I'm pretty new to WM and the THD is only my 2nd after TyTn II.
I believe there has been discussion on available software for hiding secret contact, sms and other data but none so in detail for THD.
I've tried Skb Mobile Safety Suite v2.02 but it does not work properly in WVGA. Can anyone advise what other softwares that have the following features?
Hide selective Outlook & sim contacts.
Hide selective Outlook & sim contacts from public section but accessible from password protected section.
Hide incoming/outgoing/missed call logs from these hidden contacts from public section but accessible from password protected section so that we still can return missed call.
Discreetly prompt incoming calls or missed calls from hidden contacts so that we can still choose to answer or return the call. It can be a completely discreet with no clues whatsoever or selectable silent or single ring tone, vibration, flashing icon, fake alerts etc.
Hide contact photo associated with the hidden contact.
Hide hidden contact sms or selective sms.
Hide incoming, received, sent, saved, deleted, draft sms from/to the above hidden contacts or selective sms even if contact are not hidden.
Discreet prompt for incoming sms as with incoming/missed calls.
Hide missed call sms alert from selected hidden contacts.
Hide any other data.
This is pretty self explanatory but recommendation is still welcome.
I know the wish list is exhausive but any recommendation and discussion on currently standalone software that can achieve the above features in parts or a combination of different softwares that offer part solution if not complete would be still be very much welcome. Full compatibility may not be an issue for now so long it is still passable. It will be better than having nothing at all.
In the meantime, I also hope developers would pick up the ideas above.
lol, what are you trying to hide from your girlfriend? just joking
Hahahaha ;DDD
Buy a cheap second phone. Much better chance of having your cake and eating it .
@ carz73
you said the mobile safety suite doesnt functions properly in wvga, but for what resolution is it? if it supports vga there is a wvga fix for vga only programs
xdaman85 said:
lol, what are you trying to hide from your girlfriend? just joking
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Correction. Not girlfriend but girlfriends and it's complicated but I'm not married so I don't think I'm way off my line too much
Shetlander said:
Buy a cheap second phone. Much better chance of having your cake and eating it .
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Unless I can hide the 2nd phone inside my ass, I'll be creating more suspicion and inviting much more painful experience.
htckaiseruser said:
@ carz73
you said the mobile safety suite doesnt functions properly in wvga, but for what resolution is it? if it supports vga there is a wvga fix for vga only programs
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Thanks! I dig around for more info on wvga fix but I doubt Mobile Safety Suite hides sms based on selected contact at the most basic level and will require very much manual intervention. I may be wrong until I try out the fix.
If there's any appz that that hides sms based on selected phone contacts and a separate one that hides the contacts and call logs, I'll take it.
Come on everyone's so squeaky clean? Anyone has any other recommendation?
Seems like WVGAFIX3 does not support WVGA <->QVGA which I think is required by Mobile Safety Suite.
same request
For most of your needs, there is an app which is called Magic Call (MagicCall). Look for it.
With this app you will be able to block calls and sms from certain numbers. It is really cool.
hmoroni said:
For most of your needs, there is an app which is called Magic Call (MagicCall). Look for it.
With this app you will be able to block calls and sms from certain numbers. It is really cool.
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i think he wants to hide calls/sms/email from certain contacts in a "secret" folder/area, 'cause he wants to keep contact to the girls and not ignore them ;-)
regards jan
p.s.1: beware of "cheeters"
p.s.2: would be interested in software like that as well ;-)
hausen said:
i think he wants to hide calls/sms/email from certain contacts in a "secret" folder/area, 'cause he wants to keep contact to the girls and not ignore them ;-)
regards jan
p.s.1: beware of "cheeters"
p.s.2: would be interested in software like that as well ;-)
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You got it spot on! The key is being discreet and hide the tracks. I think I might have heard of similar appz for symbian. Wonder if the likes of CIAs and FBIs have such a software to stretch it abit... kidding... Actually, even if the appz/solution/workaround have some loopholes, girls being usually less IT savvy, it might still pass and I'll take it.
hmoroni said:
For most of your needs, there is an app which is called Magic Call (MagicCall). Look for it.
With this app you will be able to block calls and sms from certain numbers. It is really cool.
