HTC Weather Wish List - Touch Diamond, MDA Compact IV ROM Development

I think some of these have been listed, but there are some changes to the weather tab that I think would really improve it...
I tried to see if anyone had a solution, but couldn't find anything, so consider this a wish list for anyone who knows how some of these things could be possible...
1. Auto Update
Auto update is good, but not for every time I go to the tab (especially since I don't use a data plan). Is there any way to change this so it updates on a schedule only, or automatically (without going to the tab) only if a data connection is detected - eg every morning at 7am...?
2. 5 Day View
A forecast is great, but if I can't update my weather for a day or two, I have to go to the 5 day forecast to get today's weather. Honestly, the 'today' weather should pick the correct day and display it - so if you updated the weather on tuesday, and it's now thursday, the tab should show thursday's forecast - it's been downloaded, it's in the database, so why not show it...?
Ok, so that's my wish list - I know there aren't any settings as such to change this, but is any of this possible with a bit of ROM development or anything...?
FYI - I'm on 1.96.710.3

I am trying to develop a weather update tool, which will update the weather forecasts when the device is connected with activesync or on some other schedules.
You can check out following thread :

My Different Solution !
I'm using "Second Today" and "Weather Panel" (and Spb Weather)

Accuweatherther site?
I think lot of us are interested by a weather site other than accuweather. For example, i'm french, and i would like a site like meteofrance wich is more precise than a foreign site.
Do you think it's possible ?
Merci !

I'd love to see BBC UK's weather included!

There are a lot of people who would be interested in another provider than Accuweather. This is not accurate at all. There are so many other ones which are better than accuwather. At least in asia and UK it is not accurate. so is there a way to change that.


