Device start up failed due to sudden loss of power. - HTC Excalibur

I have an extra Excalibur with the official T Mobile WM6 rom that isn't working. When I turn the phone on, I get a screen with a white background, red text, and blue soft key buttons that reads:
Device start up failed dueto s
udden loss of power. Please c
lick "yes" to continue.
Do not remove battery be
fore device has been comple
tely shutdown (OFF).
Yes | No
If I press yes the phone does a power cycle and hangs at either the T Mobile splash screen or the WM6 splash screen. I've had no luck with a hard reset. Anybody familiar with this issue? It isn't a huge deal. Currently I'm using a Cavalier and I also have a working Excalibur and a working Wizard, both with 6.1 roms. However, it's be nice to get this phone working.

Only time I ever seen that error is when I ws messing with editing a ROM and must of removed a file that screwed WM up. Now since you say it's the official T-Mo ROM maybe it got currupted somehow. How I fixed it was the Hard Reset the USB way. Hold down the camera button while plugging in the USB with the cell off. It'll load the boat loader and you need to reflash with an official ROM. Now I know you said you Hard Reset, but I've seen people explain a few differents methods all being explained as Hard resetting. This method worked for me during my testing.

I'm flashing the original rom and everything seems to be working alright.
I really appreciate your help man.

Okay, I wish I had better news but I'm still running into problems. After I finished installing the rom from T-MO's website, I powered the phone on. It showed the T-Mo screen, then the WM6 Screen, then played the T-Mo animation/sound. The screen stuck here, and the phone would not power off so I removed the battery and put it back in. I then got the original error message and pressed yes, and the phone lagged at the same point again.

how long did you wait for fist boot?

rickwyatt said:
how long did you wait for fist boot?
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Like Ricky said, how long did you wait? The first boot could take a while, the flash is going to perform a "Cold Boot Config". It take a bit longer that first time to load.

I actually got it to prompt me for cold boot config once, but after finishing the phone rebooted and hung once again.

I don't know, maybe you got a hardware problem. I'd try reflashing it again and when it boots the first time don't touch it and see what happens. If it hangs for more then say 10 mins. I'd say you might be having a hardware problem.

Hmm. I guess I most definitely have a hardware problem. An error of that sort would most likely be from a faulty motherboard, correct? I have a dash that was taken into the lake not too long ago. Everything recovered okay, other than the screen. The phone no longer turns on for a completely different reason, but I think the guts are mostly good.
Is it possible to change out motherboards? If so, is it unwise to try the motherboard that went swimming with me over the summer?

Well considering neither work, what do you have to loose? lol I say try swapping aprts and see what comes of it. I have seen cells "go swimming before and servive as long as the battery is removed right away and it's allowed to dry thoroughly. They don't opperate on much voltage so short curcuits due to water is not as bad as say a 12 volt or higher device.

Also, I forgot to mention the status on the phone. Okay, I can flash an official ROM and it will boot up and run Cold Boot Config. After that the phone will power cycle. It hangs a little bit at the T-Mo splash screen, but does eventually start. At that point it basically works flawlessly, except I cannot detect it through ActiveSync via USB.
Once the phone powers off, it will not turn back on. I don't get the original error message, just nothing happens. Only way to get the phone turned on again is to hold the camera button down while plugging in the USB cord, and start all over flashing an official ROM.

Yeah, I would say hardware failure. It's a complete new flash so it shouldn't be suffering from a software problem. Maybe the ROM Chip is damaged causing errors to the WM installation. Same thing as a bad hard drive in a computer that will currupt files and end up crashing the system.

drkfngthdragnlrd said:
Yeah, I would say hardware failure. It's a complete new flash so it shouldn't be suffering from a software problem. Maybe the ROM Chip is damaged causing errors to the WM installation. Same thing as a bad hard drive in a computer that will currupt files and end up crashing the system.
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That's exactly what i'm thinking too, sounds like a hardware error as a flash wont solve it.

So what piece of hardware is the most likely culprit?

I never took mine apart, but I would say it's the ROM Chip which should be soldered to the motherboard. If it is replace the whole motherboard...

t mobile dash
so when holding down the camera key and plug the usb do i try to also turn it on what am i looking for and how long do i hold the keys down
thank you


My universal is a brick!

