them by searching the whole world with google, not by using the search engine in this forum. I'm sure plenty of other people have tried searching for the same information and just given up in despair.
Maybe some links to the correct information would have been more helpful than the criticism this thread received.
Here's quite a good place to start:
If anyone can add anything to help demystify the process of flashing phones and using this forum, I'd be grateful.
Yo, thanx anyway yo!

I want to made a custom WM2003SE ROM

Hello, everyone, I hope no piss anyone about this old OS, but I have no choice on my iPAQ Rx3115 'cause HP never releases an OS update for this pda, since it has decent features and mine is in perfect shape and it's a shame that a lot of programs cant be installed in this OS.
So, that's why i want to edit the ROM of this PDA, made a custom one with new programs and delete the old ones and the ones that are obsolete (like the MPG player, since tcmp and coreplayer cant play everything).
This forum is big, i was searching for hour about resources and "how to do that", I use EM2003 and when i try to open the rom file it tells me that enter a password to unlock the ROM.
So pleasse guys, help me out, I want to guive a full new life to this PDA and keep using it, and of course I will release the ROM for everyone to use it as I made stable ROMs.
Thanks and regards.
c'mon guys, help me a little, a need something to start with, a tool, program, anything?
I know this is old but I'd just like to second this, if anyone has any info on how to upgrade this device that would be great as I just sort of "stumbled upon" one of these and would like to put it to good use.
I've done a lot of searching and can't find any roms for rx3115 IPAC. I have one of these too and would love to fiddle with it again!! I even found on forum that said that it would not support WM 5 or 6 so I don't now if there is much hope. But if there was a program or instructions on how to make our own ROM I would sure like to try!!! I believe it has WM 2003 CE on it now...
Me too!!! I too have one of those...
I have an rx3115 also. I am following this thread.
This will be quite difficult and complicated, first of all, what do you want to do with stock ROM? If some apps can't be installed on WM2003SE, then adding them to ROM won't change anything. However, I'm willing to help, send me a PM with stock ROM and changes you want, I'll try to develop somethin' good .
Thanks tomcug!!!
I'll also PM you the links from this post.
I too have an rx3115 and have been searching all over for ways to upgrade it: cooked ROMs, Linux, Unix... SOMEthing. LOL
So far you're the only cook who's wanted to take a swing at this. There are no easy answers for rx3115 that I can find anywhere on the net.
Here's the last official rx3115 update of WM2003 (1.01.11) complete with installer rx3115 ROM 1_01_11.exe
I'd hate to lose the Nevo (IrDA universal remote control) from it, but would sacrifice that if I could upgrade the OS...
Better yet - maybe you could work with this WM 6.1 Classic ROM that was cooked for the rx1950. It supports the ARMv4T instruction set used by the rx3115. Here is just the .nbf file
At 27.82mb it would just fit on rx3115. Maybe a slimmed down version??? I would leave it to you to decide what to remove. LOL who am I to tell a cook how to season his offering???
And the WM 6.1 install cab for Mobile Office
Of course - any help would be greatly appreciated by many rx3115 owners.
And here's my thread of what I've been trying to accomplish with my rx3115.
Thanks Again,
All right, then I'll try to do something good . I don't know if this will work and that's why I need to ask you one more thing. Is it possible to flash this phone when it's not booting? I mean windows hangs.
It's a straight Pocket PC with no Phone capability. Full specs are here:
Short answer: yes, the ROM is user flashable up to 28mb of 32mb total.
Long Answer...
The HP update I sent you will flash the ROM under Win XP with ActiveSync installed. The RUU (ROM Update Utility) needs RAPI.dll from ActiveSync in order to run. It won't function under Win 7 for me - it generates a comm error.
Theoretically it is possible to flash any (size appropriate) ROM to the device with this Universal iPAQ Bootloader:
My system flagged the UBL as having a Worm in the Vista Drivers though. I can't tell if it is a false positive (I'm not qualified for that) so I didn't use it under Win 7.
Instead, I stripped out the infected(?) bits and tried it on an XP box. Here's that file:
It fails to put rx3115 into bootloader mode even though it connects via USB.
There is a manual way to put rx3115 into Bootloader mode: MultiMedia (button 1) + iTask (button 4) + Power + Reset. But every time I put it in Bootloader mode manually, that seems to kill the rx3115's USB port. It becomes invisible to PC... I don't know if there is another step to manually enable USB mode under Bootloader. I haven't been able to find the right button(s) for that so far...
And manually entering Bootloader mode hasn't allowed me to flash from SD card either. I always get a "Wrong Image" error, even with .nbf file from the last official update!!!
I know it's not the device - I can reflash the last update over USB on a Win XP box if I use the official update package.
LOL - an executable which uses HP's RUU would be preferable for technologically deficient users such as myself.
Feel free to PM me or post back here if you have any more questions.
Thanks again.
Well, no progress at the moment and probably there's won't be any progress at all. I don't know how to extract CEOS.nbf, all tools I've tried can't do it.
By extract, do you mean view and edit???
uedit32 (hex editor???) will open it and allow changes to be saved. It even keeps the original version as a backup...
Making ROM with hex editor ? That would take hundreds of years or even more . What I need is a tool or set of tools that can extract XIP and IMGFS from CEOS.nbf, that's the way you make ROM's. And tools I've tried doesn't work for this phone, however they work for HTC and i-mate phones I own.
I've also tried rx1950 kitchen, but it's a fail too. There are tools there but only for making CEOS.nbf from XIP and IMGFS images, nothing what I need .
Looking for the 802.11g mod for rx3115
I saw an experimental mod somewhere to enable the rx3115 to use 802.11g. If anyone knows where it is, please share. I lost the link. I was looking up the embedded chips at the time I saw it, so I think it was a forum.
All right, making a little update here. After long time of hard work I need to say that it's impossible to make WM 6.5.3 ROM for this device, drives and OEM stuff from WM 2003 SE simply won't work with any newer OS. Sorry for that but there's nothing we can do .