wm6.1 weather

is there a way to make one of the panels in the sliding panels of wm6.1 display the weather
no.... and no.
The Weather On A Sliding Panel OH! YES! YES!
Good question, whatsoever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve, dream it in the mind then bring it into yet to be technology. That's exactly what "xfaith" has done already, check his thread out "Mini Weather (English Weather Beta) WM6.1, also be sure to check out the screen shots of the "Mini Weather" on a sliding panel. Go here to his thread He has the software that you need (mini weather 1.1 English You can get more weather software here at!:D
Technology said:
Good question, whatsoever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve, dream it in the mind then bring it into yet to be technology. That's exactly what "xfaith" has done already, check his thread out "Mini Weather (English Weather Beta) WM6.1, also be sure to check out the screen shots of the "Mini Weather" on a sliding panel. Go here to his thread He has the software that you need (mini weather 1.1 English You can get more weather software here at!:D
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Hmm...interesting. I think I'll check out this "mini weather" you're rapping about.
Interesting indeed... although not a very elegant solution Maybe we can use the other app that writes info to the registry and then read that info into a "welcome center" style panel that we can place anywhere. I guess the problem with that is, it wouldn't update very often... :/
Checked it out, works quite well for Memphis, TN, where I live. Haven't figured out how you could auto update in a useful way. Other than that and getting the cool icon panel interface, this looks promising.
OrganicM said:
Interesting indeed... although not a very elegant solution Maybe we can use the other app that writes info to the registry and then read that info into a "welcome center" style panel that we can place anywhere. I guess the problem with that is, it wouldn't update very often... :/
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That whole making a welcome center style panel idea is a pretty good one...
It is, because it's pretty flexible... We can have PNGs (weather icons) as well as text that can place anywhere on the panel. But some of us know, the text won't update unless the homescreen is reloaded. Maybe I can write an app that will write the weather values in the security and software/chome sections of the registry as weather gets updated... Hmm...
i copied the files inside of the zip file to my phne and ran the program when i choose update now it tells me "read configuration file fail!" help!!!
You have to open your Config file in notepad, change where it says Paris, change that to your city. Next copy it to your mini weather folder.
Also where it says: "CityStartStr="
Make it say: "CityStartStr=postal_code data="
Now, do that for every line in the notepad file that says CityStartStr=.
Once you finish save and copy/paste to the appropriate directory and viola, your'e all done. You should read the readme file you got in the zip of this. It tells you how to update automatically, as often as you want. HOLLA!
does this work with the 5.99 internet hack?
OrganicM said:
It is, because it's pretty flexible... We can have PNGs (weather icons) as well as text that can place anywhere on the panel. But some of us know, the text won't update unless the homescreen is reloaded. Maybe I can write an app that will write the weather values in the security and software/chome sections of the registry as weather gets updated... Hmm...
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I got the rafer weather to update reg values in a welcome center panel but to see the update you have to reload the homescreen. Does anyone know a command or someway to reload homescreen without selecting new home from settings panel? I know that facade has a command for this but what is it? Also, I wrote a mortscript for updating and called it from SK2URL.
that's the problem i've predicted. the only panels that update in real time that i can think of are: cclock, messagecenter, notifications and of course the appointments panel. hmm... any ideas....?
New Idea: CTestUIPlugin
I was playing with it and if you change the registry value for update in CTestPlugin, it auto updates the CTestPlugin panel on the homescreen with any new values including icons added in image registry. I think it could be possible to use this panel for weather(possible that is why it was being tested?). ! haven't tried adding pages yet.
Reaaaaaaaaalllly !?! Wow.. I gotta check that out. I always that it behaved like ht welcomecenter sytle panels. Hmmm
showaco said:
... with any new values including icons added in image registry. I think it could be possible to use this panel for weather(possible that is why it was being tested?)....
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Got a path to that? I would REALLY love to get weather working in a 'notifications'-style panel. With the current conditions and a tiny icon when unselected, day-by-day on the pages when it has focus.
BTW, what writes the weather to the registry? Is there a way to make a pass-through the registry to a xml file, or some other output of an existing weather app? It would give a nice UI for config, detail-view, and something for the button to trigger.
Weather In A Sliding Panel
I have MSNDirect weather in one of my 26 slides and I have the national weather radar in another panel in real time. I believe this is enough weather data for me. Naw, oh I almost forgot that I have another app that connect me to the weather channel. I'm a weather freak always try to track the perfect storm...........!
I think it's possible with SPB weather. It writes its weather info to the registry. then it would be a matter of someone (maybe myself) writing a small to copy the registry entries from SPB, over to our TestUIPLugin
Technology said:
I have MSNDirect weather in one of my 26 slides and I have the national weather radar in another panel in real time. I believe this is enough weather data for me. Naw, oh I almost forgot that I have another app that connect me to the weather channel. I'm a weather freak always try to track the perfect storm...........!
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Okaaaay... care to share how you got the national weather on a slide ? Or even the MSNDirect ?
Ask The PudgeDaddy To Send You a copy
OrganicM said:
Okaaaay... care to share how you got the national weather on a slide ? Or even the MSNDirect ?
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Just create the paths in the two places in the registry, you know how to do it already. The PudgeDaddy is the man you want to see for the weather radar.............! As a matter of fact, I have 6 of your slides and 20 of Ricky's slides on my test device, the 6 with the TCPMP player is yours, now that one is slick.........! Now with Ricky's 6.1 ROM, I have v14 and v20 on my devices, because I believe with these versions you can be very creative, some of his other versions restrict you from being creative.....!

NRG Weather 3.0 - "The pretty version..."