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Thanks! Really apprecite all forms of suggestion.
Just installed and still figuring it out. It does seems complicated and also "block" don't sound very right as jan understood my requirement. Girls are like money. You won't mind if you have more and you certainly don't "block" them.
hmoroni, MagiCall is obviously a great appz. However, I'm not too sure if it suits my needs. When creating a new rule for incoming calls for the list of selected contacts, under "Operation" tab, options for "Action1" do not seem to suggest anything that will discreetly alert me so that I can choose to answer them when it is convenient to do so. The closest option is "Ignore" but will the ring tone still sound and/or the screen will still openly announce incoming calls rather than discreetly? If it does discreetly, then I'll still have to use another appz to hide the contact from public viewing, in which case I'm not sure MagiCall will still work as the contacts may no longer be recognised by it and therefore the rules will not apply.
hmm, I am sure the functionality you want can be implemented into an application, just cross your fingers and hope that theres a cheating unfaithful pimp developer reading this thread lol
But seriously an app that can do that would most likely become very very popular, so popular in fact that eventually windows mobile would gain 99% of the male market segment, and the remaining 1% would be on the FruitIphone
xdaman85 said:
hmm, I am sure the functionality you want can be implemented into an application, just cross your fingers and hope that theres a cheating unfaithful pimp developer reading this thread lol
But seriously an app that can do that would most likely become very very popular, so popular in fact that eventually windows mobile would gain 99% of the male market segment, and the remaining 1% would be on the FruitIphone
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Then perhaps I should write to M$? Bill Gate$ might already have a ready made appz. If not, it does sound like a great biz strategy. He should rope both of us in as advisers.
I've been doing lots of searching and reading. There might be some appz that do what I want in parts but the searching and reading gets very tedious and short of trying each and every appz, I can only begin to understand them a little here and there before I think the appz is worth a try. Surely, there should be something that come close. Anyone?
I heard about apps that hides calls but i cannot find me interested aswel
anyone got the solution 4 thiss??? hahaha... kinda need it rite now.... hahaha
It is really strange that there is no such application for WM devices. I know there are some apps for Symbian OS who are successfully working this what you are looking for.
why don't you try "sms security". been using this for a while and it always save my neck .
Try EZ Secret SMS
Nice idea for an application
i think i will start working on it, but i will not be using it so don't think much.
maybe also can have a GPS integration so it will know that you are with X girlfriend and it automatically hides everything related to other ones
love the idea, let me plan this right
Information Hide
Hide your private contacts and SMS and access it by a password.
With EasyHelper Information Hide, you can hide your private contacts and SMS and access it by a password. You can also restore the hidden contacts and SMS at any time.
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As some1 else stated this URL: or better
Information Hide - Havent tested it - at the bottom of the page
Try those ones
EZ Secret SMS
Skb SMS Manager and Organizer-Ultimate
EasyHelper SMS Security
I have read through many discussions and reviews, and I'd like to confirm and clear a couple of things with experienced users of TP2.
What I need is WM and QWERTY. It leads to HTC TP2, SE Xperia X2, Samsung Omnia Pro B7610. SE and Samsung doesn't fit me for some reasons, therefore I ended up considering TP2. Here are my questions regarding TP2:
SMS stuff: is it possible to have saved plenty of messages [more than 1000]? Does that slow the device or SMS operations down? Is it still lucid and easy to keep overview in sent/received/drafts? Is it possible to send one message to more receivers at once? Is it possible to save SMS as a text file to memory card? And what about full-text search on messages?
audio recorder: is it possible to start it by one or two touch and same easily save it? Does it save mp3 or wav file to memory card?
does it allow schedule power off/on?
What else makes me pretty nervous is the fact that WM6.x is dead system no more supported by MS. Isn't it similar to buying PC with Windows 98 today? In one year time most likely there will be only apps for 7 and no more new apps for old 6.x. If it was phone for 200$ I wouldn't care, but when I pay 500$ [as sold here in EU], I expect such phone to stay useful for a good couple of years. I don't want to go for WP7 as according to MS ads it is intended as a mobile interface for Facebook for bored teens. And what's more, it'll take year or two since those apps used by me will be 7 compatible...
xsys said:
What else makes me pretty nervous is the fact that WM6.x is dead system no more supported by MS. Isn't it similar to buying PC with Windows 98 today?
