[REQ] how to change the TF3D weather server ? - Touch HD Themes and Apps

Hi guys !
Everything is in the title
The thing is that I don't really know what is the default server TF3D is usung to update the weather (I think it is from accuweather) but the data displayed are most of the time not really true and sometimes stupid!
for example, the max is at 4°C and the minimum is 1°C and the weather displayed is 6°C!!! How could that be!!
So that's why I would like to change the server...
thanks, Cheers!

I agree, I have the same problem

are we the onlt two to face the problems or is there someone else ?
Because it is really annoying

I have the same problem from greece ,
The server show conditions diferent from all other sites, and not reliable.

I was accustomed to spb weather which was very precise and gave forecasts for morning, day, evening and night and gave the opportunity to choose the server. The weather of TF3D is ridiculous!
(Sorry for my English)

yeh I agree!
But I really want to use the weather plugin of TF3D and not to launch an other app just to watch it

I want the same thing! We hope that someone plug in a few developments that could improve the weather of TF3D.

I would love to change the server, too.
But does TF3D use some kind of common format for its forecast data, so that the server can be changed at all?

Same problems for me,

me too....

Another one here.
Unfortunately, only people with complains, nobody with solutions.

Hi guys !
Still no idea about that ?

same problem, german weather is most time not true.
Maybe yahoo weather, it is much more better i use it sometimes on the iphone.

I also use the Forecastfox Firefox extension which uses AccuWeather data on my laptop. This data rarely matches the AccuWeather data on my HD.

Silentd said:
same problem, german weather is most time not true.
Maybe yahoo weather, it is much more better i use it sometimes on the iphone.
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yeh you're probably right but how to set it on TF3D ? That's the question....

Did anyone find a clue to do this?
I didnt find anything in the registry and filesystem only the Manila files and with a link to accuweather

another one here that wants better weather reporting!

Not quite the same here.
I don't like the accuracy of the weather plugin, too, but i wonder, if it would be possible, to CHANGE the whole application behind the tab?
I wanted to start SPB Weather instead of Manila 3D-Weather when i push the weather tab in touchflow.....
Anyone knows if THAT would be possible, instead of changing the weather server?

get Weather database editor , with that i got every single town in my small country , after u instal that, u need to use http://www.accuweather.com to find your place code and enter it, its easy, try.
i got this small addon on this site, and im very thankfull to guy who made it for us.

