secure certain parts of smartphone? - Upgrading, Modifying and Unlocking

Hi There!
I'm new on this page. Joined here because i have special question and my search on the web didn't lead to any solution.
I got the Samsung i900v omnia with windows mobile 6.1 and would like to improve the privacy concearning sms / email inbox fotos or the list of my recent calls.
The phone has a general password which switches on after a while. But that locks the whole thing. For example I might want my girlfriend to be able to use my omnia for a call or to check something on the web, but she shouldn't have access to all of my data.
I've tested skb mobile safety suite 2.02. but its all to complicated, it seems they want to put a whole new operating system over my phone.
i would be satisfied if the normal password check would occur if certain funktions are activated - which i could select upfront.
If anyone has a solution, i would be very happy. Right now my omnia hasn't been much fun to me yet.
Thx & Cheers


what programs are u using on ur dash

Essential Software
Well, I am sure this is a common question with any new phone. I have been trying to transfer some of the applications such as Pocket Plus, MS Streets, etc. from my sister's PPC and I have been unable to do so due to incompatibility. What software do you guys recommend that is compatible for the Dash?
I would like an e-mail software that works over Wi-Fi rather than T-Zones. I do not have the data service from T-Mobile but am constantly covered by Wi-Fi from my school.
In addition, I would like something that would keep my finances in check. I had a software called SplashMoney for the Palm that would synchronize with my bank account everytime I AutoSynched so that my account would automatically be updated. Anything like that for the Dash?
Finally, I am wondering if there is a MS Streets program for the Dash? As a new resident of Boston, I am constantly getting lost in this web of streets. Something to guide me from A to B would be essential.
Thanks again guys...
Using the e-mail on the dash will use the WiFi if you have a WiFi connection. Make sure your e-mail is setup to connect using "The Internet" and it will use WiFi and if you don't it will use T-Zones.
However I would wait for someone else to confirm what I'm saying just to be safe.
Good to hear. Do you know exactly how to set that up?
What e-mail domain are you wanting to setup?
What do you mean by domain? I am using my school's e-mail service with the following information.
.PoNeH said:
Do you know exactly how to set that up?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Use this to help you setup your account.
Hmm in that case, you may browse around on your schools website and look for directions on how to setup pop3 e-mail programs with your schools e-mail service.
There are a lot of online resources for you to look into, maybe start with -- take a look at sites like to get an idea of the software available. Sounds like you're used to homework, you have some more now
Wow guys, thanks. The e-mail is working perfectly. I wish it had the ability of setting up 2 outgoing servers within the same account so that you could just choose what account you'd like to send from, like Outlook on the computer. But having 2 separate accounts isn't too bad.
Thanks again guys.
Voice Recorder
I see a Voice Notes program on the Dash, which will record both sides of a conversation for 60 seconds during a phone call.
However, when you try the Voice Recorder application located in the Accessories folder, it doesn't allow you to record during a phone call. The record option is simply unresponsive. But, as soon as the call ends (even when you are still in the app), you're allowed to record.
My question -- if someone knowledgable about these things would be so gracious enough to answer -- is this: Could there be a registry entry that allows you to record during conversations?
Just poking around I found a binary for: HKLM/SOFTWARE/HTC/Recorder
I have no idea what it's for. Maybe this can't be done? Thanks in advance.
(p.s. I know there are legal implications about this in certain states, etc. with notifying the other party. But sometimes when you're on the phone in a place you can't take notes and you're receiving directions, important info, phone numbers, etc. it would be so nice to simply say "hold on a sec, i wan't to record this.")
Voice Notes as the name implies is for taking voice notes, not for recording a conversation.
Vocal data going through the modem is not handled by this application.
That would actually be a good idea. Having directions recorded would be a major life saver. I'm sure someone will be able to tweak around it.
Just use this instead:
website for free downloads for dash
does anybody know a good website where i can download free programs for the days? thanks in advance
Thats actually how I found this board.
this will work on ur phone...
Here is a direct link.
thanks guys, just btw, that last link is for the mda, not the dash
omaralt said:
thanks guys, just btw, that last link is for the mda, not the dash
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It says MDA but all of the apps on the page are for Smartphone Edition. Trust me it's a favorite on my dash.
thats weird, cuz when i tried downloading them, none of those programs would work? do i have to do something first?