Here's Chome Weather 3.0 with a 10 day forecast. Download the cab and enjoy.
1) Install the cab in the link at the bottom of the post.
2) It should ask to reboot ! Press "Ok"
3) Go to your Start Menu and find "Weather Options", or go down to the Settings slide on your homescreen and the second slide will be the CHome Weather options slide.
Set your Zip / Location Code to your zip code if you're in the US or a "location code" if you're anywhere else (ex: ROXX003 for Bucharest). More info on finding your specific code is here . Set the "Fahrenheit / Celsius" option. This will only affect the reading of the current conditions panels, not the text descriptions in the forecast panels. Those will always be in Fahrenheit.
Specify whether you would like the application to attempt to connect your default GPRS connection first, before updating. If you have a constant data connection on, leave this on "N". Finally you can turn off the autoupdate feature with the last option #7.
4) Now it might be a good idea to go to Start and find "Update Weather" and run it to update the weather data! Alternatively you can click the center button while you're on any of the forecast panels.
5) The cab should set your Home Screen to "Sliding Panel + Weather!" automatically.
6) Enjoy and report any bugs you might encounter, please.
New features:
- New 6 day forecast layout (layout #7)
- Autoupdate using Yahoo's server time. No manual control over update interval anymore.
- Revised layouts to ensure correct wrapping
- HomeScreen update feature. No need to reboot to see forecast or layout changes. This option is turned off by default because it doesn't work for everybody. If you turn it on and you see problems with your phone's radio turning off, phone becoming very slow etc... turn it off. (it's option #10)
- Added new panel to the Settings panel at the bottom for easy access to the weather updates and settings.
- "Stardock icons" are default for forecast and regular panels.
Screenshot descriptions:
1- IPhone Layout (this is the default layout)
2- Forecast Panels screenshot
3- Slim Panels Layout with the background options enabled
4- HTC Slim Layout while updating
5- HTC Slim Layout in normal mode
6- The HomeScreen with the weather plugin in its "condensed" state at the bottom, showing current conditions
7- Regular Panel Layout with no background.
8- IPhone Slim Layout
Download link >
Vox Version (Currently still at 3.0.1) >
Current Version: 3.1
Changes in 3.1
- Rearranged the order the various subroutines run.
- Fixed autoupdate issue.
- Removed HTC icons and background PNGs from the cab. Please download them separately from the addons post if you plan to use those layouts.
- Added option to show extended forecast panels on the homescreen or not.
- Added detection routine to detect if your phone's keypad is locked and NOT to update the homescreen is that's the case. Should help with the "Phone - Incoming" message problem that's been reported
- Edited some CPRs for better alignment
- More verbose status messages
- Etc...
More to come soon. The next version will update your clock panel with current conditions info. Just wanted to get this update out of the way first.
Changes in 3.0.1:
- Added 6 day forecast layout.
- Autoupdate feature based on Yahoo server's time.
- Small bugfixes, revised Options panel.
- Compressed PNGs.
- Complete portrait support for the new 6 day layout.
- Background used in screenshots included in .cab.
Changes to 2.0.3:
- completely redesigned Options panel. Hopefully things will be easier to get around. Now it tell you what the current layout used is.
- Fixed HTC Layout (5) text not wrapping down issue.
- Added option NOT to check for internet connection before connecting.
- Options panel keeps track of what layout you're running.
- added blue, purple, WM7 style or original glass panel selection to options panel.
- updated portrait CPRs.
- forecast panels should now display "N/A" icons when a forecast is not available instead of a red x.
- ability to choose between european ("rest of the world pretty much...) or american style dates on the forecast panels.
If you like this application and feel the need to support my work, here's a link to donate to me via PayPal.
PayPal Donate Link
DO NOT install this to the storage card. It will not work that way!
p.s. Portrait support is included for the new 6 day layout.
p.s.s. The cab seems to take a few minutes to install, especially if you're installing over 2.0.3. So just be patient I guess...
Update to 3.1
Only install this if you have 3.0.1 or 3.0.2 installed. Otherwise, download the cab in the sendspace link above and install the whole app.
This is the "addons" post.
Added "NRG Power Key..... .cab This will add three options to the menu that comes up when you hit the power key on the side of your Excalibur. "Power off", "Reboot" and "Weather Update". I hope they're self explanatory Have fun. Take note your wireless manager might be gone, or might act erracticaly. If you have problems, just install the cab. Don't post in the thread about it, there's nothing I can do about it.
Download the Calibri font mod if you want your system font to look like the one in the screenshots.
The Yahoo, Spil, Novaweather and 7Degree icon sets are alternative icons sets for most of your layouts and extended forecast panels
Most of the icons sets install as a one time installation application. Which means you will not see it in the "uninstallable" list of program under "Settings". Once you run the cab, it will overwrite whatever icons are installed and that's it...
Reserved... the last one.. I promise
Looks niiice i will be testing on Portrait (tornado)
Good Job
So far so good on my Q9c. Last version had to be uninstalled due to a couple of crashes. The worst being when I plugged into the computer the home screen crashed and would not recover after a reboot.
Like the new layout.
Formatting on QVGA
Incredible progress!
I've attached two SS's from my QVGA, using your layout #9 (Standard 6 day which is only 4 day by the way). As you can see, the bottom Temps are not lined up in either F or C and I looked at the CPR, but it is like Greek to me... I see "Bottom Temps" but fiddling and restarting gives me either to the Right or Left - I don't suppose there is a GUI for modding these CPRs is there?
Can you assist in getting it all lined up?
Thanks and keep up the GREAT work! Expect some more PayPal coming your way!
The new layout looks beautiful. The one thing i might suggest: You may want to add an option in advanced options to turn off the 10 day forecast. Since it appears that im going to be using this 6 day testpluginui ( and several others will be too) they may not want or need the additional 10 day forecast panel.
I personally know how to disable it via the registry, but others may not. Secondly, If that option is de-selected, if you can also put in the weather.mscr file to not update that panel, so that way the weather updater runs a little faster.