accuweather is crap :/ i found my town but the temperature is always wrong -.-


wm6.1 weather

is there a way to make one of the panels in the sliding panels of wm6.1 display the weather
no.... and no.
The Weather On A Sliding Panel OH! YES! YES!
Good question, whatsoever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve, dream it in the mind then bring it into yet to be technology. That's exactly what "xfaith" has done already, check his thread out "Mini Weather (English Weather Beta) WM6.1, also be sure to check out the screen shots of the "Mini Weather" on a sliding panel. Go here to his thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=389027. He has the software that you need (mini weather 1.1 English version.zip. You can get more weather software here at http://rotlaus-software.de/forum/viewtopic.php?id=270..........!:D
Technology said:
Good question, whatsoever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve, dream it in the mind then bring it into yet to be technology. That's exactly what "xfaith" has done already, check his thread out "Mini Weather (English Weather Beta) WM6.1, also be sure to check out the screen shots of the "Mini Weather" on a sliding panel. Go here to his thread http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=389027. He has the software that you need (mini weather 1.1 English version.zip. You can get more weather software here at http://rotlaus-software.de/forum/viewtopic.php?id=270..........!:D
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Hmm...interesting. I think I'll check out this "mini weather" you're rapping about.
Interesting indeed... although not a very elegant solution Maybe we can use the other app that writes info to the registry and then read that info into a "welcome center" style panel that we can place anywhere. I guess the problem with that is, it wouldn't update very often... :/
Checked it out, works quite well for Memphis, TN, where I live. Haven't figured out how you could auto update in a useful way. Other than that and getting the cool icon panel interface, this looks promising.
OrganicM said:
Interesting indeed... although not a very elegant solution Maybe we can use the other app that writes info to the registry and then read that info into a "welcome center" style panel that we can place anywhere. I guess the problem with that is, it wouldn't update very often... :/
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That whole making a welcome center style panel idea is a pretty good one...
It is, because it's pretty flexible... We can have PNGs (weather icons) as well as text that can place anywhere on the panel. But some of us know, the text won't update unless the homescreen is reloaded. Maybe I can write an app that will write the weather values in the security and software/chome sections of the registry as weather gets updated... Hmm...
i copied the files inside of the zip file to my phne and ran the program when i choose update now it tells me "read configuration file fail!" help!!!
You have to open your Config file in notepad, change where it says Paris, change that to your city. Next copy it to your mini weather folder.
Also where it says: "CityStartStr="
Make it say: "CityStartStr=postal_code data="
Now, do that for every line in the notepad file that says CityStartStr=.
Once you finish save and copy/paste to the appropriate directory and viola, your'e all done. You should read the readme file you got in the zip of this. It tells you how to update automatically, as often as you want. HOLLA!
does this work with the 5.99 internet hack?
OrganicM said:
It is, because it's pretty flexible... We can have PNGs (weather icons) as well as text that can place anywhere on the panel. But some of us know, the text won't update unless the homescreen is reloaded. Maybe I can write an app that will write the weather values in the security and software/chome sections of the registry as weather gets updated... Hmm...
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I got the rafer weather to update reg values in a welcome center panel but to see the update you have to reload the homescreen. Does anyone know a command or someway to reload homescreen without selecting new home from settings panel? I know that facade has a command for this but what is it? Also, I wrote a mortscript for updating and called it from SK2URL.
that's the problem i've predicted. the only panels that update in real time that i can think of are: cclock, messagecenter, notifications and of course the appointments panel. hmm... any ideas....?
New Idea: CTestUIPlugin
I was playing with it and if you change the registry value for update in CTestPlugin, it auto updates the CTestPlugin panel on the homescreen with any new values including icons added in image registry. I think it could be possible to use this panel for weather(possible that is why it was being tested?). ! haven't tried adding pages yet.
Reaaaaaaaaalllly !?! Wow.. I gotta check that out. I always that it behaved like ht welcomecenter sytle panels. Hmmm
showaco said:
... with any new values including icons added in image registry. I think it could be possible to use this panel for weather(possible that is why it was being tested?)....
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Got a path to that? I would REALLY love to get weather working in a 'notifications'-style panel. With the current conditions and a tiny icon when unselected, day-by-day on the pages when it has focus.
BTW, what writes the weather to the registry? Is there a way to make a pass-through the registry to a xml file, or some other output of an existing weather app? It would give a nice UI for config, detail-view, and something for the button to trigger.
Weather In A Sliding Panel
I have MSNDirect weather in one of my 26 slides and I have the national weather radar in another panel in real time. I believe this is enough weather data for me. Naw, oh I almost forgot that I have another app that connect me to the weather channel. I'm a weather freak always try to track the perfect storm...........!
I think it's possible with SPB weather. It writes its weather info to the registry. then it would be a matter of someone (maybe myself) writing a small to copy the registry entries from SPB, over to our TestUIPLugin
Technology said:
I have MSNDirect weather in one of my 26 slides and I have the national weather radar in another panel in real time. I believe this is enough weather data for me. Naw, oh I almost forgot that I have another app that connect me to the weather channel. I'm a weather freak always try to track the perfect storm...........!
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Okaaaay... care to share how you got the national weather on a slide ? Or even the MSNDirect ?
Ask The PudgeDaddy To Send You a copy
OrganicM said:
Okaaaay... care to share how you got the national weather on a slide ? Or even the MSNDirect ?
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Just create the paths in the two places in the registry, you know how to do it already. The PudgeDaddy is the man you want to see for the weather radar.............! As a matter of fact, I have 6 of your slides and 20 of Ricky's slides on my test device, the 6 with the TCPMP player is yours, now that one is slick.........! Now with Ricky's 6.1 ROM, I have v14 and v20 on my devices, because I believe with these versions you can be very creative, some of his other versions restrict you from being creative.....!