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Dead system? Not supported? Who told you that? Remember: just because somebody posts their opinion doesn't make it true.
And no, not similar to buying PC with Win98.
MCbrian said:
Dead system? Not supported? Who told you that? Remember: just because somebody posts their opinion doesn't make it true.
And no, not similar to buying PC with Win98.
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xsys, there's still far to broad a userbase for the traditional windows mobile platform for Microsoft to pull the plug on it. You can expect to see support and development both continue on it, likely under one of the suspected names of "windows phone classic" or "windows phone enterprise"
For some of your other questions:
-The SMS module in WM 6.x (and even earlier versions) is known to bog down noticibly with the more messages you retain, and would probably be rather significant by the time you got to 1000. That's honestly one of the top 10 achille's heels of this platform.
-Yes, you can add multiple recipients to SMS messages just like with an e-mail.
-I don't know of any way to archive SMS as text file(s), but it's possible that one of the available 3rd-party SMS clients might have that capability. However, microsoft's free MyPhone service/client will back up all your SMS's and other important info (contacts, call logs, pics, etc) to the cloud each day, where you can access them through a web interface from anywhere. Using this is a great way to keep your SMS inbox trimmed down to the few active threads you're using at any given time, which can sidestep much of the native issue in WM6.x
-Again, I think full-text searches of SMS's would require some 3rd-party client, though I can't say if any offer that.
-HTC and other dev's offer a number of voice recording options, most of which can be as simple as lauching the app, then just hitting record. Some can do .wav, some can do .mp3 and others, and all can save to your SD card. I'll also note here that there's a great free key remapper for the TP2 available in these forums, that would allow you to map the recorder app of your choice, to any button on the device, for easy opening if you use it frequently
-I don't know if there's a way to schedule a power on, but I think I've seen a solution here somewhere to schedule a soft-reset (the standard simple reboot procedure). Maybe someone more familiar with it could point you to it.
Let us know if you have any more questions!
thanks for your responses guys. It seems dead system from MS point of view. They are now only on WP7 and stopped all work on WM6. Even TP2 is more than year old device and question is if there will be TP3 or something similar, soon. When it comes to memory and processor TP2 is kinda outdated piece of hardware. Though keyboard is outstanding, as well as some other functions. It is actually main reason for me to buy.
I hope that the community will keep this device alive Though, it is not so famous as HD2 what has much more users, and developers too.
My phone service seems to be nice one from MS it could solve my problem.
So, all the info I'm getting online makes me go for TP2... Now I just hope I'll get a good piece, as I heard some have problems and had to go for repair a few times...
Which ROM is the best - Heineken or Pilsner ;-)
There are still builds leaking from MS so someone is developing on the 6.5.x branch. To be honest, as a business user, there is no phone OS out there today that can match the features of 6.5.x. As long as MS has business users I don't see them stopping development on 6.5.x
Hey guys!
I have an iPhone 4 and a Droid. Both have PingChat App, that I use a lot with my friends (wether cause almost everyone has an iPod, or they just don't want to use their texts with me). I don't have WP7. Yet. They have not been released in my country.
Whatever; I sent an e-mail to Enflick (PingChat's developers) if they have plans to WP7 app too.
The answer:
"At the moment I haven't heard of any plans to develop for WM7. Mainly due to the lack of demand it has shown."
Is the demand of WP7 that bad?!
I'm so in love with it ;/
mikeeam said:
Hey guys!
I have an iPhone 4 and a Droid. Both have PingChat App, that I use a lot with my friends (wether cause almost everyone has an iPod, or they just don't want to use their texts with me). I don't have WP7. Yet. They have not been released in my country.
Whatever; I sent an e-mail to Enflick (PingChat's developers) if they have plans to WP7 app too.
The answer:
"At the moment I haven't heard of any plans to develop for WM7. Mainly due to the lack of demand it has shown."
Is the demand of WP7 that bad?!