Hello everyone, my first experience of upgrading the firmware is sadly failed and now my beloved m5000 is only a beautiful paperweight!!!
No key combination could start the bootloader nor soft or hard reset works.
When I connect it to mains charger, the right led goes red for few seconds and then goes off...
In the service manual I have read that this signal means hardware failure but because the fault is the consequence of a failed upgrade I don't thing that it is really broken.
I already tried to contact htc and orange for repairing but in Italy where I live it seems that the warranty isn't valid and services are very scarce.
Someone have an hint?
Try to do a hard reset, many manage to get that white screen.
Thank you for the suggestion but it doesn't work The phone is completely dead, except for the red led. Any key combination including hard reset simply doesn't work.
I suspect that the only way to resurrect it is to reflash using a jtag interface.
But unluckily I don't own the pinout!!!
take a look here: for those stuck on Boot Screen for instructions on how to use the mtty utility to bring your device "back to life"
There's additional information on the mtty utility in this thread:
hope this helps
If you are on the bootloader menu...
Try to flash again a complete rom + extended rom + Radio
SOmetimes it can work again
sigh... thanks to everyone but I can't reach the bootloader menu: the uni is bricked!
My only hope is to find the jtag pinout...
Try holding down Light + power for at least 5sec. and while still pressing, do a soft reset.
If you dont go to BootLoader then try to increase the Hold down Light + Power some more.
This worked for me, could again get it active on usb and ran my original rom upgrade while it was in BootLoader mode.
If that dossent work, try the bootloader upgrade version at On How To Upgrade with Bootloader method
You can do the same with the two - - buttons, holding for more than 5sec. then soft reset. Should bring up the Reset with 0 or X to cancel.
But it just reverted to a brick every time for me with this.
BTW. do this with USB or Power Cable plugged in!!
another possibility is that your battery is low enough not to allow booting but is still able to light up the LED. it happened to me a few times that i was thinking it was completely gone and it was just low bat. remember that if you have a non booting device it may not even charge the battery anymore so you'd better ask a friend to lend you a charged one, just to be sure.
Ill Buy The Brick!
au$200.00 in your paypal account upon a sale +50 to Australia.
Let me know...
Still Charging
I have 2 wizards and a universal... By mistake, i have tried to upgrade the G3 wizard but pluged the G4!!!!!...... So now i have abricked G4 wizard. Now when i plug the G4 it does NOTHING, it is completly dead, BUT is still charging the Battery!!!! I am sure of this because i have tested the battery in the other device.. So try the same on universal plug it in and wait a few hours it may charge the battery.
anyway, if you can't unbrick it, do me me know if u're selling it.
need some spare parts.
What you can also try is remove Activesync from your desktop, Restart your desktop, install Activesync again and connect your device.
It's word a try! Has something to with rapi.dll!
My failure...
Hello everyone, I've tried all yours suggestion one by one and step by step but without success.
My last chance to not consider this phone a complete loss is to sell it as spares/repair...
Does someone is interested?
P.S.: notwithstanding the phone is bricked it still charge the battery
Try holding the the two - softkeyes for longer/shorter time before you softreset while still holding them down.
Also try different intervals with the softbuttons while holding the Power + Light down, also with soft+Light & soft+power & power+light
all with different intervals.
Look closely at the screen after each try, to se if it goes to bootloader mode.
And remove SD card and Sim also.
I Hate Bootloader!
I have tried ALL of these power+light+reset suggestions and I STILL can't get into the damn bootloader menu! I just gave up and rip apart my JasJar every time I want to update it. For some reason the only way I can access this menu is by pulling the main battery and disconnecting the smaller(watch battery) one in the upper right hand corner and letting it sit for a couple of hours.
Come to think of it, when I use even the factory updates I don't even get a report on the update screen telling me what my current config is! So then I hit update anyway, the unit turns off, I lose my USB connection, it no longer charges, and I have to take the battery out. Almost like the PROGRAM can't even get it into the loader! This is probably how I learned to just yank the batteries when I want to upload.
Unless there is something different because I have an earlier model... I have no clue. Does the unit need to be running or something when I do this? I think this is a fairly elementary task but it just doesn't work. Has this happened to anyone else?
Yes, all my buttons are in working order = )
BTW after my last tear-down I have -
Bootloader: 1.01
Rom version: Ivan-2.60.00WWE
Rom date: 12/20/06
Radio version:1.14.00
ExtRom version: Modified I think someone already suggested this, but just in case...
No chances
Well, today I've verified my battery and it works like a charm in the uni of a friend. Then the last possibility is gone.
Someone knows how to go ahead any further?