Edit: I also think that today's Hi/Lo under the city needs to be removed. Its kind of redundant info, since the same info is located in the 6 day forecast located in the first day of the 6 day forecast.
This will also allow more room for lengthier weather condition names.
Free service is at full capacity, hope someone can mirror it later.....
I'm anxious to try it
I installed on my Q9c and I still get that font issue with large text boxes in PIE, however, I'm willing to put up with it at this point since the 6-day layout means I don't have to reboot the phone to see the latest forecast.
Any idea what might be causing the font issue? Since this weather panel is basically just scripts reading XML files and making registry changes, I can't imagine that it'd be too hard to figure out what's causing the PIE font issue. The font issue isn't a huge deal and I'd completely ignore it if it weren't for the fact that the digital font makes no differentiation between upper and lower case and many special characters just show up as boxes.
I dumped the 10-day panel and added a link to the Weather Update in my links panel if I ever decide to manually update the weather.
Dees_Troy said:
I installed on my Q9c and I still get that font issue with large text boxes in PIE, however, I'm willing to put up with it at this point since the 6-day layout means I don't have to reboot the phone to see the latest forecast.
Any idea what might be causing the font issue? Since this weather panel is basically just scripts reading XML files and making registry changes, I can't imagine that it'd be too hard to figure out what's causing the PIE font issue. The font issue isn't a huge deal and I'd completely ignore it if it weren't for the fact that the digital font makes no differentiation between upper and lower case and many special characters just show up as boxes.
I dumped the 10-day panel and added a link to the Weather Update in my links panel if I ever decide to manually update the weather.
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It may be the chome_320X240.cpr file in your /windows directory. When you load a layout. his program pulls .cprs from the chomeweather directory and replaces your original chome_320X240.cpr file ... you may uninstall. copy over your chome320X240.cpr file do your PC's desktop and open it and whatever .cpr file you use for the weather layout and compare the differences.
Glad you guys like it. I'm sorry the portrait guys are still experiencing issues, like the misalignment of the bottom temps. However, the issue needs to be taken care of in the weather.mscr file, not the cpr file. I think I will switch to png rendering of the bottom temps instead of relying on text handled by the plugin. It's just not reliable at all and the temps are always a little misaligned....
Look for 3.0.1 at the end of the day... LOL
pudgedaddy said:
The new layout looks beautiful. The one thing i might suggest: You may want to add an option in advanced options to turn off the 10 day forecast. Since it appears that im going to be using this 6 day testpluginui ( and several others will be too) they may not want or need the additional 10 day forecast panel.
I personally know how to disable it via the registry, but others may not. Secondly, If that option is de-selected, if you can also put in the weather.mscr file to not update that panel, so that way the weather updater runs a little faster.
Edit: I also think that today's Hi/Lo under the city needs to be removed. Its kind of redundant info, since the same info is located in the 6 day forecast located in the first day of the 6 day forecast.
This will also allow more room for lengthier weather condition names.
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I was gonna say EXACTLY what you just said. lol.
pudgedaddy said:
The new layout looks beautiful. The one thing i might suggest: You may want to add an option in advanced options to turn off the 10 day forecast. Since it appears that im going to be using this 6 day testpluginui ( and several others will be too) they may not want or need the additional 10 day forecast panel.
I personally know how to disable it via the registry, but others may not. Secondly, If that option is de-selected, if you can also put in the weather.mscr file to not update that panel, so that way the weather updater runs a little faster.
Edit: I also think that today's Hi/Lo under the city needs to be removed. Its kind of redundant info, since the same info is located in the 6 day forecast located in the first day of the 6 day forecast.
This will also allow more room for lengthier weather condition names.
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I second that, the testui pluig in is enough for me, I already remove the welcome center because is no need to get it on the screen, anyway it looks besutiful, great work......
Great work as always, man. Amazing how you fit so much information in such a small place.
Personally, I'm sticking with the NRG Slim layout for now. Going for the "less is more" effect
Whats Vox version and how do i get my NRG Colored panels with the 5 day forcast like on PIcture 4?
pudgedaddy said:
The new layout looks beautiful. The one thing i might suggest: You may want to add an option in advanced options to turn off the 10 day forecast. Since it appears that im going to be using this 6 day testpluginui ( and several others will be too) they may not want or need the additional 10 day forecast panel.
I personally know how to disable it via the registry, but others may not. Secondly, If that option is de-selected, if you can also put in the weather.mscr file to not update that panel, so that way the weather updater runs a little faster.
Edit: I also think that today's Hi/Lo under the city needs to be removed. Its kind of redundant info, since the same info is located in the 6 day forecast located in the first day of the 6 day forecast.
This will also allow more room for lengthier weather condition names.
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Point taken. I will remove the "hi -lo" in the top left corner and make enabling the welcome center an option
Excuse me for the question, but will this app work on regular WM6, or it only works with WM 6.1 Chome?
No chances to have a version for WM6?
luckyland said:
Excuse me for the question, but will this app work on regular WM6, or it only works with WM 6.1 Chome?
No chances to have a version for WM6?
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this app is specifically written for the sliding panel homescreen. The sliding panel homescreen is only available on the WM 6.1 platform. So no. it does not and will not work on the WM6 interface
I've got the shakes...
Oh man... I SO wanna download this and "finagle" while I'm here at work, but I'll need to edit my cpr and it's too cumbersome trying to do it from the phone (instead of on my PC desktop). Blast! My love for boldened titles hinders me from enjoying this .cab this instant! lol