I'm so in love with it ;/
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Well, I think demand now is Normal. Android started much worse than WP7. After a year I hope, that we will have a well developed market and much more features :] Well, many developers don't create apps for WP7, because it's just a start for them, but we will get better soon ;D
This time of the year (right after Christmas), demand will be much lower. Just wait a bit and people will be back to their normal shopping routines.
I've read somewhere that on the iPhone the most popular application, Angry Birds, was purchased by 10% of the user base. If there are two million WP7 devices out there, this means that the maximum a dev should expect is 200000 downloads, and most likely it'll be much less than that. So of course demand is not at the level where one should expect fast payback for serious development investment.
Maybe developers don't think it will pay off in the end for them.
I think there is a decent demand for it right now. It seems like more big names are being drawn to the platform. I am just happy that a Flickr app is coming to the platform soon, and they didn't need people to convince them to make an app.
mikeeam said:
Hey guys!
I have an iPhone 4 and a Droid. Both have PingChat App, that I use a lot with my friends (wether cause almost everyone has an iPod, or they just don't want to use their texts with me). I don't have WP7. Yet. They have not been released in my country.
Whatever; I sent an e-mail to Enflick (PingChat's developers) if they have plans to WP7 app too.
The answer:
"At the moment I haven't heard of any plans to develop for WM7. Mainly due to the lack of demand it has shown."
Is the demand of WP7 that bad?!
I'm so in love with it ;/
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I emailed them as well, indeed same response... too bad.
But I emailed whatsapp as well, stating that there is a way to access all the contacts by simply parsing the mobile website of and go trough all the pages or a bit more of a hassle and use the live contact apis. Now They said in a response that they MIGHT investigate this possibility... does not seem to promising yet though.
Although whatsapp here is overtaking pingchat, pingchat is losing due to lack of support of other platforms in early stages. Whatsapp does and integrates with the phone contacts.
So it should be possible for them to easily acces the contacts and copy them to the phone, run a check if contacts changed if so modifie them on the phone as well. These apps seem not too difficult too make, so if they really want to make more money they should consider accessing the cloud for the contacts data.
but probably they wont, at least for a while. I convinced some iphone users to use textme, which seems to be comming to android and bb as well. However the push notifications are just highly unreliable on wp7 while on iphone they are instant. Which is pretty annoying
This is bad ;/
I never ever touched a WP7. Microsoft decided to bring to my country (Brazil) just second half of the year. I'm managing a way to buy one from another country
Is the notification slow?
Ah, a doubt: in iPhone you can't replace your default message app (at least, you can't download any from AppStore, just jailbreaking). Android lets user replace home, dialer, message app, etc.
WP7 lets the user to replace default system apps to third apps?
E.g.: Handcent SMS is way more powerful than defaults app!
The quick reply with the bubble thing is awesome. Just like BiteSMS for iPhone.
Does WP7 anything like this?
mikeeam said:
This is bad ;/
I never ever touched a WP7. Microsoft decided to bring to my country (Brazil) just second half of the year. I'm managing a way to buy one from another country
Is the notification slow?
Ah, a doubt: in iPhone you can't replace your default message app (at least, you can't download any from AppStore, just jailbreaking). Android lets user replace home, dialer, message app, etc.
WP7 lets the user to replace default system apps to third apps?
E.g.: Handcent SMS is way more powerful than defaults app!
The quick reply with the bubble thing is awesome. Just like BiteSMS for iPhone.
Does WP7 anything like this?
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Well, Android "lets" you to replace them, by leaving the old one and installing the new one. And then the old one has to be installed too, to get handcent or any other messaging app working. That's ****. MS doesn't let that and I think that default apps are very good and much, much better than Android's
the notification is not slow normally about 2 seconds. However its unreliable, sometimes it wont send the messages and you receive them 20 minutes later. There are more people with these issues I think you can assume that MS will fix this, since its a key feature of their OS and since as far as I know, it works fine with email, sms, call, etc. Just third the party apps have problems, I think.
mikeeam said:
Is the notification slow?
Ah, a doubt: in iPhone you can't replace your default message app (at least, you can't download any from AppStore, just jailbreaking). Android lets user replace home, dialer, message app, etc.
WP7 lets the user to replace default system apps to third apps?
