TF3D background and Launcher text.. - Touch HD Themes and Apps

I am new, pls forgive me if my question seems stupid...
1) Pls let me know the easiest & safest way to change my TF3D background wallpaper... I have read many threads about this, what I understand is most involve customising the whole TF3D or changing the theme "in package", which I wish not to try for this moment..
2) Is there any way to add program's names in the program launcher? .. other than flashing a new ROM..


Change font in Touch/Cube (B&B 4.1)

Hello Tom,
please tell me how to change the Font in the Cube.
I've installed an dictionary called SolvEd and now the font in the cube changed!
I've posted this problem in the official B&B 4.1 forum, but it was ignored, so I suppose that nobody knows a solution.
Hi there,
maybe you can find something on this thread... there are lot's of other nice stuff the developers are sharing regarding the Cube! Have a look!
Thank you very much but there is no solution how to change the font, I've searched up and down. So please help somebody direct if possible!!!
Is there no solution?! Where is the regestry entry for the cubefont!??!
Help please someone!!!
Same prob - but fixed it
I have just answered your post in the other thread..
I had to remove the last few programs (all old games) and now the fonts are back to normal!
I know but this is no solution, I've answerd back. I need to change the font and the font size because I want to keep the dictionary, it was expensive, and after installing the dictionary the fon and fontsize changed.
So please tell me/us someone where are the reg entrys for the cube and com manager for their font and fontsize links?

newbie here need lil help whit backround

i need to know how can i change the backgrounds on all the tabs....i wana know witch manila files must i edit whit the manila editor to achive that....thank you have a happy new year all
there are plenty of posts on that subject already,
search and read before posting.. thanks
well i did but this forum is so big i dont know know were to search...i did in the blackstone parts of the forum but i cant find any guide
this is for the diamond but i think it works ok on the touch hd
thankx man but thats customizer is for all exept the background.....correct me if im wrong
i just wana change the background so in all tabs the background is same
yeah your right , i didnt read the post properly

Change - Icon`s, Buttons, Themes and etc (Question)

Hello to all guy`s here i just have One very simple question... will be fine if someone can answer me clear.
Befor i use only Symbian Phones and all was diferent from NOW!
Now i have HTC touch HD and sometimes i really think that is very confused to operate with this device what i mean exactly is..
I read alot in this forum and in other forum`s.. and i can`t understand One Thing.
Why for example if i wana change my Start Menu Icon.. or Action buttons or even my theme i need to do so many confused things like change this file, rename this.. overwrite that.. extract this. all this is 1st confused second is not good for the phone and for YOU.
I will explain you why..
For example now i wana change my Start Menu Icon.. but after i read alot things im not sure do im able to change it
So for example if i change it.. after a while someday if i wana get back my stock icon`s what i need to do? I will forgot what exactly i rename,change where witch file i put and etc.. and this is just for one Start Menu Icon.. imagine when you change and costumaze the whole bar`s icons etc.. after few mounths im sure you will not know witch file exactly is modifet and etc!
The question is.. befor when i use Symbian all was so clear and easy i wana change something just install the app and that`s all if i don`t wana use this icon`s or themes anymore i can easy just remove them and that`s all!
So i wonder and asking myself why here not have the same things in .CAB`s
For example i wana change my icon`s just installing some .cab and all is done when i don`t want them just uninstall all will be so clear and easy and good for the phone.
I don`t understand from this things for this reason im asking you Maybe is very hard all this icon`s font`s and other items that the whole forum write tip`s how to change this how to chagne that can`t be made in a single .CAB file?
We can make our life better with a simple .CAB installation no need to change any manilla files or overwrite any dll and etc....
P.S Sorry for my english but it`s not my Mother.. language like you can see
ive got most hings in cab files so it doesnt bother me and i flash my rom so many times that i dont even have the time to get bored with something because i dont instal it after i flashed
so i think this is a thing thats different for every user
Do u have .CAB for change of the icon`s or start menu icon?
ive got one for all the icons on top with the picture that pulls the start
the site is full of them
and i had one that only the top left one made to a scull
Sorry for bodering you but like i say im new on all this with the WM can you please give me this cab`s that you have for the scull logo and the other to install and see how they will look like on my phone!
Thanks in advance
tsalta said:
Hello to all guy`s here i just have One very simple question... will be fine if someone can answer me clear.....................
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No need to markup your story like that. People will read it with default settings as well... ...If you can't remember what you've changed I advise you not to change anything, or keep a text file containing information about your personal tweaks.
The reason that it's quite cumberstone to change things is because Microsoft never wanted you to change those parts of the software. Some clever people found a way to get pass the ideas of Microsoft and managed to to change parts of the OS that's on your device.
This is the same reason why you can't put all files in one CAB file. Some files are read only files and need some "special attention" to be modified\replaced. Second thing is that ROM files depend on their language. Most compatibility will be achieved by using a WWE ROM
You can apply changes to the OS easier by using a program like Wisbar Advance. But you will notice that the system will become slower. Thats why a lot of people prefer to do some freeware tweaking to their devices. I hope this story clears up some things for you...
Thank you for all you wrote but the point was other anyway i find some apps i was looking for the question was why the peoples don`t make .CAB`s and do it the hardest way so to change some icon`s font clock`s and everything all this is possible with a signle CAB file no need to change something or overwrite or re-name and someday when you don`t wana use this you can just uninstall the .CAB that was the point i already use some of the .CAB`s that change icon`s etc and its perfect!
Thank`s to the miniterror