Feather Weather, Goes PORTRAIT! Updated 8/17/08

For Feather Weather 2, click HERE
Portrait Version Now Available!
The smallest weather app available has just gone on a diet, it started at 950kb and now comes in at a lightweight sub 850 kb. Its been slimmed down in size but not in weather data available. The new TotalClock cab has the full five day and current conditions within the clock panel itself. Check out the screenshots below, you only see one day at a time for a nice clean look. Hit the right soft key to advance thru the days and when you done, it has a timer to reset itself to current conditions after 60 seconds of non-flipping of the forecast pages.
For those who would rather have it seperate, the original version still uses a seperate forecast panel along with current conditions only in the clock panel. But even though it hasn't changed, I have managed to squeeze another 100 kb off of it.
On the original version clock panel you get info for current: temperature, icon, real feel temp, winds, humidity, visibility, barometer, uv level, cloud cover, precipitation, sunrise, sunset, air quality levels, and dewpoint. Also, on the clock panel you get tomorrow's forecast: conditions, hi/lo temperatures, real feel high temps, winds, and estimated precipitation.
On condensed clock panel, there is current temp, current condition icon, time, and todays Hi/Lo temperatures. So if you dock your clock, you will always have weather and time showing on homescreen.
And for a full forecast, there is a 5 day forecast panel that can be enabled or disabled. The forecast pages have info for: day, date, conditions, hi/lo temperatures, precipitation estimates, uv levels, and winds expected.
Both have a user set time interval for the updates depending on your needs, wants, or data plans. Just go to setup and specify the interval in minutes. The default is 30 minutes. The forecast data updates every 8th time weather update runs, that way you get updated forecast info every 4 hrs if you use the default for current condition updates.
To install: For now, install to main memory, I'm working on either or version.
Download the cab. After installation, it should prompt you to restart. If it doesn't, then restart your phone to set new clock panel in place. After reboot, wait about 10 seconds and the FeatherOptions will run automatically. Go to Setup and set all of your info, good idea to go ahead and set your right soft key on the clock panel at this time. After setup, exit options by selecting "Run Weather Update and Exit".
That's it, your done.
NOTE: I beleive I worked out my problem with mortscript registering itself, but if it doesn't auto start the options after 10 seconds, then go to FeatherWeather folder in Program Files and click on Mortscript.exe .
To uninstall: First download the below. Unzip and then place the .mscr file on your phone. Run it with File Explorer, this will reset your clock panel. Now go to Settings/Remove Programs and uninstall the cab.
City Location Codes:
For anyone that needs to find their city code, use this link and change the location in this url to the name of your city and then go to it and it will give a list of all cities worldwide that have that name. Get your location from there and enter it exactly as it appears in the quotes, but do not use the quotes.
So, for this link above, if you were looking for Calcutta, India. Go to this link, and you will see a line like this:
<location cnt="1" city="Calcutta" state="India(Bangla)" location="ASI|IN|IN036|CALCUTTA" />
So your location to enter in to options would be :
This should work for cities worldwide.
Feather currently is installed with a slim panel layout only. If you want more dll or cpr options, they are easily installed with FileChanger. Those are more homescreen customizations than they are weather customization, thats why they aren't in here.
For landscape phones: If you don't want the slim panels, I have standard panels cpr and mini panels cpr that work specifically with FeatherWeather. They are in the below. Just install with the FileChanger app or copy into windows folder. Click on the File Changer in my signature below for the File Changer thread and download.
New Portrait versions below, the last 2 cabs that names end with "P" are the portrait versions. Portrait versions updated 8/19/08 with new cpr. If you already installed, you can download the cpr zip only and install to windows directory.
Check out these new portrait layouts provided by Kron2:
Make sure you get the landscape or portrait version you need, first 2 are Landscape, last 2 are Portrait
NOTE: There was a slight change in the feed. So after installing one of these cabs, please go to Post #101 and download the forecast fix.
showaco said:
Here's the smallest Weather app available. It weighs in at only 950 kb. Its been slimmed down in size but not in weather data available. It has current conditions and a five day forecast.