E.g.: Handcent SMS is way more powerful than defaults app!
The quick reply with the bubble thing is awesome. Just like BiteSMS for iPhone.
Does WP7 anything like this?
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No. It is actually pretty quick to be honest.
I don't think you want to replace the default messaging, it does what you want it to. Just about every system default is up to par. Don't know why you would want to do that.
Android lets you do that because Handcent is considered better than default messaging, well default messaging is kind of bad (it keeps telling me send failed and something about force closing). And downloading a third party for email is kind of a given because the default email is terrible for anything not named gmail.
Yeap, I was just wondering. Apple doesn't allow it. So neither WP7?
Or just because you don't want to?
Bleh. So freaking anxious to buy one ;/
mikeeam said:
Yeap, I was just wondering. Apple doesn't allow it. So neither WP7?
Or just because you don't want to?
Bleh. So freaking anxious to buy one ;/
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Don't think you would need to. To be honest, messaging on WP7 is already top notch. It is simple and not in your face unnecessary. Although a nice feature would be reply from a popup, but I don't think there is a big demand for it right now.
Yeap. Apple doesn't have it. Neither Android (though it can be done just installing app from market).
They are not worried about it. And this is not reason to not buy it ;P
As most people, the Note 2 (at least the international model) does support displaying systemwide Emoji. However, we have no way of typing them.
The common method is getting something like Emoji Keyboard, but it doesn't type Android Emoji, and you can't see them when you type them yourself :/
So I was wondering, is there a way for us to type Android Emoji, either through another KB or a mod for the stock one?
- iPTPenguin
The most common place I've used and seen them used is via sms. In that case, I highly recommend using Handcent sms, or one of the others I've not used, and its emoji plugin. The sending and receiving is supported very nicely between ios and android
As for other uses, the receiving application or system has to support them; if they don't, that's when you end up with blanks. I do recall the default messaging app not supporting them, or not very well.
I would love to help you, but help yourself first: ask a better question
spycedtx said:
The most common place I've used and seen them used is via sms. In that case, I highly recommend using Handcent sms, or one of the others I've not used, and its emoji plugin. The sending and receiving is supported very nicely between ios and android
As for other uses, the receiving application or system has to support them; if they don't, that's when you end up with blanks. I do recall the default messaging app not supporting them, or not very well.
I would love to help you, but help yourself first: ask a better question
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The default messaging app does not display the ones typed by Emoji Keyboard because they are different from the ones in Android itself. However, it does support displaying received ones. I would really love to stick with the default app since most others are either too ugly and flashy or have issues...
I would be hard pressed to say handcent is too flashy or has issues. I've been using it for years. You can keep the visuals as simple or as complex (omg pink kittens and comicsans!!!) as you want.
The few times there have ever been any performance issues, they were quickly fixed.
But, my .02, and ymmv.
I would love to help you, but help yourself first: ask a better question
spycedtx said:
I would be hard pressed to say handcent is too flashy or has issues. I've been using it for years. You can keep the visuals as simple or as complex (omg pink kittens and comicsans!!!) as you want.
The few times there have ever been any performance issues, they were quickly fixed.
But, my .02, and ymmv.
I would love to help you, but help yourself first: ask a better question
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I used Handcent a lot back in the day (since I got my first Android, the Xperia X10 Mini Pro) and I don't really like it anymore. I had a lot of issues with it... but everyone has different opinions
We make Contactive(it's an app)(just to make sure we're on the same page here). It's guaranteed to (insert sips ref here) rustle your jimmies.
We've received some great feedback lately and we're hungry like a wolf for moar. That's where you come in:fingers-crossed:. Fill our suggestion box full of stuff. Types of feedback that we like to munch on:
- all positive comments
- A bunch of five stars pls
- words that want to make us cry
- And I'm legally binded to ask for some constructive criticism. Not too much though. Our dev's get angry pretty easily(please do not tweet to contactive that i said that).
Also too our lead dev is single(lololololol) he like's to go on very brief walks on the beach, he gets tired very easily, and his fave movie is the about the ring.
I guess I should say something about the app now. Um, well it makes your phone ring, or vibrate, when you get a call. It tells you if a celebrity is calling you like Dr. Dre or if its your mailman, or if its just your mum.