Help (explanation)

Most of you guys will probably be realy pist off with this thread but please if anyone could help just a little.
I'm new with all this (rom flashing, manila, sense etc.), so if anyone could explain how to put on new manila and witch programs do I need I would be realy gratefull. I tryed just to install the .cab file and it didn't do anything. I didn't get what maxmanila is. Is it a program or some new way to code the manila. If you don't waste your time to write about it please give a link to something where a could find my answers.
sorry if the tread gets some one angry but I just couldn't find information about this things.
Generally the only way to get a new manila is to flash to a rom with the manila cooked in (I understand for some devices it is possible to get a cab to change manila, but I haven't seen this for the HD).
Read the Dummies Guide to Flashing on how to flash to a new rom. Post any additional questions you may have in that thread.
MaxManila is a theme which allows you to change the appearance of the manila interface by changing clocks, settings to make sliders auto hide etc.
I want to do that (change apperance) for start, witch program do I need do do that after I download the theme? I read dummies guide and i intend to flash my rom if the theme changing ain't be good, but first I want to try to change the theme but a got lost in all those .cab-s but non explanation how to put it on (it's probably not hard but I'm new so everything is hard to me for now, a the main thing is that I'm afraid I?m going to screw up my phone)
Well the opening line in the 1st post of MaxManila states:
Here's a treat for those who has already flashed the latest Manila 2.5 ROM from Miri 7.1, Dutty Leo R2, Latest Energy ROM and PhamQuang v59 onwards.
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So you need to flash the rom first to a manila 2.5 based rom in order to try it out.
There are other tweaks and themes that you can use with the stock rom. What would you like to change in terms of appearance?
If you follow the Dummies Guide and take it step by step it is not difficult to flash your rom. As with everything in life there is a risk, but it is very difficult to totally screw up the device and you should always be able to recover. So as long as you follow the guidance and advice you will be ok.

Programs needed to creat theme, taskbar, slid, backgroud

Hello, I want to creat my theme and I needed to know what programs I need to do so.
I need to know the programs to creat theme, taskbar, slid and backgrouds.
Could anyone help me in this matter.
maybe you can see on this link,
im noobie too, just want to help..
Thank you for the help.
I just downloaded the programs but my manila is old, is 1.3 version.
I don't know if this will work on my touch hd.
But thank you any way.