On the clock panel you get info for current: temperature, icon, real feel temp, winds, humidity, visibility, barometer, uv level, cloud cover, precipitation, sunrise, sunset, air quality levels, and dewpoint. Also, on the clock panel you get tomorrow's forecast: conditions, hi/lo temperatures, real feel high temps, winds, and estimated precipitation.
On condensed clock panel, there is current temp, current condition icon, time, and todays Hi/Lo temperatures. So if you dock your clock, you will always have weather and time showing on homescreen.
And for a full forecast, there is a 5 day forecast panel that can be enabled or disabled. The forecast pages have info for: day, date, conditions, hi/lo temperatures, precipitation estimates, uv levels, and winds expected.
It has a user set time interval for the updates depending on your needs, wants, or data plans. Just go to setup and specify the interval in minutes. The default is 30 minutes. The forecast data updates every 8th time weather update runs, that way you get updated forecast info every 4 hrs if you use the default for current condition updates.
To install: Download the cab or the zip file. The zip file has the exe file for installing thru ActiveSync, just unzip it first. After installation, it should prompt you to restart. If it doesn't, then restart your phone to set new clock panel in place. After reboot, go to start menu and run FeatherOptions. Go to Setup and set all of your info. After setup, exit options by selecting "Run Weather Update and Exit".
That's it, your done.
To uninstall: Go to Settings, Remove Programs and uninstall the cab. It won't change your clock panel back, but it will remove everything else. To revert clock panel back, install an original cpr or cpr of your choice.
Feather currently uses a slim panel layout, but I will add more support if anyone wants standard or fat panels. If you want more dll or cpr options, they are easily installed with FileChanger. Those are more homescreen customizations than they are weather customization, thats why they aren't in here.
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how is it that you have 3g on that phone what service provider do you have?
RussianSolja said:
how is it that you have 3g on that phone what service provider do you have?
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show doesn't have a dash. he has a blackjack and is on the at&t network
pudgedaddy said:
show doesn't have a dash. he has a blackjack and is on the at&t network
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shhhhh!! I'm masquerading as a dash.
Nice and sweet and at that size, I'm downloading now and disabling NRG Mini Weather to see how it compares but the size is the enticing factor me, cool, thanks
First post updated with two new cabs, here are the standard sized panels and the mini sized panels cprs that work with Feather below in the zip file. I also included the slim cpr for going back to.
Good weather application. Seems nice, but I will give it a shot later to see how it works...
showaco are you going to make Feather weather for 240x320 screen i have a shadow and would love to try your weather loveing your sports app
kron2 said:
showaco are you going to make Feather weather for 240x320 screen i have a shadow and would love to try your weather loveing your sports app
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The app only needs the cpr file adjusted for the clock panel layout to be ready to go. I have no way to test the layout, so it would be a total guess. If someone wants to make the cpr, or I could post a test version. A test version would probably have to be tweaked after installed to get the layout just right. You want to test? I can take a stab at the layout if you want to finish the final tweaking of positions.
Edit: If you want to pm me your email, I have a test cpr ready if you want to try it.
When I try and run Feather Options, I get and error: There is no application associated with "FeatherOptions"
I installed the CAB to the device memory. I get a generic clock icon and some weather info.
Thanks for any help, and of course for the nice plugin (once I can get it to work) I'm on a Moto Q Global.
braj108 said:
When I try and run Feather Options, I get and error: There is no application associated with "FeatherOptions"
I installed the CAB to the device memory. I get a generic clock icon and some weather info.
Thanks for any help, and of course for the nice plugin (once I can get it to work) I'm on a Moto Q Global.
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Sometimes mortscript doesn't register correctly on my cab installs. Go to program files\featherweather and find the mortscript.exe. Click on it and it will say that the extentions are registered. Now try again.
showaco said:
Sometimes mortscript doesn't register correctly on my cab installs. Go to program files\featherweather and find the mortscript.exe. Click on it and it will say that the extentions are registered. Now try again.
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Awesome, thanks for the quick reply. Now I can run setup and get a forecast, but I still don't have a image, it shown a grainy white clock placeholder.
But progress has been made!
I just tried to uninstall this until I get the display issue resolved, and I get the following error occasionally: Cannot execute \Program Filea\FeatherWeather\Feather.exe
Please help.
braj108 said:
I just tried to uninstall this until I get the display issue resolved, and I get the following error occasionally: Cannot execute \Program Filea\FeatherWeather\Feather.exe
Please help.
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download sktools lite, its free. With it you can remove the notifications which are causing the error. If you want to reinstall, let me know which version you are using and I will get your icon fixed. If its the total clock version, the reason you didn't get the icon is because of not mortscript not registering at the beginning. It writes the value for the iconpath when the reboot occurs, but it needs mortscript to do it. Its an easy fix. After install, if mort doesn't register again, then reregister mortscipt again. After that, while you are in the featherweather folder, click on install.mscr. This will setup your icon for the clock panel and start your setup when it finishes.
I just reinstalled and rebooted my phone, and when the plugin came up, all seemed good then the screen died! It couldn't come on. I just got the phone and the first one AT&T shipped me had a bad backlight so I thought the worst, then I pulled the battery and rebooted again. Now the sun is shining gloriously on my Q Thanks, it was a little rocky but it sure looks nice. I really appreciate teh help getting this running, kudos to you sir.
braj108 said:
I just reinstalled and rebooted my phone, and when the plugin came up, all seemed good then the screen died! It couldn't come on. I just got the phone and the first one AT&T shipped me had a bad backlight so I thought the worst, then I pulled the battery and rebooted again. Now the sun is shining gloriously on my Q Thanks, it was a little rocky but it sure looks nice. I really appreciate teh help getting this running, kudos to you sir.
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No problem, I'm still trying to figure out why mort doesn't always register correctly because thats the culprit in most problems that have been reported.
Portrait version is now available for download in post #1. Huge Thanks go to Kron2 for the work on the cpr layout for these two new portrait cabs.
I have installed the portrait total clock version in my HTC VOX. It runs fine. But it is not updating weather for my town. I live in Calcutta, India. After a lot of googling for getting accuweather codes, I tried the following in settings but none seemed to work.
Can anybody help me as to how to insert the code for my hometown Calcutta as I have liked the application very much and does not feel to ditch the same. Although it is not a forum for VOX I had to write in this forum as there are no threads for Feather weather in VOX forum.
Moreover, would anybody please give the link to the slide homescreen in Portrait version as posted in post no. 1.
Thanks in advance.
parthabhatta said:
I have installed the portrait total clock version in my HTC VOX. It runs fine. But it is not updating weather for my town. I live in Calcutta, India. After a lot of googling for getting accuweather codes, I tried the following in settings but none seemed to work.
Can anybody help me as to how to insert the code for my hometown Calcutta as I have liked the application very much and does not feel to ditch the same. Although it is not a forum for VOX I had to write in this forum as there are no threads for Feather weather in VOX forum.
Moreover, would anybody please give the link to the slide homescreen in Portrait version as posted in post no. 1.
Thanks in advance.
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You have the right code, sort of. instead of "/" , you need "|". I tried it and it works, so for you code enter:
For the theme, thats Kron2's theme. You may be able to find it at or by contacting him.
For anyone that need to find their city code, use this link and change the location in this url to the name of your city and then go to it and it will give a list of all cities worldwide that have that name. Get your location from there and enter it exactly as it appears in the quotes, but do not use the quotes.
First of all i am very sorry to ask this stupid question as you have narrated the same example in your post 1. Actually I was too excited and overlooked that part. Anyway I am trying to find out the "|" character in my keyboard. Many thanks to you.