HTC Weather Wish List

I think some of these have been listed, but there are some changes to the weather tab that I think would really improve it...
I tried to see if anyone had a solution, but couldn't find anything, so consider this a wish list for anyone who knows how some of these things could be possible...
1. Auto Update
Auto update is good, but not for every time I go to the tab (especially since I don't use a data plan). Is there any way to change this so it updates on a schedule only, or automatically (without going to the tab) only if a data connection is detected - eg every morning at 7am...?
2. 5 Day View
A forecast is great, but if I can't update my weather for a day or two, I have to go to the 5 day forecast to get today's weather. Honestly, the 'today' weather should pick the correct day and display it - so if you updated the weather on tuesday, and it's now thursday, the tab should show thursday's forecast - it's been downloaded, it's in the database, so why not show it...?
Ok, so that's my wish list - I know there aren't any settings as such to change this, but is any of this possible with a bit of ROM development or anything...?
FYI - I'm on 1.96.710.3
I am trying to develop a weather update tool, which will update the weather forecasts when the device is connected with activesync or on some other schedules.
You can check out following thread :
My Different Solution !
I'm using "Second Today" and "Weather Panel" (and Spb Weather)
Accuweatherther site?
I think lot of us are interested by a weather site other than accuweather. For example, i'm french, and i would like a site like meteofrance wich is more precise than a foreign site.
Do you think it's possible ?
Merci !
I'd love to see BBC UK's weather included!
There are a lot of people who would be interested in another provider than Accuweather. This is not accurate at all. There are so many other ones which are better than accuwather. At least in asia and UK it is not accurate. so is there a way to change that.

SPB Mobile Shell 3 - Widgets & Overview

Hi Guys
Well I've stuck SPB MS 3 on my device and I have to say that it's quite nice to configure and I especially like the wide background with scrolling....
One thing I'd like to know is if any other Widgets will come out from modders/devs or whether we have to be happy with our lot in terms of stock Widgets.
Aldso, to address the battery drain issue....I have a strong feeling that this is related to anothe3r piece of software....as I have had SPB MS3 on my Touch HD (Stock ROM) for the last couple of hours, received a couple of calls and some MMS messages (with constant data connection live) and I am only on 95%.
Comments on either points welcome?
masrterk said:
saw last full video review of Spb mobile shell V3.... very disapointed with some feactures....
not completely finger friend as iphone or new manila from Topaz (Diamond2)...
continuos to use
Windows Sms menu ,
Windows alarm,
windows calendar apointments,
no photo viewer like tf3d,
no decent Video , audio player...
-»please make some new menus or plug-in
for mobile shell V3 same problems V2
NEW Programs/Menus sugestion
-»please make Sms program or menu
like Vito Sms chat or iphone Sms ,PC msn
-» please make fingerfriend Alarm for M.shell 3
-» please decent Mp3 video player and photo viewer
Spb weather is excelent in m.shell2
many thanks
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Please, you have posted this almost word for word in every damn thread on the site that mentions SPBMS3, often more than once.
You are entitled to your opinion and what you say may even be entirely valid, but for the love of pete, STOP! We get it, thanks.
And not only in xda !!!
But he's got a point though..!!
OK - he has a point but he's destroying the merit of that point by being a bit of a fool....anyway, do we know if it's going to be easy to create widgets ourselves?
That was really the reason for my post
is mobile shell 3 out already then????
SPB Mobile Shell 3
Hi Guy's
I have taken a look over at Infosyncworld and watched this video http://www.infosyncworld.com/news/n/9030.html it reminds me a little of the SPB mobile shell 3's carousel.
Comments from page above: "Pros: Brilliant interface, among the best we've seen for a mobile phone. Smooth animation, great colors, sparkling effects".
Cons: "Nobody is building this into a phone . . . yet."
No correlation but striking nonetheless.
I've just posted my thoughts over on the SPB forum,
it is good...but there are also a few things that aren't
1) I do like the ability to change widgets, size of widgets etc, but I'm missing the battery indicator on the professional now screen
2) The call log has already been mentioned, but it's certainly not the best so I wont go there again
3) The now screen calendar, I can only get 1 week to display on either of the now screens. That means that today (sunday), I can't see anything for next week. Also, as pointed out for MS2, the bold to indicate a day with appointment still isn't clear enough..another colour would have been better
4) The phone doesn't automatically return to the Now screen when turned off. it returns to the last screen you were looking at
5) the option to change to two softkeys on the today screen (Touch HD) has gone. On MS2 these defaulted to SBP menu and Calendar I think. I changed mine to SPB menu and Now. The SBP menu still works, but the now gives an error that the "nowscreen file cannot be opened"...and no way to change this
6) I still use my today screen because of the PhoneAlarm plug in. MS3 takes two clicks to get to the today screen, MS2 required only one.
7) the facebook integration only works for contacts in your favourites list
8) the ability to email a contact has been added though, which had been requested so that's a good thing
so..to sum up....I'm undecided on whether to upgrade when the full version is released, or go back to MS2
i like ms3 but i have a problem with the notifications, when i receive email or sms i see it in my taskbar but not at the notifications of ms3???
whats going wrong? anybody got an idea??
htckaiseruser said:
i like ms3 but i have a problem with the notifications, when i receive email or sms i see it in my taskbar but not at the notifications of ms3???
whats going wrong? anybody got an idea??
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This is not a problem for me when I'm running MS3. The notifications appear as they should. I've read some people are having issues with the CAB install (although I haven't had any issues with it), have you tried the .exe install?
htckaiseruser said:
i like ms3 but i have a problem with the notifications, when i receive email or sms i see it in my taskbar but not at the notifications of ms3???
whats going wrong? anybody got an idea??
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Also for me is the same...
Pandemoniumone said:
This is not a problem for me when I'm running MS3. The notifications appear as they should. I've read some people are having issues with the CAB install (although I haven't had any issues with it), have you tried the .exe install?
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Where to find the exe file?
Kal-El said:
Where to find the exe file?
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It was posted in this thread here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=505365
Read through the thread to find some useful tips with customizing as well!
i have installed both the exe and the cab version. same problem. on startup notifications works, but after i been in startmenu or a other menu the notifications fail to come in notifications of ms3
life style background
i have found that if you use a ratio of 1.6 to 1 shows the background image the best. the size does not seem to matter as long as it has this ratio.
edit: sorry I posted this in the wront thread, I ment to post it in the diamond themes, applications and software as this ratio is for vga. again sorry for the mistake.
decided after some testing to go back to TF3D - I dislike the use of WM to preview the texts and emails - TF3D has a better mechanism for me in that respect...nice UI though.
Kal-El said:
Also for me is the same...
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Here too...
After trying the SPB 3.0 shell i decided to buy it. I love the way it is customized and the diferent views it provides, but yes i concurr the sms and mail preview of the TouchFlo 3D is way better.
Power off and softreset button from pocketplus?(icon)
does anybody know how to get the shortcuts power-off and the green reset icon function from pocketplus4 into Mobile shell3?
i am so used to switch off by tapping that icon on my homescreen,
but i cant find it in ms3.
OR do you have a better solution for tapping off my HD?
thanx bros.
like ms3 but i have a problem with the notifications, when i receive email or sms i see it in my taskbar but not at the notifications of ms3???
whats going wrong? anybody got an idea??
Today Customize the appearance and the information to be displayed on the Home screen.