ATT Tilt 2 went to red, green, blue, white screen; how can I flash a cooked Rom to it

Right in the middle of use, my ATT Tilt 2 went to a basic, dead screen with red, green, blue, and white bars that says Rhod300 32m SS-BC, etc.
The operating system seems have gone down--it won't respond to anything. Hard reset produces the same results.
Can I flash a cooked or official Rom back onto this? I think activesynch is needed for a normal flash and of course I can't use active synch with the phone in this condition.
I think probably what I need is an original ROM install. Is this possible with a normal Windows 7 PC and a dead phone?
I have so many Windows Mobile programs and peripherals that I am trying to avoid going to Windows Phone at all costs--at least until they have basic stuff like file systems, a way to port over notes, etc. Also need a hard keyboard.
Right now using an older Fuze, which works, but is slower, worse screen, smaller, and lacks some of the features I like.
Thanks for your help.
You sound like you're in the bootloader mode. Tri-color screen.
You can flash from USB or from SD at that screen. I'd recommend trying to flash a stock ROM - as it flashes everything. Assuming that works, hopefully you can flash back whatever ROM you were on.
The phone isn't dead if you're at the tri-color screen. It should say 'serial' at the bottom - when you plug in your USB cable, it should say 'USB' and install some drivers. Then with the RUU software that comes with every ROM, you should be able to flash it.
Phone won't reboot--stuck on tricolored boot screen
Thanks so much for replying. I appreciate you pros helping us novices.
Just after I posted the first note, I pulled the battery and hit the power button, it rebooted, and everything was still there in the OS--working fine. But whenever the device had to be rebooted, I would have the same problem of it getting stuck in the boot screen. After that, for the last several days once in awhile, randomly, it would finally reboot from the boot screen after I pulled the battery and hit the power button. The rest of the time (about 5/1) it would just sit there in the boot screen no matter what I did. The "Serial"/"USB" thing would change when I plugged it in, but that's all.
Thought it was the OS, so at a lucky moment where the "pull battery, hit power button" strategy actually worked, I installed the latest official HTC/ATT Rom--it's the next to last one issued that ends in .4.
It was gorgeous and I got all excited--started installing stuff thinking my problem was solved.
Had to reboot to install some programs--now it is stuck again on the boot screen. Tried 30x again--no luck with the "pull battery/hit power button"
strategy. Sometime it would flash a white screen really quickly saying something like "Can't read image!" before going into permanent boot screen. The boot screen will switch from "Serial" to "USB" if you connect it to the computer. So, the problem doesn't seem to be in the OS--rather, in the ability of the device to "read" the OS from the boot screen.
I would be grateful if you or anyone else may know what's going on here, and any ideas on how to fix it. Is there any manual way to get it to read the OS from the boot screen when that's not happening?
I have two guesses (both of which may be wrong):
1. It may be something in the hardware is just worn out and is less and less able to read the Rom--any ROM. I got the phone new off Amazon for a profit of $50 ($.01 cost plus a refund for an older phone) in the summer of 2010 when it was already outdated. and WP was replacing WM. I've certainly gotten my money's worth after 18 months!
Of course we now know that a brand new ROM has the same problem as the older one--which suggests to me it's in the hardware. I'm sure the new OS and the stuff I installed is still there on the phone, but something it appears is not reading something in order to allow the boot up.
2. I have a squirrely free program called Rax Reset (from Windows Mobile Marketplace) that does a software-based hard or soft reboot from inside the OS. The very last time the device went down and didn't come back up, I had used that program to soft reset it. Might have been a big mistake. Could this program be causing the problem? If so, just one reboot would allow me to get rid of it or even hard reset to remove everything but the new OS--but can't get it to boot.