But wait there's more:highfive:, if your mom's on twitter, and let's face it there's like a 99% chance she is, it will show you her latest tweet before you pick up her call... you'll be prepared. Also too it'll import all of your friends from Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin(if you have a job), and Gmail to your phone's address book. It identifies unknown callers too by crawling over the inter-webs for all public information connected to that number(ie. location, name,a picture if available, and some other stuff I cant remember.
Seriously though View attachment 2043155
Also I forgot to say that our website is the bees knees, so click the link in the op. pls.
contactive_dave said:
We make Contactive(it's an app)(just to make sure we're on the same page here). It's guaranteed to (insert sips ref here) rustle your jimmies.
We've received some great feedback lately and we're hungry like a wolf for moar. That's where you come in:fingers-crossed:. Fill our suggestion box full of stuff. Types of feedback that we like to munch on:
- all positive comments
- A bunch of five stars pls
- words that want to make us cry
- And I'm legally binded to ask for some constructive criticism. Not too much though. Our dev's get angry pretty easily(please do not tweet to contactive that i said that).
Also too our lead dev is single(lololololol) he like's to go on very brief walks on the beach, he gets tired very easily, and his fave movie is the about the ring.
I guess I should say something about the app now. Um, well it makes your phone ring, or vibrate, when you get a call. It tells you if a celebrity is calling you like Dr. Dre or if its your mailman, or if its just your mum.
But wait there's more:highfive:, if your mom's on twitter, and let's face it there's like a 99% chance she is, it will show you her latest tweet before you pick up her call... you'll be prepared. Also too it'll import all of your friends from Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin(if you have a job), and Gmail to your phone's address book. It identifies unknown callers too by crawling over the inter-webs for all public information connected to that number(ie. location, name,a picture if available, and some other stuff I cant remember.
Seriously though View attachment 2043155
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The app looks pretty nice ... :good: ... And the WebSIte Design ... AWESOME !! (may i ask who made the website ?) .... Keep up ... !! :good:
Looks awesome. can we get a dark theme?
this apps sounds good, gonna give a try. thread subscribe. thks to dev team :good:
I'm not trying to discredit your app but what does it bring that the others don't have ? I tried it works exactly like that is my main contacts app
Giving it a try; seems like a useful application, but I am a little concerned about the massive consolidation of personal information. The privacy policy is a good read!
Can you add a feature to remove duplicate numbers in phone contacts
This is good:good:, but feel they have two or more contacts,
numbers on the phone does not directly connect to facebook
hanifbsk said:
Can you add a feature to remove duplicate numbers in phone contacts
This is good:good:, but feel they have two or more contacts,
numbers on the phone does not directly connect to facebook
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what do you mean by duplicate numbers?
hisname said:
what do you mean by duplicate numbers?
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I have a lot of duplicate numbers in the phone
eg for my number, there are 4 same name in the phonebook,
and it automatically removes it,
and hope this app can change the google phonebook, not only the number on the application
niranjan94 said:
The app looks pretty nice ... :good: ... And the WebSIte Design ... AWESOME !! (may i ask who made the website ?) .... Keep up ... !! :good:
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thanks! our in-house front-end guy plus designer made it.
honki24 said:
Looks awesome. can we get a dark theme?
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We've had a few requests for theme customization. right now, we're busy with bug fixes and core features, but we're hoping to get to a place where we can work on themes. We know the blue is super bright, and some people like it, some people don't.
exadeci said:
I'm not trying to discredit your app but what does it bring that the others don't have ? I tried it works exactly like that is my main contacts app
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Yeah. CallApp is our main competitor - and right now we do pretty much the same thing. But we're tryna eventually leapfrog them.
hanifbsk said:
Can you add a feature to remove duplicate numbers in phone contacts
This is good:good:, but feel they have two or more contacts,
numbers on the phone does not directly connect to facebook
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Not sure what's happening there but Contactive SHOULD be taking care of your duplicate numbers. There's also an option to manually merge/link profiles when you go into an individual profile and hit settings. Could you shoot us an email at [email protected]?
PS. Thank you to @TheRomMistress for the article!