Tasks in Homescreen

Hi everybody,
I have a question for you all, is it possible to put tasks beneath agenda and missed calls in TF3D2?
I used it all the time on my TyTnII (Vario III) and I was wondering if I could do the same on my Vario5.
I looked it up in settings and everywhere but could'nt find it
i am interested too
I am still waiting for my TP2 to arrive but with my Diamond I used second today (you can search for that). Its a great little application that gives you the best of the 2 worlds, the TF3D interface, and the old today screen which you can see everything on.
I guess give it a try and let us know if it works on TP2
what i would want is an icon in the tf3d of tasks (like mails, weather, market... icons)
is it posible?
(sorry of my english)
Still no answer, can you send a link of second today or post a screenshot?
Cause in my imagination it would look pretty messy and I like my stuff organized and neat

Looking for a weather app that includes text forecasts

I posted the following to another forums site, and while there seems to be demand for what I am looking for, no one seems to know where to find it. So I thought I would post here, since I expect if this doesn't yet exist someone here might be able to make it exist in short order. There is definitely demand.
I have scoured the net and various forums and just can not seem to find what I am looking for to use on my new Verizon Touch Pro2. It's gotta be out there. I hope someone can help.
I am looking for a weather app that can interface with TF3D properly and (here comes the hard part) also offer the text of the weather forecast without launching a web browser.
This really shouldn't be that difficult to find. I can't imagine that I am the only TF3D user who isn't satisfied by a little picture of the sun and the temperature. I want words, damnit.
I used a program by Tonaya on my i760 called Weather To Go. It had the pretty little pictures and temperatures, etc., but if you clicked on a pretty picture you got the actual forecast, which it had downloaded the last time it checked to see whether to put a pretty little picture of the sun or a pretty little picture of raindrops in tomorrow's tiny patch of screen real estate.
All these weather programs are going out and grabbing a forecast from somewhere anyway. Isn't there one that will let you see it?
Thanks in advance if someone can help.
...and hourly report views
I have it in SPB MS 3.52 ( didn't try it in tf3d) but Weatherbug free gives you text forecasts, just tap the arrow next to any day summary and get forecast text.
Tap net to the text forecast and you get hourly text.