If it turns out the phone is just worn out, I've certainly gotten my money's worth.
I still love WM even with all its problems--and especially the newer Sense version. If this one is shot, I'm thinking about just buying a new Touch Pro2 on Ebay to avoid all of the sacrifices and backwards steps involved with Windows Phone.
Thanks for any help anyone can provide.
Phil Butin
Why are you crossposting? I read this EXACT same post in a thread just below this, in the same section. That's pretty low.. Crossposting across forums isn't welcome, crossposting within forums IN THE SAME SECTION is definitely not welcome.
Don't do it again.
Sorry, just trying to get help
Sorry, just trying to get help, not that familiar with the rules.
I searched on "bootloader" and found a thread (wrote a comment there too), but it's old....
Here is the thread. It doesn't really provide any solution.
Legacy & Low Activity DevicesArrow
HTC Rhodium: Touch Pro2, Tilt 2Arrow
Touch Pro2, Tilt 2 GeneralArrow
issues with bootloader.
Either way, whether you know the rules or not - why would you think copying and pasting the exact same words in the exact same forum help you any more...
Anyhoo, have you tried the usual? Flash stock? Sometimes I've heard you have to flash several times, I never really understood that logic tho.
I'll try to reinstall the HTC/ATT Sense OS again. I guess you're saying active synch doesn't need to be working in order to do that. I'm at work now--have to wait until i get home. Nothing to lose at this point.
But I'm seriously wondering whether the problem is the OS install or whether there is something in the device that is supposed to read the ROM and start the bootup that is just wearing out.
"No Image File"
The quick little flash of white screen has "No image file" in blue letters--goes by so fast you can hardly see it.
[email protected] said:
The quick little flash of white screen has "No image file" in blue letters--goes by so fast you can hardly see it.
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That error message is 'normal'. Basically the phone checks the SD card for a file labeled "RHODIMG.nbh". If said file exists, it will flash from it. If no file exists, or no SD present - it continues loading bootloader and should say "Serial" at the bottom. This indicates that it's ready to be flashed. If you plug in your USB cable, it will install some drivers and then it should change to "USB" at the bottom instead of "Serial".
Now you should be ready to flash from a normal RUU. I would recommend flashing STOCK, because this flashes everything.
It might also be good to note a lot of people have experienced something similar - the phone getting "stuck" in bootloader mode, and only occasionally making it to WinMo. I'd guess it's failing hardware in some way shape or form, as none of my RHOD's or RAPH's have ever done this.
Good News--at least for now
Good news--I hooked it up to the computer with the USB cable for awhile and the Windows 7 computer did set up some drivers. For some reason after I disconnected it I reset it, and the reboot worked. Then I immediately uninstalled the squirrely reset program and removed it.
Everything I installed yesterday is working fine--I have soft reset it about 5 times now and each time it has rebooted. So I think maybe I'm back in business. Too soon to tell--but we will pray and keep our fingers crossed.
Thanks so much for your time and help. I don't know how to use the thanks meter but I would have if I could have.
[email protected] said:
Thanks so much for your time and help. I don't know how to use the thanks meter but I would have if I could have.
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You're welcome. Basically if I or someone else posts something helpful, click the "Thanks" button under that post.
15 hours later, Tilt 2 is still working fine on the newly installed Sense OS. I have rebooted freely (using the stylus button on the side) since removing the program "Rax Reset," and everything seems to be going well. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, and will end my contributions to this thread with a warning about using "Rax Reset."
Thanks to all.