easier to use rom for youngsters and oldies

Question to all devs, android and winmo alike:
would it be possible to create a rom for a davice with a large (3"+) touchscreen that gives the option of calling only a few preprogrammed numbers and receive incoming calls from only a few programmed numbers?
also, restrict access to all the advanced features like web browsing etc?
something that will respond to an sms from a certain number with a certain content by performing an action? like silent callback or sending gps fix?
this would be for a child.
as for older users, a large number keypad on the touchscreen with a list of contacts? displaying none of the more advanced info that would scare an older luddite using it?
think jitterbug phone, just better.
I would love to be able to get my 6 year old son and an old friend of the family a phone that is tailored exactly to their needs without having to go for some ridiculously xpensive scheme lie jitterbug.
Why do you need a child carry a WM or an Android device? You may "restrict" the access to a browser simply by not including a browser in a rom. Let's disable in registry installing new programs by running a .cab and the problem is solved?
You may have a look at Spb Kiosk too.
Dunno how to restrict numbers, you may try a Call filtering app, put some white-listed numbers there and exclude the program from the start menu. Or just don't include the shortcut into rom. No idea how to restrict outgoing calls.
I saw a phone creeper app that can track you down the smses that the phone receives, so I think that's worth a try too.
I hope I explained a little.
it seems to me like it would be easiest to create a solution for ease of use and in the case of the youth version restrictability by customizing a smartphone versus trying to customize a featurephone.
the old age version is basically intended to be something as easy and intuitive to use as an old bakelite phone.

[Q] No service, contacts on Sprint Touch Pro 2 in Android

I was directed to this site by a youtube video and I must say that you guys have done an awesome job with this site. A while back I wished that I could have a phone with the best of both worlds (windows and android) and now I actually can! I had no idea that there were people actually developing stuff like this until now. I didnt really have any trouble installing xdandroid to my device but now that I have it installed I dont have a signal, contacts, ect when I'm in android. I have a Sprint Touch Pro 2, can someone please help? Thanks!
Did you think Android would some how read your contacts from WinMo?
Unless you have a SIM that stores the contacts outside of the OS, that would be impossible.
Syncing contacts is easily done using Google Sync - you need a GMail account to use it.
Sir, you need to use search. No signal usually means you don't have the force_cdma setting correct in your startup.txt.

[Q] Call and message meter application

Is there an application similar to the android one that can meter calls and messages throughout a month?
it would be very usefull but never found something similar for my wp7 device...
if you know any just tell me the name thx
I haven't run across a general-purpose one (haven't really looked either), but some of the carriers include that functionality in their own apps. The myAT&T app, for example, on AT&T, will allow you to view usage of minutes, data, texts, etc. if you're on AT&T.
im not with at&t, im from europe
too bad there is no application for this purpose, it would be really usefull
I think it's a good idea. Will see
is there a library for windows phone that enables a software dev to access the call history and messages sent?
because if there is i might be able to do it myself as i have some experience with blend and c#
if you know of something like that please post here!
This isn't possible on WP7 because Microsoft doesn't provide a way to access SMS/Calls.
See here

Remove / Disable Google and MI bloat apps

Hello everyone,
I'm used to the LineageOS on my previous phone and now I've upgraded recently to this phone but I feel my personal info too much available to Google and MI system apps and I don't want that, thats why I went to LineageOS on my previous phone but, like others custom firmwares, it have several bugs which limits the potential of the phone.
Even not using an google account I can feel my life is being spied because a few things happen:
- if someone calls me, a friend or whatever, and its not in my contacts list it asks me if its spam. For what? To send the info somewhere using the internet connection and warns others if its spam? If it reads my contacts for this it can read those for anything, like copy my whole contacts list which I'm not comfortable with and I'm not able to control. I'm afraid that later if i use the regular browser to access Gmail for instance, I'm afraid the OS is prepared to warn google that all the info that' I've shared so far belongs to that particular Google account and that phone IMEI is also used but that account. I'm crazy? Maybe, but all this is possible and I want to make it impossible.
- If i do not allow Google services from accessing my text messages APP (built-in app) i keep getting a warning from the system that something it will not go OK if I do not turn on that access from Google services. Why the hell should google services needs to access my texts? My first phone, 20 years ago, could send SMS without google, why the hell google needs to see my texts now?
The list continues but I'm not willing to loose the nice things this OS have too, but for me personal info is too valuable and I dont want to give away any information from my contacts list, SMS texts, the places I visit, my tastes and so on, all this is my personal life and no one needs to know about it, not even just for statistics. Some people on my contacts list doesn't use Android and dont want the personal phone number stored somewhere and connected to me somehow, not that Im a criminal or something like but all this combined together its like a personal "Facebook" for Google and MI to use, they know who are the persons who I connect with, who are near me at a certain period of the day, where I usually do shopping, well, all my life is being stored somewhere, and I want to end this.
Is there a way to keep the current OS and block every outgoing info coming from the phone? I've made some research and i come to this so far
- AFwall can be a solution, but how good it is?
- Removing google services is not an option using ADB, the OS will not work
- Disable google services is not working. The system keeps turning it on automatically
Please give me your feedbacks with your experiences about this security issue, I think several people feels the same way, and how did you managed a work around to this keeping the original OS.
PS: For now I didnt unlock the bootloader, but I will if the solution goes that way.
Thank you everyone
Living in the age of Google, one cannot use phone & Internet without your info being collected for ad purposes or whatsoever.
Ad purposes i can live with that,. what I cant live with is my personal data being stored by a 3rd party company besides my cell operator
Ive been watching the Anti-Gapps group but it seems discontinued i guess, i think this is a task fitted for them