I'm trying to wrap my brain around how your app works and where the line in privacy is.
Without actually installing your app, my theory is...
* Your app takes a snapshot of my address book and pushes that to a 3rd party service
* This service builds up a database of numbers, names, and useful information to find people on social networking sites
* Some of this information is pushed back down to the user for their particular contact
* Once a call comes in, if the user already exists the app should know which accounts on what social networks the pole for the callers most recent postings
* If the caller doesn't exist in the address book, a quick ping off to the 3rd party service is made to request any known information on this new caller's phone number, and that's pushed back down to the user and relevant content is shown
Is all that approximately correct or do I have it all backwards? Thanks!
I'm really liking the layout of this app. Good work! Could you guys incorporate a way to turn of the dialer sound?
rubin110 said:
I'm trying to wrap my brain around how your app works and where the line in privacy is.
Without actually installing your app, my theory is...
* Your app takes a snapshot of my address book and pushes that to a 3rd party service
* This service builds up a database of numbers, names, and useful information to find people on social networking sites
* Some of this information is pushed back down to the user for their particular contact
* Once a call comes in, if the user already exists the app should know which accounts on what social networks the pole for the callers most recent postings
* If the caller doesn't exist in the address book, a quick ping off to the 3rd party service is made to request any known information on this new caller's phone number, and that's pushed back down to the user and relevant content is shown
Is all that approximately correct or do I have it all backwards? Thanks!
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Iam totally agree with RUBIN110..Big concern is privacy .I'm not trying to discredit your app but App from Newyork ..,,,Whats About NSA?..Whats about U.S. and British government mass surveillance programs?
I really like the look of the app and I want to use it, but I'm concerned about the privacy aspects.
Do you collect the data and use or store it outside of this app?
rubin110 said:
I'm trying to wrap my brain around how your app works and where the line in privacy is.
Without actually installing your app, my theory is...
* Your app takes a snapshot of my address book and pushes that to a 3rd party service
* This service builds up a database of numbers, names, and useful information to find people on social networking sites
* Some of this information is pushed back down to the user for their particular contact
* Once a call comes in, if the user already exists the app should know which accounts on what social networks the pole for the callers most recent postings
* If the caller doesn't exist in the address book, a quick ping off to the 3rd party service is made to request any known information on this new caller's phone number, and that's pushed back down to the user and relevant content is shown
Is all that approximately correct or do I have it all backwards? Thanks!
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As the lowly intern, this is my understanding of how it works - from both asking a bunch of questions and sitting next to the dev guys everyday listening to what they talk about:
You got it mostly correct.
1. yes. The app saves your address book in Contactive's database and stores links (not info) to matching social network profiles. This info is NOT shared with 3rd party services.
2. yes. The service builds up a database of the following: name, number, social network IDs
3. yes. The info you see for a particular contact all depends on what info you can see if you were to visit that user's Facebook page. For example, if you are friends with Alex, all of the info you can normally see on Alex's Facebook will show up within Contactive. If you are NOT friends with Alex, only the info Alex has made public will be seen within Contactive.
4. yes - IF 1. you are friends with them already on the social networks you connect to Contactive, and/or 2. Contactive's database has connected that number to a specific social network account.
5. yes. If the caller doesnt exist in your address book, requests are sent to Contactive's database and third parties such as yelp, facebook, etc - all the different sources we use.
gaquarian said:
Iam totally agree with RUBIN110..Big concern is privacy .I'm not trying to discredit your app but App from Newyork ..,,,Whats About NSA?..Whats about U.S. and British government mass surveillance programs?
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We're pretty sure if the NSA wanted any of the info we have, they can get it off of Facebook. LOL
imtoomuch said:
I really like the look of the app and I want to use it, but I'm concerned about the privacy aspects.
Do you collect the data and use or store it outside of this app?
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Nope. We don't use or store it for anything other than to bolster our caller ID feature. We won't sell any of our information either.
Are you able to add an option to silence the key press tone?
peedub said:
Are you able to add an option to silence the key press tone?
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youre actually the second person today to ask about that. I'll bring it up to the dev team and report back.
Looks cool. Any plans for a dark theme and integrating call block( damn telemarketers)
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