[Q] Help!! a100 Blackscreen

i have a a100 with the latest flexreaper rom installed and im stuck with a pretty serious issue:
a couple of days ago the tab was acting real slow and sluggish and getting bad battery life didnt think nothing of it so i just rebooted a couple times and left it alone . all was good untill the battery hit 10% and i plugged it up using the factory ac adapter. the next day (maybe 6-7 hours later) i went to turn it on and nothing no vibrate no screen flash nothing; other than the power button turning blue as i pressed it and it would stay on for a couple hours but still no other response from the tablet.
im at my wits end on what could be wrong and now i got my wife with her foot on my neck till i get it fixed. can anyone help me?
ive tried to do a hard reset with the reset button tried to boot into recovery /bootloader no dice
(also my home button flashed a couple time i pressed the power button) dont know if its relevant but wanna get as much info out as possible
wondering if anyone can help me...
frenize said:
wondering if anyone can help me...
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It may take awhile for someone to see this and form something to try, random bricking for no reason is rare, its almost always some error by the user. However have you attempted adb connection to it? Leave it powered off, connect to the PC you used to unlock the boot loader then power on. Does the PC make the USB connect sound? Does the Acer vibrate? Did the home key blink again?
It really sounds like your boot partition is wrecked which wouldn't normally happen outside of flashing. If boot loader is trash then it won't know what to do and just sit there. No recovery or anything else.
Tapatalked from my Galaxy S II.
pio_masaki said:
It may take awhile for someone to see this and form something to try, random bricking for no reason is rare, its almost always some error by the user. However have you attempted adb connection to it? Leave it powered off, connect to the PC you used to unlock the boot loader then power on. Does the PC make the USB connect sound? Does the Acer vibrate? Did the home key blink again?
It really sounds like your boot partition is wrecked which wouldn't normally happen outside of flashing. If boot loader is trash then it won't know what to do and just sit there. No recovery or anything else.
Tapatalked from my Galaxy S II.
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it made something like the connect sound but instead of the regular duh doom sound it did a dadadoom (kinda hard to describe the sound) but it was faster than ive ever heard the connect sound before which is weird. the tab didnt vibrate and it seems the home button blinks when the tab is dead and needs recharged
frenize said:
it made something like the connect sound but instead of the regular duh doom sound it did a dadadoom (kinda hard to describe the sound) but it was faster than ive ever heard the connect sound before which is weird. the tab didnt vibrate and it seems the home button blinks when the tab is dead and needs recharged
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Yeah I know that sound it means USB connected but error for some reason. Its been shown if this thing dies all the way down it wont read the battery correctly and probably needs to be sent in. Before that I personally would unplug it open it up and remove the battery for awhile, maybe an hour then put it back and plug it in. But thats me, not the advice I'm giving. If you have warantee on it use that.
The batteries on a lot of devices and laptops etc have something of a fail safe, if the voltage drops below a certain point it trips to prevent cell damage, however it renders the battery useless.
I haven't searched out much past that if a reset is possible by us, but it seems the pack is trash after or needs sent in.
Since this is a sealed unit you void warranty opening it (well unlocking the boot loader did too) so you can't send it in for repairs without paying for it.
I hope someone can jump in and help figure this out, and prove me wrong.
Tapatalked from my Galaxy S II.
Weird, This exact same thing happened to me. Used it in the morning and now after work it won't turn on. I had already tried disconnecting the battery, but hadn't thought to leave it disconnected for an hour. My tablet has been running the leaked ICS since it came out and The last factory reset it had was about a month ago. It was working fine up until this. The power button seems to be responding correctly, the issue is that after the LEDs light up, there is no vibration or display. I hope someone can help us with this issue.
It won't connect in ADB mode. It will only appear on my computer as an APX device and since there is no vibration I am unable to boot into fastboot. Any help or suggestions? All the threads I have found have involved booting into fastboot.
i am also having this problem. i set ti backup last night to save to box i turned it on this morning it.worked set it on the charger came back to a frozen screen. I turned it off now just a black screen it turns on or the home button dose but nothing comes up on the screen
same thing here.
max69power said:
i am also having this problem. i set ti backup last night to save to box i turned it on this morning it.worked set it on the charger came back to a frozen screen. I turned it off now just a black screen it turns on or the home button dose but nothing comes up on the screen
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I have been using ICS the leaked one, and last night I was goint to check my email and it did not turn on, I though the battery died. I plugged to the charger and this morning I tried to turning it on but it failed. I did the reset pin but nothing. I connected to the computer and it was recognized as a APX device and installed a driver ACER Picasso USB recover but i cant access anything. I am a nob. Thanks
A100 blackscreen
i am also having this problem. last night. just a black screen it turns on or the home button dose but nothing comes up on the screen. :crying: Help!!!!!!
Has anyone tried holding the power button for a while? Laptops do this too, if someone felt ventures, try taking the battery out and hold the power button. No promises, might work.
sent from my ICONia
same here
Having the exactly same issue, here...
I also tried to hit the hardware reset button and it does not help.
If the screen is blank while powered on its in failsafe mode, in other words is bricked, has to go to Acer.
Tapatalked from my Galaxy S II.
This just happened to me a few weeks ago as well. If you are still under warranty send it in to Acer, thats what I did. I just got an email saying they had fixed it and were sending it back for free!!
At the time I was on the 9/02 JB build. I wonder if this issue is caused by faulty hardware or if it is an issue that was made by rooting and unlocking it? I don't know enough about this stuff to answer that though, but it does make me think whether I should root/unlock it when I get it back or leave it stock.
Also thanks Pio_masaki for helping me a few weeks back wasn't sure if I was even going to send it in until you said they most likely won't be able to tell.
I highly doubt they even CARE when sending these in. They will void for physical damage most likely.
tshm55 said:
Having the exactly same issue, here...
I also tried to hit the hardware reset button and it does not help.
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Same here, but it's 3 years ago. Sorry for digging the topic. Still no hope? I still keep the tablet and have just buy another refurbished mainboard to replace but still no vibrate and blacksreen still there.