[REQ] how to change the TF3D weather server ?

Hi guys !
Everything is in the title
The thing is that I don't really know what is the default server TF3D is usung to update the weather (I think it is from accuweather) but the data displayed are most of the time not really true and sometimes stupid!
for example, the max is at 4°C and the minimum is 1°C and the weather displayed is 6°C!!! How could that be!!
So that's why I would like to change the server...
thanks, Cheers!
I agree, I have the same problem
are we the onlt two to face the problems or is there someone else ?
Because it is really annoying
I have the same problem from greece ,
The server show conditions diferent from all other sites, and not reliable.
I was accustomed to spb weather which was very precise and gave forecasts for morning, day, evening and night and gave the opportunity to choose the server. The weather of TF3D is ridiculous!
(Sorry for my English)
yeh I agree!
But I really want to use the weather plugin of TF3D and not to launch an other app just to watch it
I want the same thing! We hope that someone plug in a few developments that could improve the weather of TF3D.
I would love to change the server, too.
But does TF3D use some kind of common format for its forecast data, so that the server can be changed at all?
Same problems for me,
me too....
Another one here.
Unfortunately, only people with complains, nobody with solutions.
Hi guys !
Still no idea about that ?
same problem, german weather is most time not true.
Maybe yahoo weather, it is much more better i use it sometimes on the iphone.
I also use the Forecastfox Firefox extension which uses AccuWeather data on my laptop. This data rarely matches the AccuWeather data on my HD.
Silentd said:
same problem, german weather is most time not true.
Maybe yahoo weather, it is much more better i use it sometimes on the iphone.
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yeh you're probably right but how to set it on TF3D ? That's the question....
Did anyone find a clue to do this?
I didnt find anything in the registry and filesystem only the Manila files and with a link to accuweather
another one here that wants better weather reporting!
Not quite the same here.
I don't like the accuracy of the weather plugin, too, but i wonder, if it would be possible, to CHANGE the whole application behind the tab?
I wanted to start SPB Weather instead of Manila 3D-Weather when i push the weather tab in touchflow.....
Anyone knows if THAT would be possible, instead of changing the weather server?
get Weather database editor , with that i got every single town in my small country , after u instal that, u need to use to find your place code and enter it, its easy, try.
i got this small addon on this site, and im very thankfull to guy who made it for us.
accuweather is crap :/ i found my town but the temperature is always wrong -.-

Looking for a weather app that includes text forecasts

I posted the following to another forums site, and while there seems to be demand for what I am looking for, no one seems to know where to find it. So I thought I would post here, since I expect if this doesn't yet exist someone here might be able to make it exist in short order. There is definitely demand.
I have scoured the net and various forums and just can not seem to find what I am looking for to use on my new Verizon Touch Pro2. It's gotta be out there. I hope someone can help.
I am looking for a weather app that can interface with TF3D properly and (here comes the hard part) also offer the text of the weather forecast without launching a web browser.
This really shouldn't be that difficult to find. I can't imagine that I am the only TF3D user who isn't satisfied by a little picture of the sun and the temperature. I want words, damnit.
I used a program by Tonaya on my i760 called Weather To Go. It had the pretty little pictures and temperatures, etc., but if you clicked on a pretty picture you got the actual forecast, which it had downloaded the last time it checked to see whether to put a pretty little picture of the sun or a pretty little picture of raindrops in tomorrow's tiny patch of screen real estate.
All these weather programs are going out and grabbing a forecast from somewhere anyway. Isn't there one that will let you see it?
Thanks in advance if someone can help.
...and hourly report views
I have it in SPB MS 3.52 ( didn't try it in tf3d) but Weatherbug free gives you text forecasts, just tap the arrow next to any day summary and get forecast text.
Tap net to the text forecast and you get hourly text.