a very strange hard brick

First of all i got AOKP + Franco kernel for 2w without any problem and I didn't change any option since last week.
This morning i rebooted it, it switched off and it didn't start again.
I cannot switch one my nexus again since then. I have always a black screen, also if I try to enter in download mode or in the recovery.
I tried to connect to my computer and smt times my laptop see a omap4400 (i'm not sure about the name) but after few second it disappears.
Tomorrow I'm going to the service center... But I have a big doubt:
What the hell happened this morning?
Remove the battery for 5 minutes and try again.
If that doesn't work,
Follow this guide:
1. Download the zip file from, created by Legija
2. Extract zip to whatever location you're comfortable with (I used Android directory)
3. Open up Device Manager (Hold down Windows Key, press R, the type in devmgmt.msc and press OK)
4. Go to actions menu, select Add Legacy Hardware
5. Choose install manually, then have disk. Browse to where you extracted the zip, select the 'inf' file in usb_drv_windows
6. Choose OMAP, you'll get a popup if on Win 7, continue anyway (driver not signed)
7. Once completed with driver, pull battery out of phone, then plug it into USB
8. Double click omap4460_tuna_hs_pro.bat to start the process
9. Once completed, unplug from USB, put battery back in, and power-up!
10. Extra step - depending on what's been done, it may 'brick' again - suggest to do a restore or a wipe reinstall afterwards to be certain (mine bricked again next reboot)
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biscuitownz said:
Remove the battery for 5 minutes and try again.
If that doesn't work,
Follow this guide:
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This, if OP can't reach fastboot.
Sent from my i9250
I'm having the exact same problem. I saw my phone at maybe 10% battery in the AM, said screw it and let it die, woke up this morning and plugged the phone in and nothing. No LED light, black screen, completely unresponsive. I've tried every trick in the book, and the only one that seemed to work marginally even was using a different battery, which got my phone to boot to the encryption screen, but then shut off again. It did that twice, and now both batteries are useless.
I used Legija's program to try and bring some life back to my gnex, even though it's not the international version, just in hopes of getting some of my data back (I have already started the replacement process with Verizon since the phone was insured), but I got no luck there either.
It's extremely disappointing and annoying to me that this phone survived all sorts of ROM installations (I was also using AOKP on 4.1 if someone wants to start making connections), reformatting, tweaking, almost every setting on that phone was modified by me.
Not only that but almost any software or hardware problem I did run into I could solve in maybe an hour, but I let my charge run out and the phone just up and bricks itself? Now, that's just bull****... I would be very curious as to an explanation as to WHY on earth this would happen. Very confusing.
Not to hijack the thread, but my interest here is not restoring the phone to working condition but just seeing if I can pull my data off of it. I wouldn't even be posting here had I been able to have an SD card with my gnex, which I figured was unnecessary at the time I bought it since I knew the space on their was enough for me already, and the added branding of "Nexus" brand which had me under the impression it was maybe stable enough by itself. Not a mistake I'll make again..
Is it at all possible to get the data off of my phone at this point? At least partially? I believe encryption makes it impossible but I'm rather stubborn. Any help would be greatly appreciated..
owlieowl said:
I'm having the exact same problem. I saw my phone at maybe 10% battery in the AM, said screw it and let it die, woke up this morning and plugged the phone in and nothing. No LED light, black screen, completely unresponsive. I've tried every trick in the book, and the only one that seemed to work marginally even was using a different battery, which got my phone to boot to the encryption screen, but then shut off again. It did that twice, and now both batteries are useless.
I used Legija's program to try and bring some life back to my gnex, even though it's not the international version, just in hopes of getting some of my data back (I have already started the replacement process with Verizon since the phone was insured), but I got no luck there either.
It's extremely disappointing and annoying to me that this phone survived all sorts of ROM installations (I was also using AOKP on 4.1 if someone wants to start making connections), reformatting, tweaking, almost every setting on that phone was modified by me.
Not only that but almost any software or hardware problem I did run into I could solve in maybe an hour, but I let my charge run out and the phone just up and bricks itself? Now, that's just bull****...
Not to hijack the thread, but my interest here is not restoring the phone to working condition but just seeing if I can pull my data off of it. I wouldn't even be posting here had I been able to have an SD card with my gnex, which I figured was unnecessary at the time I bought it since I knew the space on their was enough for me already, and the added branding of "Nexus" brand which had me under the impression it was maybe stable enough by itself. Not a mistake I'll make again..
Is it at all possible to get the data off of my phone at this point? At least partially? I believe encryption makes it impossible but I'm rather stubborn. Any help would be greatly appreciated..
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So just to be clear... You've been able to get it to boot all the way up to the encryption screen, right? If so you should be able to get into fastboot (Holding down BOTH volume rockers and the power key.) From there you could relock/unlock the bootloader to do a full factory wipe which might solve your boot issue.
As far as the data loss from the wipe, you could then try this:
TomBall718 said:
So just to be clear... You've been able to get it to boot all the way up to the encryption screen, right? If so you should be able to get into fastboot (Holding down BOTH volume rockers and the power key.) From there you could relock/unlock the bootloader to do a full factory wipe which might solve your boot issue.
As far as the data loss from the wipe, you could then try this:
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I was able to get it to the encryption screen with my old battery that had a little bit of charge left in it twice, but it shut itself down on me both times. So now both batteries are useless.. I took it to the Verizon store hoping they would maybe try one of their batteries, but they just called customer service and told me they're just going to replace it at this point.
I have a feeling the charging mechanism is somehow damaged, because when I did get it to the encryption screen I had it plugged into a wall outlet and it wasn't charging at all. So, I can't turn the phone on whatsoever anymore.. if I could turn it on I could solve this problem... but it simply refuses to boot. The closest I came to interfacing with it was the OMAP Flash script, which did work, but didn't fix the problem.
So maybe if I could get the phone working enough to use ADB with it I could get my data back, but not even that seems possible..
owlieowl said:
I was able to get it to the encryption screen with my old battery that had a little bit of charge left in it twice, but it shut itself down on me both times. So now both batteries are useless.. I took it to the Verizon store hoping they would maybe try one of their batteries, but they just called customer service and told me they're just going to replace it at this point.
I have a feeling the charging mechanism is somehow damaged, because when I did get it to the encryption screen I had it plugged into a wall outlet and it wasn't charging at all. So, I can't turn the phone on whatsoever anymore.. if I could turn it on I could solve this problem... but it simply refuses to boot. The closest I came to interfacing with it was the OMAP Flash script, which did work, but didn't fix the problem.
So maybe if I could get the phone working enough to use ADB with it I could get my data back, but not even that seems possible..
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If the phone isn't charging then there's something wrong with the USB port. One way to test that would be to use a battery charger. Also, try a different cable. I've had issues with a few different cables that for whatever reason started to not fit properly in the phone.
If you're USB port has gone bad then you'll need to either A) Always use an external battery charger. B) Get a replacement. C) Fix it yourself (Good guide here: )

[Q] Endless reboot loop even when trying to enter recovery

One beautiful day the phone just restarted from itself. (wasnt really shocked though) After that it entered again into a boot loop, Im saying again because it happened once before and i noticed it was the SD Card and I just had to format it. So far so good, but now it doesnt matter if I pull out the SD Card or SIM, even battery... once ive put the battery the phone starts booting from it self and restarts everytime on a different place, like samsung logo, CM logo, CWM recovery, download mode.. it just cant stay on one place so i can choose an option. Only once ive managed to do a cache and dalvik wipe, also didnt help. Keeps rebooting and rebooting. Ive tried different ways of booting, with USB cable, with the recharger adaptor and without them. Left it for a whole night without battery, didnt help. I cant even manage to flash the stock ROM again, still reboots. I thought the power button was stuck or something, tried moving it arround but also didnt help. If you ask how many time Ive flashed the device... well perhaps countless, about 40 times counting the stock firmware. (maybe this number for some other maniacs is little, but now i see it like too much, because im kinda attached to this phone, the previous HD2 suffered a lot more xD) So guys my question is, do you have any suggestions? Ive searched the internet to check if the symptoms are close to hard brick but... didnt really saw any identity.
Normal reboots, shuts off reboots.......?
Recovery mode.....reboots, shuts off, reboots.......?
Download mode.....reboots, shuts off, reboots......?
Battery insertion.....reboots, shuts off, reboots.......?
Same sequence every time?
Irrespective of which of the above scenarios is taking place?
If you just sat and watched it without pressing any buttons, will it endlessly reboot, shut off, reboot?.....
During this cycle, does it get to the same point in the boot process before restarting?.....
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
keithross39 said:
Normal reboots, shuts off reboots.......?
Recovery mode.....reboots, shuts off, reboots.......?
Download mode.....reboots, shuts off, reboots......?
Battery insertion.....reboots, shuts off, reboots.......?
Same sequence every time?
Irrespective of which of the above scenarios is taking place?
If you just sat and watched it without pressing any buttons, will it endlessly reboot, shut off, reboot?.....
During this cycle, does it get to the same point in the boot process before restarting?.....
Sent from my GT-I9100 using xda app-developers app
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Thank you! I thought nobody will answer. It reboots right after passing 3 to 5 seconds, sometimes on the CM Samsung splash, sometimes on the spinning CM circle(boot loading image), when i succeed entering CWM or download mode reboots again. I cant boot it normally and reach the home screen. I read something that it could be from the kernel boot code, im using CM 10 (if im not guessing wrong).
I've answered a number of threads in the XDA W forum where members were experiencing similar issues to yourself. I doubt it's software related as during access to download mode and recovery mode , the phone isn't even using the "main" system software and kernel....these modes use their own independent kernel and system (it would be HIGHLY unlikely that two separate systems and two separate kernels are suffering from the same fault).
If all of the symptoms I wrote about in my original reply apply to your phone, then it all points towards a faulty power button.
As I understand it, Samsung uses a type of button commonly referred to as "temporary push to make" which means that when you push the button, two contacts are bridged to make an electrical connection but when you release the button the contact is broken. Under normal circumstances, this "make, break" sequence will start a normal boot sequence. Under normal conditions, long pressing this button again will begin the shutdown process. Now assume for a moment that the button has become damaged....where this contact that is meant to be momentary, has in fact become permanent......the result would be a phone that will attempt to start up and shut down in an endless cycle....basically, YOUR phone........
Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Yeah, I also thought that as a reason but discarded it quickly because the button doesnt have any problems when pushing it. I mean it freely comes back when pushed and i can also freely push it without problems. Also discarded that problem because i thought the button cant stop the booting cycle while booting, but it seems like it can. Thanks for all the answering I will try fixing it and will report as soon as possible.
The plastic button is separate to the electrical part I it is entirely possible for the part you normally touch to *seem* to be working as it should.....only for it to work against the faulty electrical part........
And yes, that type of fault IS caused by the permanent contact of a faulty electrical button. Anybody who has a normally booting W (as I do) can re create this fault simply by pressing and holding the power button......the phone WILL enter a boot/shut down/reboot cycle for as long as the button is held........
The same condition can be re created on my S2 in exactly the same way as well.....
Sent from my Infected KitKat bar.....
Well.. bad news.. i've managed to disassemble it, tried to see whats wrong with the button (not the plastic one), tried moving it arround, nothing seems to be damaged, still stable at one place, also tried booting the phone 3 times without any covers and the result was the same...
Perhaps i should drive it to service.
Check your date of purchase.....Samsung phones have a two year warranty.......
Sent from my Infected KitKat bar.....
Well bad luck here also, i got it almost brand new from England and I'm not from England. I bought it over online shop sold as a second hand long time ago, it was just a matter of time to damage him. Thanks anyway for all the help, I'll see what i can do with the service.
Bad luck mate.....word of caution you've found out, the button is soldered directly to the motherboard, Samsung's "modus operandi" seems to be rather than attempt to repair the button, simply replace the entire MB........for a phone that is outside warranty, this will have (erm) "cost implications" lol......basically they like to charge as much as they can in situations like board replacement when button repair would be enough.....
Sent from my Infected KitKat bar.....
keithross39 said:
Bad luck mate.....word of caution you've found out, the button is soldered directly to the motherboard, Samsung's "modus operandi" seems to be rather than attempt to repair the button, simply replace the entire MB........for a phone that is outside warranty, this will have (erm) "cost implications" lol......basically they like to charge as much as they can in situations like board replacement when button repair would be enough.....
Sent from my Infected KitKat bar.....
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True, my phone suffered the Power Off Loop as you may know from my previous thread. I decided to send my phone to a couple of repair shops and they said that the phone "cnt be repaired". i thought they knew about the change of MB but no. So rite now, my Galaxy W is in the grave ...
Sent from my GT-S6500 using xda app-developers app
i had encountered this issue with my galaxy wonder today and would like to seek for solutions over the internet. regardless that i also checked the button by disassembling the covers and separated the plastic button with the one on the board and tried to boot it but it still the same.
as most of you guys experienced this issue, what would you guys suggest me to do with my phone? i wish to save this phone for sentimental reason. would change the button DIY-ly is worth it? is it available for me to get the parts?
or did you guys manage to get a better solution?

